Murphy, Fiona (2024). 'Acute Kidney Injury'. In Principles of Nursing in Kidney Care. Masià-Plana, A., & Liossatou, A. (eds); Springer International Publishing
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This textbook, endorsed by EDTNA/ERCA and ESNO, provides unique evidence-based knowledge about nursing in renal care and harmonises specialised understandings from various countries, to be implemented across numerous national health systems.
Renal care nursing is essential in order to promote and prevent renal health as well as detect and contribute to the care of renal disease. These complex tasks require specialised knowledge and training to ensure patient safety and positive outcomes in patient care. This book describes in detail the highest quality practices in different stages of the disease. Twenty-three chapters reflect evidence-based or consensus in practise, covering management and treatment in patient centred care procedures. Combining expert knowledge from many countries, this textbook can be used for teaching new staff in renal care as well as reviewing and updating renal care expertise.
Technological developments have significantly expanded in recent years. In this context renal nurses are responsible not only for individualised, comprehensive, and complex patient care, but also advanced technical skills such as haemodialysis treatment, which require close monitoring of patients to ensure safety. Infection prevention and control is vital throughout patient care. In addition, advanced renal nursing skills have been established for the assessment and management of renal disease.
The textbook is unique as in one single volume there is evidence, up to date and rigorous data describing different types of renal care therefore it is possible to concept a holistic vision of CKD patients as well as the nursing perspective.
Fintan Sheerin and Carmel Doyle (eds) 2023 Intellectual Disabilities: Health and Social Care Across the Lifespan. Springer Cham
This textbook provides nurses, allied health and social care professionals with the background knowledge necessary to support individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. It is a unique and viable resource which is particularly timely, as recent decades have seen a significant change in the demographics and associated care and support needs of this population. It is laid into four sections to provide a logical structure for the content with chapters developing key topic areas relevant to the field. The introductory section sets the overall context for the book and considers the importance of developing an understanding of intellectual disability as a core concept identifying philosophies and models of service that underpin health and social care across the lifespan. Communication as a basis for caring and the overall concept of person-centred caring in a multidisciplinary context is considered. The second section explores key concepts from birth to adulthood exploring the nature of intellectual disability, the child with intellectual disability and other related neurodevelopmental conditions. The third section explores adulthood to older age and considers specific health care needs, understanding behaviour and other fundamental concepts including mental health, ageing and palliative care. The fourth and final section explores the integration of health and social care addressing such issues as supporting and enabling families, education, employment, and sexuality and relationships. Edited by experienced and widely respected professionals, this textbook is written by international practitioners, educators and researchers who all play critical roles in working with individuals with intellectual disability and their families.
Roger J. Stancliffe, Michele Y. Wiese, Philip McCallion and Mary McCarron (eds) 2022 End of Life and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability - Contemporary Issues, Challenges, Experiences and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan Cham
Presents cutting-edge research, leading world experts on end of life and intelligent and developmental disability. Offers quality implementation resources, to inform researchers, practitioners and families. Includes real-world personal end-of-life stories to ground the issues in lived experience.
Jacqueline Whelan, Josephine Attard, Mohd Arif Atarhim, Beata Dobrowolska, Julie Jomeen and Joanne Pike (2021) 'Competence 2: Interpersonal Spirituality' in Wilfred McSherry, Adam Boughey and Josephine Attard (eds) Enhancing Nurses’ and Midwives’ Competence in Providing Spiritual Care Through Innovative Action and Compassionate Care. Springer
This chapter deals with interpersonal spirituality. It refers to the spirituality of persons who recognize their spiritual and cultural worldview, beliefs, and practices that influence health care. The central theme of this chapter includes the education and development of interpersonal relations and communication skills of student nurses/midwives, exploring the influence of the spiritual and cultural worldview, beliefs and practices of care, and the importance of effective, reciprocal verbal and non-verbal interaction between individuals and caregivers, developing a strong relationship. These relationships are thought to encourage community, compassion, and spiritual care attitudes, such as sharing, caring, compassion, listening, touching, and presence.
Kathleen Neenan and Jacqueline Whelan (2021) 'Global APN Case Study in Spirituality: Stories of Hope from the Republic of Ireland' in Melanie Rogers (ed) Spiritual Dimensions of Advanced Practice Nursing – Stories of Hope. Springer Nature
This book, is the first of its kind to address spirituality from Advanced Practitioner perspectives. Case studies from around the globe illustrate the importance, relevance and benefit of integrating spirituality into practice. This chapter presents an overview of advanced practice nursing in Ireland followed by a discussion on how spirituality is viewed in healthcare using a case study that explores the unique contribution of an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) delivering spiritual care to an older person with dementia who was transferred from her nursing home to an acute care ward after a diagnosis of Covid pneumonia was made. Rogers’ Availability and Vulnerability framework for Spiritually Competent Practice is used to illustrate how the distress of a person was attended to by maintaining a safe space and supporting her to find hope and meaning during her illness. The need for APNs to remain truthful to their availability and vulnerability is highlighted as there is a need for a greater focus on the spirituality of the older person, to provide better support and to bring about greater inner peace.
Catherine Comiskey (2020) Addiction Debates: Hot Topics from Policy to Practice. SAGE Swifts Series, SAGE, UK
Addiction Debates explores the tumultuous landscape of addiction research, policy and practice. Covering all the 'hot topics' of the day in a balanced and informative manner, Comiskey provides international perspectives on each topic, stimulating debate and discussion via the different approaches taken globally. Considering the complexities of debates around legalisation, rehabilitation, abstinence, harm reduction, and the current opioid epidemic, this SAGE Swift also looks into the health and social concerns related to drug consumption. Less-often debated topics include the ageing population of people who use drugs, the rights of the child of parents who use drugs, and the pressure these unique factors put on public health and associated services. A relevant text for a range of disciplines and people, sure to inform, challenge and continue the debate.
Patricia Cronin and Michael Coghlan (2020) Doing a Literature Review in Nursing, Health and Social Care. (3rd Edition) Sage Publications
Providing students with straightforward guidance on how to successfully carry out a literature review as part of a research project or dissertation, this book uses examples and activities to demonstrate how to complete each step correctly, from start to finish, and highlights how to avoid common mistakes.
The third edition includes:
- Expert advice on selecting and researching a topic
- A chapter outlining the different types of literature review
- Increased focus on Critical Appraisal Tools and how to use them effectively
- New real-world examples presenting best practice
- Instructions on writing up and presenting the final piece of work
Perfect for any nursing or healthcare student new to literature reviews and for anyone who needs a refresher in this important topic.
Fintan Sheerin, Elizabeth A. Curtis (2019) Intellectual Disabilities: Leadership for Intellectual Disability Service. Routledge
People with intellectual disability often experience challenges in their lives. These may be due to difficulties in social adaptation, but may also be related to a reality of disempowerment whereby they have little role in the decisions central to their lives or in the provision of health, educational and social services. This book argues for alternative and innovative approaches to leadership in intellectual disability service provision. It does this in the light of service scandals including Winterborne View (UK), Oswald D. Heck (USA), Áras Attracta (Ireland) and many others. This book also explores the failed leadership issues underpinning such debacles and then examines how the context for intellectual disability service provision has changed. The authors propose alternative models for service leadership that are contiguous with the changed landscape, emphasizing participatory models of leadership and ending with exemplary vignettes outlining situations where such innovative change is happening.
Jacqueline Whelan 'Teaching and Learning about Spirituality in Healthcare' in Fiona Timmins and Silvia Caldeira (eds) Spirituality in Healthcare: Perspectives for Innovative Practice. Springer Nature Switzerland
This chapter considers the importance of contemporary teaching and learning approaches to spirituality within healthcare practice drawing on international evidence. The chapter integrates recent systematic literature challenges and issues that relate to its integration. Spirituality is recognised as a standard for good practice; attention is drawn to research that outlines guidance arising from international standards, guidelines, professional codes of practice and competency frameworks, and key competency skills across healthcare. A consensus definition of spirituality is offered to understand spirituality within healthcare practice. Spiritual awareness, meaning-making, and respecting patients’ worldviews are recognised as core spiritual care competencies. Spiritual care needs, undertaking a spiritual history, formal and informal spiritual assessment methods, spiritual distress, and timely referral are established as core spiritual care competencies. It is acknowledged that humanistic compassionate person-centred approaches grounded in connection are warranted to transform the educational process for the patient, student, and practitioner experiences in healthcare.
Jan de Vries and Fiona Timmins (2017) Understanding Psychology for Nursing Students. Sage/Learning Matters
This is an accessible introductory textbook based on many years of experience in teaching psychology to nursing and midwifery student at university level. This book helps students recognise why they need to know about psychology, how it can affect and influence their individual nursing practice as well as the role it plays in health and illness. The book is fully applied to nursing and healthcare and contains many interactive exercises and activities. The book has been translated into Korean.
Jacqueline Whelan (2017) 'The Caring Science Imperative: A Hallmark in Nursing Education' in Susan Lee, Patrick Palmieri and Jean Watson (eds) Global Advances in Human Caring Literacy. Springer Publishing Company
The chapter maps the writer's journey to Caring science, philosophical worldviews, and educational influences in nursing, education and beyond.
It considers challenges in addressing caring as a distinct domain of the discipline of nursing. The contribution of Jean Watsons' theory is considered.
Michael Nash (2014) Physical Health and Well-Being In Mental Health Nursing: Clinical Skills For Practice. Open University Press
This book provides mental health nurses with the core knowledge of the physical health issues that they need for their work. Considering the risk factors and assessment priorities amongst different mental health client groups, the book provides clinical insights into how best to work with service users to ensure their health is assessed and improved.
Philip James, Caitriona Kearns, Ann Campbell and Bobby P Smith (2013) Adolescents and Substance use: a handbook for professionals working with young people. Radcliffe Publishing
This highly practical manual presents an ideal introduction to adolescent substance use. It offers invaluable guidance for all professionals involved with adolescents including social workers, health and social care professionals, youth workers, family support workers, teachers, counsellors, mental health teams, A&E staff, police and probation officers. The approach these practitioners take in dealing with the problem has considerable influence over outcomes. It succinctly covers a wealth of information on key matters such as counselling, treatment options, motives for substance abuse, sexual and mental health, policy development, ethical and legal considerations, and the important role of the family. Adolescents and Substance Use provides a user-friendly foundation for effective, evidence-based practice.
Michael Coghlan, Patricia Cronin and Frances Ryan (2013). Doing a Literature Review in Nursing, Health and Social Care (1st Edition). Sage
This textbook is for nurses and health/social care workers and provides an overview of the process of carrying out a literature review.