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You are here Postgraduate > MSc in Economics > Course Structure > Economics of Inequality

Economics Inequality

Module Code: ECP77033

  • ECTS Credit: 5
  • Mandatory/Optional: Optional
  • Module Coordinator: Professor Martina Zanella

Aims and Content

The aim of the course is to introduce students to the economic analysis of inequality. The module will discuss the main economic theories and empirical evidence related to existence of inequality in outcomes, with a particular focus on individual innate traits such as gender, race, and socio-economic background. The central aim of the course is to understand their origins and their economic implications for individuals, companies, and economies. We will also touch upon the debate around the effectiveness of policies/initiatives designed to level the playing field.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the module, students will be able to:

  1. Confidently discuss the main economic theories and empirical evidence on the existence of inequality in outcomes and understand their economic implications;
  2. Formulate a critical judgment on the effectiveness of policies and initiatives aimed at levelling the playing field;
  3. Critically assess the status of the debate in the field and effectively propose new research ideas;
  4. Develop effective communication and teamwork skills through group projects and class presentations.

Module Delivery

The module will be delivered through a combination of lectures (10 hours) and tutorials (5 hours).


The module will cover state-of-the-art contributions in the field. A detailed reading list will be provided at the start of the course.


MSc students

  • 20% - presentation
  • 30% - group project
  • 50% - in person final exam

PhD students

  • 20% - presentation
  • 40% - coursework
  • 40% - research proposal