The BeinLGBTQ+ Press release cover with logosg LGBTQI+ in Ireland study consists of two Modules with a complementary focus. Module One focussed on the mental health of the LGBTQI+ community and collected data using an online survey from over 2,800 LGBTQI+ people living in Ireland. In addition to tracking changes to mental health and wellbeing since the publication of the LGBTIreland report in 2016,  issues of safety, discrimination, media, school and health care utilisation were explored. Module Two focussed on attitudes of the general public in the Republic of Ireland towards LGBTQI+ people. It consisted of two nationally representative surveys with 1,000 people in each; one administered through a telephone interview, and one administered online


Deterioration in the Mental Health of Young LGBTQI+ People in Ireland

Interview on Ireland AM with Professor Agnes Higgins and Moninne Griffith