Dr. Brian Keogh
Associate Professor, School of Nursing & Midwifery
Email keoghbj@tcd.ie Phone3531896 3109http://people.tcd.ie/keoghbjPublications and Further Research Outputs
- Keogh B, Daly L, Sharek D, de Vries J,McCann E, & Higgins A, Sexual health promotion: Participants' perspectives on capacity building, Health Education Journal , 75, (1), 2016, p47 - 60Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Zamanzadeh V, Jasemi M, Valizadeh L, Keogh B, Taleghani F, Effective factors in providing holistic care: a qualitative study., Indian journal of palliative care, 21, (2), 2015, p214-24Journal Article, 2015
- Brady AM and Keogh B, An evaluation of asthma education project targeting the Traveller and Roma community , Health Education Journal , 75, (4), 2016, p396 - 408Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Zamanzadeh V. Jasemi M. Valizadeh L. Keogh B and Taleghani F, Lack of Preparation: Iranian Nurses Experiences During Transition from College to Clinical Practice, Journal of Professional Nursing, 31, (4), 2015, p365 - 373Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Keogh B, Callaghan P, & Higgins A, 'Managing preconceived expectations': mental health service users experiences of going home from hospital: a grounded theory study, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing , 22, (9), 2015, p653 - 746Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Valizadeh L, Zamanzadeh V, Badri Gargari R, Ghahramanian A, Jabbaradeh Tabrizi F, Keogh B., Pressure and protective factors influencing nursing students self-esteem: A content analysis study, Nurse Education Today, 36, 2016, p468 - 472Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Keogh B, Doyle L, Higgins A, et al. , Developing e Learning Materials in Mental Health - Findings from Key Stakeholder Consultations , 16th Heath care Interdisciplinary Research Conference , Trinity College Dublin, 5th November 2015, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015
- Stickley, T., Higgins, A., Meade, O., Sitsvast, J., Doyle, L. Ellilä, H., Jormfeldt, H., Keogh, B., Lahti, M., Skärsäter, I., Vuokila-Oikkonen P., Kilkku, N., From the rhetoric to the real: A critical review of how the concepts of recovery and social inclusion may inform mental health nurse advanced level curricula - the eMenthe project., Nurse Education Today, 37, 2016, p155 - 163Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Daly, L., Hynes, G., Braken-Scally, M., Ciblis A., Kennelly, B., Keogh, B., McCarron, M., Brady, A-M., Evaluation as process: Evaluating the Genio Dementia Programme - overview and progress to date, Sonas apc ltd. 8th National Dementia Conference: New developments, Innovative practice, City West Hotel, Dublin, 16th - 17th May, 2016Poster, 2016
- Yi Myungkeun, Keogh B, What Motivates Men to Choose Nursing as a Profession? A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies, Contemporary Nurse, 52, (1), 2016, p95 - 105Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Doyle, L., de Vries, J., Higgins, A., Keogh, B., McBennett, P. & O'Shea, M., A mixed methods longitudinal evaluation of a one-day mental health wellness intervention. , Health Education Journal, 76, (2), 2017, p244 - 256Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Valizadeh L, Zamanzadeh V, Gargar RB, Ghahramanian A, Tabriz JF & Keogh B. , Self-Esteem Challenges of Nursing Students: An Integrative Review, Research and Development in Medical Education, 5, (1), 2016, p5 - 11Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Keogh B, McBennett P, De Vries, J.,Higgins A, O'Shea M, and Doyle, L., Prisoners Perceptions of a Mental Health Wellness Workshop, International Journal of Prisoner Health, 13, (2), 2017, p81 - 90Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Daly L., Bracken-Scally M., Hynes G., Ciblis A., Keogh B., Kennelly B., McCarron M. and Brady Anne-Marie, Using Inter-level Dynamics As An Interpretive Lens When Employing The RE-AIM Framework To Evaluate The Development Of Integrated Dementia Care, Age and Ageing, Irish Gerontological Society 64th Annual and Scientific Meeting. Developing Cultures of Excellence in Ageing and Exploring the Needs of Marginalised Groups, The Malton Hotel, Killarney, 29.09.16-01.10.16, 45, (Supp 2), Oxford University Press, 2016, ppii4-Published Abstract, 2016, URL
- Timmins, F. McCabe, C. and Keogh, B. , Reflections on research teaching using Brookfield's (1995) Critical Incident Technique, NET2016 27th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK, 6th-8th September, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Keogh B, Doyle L, Ellila H, Higgins A, Jormfeldt H, Lahti M, Meade O, Silvast J, Skarsater I, Stickley T & Kilkku N, Developing e-learning materials in mental health: The Ementhe Project, Mental Health Practice, 20, (5), 2017, p36 - 37Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Doyle, L., Heikki, E., Jormfeldt, H., Lahti, M, Higgins, A., Keogh, B., Meade, O., Sitvast, J., Skärsäter, I., Stickley, T. & Kilkku, N., Preparing Masters level mental health nurses to work within a wellness paradigm: Findings from the eMenthe project, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 27 , (2), 2017, p823 - 832Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Keogh, B., Skärsäter, I., Doyle, L., Heikki, E., Jormfeldt, H., Lahti, M, Higgins, A., Meade, O., Sitvast, J., Stickley, T. & Kilkku, N., Working with Families Affected by Mental Distress: Stakeholders perceptions of Mental Health Nurses Educational Needs , Issues in Mental Health Nursing , 38, (10), 2017, p822 - 828Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Neenan,K., Keogh,B., O Brien. F, Evaluation of a Preparatory Day for clinical placement assesment for first year undergraduate student nurses, Educational in Health Care; 16th Annual International Participative NET, University of Durham, 6th September , 2005Conference Paper, 2005
- Keogh, B. , Factors that influence the perceptions of first year student nurses on the clinical learning environment, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College, Annual Research Conference, November , 2003, pp395 - 395Conference Paper, 2003
- Neenan, K & Keogh, B , An Evaluation of an induction programme for mature students undertaking the Bachelor in Science in Nursing programme, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College, Annual Research Conference, November , 2004, pp87 - 87Conference Paper, 2004
- Yamamoto R and Keogh B, Children's' experiences of living with a parent with mental illness: A systematic review of qualitative studies using thematic analysis, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing , 25, (2), 2018, p131 - 141Journal Article, 2018, TARA - Full Text
- Kennelly B., Brady A.M., Hynes G., Bracken-Scally M., Daly L., Keogh B., Ciblis A. and McCarron M., Better off at home or in long term care? A balance-of-care analysis of people with advanced dementia, Age and Ageing, 46, (Supp 3), 2017, piii1 - iii12Journal Article, 2017
- Kennelly B., Brady A.M., Hynes G., Bracken-Scally M., Daly L., Keogh B., Ciblis A. and McCarron M., Better off at home or in long term care? A balance-of-care analysis of people with advanced dementia, Age and Ageing, 65th Annual and Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Wexford, Ireland, 29-30 September 2017, 46, (Supp 3), 2017, ppiii1 - iii12Published Abstract, 2017, URL
- Pittalis C., Kennelly B., Brady A.M., Daly L., Hynes G., Bracken-Scally M., Ciblis A., Keogh B. and McCarron M., Analysing the Burden of Care of Informal Carers of People with Moderate or Severe Dementia, Age and Ageing, 65th Annual and Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Wexford, Ireland, 29-30 September 2017, 46, (Supp 3), 2017, ppiii13 - iii59Published Abstract, 2017, URL
- Brady, A-M., Bracken-Scally, M., Daly, L., Ciblis, A., McCarron, M., Kennelly, B., Keogh, B., & Hynes, G., Learning from the development of Integrated Care Projects in Dementia, International Journal of Integrated Care, ICIC17 - 17th International Conference on Integrated Care, Dublin, Ireland, 8-10 May 2017, 17, (5), 2017, ppA89-Published Abstract, 2017, URL
- Brady, A-M., Hynes, G., Daly, L., Bracken-Scally, M., Ciblis, A., McCarron, M., Kennelly, B., & Keogh, B., Responsive community care for people with dementia & their families: Evaluating a person centred and integrated care model, International Journal of Integrated Care, ICIC17 - 17th International Conference on Integrated Care, Dublin, Ireland, 8-10 May 2017, 17, (5), 2017, ppA92-Published Abstract, 2017, URL
- Bracken-Scally, M., Brady, A., Daly, L., Hynes, G., Keogh, B., Kennelly, B., McCarron, M, Flexibility and reablement in home care in dementia, International Journal of Integrated Care, 18th International Conference for Integrated Care 2018, Netherlands, 23rd - 25th May, 18, (S2), 2018, pp314-Meeting Abstract, 2018, URL
- Lahti, M., Ellila, H., Jormfeldt, H., Skarsatar, I., Doyle, L., Higgins, A., Keogh, B., Meade, O., Stickley, T, Sitvast, J. & Kikku, N. , The required knowledge for lifespan mental health promotion and prevention for Master's level mental health nurse education - the eMenthe project., International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 56, (3), 2018, p143 - 154Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Keogh B, Brennan M, Doyle L, Higgins A, Holme I, Morrissey J, Accessing Recovery within the Prison Environment: An Evaluation of a Peer Mentorship Programme , 6th European Conference on Mental Health (ECMH), Berlin , 4th - 6th October , 2017Oral Presentation, 2017
- Keogh B, Brady AM, An Evaluation of an Asthma Education Pilot Programme Targeting the Traveller and Roma Community, 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference: Contemplating the Past, Present and Future, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin , 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- McCann E, Keogh B, Doyle L & Coyne I, The Experiences of Youth Who Identify as Trans* in Relation to Health and Social Care Needs: A Scoping Review, Youth and Society , 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- O'Keeffe, D., Keogh, B., Kearney, A., Senf, C., Clarke, M., & Higgins, A , A meta-synthesis of service users' perceptions of the meaning of and influences on recovery in 'psychotic illness': Implications for research and practice. , Refocus on Recovery , Nottingham,, 2017, pp84 - 85Oral Presentation, 2017
- O'Keeffe, D., Keogh, B., Kearney, A., Senf, C., Clarke, M., & Higgins, A, The meaning of and influences on recovery in psychosis: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of service user perspectives, IEPA 10th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health - Looking Back, Moving Forward, Milan, Italy , edited by P. McGorry , 2016, pp109 - 112Published Abstract, 2016
- O'Keeffe, D., Keogh, B., Clarke, M., & Higgins, A, Development of a theoretical framework for understanding Meaning in Life in the context of mental health recovery in Western Europe, IEPA 10th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health. Prevention & Early Intervention: Broadening the Scope. , Boston, United States of America, 2018Poster, 2018
- O'Keeffe, D., Keogh, B., Kearney, A., Senf, C., Clarke, M., & Higgins, A, A systematic review and meta-synthesis of service users' perceptions of the meaning of and influences on recovery in psychosis, 5th Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference: Deconstructing Schizophrenia Towards Targeted Treatment , Florence, Italy, edited by R. Kahn , 2016, pp97 - 126Poster, 2016
- O'Keeffe, D., Keogh, B., Kearney, A., Senf, C., Clarke, M., & Higgins, A, A systematic review and meta-synthesis of service users' perceptions of the meaning of and influences on recovery in psychosis, Annual Meeting of the Irish Institute of Mental Health Nursing , Dublin Ireland , 2016Poster, 2016
- Keogh B, Brady AM, Downes C, Doyle L, Higgins A, McCann T, Improving Traveller mental health - the role of co-production: findings from an evaluation of a Traveller Mental Health Liaison Nurse in Carlow and Kilkenny. , IIMHN/COMMUNE Conference:Informing mental health nursing practice, education, and research through co production, Dublin, Ireland, 17th and 18th May, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
- Murphy R, Keogh B, Higgins A, Erosion of Meaning in Life: African Asylum Seekers Experiences of Asylum in Ireland, Journal of Refugee Studies, 32, (2), 2019, p278 - 301Journal Article, 2019, TARA - Full Text
- Skärsäter I, Keogh B, Louise Doyle L, Ellilä H, Jormfeldt H, Lahti M, Higgins A, Meade O, Sitvast J, Stickley T, Kilkku N, Advancing the knowledge, skills and attitudes of mental health nurses working with families and caregivers: A critical review of the literature, Nurse Education in Practice , 32, 2018, p138 - 146Journal Article, 2018, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Jormfeldt, H., Doyle, L., Ellila, H., Lahti, M., Higgins, A., Keogh, B., Meade, O., Sitsvast, J., Skarsater, I., Stickley, T. & Kilkku, N., Master's level mental health nursing competencies, a prerequisite for equal health among service users in mental health care., International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health & Well-being, 13, (Supp 1), 2018, p1 - 9Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Brady, A-M. Bracken, M. Keogh, BJ, Daly, L, Hynes, G. Kennelly , B, Mc Carron M, Learning from a Parallel Process Evaluation of Dementia Care Services , 25th Research & Education Conference, School of Nursing, University of Maribor, Slovenia , 7th June, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Daly L.,Brady A.M., Keogh B., Bracken-Scally M., Ciblis A., Kennelly B., Hynes G., Pittalis C., Drury A. and McCarron M., Achieving inclusiveness: Suggestions to overcome challenges to accessing the perspective of people living with dementia , 19th International Nursing Ethics Conference and 4th International Ethics in Care Conference , Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork, 1-2 September , 2018, pp16 - 17Oral Presentation, 2018, URL
- Kennelly, B., Whyte, R., Daly, L., Brady, A-M., Bracken-Scally, M., Keogh, B., & Hynes, G., Inpatient Costs of Patients with Dementia in an Acute Hospital in Ireland: An Empirical Analysis, Age and Ageing, 66th Annual & Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Slieve Russell Hotel, Ballyconnell, Co. Cavan, 27-29 September 2018, 77, (Issue suppl_5), 2018, ppv13 - v60Meeting Abstract, 2018, URL
- Kennelly, B., Whyte, R., Daly, L., Brady, A-M., Bracken-Scally, M., Keogh, B., & Hynes, G., The Impact of a Diagnosis of Dementia on Length of Stay in Acute Hospitals in Ireland, Age and Ageing, 66th Annual & Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Slieve Russell Hotel, Ballyconnell, Co. Cavan, 27-29 September 2018, 77, (Issue suppl_5), 2018, ppv13 - v60Meeting Abstract, 2018, URL
- Keogh B, Daly L, Brady AM, Bracken-Scally M, Hynes G, Kennelly B, Ciblis A, Pittalis C, & Mc Carron M. , Key Stakeholders Perceptions of Assistive Technology to Support People with Dementia living at home., 28th Alzheimer Europe Conference: "Making dementia a European priority"., Barcelona , 29 to 31 Oct, 2018Poster, 2018, TARA - Full Text
- Bracken-Scally, M., Brady, A-M., Daly, L., Keogh, B., Kennelly, B., Hynes, G. & McCarron, M., Use of a consortium approach in integrating dementia care services in acute hospitals, National Forum on Integrated Care in Ireland, University College Dublin, 5 December 2018, 2018Poster, 2018
- Brady A.M.,, Learning from innovation in dementia care in the community, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2019, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 6-7 March , 2019Oral Presentation, 2019, URL
- Bracken-Scally M., Brady A-M., Daly L. , Hynes G. , Keogh B. , Kennelly B. and Mc Carron M. , Methodological lessons learned from a parallel dementia process evaluation, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2019, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 6-7 March , 2019Oral Presentation, 2019, URL
- Murphy, C., Keogh, B. & Doyle, L, 'There is no progression in prevention' - The experiences of mental health nurses working with repeated self-harm., International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 28, (5), 2019, p1142 - 1151Journal Article, 2019, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Bracken-Scally M. Keogh B., Daly l., Pittalis C., Kennelly B.,Hynes G., Gibb M., Cole N., McMahon G., Lawlor B., MCCarron M. & Brady AM, Assessing the Impact of Dementia Inclusive Environmental Adjustment in the Emergency Department, Dementia, 20, (1), 2021, p28 - 46Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Doyle, L. McCabe C., Keogh, B., Brady, A-M., McCann, M., An Overview of the Qualitative Descriptive Design within Nursing Research, Journal of Research in Nursing, 25, (5), 2020, p443 - 455Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Higgins A, Downes C, Sheaf G, Bus E, Connell S, Hafford-Letchfield T, Jurček A, Pezzella A, Rabelink I, Robotham G, Urek M, van der Vaart N & Keogh B, Pedagogical principles and methods underpinning education of health and social care practitioners on experiences and needs of older LGBT+ people: findings from a systematic review, Nurse Education in Practice , 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Daly L., Byrne G.& Keogh B., Contemporary considerations relating to health promotion and older people, British Journal of Nursing, 28, (21), 2019, p1414 - 1419Journal Article, 2019, URL
- Keogh B, Brady AM, Downes C, Doyle L, Higgins A, & McCann T, Evaluation of a Traveller Mental Health Liaison Nurse: Service User Perspectives, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 41, (9), 2020, p799 - 806Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- King, M. Keogh, B, Donohue, G, Evaluation of Nurse Confidence in Recognising a Physically Deteriorating Patient, Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research & Education Conference, RCSI, Dublin, Feb 26th , 2020Oral Presentation, 2020, URL
- Kirwan, S, Keogh, B. Donohue, G, 'Going Live' Nurse Leadership in Implementing Digital Change in an Irish Mental Health Service., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2020), TCD, Dublin, Ireland , March , 2020Oral Presentation, 2020, URL
- Keogh B, Doyle L, Murphy E, Sheaf G, Watts M, Higgins A , Mental Health Service Users Motivations for Coming off Medication: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2019), Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 6-7 March , 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
- Higgins A, Watts M, Murphy E, Keogh B, Doyle L, Service users' experiences of coming off psychotropic medication, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems', School of Nursing Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 3-5 March, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020, URL
- O'Keeffe D, Keogh B, Higgins A, The impact of meaning making in psychosis experiences on Meaning in Life in First Episode Psychosis, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020): 'Integrated healthcare: developing person-centred health systems', School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 3-5 March, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020, URL
- Jurcek A, Downes C, Keogh B, Urek M, Sheaf G, Hafford-Letchfield, Buitenkamp C, van der Vaart N, Higgins A, Educating health and social care practitioners on the experiences and needs of older LGBT+ adults: findings from a systematic review, Journal of Nursing Management , 29, (1), 2021, p43 - 57Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Keogh B., Ting To, W., Daly L., Hynes G., Kennelly S., Lawlor B., Timmons S., O'Reilly S., Bracken-Scally M., Ciblis A., Cole N., Drury A., Pitalis C., Kennelly B., McCarron M. and Brady A.M., Acute hospital staff's attitudes towards dementia and perceived dementia knowledge: a cross-sectional survey in Ireland, BMC Geriatrics, 20, (376), 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Feerick A., Doyle L. & Keogh B, Forensic Mental Health Nurses Perceptions of Clinical Supervision: A Qualitative Descriptive Study, Issues in Mental Health Nursing , 42, (7), 2021, p682 - 689Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- King M, Keogh B, Donohue G, Evaluating mental health nurses' confidence in recognising a physically deteriorating patient., Mental Health Practice, 2020, doi: 10.7748/mhp.2020.e1519Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Kirwan, S, Keogh, B, Donohue, G. , Nurse leadership in implementing digital change in an Irish mental health service., Mental Health Practice, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Donohue G, Keogh BJ, Do we need to revisit our thinking on Electroconvulsive Therapy?., Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 28, (3), 2021, p307 - 308Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Kirwan, S, King, M, Farrington, A, Jennings, B, Doyle, C, Keogh, B, Donohue, G, Service user experience of receiving remote inpatient mental health treatment via the Homecare service, TCD Health and Education Conference , Dublin, IRE, March , 2021Poster, 2021
- Hafford‐Letchfield, T., Pezzella, A., Connell, S. Urek, M., Jurček, A., Higgins, A., Keogh, B. et al. , Learning to deliver LGBT+ aged care: Exploring and documenting best practices in professional and vocational education through the World Café method, Ageing & Society , 2021, p1 - 22Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Keogh, B., Brady, AM, Downes, C., Doyle, L., Higgins, A., McCann, T. & O'Sullivan, K., Mental Health Liaison Nursing and Minority Groups: The Role and Activities of a Traveller Mental Health Liaison Nurse., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', School of Nursing and Midwifery, 10th March, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021, URL
- O'Keefe, D., Keogh, B. & Higgins, A., Optimising support in mental health services for Meaning in Life in psychosis: Service user perspectives, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', School of Nursing and Midwifery, 10th March, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021, URL
- Doyle, L., Keogh, B., Morrissey, J., Higgins, A. & Downes, C, Accessing Help for Self-Harm and Suicidal Behaviour in the Emergency Department: The Experiences of Service Users., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021): 'Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working', School of Nursing and Midwifery, 10th March, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021, URL
- Keogh, B., Murphy, E., Doyle, L., Sheaf, G., Watts, M. & Higgins, A., Mental Health Service Users Experiences of Medication Discontinuation: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies , Journal of Mental Health, 31, (2), 2022, p227 - 238Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Kirwan, S, Donohue, G, Keogh B, Nurse Leadership in Implementing Digital Health Change in an Irish Mental Health Service, Scholars International Virtual Nursing 2021, UK, April 14-15th , 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Kirwan S, Cunningham P, Donohue G, Keogh B, Creedon J., Nursing leadership in response to the COVID-19 crisis in an Irish independent mental health service., British Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 2021Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Watts, M. Murphy, E., Keogh, B., Downes, C., Doyle, L., Higgins, A., Deciding to discontinue prescribed psychotropic medication: a qualitative study of service users' experiences, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing , 30, (SI), 2021, p1395 - 1406Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- O'Keeffe D, Keogh B, Higgins A, Meaning in Life in long-term recovery in first-episode psychosis: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Sullivan K, Brady AM, Downes C, Higgins A, Doyle L, McCann T & Keogh B, The role and activities of the Traveller mental health liaison nurse: Findings from a multi-stakeholder evaluation, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Byrne G., Keogh B. and Daly L., Self-management support for older adults with chronic illness - the implications for nursing practice., British Journal of Nursing, 31, (2), 2022, p86 - 94Journal Article, 2022, URL
- Phelan A., Daly L. and Keogh B., Exploring Older People's Experiences of Shielding During the COVID-19 Pandemic, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2021, p1 - 85Report, 2021, URL
- Phelan A., Daly L. and Keogh B., Exploring Older People's Experiences of Shielding During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Age and Ageing, Annual and Scientific Meeting Virtual Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society 70 Years of Change 1951-2021 , Virtual, 18th November 2021, 50, (Supplement 3), 2021Oral Presentation, 2021, URL
- Keogh B., Daly L. and Byrne G, Supporting resilience in older people: implications for nursing practice, British Journal of Community Nursing, 27, (6), 2022, p272 - 276Journal Article, 2022, URL
- Daly L., Byrne G. and Keogh B, Promoting Health with Older Adults Living with Dementia in the Community , Nursing Standard, 2022Journal Article, 2022, URL
- Corrigan M, Curran M, Kirwan S, Donohue G. Keogh B, The transition of a mental health facility to a COVID-19 isolation ward and unit to deliver remote inpatient mental health care, British Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 2022Journal Article, 2022, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Jurcek A, Keogh B, Sheaf G, Hafford-Letchfield T, Higgins A, Defining and researching the concept of resilience in LGBT+ later life: Findings from a mixed study systematic review, PLoS ONE, 17, (11), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Collaborative Prescribing and Advanced Mental Health Nursing Practice in, editor(s)Agnes Higgins, Nina Kilkku, Gisli Kort Krisofersson , Advanced Practice in Mental Health Nursing: A European Perspective, Berlin, Springer, 2022, pp335 - 356, [Keogh B, Kort-Kristofersson G. & van de Sande R]Book Chapter, 2022
- Phelan A., Daly l. and Keogh B, Exploring older people"s experiences of shielding during the COVID-19 pandemic, European Geriatric Medicine, 18th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society, Excel, London, 28th-30th September, 13, (Supp 1), Springer, 2022, ppP-303Poster, 2022, URL
- Doyle C., King M., Kirwan S., Jennings B., Farrington A., Keogh B. & Donohue G., Evaluation of the home care service: a remote inpatient service for people requiring mental health care, British Journal of Mental Health Nurisng, 12, (3), 2023, p1 - 10Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Brian Keogh, Wing Ting To, Louise Daly, Geralyn Hynes, Siobhan Kennelly, Brian Lawlor, Suzanne Timmons, Susan O"Reilly, Mairead Bracken-Scally, Aurelia Ciblis, Natalie Cole, Amanda Drury, Chiara Pittalis, Brendan Kennelly, Mary McCarron, Anne-Marie Brady, Acute hospital staff"s attitudes towards dementia and perceived dementia knowledge: a cross-sectional survey in Ireland, BMC Geriatrics, 20, (376), 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Jasemi, M., Valizadeh, L., Zamanzadeh, V., Keogh, B., A concept analysis of holistic care by hybrid model, Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 23, (1), 2017, p71-80Journal Article, 2017
- Farrington A., Jennings B., Donohue G.,Doyle C., King M., Kirwan S., Keogh B., Service User Experience of Receiving Remote Inpatient Mental Health Treatment via the Homecare Service, Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 45, (3), 2024, p240 - 246Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Wiisak, J., Stolt, M., Igoumenidis, M., Chiappinotto, S., Gastmans, C., Keogh, B., Mertens, E., Palese, A., Papastavrou, E., Mc Cabe, C. and Suhonen, R., Factors contributing to the promotion of moral competence in nursing., Nursing Ethics, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Higgins, A., Downes, C., O'Sullivan, K., de Vries, J., Molloy, R., Monahan, M., Keogh, B., Doyle, L., Begley, T., Corocan, P., The National Study on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of the LGBTQI+ Communities in Ireland: Key Findings Report, Key Findings, Trinity Collee Dublin, April, 2024, p1 - 22Report, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Murphy R., Keogh B., Higgins A., An embodied distress: African asylum seekers" experiences of mental health difficulties while awaiting an asylum outcome in Ireland, Transcultural Psychiatry, 58, (2), 2021, p239 - 253, p239-253Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Carey, M., Keogh, B. & Doyle, L., Why are we not asking about Suicidal Mental Imagery?, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 33, (6), 2024, p1609 - 1614Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Wiisak J, Suhonen R, Galazzi A, Gastmans C, Keogh B, Papastavrou E, Stefanopoulos N, Palese A, Stolt M, PROMOCON Consortium., How nurses' moral competence can be supported: Findings from international focus groups with professionals., International nursing review, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Chris Gastmans and Evelyne Mertens and Alvisa Palese and Brian Keogh and Francesca Apolloni and Johanna Wiisak and Catherine Mc Cabe and Maria Dimitriadou and Alessandro Galazzi and Michael Igoumenidis and Nikos Stefanopoulos and Paraskevi Charitou and Evridiki Papastavrou and Riitta Suhonen and Stefania Chiappinotto, Perspectives of nurses and patient representatives on the morally competent nurse: An international focus group study, International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, 8, 2025, p100296Journal Article, 2025, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Doyle, L., Keogh, B., Higgins, A., Morrissey, J., Brennan, M., Holme, I., Reilly, R., & Carr, C., Prisoners' Experiences of Training and Working as a Peer Mental Health Mentor in an Irish Prison., International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 2025, p1-11Journal Article, 2025, DOI
- Morgan R. & Keogh B, An Irish perspective on preceptorship using Bondy's clinical assessment tool to ensure that students achieve a satisfactory competence level during practice placement, Clinical Excellence for Nurse Practitioners, 9, (4), 2005, p181 - 185Journal Article, 2005
- Neenan K, Keogh B. & O'Brien F., An evaluation of a preparatory day for clinical placement assessment for first year undergraduate student nurses, Education in Healthcare, 16th Annual International Participative NET, University of Durham, 6th September , 2005, pp33 - 34Conference Paper, 2005
- Gender Based Barriers for Male Student Nurses in General Nursing Education Programs: An Irish Perspective in, editor(s)Chad E.O'Lynn & Russell E. Tranbarger , Men in Nursing: History, Challenges and Opportunities , New York, Springer Publishing Company, 2007, pp193 - 204, [Brian Keogh & Chad O'Lynn]Book Chapter, 2007
- Neenan.K., OBrien F. Keogh B. J, The emotional work of Caring for patients in pain , Irish Pain Society 4th Annual Scientific Meeting, Dublin, , Dublin, November , 2005Poster, 2005
- Keogh B., O'Brien F. & Neenan K., Male nurses experiences of gender barriers during preregistration general nursing education programmes., 25th International Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 23rd February 2006, 2006, pp61 - 61Poster, 2006
- Neenan K., O'Brien F. & Keogh B., Using a personal approach to support mature students in university., 25th International Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference., Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 23rd February 2006, 2006, pp62 - 62Poster, 2006
- O'Brien F., Neenan K. & Keogh B., Evaluating the benifits of using a collaborative approach to prepare students for practice placement, Value for money: Learning through evaluation, Irish Nursing and Midwifery Practice Development Association, 23rd March 2006, 2006Poster, 2006
- Neenan K. O'Brien F. & Keogh B., The emotional work of caring for patients in pain., 5th Annual Scientific Meeting of the IPS, Dublin, 14th October , 2005Poster, 2005
- O'Brien F. Neenan K. & Keogh B, Preparing students for clinical assessments: A revised collaborative approach, 5th Annual Conference of the National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery, Dublin, 17th November, 2005Poster, 2005
- O'Brien, F., Keogh, B., Neenan, K., Preparing students for clinical assessment: A revised collaborative approach,, Fifth Annual Conference of the National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery, , Jurys Hotel, Dublin, , 16th November, 2005Conference Paper, 2005
- Neenan, K., O'Brien, F., Keogh, B, Using a personal approach to support mature students in university,, 25th International Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland,, Dublin, 23rd February , 2006Conference Paper, 2006
- O'Brien, F., Neenan, K., Keogh, B., Evaluating the benefits of using a collaborative approach to prepare students for practice placement,, Value for money: Learning through evaluationIrish Nursing and Midwifery Practice Development Association 3rd Annual Conference, Galway Bay Hotel, , 23rd March, , 2006, 5Meeting Abstract, 2006
- O'Brien, F., Keogh, B., Neenan, K., Highly Skilled Jugglers: Mature women in nurse education programmes, 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 9th November, 2006, pp582 - 583Conference Paper, 2006
- Keogh B. & Nolan L., Lessons learned while conducting research with vulnerable populations, The 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, School of Nursing and Midwifery, 8th November, 2006, pp373 - 374Conference Paper, 2006
- Keogh B., Neenan K. and O'Brien F., Reality Shock: Challenges facing mental health mature nursing students., The 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference., School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College, Dublin, 9th November, 2006, pp375 - 375Conference Paper, 2006
- Keogh B. & Gleeson M., Caring for female patients: the experience of male nurses , British Journal of Nursing, 15, (11), 2006, p604 - 607Journal Article, 2006, URL
- Keogh B & O'Lynn C, Male nurses experiences of Gender Barriers: Irish and American Perspectives, Nurse Educator, 32, (6), 2007, p256 - 259Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Neenan, K., O'Brien F. and Keogh B., Informing questionnaire development with cognitive interviewing: Reflections from practice, 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, The School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College, 7th November, 2006, pp552 - 553Conference Paper, 2006
- Gleeson M. & Keogh B, Caring for female patients: male nurses experiences , 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 10th November, 2006, pp389 - 390Conference Paper, 2006, URL
- Morrissey J., Doyle L. & Keogh B., Final year mental health student nurses' experiences of caring for clients with suicidal behaviour , 7th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 10th November, 2006, pp542 - 542Conference Paper, 2006
- Doyle L., Keogh B. & Morrissey J., Emergency Department Nurses' Educational Needs When Caring for Patients who present with Suicidal Behaviour, 26th International Nursing and Midwifery Research Conference, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, 21 - 22 February, 2007, pp34 - 34Conference Paper, 2007
- Keogh, B., Doyle, L. & Morrissey, J., Suicidal Behaviour: A Study of Emergency Nurses' Educational Needs when Caring for this Patient Group, Emergency Nurse, 15, (3), 2007, p30 - 35Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Care of the older person with dementia in, editor(s)Jean Morrissey, Brian Keogh, Louise Doyle , Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing: An Irish Perspective, Dublin, Gill & MacMillan, 2008, pp270 - 286, [Brian Keogh ]Book Chapter, 2008
- Physical Health and Mental Health Nursing in, editor(s)Jean Morrissey, Brian Keogh, Louise Doyle , Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing: An Irish Perspective, Dublin, Gill & MacMillan, 2008, pp333 - 345, [Frances Ryan, Brian Keogh & Louise Doyle]Book Chapter, 2008
- Psychosocial Interventions in, editor(s)Jean Morrissey, Brian Keogh, Louise Doyle , Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing: An Irish Perspective, Dublin, Gill & MacMillan, 2008, pp139 - 155, [Mark Monahan, Louise Doyle & Brian Keogh]Book Chapter, 2008
- Morrissey, J., Keogh, B. & Doyle, L. (Editors), Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing: An Irish Perspective, Dublin, Gill & MacMillan, 2008, 1-430ppBook, 2008
- Doyle L., Keogh B. & Morrissey J., Caring for patients with suicidal behaviour: an exploratory study, British Journal of Nursing , 16, (19), 2007, p1218 - 1222Journal Article, 2007, URL
- Keogh, B. & Doyle, L. , Psychopharmacological adverse effects, Mental Health Practice, 11, (6), 2008, p28 - 30Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Doyle, L & Keogh, B., Reducing relapse in psychosis through medication management., Mental Health Practice, 11, (9), 2008, p32 - 35Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Keogh, B, O'Brien, F, Neenan, K, The clinical experiences of mature mental health nursing students in Ireland., Nurse education in practice, 9, 2009, p271 - 276Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- O'Brien, F, Keogh, B, Neenan, K, Mature students' experiences of undergraduate nurse education programmes: The Irish experience., Nurse education today, 29, 2009, p635 - 640Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Keogh, B, Daly, L, The ethics of conducting research with mental health service users., British Journal of Nursing , 18, (5), 2009, p277 - 281Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
- Keogh, B., Lynch, A. & Doyle, L. , Pharmacological Management of Extra Pyramidal Side Effects , Nurse Prescribing, 51, (3), 2009, p00Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Keogh, B, 'You're the Schizo off Your Road aren't you?': People Who Use the Mental Health Services Experiences of and Responses to Stigma. , 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference "Transforming Healthcare through Research & Education" , Trinity College Dublin, 5th and 6th November, 2009Meeting Abstract, 2009
- Doyle, L. Keogh, B. & Lynch, A., Pharmacological Management of Alcohol Dependence Syndrome, Mental Health Practice, 14, (1), 2010, p14 - 19Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Keogh B Higgins A Callaghan P, Mental Health Service Users' Experiences of Going Home from Hospital, Building and Promoting Excellence in Practice , NUI Galway, 4th - 5th April , 2011Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Keogh B, Mental Health Service Users Expereinces of Stigma, Journal of Postgraduate Research , 9, 2010, p95 - 107Journal Article, 2010
- Keogh B., Mental Health Service Users Conceptualisations of Mental Distress Following Psychiatric Hospital Admission: Findings from a Grounded Theory Study, Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom, 2012 International Nursing Research Conference , London, 23th April , 2012Meeting Abstract, 2012
- Higgins A., Callaghan, P. de Vries, J., Keogh, B., Morrissey, J. Nash, M., Ryan, D. Gijbels, H. & Carter, T. , Evaluation of mental health recovery and Wellness Recovery Action Planning education in Ireland: a mixed methods pre-post evaluation. , Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68, 2012, p2418 - 2428.Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Keogh B, Higgins A, Callaghan P, Managing Preconceived Expectations': Mental Health Service Users' Experiences of Going Home from Hospital., 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Dublin , 9th - 10th November , 2011, pp55-Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Higgins, A., Daly, L., de Vries, J., Keogh, B., McCann, E., and Sharek, D. , Capacity Building Impact of the Foundation Programme in Sexual Health Promotion: A Multiple Stakeholder Perspective, Dublin, Trinity College Dublin School of Nursing and Midwifery, 2013, p1 - 128Report, 2013
- Keogh B, Higgins A, DeVries J, Morrissey J, Callaghan P, Ryan D, Gijbels H, Nash M, 'We have got the tools': Qualitative evaluation of a mental health Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) education programme in Ireland, Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 21, (3), 2014, p189 - 196Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Zamanzadeh V, Valizadeh L, Keogh B, Monadi M, Negarandeh R & Azadi A, Choosing and Remaining in Nursing: Iranian Male Nurses Perspectives, Contemporary Nurse, 45, (2), 2013, p225 - 232Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Keogh B, Service users disclosure practices following discharge from hospital, Mental Health Practice, 17, (7), 2014, p14 - 19Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Doyle, L., Keogh, B. & Morrissey, J. , Working with self-harm and suicidal behaviour. , London, Palgrave McMillan, 2015Book, 2015
- Keogh, B., Doyle, L., Higgins, A. et al, Developing Master's Level eLearning material in mental health - Phase one, consulting with key stakeholders , Fundamentals of Nursing and Midwifery Practice, 33rd Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research & Education Conference 2014, RCSI, Dublin, 20th February 2014, Abstract number P.34, 2014, pp116 - 117Published Abstract, 2014
- Daly L., Keogh B., Hynes G., Mc Carron M., Kennelly B., Ciblis A., Bracken-Scally M. & Brady A-M., Evaluation of the Genio Dementia Programme 2013 - project overview, Facuty of Health Sciences Research Day, Trinity College Dublin, 17th September, 2015Poster
- Brady, A-M., Hynes, G., Keogh, B., Daly, L., Kennelly, B., Bracken-Scally, M., Ciblis, A., McCarron, M. , Evaluation of the Genio Dementia Programme 2014-16 Interim Report. , School of Nursing and Midwifery, , Trinity College Dublin, 2016Report
- Brady, A-M., Hynes, G., Keogh, B., Daly, L., Kennelly, B., Ciblis, A., Bracken-Scally, M., McCarron, M. , Evaluation of the Genio Dementia Programme 2014-16 'Connolly Hospital Integrated Care Pathway for People with Dementia' Initiative: Early Findings. , School of Nursing and Midwifery, , Trinity College Dublin, 2016Report
- Brady, A-M., Hynes, G., Keogh, B., Daly, L., Kennelly, B., Ciblis, A., Bracken-Scally, M., McCarron, M, ). Evaluation of the Genio Dementia Programme 2014-16 Cork Integrated Dementia Care Across Settings (Cork-IDEAS) Initiative: Early Findings., School of Nursing and Midwifery, , Trinity College Dublin, 2015Report
- Brady, A-M., Hynes, G., Keogh, B., Daly, L., Kennelly, B., Ciblis, A., Bracken-Scally, M., McCarron, M, Evaluation of the Genio Dementia Programme 2014-16 'Memory Matters' Initiative Implemented by the Carlow/Kilkenny Service Provider Forum: Early Findings. , School of Nursing and Midwifery, , Trinity College Dublin, 2016Report
- Brady, A-M., Hynes, G., Keogh, B., Daly, L., Kennelly, B., Bracken-Scally, M., Ciblis, A., McCarron, M. , Evaluation of the Genio Dementia Programme 2014-16 DemPath Integrated Care Pathway Project: Early Findings, School of Nursing and Midwifery, , Trinity College Dublin, 2015Report
- Brady, A-M., Hynes, G., Keogh, B., Daly, L., Kennelly, B., Bracken-Scally, M., Ciblis, A., McCarron, M. , Evaluation of the Genio Dementia Programme 2014-16 Community Outreach Dementia Project Leitrim: Early Findings, School of Nursing and Midwifery, , Trinity College Dublin, 2015Report
- Brady, A-M, Keogh, B. Daly, L.Kennelly, B. Hynes, G. Bracken, M. & Ciblish A. , HSE Genio Dementia Programme; setting the context of integration of care in acute hospitals, HSE & Genio Dementia Briefing 2016, Aisling Hotel , 12th December , 2016Invited Talk
- Doyle, L., Keogh, B., Morrissey, J., Holme, I., Brennan, M. & Higgins, A. , Promoting Our Wellness and Recovery (POWER) Peer Prisoner Mentoring Evaluation Study., Trinity College Dublin, 2017, p1 - 100Report, TARA - Full Text
- Brady, A-M., Bracken-Scally, M., Hynes, G., Keogh, B., Daly, L., Kennelly, B., Ciblis, A., Pittalis, C., & McCarron, M., Evaluation of the Community Outreach Dementia Project Leitrim, Dublin, Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, 2017Report, URL
- Brady, A-M., Ciblis, A., Hynes, G., Keogh, B., Daly, L., Kennelly, B., Bracken-Scally, M., & McCarron, M., Evaluation of the Memory Matters Carlow/Kilkenny Community Dementia Project, Dublin, Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, 2017Report, URL
- Bracken-Scally, M., Brady, A-M., Keogh, B., Hynes, G.,Kennelly, B., Drury, A., Daly, L., & McCarron, M., Evaluation of the Connolly Hospital Dementia Pathways Project: Preliminary findings, Connolly Hospital Dementia Pathways Partnerships in Care Seminar, Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown, Dublin, 20 September 2018, 2018Invited Talk
- Keogh B, Brady AM, Downes C, Doyle L, Higgins A, McCann T, An Evaluation of the Role of the Traveller Mental Health Liaison Nurse in Carlow and Kilkenny, Dublin, Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, October, 2018Report, TARA - Full Text
- Keogh B, Brady AM, Downes C, Doyle L, Higgins A, McCann T, An Evaluation of the Role of the Traveller Mental Health Liaison Nurse in Carlow and Kilkenny [Summary Report], Dublin, Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, October, 2018Report
- Noone C. Keogh B, Buggy C., Far from Home: Life as an LGBT migrant in Ireland, National LGBT Federation , 2018Report, TARA - Full Text
- Brady A.M., Daly L., Keogh B., Kennelly B., Ciblis A., Drury A., Hynes G., Bracken-Scally M., Pittalis C. and McCarron M., Evaluation of the Cork Integrated Dementia Care Across Settings (Cork-IDEAS) Project, Dublin, Ireland, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2018, p1 - 109Report, URL
- Brady, A-M., Bracken-Scally, M., Keogh, B., Kennelly, B., Daly, L., Hynes, G., Pittalis, C., Drury, A., Ciblis, A. & McCarron, M., Evaluation of the St. James's Hospital DemPath Integrated Care Pathway Project, Dublin, Ireland, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 2018Report, URL
- Higgins A, Keogh B, Bus E, Connell S, Hafford-Letchfield T, Jurcek A, Pezzella A, Rabelink I, Robotham G, Urek M, and Van der Vaart N , 'Best practice principles on developing LGBT cultural competence in health and social care education', Being Me Project Team, 2019, - 1-7Protocol or guideline, TARA - Full Text
- Doyle, L., Keogh, B., Morrissey, J., Higgins, A. & Downes, C. , Accessing Help for Self-Harm and Suicidal Behaviour in the Emergency Department: The Experiences of Service Users. , Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, July, 2020Report, TARA - Full Text
- Noone C, Hoey J, Costa E, Keogh B, Buggy C, Browne K, , Across the spectrum: Attitudes towards minority genders and sexualities in Ireland, Dublin, National LGBT Federation , 2022Report, TARA - Full Text
- Keogh B, Carr C, Doyle L, Higgins A, Morrissey J, Sheaf J, & Jowett A J, An Exploration of Conversion Therapy Practices in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, February, 2023Report, TARA - Full Text
- Doyle, L., Rashleigh, C., Keogh, B. & Carr, C., Trinity Shape Study Suicide Help-seeking and Prevention. Key Findings Report., Trinity College Dublin, 2023Report
- Keogh, B., Carr, C., Doyle, L., Brady, AM. and Higgins, A., Traveller Community Engagement with Local Mental Health Services in Dublin North City and County, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, June, 2024, p1 - 32Report, TARA - Full Text
- de Vries, J., Downes, C., O'Sullivan, K., Molloy, R., Monahan, M., Keogh, B., Doyle, L., Begley, T., Corcoran, P., & Higgins, A., Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland: The National Study on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of the LGBTQI+ Communities in Ireland, Research Club Presentation, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Dublin, Ireland, 04/07/2024, 2024, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, 1 - 21ppInvited Talk, TARA - Full Text
- Higgins, A., Downes, C., O'Sullivan, K., de Vries, J., Molloy, R., Monahan, M., Keogh, B., Doyle, L., Begley, T., Corocan, P., he National Study on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of the LGBTQI+ Communities in Ireland: Key Findings Report, Key Findings, Trinity College Dublin, 2024, p1 - 22Report
- Doyle L, Keogh B & Morrissey J, Suicide: Facing the challenge, The World of Irish Nursing, 15, (9), 2007, p50 - 51Journal Article, URL
- Keogh B, Commentary on Gough B & Happell B (2009) Undergraduate nursing students attitude to mental health nursing: a cluster analysis approach. Journal of Clinical Nursing 18, 3155-3164., Journal of clinical nursing, 18, (22), 2009, p3200-1Journal Article, DOI
- Higgins A, Callaghan P, DeVries J, Keogh B, Morrissey J, Ryan D, Gijbels H, Nash M, Evaluation of the mental health recovery and WRAP education programme: Report to the Irish Mental Health & Recovery consortium, Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin, May , 2010Report
- Doyle L., Higgins A., Sharek D., Keogh B., De Vries J., McBennett P. , Suicide or Survive: Wellness Workshop Evaluation Final Report. Dublin: School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin., Dublin: School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin, August, 2012Report
- Higgins A., Daly L., de Vries J., Keogh B., McCann E., and Sharek D. , Evaluation of the Foundation Programme in Sexual Health Promotion (FPSHP). , Dublin, Trinity College Dublin School of Nursing and Midwifery, 2013Report, URL
- Brady, AM. & Keogh, B. , Asthma Education Pilot Project (Targeting Disadvantaged Groups) Travelling Community: An Evaluation for The Asthma Society of Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, School of Nursing and Midwifery , September , 2014Report
- Doyle, L., O'Shea, M., Keogh, B., De Vries, J., McBennett, P. & Higgins, A., Wellness Workshop Longitudinal Evaluation Report , Trinity College Dublin, September, 2014, p1 - 147Report, TARA - Full Text