Meet the Team

If you have any questions about our Erasmus and Visiting Student programme please do not hesitate to contact the relevant co-ordinator below but make sure you have studied this website and all the links carefully first.

Dr Frances O’Brien

Associate Professor in General Nursing

Joint Erasmus Lead for General Nursing

Jacqueline Whelan

Assistant Professor in General Nursing / Director of Global Engagement

Joint Erasmus Lead for General Nursing

Dr Eleanor M Hollywood

Associate Professor in Children’s Nursing

Erasmus Lead for Children’s Nursing

Kathryn Muldoon

Assistant Professor in Midwifery

Erasmus Lead for Midwifery

Paul Horan

Assistant Professor in Intellectual Disability Nursing

Erasmus Lead for Intellectual Disability Nursing

Pádraig Dunne

Clinical Allocations Officer / Erasmus Lead