Dr. Martin Mc Mahon
Associate Professor, School of Nursing & Midwifery
Email MARTIN.MCMAHON@tcd.ie PhoneBiography
Dr. Martin McMahon (BNSc, MSc, H.Dip, PGCE, PhD) is an Associate Professor in Intellectual Disability Nursing and the Head of Discipline at the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Trinity College Dublin. Martin's background is in nursing, and he is a registered nurse in the intellectual disability, children's and tutors' division. He is also a fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Martin has worked in a variety of nursing and specialist nursing posts in Ireland and abroad. General areas include paediatric nephrology; children with life-limiting conditions; community intellectual disability nursing; psychiatry of intellectual disability (where he was an independent and supplementary prescriber), practice education and regulation. Martin's primary research area of interest is the health inequalities and inequities that people with an intellectual disability experience. The current focus of his research includes investigating cancer in people with intellectual disability and cancer care inequalities that this population face in Ireland. Additionally Martin's research also explores the cost of care associated with supporting people with intellectual disability to age in place.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- McMahon, M. and Hatton, C. and Hardy, C. and Preston, N.J., The relationship between subjective socioeconomic status and health in adults with and without intellectual disability, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- McMahon, M. and Hatton, C. and Bowring, D.L. and Hardy, C. and Preston, N.J., The prevalence of potential drug-drug interactions in adults with intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 65, (10), 2021, p930-940Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- McMahon, M. and Hatton, C., A comparison of the prevalence of health problems among adults with and without intellectual disability: A total administrative population study, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 34, (1), 2021, p316-325Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- McMahon, M. and Hatton, C. and Stansfield, J. and Cockayne, G., An audit of the well-being of staff working in intellectual disability settings in Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic, Tizard Learning Disability Review, 25, (4), 2020, p237-246Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- McMahon, M. and Hatton, C. and Bowring, D.L., Polypharmacy and psychotropic polypharmacy in adults with intellectual disability: a cross-sectional total population study, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 64, (11), 2020, p834-851Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- McMahon, M. and Bowring, D.L. and Hatton, C., Not such an ordinary life: a comparison of employment, marital status and housing profiles of adults with and without intellectual disabilities, Tizard Learning Disability Review, 24, (4), 2019, p213-221Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- McMahon, M. and Hatton, C. and Alberici, S., Professional collaboration in searching the evidence for an ill-defined concept, Health Information and Libraries Journal, 35, (3), 2018, p246-250Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Bowring, D.L. and Totsika, V. and Hastings, R.P. and Toogood, S. and McMahon, M., Prevalence of psychotropic medication use and association with challenging behaviour in adults with an intellectual disability. A total population study, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 61, (6), 2017, p604-617Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- McMahon, Martin, Incidence and type of restrictive practice use in residential disability facilities in Ireland, a cross‐sectional study, Health & Social Care in the Community , 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- McMahon Martin, White Geoff, Introducing nurse independent and supplementary prescribing to Jersey , Nurse Prescribing , 14 , (6 ), 2016, p294 - 299Journal Article, 2016
- McMahon Martin, Nurses' attitudes towards intellectual disability , RCN International Research Conference, Nottingham, England,, 20 - 22 April 2015, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- McMahon M, The Attitudes of Nurses Towards Persons with an Intellectual Disability: Validation of a Multidimensional Attitudinal Instrument in a Nursing Sample. , 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- McMahon Martin, Hatton Chris, Analysis of drug use and drug-drug interactions in a total population sample of adults with intellectual disability , Journal of Intellectual Disability Research , 63 , (7 ), 2019, p802 -Journal Article, 2019
- McMahon Martin, Hatton Chris, Subjective socioeconomic status and self-rated health in adults with and without intellectual disability , Journal of Intellectual Disability Research , 63 , (7 ), 2019, p796 - 797Journal Article, 2019
- McMahon M, Dunbar P, O' Connor A, Grogan C, Dunnion M, O' Connor L., Mortality in residential care services for people with disabilities in Ireland , European Journal of Public Health , 31 , (Supplement_3 ), 2021, pckab164 - 650Journal Article, 2021
- Dunbar Paul, McMahon Martin, Durkan Ciara, Walsh Kieran A, Keyes Laura M, Incidence and type of restrictive practice use in nursing homes in Ireland , BMC geriatrics , 22 , (1 ), 2022, p1 - 9Journal Article, 2022
- McMahon, M, Hatton, C, Preston, N, Hardy, C., Subjective socioeconomic status and its association with health in adults with and without intellectual disability, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2022 (THEconf2022), Trinity College Dublin, 8th - 10th March, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
- McMahon, M, O' Connor, A, Dunbar, P, Behan, L, O' Connor, L., An examination of the determinants of mortality in residential disability services in Ireland, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2022 (THEconf2022), Trinity College Dublin, 8th-10th March 2022, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
- O' Connor, A, McMahon, M, Dunbar, P, Behan, L, O' Connor, L. , Examining unexpected and expected deaths of people with a disability in residential settings in Ireland: a categorical content analysis, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2022 (THEconf2022), Trinity College Dublin , 8th-10th March 2022, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
- Martin McMahon, Health inequalities in people with intellectual disability, Health inequalities in people with intellectual disability, Lancaster University, 2022Thesis, 2022
- McMahon, M., Wormald, A., McCallion, P. & McCarron, M., Cancer deaths in older adults with intellectual disability in Ireland, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): "Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., 8th - 9th March, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023, URL
- Martin J McMahon , Aisling M O'Connor, Paul Dunbar, Anna Delany, Laura Behan, Carol Grogan, Laura M Keyes, Mortality in residential care facilities for people with disability: a descriptive cross-sectional analysis of statutory notifications in Ireland, BMJ Open , 2023Journal Article, 2023, TARA - Full Text
- McMahon M, Wormald A, Eustace-Cook J, McCarron M, McCallion P and Smith V, Prevalence and incidence of cancer amongst adults with intellectual disability " a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol, HRB Open, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Martin McMahon, Subjective Socioeconomic Status and Health in Adults with Intellectual Disability, Nursing and Midwifery - Leading the World to Better Health, Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, 22nd & 23rd Feb 2023, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023
- Martin McMahon, The health needs of people with intellectual disability " an overview of key contextual issues and its influence on medical and social models of healthcare provision , Understanding Differences, Learning Disability and Autism Conference , Jersey, Channel Islands, 20/10/2023, 2023, Care College JerseyInvited Talk, 2023
- Martin McMahon, People with intellectual disability are often diagnosed with cancer when it is already well advanced, The Conversation, 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Martin Mc Mahon, Andrew Wormald, Philip McCallion, Mary McCarron, Cancer-related mortality among older people with intellectual disabilities: Results from Waves 1-4 of Intellectual Disability Supplement to The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023), Dublin Ireland, 7-9th March 2023, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023
- Vukovic, V., Banda, A., Carneiro, L., Dogan, S., Knapp, P., McMahon, M., Milutinovic, D., Soylar, P., Sykes, K., Tosun, B., Yava, A., Trajkovski, V., Wells, J., & Cuypers, M., he importance of cancer prevention policies to inform and guide preventative and screening measures for people with intellectual disabilities: The COST project "Cancer- Understanding Prevention in Intellectual Disabilities", Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 2023Journal Article, 2023, TARA - Full Text
- Vladimir Vukovic, Martin McMahon, Pinar Soylar, Betul Tosun, Lara Carneiro, Kate Sykes, Peter Knapp, Vladimir Trajkovski, Members of the CUPID Cancer prevention policies working group, European national cancer screening and prevention policies in relation to intellectual disabilities, 24th IPOS World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Milan, Italy, 31-8-23 - 3-9-23, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023
- Martin McMahon, Phillip McCallion, Mary McCarron, An invisible population: Late-stage cancer diagnosis for people with intellectual or developmental disability, Cancer, 2023Journal Article, 2023, TARA - Full Text
- David Morrissey, Elizabeth A. O'Donnell, Laura Behan, Martin McMahon, Laura Keyes, Definitions of serious injury in long-term residential care: a systematic review protocol, HRB Open, 2023Journal Article, 2023, TARA - Full Text
- Doyle C., Cleary M., Eustace Cook J., Fleming S., McMahon M., Sheerin F., Moore K., Literature Review on the Factors that Lead to Behaviours that Challenge and Prevention and Management of Crisis Situations among children and young adults(CYA) with disability., TCD/NDA, October, 2024, p1 - 132Report, 2024, DOI
- McMahon Martin, Doyle Carmel, Burke à ilish, Fleming Sandra, Cleary Michelle, Byrne Kathleen, McGlinchey Eimear, Keenan Paul, McCarron Mary, Horan Paul, Addressing health inequality and inequity for people with intellectual disabilities: a collective responsibility for all nurses , Tizard Learning Disability Review , 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Haigh M., McCarron M., McCallion P., Pavithra P., McMahon M., Good quality end-of life care for people with an intellectual disability: A critical interpretive synthesis protocol, PLoS ONE, 19, (11), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Chapman, H.M., McMahon, M., Kaley, A., Mafuba, K. and O'Donovan, M.-A., Editorial: The case for more action and more research into healthcare provision and health inequalities for people with intellectual disabilities., British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52, 2024, p437 - 442Journal Article, 2024
- McMahon, M., Corrigan, S., Wormald, A., McCallion, P., & McCarron, M., Participation in national cancer screening programmes in Ireland: Wave 4 and 5 findings of IDS-TILDA. In Symposium: Cancer Screening in People with Intellectual Disabilities: Insights from Australia, the UK, Netherlands and Ireland., International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD), Chicago, USA., 5-8th August 2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- McMahon, M., McCausland, D., Burke, É., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Wark, S., & Hussain, R., Balancing Lives: Personal Wellbeing in Focus"A Comparative Study of Intellectual Disability in Ireland and Australia. In M. McCarron (Chair), Aging across continents: Insights from Ireland and Australia"A symposium on the health and wellbeing of adults with intellectual disability., International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD), Chicago, US, 5th-8th August 2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- McMahon, M., Wormald, A., Walsh, S., Eustace-Cook, J., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Smith, V., & Lynch, L., Prevalence and Incidence of Cancer Amongst Adults with Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review., International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD), Chicago, USA, 5th-8th August, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Wark, S., Hussain, R., Mccausland, D., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Burke, É., & McMahon, M, Social Support Across Borders: A Comparative Analysis of Intellectual Disability in Ireland and Australia., International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD), Chicago, USA, 5th-8th August 2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Martin McMahon, Cancer deaths in people with intellectual disability, Academic Workshop - HSC Doctorates, University of Chester, 26/5/2023, 2023Invited Talk
- Burke, É., McMahon, M., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., Hussain, R., & Wark, S.., Wellness Matters: Bridging the Gap in Physical Health for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities., International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD), Chicago, USA, 5th-8th August 2024, 2024Conference Paper
- Hussain, R., Wark, S., Mulryan, N., McCarron, M., McCallion, P., & McMahon, M., Navigating Minds: Mental Health Perspectives in People with Intellectual Disability"A Cross-Cultural Study, International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD), Chicago, USA, 2024Conference Paper
Research Expertise
TitleExploring the Unmet Needs of Irish Cancer Patients from Underserved Communities - EuCanSummaryCollaborating with colleagues from the School of Medicine at Trinity College Dublin, The Trinity St James"s Cancer Institute, The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), and Queen"s University in Canada the aim of this study is to generate evidence relating to the barriers to and enablers of timely access to cancer care for underserved communities such as people over the age of 65 and those with physical and intellectual disabilities. By 2040 it is projected that 28 million cancer cases will be diagnosed annually worldwide, an increase from 18 million cases in 2020. Cancer is now the leading cause of death in Ireland. Socially excluded and underserved communities face additional access challenges that result in greater inequities across the cancer care continuum. For some specific groups which include people with intellectual and physical disabilities and those over 65, research documenting the barriers and potential enablers to increase timely access is lacking; a greater understanding of these issues is necessary and this study " funded by the Irish Cancer Society - as planned here will help identify new solutions. To address this issue, we will employ a mixed methods approach using nationally representative longitudinal data to explore cancer diagnosis and associations with vulnerability factors that lead to late-stage diagnoses. We will engage with professionals providing cancer services and directly interact with members of these underserved communities to explore issues surrounding cancer diagnosis. People from underserved communities will be at the forefront of this research, and we will explore the barriers and enablers they experience, the worries they have, and other human costs that are not frequently highlighted. This study will identify actionable measures that can be implemented to enhance access to cancer diagnosis for underserved communities.Funding AgencyIrish Cancer SocietyDate FromMarch 2024Date ToApril 2024
- Trinity Excellence in Teaching School Award Winner 2024 2024
- COST ACTION: CA21123 - Cancer- Understanding Prevention in Intellectual Disabilities (CUPID) Present