Ms. Jacqueline Whelan
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing & Midwifery
Email Jacqueline.Whelan@tcd.ie Phone3531896 3899http://people.tcd.ie/whelanj1Biography
Jacqueline is an Asst. Professor - General Nursing at Trinity College Dublin. She was educated in Guy's Hospital (London, UK), and has worked in general and children's nursing practice within London (United Kingdom), Sydney (Australia) and Dublin (Ireland). Jacqueline has more than three decades of extensive experience both as a nurse, clinical educator, senior management, academic, researcher, teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She teaches on the MSc. Global Challenges for Sustainability linked to five CHARM-EU Partner Universities, the University of Barcelona, Trinity College Dublin, Utrecht University,the University of Eötvös Loránd and the University of Montpellier. Her research interests are centered around the themes of person centered care, spirituality, spiritual care, spiritual care education, caring science, communication, professional nurse education concerns, with research and peer-reviewed international publications and speaker at international conferences. Jacqueline is one of only two Irish nurse educators (Professor Fiona Timmins) invited by Professor Wilfred McSherry, UK, as official associate partners in the Erasmus Plus Project 'Enhancing Nurses' and Midwives Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care'(EPICC 2016-2019),to develop spiritual care competencies of nursing and midwifery students across Europe and to assist in the development of a standard for spiritual care education for nurses and midwives in Europe.Jacqueline was also involved as an Associate Partner in Erasmus Plus project 'From Cure to Care Digital Education and Spiritual Assistance in Hospital Healthcare'. Jacqueline is a founding member of Spirituality Interest Group (SIG) in 2013. She is the Chair of the Trinity Spirituality Research and Innovation Group (SRIG) in the School, and is responsible for organizing the groups Annual International Spirituality and Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference and SRIG's Seminar Series 'Revisioning Spiritual Healthcare'. She is an active member of The International Network for the Study of Spirituality (INSS) (UK), The Spirituality Scholars Network (SSN), The EPICC Network - Enhancing Nurses' and Midwives' Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care, Watson Caring Science Institute (USA) and the Viktor Frankl Institute in Ireland and Vienna. Jacqueline has led developments of the BSc. Cur. Nursing Senior Fresh undergraduate Curriculum Programme between 2004 - 2006 and further developments as Head of Shared Learning for all Nursing Disciplines, Psychology and Sociology in 2007. In particular, she led Post Graduate Curricular Developments in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, securing revalidation of the Post Graduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing in 2009; advanced the development of the first MSc. in Specialist Nursing in the School of Nursing & Midwifery across a suite of seven separate specialist branches of Nursing in 2010; and successfully secured the revalidation of the Higher Diploma in Children's Nursing Programme in 2016. In 2016, she assisted the Office of the Chief Nursing Officer in the Department of Health in ascertaining three Core Values of Compassion, Care and Commitment underpinning practice as determined by nurses and midwives throughout Ireland. She was invited by Emeritus Professor, Jean Watson, to become a Member of International Planning Committee for the First Global Caring Conference, in Wuhan, China in 2016. Jacqueline supervises both undergraduate and postgraduate research students within the School of Nursing & Midwifery. She currently holds three key positions in the School of Nursing & Midwifery; Academic Lead International Winter and Summer Schools; Joint Academic Erasmus lead for General Nursing in the School of Nursing & Midwifery and is a School Lead in the College Trinity Inclusive Curriculum Project.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Timmins, F., Whelan, J., Murphy, M., King, C. and Brady, V. , The Development of Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland - an Innovative Response to an Emerging Hiatus, First International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference; Sowing the Seeds, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 25th June , 2015Conference Paper, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Timmins F., Whelan, J., Buckley, S., Muldowney, Y., & McCarthy S. , An exploration of the extent to which communication skills teaching adequately prepares nursing students for practice, Nurse Education Today (NET) 26th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference., Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 8th-10th September, Jill Rogers Associates, 2015, pp52 - 52Poster, 2015
- Whelan, J., Begley, T & Timmins, F., Neophyte notions of nursing; Enhancing the Development of Professional Nursing Identity through Teaching about the Foundations of Nursing., Nurse Education Today (NET), 26th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference. , Churchill College, Cambridge, UK, 8-10th September , Jill Rogers Associates, 2015, pp18 - 18Conference Paper, 2015
- Sasso, L., Bagnasco, A., Aleo, G., Whelan, J., Muldowney, Y. Buckley, S. McCarthy, S. and Timmins, F, Communication Issues within Critical Care -Emergency Department Perspective, Nursing in Critical Care, 20, (6), 2015, p284 - 286Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Fiona Timmins, Maryanne Murphy, Sílvia Caldeira, Eimear Ging, Carole King, Vivienne Brady, Jacqueline Whelan, Colm OBoyle , John Kelly, Freda Neill , Geralyn Hynes, Kathleen Neenan, Nicolas Pujol, Lisa Fitzgerald, Deborah Hayden, Barbara Sweeney, Mary Threadgold, Michael O' Sullivan, Bernadette Flanagan, Elizabeth Weathers , Philip Larkin, Therese Meehan, Karen Ward, Hannah Chew, Eunice Minford, Mandy Lee, Margaret Mulchaire, Anne Mc Auliffe, PJ Boyle, Noel Keating, Brian Nolan , The Development of a Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), Religions, 7, (3), 2016, p30 - 34Journal Article, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Timmins, F. Murphy, M., Pujol, N., Sheaf, G., Caldeira, S. Whelan, J., Weathers, E. and Flanagan, B, Implementing spiritual care at the end of life in the Republic of Ireland , European Journal of Palliative Care , 23, (1), 2016, p42 - 43Journal Article, 2016
- Whelan J, Timmins F, McCabe C, Buckley S, Muldowney Y, McCarthy S and de Vries J.M.A, Nurses confidence with communication skills in Ireland - a fact finding sample survey, 35th Annual RCSI International Nursing & Midwifery Research & Education Conference, Maintaining Professional Competence: Continuing Professional Development and Patient Centred Outcomes, RCSI Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery , RCSI Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, Dublin, 2-3rd March, 2016, pp171 - 171Poster, 2016
- Timmins F, Caldeira S, Sheaf G, Pujlo N, Weathers E, Flanagan B & Whelan J , 'An Exploration of Current Spiritual Care Resources in Health Care in the Republic of Ireland (ROI)' , RCSI 35th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference Maintaining Professional Competence: Continuing Professional Development and Patient Centred Outcomes, RCSI Dublin 2, 2-3rd March , 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Timmins F, Murphy M, Pujol, N, Caldeira, S, Sheaf, G, Weathers, E and Whelan J , An Exploration of Current Spiritual Care Resources in the Republic of Ireland and Review of International Chaplaincy Standards - a Preliminary Scoping Exercise to Inform Practice Development 2016 , School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin , June , 2016Report, 2016
- Whelan J , Spirituality and Nursing ; a Logonarrative view , 2016Thesis, 2016
- Timmins, F., Whelan, J., Murphy, M., King, C. and Brady, V Spirituality Interest Group, Trinity College, 1st International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference, June 23rd , In:'Sowing the Seeds', 2015, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2015, URL
- Timmins F, Caldeira S, Whelan J, Murphy M, King C, Brady, V, Shared understandings of spiritual care among the members of an innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland, Fourth International Conference of the British Association for the Study of Spirituality Can spirituality transform our world ? New frontiers in understanding and exploring contemporary spiritualities , Chancellors Hotel and Conference Centre, Manchester, UK, 23-26 May , 2016Poster, 2016
- The Caring Science Imperative - A Hallmark in Nursing Education in, editor(s)Lee Susan M, Palmieri Patrick, Watson Jean , Global Advances in Human Caring Literacy , USA, Springer Publishing Company , 2016, pp33 - 42, [Whelan J]Book Chapter, 2016, URL
- Timmins F, Whelan J, Murphy M, King C, and Brady V, The Development of a Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), Fourth International Conference of the British Association for the Study of Spirituality Can spirituality transform our world? New frontiers in understanding and exploring contemporary spiritualities, Chancellors Hotel and Conference Centre, Manchester, UK, 23-26 May , 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Timmins F, Murphy M, Pujol N, Sheaf G, Caldeira S, Weathers E, Whelan J, An Exploration of Current Spiritual Care Resources in Healthcare in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), 35th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference, Maintaining Professional Competence: Continuing Professional Development and Patient Centred Outcomes, RCSI Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery Dublin, 2-3rd March, RCSI, 2016, pp74 - 74Published Abstract, 2016
- Timmins F, McCabe C, Buckley S, Muldowney Y, McCarthy S, de Vries J, Whelan J, Nurses confidence with communication skills in Ireland - a fact finding sample survey, RCSI 35th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference, Maintaining Professional Competence: Continuing Professional Development and Patient Centred Outcomes, RCSI Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery Dublin , 2-3rd March, (Abstract P65), 2016Published Abstract, 2016
- Timmins, F., Whelan, J., King, C, Brady, V, O'Boyle C & S. Buckley, Trinity College Spirituality Interest Group 2nd International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference, 'Nurturing the Spirit' , June 23rd, 2016, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2016, URL
- Timmins F, Murphy M, Pujol N Sheaf G, Caldeira S, Weathers E, Whelan J, & Flanagan B, An Exploration of Current Spiritual Care Resources in Health Care in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), 2nd International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference, School of Nursing & Midwifery Trinity College Dublin, 23 June, 2016Published Abstract, 2016
- Timmins F, Murphy M, Pujol N, Sheaf G, Caldeira S, Weathers E, Whelan J & Flanagan B. , An Exploration of Current Spiritual Care Resources in Healthcare in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), 2nd International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 23 June , 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Timmins F, Caldeira S, Whelan J, Murphy M, King C & Brady V, Shared understandings of spiritual care among the members of an innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland , 2nd International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 23 June, 2016, pp.48-Published Abstract, 2016
- Timmins F, Caldeira S, Whelan J, Murphy M, King C & Brady V., Shared understandings of spiritual care among the members of an innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland, 2nd International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference, 'Nurturing the Spirit', School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 23 June 2016, 2016Poster, 2016
- Timmins F, Murphy M, Pujol N, Sheaf G, Caldeira S, Weathers E, Whelan J & Flanagan B., Spiritual Care Resources in Health Care in Ireland (ROI) - An Exploration, First Global Human Caring Conference - China 2016, Shangri- La Hotel, Wuhan, China, 14-17 October, 2016, pp128 - 129Published Abstract, 2016
- Timmins F, Murphy M, Pujol N, Sheaf G, Caldeira S, Weathers E, Whelan J & Flanagan B., Spiritual Care Resources in Health Care in Ireland (ROI) - An Exploration, 14-17th October, First Global Human Caring Conference - China 2016, Shangri- La Hotel, Wuhan, China, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Ryan AM, & Whelan J, Re-affirming Values in Nursing and Midwifery Practice in the Republic of Ireland, First Global Human Caring Conference China 2016, Shangri-La Hotel, Wuhan, China, 14-17th October, 2016, pp152 - 153Published Abstract, 2016
- Ryan AM, & Whelan J, 'Re-affirming Values in Nursing and Midwifery Practice in the Republic of Ireland', First Global Human Caring Conference, China 2016 , Shangri-La Hotel, Wuhan, China , 14-17th October, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Timmins, F., McCabe, C., Whelan, J., Buckley, S., Muldowney, Y., McCarthy, S., & DeVries, J., , Nurses' confidence with communication skills:An exploration of the communication required for contemporary nursing practice in the Republic of Ireland , (NET) Networking for Healthcare Education Conference., Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK, 6th-8th Sep 2016, Jill Rogers Associates, 2016, pppp 30 - 30, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK, pp30 - 30, 6th-8th Sep 2016, Jill Rogers Associates, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Timmins, F. Murphy, M., Pujol, N., Sheaf, G., Caldeira, S. Weathers, E., Whelan, J., and Flanagan, B , The Role of Healthcare Chaplains- a Literature Review, Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy , 2017, p1-20Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Timmins, F., McCabe, C., Whelan, J. Buckley, S., Muldowney, Y., McCarthy, S. and DeVries, J., Nurses' views of and confidence with communication skills in the Republic of Ireland., Nurse Education in Practice, 2017Journal Article, 2017
- Timmins, F. Murphy, M., Pujol, N., Sheaf, G., Caldeira, S. Weathers, E., Whelan, J., and Flanagan, B. , An Exploration of Current Spiritual Care Resources in Health Care in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) , Health Services Executive (HSE) Chaplaincy Council , F2 Centre, Ruben Plaza, Rialto, Dublin, 28th September , 2016, Health Services Executive (HSE) Chaplaincy CouncilInvited Talk, 2016
- Whelan J, Timmins F, McCabe C, Buckley S, Muldowney S, McCarthy S, & De Vries J , Nurses Views of and Confidence with Communication Skills in the Republic of Ireland , RCSI 36th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference, Nursing and Midwifery Professional Values- The Key to Effective, Safe and High Quality Person - Centred Care, RCSI, Dublin, 2, 1-2nd March 2017, (5.5), 2017Published Abstract, 2017, URL
- Whelan J, Timmins F, McCabe C, Buckley S, Muldowney Y, McCarthy S, & De Vries J, Nurse's confidence with communication skills: An exploration of the communication required for contemporary nursing practice in the Republic of Ireland, RCSI 36th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery RCSI Dublin , 1-2nd March, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Union Hospital of Tongji Medical College, HUST, Watson Caring Science Institute, USA, and Humanistic Nursing Committee of Chinese Association for Life Care, Global Human Caring Conference China, October 14-17, 2016, In:East meets west, soul and science unite in human caring, 2016, Shangri La Hotel Wuhan ChinaMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2016
- Timmins, F., Caldeira, S., Murphy, M., Pujol, N., Sheaf, G., Weathers, E. Whelan, J. and Flanagan, B. , An exploration of current approaches to and facilities for spiritual care provision in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), Journal of Pastoral Care and Counselling, 71, (2), 2017, p122-131Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Timmins F McCabe C Whelan J Buckley S Muldowney S, McCarthy S, De Vries J , Key Communication Skills used by nurses in practice - a fact finding sample survey, Contemporary Nurse, 2017Journal Article, 2017
- Timmins, F. Caldeira, S. Whelan, J., Murphy, M., King, C. and Brady, V. , Shared understandings of spiritual care among the members of an innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland, Royal College of Nursing International Nursing Research Conference , University of Oxford Examination Schools, 75-81 High Street Oxford , Wed 5-7th April 2017, 2017Poster, 2017, URL
- Whelan, J., Begley, T. and Timmins, F. , Foundations of Nursing- Neophyte Values of Nursing and Professional Identity. , Nursing and Midwifery Values in Practice., Conference Centre, Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland, Tues 16th May 2017, (NMVP4/2017), 2017, pp16 - 16Poster, 2017
- Timmins F, Egan R, Flanagan B, Muldowney Y, O Boyle C, Brady V, Whelan J, Neenan K McSherry W, Special Issue ' International Conference of Spirituality in Healthcare, Religions, 8, (10), 2017, p204 - 210Journal Article, 2017, URL
- Spirituality Research and Innovation Group (SRIG), 3rd International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference, 22 June, In:'Creating Space for Spirituality in Healthcare', 2017, School of Nursing & Midwifery TCDMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2017, URL
- Teaching and Learning about Spirituality in Healthcare Practice Settings in, editor(s)Dr Fiona Timmins & Dr. Sílvia Caldeira , Spirituality in Healthcare: Perspectives for Innovative Practice., Springer Nature Switzerland , Springer Cham, 2019, pp165 - 192, [Jacqueline Whelan]Book Chapter, 2019, DOI , URL
- Whelan J , Spirituality and spiritual care discernment in nursing education - a critical review, Spirituality Research and Innovation Group (TCD), 3rd International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference: 'Creating Space for Spirituality in Healthcare', School of Nursing & Midwifery TCD, 21 -22 June 2017, 2017Conference Paper, 2017, TARA - Full Text
- Spirituality Research and Innovation Group (SRIG), , 'Spirituality at a Crossroads', 21st June , In:4th International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference, 2018, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2018, URL
- Timmins F & Whelan J , Enhancing Nurses and Midwives Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care' : Implementation of (draft) spiritual care education standard Teaching & Learning Event 2 (EPICC 2016-2019) , Enhancing Nurses and Midwives Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovation, Education and Compassionate Care (EPICC 2016-2019), Teaching and Learning Event 2 , University of Malta Valetta Conference Centre, Monday 24th - Friday, 2018, EPICCInvited Talk, 2018
- Brady, V., Timmins, F., Caldeira, S., Whelan, J., Murphy, M., O'Boyle, C. Neenan, K. F. and Muldowney, Y. , Shared understandings of spiritual care among the members of an innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland, Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Health, Medicine and Social Sciences , Coventry University, Coventry, England, , 17-19 May , 2018Poster, 2018
- Whelan, J., EPICC project: Spiritual care education best practice for nurses and midwives, 3rd International Integrative Nursing Symposium, ''Leadership and Innovation in Nursing.", Galway Bay Hotel, Co. Galway, 21st-24th May , 2019Meeting Abstract, 2019, URL
- Spirituality Research & Innovation Group, 5th International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference, 19-20 June 2019, In:'Spirituality Transforming our World', 2019, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2019, URL
- Neenan, K. Timmins, F. OBoyle, C. Whelan, J. Brady, V. Muldowney, Y. and McSherry, W. , Special Issue "International Conference of Spirituality in Healthcare. Creating Space for Spirituality in Healthcare,"-Trinity College Dublin 2017, Religions, 2019, p1-8Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Timmins, F. & Whelan, J., Enhancing Nurses and Midwives Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care' : Implementation of (draft) spiritual care education standard, EPICC Teaching & Learning Event 2 (EPICC Erasmus Plus Project Enhancing Nurses' and Midwives' Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care 2016-2019). , Valetta Campus, University of Malta, 24TH -28TH September 2018., 2018Invited Talk, 2018
- Timmins, F. & Whelan, J. , Enhancing Nurses and Midwives Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care' :Implementation of (final) spiritual care education standard. , Teaching & Learning Event 3 (EPICC 2016-2019) (EPICC Erasmus Plus Project Enhancing Nurses' and Midwives' Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care 2016-2019)., University of the West of Wales, , 1-3 July , 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
- Muldowney, Y., Timmins, F., Brady, V., Caldeira, S., Whelan, J., Murphy, M., O'Boyle, C. Neenan, K., Shared Understandings of Spiritual Care Among the Members of an Innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland , 37th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research And Education Conference; Integrated Care: Ensuring Quality And Enhancing Patient Flow, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery., St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2., 28th February -1st , 2018, pp134 - 134Poster, 2018
- Whelan J & Timmins, F , Spiritual Care Education - Best Practice for Nurses/Midwives, The Future of Nursing and Midwifery Practice, Education and Research'., 38th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research And Education Conference The Future of Nursing and Midwifery Practice, Education and Research'. , Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery., St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2., February 27th -29th,, 2019, pp131 - 131Poster, 2019
- Timmins, F., Whelan, J., Brady, V, OBoyle, C., Neenan, K., Muldowney, Y. & Caldeira, S., Enhancing Nurses and Midwives Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care' : Progress Towards Implementation of final spiritual care education standard.Teaching & Learning Event 3 (EPICC 2016-2019) , (EPICC Erasmus Plus Project Enhancing Nurses' and Midwives' Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care 2016-2019, University of the West of Wales,, 1-3 July 2019., 2019Poster, 2019, URL
- Spirituality Research and Innovation Group , 'Conversations that Matter' Spirituality Today, Exploration and Insight, 20th May, 2019Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2019, URL
- Jacqueline Whelan, EPICC Approach - An Evaluation of Nursing and Midwifery Competences in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care, 5th International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference 'Spirituality at a Crossroads' , School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 20th June, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Whelan J, EPICC Approach - An Evaluation of Nursing and Midwifery Competences in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care, 5th Annual Spirituality in Healthcare Conference Spirituality Transforming Our World, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 20th June, 2019Conference Paper, 2019, URL
- Chapter 6 COMPETENCE # 2 - INTERPERSONAL in, editor(s)McSherry W, Boughey A. Attard J. , Enhancing Nurses' and Midwives' Competence in Providing Spiritual Care Through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care, Switzerland, Springer Nature Switzerland AG , 2021, pp95 - 109, [Attard J, Atarhim MA, Dobrowolska B. Jomeen J, Pike J. Whelan J.]Book Chapter, 2021, DOI , URL
- Timmins, F., McCabe, C., Whelan, J. Buckley, S., Muldowney, Y., McCarthy, S. and DeVries, J , A Cross Sectional Pilot Study of Nurses' Views of Communication and Relational Skills Used in Clinical Practice, Frontiers of Nursing , 8, (3), 2021, p223 - 232Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Chapter 9 Global Case study in Spirituality. Stories of Hope from Ireland in, editor(s)Rogers M , Spiritual Dimensions of Advanced Practice Nursing- Stories of Hope, Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 2021, pp137 - 151, [Neenan K , Whelan J ]Book Chapter, 2021, DOI , URL
- Whelan J, Teaching and Learning About Spirituality in Healthcare Practice Settings, 6th International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference The Spiritual Imperative in Healthcare: Securing Foundations, Virtual , 17th June, 2021Meeting Abstract, 2021
- Dobrowolska, B., Whelan J & Timmins F. , Managing Holistic Nursing Practice - the Need for Spiritual Care Competence in Healthcare Practice., Journal of Nursing Management, 2021Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Whelan J , The Spiritual Imperative ; Advancing Competency Perspectives. , Hawaii Association of Professional Nurses Caring Science Consortium, Hawaii, 24th September , 2022, Dr Joseph GiovanniInvited Talk, 2022
- Rogers M & Whelan J , Spirituality and Advanced Practice: transforming holistic practice, Re-imagining Spiritual Health Seminar Series , School of Nursing & Midwifery, Virtual , 18th October 2021, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021, URL
- Milner K. & Whelan J., The MISTIC Framework: An evidence-based conceptual framework and resource to support understanding and conversation around spirituality and mental health , Re-imagining Spiritual Health Seminar Series , Virtual , 3rd February , 2022Oral Presentation, 2022, URL
- Hunt C. & Whelan J. , 'Know thyself': using critical reflection and autoethnography to explore the nature of spirituality and vocation, Re-imagining Spiritual Health Seminar Series , Virtual, 21st April , 2022Oral Presentation, 2022, URL
- Whelan, J , Reflections on leading Spirituality Research and Innovation, Title: International Symposium on Spiritual Care in Nursing, Spiritual Care Nursing Education to Embrace New Challenges in a Moving World, University College Dublin, School of Nursing , 6th December , 2022, Prof Fiona Timmins, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health SystemsInvited Talk, 2022, URL
- CONNOLLY M, DOBROWOLSKA B , Sílvia CALDEIRA4 , J WHELAN J , NEENAN K, McSHERRY W , Linda ROSS L , TIMMINS F, The nurse role in supporting patients spirituality in a secular age, Journal of Health and Social Sciences , 6, (4), 2021, p458 - 464Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Whelan Jacqueline, Spiritual Inscape - Staying real or loosing faith ? Teaching and Learning of Spirituality and Spiritual Care Perspectives arising from COVID-19 Pandemic., 7th International Conference of the International Network for the Study of Spirituality, Spirituality, Critical Reflection and Professional Practice in an Uncertain World, South East Technological University Waterford, 16-18 May 2023, 2023, pp72Published Abstract, 2023, URL
- Whelan J, Spiritual Inscape- Teaching and Learning of Spiritual Care Perspectives arising from COVID "19 Pandemic. , Scanning Horizons, Driving Change, Building a Healthier World, School of Nursing Midwifery and Health Systems, University College Dublin Belfield Campus, Dublin, Ireland , 10th- 11th August , 2023, pp99Published Abstract, 2023
- Whelan J, Contemporary Issues in Spirituality, Trinity 6th International Spirituality in Health Care Conference - The Spiritual Imperative in Healthcare: Securing Foundations, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 17th June 2021, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021, URL
- Whelan J , Trinity 7th International Spirituality in Health Care Conference. The Spiritual Dimension - Cultivating Care through Reserach, Education and Practice., 16th June 2022 , In:Re-imagining Spiritual Health Seminar Series, 2022, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin.Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2022, URL
- Whelan J, Bussing A, Costello SJ, Flanagan B, Watson J, Palmeiri P, Timmins F., Advancing Spiritual Care Needs in Health Care, Trinity 7th International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference, The Spiritual Dimension, Cultivating Care through Research, Education and Practice., School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 16th June, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022, URL
- Chapter 2 Self Care in, editor(s)Ross L, McSherry W. , Spiritual Assessment in Healthcare Practice - A Resource Guide for Nurses, Midwives and other Health Care Professionals., India, Springer Nature, 2024, [Neenan K, Whelan J]Book Chapter, 2024
- Whelan J , Cultivating Trinity"s Community of Inclusive Practices, Trinity INC # Inclusive Trinity Symposium 2023 , Trinity Library, 1st September , 2013, Trinity Inc TCDInvited Talk, 2013
- Whelan J, The Spiritual Imperative in Healthcare: Securing Foundations, 17 June, 2021, VirtualMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2021
- Irelands' Perspective in, editor(s)Papadopolos R , 'Global reflections on spiritual care and support to patients, families and care staff, during the Covid-19 pandemic', UK, 2024, [Whelan J]Book Chapter, 2024
- Whelan J , Trinity Inc. Creating Accessible Content in a Blackboard Module, Trinity Inc Event Accessibility Week , Virtual , 3rd March , 2022, Trinity INCInvited Talk, 2022
- TRINITY SPIRITUALITY RESEARCH AND INNOVATION GROUP, 8th Trinity International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference `The Spiritual Imperative in Healthcare: Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Nurturing Resilience'., 2024, VirtualMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2024, URL
- Costello S & Whelan J , The Meaning of Spirit in Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy, Spirituality Research and Innovation Group (SRIG) Public Lectures Series 2013-2014, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin. , Thurs 1st May 2014, 2014Oral Presentation, 2014
- McSherry W & Whelan J , Dignity and spirituality: do they have a place in contemporary healthcare?, Spirituality Research and Innovation Group (SRIG) Public Lectures 2013-2014, School of Nursing & Midwifery , Wedn 22nd Jan 2014, 2014Oral Presentation, 2014, URL
- van Leeuwen R & Whelan J , Innovations in Spiritual Care Education in the Netherlands: its foundations, content and effects. , Spirituality Research and Innovation Group (SRIG) Public Lectures Series , School of Nursing & Midwifery , 7 December 2017, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017
- Whelan J, Spirituality in Healthcare ; Exploring understandings of Interdisciplinary Approaches to Resiliency, 15th June, 2023, VirtualMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2023
- Hunt C. & Whelan J., 'Exploring Spirituality as a Way of Knowing', Seminar 1, Trinity Spirituality Research and Innovation Group Seminar Series 2024 'Revisioning Spiritual Healthcare', School of Nursing & Midwifery Virtual, 25th January, 2024Oral Presentation, 2024
- Rogers, M & Whelan J, Seminar 2 : Emotional and Spiritual Wellbeing and Resilience of Advanced Practice Nurses, Trinity Spirituality Research and Innovation Group Seminar Series 2024 'Revisioning Spiritual Healthcare', Virtual, 22nd February, 2024Oral Presentation, 2024
- Caldeira, S. & Whelan J., Seminar 3: Spirituality and Resilience, Trinity Spirituality Research and Innovation Group Seminar Series 2024 'Revisioning Spiritual Healthcare', School of Nursing & Midwifery, Virtual, 21 March, 2024Oral Presentation, 2024
- Dobrowolska B. & Whelan J., 'Spirituality; Is it the Nurses Strength?', Seminar 4; Trinity Spirituality Research and Innovation Group ' Revisioning Spiritual Healthcare' Seminar Series, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Virtual, 4th April, 2024Oral Presentation, 2024
- Horton - Deutsch S. & Whelan J., Visionary Leadership, Intergrating Caring Science, Spirituality and Resilience in Healthcare, Seminar 5 ; Trinity Spirituality Research and Innovation Group ' Revisioning Spiritual Healthcare' Seminar Series 2024,, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Virtual, 9th May, 2024Oral Presentation, 2024
- Horton - Deutsch S. & Whelan J., Seminar 5: Visionary Leadership - Integrating Caring Science, Spirituality and Resilience in Healthcare, Trinity Spirituality Research and Innovation Group Seminar Series 2024 'Revisioning Spiritual Healthcare', School of Nursing & Midwifery, 9th May, 2024Oral Presentation, 2024
- Whelan J, Beyond Moral Distress: Landscape and Inscape of Supporting Healthcare Professional Wellbeing in the Workplace., Ethics, Care & the Workforce Crisis International, Interprofessional & Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Brunel University London, UK, 30 / 31 August, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Whelan J & Corry M, On Guard Against Influenza, World of Irish Nursing, 14, (8), 2006, p55 - 57Journal Article, 2006
- Corry M & Whelan J, Understanding S.Pnuemoniae, World of Irish Nursing, 14, (8), 2006, p55 - 56Journal Article, 2006
- Whelan, J. and Corry M., Influenza: a synthesis of Knowledge from an Irish Perspective, Essential Nursing Care: The Heart of the Matter, The Radisson Hotel SAS Sligo, 29th November, 2006Poster, 2006
- Whelan J, The Nurse's Etiquette Advantage: How Professional Etiquette Can Advance Your Nursing Career., by Kathleen. D. Pagana , Nurse Education in Practice, 10, (2), 2010, p14Review, 2010
- Whelan J, A Daybook for Nurses: Making a Difference Each Day., Review of A Daybook for Nurses: Making a Difference Each Day., by Sharon Hudacek , Nurse Education in Practice, 10, (2), 2010, p13Review, 2010
- Whelan, J, The Caring Dimension in Nurse Education; A hermeneutic enquiry of student nurses meaning and experience of caring , 6th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2-4th November, 2005Conference Paper, 2005
- Whelan, J, Sickle Cell Disease, Paediatric Nursing, May Edition, 1991, p24 - 27Journal Article, 1991
- Whelan, Jacqueline, The Caring Dimension in Nursing Education: A hermeneutic enquiry of student nurses' perspectives of the meaning and experience of caring. , University of Manchester, 2004Thesis
- Whelan J, A Franklian Perspective ; The Meaning of Spirit, 7th International Conference on Compassion, Compassionate LeadershipThe Spirit of Healing in Healthcare, Cashel, Tipperary, 9th November , 2015Invited Talk
- Whelan, J., Franklian Perspectives - The Meaning of Spirit, Advancing the Philosophy and Science of Caring through Compassion, St Vincents University Hospital Dublin, 8th November, 2016, St Vincents Healthcare Group LimitedInvited Talk
- Whelan J, The Caring Dimension in Nursing: An exploratory study of the phenomenon and meaning of caring, by J Whelan , 1995Review
- Whelan J, The Meaning of Spirit, Spirituality Interest Group Meeting , School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, May , 2014Invited Talk
- Whelan J, Trinity Inc. Creating Accessible Content in a Blackboard Module, Trinity Inc. Creating Accessible Content in a Blackboard Module, Virtual, 31st January, 2022, Chair of Academic ForumInvited Talk
Research Expertise
To advance scholarly activity in supporting person centered care and spiritual care within Identities in Transformation Theme as a key priority research theme within Trinity College and beyond in order to ultimately serve individual, family and societal needs.
TitleSpirituality and Nursing ; a Logonarrative viewSummaryMeaning making is what makes us human, giving us purpose and hope in life when faced with the adverse reality of illness and loss. The notion of meaning making is gaining popularity as the central component of spirituality (La Cour and Hidvt 2010). Paradoxically the need to understand the meaning of spiritual care in nursing is coupled with misunderstandings. How spiritual care is cultivated and interpreted, in nursing requires a coherent understanding. Addressing clients' spiritual needs, by supporting meaning-making connections can alleviate suffering and provide a sense of wellbeing (Weathers et al. 2014). The purpose of this review is to attempt to clarify the meaning of spirituality in nursing in the context of Viktor Frankl's contribution incorporate meaning making into practice, education, and research.Funding AgencyNADate From2017Date To2019
TitleProject From Cure To Care: Digital Education and Spiritual Assistance in Hospital HealthcareSummaryThe project purpose is aimed at developing the nurse's skills and competences in two areas in which they do not feel adequately prepared and which are becoming more prominent as a result of the Covid-19 crisis: Digital technologies in order to streamline many administrative processes, assist with onboarding and training, enhance productivity and reduce care variability as well as to learn how to deal with telemedicine; Identification, assessment and management of patients' religious and spiritual requests in the multicultural contemporary society. During the project, the partner consortium carries out four case-study analyses aimed at exploring nurses' competencies and skills in the digital field and in religious-spiritual assistance in healthcare. This leads to a working paper on the improvement of nursing curricula with respect to the inclusion of diverse religious/spiritual needs in healthcare, and how to accommodate these and other needs through digital enhancements to the health system. This is the starting point for the design of a blended Training Programme in "Digital Competences and Spiritual Assistance in Hospital Healthcare" consisting of an E-Learning course, face-to-face laboratory work and blended mobility activities, as well as an evaluation of the strength and areas of improvement of the proposed implementation.Funding AgencyErasmus KA226Date From2021Date To2023
TitleTrinity Inclusive Curriculum ProjectSummaryCreate an accessible curriculum that supports the engagement, representation and action of all students, including those from diverse worldviews, cultures, and identities, and with different learning strategies and abilities Embed the principles of inclusion in all aspects of the academic cycle, across all courses, modules and programmes at Trinity College Dublin Establish Trinity College Dublin as a place of belonging and respect for diversity, where all our students feel supported in achieving their learning goals Equip students with the qualities, skills and behaviours encompassed by the Trinity Graduate attributesFunding AgencyThe Equality, Diversity and Inclusion UnitDate FromMarch 2021Date ToMarch 2022
TitleInclusive Module Development for Students with ID undertaking Certificate in Arts Science and Inclusive Applied Practice.SummaryThe project will be co-developed with members of ID Discipline Team.Funding AgencyThis initiative is sponsored PATH 4 Phase 1 Universal Design FundDate FromOctoberDate ToMarch
TitleNeophyte notions of nursing- transmitting professional nursing values through pedagogical approaches -value added or value laden?SummaryThis project has arisen out of a need to explore how professional values are instilled in nursing students and whether or not approaches could be strengthened. Nursing is a value based profession viewed as fundamentally caring for and about and helping others (Alfred et al 2013). However there is a growing awareness that modern society is more individualistic and less altruistic (Johnson et al 2007), with the consequent decline of dignity and compassion as important values in nursing (Francis 2013). Aim: This paper reports on first year nursing students' initial views on nursing and the process of teaching nursing students professional values. Methods: First year nursing students (n=230) were asked at the outset of the module to outline the following using an open ended question approach during the class What is nursing? Following lectures, students were asked once again, using the open ended question, for their views on nursing. Findings: Qualitative analysis of the initial student responses (n=230) revealed that most nursing students identified nursing as being closely associated with caring and doing for others. Many saw the role as physically caring for those who were sick. These views remained consistent. Lecturers' personal reflections revealed content to be relevant in relation to curricular requirements (ABA 2006) and student needs.Date FromOctober 2014Date ToSeptember 2015
TitleCommunication skills for health professionalsSummaryA multidisciplinary project to develop e-learning resources to help undergraduate students in health sciences to learn communication skilllsDate From2006Date To2008
TitleNurse's confidence with communication skills: An exploration of the communication required for contemporary nursing practice in the Republic of IrelandSummaryWhile the content of the contemporary undergraduate nursing courses usually aims to comply with national regulatory guidelines and reflect current academic research and thought, it is not clear the extent to which teaching of communication skills by nurse educators prepares nursing students for practice. For example, gaps in UK curricula in relation to compassion are being vigorously addressed. Aim: This paper reports on an integrative literature review that explores key communication skills required by nurses in practice, potential barriers to the implementation of these communication skills and best practice in teaching approaches. Methods: A section of the Module Team (n=5) explored the relevant literature in the field. Findings: Overall students were satisfied with previous presentations of this module. The literature review revealed that while an interdisciplinary approach is a common approach to teaching, there are variances in approaches and priorities related to communication across disciplines. Communication skills are commonly delivered early in the undergraduate programme and prior to any clinical experience. This method has been questioned. It has also been suggested that communication modules would be of increased benefit to students following their practice experience with a component of communication skills also delivered in their final year in order to facilitate transition of communication skills into practice.Funding AgencyNADate FromDecember 2014Date ToDecember 2016
TitleRe-affirming Values in Nursing /Midwifery Practice in the Republic of IrelandSummaryAim - For Department of Health, Health Service Executive and Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland to develop a Position Paper on Core Values for Nursing and Midwifery Practice in Ireland, All nurses, midwives, academia, management, students spanning the health system were encouraged to contribute. Six regional consultations were held involving 250 participants. Seven national conferences yielded 855 nurse participants. Directors of Nursing /Higher Education Institutions were encouraged to advise all staff and academics to respond to an e-survey on nursing and midwifery values resulting in a further 436 responses. Qualitative thematic analysis was undertaken from feedback from all contributions. Findings: Data collected from three sources was analysed utilising a policy approach that included an expert panel of academics to identify three core values, accompanying descriptions and behaviours aligned to each respective core value. Paper explores the processes used to identify and support values in practice. Findings support the need to sustain and embed the three identified values in practice, management and education through interrelated explicit actions. Professional practice requires each practitioner to be motivated by professional values, to be responsible / accountable for the care provided with a view to promoting a safe culture of practice, related to patients/clients health/illness journey. Patients expect to receive nursing care from competent professionals who demonstrate care, compassion, commitment and attentiveness to the humanity of the other person.Funding AgencyDepartment of HealthDate FromFebruary 2016Date ToApril 2016
TitlePromoting respect and dignity in health careSummaryTheme Dignity and Respect Promoting respect and dignity in health care. Inherent in the professional discipline of nursing is respect for human rights, including cultural rights, the right to dignity and to be treated with respect (ICN, 2005). Within nursing, respect for clients is central to care delivery, yet evidence exists that marginalised groups of healthcare may be less than optimum. This initiative will facilitate interaction between representatives from various groups with undergraduate and post graduate nursing students so that greater understanding of the needs of members of these groups will be facilitated. This initiative involved facilitating six lunch time sessions for nursing students within the School. Six organisations that are associated with vulnerable groups will be invited to make a presentation about their work and their client's experiences of health care.Funding AgencyResearch Funding Equality OfficeDate FromJanuary 2009Date ToMay 2009
TitleExploring Meanings of Spirituality in a Diverse Society- What Does it Mean to You and Me?SummarySpirituality is about ascribing meaning to life's events, seeking support, connection and transcendence, which may involve religious belief for some. This term can transcend religious differences and provide an explanatory mechanism and support for people whether they subscribe to a religion or not. It also allows an explanatory conduit for cultural religious activities and rituals that humans have enjoyed over centuries. This is important to explore, as there is convincing evidence that the majority of people still ascribe to personal spiritual beliefs.Funding AgencyThe Trinity Equality Fund 2018/19Date FromJanuary 2019Date ToMay 2019
Title'Enhancing Nurses Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care (EPICC)', 2016-2019SummaryThe aims of the EPICC Project are to; . Establish a sustainable network and partnerships where nursing educators can share experiences, research and resources related to spiritual care, to inform their teaching. . Enable nursing educators to acquire new knowledge/skills in the learning and teaching of personal, religious and spiritual aspects of person centred care. . Review how personal, religious and spiritual aspects of care are currently addressed in a sample of HEI's from across Europe. . Analyse current practice identifying factors and processes that enable or inhibit the teaching of these areas in nursing curricula. . Develop and test an innovative, dynamic and flexible Spiritual care Matrix for nurse education based upon international best practice and evidence which can be adopted by Higher Education Institutions (HEI) across Europe. The partners and their leads include Staffordshire University (Professor W McSherry), the University of South Wales (Dr Linda Ross), the University of Malta (Professor D Baldacchino, Dr Josephine Attard), VID Specialized University, Bergen, Norway (Professor T Giske), Christian University of Applied Sciences Viaa, Zwolle Netherlands (Professor R van Leeuwen), Diakonova University College Norway (Dr T Kleiven).Funding AgencyErasmus PlusDate From2016Date To2019
TitleNurses views of and confidence with communication skills in the Republic of IrelandSummaryDate From2013Date To2015
TitleAn Exploration of Current Spiritual Care Resources in the Republic of Ireland and Review of International Chaplaincy Standards - a Preliminary Scoping Exercise to Inform Practice DevelopmentSummaryThis study aimed to explore current approaches to and facilities for spiritual care provision in the Republic of Ireland (ROI). It also aimed to explore models and frameworks for healthcare chaplaincy and best practice in the area that could guide development of integrated, responsive future resources in the ROI. The findings identify that providing spiritual care to patients is a key component of hospital policy. Spiritual support is identified as the responsibility of the whole healthcare team with specific responsibility being attributed to the healthcare chaplain. Chaplaincy services are enshrined within the dominant faith, however the service is also perceived as a multifaith service. Most sites provided a sacred space or quiet place for clients, visitors and staff to contemplate. The description of the sacred space provided varied between the self-report and policy and website information received. The religious provision identified was consistent with contemporary distributions of religious affiliation in the ROI according to the latest Irish Census.Funding AgencyNA Project completed on behalf of HSEDate From2014Date To2016
Other Humanities,
- 1st Prize Poster Presentation 2nd International Spirituality Conference in Healthcare TCD 23rd June 2016
- Nominated for TCD Provost Teaching Excellence Award 2017
- Royal College of Surgeons RCSI Research Award, Dublin. 1991
- Master of Arts M.A. (T.C.D.) 2008
- Nominated for TCD Provost Teaching Excellence Award 2015
- Milupa Research Award, Dublin. 1992
- Adelaide Society Bursary Award, Dublin. 2007
- National Forum Digital Badge in Universal Design for Teaching & Learning. July 2021
- Spirituality Scholars Network - Spirituality and Education SIG current
- Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) current
- SpIRE - Spirituality Institute for Research & Education, Dublin current
- Spirituality Scholars Network UK current
- EPICC Network - Enhancing Nurses' and Midwives' Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care (Europe) current
- Irish Federation of University Teachers Current
- Spirituality Scholars Network - Spirituality and the Arts SIG current
- Spirituality Scholars Network - Spirituality and Consciousness Studies SIG Current
- International Network for the Study of Spirituality (INSS) current
- International Association for Spiritual Care current
- Spirituality Scholars Network - Mental Health and Well Being SIG Current
- Viktor Frankl Institute, Dublin and Vienna current
- Founding Member - Trinity Spirituality Research and Innovation Group, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin. current
- Chairing at TCD Spirituality and Research Interest Group (SRIG) Annual International Nursing and Healthcare Conferences, Peer review and selection of abstracts, mark student prize submissions, short-list oral presentations 2014 - Current
- School Lead - Trinity Inclusive Curriculum Project March 2021
- International Network for the Study of Spirituality, Spirituality and Education Focus Group February 2024
- EPICC - Enhancing Nurses' and Midwives' Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care - Participant for Ireland 2016-2019 2016
- Governance Trinity SRIG Webinar Series - Reimagining Spirituality June 2021
- TCD Schols Examiner and Marker Ongoing
- Joint Erasmus Academic Lead - General Nursing Sept 2019
- Accreditation of Higher Diploma Curriculum in Children's Nursing Programme 2016
- Reviewer for Oxford University Press. 2008 onwards
- Chairing at TCD SONM International Nursing Conference, Peer review and selection of abstracts judge Conference posters and short-list oral presentations 2014
- Chair - Trinity Spirituality Research and Innovation Group December 2021
- Accreditation of The Post Graduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing 2007
- Governance for Public Lecture Series on behalf of the Trinity Spirituality and Research Innovation Group 2017 - current
- Editorial Board Member of Journal of Nursing Science 2017
- Academic School Lead - International Winter and Summer Schools Sept 2021
- Reviewer Journal of Religions 2017
- General Nursing Discipline - Academic Representative - Professional Practice Model Working Group - St James Hospital. February 2024
- Reviewer Journal of Religion and Health 2021
- Reviewer For Journal Nurse Education in Practice(Elsevier) 2007 onwards
- Member of International Planning Committee for First Global Caring Conference, Wuhan, China 2016
- Member of Trinity Spirituality Research Innovation Group SONM TCD 2013
- Accreditation of MSc Curriculum in Specialist Nursing x 7 Individual Nursing Programmes 2009