Dr. Frances O'Brien
Associate Professor, School of Nursing & Midwifery
Email obrienfr@tcd.ie Phone3531896 3107http://people.tcd.ie/obrienfrBiography
Dr Frances O'Brien is an Associate Professor in General Nursing at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin. Frances qualified as a General Nurse from the Meath Hospital in 1988 and registered as a Nurse Tutor in 1997. She obtained a Master's degree in Adult and Community Education from NUI, Maynooth in 2002 and in 2014 she obtained her PhD from Trinity College Dublin. Frances' clinical, education and research interests are in the area of cardiovascular nursing and nurse education. She is an experienced lecturer who teaches and supervises in these areas across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, including PhD. Her teaching is research-led and clinically credible as she maintains close links with the clinical area. Frances has a particular interest in cardiac care (in both the general and intellectual disability populations) and in implementing and evaluating educational interventions, using randomised controlled trials. She has worked on research studies that have attracted approximately 400,000 in research funding. Her PhD was part of the ACS Response-Time Intervention Trial. In this RCT, an individualised educational intervention yielded improved knowledge about ACS, better attitudes towards symptom recognition and help-seeking behaviour, more accurate beliefs about what constitutes appropriate responses to symptoms and a decrease in pre-hospital delay time in patients who experienced ACS symptoms. The educational intervention was delivered using motivational interviewing as a behavioural change principle. Frances is engaged in collaborative research with Advanced Nurse Practitioners in Cardiology in three Health Service Providers and has been successful in translating this research in terms of improving patient outcomes and patient care. Frances' professional reputation as a researcher in cardiovascular nursing is recognised in many arenas, from external examining on critical care post graduate programmes to scholarly researchers attending Trinity to pursue a PhD under her supervision. She has also acted as a PhD examiner internationally. She leads the Cardiovascular strand on the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) As a previous Director of Global Relations, Frances has created and fostered key international partnerships with world leading universities in Europe, the USA, Hong Kong and Australia, enabling research collaborations and providing inbound and outbound student and staff mobility opportunities.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Mary Mooney, Frances O'Brien, Gabrielle McKee, Sharon O'Donnell, and Debra Moser, Ambulance use in acute coronary syndrome in Ireland: a cross-sectional study, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2015, pDOI: 10.1177/1474515115579134Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Abraham, L. & O'Brien, F., A survey of nurses' knowledge and opinions about using the Emergency Response Team during a clinical deterioration. , Contemplating the Past, Present and Future. 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin , 9th November 2016, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Lallymol Abraham & Frances O'Brien, A descriptive study exploring nurses' knowledge and opinions regarding using an Emergency Response Team (ERT) in a clinical deterioration., 9th Annual Multi-Disciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar, St. James's Hospital, 30th May 2016, 2016Published Abstract, 2016
- G Mckee, S O'Donnell, F O'Brien, M Mooney, DK Moser, Differences in symptom presentation in MI patients by age, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Euroheartcare2017, Athens, 15-16 April 2016, 15 ( Supp), Sage , 2016, ppS9Published Abstract, 2016, URL
- A Alhurani, G McKee, S O'Donnell, F O'Brien, M Mooney, T Lennie, D Moser, Predisposing factors of persistent symptoms of depression and anxiety among patients with acute coronary syndrome, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, Euroheartcare 2016, Athens, 15-16 April 2016, 15 ( Supp), Sage , 2016, ppS45Published Abstract, 2016, URL
- Neenan,K., Keogh,B., O Brien. F, Evaluation of a Preparatory Day for clinical placement assesment for first year undergraduate student nurses, Educational in Health Care; 16th Annual International Participative NET, University of Durham, 6th September , 2005Conference Paper, 2005
- Ryan, F., McAdam, M., O'Brien, F., The experiences of national and non-national nurses in the Irish health care system., The National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing & Midwifery, Alexander Hotel, Dublin, 17th November 2004, 2004Poster, 2004
- Ryan, F., McAdam, M., O'Brien, F., Embracing Cultural Change in the Health Service: The Sustainability Question., Researching Women: Trinity - past, present and future, Print House, Trinity College, 10th December 2004, 2004Poster, 2004
- Rowe, C., O'Brien, F., Experiences of Advanced Nurse Practitioners during and following their Transition into Advanced Nursing Practice Roles, within the Acute Care Setting, 17th Annual Nursing & Midwifery Research Conference , Catherine McAuley School of Nursing & Midwifery, UCC, 23rd November 2017, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- McKee G,, Mooney M, , O'Donnell S., O'Brien F., Biddle M., Moser D., A cluster and inferential analysis of myocardial infarction symptom presentation by age., European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 17, (7), 2018, p637-644Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Kiely N., Mooney M., O' Brien F., The use of epicardial pacing wires following cardiac surgery and its link to delayed discharge. , European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, EuorHeart Care. Annual Congress of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions, Trinity College Dublin, June 7-9 2018, 2018Published Abstract, 2018
- McDermott E., Mooney M, , O'Donnell S., McKee G,, O'Brien F., Ryan P., An Irish Cross-Sectional survey of patients knowledge of implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) and their deactivation at end of life, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, EUROHEARTCARE, Trinity College Dublin, June 7-9 2018, 17, (1 Supp), Sage, 2018, (P459)Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI , URL
- Miller J., Hammash M., Thylen I., Ski C., Cameron J., Lee K., O' Donnell S.,O'Brien F., Mooney M.,McKee G,, Fitzsimons D., Hwang S., McEvedy S. Moser D., Depression and quality of life in implantable cardioverter defibrillator recipients: a comparative international perspective, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, EuorHeart Care. Annual Congress of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions, Trinity College Dublin, June 7-9th, 2018, 2018Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI , URL
- N Kiely, V Young, M Mooney, F O'Brien , An investigation into the use, duration and complications of epicardial pacing wires following cardiac surgery: a cross-sectional, Irish study. , Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery for Great Britain & Ireland (SCTS) Annual Meeting, Glasgow SEC, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom., 18-20th March 2018, 2018Published Abstract, 2018, URL
- McKee G,, Mooney M, , O'Donnell S., O'Brien F., Biddle M., Moser D., , A cohort study examining the factors influencing changes in physical activity levels following an acute coronary syndrome event,, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing,, 18, (1), 2019, p57 - 66Journal Article, 2019, URL
- Jacqueline O'Toole, Shirley Ingram, Niamh Kelly, Mary B. Quirke, Amanda Roberts, Frances O'Brien, An evaluation of patients satisfaction with an ANP service, The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Mooney M., McKee G., McDermott E., O'Donnell S., Ryan P., Moser D., Brien F, Knowledge and opinions of implantable cardioverter defibrillators during life, illness and at the time of death: an Irish cross-sectional study., British Journal of Nursing , 28, (7), 2019, p446 - 451Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Jingli Li & Frances O'Brien, Nurses' experiences of palliative care when caring for patients with end-stage heart failure in an acute hospital: a qualitative descriptive study , Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2019, Trinity College Dublin , 6th March, 2019Published Abstract, 2019
- Joby Joseph & Frances O'Brien , Critical care nurses' current practices and perceptions of clinical alarms in critical care units: an Irish cross sectional study, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2019), Trinity College Dublin , 6th March , 2019Published Abstract, 2019
- Shirley Ingram, Jacqueline O'Toole, Niamh Kelly, Mary B Quirke, Amanda Roberts, Frances O'Brien , The profile and experiences of patients attending a collaborative advanced nurse practitioner-led chest pain service in Ireland., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2019) , Trinity College Dublin , 7th March , 2019Published Abstract, 2019
- Kiely Niamh, O'Brien Frances, Mooney M. , Epicardial pacing wires following cardiac surgery: an Irish cross-sectional study, British Journal of Nursing, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- Hassankhani H., Haririan J., Jafari A., Porter J.E., O'Brien F. Feizollahzadeh H. , Learning Needs of Iranian Patients with Coronary Heart Disease: A Cross-sectional, Comparative Study, Clinical Nursing Research , 2020Journal Article, 2020
- International Journal of Older People Nursing, Denmark, John Wiley & Sons A/S, [eds.], 2023Editorial Board, 2023
- O'Brien, F., Nash, M., Quirke M, Dennehy C., Mooney M., Noctor C., Byrne G. , Registered Children's Nurses' selfassessed needs in respect of supporting children and young people with mental health problems in acute and community settings, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems' , Trinity College Dublin , 3rd - 5th March 2020, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020
- Alfasfos N, O'Donnell S., O'Brien F., Prevalence and Predictors of Depressive Symptoms among Jordanian Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems' ,, Trinity College Dublin, 3rd - 5th March 2020, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020
- Alfasfos N, O'Donnell S, O'Brien F., Reliability and Validity of the Arabic Version of Brief COPE in Jordanian Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems' ,, Trinity College Dublin, 03-05 March, 2020Poster, 2020
- Byrne, G. Murphy, F. Eustace -Cook,J. Mooney,M. O'Brien,F. O'Donnell, S. Corry, M. Lynch, A.M., Neenan,K. & McKee. G. , The prevalence of tobacco smoking among European migrants residing in EU 15 countries: a quantitative systematic review protocol, JBI Evidence Synthesis, 18, (12), 2020, p2647 - 2657Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Frances O'Brien, Philip McCallion, Rachael Carroll, Máire O'Dwyer, Eilish Burke, Mary McCarron, The prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension in older adults with an intellectual disability in Ireland: a cross sectional study , European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing , 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Byrne G, O' Brien F, Mooney M, Prizeman G and Nash M, Registered general nurses- self reported educational needs on caring for patients with mental illness, TCD Health and Education Conference, Online, March 2021, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Nedal Alfasfos, Sharon O'Donnell, Frances O'Brien , Psychometric properties of Type D Personality Scale (DS14) among Jordanian patients with acute coronary syndrome, Book of abstracts , Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working' , Online, March 10th-11th 2021, 2021, pppp1.Oral Presentation, 2021
- Yunlian Kong & Frances O'Brien , The effectiveness of patient education using the teach-back method compared to standard education on patient readmission to hospital with heart failure: a systematic review, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working' , Online , March 10th-11th 2021, 2021, pppp1.Oral Presentation, 2021
- O'Brien, F., McCallion, P., Carroll, R., O'Dwyer, M., Burke, E., and McCarron, M., Reflections about hypertension in older adults with an intellectual disability: the importance of Home Blood Pressure Monitoring (HBPM)-Authors' reply,, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 20, (4), 2021, p391Journal Article, 2021
- Dorothy Hanly, Mary McCarron, Philip McCallion, Frances O'Brien, Hypertension prevalence and control in adults with an intellectual disability: A systematic review, Journal if Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, Proceedings of the 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress: Value Diversity, online , 8th July , 34, (5), Blackwell Publishing LTD, 2021, pp1316Oral Presentation, 2021
- Abdullah S. Alhurani 1, Ayman M. Hamdan-Mansour 1, *, Muayyad M. Ahmad 1, Gabrielle McKee 2, Sharon O'Donnell 2, Frances O'Brien 2, Mary Mooney 2, Zyad T. Saleh 1 and Debra K. Moser 3, The Association of Persistent Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety with Recurrent Acute Coronary Syndrome Events: A Prospective Observational Study, Healthcare, 10, (383), 2022, p9Journal Article, 2022, URL
- McBrien, B., O'Brien, F., Rani Shetty, S., Eustace-Cook, J. & Byrne, G. , Assessment of workplace integration of migrant nurses and midwives within international health care settings: a scoping review protocol, JBI Evidence Synthesis , 20, (7), 2022, p1799 - 1805Journal Article, 2022
- O'Brien, F., McCallion, P., Carroll, R., O'Dwyer, M., Burke, E-A. & McCarron, M., Hypertension in Older Adults. The prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in older adults with an Intellectual Disability: a cross sectional study., JBI Evidence Synthesis , 20, (7), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Frances O"Brien, Philip McCallion, Simmoune Echiverri, Retha Luus, Eilish Burke, Caitriona Ryan, Aviejay Paul, Mary McCarron, Does arterial stiffness predict risk for cardiovascular disease in older adults with an intellectual disability? , Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2022 (THEconf2022):, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, March 2022, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022
- Connolly, D., Daly, L., O'Brien, F., Harris, E., Antony, A. & Grogan, F, Impact of COVID-19 on Nurses' Experiences of Communicating with and Supporting Patients and Family/ Informal Carers' Communication: A Qualitative Exploration, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2023), School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin, 8-9th March 2023, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023
- Deirdre McGuone, Nicola Farrand, Geraldine Prizeman and Frances O"Brien, COVID-19 outcomes in patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular risk factors: an Irish hospital perspective, Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association , Cork, 6 October 2022, 2022Poster, 2022
- Deirdre McGuone, Nicola Farrand, Geraldine Prizeman, Frances O'Brien, Emerging cardiology considerations for future care in patients with pre-exisiting cardiac disease and cardiovascular risk factors with COVID-19, Irish Association of Emergency Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, Ballyconnell, Co Cavan , 20 October 2022, 2022Poster, 2022
- Caples N, O'Brien F and Mooney M. , A mobile App to support weight monitoring as part of Heart Failure Self-Care , Book of abstracts https://www.escardio.org/Congresses-Events/ACNAP-Congress/Scientific-programme , Association of Cardiovascular Nurses and Allied Professionals annual international conference, Edinburgh, June 23-24, edited by ESC , European Society of Cardiology, 2023, pp1 - 62Conference Paper, 2023
- O'Brien, F., McCallion, P., Ryan, C., Paul, A., Burke, É., Echiverri, S., & McCarron, M., Does Arterial Stiffness Predict Cardiovascular Disease in Older Adults With an Intellectual Disability?., Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Daly, L., O'Brien, F., Connolly, D., Harris, E., Antony, A.M. & Grogan, F., Impact of COVID-19 on nurses' experiences of communicating with and supporting patients and family/ informal carers' communication, 8th Dublin South, Kildare, Wicklow Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit Conference "Recognising Nursing & Midwifery"s contribution in the current and evolving healthcare environment", Clayton Hotel Liffey Valley, 14th September 2023, 2023Poster, 2023
- Caples N, O' Brien F, Mooney M, A review of heart failure weight monitoring apps to identify their use in supporting patients with heart failure self-care., Cardiovascular Clinical Trials Forum, Cardiovascular Clinical Trials Forum, Washington, November30-December2, 2023, pp1Poster, 2023
- Caples N., O' Brien F, Mooney M, A study to determine if the Fluid Heart Tracker App supports patient decision-making at the onset of worsening heart failure., CVCT forum publication, Cardiovascular Clinical Trials Forum, Washington, Nov. 30-Dec 2nd 2023, 2023, pp1Poster, 2023
- Daly, L., O'Brien, F., Connolly, D., Harris, E., Antony A.M. & Grogan, F., Enabling Person and Family-Centred Communication - Learning from COVID-19, A Nursing Perspective, Naas Hospital Quality, Research and Audit Day 2023, Naas General Hospital, 4th December 2023, 2023Poster, 2023
- Lydon, C, Mooney M. O' Brien F.,, Newly Qualified General Nurses" Experiences of Internship: A Republic of Ireland Cross-Sectional Study,, Book of Abstracts UCD, UCD SNMHS (2023) Inaugural International Research Conference: Scanning Horizons, Driving Change, Building a Healthier World., University College Dublin, August 10th and 11th, University College Dublin, 2023, pp7 - 100Conference Paper, 2023
- Caples N, O' Brien F, Mooney M., A study to determine if the fluid heart tracker app supports patient decision-making at the onset of worsening heart failure, Book of Abstracts, ACNAP conference 2024, Wroclaw, Poland, June 14-15 2024, edited by Association of Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professionals , 2024, pp1Conference Paper, 2024
- C. Lydon, F O'Brien, M. Mooney, Newly qualified general nurses" experiences of pre-registration internship: A Republic of Ireland cross sectional study. Heliyon, Heliyon, 10, (20), 2024, p10Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Lydon C, O' Brien F, Mooney M., 'Newly qualified general nurses" experiences of pre-registration internship: A Republic of Ireland cross-sectional study', Book of abstracts https://theconf2025.exordo.com/programme, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2025 (THEconf2025) 'Healthcare in times of crisis: adaptive responses and global innovations', Trinity College Dublin, March 4-6, 2025Conference Paper, 2025
- Neenan.K., OBrien F. Keogh B. J, The emotional work of Caring for patients in pain , Irish Pain Society 4th Annual Scientific Meeting, Dublin, , Dublin, November , 2005Poster, 2005
- O'Brien, F, The experiences of mature students in nurse education, 6th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference: Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education & Technology, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Dublin, Trinity College, 2nd November 2005, 2005Conference Paper, 2005
- O'Brien, F., Preparing students for clinical assessment: A revised collaborative approach, Fifth Annual Conference of the National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery, Jurys Hotel, Dublin, 16th November 2005, 2005Poster, 2005
- Neenan, K., O'Brien, F., Keogh, B., The Emotional Work of Caring for Patients in Pain, 5th Annual Scientific Meeting of the IPS, Croke Park, 14th October 2005, 2005Poster, 2005
- O'Brien, F., Neenan, K., Keogh, B., Evaluating the benefits of using a collaborative approach to prepare students for practice placment, Irish Nursing and MIdwifery Practice Development Association 3rd Annual Conference: Value for money: Learning through evaluation, , Galway Bay Hotel, 23rd March 2006, 2006, pp5 - 5Poster, 2006
- Neenan, K., O'Brien, F., Keogh, B, Using a personal approach to support mature students in university, 25th International Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 23rd February 2006,, 2006, pp62 - 62Poster, 2006
- Keogh, B., O'Brien, F., Neenan, K., Male nurses experiences of gender barriers during preregistration general nursing education programmes, 25th International Nursing and Midwifery Reserach Conference, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 23rd February 2006, 2006, pp61 - 61Poster, 2006
- Mooney, M., O'Brien, F., Developing a Plan of Care Using the Roper, Logan & Tierney Model of Nursing in the Critical Care Environment, British Journal of Nursing, 15, (16), 2006, p887 - 894Journal Article, 2006
- O'Brien, F., Keogh, B., Neenan, K., Preparing students for clinical assessment: A revised collaborative approach,, Fifth Annual Conference of the National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery, , Jurys Hotel, Dublin, , 16th November, 2005Conference Paper, 2005
- Keogh, B., O'Brien, F., Neenan, K., Male nurses experiences of gender barriers during preregistration general nursing education programmes,, 25th International Nursing and Midwifery Reserach Conference, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland,, Dublin, 23rd February , 2006Conference Paper, 2006
- Neenan, K., O'Brien, F., Keogh, B, Using a personal approach to support mature students in university,, 25th International Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland,, Dublin, 23rd February , 2006Conference Paper, 2006
- O'Brien, F., Neenan, K., Keogh, B., Evaluating the benefits of using a collaborative approach to prepare students for practice placement,, Value for money: Learning through evaluationIrish Nursing and Midwifery Practice Development Association 3rd Annual Conference, Galway Bay Hotel, , 23rd March, , 2006, 5Meeting Abstract, 2006
- O'Brien, F., Keogh, B., Neenan, K. Highly Skilled Jugglers: Mature women in nurse education programmes(ed.), 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference: Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education & Technology, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 9th November, 2006Proceedings of a Conference, 2006
- Keogh, B., Neenan, K., O'Brien, F. Reality Shock: Challenges facing mental health mature nursing students.(ed.), 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference., School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 9th November , 2006Proceedings of a Conference, 2006
- Neenan, K., O'Brien, F., Keogh, B. Using cognitive interviewing to inform questionnaire development(ed.), The 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 8th November , 2006Proceedings of a Conference, 2006
- Gabrielle McKee, Sharon O'Donnell, Debra Moser, Mary Mooney, Frances O'Brien, ACS Response Time Intervention Trial, Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association News , Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association , Dublin, Ireland, 11-12 April 2008, 9, (2), 2008, pp7Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Mary Mooney, Michele Glacken, Frances O' Brien, Choosing Nursing as a Career, Nurse Education Today, 28, 2008, p385 - 392Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Keogh, B, O'Brien, F, Neenan, K, The clinical experiences of mature mental health nursing students in Ireland., Nurse education in practice, 9, 2009, p271 - 276Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- O'Brien, F, Keogh, B, Neenan, K, Mature students' experiences of undergraduate nurse education programmes: The Irish experience., Nurse education today, 29, 2009, p635 - 640Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Gabrielle Mckee, Mary Mooney, frances O'Brien, Sharon O'Donnell, Debra K. Moser , A study of the length of time that patients delay before presentating to accident and emergency with acute coronary syndrome, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing , 9th Annual Spring meeting on Cardiovascular nursing, Dublin, Ireland, 24-25 april 2009, edited by Gabrielle McKee , 8, (suppl 1), 2009, ppS9.Published Abstract, 2009
- F. O'Brien, G. McKee, D. Moser, S. O'Donnell, M. Mooney , Acute coronary syndrome symptoms in patients presenting in accident and emergency departments in Ireland, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing , 9th Annual Spring Meeting on Cardiovascular Nursing , Dublin , Ireland, 24-25 April 2009, 8, (Supp 1), 2009, ppS27Published Abstract, 2009
- Doyle, L., O'Brien, F., Timmins, F. Tobin, G. O'Rourke, F.and Doherty, L. , Nurse Education in Practice, An Evaluation of an Attendance Monitoring System for Undergraduate Nursing Students , 8, (2), 2008, p129 - 139Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- G. McKee, S. O' Donnell, M. Mooney, F. O' Brien, D. Moser, A quantitative survey of the number of patients who do not intent to attend cardiac rehabilitation and the reasons why, Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation , Dublin , Ireland , 16-17th October 2009, 2009Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Gabrielle McKee, Mary Mooney, Frances O'Brien, Sharon O'Donnell, Martha Biddle, Debra K. Moser, MI patients intentions to attend cardiac rehabilitation programmes, a quantitative survey, Europen Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation , Europrevent 2010, Praque , 5-7 May 2010, 17, (2), Sage , 2010, ppS83-S87Published Abstract, 2010, URL
- O'Donnell S, Moser D. Mckee G., O'Brien F. & Mooney M, Gendered presentation in acute coronary syndrome., European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 11th Annual Spring Meeting on Cardiovascular Nursing, Brussels,, April 1-2 2011, 10 , ((Supp) 1), 2011, pp42 - 42Published Abstract, 2011, URL
- O'Brien F., Mooney M., O' Donnell S., McKee G. & Moser D, Knowledge of ACS symptoms: an Irish population survey, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing , 11th Annual Spring Meeting on Cardiovascular Nursing, Brussels, Belgium, April 1-2 2011, 10, ((Suppl.) 1), 2011, pp35 - 35Published Abstract, 2011, URL
- Mooney M., O'Brien F., McKee G., Fealy G., O' Donnell S. and Moser D, Irish pre-hospital delay times in acute coronary syndrome: an on-going dilemma, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 11th Annual Spring Meeting on Cardiovascular Nursing, Brussels, Belgium, April 1-2 2011, 10, ((Suppl.) 1), 2011, pp35Published Abstract, 2011, URL
- McKee G, O'Donnell S, Mooney M, O'Brien F, Moser D, The extent of the physical inactivity problem in Acute Coronary Syndrome patients and some clinical and demographic factors that influence it., European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, EuroPRevent, Geneva, Switzerland, April 14-16 2011, 18, (S1), 2011, ppS64Published Abstract, 2011, URL
- O'Brien F., Mooney M., O' Donnell S., McKee G. & Moser D, Knowledge of symptoms of acute coronary syndrome in an Irish population, 4th Annual Multi - Disciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar, St. James's Hospital, May 19th 2011, 2011Poster, 2011
- O'Brien, F. McKee, G., O'Donnell, S., Mooney, M., Moser, D., Improving ACS patients' knowledge, attitudes and, European Heart Journal, European Society of Cardiology, Paris, 27th-31st August , 32 (Supp 1), (1), 2011, pp2337 - 2337Published Abstract, 2011
- Mooney, M., Mc Kee, G., O'Brien, F., O'Donnell, S., Moser, D. , A randomized controlled trial to test an intervention, European Heart Journal, European Society of Cardiology, Paris, 27th- 31st August, 32 (supp 1), (1), 2011, pp1515Published Abstract, 2011
- Mc Kee, G., Mooney, M., O'Donnell, S., O'Brien, F., Moser, D., The factors that influence pre hospital delay time in, European Heart Journal, European Society of Cardiology, Paris, 27th -31st August, 32 (Supp 1), (1), 2011, pp1521 - 1521Published Abstract, 2011
- S. O'Donnell, F. O'Brien, M. Mooney, G. McKee, D. Moser., Symptom presentation in women with acute coronary, European Heart Journal, European Society of Cardiology, Paris, 27th - 31st August, 32 (Supp 1), (1), 2011, pp1891 - 1891Published Abstract, 2011
- Mary Mooney, McKee Gabrielle, Fealy Gerard., O'Brien Frances., O'Donnell Sharon.,Moser Debra, A review of interventions aimed at reducing pre-hospital delay time in acute coronary syndrome: what has worked and why?, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 11, (4), 2012, p445 - 453Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- McKee G, Mooney M, O'Donnell S,O'Brien F, BiddleMJ, Moser DK., Major influences on Pre-Hospital Delay in seeking treatment for Acute Coronary Syndrome Symptoms in Ireland., Irish Cardiac Society Annual Conferance, Newcastle, Northern Ireland, 6-8 October 2011, 2011Poster, 2011
- Gabrielle McKee, Sharon O' Donnell, Mary Mooney, Frances O' Brien, Debra Moser, Physical activity levels in acute coronary syndrome patients, and factors that influence these levels , 11th Annual interdisciplinary Researsh Conference Transforming Healthcare through Research and Education, Dublin, 4-5 November 2010, 2010, pp81Meeting Abstract, 2010
- Mooney M, O'Brien F, McKee G, O' Donnell S. Moser D., Acute Coronary Syndrome Pre hospital delay time in an Irish Population, 4th Annual Multidisciplinary Research, Clinical Audit, and Quality Seminar, Dublin, 19th May 2011, 2011Poster, 2011
- S O Donnell, F O Brien, M Mooney, G McKee, DK Mose, Slow onset Myocardial Infarction:an important determinant of patient decision delay, Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Assocaition News , Irish Cardiovascular Nurses Association, 14th Scientific Conferance , Tullamore, March 2011, (25th March 2011), 2011, pp6Poster, 2011
- Mckee G, Mooney M, O'Donnell S, O'Brien F, Moser DK., Symptoms, diagnosis and history are important influences of prehospital delay in acute coronary syndrome patietns compared to sociodemographic factors, Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association News, Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association 14th Annual Scientific Conferance , Tullamore , 25th March, (March ), 2011, pp14Poster, 2011
- O'Donnell S, O'Brien F, Mooney M, Mckee G, Moser D, Symptom presentation in women with acute coronary syndrome: a new perspective on help seeking delays, Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association News, Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association 14th Scientific Conferance, Tullamore, 25 March, (March), 2011, pp9Poster, 2011
- G. McKee, S. O'Donnell, F. O'Brien, M.Mooney, DK. Moser, Do Patients change their intention to attend cardiac rehabilitation and what factors influence any change?, Europen Journal of Preventive Cardiology, Europrevent 2012, Dublin, 3-5 May 2012, 19, (Supp1), 2012, ppS55-Published Abstract, 2012, URL
- O'Brien F, O'Donnell S, McKee G, Mooney M, Moser D. , Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about acute coronary syndrome in patients diagnosed with ACS: an Irish cross-sectional study. , European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 12, 2013, p201 - 208Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- O'Donnell S, McKee G, O'Brien F, Mooney M, Moser DK , Gendered symptom presentation in acute coronary syndrome: A cross sectional analysis. , International Journal of Nursing Studies , 49, (11), 2012, p1325-1332Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL
- O'Brien F., O'Donnell, S., McKee, G., Mooney, M., Moser, D, The effectiveness of an educational intervention on ACS patients' knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about heart disease: a randomized controlled trial, Book of Abstracts, 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, November 9-10 2011, 2011, pp82 - 82Meeting Abstract, 2011
- O'Brien, F., Mooney, M., O'Donnell S., McKee, G., Moser, D., Irish patients' perceptions of their risk for a heart attack in the future following the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome, Heart, British Cardiovascular Society Annual Conference, Manchester, 28-30 May 2012, 98, (1), 2012, ppA69 - A69Published Abstract, 2012, URL
- Mooney, M., McKee G., O'Brien, F., O'Donnell, S., Moser, D., An RCT to test the effectiveness of an educational intervention on pre-hospital delay time in patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome., Book of Abstracts, 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference., School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin , November 9-10 2011, 2011, pp74 - 74Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Mooney, M., McKee, G., O'Donnell, S., O'Brien, F., Moser, D., The impact of an educational intervention on patient behaviour in presenting with acute coronary syndrome: An RCT., European Heart Journal, The European Society of Cardiology Congress., Munich, August 25-29 2012, Abstract Supp. 33, 2012, pp444 - 445Published Abstract, 2012, URL
- Mooney, M., McKee, G., O'Brien, F., O'Donnell, S., Moser, D., An intervention to alter help-seeking behaviour and reduce pre-hospital delay time in patients diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome., Heart., British Cardiovascular Society Annual Conference. , Manchester., May 28-30 2012, 98, (1), 2012, ppA69 - A69Published Abstract, 2012, DOI , URL
- Gabrielle McKee, Mary Mooney, Sharon O'Donnell, Frances O'Brien, Martha J. Biddle, Debra K. Moser, Multivariate analysis of predictors of pre-hospital delay in acute coronary syndrome, International Journal of Cardiology, 168, (3), 2013, p2706 - 2713Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Gabrielle McKee, Martha Biddle, Sharon O'Donnell, Mary Mooney, Frances O'Brien, & Debra K. Moser, Cardiac rehabilitation after myocardial infarction: What influences patients' intentions to attend? , Europen Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 13, (4), 2013, p329 - 337Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- G McKee, F O'Brien, M Mooney, S O'Donnell & DK. Moser, Use of Ambulance in Acute Coronary syndrome patients, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, EuroHeartCare 2013, Glasgow, 22-23 March 2013, 12, (1), Elsevier, 2013, ppP54-Published Abstract, 2013, URL
- Mary Mooney, Gabrielle Mc Kee, Gerard Fealy, Frances O'Brien, Sharon O'Donnell, Debra Moser, A randomized controlled trial to reduce pre-hospital delay time in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), Journal of Emergency Medicine, 46, (4), 2014, p495-506Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL
- Sharon O'Donnell, Gabrielle Mc Kee, Mary Mooney, Frances O' Brien, Debra Moser, Slow-onset and fast-onset symptom presentations in acute coronary syndrome (ACS): new perspectives on prehospital delay in patients with ACS, The Journal of Emergency Medicine, 46, (4), 2014, p507-515-Journal Article, 2014, URL
- O'Brien F, Mooney M, Glacken M, Impressions of nursing before exposure to the field., Journal of clinical nursing, 17, (14), 2008, p1843-50Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Brien F, McKee G, Mooney M, O'Donnell S, Moser D, Improving knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about acute coronary syndrome through an individualized educational intervention: A randomized controlled trial., Patient education and counseling, 96, (2), 2014, p179-87Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Frances O'Brien, Nurses' perceived facilitators and barriers to providing palliative care to older persons with chronic life-limiting illness, who are living in extended care facilities, Book of Abstracts, 14th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 5th-7th Nov , 2013, pp10 - 10Meeting Abstract, 2013
- G. Mckee, M. Mooney, S.O.Donnell, F.O.Brien, D.K. Moser, The factors that influence improvements in physical activity in cardiac patients , European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, Euro-prevent , Amsterdam , 8-10 May 2014, 21, (1), 2014, ppS159Published Abstract, 2014, URL
- Gabrielle Mckee, Sharon O'Donnell Mary Mooney, Frances O'Brien, Debra K. Moser, Symptom presentation in Myocardial Infarction (MI) patients: a regression model exploring if it is different in the aged , Irish Journal of Medical Science , 62nd Annual and Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society , Galway, 9-11october , 183, (Supp 7), 2014, ppS316Published Abstract, 2014, URL
- G. Mckee, M. Mooney, S.O.Donnell, F.O.Brien, D.K. Moser, A randomised control trial to reduce pre-hospital delay time in patients with acute coronary syndrome , Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Cardic Society 65th Annual Scientific Meeting , Athlone, Ireland , 16-18th October 2014, 183, (Supp 8), Springer , 2014, ppS434-Published Abstract, 2014
- G. Mckee, M. Mooney, S.O.Donnell, F.O.Brien, D.K. Moser, Symptom presentation in Myocardial Infarction (MI) patients, Irish Cardiac Nurses with the Irish Cardiac SocietyScientific Meeting, Athlone, Ireland, 16th October , 2014Poster, 2014
- G. Mckee, M. Mooney, S.O.Donnell, F.O.Brien, D.K. Moser, A regression model examining the main factors that influenced pre-hospital delay time post educational intervention in ACS patients, Irish Cardiac Nurses Association with the Irish Cardiac Society, Athlone, Ireland, 16th October, 2014Poster, 2014
- G. Mckee, M. Mooney, S.O.Donnell, F.O.Brien, D.K. Moser, A regression model examining the main factors that influenced pre-hospital delay time post educational intervention in ACS patients, European heart Journal :Acute Cardiovascular Care , Acute Cardiovascular Care Conference , Geneva , 16th-19th October, 3, (S2), 2014, pp129-Published Abstract, 2014, URL
- McAdam, M., O'Brien, F., Ryan, F., The experiences of national and non-national nurses in the Irish health care system: part one, Irish Nurse, 6, (12), 2004, p17Journal Article
- McAdam, M., O'Brien, F., Ryan, F., The experiences of national and non-national nurses in the Irish health care system: part two, Irish Nurse, 7, (1), 2004, p25Journal Article
- McAdam, M., O'Brien, F., Ryan, F., The experiences of national and non-national nurses in the Irish health care system, Equality News, 2004, p7 - 11Journal Article
- Joby Joseph & Frances O'Brien , Critical care nurses' current practices and perceptions of clinical alarms in critical care units: an Irish cross sectional study, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2019), Trinity College Dublin , 6th March , 2019Published Abstract
- Byrne G., Nash M., Mooney M.O Brien F. & Prizeman G., General Nurses self-assessed educational needs regarding caring for patients with mental health problems in the acute care setting. A report for the Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit, Ireland., January, 2020, p1 - 93Report
- Daly L., O'Brien F., Connolly D., Harris E., Anthony A.M. and Grogan F., The Impact of COVID-19 on Nurses" Experiences of Communicating with and Supporting Patients and Family/Informal Carers Communication: A Qualitative Exploration, Trinity Centre for Practice and Healthcare Innovation, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity Coll, April, 2023, p1 - 86Report, URL
- Frances O'Brien, Internationalisation and Student Exchange Activities within the School of Nursing and Midwifery TCD, Open seminar for leaders from all nursing programmes in Norway regarding internationalisation, Oslo Metropolitan University, 17th April 2023, 2023, Oslo Metropolitan UniversityInvited Talk
- O'Brien F., Mooney M., O' Donnell S., McKee G., and Moser D, Perceptions of vulnerability to ACS recurrence in an Irish population, Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association, Sligo, 7th October 2010, 2010Poster
- Mooney M., O'Brien F., McKee G., Fealy G., O' Donnell S. and Moser D. , From whom do people with ACS symptoms seek advice before going to the emergency department? , Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association, Sligo,, 7th October 2010, 2010Poster
- Mooney M., O'Brien F., McKee G., O' Donnell S. & Moser D, Unchanging times: Acute coronary syndrome pre-hospital delay times in an Irish population., 4th Annual Multi - Disciplinary Research, Clinical Audit & Quality Improvement Seminar 2011, St. James's Hospital, Dublin 8, May 19th 2011, 2011Poster
- O'Brien, F., Information on the 11th Annual Spring Meeting on Cardiovascular Nursing, Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association, Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association Autumn Newsletter, August, 2011Report
- O'Brien Frances, Report 11th CCNAP Annual Spring Meeting on Cardiovascular Nursing April 2011, Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association News, Winter 2011-2012, 2011, p4 - 4Journal Article, URL
- Mary Mooney, Frances O' Brien, Gabrielle McKee, Sharon O' Donnell, Mission Critical: An Irish RCT to target reduction in patient pre-hospital delay time in ACS should pave way for change, Professional Diabetes and Cardiology Review, 1, (3), 2014, p12 - 15Journal Article
- Mary Mooney, Frances O' Brien, Gabrielle McKee, Sharon O' Donnell, The ACS Response Time Educational Intervention, World of Irish Nursing, 24, (10), 2017, p55 - 57Journal Article
- Mary Mooney, Frances O' Brien, Gabrielle McKee, Sharon O' Donnell, The ACS Response Time Intervention Trial, Hospital Doctor of Ireland, 22, 2016Journal Article
Research Expertise
My primary research interest relates to cardiovascular health: Acute Coronary Syndrome, Heart Failure, Hypertension, Patient education. I am currently investigating cardiovascular health in older people with an intellectual disability, which builds on the DoH and HRB-funded study IDS-TILDA, the intellectual disability supplement to Trinity's longitudinal study on ageing in Ireland. My research interest in education relates to: Registered General Nurses' needs in respect of supporting individuals with mental health problems in the acute care setting and the needs of mature students in nurse education. Areas of methodological expertise include; Randomised Controlled Trials, Survey research design, Mixed methods.
TitleRisk ASSESMENT AND PREDICTION OF HEART FAILURE DECOMPENSATION BY AN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MODESummaryThe RAFAEL project proposes an innovative AI model to predict and prevent the risk of HF decompensation that brings together the expertise of a number of European entities specialized in Big Data and AI, eHealth, data capture and processing, sensors and wearables, wearable manufacturing, HF research, clinical trials, stakeholder involvement and patients" engagement.Funding AgencyHORIZON-HELTH- European CommissionDate From2022Date To2026
TitlePatients experiences of and satisfaction with a collaborative Advanced Nurse Practitioner led chest pain service for non-Acute Coronary Syndrome (non-ACS) in IrelandSummaryAn innovative collaboration was developed between two cardiology Advanced Nurse Practitioners in two separate hospitals in Ireland, offering equitable service to patients who present with non-Acute Coronary Syndrome chest pain. This study explored patients' experiences and perceived value of this service using prospective postal surveys and retrospective chart review. Individuals who presented with non-ACS chest pain and attended both ANP-led services between March 2014 and June 2017 were invited to participate (N=117). Ethical approval was obtained. Of the sample (n= 73), 26% previously sought medical attention for chest discomfort. Of those, 70% felt that attending the innovative ANP chest pain services prevented symptoms from worsening. Final diagnoses indicated that 9% required percutaneous intervention or coronary bypass, while 36% were diagnosed with coronary heart disease and required treatment. Patients' qualitative comments reinforced the value of the service. These findings therefore highlight the benefits of this service from the patients' perspective. As the ANP role evolves in Ireland, this collaborative approach provides a model of care for other hospitals who manage patients with non-ACS chest pain, in addition to other ANP-led services. Therefore, these findings may be helpful to Nurse Practitioners worldwide. Research team: Ms Jacqueline O'Toole (RANP Naas Hospital), Ms Shirley Ingram (RANP Tallaght University Hospital), Ms Niamh Kelly (RANP Tallaght University Hospital), Dr Mary Quirke (TCPHI), Ms Amanda Rowe, (TCPHI) Dr Frances O'Brien (TCD)Date FromOctober 2016Date ToJanuary 2018
TitleA study to explore the experiences of mature students in pre-registration nurse education in one higher education institution in the Republic of IrelandSummaryFunding AgencyAdelaide Hospital SocietyDate From2006Date To2006
TitleAn investigation into the use, duration and complications of epicardial pacing wires following cardiac surgery.SummaryTemporary epicardial pacing wires are routinely inserted after cardiac surgery. Despite this, there are no national or international guidelines to on which to base best practice regarding insertion, use and removal of wires. In this study, data were collected on all patients (N=167) who underwent cardiac surgery, requiring cardiopulmonary bypass in a six month period in 2016/17. Of the sample, pacing wires were inserted in 164 patients, the majority of whom did not require pacing (74%). We categorised the group into aortic valve replacements (AVR) (n=42) and non-AVRs (n=122). Of the AVR group, 26% (n=11) used their wires, and of these, 9% (n=4) required permanent pacemakers. In accordance with unit policy, most patients had their temporary pacing wires removed by day 4. The only noted complication was delayed discharge, which was related to the non-removal of pacing wires at weekends. In conclusion, unused pacing wires are normally removed on day 4, but for 47% of patients, they remained in place longer, because of a policy of wire removal during business hours only, resulting in delayed patient discharge.Date FromAugust 2016Date ToAugust 2017
TitleNewly qualified nurses' experiences and perceived value of their internship: an all-Ireland cross-sectional study.SummaryThis study will evaluate the current internship programme and in doing so, will address practice requirements and make recommendations for change, or not. The clinical learning environment enables students to apply theory to practice and to achieve confidence and competence in clinical skills. The internship placement allows students who are facing registration to experience the "real world" as they combine their skills to care for patients independently, alongside their preceptor or clinical supervisor. In this "real world" of nursing, the students experience shift work, night duty and weekend work, all of which have been recognised as valuable experiences for nursing students (Nash et al. 2009). Final year nursing students have high expectations of themselves, as they approach the transition from the internship period to becoming newly qualified nurses (Edwards et al. 2015). They are often anxious about this transition and have reported feeling that they still had a lot to learn (Nash et al. 2009; Edwards et al. 2015). There is evidence to support the link between preceptorship, clinical supervision and the development of competence among nursing students. This link was demonstrated in a study that investigated newly qualified nurses' self-reported levels of competence (Kajander-Unkuri et al. 2014). The participants in this study identified that supervision was vital to their development of competence, and those who had received good quality supervision reported greater levels of competence (Kajander-Unkuri et al. 2014). Registered nurses and pre-registered nurses on internship placement, are under immense pressure to provide high quality care under demanding conditions, including bed shortages, increased patient-nurse ratios and an ageing patient population with complex care needs. Such factors can lead to increased stress levels for staff and students, as they strive to deliver care in challenging environments. It has been well documented that stressful experiences and anxiety can hamper learning at clinical level (Levett-Jones et al. 2007). Newly graduated nurses' experiences and perceived value of the 36-week internship period is important, given the current shortage of nurses in the Irish healthcare system. It is now 15 years since the internship period was initiated, yet the change its introduction has brought to clinical practice has never been evaluated nationally. In conclusion, nurses, as health service providers in Ireland are under increased pressure to deliver quality care with limited resources. For nursing students, the 36-week internship placement is crucial, as this time affords the student opportunities to rehearse the role of staff nurse in the "real world", under the supervision of a preceptor. During this time learning, decision-making skills and competence are further developed. For some nurses, these final weeks of clinical placement can determine their future career decisions, which is important given the shortages currently faces in the Irish healthcare system. This study will explore nursing students' experiences of the internship period and, from it may identify aspects of this programme that are successful and should be continued, while also addressing those aspects that might require reconsideration or alteration to enhance the programme.Funding AgencyMeath FoundationDate From2017
TitleMeeting the needs of patients with cardiovascular disease: a capacity building research programme, developing and testing effectiveness of an integrated, seamless, patient-centred, care algorithmSummaryFunding AgencyHealth Research BoardDate FromDecember 2017
TitleRecipients Knowledge, Perceptions and Experiences of Living and Dying with an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator.SummaryThis qualitative study explored patients' experiences of living with an ICD and how they felt about having the device disabled at the end of their life. Twelve patients participated in in-depth interviews with the researcher.Funding AgencyAdelaide Hospital SocietyDate FromJuly 2016Date ToMay 2017
TitleRegistered General Nurses' self-assessed needs in respect of supporting individuals with mental health problems in the acute care setting: a needs analysis.SummaryBackground: The term holistic care in nursing encompasses complete and comprehensive care requirements of the individual. This includes physical and mental health requirements. To achieve the delivery of mental health care in the acute care setting, nurses need to be adequately skilled to carry out mental health assessments and subsequently deliver appropriate interventions or identify the need for specialist referrals, as appropriate. A study conducted among oncology nurses in Ireland (Nash 2017) demonstrated that a range of mental health problems are encountered in practice. While nurses were equipped to handle some aspects of mental health care requirements, they generally felt that they were in need of additional information particularly in relation to complex conditions that extended beyond anxiety and depression. This question has not been raised among general nurses in the acute setting and therefore a decision was made to assess Registered General Nurses' needs in relation to supporting individuals with mental health problems in the acute care setting. In the United Kingdom, the National Service Framework for Mental Health (Department of Health 2000) recommended standards for planning and delivering mental health services in the UK. This is seen as an important issue for consideration in the Irish population also. Research question: What are the needs of Registered General Nurses in relation to supporting individuals with mental health problems in the acute setting? Study aim: To assess Registered General Nurses' needs in relation to supporting individuals with mental health problems in the acute care setting. Objectives: . To determine whether Registered General Nurses' feel adequately equipped to support individuals with mental health problems in the acute care setting. . If deficits are identified, this study seeks to ascertain the nurses' specific education and training needs that would help in supporting individuals with mental health problems in the acute care setting. . Based on the information collected, a needs analysis will be compiled and from this, a business and education plan will be proposed within the School of Nursing and Midwifery.Funding AgencyNursing Midwifery Planning and Development UnitDate FromJanuary 2019Date ToDecember 2019
TitleCOVID-19 and Cardiovascular Disease: a quantitative studySummaryThe current global COVID-19 pandemic has radically transformed the provision of emergency healthcare in Ireland and represents the greatest medical challenge in decades. With respect to cardiovascular diseases, COVID-19 infection is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease especially hypertension and coronary heart disease. The fact that patients with cardiovascular disease frequently have underlying medical co-morbidities such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and obesity, places them at a substantially increased risk for serious complications of COVID-19. This quantitative study will use explore baseline and follow-up data on patients admitted to the research site with COVID-19 between March 2020 and 2021 to determine if there are differences in clinical presentation of COVID-19 and outcomes of COVID-19 over time, between patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease and risk factors and those with no such history.Date FromJanuary 2021Date ToMay 2022
TitleKnowledge and opinions of implantable cardioverter defibrillators during life, illness and at the time of deathSummaryImplantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) is an established therapy for the prevention of sudden cardiac death. However, at the end of life, these devices can prolong the dying experience, causing physical and psychological trauma. Patients are often unaware of their options regarding ICD management at the end of their life, which highlights the need for health professionals to have these discussions with patients. This study aimed to identify (1) patients' knowledge and opinions about their ICD and (2) the factors influencing their knowledge and opinions of ICDs. Of the 30 participants, 59% had sufficient knowledge about ICDs. There was no relationship between knowledge and time since implantation (p=0.11). A relationship existed between knowledge and age; those that were older were better informed (p=0.008). Based on our results, we conclude that patient education and communication are essential for patients with ICDs to enhance decision-making about ICD management at end of life.Date FromSeptember 2016Date ToAugust 2017
TitleNewly qualified nurses' experiences and perceived value of their internship: an all-Ireland cross-sectional study.SummaryBackground: Following the Report on the Commission on Nursing in Ireland in 2002, the undergraduate nursing degree programme was initiated. One component of the newly introduced programme was the undertaking of mandatory clinical practice placements, known as the internship. The intention of the internship is to link theory with practice and to achieve competence in the clinical learning environment. The internship placements provide undergraduate nursing students with the opportunity to work independently, to take responsibility and to receive constructive feedback on the nursing care they provide. The final 36 weeks of the undergraduate nursing degree programme is dedicated to this internship period and is one of the biggest clinical changes in undergraduate nurse education since 2002. However, to date, the impact and value of the internship period has not been evaluated nationally. This proposed piece of doctoral research will seek to evaluate the value of the internship programme in Ireland. Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate newly qualified nurses' experiences and perceived value of the internship period. Methodology: The study is uses a mixed methods research design. Data will be collected from all newly qualified nurses in Ireland, combined with a series of focus group interviews. The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) will circulate the questionnaire on behalf of the researchers. Nurses will self-select to participate in the focus group interviews.Funding AgencyAdelaide Hospital Society 5000
TitleA longitudinal analysis of cardiovascular disease and risk factors in individuals with an intellectual disability: Findings from IDS TildaSummaryLittle is know about cardiovascular disease in individuals with an intellectual disability in Ireland. This study explores the prevalence and incidence of cardiovascular disease and risk factors in individuals with an intellectual disability. Data from IDS Tilda wave 1 to wave 5 databases are used for analysis.Date FromJuly 2023Date ToJuly 2024
TitleThe role of iron deficiency in patients with impaired ventricular functionSummaryThis study is being supported by two academics from the SNM, TCD since December 6th 2018. The project includes the heart efficiency team in Tallaght University Hospital and the study was funded in 2019 under the Heart Failure Service Integrated Care Project (Tallaght University Hospital).Date FromDecember 2018Date To2020
TitleIrish Women's Early Warning Symptoms of Acute Coronary SyndromeSummaryFunding AgencyUniversity of KentuckyDate From2006Date To2007
TitleThe effectiveness of an individualised educational intervention on knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about acute coronary syndrome: a randomised controlled trialSummaryThis randomised controlled trial was conducted across five research sites in Dublin. Participants who were admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome and who agreed to participate in the study (N=1,1947) were randomised to the control (n=973) and intervention (n=974) groups. The ACS Response Index was used to collect data on knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about ACS at baseline and again at 3 months and 12 months for both groups. A total of 1,136 participants (control: 551, intervention; 974) completed the ACS Response Index at all three time points and it was this cohort that were used in the study analyses. The intervention group received a 40-minute, individualised, educational intervention following the collection of baseline data. The intervention was underpinned by Leventhal's self-regulatory model of illness behaviour and was delivered using the principles of motivational interviewing. The intervention was reinforced at one month and six months by telephone and post, respectively. Usual in-hospital care was provided to both groups. There was a significant effect of the intervention on mean knowledge (ANOVA, pFunding AgencyHealth Research BoardDate From2007Date To2014
TitleThe Effectiveness of a Structured Educational Intervention on the length of pre-hospital delay in patients at risk of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS): THE ACS RESPONSE TIME -INTERVENTION TRIALSummaryThis Randomised Controlled Trial tested a brief educational intervention and examined its effect on pre-hospital delay in patients who had experienced an acute coronary syndrome. The secondary objectives included: to determine the impact of the educational intervention on knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about heart disease and ACS symptoms; to determine factors that influence pre-hospital delay; to compare GTN and ambulance use following an educational intervention; to elucidate the determinants of physical activity in the ACS population and how it changes post cardiac event; to determine intention to attend cardiac rehabilitation, subsequent attendance and the factors that influence this. Secondary analysis 2013-2017 a) : Longitudinal changes in physical activity in ACS patients. b) Is there a difference in ACS symptom presentation in the aged compared to younger cohorts.Funding AgencyHealth Research BoardDate FromOctober 2007Date ToDecember 2010
TitleClinical validation of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for treatment and careSummaryEuropean Commission (2021) Purpose: VALIDATION OF ARTIFICIAL MODELS FOR PREDICTING DECOMPENSATIONS AND IMPROVING QUALITY OF LIFE IN HEART FAILURE Topic HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04-04- Clinical validation of AI solutions for treatment and care. VALHALLA's (acronym for the group of contributors) main objective is to refine a proof-of-concept (AI) model previously devised in another patient cohort for prediction of decompensation in Heart Failure (HF) patients in telemonitoring scenarios. The study aims to optimise data capture methods (including evaluation of novel wearable devices for HF telemonitoring) which will be evaluated at different sites and countries. The study will use large-scale clinical validation of the model for HF management, comparing the standard of telecare with the AI-enabled predictive approach in terms of relevant clinical outcomes, to provide clinical evidence for its widespread adoption; to evaluate in terms of healthcare integration, acceptance and cost-effectiveness the feasibility of its incorporation in different settings across different European countries and Colombia; and to prepare for qualification according to regulatory requirements such as the new EU Medical Device Regulation. The outcomes The primary outcome will be the percentage of days lost due to unplanned cardiovascular hospital admissions or death from any cause, comparing remote patient management plus usual care to usual care alone during the individual patient follow-up time. The main secondary outcomes will be all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality during the individual patient's follow-up time plus 28 days after the last study visit, to a maximum of 197 days; percentage of days lost due to unplanned cardiovascular hospital admissions, and percentage of days lost due to unplanned heart failure hospital admissions; change in Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ) global score. The PROMs and PREMs, and QoL questionaries will also be measure.Funding AgencyHorizon Health - European CommissionDate FromSpring 2022Date ToSpring 2026
TitlePersonalised Integrated Cardiac Care Implementation - PICCI.SummaryFunding AgencyCOST ActionDate FromDecember 2017
TitleA study to determine how self-monitoring weight and blood pressure impacts patients" self-care management, medication treatment and hospitalisation in heart failure: a pilot randomised controlled trial.SummaryThe primary objective of the study is to test the effectiveness of a study-specific blood pressure (B/P) monitor, and a study-specific weighing scales, together with the fluid heart tracker app (triple pack) in patients with heart failure. The secondary objective is to qualitatively assess participants and healthcare providers" perceived usefulness and clinical acceptability of the triple pack.Funding AgencyNovartis pharmaceuticalsDate FromMay 2024Date ToDecember 2024
Cardiovascular medicine and haematology, Psychology and cognitive sciences,
- Government of Ireland International Academic Mobility Programme 2019
- Research Incentive Grant from TCD 2007
- Masters in Arts (jure officii), Trinity College Dublin 2006
- Dorthy and David Mitchell Scholarship - Adelaide Hospital Society 2006
- Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (CCNAP), changed to Association of Cardiac Nurses and Allied Health Professionals in 2018 ongoing
- All Ireland Society of Higher Education (AISHE) ongoing
- An Board Altranais now Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland ongoing
- Irish Nurses Cardiovascular Association ongoing
- National Institute for Preventive Cardiology Alliance Member ongoing
- Member of the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) affiliate centre of the Trinity Centre for Practice and Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI) ongoing
- Reviewer for the Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 2020
- Member of the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) affiliate centre of the Trinity Centre for Practice and Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI) 2015
- External Examiner BSc (General Nursing) Athlone Institute of Technology 2016
- Occasional Reviewer for the Journal of Clinical Nursing 2015
- Invited Lecturer for delivery of cardiovascular lectures to Registered Mental Health Nurses. 2015 -
- Academic lead for the development of a 'Science Without Borders' Nursing and Midwifery Programme and co-ordinator of same for incoming students. 2014
- Joint Academic Erasmus lead for General Nursing at the School of Nursing and Midwifery TCD and Lund University Sweden and University of Turku, Finland. March 2019
- External Examiner for Bachelor in Nursing International St. Angela's, NUIG. 2019
- External Examiner for Bachelor in Nursing International St. Angela's, NUIG. 2019
- External Examiner BSc (General Nursing) Athlone Institute of Technology 2016
- External Examiner for MSc in Critical Care (Cardiff University) 2019
- Academic lead for the development of a Study Abroad programme for visiting international students to the School of Nursing and Midwifery. 2014
- Academic lead for the development of a 'Science Without Borders' Nursing and Midwifery Programme and co-ordinator of same for incoming students. 2014
- Member of the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) affiliate centre of the Trinity Centre for Practice and Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI) 2015
- Academic lead for the development of a Study Abroad programme for visiting international students to the School of Nursing and Midwifery. 2014
- Occasional Reviewer for the Journal of Clinical Nursing 2015
- Editorial Board Member for the International Journal of Older People Nursing 2020
- Academic Lead for the International Winter and Summer Schools in the School of Nursing & Midwifery 2016
- Reviewer for the Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 2020
- External Examiner for MSc in Critical Care (Cardiff University) 2019
- Invited Lecturer for delivery of cardiovascular lectures to Registered Mental Health Nurses. 2015 -
- Reviewer for the International Journal of Older People Nursing 2019
- Reviewer for the International Journal of Older People Nursing 2019
- Editorial Board Member for the International Journal of Older People Nursing 2020
- Academic Lead for the International Winter and Summer Schools in the School of Nursing & Midwifery 2016
- Joint Academic Erasmus lead for General Nursing at the School of Nursing and Midwifery TCD and Lund University Sweden and University of Turku, Finland. March 2019