Professor Brian Caulfield
Professor In Transportation, Civil Struct & Env. Eng.
Email Brian.Caulfield@tcd.ie Phone3531896 2534Biography
Prof Caulfield is a Professor in Transportation in the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering. He is also a Fellow of Trinity College Dublin. Since joining the Department Prof Caulfield has embarked on an intensive research program addressing global issues such as the environmental impacts of transport and methods to reduce the carbon impacts of transport and in 2017 he addressed the Irish Citizens Assembly on this topic. He recently provided advice to the Climate Change Advisory Council on pathways to decreasing transport emissions by 2030. Prof Caulfield was a member of the Steering Group for the review and update of the GDA Transport Strategy with the National Transport Authority. Prof Caulfield has published over 200 papers in these areas in high impact international journals and international conferences and to date has been awarded aprox. €8 million in research funding (from EPA, SFI, FP7, CEDR, TII, DoT, RSA, SEAI and HORIZON Europe). He currently has 9 PhD students and 6 postdoctoral researchers in his research group. Prof Caulfield also a member of a number of National and International research groups and is the former Chair of the Irish Transportation Research Network and was a member of the executive committee of the Universities Transport Studies Group as well as several committees at the Transportation Research Board in Washington D.C. He is an Editor of Transport Policy (impact factor: 6.3) and an Associate Editor of Sustainable Cities and Society (Impact Factor: 10.5). He is a member of the International Editorial Board of Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (Impact Factor: 7.3), Case Studies on Transport Policy (Impact Factor: 2.4), Journal of Transport Geography (Impact Factor: 5.7) and the Journal of Cycling and Micromobility Research.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Martinez-‐Pastor, B., Nogal, M., O'Connor, A., Caulfield, B., A Dynamic Restricted Equilibrium Model to Evaluate the Traffic Network Resilience Including a Sensitivity Analysis of the Parameters Involved., The Eighth International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- McGoldrick, P., Caulfield, B, Examining the changes in car ownership levels in the Greater Dublin Area between 2006 and 2011, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2015, p229 - 237Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B, Does it pay to work from home? Examining the factors influencing working from home in the Greater Dublin Area, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2015, p206 - 214Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Nogal, M., O'Connor, A., Martinez-Pastor, B., Caulfield, B, Statistical Tools to Help the Decision-Making Process within the Risk Analysis of Transportation Networks in Response to Extreme Weather Events, International International Forum on Engineering Decision Making, IFED 2015, Japan, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- Martinez-‐Pastor, B., Nogal, M., O'Connor, A., Caulfield, B., Analysis of the Main Features that Help in Decision-Making to Identify Critical Links in Traffic Networks, 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Brazil, W., Nogal, M., Caulfield, B., O'Connor, A., The Impact of Weather Events on Rail Transport in the Dublin Area, 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Martinez-‐Pastor, B., Nogal, M., O'Connor, A., Caulfield, B., A Dynamic Restricted Equilibrium Model to Evaluate the Traffic Network Resilience under Extreme Weather Events, First International Conference on Surface Transportation System Resilience to Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events, Washington DC, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- Caulfield, B., Brazil, W., Nogal, M., O'Connor, A., Measuring the impacts of extreme weather events on transport infrastructure, 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Caulfield, B., Brazil, W., Transport Emissions Information: Lessons from the PEACOX Project, 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, China, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Richardson, M., Caulfield, B, Investigating traffic light violations by cyclists in Dublin City Centre, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 84, 2015, p65 - 73Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Carroll, P., Caulfield, B., Ahern, A., Ghosh, B., Examining Car Shedding in Dublin, 48th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group, Bristol, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Brazil, W., Caulfield, B., O'Connor, A., The Role of Transport Information Extreme Weather Events, 48th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group, Bristol, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Nogal, M., O'Connor, A., Caulfield, B., Brazil, W, A Multidisciplinary Approach for Risk Analysis of Infrastructure Networks in Response to Extreme Weather, 6th European Transport Research Conference, TRA2016, Warsaw, Poland, 2016Conference Paper, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Morton, C., Caulfield, B., Anable, J., Investigating the Utility of Applied Quality of Service Indicators in Public Transport: Evidence for bus transit in Scotland, 48th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group, Bristol, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Brazil, W., Caulfield, B., Seeing the Invisible: Provision of Environmental Information in Transport, 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2016Conference Paper, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Martinez‐Pastor, B., Nogal, M., O'Connor, A., Caulfield, B., A Sensitivity Analysis of a Dynamic Restricted Equilibrium Model to Evaluate Traffic Network Resilience, 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2016, pp1 - 10Conference Paper, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Brazil, W., Caulfield, B., O'Connor, A., Nogal, M., The Impact of Extreme Weather on Transport: The Tale of Two Storms, Association of American Geographers' Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- McCarthy, O., Caulfield, B., Deenihan, G., Evaluating the quality of inter-urban cycleways, Case Studies on Transport Policy , 4, (2), 2016, p96 - 103Journal Article, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- McCarthy, O.T., Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., Technology engagement and privacy: A cluster analysis of reported social network use among transport survey respondents, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 63, 2016, p195 - 206Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Morton, C., Caulfield, B., Anable, J., Customer Perceptions of Quality of Service in Public Transport: Evidence for bus transit in Scotland, Case Studies on Transport Policy, (4), 2016, p199 - 207Journal Article, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Short, J., Caulfield, B., Record Linkage for Road Traffic Injuries in Ireland using Police Hospital and Injury Claims Data, Journal of Safety Research, Accepted , (58), 2016, p1 - 10Journal Article, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- McNamara, D. , Capping transport emissions: A welfare analysis of a personal carbon trading scheme , TCD, 2012Thesis, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Mullarkey, S, A Framework for the efficiency Evaluation of Ireland's Electricity Power System using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), TCD, 2013Thesis, 2013
- Deenihan, G., Bike-ology: Evaluating inter-urban and rural cycling infrastructure , TCD, 2014Thesis, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Brazil, W, The Role of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Information in Personal Travel Choices, TCD, 2015Thesis, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Nogal, M., O'Connor, A., Caulfield, B., William, B. , A multidisciplinary approach for risk analysis of infrastructure networks in response to extreme weather, Transportation Research Procedia, 14, 2016, p78 - 85Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Keefe, P., Caulfield, B., Brazil, W.,White, P. , The impacts of telecommuting in Dublin , Research in Transportation Economics, 57, 2016, p13 - 20Journal Article, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Jiménez, P., Nogal, M., Caulfield, B., Pilla, F., Perceptually important points of mobility patterns to characterise bike sharing systems: The Dublin Case , Journal of Transport Geography, 54, 2016, p228 - 239Journal Article, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Ahern, A., Vega, A., Caulfield, B. , Deprivation and access to work in Dublin city: The Impact of Transport Disadvantage , Research in Transportation Economics, 57, 2016, p44 - 52Journal Article, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Nogal, M., O'Connor, A., Caulfield, B., Martinez-Pastor, B, Resilience of Traffic Networks: From Perturbation to Recovery via a Dynamic Restricted Equilibrium Model, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, (156), 2016, p84 - 96Journal Article, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Brazil, W., Caulfield., B., O'Dowd, A., Seeing Hazards: Using Eye-Tracking Technology and Google Street View to Understand Cyclists' Perceptions, 10th University Transportation Centers Spotlight Conference: Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety, Washington DC, 2016, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- McCarthy, O., Caulfield, B., O'Mahony, M., How transport users perceive personal safety apps, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 43, 2016, p166 - 182Journal Article, 2016
- Rock, S., Ahern, A., Caulfield, B, The economic boom, bust and transport inequity in suburban Dublin, Ireland, Research in Transportation Economics, 57, 2016, p32 - 43Journal Article, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Becker, T.A., Caulfield, B., Shiels, P. , Examining the potential of variable congestion charges in Dublin City Centre , 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Brazil, W., Caulfield, B., Bothos, e., An Examination of the Role of Emissions Information in Transport Behaviour: The Results of a Smart Phone Trial in Dublin, Ireland, 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2017Conference Paper, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- Becker, T.A., Caulfield, B., Shiels, P., Examining the potential of variable congestion charges in Dublin City Centre, Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2017, pAcceptedJournal Article, 2017
- Nogal, M; O'Connor, A.; Martinez-Pastor B. and Caulfield, B, Novel probabilistic resilience assessment framework of transportation networks against extreme weather events, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A:Civil Engineering, 2017, AcceptedJournal Article, 2017
- Brazil, W., White, A., Nogal, M., Caulfield., B. O'Connor, A. Morton, C., Weather and Rail Delays: Analysis of Metropolitan Rail in Dublin, Journal of Transport Geography, 59, 2017, p69 - 76Journal Article, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- Brazil, W., Caulfield., B., O'Connor, A., The Role of Transport Information in Extreme Weather Events: A Scenario Based Experiment, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 5, (2), 2017, p215 - 223Journal Article, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- S. Farrell, M. O'Mahony and B. Caulfield, Attitudes and behavioural responses to measures to deal with workplace parking, 84th Transportation Research Board Conference, National Academies, Washington D.C., Jan, 2005, ppCDROMConference Paper, 2005, TARA - Full Text
- Tang, J., McNabola, A., Misstear, B., Caulfield, B., An evaluation of the impact of the Dublin Port Tunnel and HGV management strategy on air pollution emissions, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 52, 2017, p1 - 14Journal Article, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- O'Connor, D., Caulfield, B., Exploring the Relationship between Level of Service and Catchment Area - lessons from two BHLS corridors, one heavy rail corridor and an LRT corridor in the Greater Dublin Area, 15th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport (Thredbo 15), Stockholm, Sweden, 13-17th August 2017, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Caulfield, B., O'Mahony, M., Brazil, W., Weldon, P. , Examining usage patterns of a bike-sharing scheme in a medium sized city, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 100, 2017, p152 - 161Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Brazil, W., Caulfield., B., What makes an effective energy efficiency label? Assessing the performance of energy labels through eye-tracking experiments in Ireland, Energy Research & Social Science, 29, 2017, p46 - 52Journal Article, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- Brazil, W., O'Dowd, A., Caulfield., B., Using Eye-tracking Technology and Google Street View to Understand Cyclists' Perceptions, IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Yokohama, Japan, October, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Brar, J., Caulfield, B, Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Pedestrians' Safety, IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Yokohama, Japan, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Dey, S., Caulfield, B., Ghosh, B. , Examining alternative fuel options and potential emission reductions from changes in public transport bus fleet in Ireland, ITRN, UCD, 2017Conference Paper, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- Carroll, P., Dey, S., Caulfield, B., Pilla, F., Ghosh, B., Ahern, A., Morgenroth, E., Work Package 2 - Review of Environmental and Transportation Modelling Methods and Development of Transport Emissions Model, Environmental Protection Agency, 2016, p1 - 60Report, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Dey, S., Caulfield, B., Ghosh, B., Work Package 4 - Examining the emission reductions from changes in the Private Car Fleet and Public Transport Bus Fleet, Environmental Protection Agency, 2017, p1 - 42Report, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- Carroll, P., Caulfield, B., Ahern, A., Work Package 3 - Examining Smarter Travel Options to Reduce Emissions, Environmental Protection Agency, 2017, p1 - 84Report, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- McBain, C., Caulfield, B., An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Journey Time Variation in the Cork Public Bike System, Sustainable Cities and Society, 42, 2018, p641 - 649Journal Article, 2018, TARA - Full Text
- Brazil, W., Caulfield., B., Bhat, C., The Potential Role of Eye Tracking in Stated Preference Survey Design and Piloting, 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Dey, S., Caulfield, B., Ghosh, B., Quantification of Diesel Burden and the Potential Impact of Diesel-Ban in Dublin, Ireland, 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Jiménez, P., Nogal, M., Caulfield, B. , Effectiveness of small scale bike sharing systems according to the analysis of turnover station ratios , 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Carroll, P., Caulfield, B., Ahern, A., Examining the Potential for Car-Shedding in the Greater Dublin Area, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 106, 2017, p440 - 452Journal Article, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- Dey, S., Caulfield, B., Ghosh, B., The potential health, financial and environmental impacts of dieselgate in Ireland, Transportation Planning and Technology, 2017, p1 - 20Journal Article, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- Dey, S., Caulfield, B., Ghosh, B., Potential Health & Economic Benefits of Banning Diesel Traffic in Dublin, Ireland, Journal of Transport & Health, 2018, p156 - 166Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Rezaei, A., Caulfield, B., Application of autonomous vehicles in highway transport: case study of Dublin City, Ireland - Highway M50 , 46th European Transport Conference, Dublin Castle, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Caulfield, B., Benevenuto, R. , Can bike share schemes result in modal shift: evidence from Dublin, 46th European Transport Conference, Dublin Castle, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Benevenuto, R., Fernandez, F., Caulfield, B., From rural poverty to urban amenities - planning accessibility for Northeast Brazil , 46th European Transport Conference, Dublin Castle, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Carroll, P., Caulfield, B., Ahern, A., Appraising the introduction of car-shedding incentives in the Greater Dublin Area , 46th European Transport Conference, Dublin Castle, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- O'Connor, D., Caulfield, B., Mode or Service Level: what matters most to transit users when deciding how far to walk to public transport? , 46th European Transport Conference, Dublin Castle, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Dey, S., Caulfield, B., Ghosh, B. , Modelling Uncertainty of Vehicular Emissions Inventory: A Case Study of Ireland, Journal of Cleaner Production, 213, 2019, p1115 - 1126Journal Article, 2019, TARA - Full Text
- Geoghegan, A., Caulfield, B, How do speed limit reductions impact upon cycling - a Case Study of Dublin, Velocity, Dublin , July, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- O'Donnell, M., Caulfield, B. , Floating bike vs. fixed bike-sharing schemes: A case study of Dublin, Velocity, Dublin, July, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Benevenuto, R., Caulfield, B, Poverty and transport in the Global South: An Overview, Transport Policy, 79, 2019, p115 - 124Journal Article, 2019, TARA - Full Text
- Carroll, P., Caulfield, B., Ahern, A., Modelling the potential benefits increased active travel, Transport Policy, 79, 2019, p82 - 92Journal Article, 2019, TARA - Full Text
- Rezaei, A., Caulfield, B.,, Public Survey on the Application of Autonomous Vehicles, 47th European Transport Conference, Dublin Castle, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Carroll, P., Caulfield, B., Ahern, A., Measuring the potential emission reductions from a shift towards public transport , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 73, 2019, p338 - 351Journal Article, 2019, TARA - Full Text
- Benevenuto, R., Caulfield, B, Measuring access to urban centres in rural Northeast Brazil: a spatial accessibility poverty index, Journal of Transport Geography, 82, 2020, 102553Journal Article, 2020, TARA - Full Text
- Carroll, P., Caulfield, B., Ahern, A., Modelling the Introduction of Incentives to Encourage a Reduction in Private Car Use in Dublin, Ireland, 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2020Conference Paper, 2020
- Benevenuto, R., Azevedo, I. C.C., Caulfield, B, Assessing the spatial burden in health care accessibility of low-income families in Rural Northeast Brazil, Journal of Transport and Health, 14, 2019, p100595Journal Article, 2019, TARA - Full Text
- Carroll, P., Caulfield, B., Ahern, A. , . Appraising an incentive only approach Encourage a sustainable reduction in private car trips in Dublin, Ireland, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 15, 2020, p1-12Journal Article, 2020, TARA - Full Text
- Rezaei, A., Caulfield, B., Autonomous Mobility: A Review of the Benefits and Drawbacks, 48th European Transport Conference, , Milan, September, 2020Conference Paper, 2020
- Benevenuto, R., Caulfield, B, Measuring the impacts of Transport Poverty in Northeast Brazil, 8th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), New York, September, 2020Conference Paper, 2020
- Rezaei, A., Caulfield, B., Examining public acceptance of autonomous mobility, Travel Behaviour and Society, 21, 2020, p235 - 246Journal Article, 2020, TARA - Full Text
- Benevenuto, R., Caulfield, B, Examining transport needs in the Global South using a screening framework , Journal of Transport Geography, 88, 2020, p102845Journal Article, 2020, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., Carroll, P., Dey, S.,Ghosh, B., Ahern, A., Greening Transport: Final Report, Research 338, EPA RESEARCH PROGRAMME 2014-2020, Ireland, 2020Report, 2020, TARA - Full Text
- Brazil, W., Caulfield, B., Current Status and Potential Role of Eco-labels in Informing Environmentally Friendly Purchases and Behaviours, EPA RESEARCH PROGRAMME 2014-2020, Report 235, 2017Report, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- Rezaei, A., Caulfield, B., Simulating a Transition to Autonomous Mobility, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 106, 2021, p102175-Journal Article, 2021, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., Carroll, P., Ahern, A. , Transitioning to low carbon and sustainable mobility, Working Paper No. 8, A working paper commissioned by the Climate Change Advisory Council, Ireland, September, 2020Report, 2020, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., Bowman, S., Mullin, M., Browne, S., Kelly, C., Working together to re-open our City and Campus post-Covid: A case study of Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2021Conference Paper, 2021
- Oeschger, G., Carroll, P., Caulfield, B. , Micromobility and public transport integration: the current state of knowledge, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 89, 2020, p102628Journal Article, 2020, TARA - Full Text
- Carroll, P., Benevenuto, R., Caulfield, B. , Identifying Hotspots of Transport Disadvantage and Car Dependency in Rural Ireland, Transport Policy, 101, 2021, p46 - 56Journal Article, 2021, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., Keohe, J. , Usage patterns and preferences of car sharing: A case study of Dublin, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9, 2021, p253 - 259Journal Article, 2021, TARA - Full Text
- Smith, I., Caulfield, B., Dey, S. , Using Floating Bike Data to Determine Cyclist Exposure to Poor Air Quality, Journal of Transport and Health, 20, 2021, p101008Journal Article, 2021, TARA - Full Text
- Crowley, F., Doran, J., Ryan, G., Daly, H., Caulfield, B. , The impact of labour market disruptions and transport choice on the environment during Covid-19, Transport Policy, 106, 2021, p185 - 195Journal Article, 2021, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield B., Browne S., Mullin M., Bowman S., Kelly C., Re-open our city and campus post-Covid: A case study of Trinity college Dublin, the University of Dublin, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9, 2021, p616 - 625Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Rezaei, A., Caulfield, B. , Safety of autonomous vehicles: what are the insights from experienced industry professionals?, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 81, 2021, p472 - 489Journal Article, 2021, TARA - Full Text
- Manzira, C., Charly, A., Caulfield, B. , Assessing the impact of mobility on the incidence of COVID-19 in Dublin City, Sustainable Cities & Society, 80, 2022, p103770-Journal Article, 2022, TARA - Full Text
- Benevenuto, R., Caulfield, B., Examining the socioeconomic outcomes of transport interventions in the Global South, Transport Policy, 119, 2022, p56 - 66Journal Article, 2022, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., Furszyfer, D., Stefaniec, A., Foley, A., Measuring the equity impacts of government subsidies for electric vehicles, Energy, 248, 2022, p123588-Journal Article, 2022, TARA - Full Text
- Hampton, H., Foley, A., Del Rio, D., Smyth, B., Laverty, D., Caulfield, B, Customer engagement strategies in retail electricity markets: A comprehensive and comparative review, Energy Research and Social Science, 90, 2022, p102611Journal Article, 2022, TARA - Full Text
- Nelson, J., D., Caulfield, B, Implications of COVID-19 for future travel behaviour in the rural periphery, European Transport Research Review, (14:22), 2022, p1 - 11Journal Article, 2022, TARA - Full Text
- Oeschger, G., Carroll, P., Caulfield, B., First- and last-mile connections to public transport in Dublin: Analysis of mobility patterns, user experiences and preferences, 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Santiago, Chile, December, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
- Stefaniec, A., Brazil, B., Whitney, W., Caulfield, B, Desire to work from home: Results of an Irish study, Journal of Transport Geography, 104, 2022, p103416Journal Article, 2022, TARA - Full Text
- Egan, R., Dowling, C., Caulfield, B. , Planning by Cycle Parking Type: A Cycle Parking Preference Typology for Cyclists, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10, 2022, p1930 - 1944Journal Article, 2022, TARA - Full Text
- Dey, S., Caulfield, B., Ghosh, B. , Can numbers of cars indicate the pollution levels?, Engineers Ireland Journal, 2021Journal Article, 2021
- O'Connor, D., Caulfield, B, Level of Service and the transit neighborhood - Observations from Dublin city and suburbs, Research in Transportation Economics, 69, 2018, p59 - 67Journal Article, 2018
- Caulfield, B., Charly, A. , Examining the potential environmental and travel time saved benefits of remote working hubs, Transport Policy, 127, 2022, p139 - 147Journal Article, 2022
- Charly, A., Misra, G., Caulfield, B., Fealy, R., McCarthy, T, Evaluating the Readiness for Electric Vehicle Adoption Among the Urban Population in Ireland, Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual Meeting, 102nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Lowans, C., Foley, A., Furszyfer Del Rio, D., Caulfield, B., Sovocool, B., Griffiths, S., Rooney, D. , What causes energy and transport poverty in Ireland? Analysing demographic, economic, and social dynamics and policy implications, Energy Policy, 172, 2023, p113313Journal Article, 2023, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., Innovations for Better Rural Mobility, ITF Research Reports, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2021Report, 2021
- Kinsella, L., Stefaniec, A., Foley, A., Caulfield, B, Pathways to decarbonising the transport sector: The impacts of electrifying taxi fleets, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 174, 2023, p113160-Journal Article, 2023, TARA - Full Text
- Egan, R., Dowling, C., Caulfield, B. , Exploring the Elements of Effective Cycle Parking: A Literature Review, Journal of Urban Mobility, 3, 2023, 100046Journal Article, 2023, TARA - Full Text
- Stefaniec, A., Egan, R., Hosseini, K., Caulfield, B, Estimating the ability of Irish households to avail of policy incentives for electric vehicles, 16th World Conference on Transport Research, Montreal, July, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Hosseini, K., Stefaniec, A., Caulfield, B, eHUBs: Operational Performance Assessment of Shared Electric Mobility Hubs, 16th World Conference on Transport Research, Montreal, July, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Malik, F., Egan, R., Dowling, C., Caulfield, B, Factors influencing e-cargo bike mode choice for small businesses, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 178, 2023, p113253Journal Article, 2023, TARA - Full Text
- Charly, A., Thomas, N., Foley, A., Caulfield, B, Identifying optimal locations for community electric vehicle charging, Sustainable Cities and Society, 94, 2023, p104573Journal Article, 2023, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Brown, A., Hampton, H., Foley, A., Furszyfer Del Rio, D., Lowans, C., Caulfield, B, Understanding domestic consumer attitude and behaviour towards energy: A study on the Island of Ireland, Energy Policy, 181, 2023, p113693Journal Article, 2023, TARA - Full Text
- Hosseini, K., Stefaniec, A., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B, Optimising shared electric mobility hubs: Insights from performance analysis and factors influencing riding demand, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 13, 2023, p101052Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Richards, A., Convery, S., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B, Pre and post Covid preferences for working from home, Travel Behaviour and Society, 34, (100679), 2024, p1 - 8Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Pramod Choudhari, T., Illahi, U., Al-Hosni, M., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B, Decarbonising Transport Sector by Electrifying Car-sharing Fleet in Ireland, 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Kelly, S., Gallagher, J., Charly, A., Caulfield, B. , Assessing Future Impacts on Non-Exhaust PM2.5 Emissions, 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Stefaniec, A., Brazil, W., Whitney, W., Zhang, W., Colleary, B., Caulfield, B., Examining the long-term reduction in commuting emissions from working from home, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 127, (104063), 2024Journal Article, 2024, TARA - Full Text
- Egan, R., Caulfield, B., There"s no such thing as cycle traffic: a critical discourse analysis of public opposition to pro-cycle planning, Journal of Cycling and Micromobility Research, 2, (100014), 2024Journal Article, 2024, TARA - Full Text
- Hosseini, K., Stefaniec, A., Charly, A. Papaphilippou, P., Caulfield, B., Decarbonising Ireland's Road Transport: A Network DEA-BWM Assessment Based on the Avoid-Shift-Improve Paradigm, IATBR - 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Vienna, July, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Gaughan, M., Caulfield, B., Preferences for price reductions on public transport, 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Vienna, July, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Egan, R., Caulfield, B., Driving as essential, cycling as conditional: how automobility is politically sustained in discourses of everyday mobility, Mobilities, 19, (3), 2024, p789 - 805Journal Article, 2024, TARA - Full Text
- Hosseini, K., Stefaniec, A , O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B, E-bike to the future: Scalability, emission-saving, and eco-efficiency assessment of shared electric mobility hubs, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 133, 2024, p104275Journal Article, 2024, TARA - Full Text
- Choudhari, T., Illahi, U., Al-Hosni, M., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B., Decarbonising Shared Mobility: The Potential of Shared Electric Vehicles, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 133, 2024, p104313Journal Article, 2024, TARA - Full Text
- Charly, A., Misra, G., Sonarghare, S., Fealy, R., McCarthy, T., Caulfield, B, Evaluating the readiness for electric vehicle adoption among the urban population using geospatial techniques, Journal of Transport Geography, 119, 2024, p103972Journal Article, 2024, TARA - Full Text
- Dzi"cielski, M., Nikitas, A., Radzimski, A., Caulfield, B, Understanding the determinants of bike-sharing demand in the context of a medium-sized car-oriented city: The case study of Milton Keynes, UK, Sustainable Cities & Society, 114, 2024, p105781Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Illahi, U., Choudhari, T., Charly, A., O'Mahony, M., Caulfield, B., Driving Green Change: Commercial Sector Adopting Electric Vehicles in Ireland, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 135, 2024, p104398Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Priyan, S., Guo, Y., McNabola, A., Broderick, B., Caulfield, B., O'Mahony, M., Gallagher, J, Detecting and quantifying PM2.5 and NO2 contributions from train and road traffic in the vicinity of a major railway terminal in Dublin, Ireland, Environmental Pollution, 361, 2024, p124903Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Smith, H., Akhtar, S., Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., Validity of GPS data in driving cycles, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2024, p1 - 7Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Charly, A., Caulfield, B., Transport emission modelling based on a bottom-up approach to facilitate sustainable transport planning, Sustainable Futures, 100435, 2025Journal Article, 2025, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Stefaniec, A., Egan, R., Hosseini, K., Caulfield, B,, The challenge of making EVs just affordable enough: Assessing the impact of subsidies on equity and emission reduction in Ireland, Research in Transportation Economics, 109, (101495), 2025Journal Article, 2025, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Oeschger, J., Caulfield, B Carroll, P., User characteristics and preferences for micromobility use in first- and last-mile journeys in Dublin, Ireland, Travel Behaviour and Society, 38, (100926), 2025Journal Article, 2025, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., The provision of on street passenger information via real time passenger information; a case study of Dublin, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, 12th International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, London, CD-ROM, IEE,, 2004Conference Paper, 2004, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Farrell, S., Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, B., Attitudes and behavioural responses to measures to deal with workplace parking: a case study of Dublin, Ireland, Transportation Research Record, 1932, 2006, p178 - 187Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- P. Watters, M. O'Mahony, B.Caulfield, Response to cash outs for work place parking and work place parking charges, Transport Policy, 13, (6), 2006, p503 - 510Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M, An examination of the public transport information requirements of users, Intelligent Transport Systems; a publication of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, 8, (1), 2007, p21 - 30Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M.M., Passenger preferences for public transport information, at the different stages of a public transport trip, 6th European Congress on ITS, Aalborg, June 2007, 2007Conference Paper, 2007
- Caulfield, B and O'Mahony M.M, The impact of geographic location on the utility derived from real-time public transport information, 10th International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport , Hamilton Island, Australia , 2007Conference Paper, 2007
- Caulfield, B and O'Mahony, M.M, 'An examination of the Public Transport Information Requirements of Users, IEEE ITSC 2005 IEEE, Vienna, Austria, 2005Conference Paper, 2005
- Caulfield, B., and O'Mahony, M.M. , 'Real-Time passenger information: costs and benefits, AET European Congress, Strasbourg, France , 2003Conference Paper, 2003
- Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M.M. , 'The role of market regulation in ensuring an Integrated Intelligent Transport System, 10th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems and Services, Madrid, Spain , 2003Conference Paper, 2003
- Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M.M, Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual Applied to a Bus Corridor in Dublin, Ireland , Transportation Research Record, 1887, 2004, p195 - 204Journal Article, 2004, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M.M, Valuing traffic related air and noise pollution: a case study of Dublin, European Transport Conference, The Netherlands, 2007Conference Paper, 2007
- Watters, P., O'Mahony, M.M. and Caulfield, B, Response to cash-outs for work place parking, 84th Transportation Research Board Conference, National Academies, Washington, D.C. , 2006Conference Paper, 2006
- Caulfield, B., and O'Mahony, M.M. , Passenger Requirements of a Public Transport Ticketing System, IEEE ITSC 2005 IEEE, Vienna, Austria , 2005Conference Paper, 2005, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M, Factors influencing preferences for real-time public transport information, Procs of the European Transport Conference 2007, Leiden, Netherlands, October, CDROM, 2007Conference Paper, 2007, TARA - Full Text
- Connolly, D., Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M.M., Rail Passengers' Preferences for On-board Wi-fi Internet Access, 88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2009, ppCDROMConference Paper, 2009, TARA - Full Text
- Cantwell, M., Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M, , Examining the Factors that Impact upon Public Transport Commuting Satisfaction , Journal of Public Transportation, 12, (2), 2009, p1 - 22Journal Article, 2009, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B , A Stated Preference Analysis of Real-Time Public Transport Information, Ph.D Thesis , Trinity College Dublin, 2008Thesis, 2008
- McNamara, D, Caulfield, B , Identifying the socio-economic characteristics of CO₂ emitters in the Greater Dublin Area, The 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Jaipur, India, 2009, ppCDROMConference Paper, 2009
- Caulfield, B, Estimating the environmental benefits of ride-sharing: a case study of Dublin, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 14, (7), 2009, p527 - 531Journal Article, 2009, TARA - Full Text
- Farrell, S., McNamara, D, Caulfield, B. , Estimating the Optimal Mix of Sustainable Transport Measures for a Small Town, 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board,, Washington D.C. , 2010, ppCDROMConference Paper, 2010
- Ryan, F., Caulfield, B. , Examining the Optimal Fuel Type for Urban Bus Operations, 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board,, Washington D.C., 2010, ppCDROMConference Paper, 2010, TARA - Full Text
- Ryan, F., Caulfield, B , Examining the benefits of using bio-CNG in urban bus operations, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 15, 2010, p362 - 365Journal Article, 2010, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., Farrell, S., McMahon, B, Examining individuals preferences for hybrid electric and alternatively fuelled vehicles, Transport Policy , 17, 2010, p381 - 387Journal Article, 2010, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M., A stated preference analysis of real-time public transit stop information, Journal of Public Transportation, 12, (3), 2009, p1 - 20Journal Article, 2009, TARA - Full Text
- Browne, D. Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, Assessing total costs and benefits of sustainable transport policy in ireland, Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 2010, 2010, ppCD ROMConference Paper, 2010, TARA - Full Text
- Kinsella, J. Caulfield, B, An examination of the quality and ease of use of public transport in Dublin from a newcomer's perspective, Journal of Public Transport, 14, (1), 2011, p1 - 20Journal Article, 2011, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield B., Brazil, W , Examining the factors that impact upon mode choice for frequent short trips, 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January , 2011, ppCD ROMConference Paper, 2011, TARA - Full Text
- Browne, D., Caulfield, B, O'Mahony, M, Evaluation of Barriers to Sustainable Transport in Ireland and Potential Policy Options, 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2011, ppCD ROMConference Paper, 2011, TARA - Full Text
- McNamara, D., Caulfield, B. , Examining the Potential Impacts of Introducing a Cap and Share Scheme in Ireland, 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January, 2011, ppCD ROMConference Paper, 2011, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B. , Identifying the Characteristics of Households with Multiple Car Ownership, 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2011, ppCD ROM-Conference Paper, 2011, TARA - Full Text
- Farrell, S., McNamara, D. and Caulfield, B, Estimating the Potential Success of Sustainable Transport Measures for a Small Town, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2163, 2010, p97 - 102Journal Article, 2010, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B, O'Mahony, M, Evaluating the success of Quality Bus Corridors in Dublin using an Automatic Licence Plate Recognition System, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2004Conference Paper, 2004
- McNamara, D., Caulfield, B, Measuring the potential implications of introducing a cap and share scheme in Ireland to reduce green house gas emissions, Transport Policy, 18, 2011, p579 - 586Journal Article, 2011, TARA - Full Text
- McDonnell, S, Caulfield, B , Measuring the Failure of Planning and Its Impact on Sustainable Travel in Dublin, Ireland, Energies, 4, (5), 2011, p727 - 740Journal Article, 2011, TARA - Full Text
- Mullarkey, S, Caulfield, B, Basu, B, McCormack, S , Efficiency Assessment of Thermal Power Generation in Ireland - using Data Envelopment Analysis, 9th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, Thessaloniki - Greece, 2011Conference Paper, 2011
- McNamara, D., Caulfield, B. , Determining the welfare effects of introducing a cap-and-share scheme on rural commuters, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 16, 2011, p547 - 553Journal Article, 2011, TARA - Full Text
- Assessing the Potential of Liquid Biofuels from Waste Oils, Fats and Greases in, editor(s)Charlene J. Nielsen , Processes, Costs and Benefits, Nova Publishers, 2011, pp167 - 184, [Browne, D., Caulfield, B., O'Mahony, M]Book Chapter, 2011
- Assessing the Barriers to Greener Fiscal Measures and Ecological Tax Reform in the Transport Sector in, editor(s)Marco Tortora , Sustainable Systems and Energy Management at the Regional Level: Comparative Approaches, Hershey, PA 17033, USA, IGI Global, 2011, [Browne, D., Caulfield, B., O'Mahony, M]Book Chapter, 2011
- Caulfield, B., Leahy, J., Learning to cycle again: examining the benefits of providing tax-free loans to purchase new bicycles, Research in Transportation Business & Management, 2, 2011, p42 - 47Journal Article, 2011, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B. , An examination of the factors that impact upon multiple vehicle ownership: The case of Dublin, Ireland, Transport Policy, 19, 2012, p132 - 138Journal Article, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Browne, D, Caulfield, B, O'Mahony, M., Barriers to Sustainable Transport in Ireland, CCRP Report, Environmental Protection Agency, 2011Report, 2011, TARA - Full Text
- Deenihan, G., Caulfield, B., O'Dwyer, D., Analysing the usage of a segregated interurban cycleway (Greenway) in Ireland, 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2012, ppCD-ROMConference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Brick, E., McCarthy, O., Caulfield, B. , Bicycle infrastructure preferences - A case study of Dublin, 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2012, ppCD-ROMConference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., McNamara, D., Measuring the Transport Patterns of Those Living in Deprived Areas in Dublin, Ireland, 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C, January, 2012, ppCD-ROMConference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Cafferkey, G, Caulfield, B, Examining the Barriers to Sustainable Inter-City Transport in Ireland, 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2012, ppCD-ROMConference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Cafferkey, G., Caulfield, B, Determining the Barriers to Sustainable Intercity Transport in Ireland, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2271, 2012, p31 - 36Journal Article, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., Brick, E., McCarthy, T. O., Determining bicycle infrastructure preferences - A case study of Dublin, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 17, 2012, p413 - 417Journal Article, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Browne, D., Caulfield, B., O'Mahony, M. , How Should Barriers to Alternative Fuels and Vehicles be Classified and Potential Policies to Promote Innovative Technologies be Evaluated?, Journal of Cleaner Production, 35, 2012, p140 - 151Journal Article, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- O'Neil, P. Caulfield, B. , Examining user behaviour on a shared bike scheme: the case of Dublin Bikes, The 13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Toronto , 2012Conference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Fenton, V., Caulfield, B., Ahern, A, A review of the Irish national road networks barriers to older people's mobility, International Conference on Aging, Mobility and Quality of Life, Michigan, USA, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- McNamara, D., Caulfield, B. , Examining impact carbon price changes under a personalised carbon trading scheme for transport, European Transport Conference, Glasgow, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- O'Neil, P. Caulfield, B., Reviewing the success of Dublin Bikes, European Transport Conference, Glasgow, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Maycock, M., Caulfield, B. , Validating and estimating the benefits of introducing urban traffic control systems , World Conference on Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro, 2013Conference Paper, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B, The growth of cycling in Dublin City, World Conference on Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
- Brazil, W., Caulfield., B., Rieser-Schüssler, N. , Presentation of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Information for Smartphone Application, 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C. , 2013Conference Paper, 2013
- Brazil, W., Caulfield., B., Rieser-Schüssler, N., Understanding Carbon: Making Emissions Information Relevant, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 19, 2013, p28 - 33Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Deenihan, G., Caulfield, B., O'Dwyer, D., Measuring the success of the Great Western Greenway in Ireland, Tourism Management Perspectives, 7, 2013, p73 - 82Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Brazil, W., Caulfield., B. , Factors affecting the use of transport related smartphone applications, 9th ITS European Congress, Dublin, 2013Conference Paper, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., Using real-time emissions data to encourage sustainable mobility: PEACOX, 9th ITS European Congress, Dublin, 2013Invited Talk, 2013
- Fagan, D., Caulfield, B., Meier, R., Analyzing the Behavior of Smartphone Service Users, The IGI International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, 5, (2), 2013Journal Article, 2013
- Caulfield, B., Examining the growth of cycling in Dublin, Bicycle Urbanism Symposium, Seattle, June, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
- Deenihan, G., Caulfield, B., Determining the "Willingness to pay" of tourists, commuters, and leisure users for different types of cycling facilities, Bicycle Urbanism Symposium, Seattle, June, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
- Caulfield, B., Bailey, D., Mullarkey, S., Using Data Envelopment Analysis as a public transport project appraisal tool, Transport Policy, 29, 2013, p74 - 85Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Brazil, W., Caulfield., B., Testing individuals' ability to compare emissions from public transport and driving trips, Journal of Public Transportation, 17, (2), 2014Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- McNamara, D., Caulfield, B , Examining the impact of carbon price changes under a personalised carbon trading scheme for transport, Transport Policy, 30, 2013, p238 - 253Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Brazil, W., Caulfield., B., The potential role of smart phone technology in transport behaviour, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 37, 2013, p93 - 101Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Rock, S., Ahern, A., Caulfield, B, Equity and Fairness in Transport Planning: The State of Play, 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., 2014Conference Paper, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Deenihan, G., Caulfield, B. , Estimating the Health Benefits of Cycling, Journal of Transport & Health, 1, (2), 2014, p141 - 149Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., Ahern, A., The Green Fields of Ireland: The Legacy of Dublin's Housing Boom and the Impact on Commuting, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2, (1), 2014, p20 - 27Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield., B., Re-cycling a city - examining the growth of cycling in Dublin, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 61, 2014, p216 - 226Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Short, J., Caulfield, B, The safety challenge of increased cycling, Transport Policy, 33, 2014, p154 - 165Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Deenihan, G., Caulfield, B., Do tourists value different levels of cycling infrastructure?, Tourism Management, 46, 2015, p92 - 101Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Alliance for biking and walking, Caulfield, B. , BICYCLING AND WALKING IN THE UNITED STATES, Washington D.C., 2014Report, 2014, URL
- Doorley, R., Pakrashi, V., Caulfield, B., Ghosh, B., Short-Term Forecasting of Bicycle Traffic Using Structural Time Series Models, 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Qingdao, China, 2014, 2014Conference Paper, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., Brazil, W., Fitzgerald, K., Morton, C., Measuring the success of reducing emissions using an on-board eco-driving feedback tool, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 32, 2014, p253 - 262Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Nogal, M, O'Connor, A, Caulfield, B, Dynamic Restricted Equilibrium Model to Determine the Resilience of a Traffic Network to Extreme Weather Events, 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP12, Vancouver, Canada, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- Mullarkey, S., Caulfield, B., McCormack, S., Basu, B., A Framework for Establishing the Technical Efficiency of Electricity Distribution Counties (EDC) based on Data Envelopment Analysis, Energy Conversion and Management, 94, 2015, p112 - 123Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B, Potential of Transport Data Use for Behaviour Change , Environmental Data: Priorities and Innovation, National Economic and Social Council , Wood Quay, 24th April, 2015Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B, Greening Transport, EPA Climate Research Workshop, Dublin, 12th March, 2015Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B, Greening Transport, Transport Ireland, Chartered Accountants House, Dublin, 21st April, 2016Invited Talk
- Brazil, W., Caulfield., B. O'Connor, A. , Weather Conditions and Road Accidents in Ireland, ITRN, DIT Grangegorman, 2016Conference Paper
- Carroll, P., Caulfield, B., Ahern, A., Car Shedding in Dublin, ITRN, DIT Grangegorman, 2016Conference Paper
- Brazil, W., Caulfield., B. , Seeing the Hazard: the use of eye- tracking to assess cyclists' ability to identify hazards, ITRN, DIT Grangegorman, 2016, 2016Conference Paper
- Carroll, P., Caulfield, B., Ahern, A., Exploring a case of car usership and ownership reduction in Dublin through car shedding interventions, 49th UTSG, Trinity College Dublin, 2017Conference Paper
- Manton, R., Caulfield, B., Smarter Travel: The long and winding road, 49th UTSG, Trinity College Dublin, 2017Conference Paper
- Chavira, A., Caulfield, B., Brazil, W. Manton, R, Examining trip attractor variables in a small scale bike sharing scheme, 49th UTSG, Trinity College Dublin, 2017Conference Paper
- Brazil, W., Caulfield., B. O'Connor, A., Weather Conditions and Road Accidents in Ireland, 49th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group, Trinity College Dublin, 2017Conference Paper
- Carroll, P., Benevenuto, R., Caulfield, B., Transport disadvantage and car dependency in Rural Ireland, ITRN , UCD, 2017Conference Paper, TARA - Full Text
- McBain, C., Caulfield, B, Time variation in a small bike share scheme, ITRN, UCD, 2017Conference Paper, TARA - Full Text
- Carroll, P., Caulfield, B., Ahern, A. , Encouraging sustainable commuting behaviour through smart policy provision, ITRN, UCD, 2017Conference Paper, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., The car is dead - long live the car?, IGNITE - Science Gallery, Electric Picnic , 2nd September , 2017Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., Moving to low carbon transport in Ireland, The Citizens' Assembly , Malahide, 4th November, 2017Invited Talk, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., Identifying viable measures for sustainable transport, Road User Charging Forum, Royal Marine Hotel - Dun Laoghaire, 21st November , 2017Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B, Using public sector data sources to measure the impacts of transport investments, Department of Economics, University College Cork, 16th February , 2018Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B, Climate change and transport, Can Ireland be a Leader in Climate Action - Rising to the Challenge, Aviva Stadium, May, 2019, Environmental Protection AgencyInvited Talk
- Caulfield, B, The future of low carbon transport, Transport Ireland Conference, Radisson Blu, Golden Lane, Dublin, July, 2019Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., Ghosh., B, Impacts of border crossing options on a post-BREXIT travel on the Island or Ireland, 50th UTSG, University College London, 2018, 2018Conference Paper
- O'Reilly, N., Caulfield, B, An in-depth evaluation of junctions with high cyclist collision rates using laser scanning and drone technologies, 50th UTSG, University of Leeds, 2019Conference Paper
- Rezaei, A., Caulfield, B.,, Expert Survey on the Application of Autonomous Vehicles, 51st UTSG, University of Leeds, 2019Conference Paper
- Caulfield, B., Connecting Mobility and Activity Hubs in Cork, Match-UP Mobility Café, Cork City Library, 20th September, 2019Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., It's a space problem, The City on the move, The Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin, 17th October, 2019Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., The future of business mobility, , Low Carbon Knowledge Session #4, Business in the Community, 1st December, 2020Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., Transport and Climate Change, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Queens University Belfast, 1st February, 2021Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., Transport futures and climate change, Institute of Advanced Automotive Propulsion System, University of Bath, 2nd March, 2021Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., Sustainable Rural Mobility, Mix your mode webinar Seminar, Transport and connectivity in a Post-Covid Ireland, 19th March, 2021Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., Pathways to net-zero: Transport, EPA Workshop, 24th June, 2020Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., Transport demand management policies to improve air quality: examples from Europe, US EPA workshop to the Government of Peru, Webinar, 3rd November, 2020Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., The Network of Public Infrastructure Professionals, InfraNet, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, 29th January, 2021Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., E-scooters and what they can bring to mobility in Ireland, Transportation and Marine Strategic Policy Committee, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, 9th March, 2021Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., Transport and Climate change, Joint Committee on Climate Action, Oireachtas, 9th March, 2021Invited Talk
- Oeschger, G., Carroll, P., Caulfield, B. , First/last mile to public transport & mode choice, 53rd UTSG, Loughborugh University, 2021Conference Paper
- Theunissen, M., Caulfield, B., Egan, R, Examining the potential impacts on replacing shared bike trips with shared e-scooter trips, 53rd UTSG, Loughborugh University, 2021Conference Paper
- Caulfield, B., Electric vehicles - possible policy directions, Joint Committee Environment and Climate Action, Oireachtas, 13th July, 2021Invited Talk
- Caulfied, B, Launch of the OECD review of the Irish Transport System, Climate Change Advisory Council, Dublin, 5th October , 2022Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., Transport Powers for a directly elected Dublin Mayor, Dublin Citizens Assembly, Grand Hotel, Malahide , 25th June, 2022Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., Transport Powers for a directly elected Dublin Mayor, Dublin Citizens Assembly, Radisson Blu, Golden Lane, 10th September, 2022Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B, Rapidly decreasing transport emissions - Key Note, Euro-Global Climate Change Conference 2022, Paris, 13th September, 2022Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B, Innovative transport data collection methods, Invited Lecture,, Guest Lecture, KTH Stockholm, 18th October, 2022Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., Reducing emissions in our cities, Kilkenny City SUMP, Kilkenny, 30th September, 2022Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B. , Decreasing transport emissions in our cities, Renewables in Ireland Conference 2022, Cork, 9th November, 2022Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B and OECD, Innovations for Better Rural Mobility, Cork, International Transport Forum/OECD, September, 2021Report, URL
- Egan, R., Caulfield, B, Cycleway Opposition in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown: Exploringthe Role of Discourse, Cycling and Society Symposium, Dublin, 2023Conference Paper
- Brazil, W., Whitaker, K., Colleary, B., Egan, R., Caulfield, B, Cycle propensity modelling: An extreme cycling uptake study, Cycling and Society Symposium, Dublin, 2023Conference Paper
- Caulfield, B. and O'Mahony, M.M, , 'Stated Preference Evaluation of Passenger Information in Dublin, , 37th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group, Bristol, UK , 2005Conference Paper
- Caulfield, B , Stated Preference Analysis of Passenger Information in Dublin, 38th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group, Dublin, Ireland, 2006Conference Paper
- Caulfield, B and O'Mahony, M.M., The use of quality of service measurements as a means to evaluate the performance of public transport operators, a case study of Dublin , 36th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group, Newcastle, UK, 2004Conference Paper
- Caulfield, B. Future Direction of Transport Research, THE FUTURE OF TRANSPORTATION IN IRELAND, Cork, 2008, IHTInvited Talk
- Caulfield, B., Examining the demand for hybrid electric and alternatively fuelled vehicles(ed.), Energy Solutions '09 'Energy to drive the Irish Economy', Limerick, 2009Proceedings of a Conference
- McNamara, D., Caulfield, B. , Estimating the carbon footprint of travel to work, 42nd UTSG Annual Conference , Plymouth, 2010Conference Paper
- Caulfield, B , A Stated Preference Evaluation of Real-Time Public Transport Information, Workshop 167, Seminar on Doctoral Student Research in Transportation Modeling, Washington D.C., 2007Invited Talk
- Dunny, S., Caulfield, B. , An examination of the feasibility of LRT or BRT in Galway , Irish Transport Research Network Annual Conference , Dublin , 2010, ppCDROMConference Paper
- Deenihan, G., Caulfield, B. , Investigating the potential for a circle rail line in Dublin , Irish Transport Research Network Annual Conference , Dublin, 2010, ppCDROMConference Paper
- Farrell, S., McNamara, D, Caulfield, B., Examining the potential success of smarter travel in small towns in Ireland , Irish Transport Research Network Annual Conference , 2010, ppCDROMConference Paper
- Caulfield, B., McDonnell, S, Unsustainable commuting patterns - the legacy of the housing boom in Ireland , Irish Transport Research Network Annual Conference, Dublin, 2010, ppCDROMConference Paper
- McNamara, D., Caulfield, B., Examining the socio-economic characteristics of CO2 emitters in the Greater Dublin Area , Irish Transport Research Network Annual Conference, Dublin, 2010, ppCDROMConference Paper
- Caulfield, B, Examining the demand for hybrid electric and alternatively fuelled vehicles, Future Transport Fuel Forum, Trinity College Dublin , 2010, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) and the Centre for Transport ResearchInvited Talk
- Fenton, V, Caulfield, B. , Traffic Management plan for cork city - Cork City Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in partnership with a traffic management strategy, Irish Transport Research Network Annual Conference, Dublin, 2010Conference Paper
- Caulfield, B., Transport & Urban Form, ReForm 2010 , Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin, 5th November, 2010Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., The future of real time public transportation information , Focus on Future Technologies seminar, Engineers Ireland, 2011Invited Talk
- Harty, N., Caulfield, B., De Luca, G, Using GIS to Design a Shared Bike Scheme, esri EMEA User conference, Rome, October 2010, 2010Conference Paper, URL
- Caulfield, B, Outcomes and impacts of bus-based transit systems, Eastern Section Seminar on Bus-Based Transit, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, 14th April , 2011, The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport IrelandInvited Talk
- Cafferkey, G. and Caulfield, B, Achieving Sustainable Inter‐City Transport in Ireland, ITRN 2011, UCC, 2011Conference Paper, TARA - Full Text
- McCarthy, O., Caulfield, B., O'Dwyer, D, The Development of a Multi‐criteria Analysis Tool for the Assessment of Inter-urban Cycleways, ITRN 2011, UCC, 2011Conference Paper
- Deenihan, G., Caulfield, B., O'Dwyer, D. , Route selection of the proposed cycle route along the Dublin to Mullingar Corridor, ITRN 2011, UCC, 2011Conference Paper
- Fenton, V, Caulfield, B , A review of the Irish national road network barriers to older people's mobility, ITRN 2012, University of Ulster, Belfast , 2012Conference Paper
- Bailey, D., Caulfield, B., Mullarkey, S, Using Data Envelopment Analysis as a public transport project appraisal tool, ITRN 2012, University of Ulster, Belfast, 2012Conference Paper
- Deenihan, G, Caulfield, B, O'Dwyer, D, Analysing the usage of a segregated interurban cycleway (Greenway) in Ireland Submitted, ITRN 2012, University of Ulster, Belfast, 2012Conference Paper
- Brazil, W., Caulfield, B, Rieser-Schüssler, N, Understanding user requirements from a real-time transport Smartphone application, ITRN 2012, University of Ulster, Belfast, 2012Conference Paper
- Caulfield, B, Transport and Land Use - theory and practice, CIHT Annual Conference, Galway, 2012Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B. , Measuring the acceptance of wind farms in Ireland, WIND ENERGY IN IRELAND: UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL ACCEPTABILITY, SEAI, November , 2012Invited Talk
- Caulfield, B., The success of Dublin Bikes and lessons for New York, The Furman Center For Real Estate & Urban Policy, New York University, June, 2013Invited Talk
- Brazil, W., Caulfield, B., Transport Smartphone Applications Survey, ITRN, University of Ulster, 2012, 2012Conference Paper, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B, Examining the growth of cycling in Dublin, ITRN, TCD, 2013, 2013Conference Paper, TARA - Full Text
- Deenihan, G., Caulfield, B, Do tourists value different cycling infrastructure, ITRN, TCD, 2013, 2013Conference Paper, TARA - Full Text
- Brazil, W., Caulfield, B., Impact of emissions information on mode choices in Dublin, ITRN, TCD, 2013, 2013Conference Paper, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., Ahern, A., The Legacy of Dublin's Housing Boom and the impact on Commuting, ITRN, University of Limerick, 2014, 2014Conference Paper, TARA - Full Text
- Deenihan, G., Caulfield, B., Estimating the health benefits of cycling, ITRN, University of Limerick, 2014, 2014Conference Paper, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield, B., Does it pay to work from home?, ITRN, University of Limerick, 2014, 2014Conference Paper, TARA - Full Text
- Caulfield B, RAIN - Risk Analysis of Infrastructure Networks in response to extreme weather, TRB Special Task Force (STF) on Climate Change & Energy (A0020T), Washington DC, 2015Invited Talk
Research Expertise
TitleAssessing the Barriers to Sustainable Transport in IrelandSummaryThe aim of this research is to assess the current barriers to sustainable transport in Ireland across a range of different criteria, including (i) economic and fiscal; (ii) behavioural and attitudes; (iii) institutional/regulatory and (iv) demand management. In particular, it will look at ways in which the transport network can be used more efficiently in order to complement the provision of supply-side infrastructure and ways in which a modal shift to public transport, walking and cycling and the use of more fuel-efficient vehicles and renewable energy can be incentivised. This project will focus upon four areas, including a comparison between the transport networks in Irish and European settlements; an examination of the factors that influence travel behaviour and barriers to behavioural change; transport market regulation and demand management measures to incentivise more sustainable travel options.Funding AgencyEPA and Department of TransportDate FromJune 2009Date ToJune 2010
TitleExamining the improved efficiency of renewable energy generation in IrelandSummaryLittle research has been conducted on the economic impact of some recently developed techniques for increased generation efficiency of renewable energy production. Recently developed techniques for improving the generation efficiency of solar and wind energy and estimate how these techniques could impact upon the economic efficiency of renewable energy, will be examined. An approach called data-envelopment-analysis (DEA) will be used to demonstrate how a number of macro-economic benefits could be realised as a result of investing in renewable energy technologies. The results of this project will provide insight into the basis for assessing the impact of improved efficiency of renewable.Funding AgencyTCDDate From2009Date To2012
TitleCurrent Status and Potential Role of Eco Labels in Informing Environmentally Friendly Purchases and BehavioursSummaryEco labels are a widely used method of communicating environmental information to consumers in the hopes that they will be encouraged to pick the most sustainable option available. Eco labels are used in a wide range of industries, and are even required by legislation in some, however, little research exists regarding their effectiveness in terms of promoting sustainable consumption. This research aims to use a number methods to examine the role of eco labels in the Irish market and provide recommendations for future designs and implementations. Specifically this will comprise of an assessment of current eco labels and an econometric examination of the role that eco labels can play in purchases. The most novel aspect of this research will utilize emerging eyetracker technology to gain an understanding of how eco labels compete with other types of product information for consumers' attention. This will also examine the relative effectiveness of existing methods of communicating environmental information.Funding AgencyEPADate From2016Date To2017
TitleDriving development- the interactions between transport and land use in a sustainable citySummaryIn Ireland, we have a dispersed pattern of development which became established in fast growth regions such as Dublin. In the past, transport infrastructure was only put in place once developments had been completed, leading to high car use and unsustainable travel patterns. In more recent times, in line with international best practice, an effort has been made to put in place transport infrastructure in advance of development to bring about more sustainable travel. This is an innovative policy approach for Ireland that allows sustainable transport policy to encourage sustainable development. In this project, it is proposed to study 2 transport corridors in the Greater Dublin Area, where transport infrastructure has been developed in advance of residential developments. The project will use MOLAND, a dynamic land use model, to investigate the interactions between transport, land use and modal choice along these corridors and will use this information to understand how the development of new transport corridors, such as the Metro North, might affect land use policy and development.Funding AgencyTCD-UCD Innovation AcademyDate From2010Date To2014
TitleMeasuring the potential implications of introducing a cap and share scheme in Ireland to reduce green house gas emissionsSummaryThis project examines some of the potential impacts of introducing a cap and share scheme in Ireland. Under such a scheme a cap or limit is placed on national CO2 emissions and individuals are allocated an annual CO2 allowance. The research presented in this paper focuses on travel-to-work trips specifically. CO2 emissions for these annual work trips are calculated and a cap is determined based on these results. Cap levels are set based on average emissions and a 20% reduction in average emissions as per Ireland's reduction targets. A national and Dublin only cap are examined and the results are presented as a means of comparison. Binary logistic models are used to determine the socio-economic characteristics of individuals who fall above and below the cap. The results demonstrate the importance of car ownership, journey distance, mode choice and household composition in determining whether a commuter is above or below the cap.Funding AgencySIFDate FromOctober 2008Date ToOctober 2011
TitleDiSTRaCT: moDal ShifT Reduce Carbon in TransportSummaryMuch attention has been focused on the transport sector and how to reduce emissions and energy consumption in this field. Traditionally much of the focus has been on building new infrastructure and investment in public transport, walking and cycling. Little attention has been paid to changing underlying transport behaviours and trying to understand why we travel in the ways we do. The DiSTRaCT project aims to examine this under researched are in Ireland and cast a wide net to look for low cost behavioural change projects that have been successful internationally and determine if they could be successful in Ireland. A key element of the DiSTRaCT project will be to produce new methods to evaluate the potential success of behavioural change projects and supplement the work being conducted on the economic evaluation of transport projects. The final deliverable of the project will be a list of potential pilot projects that could be launched in Ireland and how to leverage the greatest return on any potential pilot projects.Funding AgencySEAI - Department of Transport, Tourism & SportDate FromJan 2019Date ToJan 2020
TitlePeacox - persuasive advisor for CO2-redcing cross-modal trip planningSummaryEcological issues in urban traffic become more and more pressing as personal transportation is one of the greatest contributors of CO2 emissions. Means to help people reducing their ecological impact are needed urgently. To answer this need Ecological Aware Navigation provides urban travellers with personalized navigation tools that allow, help and persuade them to travel and drive more eco-friendly. To convince users in making more sustainable travel choices Ecological Aware Navigation will enrich navigation systems with innovative approaches and features. The system will be developed in two iterations following user-centred and agile design approaches, and extensive field trials in Vienna and Dublin will ensure high quality and impact of the developed system. The consortium unites expertise from navigation systems, transportation sciences, environmental modelling, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction to software development. Project partners include: CURE - Center for Usability Research and Engineering, Fluidtime Design Software Service, Telematix Software, a.s., ETH Zurich Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, National Technical University of Athens - Institute of Information and Computer and Communication Systems, Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region VORG mbH/ ITS, Vienna Region and TomTom International BV.Funding AgencyEUDate From2011Date To2014
TitleAn evaluation into the safety of cycling in Dublin city and measures to reduce risk to cyclistSummaryThe research proposes to evaluate the safety of cycling in Dublin city, and is based upon findings from research previously undertaken using RSA historical cyclist collision data for years 2006 to 2012. Cyclist collisions hot spot areas in Dublin city were identified using kernel density estimation, a spatial statistical tool available in ArcGIS 10.3 that enabled the spatial pattern of collision points to be visualised as clustered hot spots areas. The resultant maps revealed cyclist collisions occurred more frequently at cross roads and T junctions where there were discontinuations in the road network requiring cyclist to stop or reduce speed. Areas with a high concentration of collisions were located in the centre of the city along the quays of the river Liffey, Temple bar area and Dame Street. This was followed by the Grand Canal to the south side of the city, in particular, Rathmines Bridge, Ranelagh Bridge and also Harold's Cross Bridge. Another key finding showed that circa 58% of collisions occurred on roads with on street cycle lanes and that circa 80% of cyclist collisions were with a small motorised vehicle (i.e. car, taxi or van). Focus was therefore further placed on collisions between small motorised vehicle and pedal cyclist in relation to the safety of roads with on street cycle lanes as preliminary results had identified these to be major contributors for all cycle collisions during the study period. The overall aim of this research is to develop a new methodology to reduce numbers of cyclist collisions in cities and improve safety for cyclist by identifying and evaluating areas with a high incidence of cyclist collisions from which preventative measures as adopted internationally will be recommended in order to reduce the risk of collisions for cyclists and consequently improve road safety for cyclist. For the purpose of this research Dublin City will be used to develop this methodology. Secondary to this is to examine how and why cyclist collisions are reported and examine alternative ways of reporting in a way that they can be easily integrated into a GIS and used for subsequent analysis.Funding AgencyRoad Safety AuthorityDate From2017Date To2021
TitleSmart Mobility Initiative for Lower Emissions (SMILE)SummaryThe vision of this project is that achieving the change required is possible if we stop working in the isolation of our disciplines and combine our expertise around a rich understanding of the transport ecosystem. The epicentre of this ecosystem is the individual trip decision - we need to understand this decision process from all angles. SMILE brings together multidisciplinary expertise from Computer Science, Engineering and Social Sciences to design an evidence-based mobility ecosystem centred on a trip decision-making app. The app will: - Inform, educate and motivate users towards low- or no-emissions modes with a user-friendly interface making accessing eco-modes seamless - Personalisation will enable trip guidance to be optimised to the user, sensors will harvest actual mobility behaviour and machine learning will optimise the nature and presentation of choices to maximise eco-mode choices. - These data can be used to inform transport services and infrastructure planning and policyFunding AgencySFI
TitleDLR Active Travel TestbedSummaryIn order to promote active travel, safe infrastructure must first be provided to support commuters and shoppers in choosing alternative transport modes . With the recent success of cycle to work schemes and the increase in e-bike sales cyclists need safe and secure bicycle infrastructure to ensure these sales translate into increased cycling across the County, this will require an improve experience of cycling . A current lack of facilities may be preventing citizens from cycling or using public transport. Recent projects in Dublin have looked to deal with this issue in the region http://dccbeta.ie/project/article/residential-bike-hangars the results of which highlighted issues of security and that user confidence in services are critical. This project sets out a programme of research to analyse existing challenges in DLR and to suggest and test potential solutions using a trial approach. This is a co-funded project between DLR and Enable who are both partners on the Smart Sandyford research programme.Funding AgencyDLR - SFI/ENABLEDate From2021Date To2022
TitlePOWERDRIVESummaryPOWERDRIVE is submitted in framework of the Horizon Europe's Cluster 5 "Climate, Energy and Mobility" whose main focus is to "accelerate the twin green and digital transitions and associated transformation of our economy, industry and society with a view to achieving climate neutrality in Europe by 2050". To comply with the described policy framework and meet the work programme requirements and EU policy goals, POWERDRIVE aims at developing a next generation, highly efficient, cost-effective, and compact power electronics solution that integrate a portfolio of technologies for multi objective optimisation of electric powertrains of battery electric vehicles (BEV). These integrated solutions can be applied to both low-performance and high-performance vehicles, and they will be suitable for diverse types of electric vehicles (EV). The concept of POWERDRIVE is that all the experience and expertise of the project partners in the development of electric drivetrain components will be leveraged and lead into the integration of advanced power electronics solutions for an optimised powertrain. This concept brings additional opportunities to strengthen Europe's supply chain in electromobility for road transportation and to achieve zero-emission road mobility.Funding AgencyHORIZON EuropeDate From2022Date To2025
TitleMeasuring the acceptance of wind farms in IrelandSummaryIt is envisioned that wind energy will play a key role in realising our national government targets of 40 % renewable electricity by 2020. In order to achieve this it is important that we better understand individuals perceptions, concerns and reservations on the construction of wind farms. Like the construction of any new infrastructure such as; roads, new housing/ industrial developments, or waste disposal facilities, it is important to have positive public participation from the beginning of the project. This project will seek to determine the most appropriate methodologies to measure social acceptance of wind energy projects updating the previous studies undertaken in 2003. In previous studies mainly positive attitudes were found towards the development of wind farms both among the general Irish population and particularly among those who live in a community where a wind farm is already situated. This gave a very positive background against which future development grew. Now however it is important to reassess the level of current social acceptance, following nine years in which wind farm developments in Ireland have increased substantially and will do so more rapidly in future in order to fulfill our national 2020 targets.Funding AgencySustainable Energy Authority of IrelandDate From2012
TitleTerrain-AISummaryPopulation growth, demographic shifts, climate change and the need for increased food production are placing new and increased pressures and demands on our natural resources, highlighting the need for adopting more sustainable life-styles. Now, more than ever, we need high-quality, timely information about our farms, forests, natural wetlands and cities in order to better understand the interdependencies and interactions between the human activities and natural processes that create these complex environments. Terrain-AI will tackle this challenge through the innovative fusion of multi-thematic data-sources captured from spaceborne satellites, aerial/drone platforms, in-field instruments, in-situ sensor networks and mobile devices with existing databases, on land use and population, using highly automated Machine Learning workflows to extract terrestrial features, patterns and processes - essential to understanding and managing these environments. Integrated land-surface models, capable of handling uncertainty, will utilise these AI outputs together with land-cover type, biomass and environmental variables to produce improved estimates of Carbon Stocks and Exchanges. The big research opportunity here is building a state-of-the-art digital terrestrial monitoring and modelling platform based on Terrain-AI's 14 instrumented real-world test-sites together with the latest Earth Observation, Robotics and Sensing technologies that will enable the collaborative research and development of scalable ML and integrated modelling workflows with a team of over 45 dedicated research specialists. There are big commercial and societal opportunities including, developing next generation digital Agri-tech products and services through to making real changes in how we manage Carbon on our farms, forests, peatlands and urban spaces, in support of sustainable land use.Funding AgencySFI & MicrosoftDate From2021Date To2023
TitleBase lining Road Works Safety on European Roads (BRoWSER)SummaryThe central concept for the BRoWSER project is that provision of accurate, timely and consistent road worker accident data will enable national road authorities to drive down road worker risks and monitor the associated improvements in safety achieved. These hypotheses will provide evidence to either support or refute the need for a European Road Worker Casualty (EuRoWCAS) data source and for change towards a position of consistency for road works signing across the EU. This will deliver a structure for delivery of consistent information (and a road worker data collection toolkit) for use by national road authorities that can be used within the trans-national community to identify common and country-specific risks. This will enable better management of road worker risk across Europe, allowing for co-ordinated and structured action to be taken by national road authorities to solve common problems associated with road worker risk. It will also ensure that road users experience a common approach, reducing their risk during journeys within the EU.Funding AgencyCEDR Transnational Road Research ProgrammeDate From2013Date To2015
TitleSUstainable MobIlity Models for a Just TransitionSummaryWhile mobility is the lifeblood of human connectedness and economic progress, there is an urgent need to fundamentally rethink models of mobility with a view to achieving just access to a sustainable transportation system that makes optimal use of resources and infrastructure while offering the efficiency, comfort, convenience, and access. SUMMIT will balance consideration of the possibilities afforded by emerging technologies with the social, regulatory, economic and personal needs of stakeholders, whilst respecting planetary boundaries, to bring forward concrete proposals on how a transition to just and sustainable mobility can be achieved.Funding AgencyKinsella Challenge Based E3 Multidisciplinary Project AwardsDate From2021Date To2025
TitleROBUST (Electric shaRed mOBility hUbS Trials)SummaryThe project proposes a long-term mobility hubs trial in four urban locations in Ireland, Galway, Sligo, Donegal, and Dublin. The installed hub infrastructure will comprise e-car charge points, electric vehicles and e-bikes (provided by partners ESB & Enterprise) and further expand the offer of micro-mobility options. The mobility hubs show evidence of being an effective intervention to change travel behaviours and the ROBUST project will seek to develop an evidence-informed toolkit for mobility hub deployment. The 2-year trial will provide an opportunity to study the persistence of modal shift. The hub will serve as an incubator, accelerating the uptake of electric mobility options by allowing interacting with future mobility technologies and removing barriers through participatory research. Various stakeholders will be engaged in the process of hub evolution through stakeholder workshops and co-creation workshops. The project will use an experimental design comparing prior-to-trial travel behaviour, engagement with the hub modal options and after-trial persistence of the modal shift.Funding AgencySEAIDate From2023Date To2027
TitleSTATION-AIRSummaryThe overall concept behind the STATION-AIR project is the development of a holistic assessment of diesel train and road traffic emissions that contribute to transport-related air pollution (TRAP) in the environs of large urban railway hubs, and the subsequent delivery of informed policy and design mitigation measures to address the identified impacts. An initial systematic best-practice review will identify appropriate methods for air quality assessment of railway hubs and outline a range of mitigation measures that support improving air quality management in urban railway settings in Ireland. This will shape a preliminary framework for scoping the potential impact of policy and design measures for mitigating exhaust and non-exhaust emissions from diesel trains and road traffic in the environs of urban railway hubs. Through this decision-making process, appropriate sites will be identified, and novel measurement and modelling approaches will be undertaken to generate baseline evidence for each location. This will include participatory air quality monitoring and recruitment through educational citizen science 'meet-ups', with the use of drone technology to capture environmental data in and around railway stations. The defined air quality mitigation measures will be paired with the appropriate microenvironments considered in the project, accounting for different population groups who are exposed to air pollution in both indoor and outdoor settings in the environs of urban railway stations. The results from the STATION-AIR project will help produce recommendations for improving air quality in the environs of urban railways hubs.Funding AgencyEPADate From2022Date To2025
TitleGreening TransportSummaryThe main vision of the Greening Transport project is to merge the technical evaluation of the emissions from transport, and the improvements in their calculation, with the behavioural changes needed to realise these reductions in emissions. Past attempts to measure the "low hanging fruit" in terms of emissions reductions from transport have failed to fully merge these two disciplines. The project team believe that in order for the EPA to have a holistic picture of the potential emission reductions that are possible in Ireland by 2030 (and beyond), it is vital not to ignore the behavioural constraints in which transport analysis is framed. While it is possible to predict targets for take up using assumptions, to ignore human behaviour is to not fully grasp the problem at hand. With this in mind the work packages for this project have been designed to tackle the technical emissions and transportation modelling, as well as the application of behavioural constraints to these models to provide the EPA with details of what emission reductions are possible based upon the current research.Funding AgencyEPADate From2014Date To2018
TitleIrish Car Stock Model (RATE)SummaryIn transport emissions modelling is a process that uses a lot of data. The accuracy of this modelling process is very much dependant on the quality of the base data used in this process. In 2019, it was estimated that 74% of trips in Ireland were made by private car. This demonstrates the importance of having an accurate car stock model. The RATE project will develop a sophisticated national car stock model that will incorporate purchasing preferences with historical data to provide a state-of-the-art national car stock model. The 2023 Climate Action plan places aims to decrease transport emissions in Ireland by 50% compared to 2018 levels. The policy uses the Avoid-Shift-Improve paradigm and under the improve section it is planned to sell 845,000 private electric cars. The improve section of the plan is responsible for removing 4.74 MtCO2eq and is the largest policy tool in the transport sector accounting for 43% of all emissions in the sector. Given the importance and the amount of emissions required to be reduced by this policy, it is vital to have the most up-to-date tools to monitor the success and project future trends. That is what is planned in the RATE project. The RATE project will: - Provide realistic estimated of the potential growth of EVs in the Irish Market - Estimate the associated emissions reductions from EV growth - Model the changes in air quality indicators such as particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide - Build upon existing SEAI funded research projectsFunding AgencySEAI
TitleRAIN - Risk Analysis of Infrastructure Networks in response to extreme weatherSummaryIn recent years, a variety of extreme weather events, including droughts, rain induced landslides, river floods, winter storms, wildfire, and hurricanes, have threatened and damaged many different regions across Europe and worldwide. These events can have a devastating impact on critical infrastructure systems. The RAIN vision is to develop a systematic risk management framework that explicitly considers the impacts of extreme weather events on critical infrastructure and develops a series of mitigation tools to enhance the security of the pan-European infrastructure network. This project will quantify the complex interactions between weather events and land based infrastructure systems. The output of RAIN will aid decision making in the long term, securing new robust infrastructure development and protection of existing infrastructure against changing climates and increasingly more unpredictable weather patterns. Transport, energy and telecommunications infrastructure will all be considered and risk mitigation strategies will be developed. This will be achieved through developing an operational analysis framework that considers the impact of individual hazards on specific infrastructure systems and the coupled interdependencies of critical infrastructure through robust risk and uncertainty modelling. The framework will consider cascading hazards, cascading effects and time dependent vulnerability with the ultimate objective to develop practical software tools and guidelines that provide support to European infrastructure managers in the event of an extreme weather event occurring and to minimise the impact of extreme events by developing mitigation and response strategies. RAIN will facilitate a cross-European collaborative platform, supported by the necessary tools and methodologies, where relevant stakeholders can share data, results of model simulations, and operational strategies in a seamless, efficient, and effective way. Technical and Logistic solutions will be developed to minimise the impact of these extreme events, which will include novel early warning systems, decision support tools and engineering solutions to ensure rapid reinstatement of the infrastructure network. These tools will be implemented within a novel Europe-wide operational and response strategy that will emerge from this research. The ability of this response plan to cut across borders will be guaranteed by the pan - European multi-disciplinary consortium. This project is being led by Trinity College Dublin. The project partners include: European Sever Storms Laboratory, Zilinska Univerzita V Ziline, Technische Universiteit Delft, Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions Ltd., Dragados SA, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Roughan & O' Donovan Ltd., Hellenberg International OY, Istituto di Sociologia Internazionale di Gorizia I.S.I.G, PSJ, Ilmatieteen Laitos, Youris.com, Union Fenosa Distribucion SA and Aplicaciones En Informatica Avanzada SL. http://rain-project.eu/Funding AgencyEUDate FromMay 2014Date ToApril 2017
TitleNational Cycle Network - Route Feasibility and Delivery StudySummaryIn 2009, the first National Cycling Policy Framework was adopted. This set clear and ambitious targets for the country. One component of this framework is an interurban cycle network that will be attractive to commuters, tourists and leisure cyclists. The NRA is currently engaged with several state agencies to coordinate the implementation of Objective 3 outlined in the National Cycle Policy Framework, which is to "Provide designated rural cycle networks especially for visitors and recreational cycling". The NRA is currently concentrating on one element of this objective, which is the route selection and feasibility study for the corridor between Dublin and Galway. This corridor is split into three distinct sections. The research conducted in this project will include a route selection analysis and the second section of the research will involve producing design standards for interurban cycle lanes in Ireland.Funding AgencyNRADate From2010Date To2013
TitleTRACT: TRAnsport Behaviour Change TrialsSummaryTRACT has two distinctive trials, one which will focus on the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) and the second using the mobility hub concept to encourage modal shift. The e-mobility trial will consist of a TRACT smartphone app that will be developed to inform users about their driving behaviour and the impact of switching to an electric vehicle. Several specific use cases will be examined (those without driveways, taxi drivers, rural groups) to determine what would encourage them to switch. The mobility-hub trial will combine the use of shared bikes, cars, active modes and public transport. A suburban location will be selected, and shared cars and bikes (provided by partners Yuko & BleeperBike) will be located there, advertised and promoted to the community. This model has been shown to reduce car ownership and emissions internationally. The 18-month trial will enable the TRACT researchers to measure the impacts of these interventions. The results from the trials will be extrapolated to the wider population to demonstrate what the potential emissions reduction could be in similar areas and user groups. A cost-effectiveness analysis, looking at wider economic benefits, will also be conducted at several stages of the project to feed into policymakers and inform local and national policy.Funding AgencySEAI & Department of TransportDate From2022Date To2025
TitleCONUNDRUM - Co-Creating sustainable and shared community mobilitySummaryTackling transport and mobility challenges is critical to addressing the climate crisis, given that transport emissions accounted for more than 20% of sectoral emissions in Ireland in 2020. A recent OECD (2022) report noted that current policies that aim to decarbonise the system via private vehicle improvements are `unlikely to lead to substantially different patterns of behaviour, rapid emissions reductions, and large well-being improvements'. A key challenge is how to move beyond a focus on private, electric mobility to engage with more radical low-carbon alternatives. Our team proposes to accelerate progress towards carbon emission reductions but also to actively enhance and sustain community wellbeing. The key objective here is to empower communities to adopt more sustainable modes of mobility by demonstrating how shared low-carbon transport can plug the gap when high frequency public transport might not be available. As well as addressing carbon reduction targets, shared mobility could support community wealth building through the development of novel initiatives that address a community need and reconnect people to their place and each other, contributing to addressing the challenge of isolation that many more vulnerable communities feel post-Covid (Government of Ireland, 2021). Balancing climate action with social justice requires recognition that not all places are equal, with some smaller towns and rural areas facing much more challenging sustainability transitions. We will complete an initial mapping of key relevant stakeholders in each location, building on the existing work of TASC (our societal impact champion,) who have initiated some community engagement already around just transitions in Enniscorthy. We will then develop the SCOOT App using deep learning methods, behavioural tools and tailored information to enable the community to optimise modes of transport that reduce emissions and decrease travel costs and travel time. The third solution will see the amalgamation of the previous two solutions into one research activity, modelling how the potential change of transport modes impacts the south-eastern regional transport model developed by the National Transport Authority. The changes in mode preferences and the use of shared modes of transport will be modelled for the Enniscorthy area to determine how it affects travel times and emissions in the community.Funding AgencySFI
- Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2020
- Sustainability Leadership Award 2023: Awarded by Trinity College Dublin for Excellence in Research, Education and Engagement 2023
- ITRN Best paper- Impact of emissions information on mode choices in Dublin: Stated Preference experiments September 2013
- ITRN Best paper - Determining the welfare effects of introducing a cap‐and‐share scheme on rural commuters September 2011
- The Michael Beesley Award, honourable mention August, 2007
- Education & Public Engagement Champion - CONNECT 2021
- ITRN Best paper - Encouraging sustainable commuting behaviour through smart policy provision 2017
- Chair of the Irish Transport Research Network 2013-2017
- Senior Editor - Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (Impact Factor: 16.799) 2018 - present
- Member of the Transport Statistics Liaison Group (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and the Central Statistics office) 2010
- Irish member of the management committee of COST Action TU0804 'Survey Harmonisation with New Technologies Improvement' (SHANTI) 2009 -2011
- Member of the TRB Committee on Emerging and Innovative Public Transport and Technologies (AP020) 2010 -2019
- Editorial Board - Journal of Transport Geography (Impact Factor: 5.899) 2019 - present
- Editor - Transport Policy (Impact Factor: 6.173) 2022 - present
- Working Group Member: Innovative Mobility for the Periphery - OECD 2020-2021
- Member of the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport Working Group on Intelligent Transport Systems 2015
- Member of the The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport in Ireland Policy committee 2009 - 2011
- Member of the Executive Committee of the Universities' Transport Study Group (UTSG) 2015-2018
- Member of the TRB Committee on Bicycle Transportation, ANF20 2012 - 2020
- Editorial Board - Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (Impact Factor: 7.041) 2017 - present
- Editorial Board - Case Studies on Transport Policy (Cite Score: 3.7) 2018 - present
- Editorial Board - Journal of Cycling and Micromobility Research 2023 - to present
- Editorial Board - Transport Policy (Impact Factor: 6.173) 2019 - 2022
- Member of the Dublin Energy Transition Team (Dublin City Council/Codema) 2021-2022
- Steering Committee Member: Review of the Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area, National Transport Authority 2021-2022
- Member of the Royal Irish Academy committee on Climate Change and Environmental Sciences 2022 - 2027
- Steering Committee Member: Review of the Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area, National Transport Authority 2021-22
- Member of the EU-Smartcities working group - Mobility and Transport 2016