Dr. Vivienne Brady
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing & Midwifery
Email Vivienne.Brady@tcd.ie Phone3531896 4149https://www.tcd.ie/research/profiles/?profile=bradyviBiography
Dr. Vivienne Brady is an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, with teaching responsibilities across all undergraduate and postgraduate midwifery programmes and is Director of Midwifery and Head of Discipline since June 2022. She is an experienced midwife and academic, with over twenty years of research activity, including postgraduate student research supervision, and spanning a wide range of methodologies (principally action research, and qualitative research approaches) and healthcare related topics and field work. Vivienne's doctoral thesis used a Feminist Participatory Action Research approach to develop Antenatal Education with mothers and midwives in preparation for motherhood, with an emphasis on women's involvement in developing policies and processes that they and their families are affected by. Vivienne's research agenda continues to be motivated by women's health, the wellbeing of new mothers and their experiences of maternity care. She was nominated by the Centre for Women in Science & Engineering Research (WiSER) to participate in the Aurora Leadership Development Programme for Women in Higher Education in 2016-2017 and returned as Role Model for Aurora in 2018, 2019 and 2020. Vivienne is mentor for colleagues, and for TCD candidates undertaking the Aurora Leadership programme and she is currently Athena SWAN Champion for the School of Nursing and Midwifery.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Timmins, F., Whelan, J., Murphy, M., King, C. and Brady, V. , The Development of Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland - an Innovative Response to an Emerging Hiatus, First International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference; Sowing the Seeds, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 25th June , 2015Conference Paper, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Fiona Timmins, Maryanne Murphy, SÃlvia Caldeira, Eimear Ging, Carole King, Vivienne Brady, Jacqueline Whelan, Colm OBoyle , John Kelly, Freda Neill , Geralyn Hynes, Kathleen Neenan, Nicolas Pujol, Lisa Fitzgerald, Deborah Hayden, Barbara Sweeney, Mary Threadgold, Michael O' Sullivan, Bernadette Flanagan, Elizabeth Weathers , Philip Larkin, Therese Meehan, Karen Ward, Hannah Chew, Eunice Minford, Mandy Lee, Margaret Mulchaire, Anne Mc Auliffe, PJ Boyle, Noel Keating, Brian Nolan , The Development of a Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), Religions, 7, (3), 2016, p30 - 34Journal Article, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Madden D. and BRADY V., How Can Midwives Develop Their Support Skills for Women with Mental Health Needs during the Antenatal Period? An Action Research Study , 5th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference NUIG, NUIG, 31st March 2015, 2015Conference Paper, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Timmins F, Caldeira S, Whelan J, Murphy M, King C, Brady, V, Shared understandings of spiritual care among the members of an innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland, Fourth International Conference of the British Association for the Study of Spirituality Can spirituality transform our world ? New frontiers in understanding and exploring contemporary spiritualities , Chancellors Hotel and Conference Centre, Manchester, UK, 23-26 May , 2016Poster, 2016
- Timmins F, Caldeira S, Whelan J, Murphy M, King C & Brady V., Shared understandings of spiritual care among the members of an innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland, 2nd International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference, 'Nurturing the Spirit', School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 23 June 2016, 2016Poster, 2016
- Timmins, F. McSherry, W. OBoyle, C., Brady, V. and Caldeira, S., Special Issue "International Conference of Spirituality in Healthcare. Sowing the Seeds"-Trinity College Dublin, Religions, 7, (11), 2016, p126-Journal Article, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Romeiro, J. Caldeira, S. Brady, V., Timmins, F. and Hall, J. , The spiritual journey of infertile couples: discussing the opportunity for spiritual care , 2nd International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference,, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, June 23rd 2016, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Gallagher L, Lawler D, Brady V, OBoyle C, Deasy A, Muldoon K, An evaluation of the appropriateness and effectiveness of structured reflection for midwifery students in Ireland, Nurse Education in Practice, 22, 2017, p7 - 14Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Timmins, F. Caldeira, S. Whelan, J., Murphy, M., King, C. and Brady, V. , Shared understandings of spiritual care among the members of an innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland, Royal College of Nursing International Nursing Research Conference , University of Oxford Examination Schools, 75-81 High Street Oxford , Wed 5-7th April 2017, 2017Poster, 2017, URL
- Romeiro, J. Caldeira, S. Brady, V., Hall, J. and Timmins, F. , The spiritual journey of infertile couples: discussing the opportunity for spiritual care, Religions, 2017, p76 - 90Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- OBoyle, C., Brady, V. and Timmins F., Making space for spirituality in childbirth, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26, (19), 2017, p2823 - 2825Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Madden, D. Sliney, A. O'Friel, A. McMackin, B. O'Callaghan, B. Casey, K. Courtney, L. Fleming, V. and BRADY, V., Using action research to develop midwives' skills to support women with perinatal mental health needs, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2017, p11Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Romeiro, J. Caldeira, S. BRADY, V. Timmins, F. and Hall, J. , Spiritual aspects of living with infertility: a synthesis of qualitative studies, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26, (23-24), 2017, p3917 - 3935Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- BRADY, V. and Lalor, J., Space for human connection in antenatal education: Uncovering women's hopes using Participatory Action Research, Midwifery, 55, 2017, p7 - 14Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Timmins, F. Egan, R. Flanagan, B. Muldowney, Y. O'Boyle, C. BRADY, V. Whelan, J. Neenan, K. and McSherry, W. , Special Issue "International Conference of Spirituality in Healthcare. Nurturing the Spirit"-Trinity College Dublin 2016, Religions, 8, (204), 2017, p7Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Donohoe A Coghlan D Hynes G and BRADY V., Developing our Action Research Writing: Reflections on an Action Research Writing Group, 6th Action Research Colloquium, ARGI, University College Dublin, 30 June & 1 July , 2016Oral Presentation, 2016
- BRADY, V. Timmins, F,. Naughton, M., Caldeira, S. and Pesut, B., Healthcare chaplains' experience of engaging with patients and service users from 'minority' religious or non-religious groups in the Republic of Ireland (ROI)., 6th European Conference on Religion, Spirituality and Health and the 5th International Conference of the British Association for the Study of Spirituality, Coventry University, UK, May 17-19, 2018,, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Piret, P. Neenan K. Muldowney Y. BRADY, V. and Timmins F. (2018), Spiritual leadership as an emergent solution to transform the healthcare workplace, Journal of Nursing Management, 26, ((4)), 2018, p335 - 337Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Timmins, F. McSherry, W. OBoyle, C., BRADY, V. and Caldeira, S, "International Conference of Spirituality in Healthcare. Sowing the Seeds", Religions, 7, (11), 2016, p120 - 126Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Brady, V. May, P. Lombard-Vance, R. Hynes G. and Corry M. , Evaluation of the Introduction of Schwartz Rounds in Ireland, Health Services Executive, Dublin, Ireland., Health Services Executive, 2019, p1 - 183Report, 2019, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Timmins F, Murphy M, Caldeira S, Ging E, King C, BRADY V, Whelan J, O'Boyle C, Kelly J, Neill F, Hynes G, Neenan K, Pujol N, Fitzgerald L, Hayden D, Sweeney B, Threadgold M, O'Sullivan M, Flanagan B, Weathers E, Larkin P, Meehan T, Ward K, Chew H, Minford E, Lee M, Mulchaire M, Mc Auliffe A, Boyle PJ, Keating N, Nolan B., Developing Agreed and Accepted Understandings of Spirituality and Spiritual Care Concepts among Members of an Innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland. , Religions, 7, (3), 2016, p1 - 15Journal Article, 2016, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Brady, V, Review of Reflective Practice for Healthcare Professionals. 3rd edn. , by Taylor, B. , MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, 21, (2), 2010, p2Review, 2010
- Brady, V, Review of Tensions and Barriers in Improving Maternity Care. The Story of a Birth Centre, by Deery, R.; Hughes, D. and Kirkham, M , The Practisisng Midwife, 2010Review, 2010
- Madden, D. Sliney, A. O'Friel, A. McMackin, B. O'Callaghan, B. Casey, K. Courtney, L. Fleming, V. and BRADY, V., Using action research to develop midwives' skills to support women with perinatal mental health needs, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27, (3-4), 2018, p561-571Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Brady, V., Timmins, F., Caldeira, S., Whelan, J., Murphy, M., O'Boyle, C. Neenan, K. F. and Muldowney, Y. , Shared understandings of spiritual care among the members of an innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland, Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Health, Medicine and Social Sciences , Coventry University, Coventry, England, , 17-19 May , 2018Poster, 2018
- Daly, D, Hannon S, Brady V, Motivators and challenges to research recruitment - a qualitative study with midwives, Midwifery, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Daly, D, Hannon S, BRADY, V, Motivators and challenges to research recruitment - a qualitative study with midwives, Midwifery, 74, 2019, p14 - 20Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Brady, V., Timmins F., Naughton M., Caldeira S. and Pesut B., 'Offering People Care' - Uncovering the Essential Elements of Health Care Chaplaincy , Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference. 19th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, March 6-7th 2019. , School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 6-7th March 2019, 2019, pp2 - 2Conference Paper, 2019
- Spirituality in Childbirth in, editor(s)Timmins, F. Caldeira, S. , Spirituality in Healthcare, Paris, Springer Nature, 2019, pp83 - 96, [OBoyle, Brady Vivienne ]Book Chapter, 2019, URL
- Brady, V, Coghlan, D. Hynes, G and O'Leary D, Exploring Risk in a Writing Group: A Cooperative Inquiry , 9th International Annual Action Research Colloquium 2019 "Changing through Collaboration", University College Dublin, June 2019, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Neenan, K. Timmins, F. OBoyle, C. Whelan, J. Brady, V. Muldowney, Y. and McSherry, W. , Special Issue "International Conference of Spirituality in Healthcare. Creating Space for Spirituality in Healthcare,"-Trinity College Dublin 2017, Religions, 2019, p1-8Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Gallagher, L. Begley, C. BRADY, V. Lawler, D. Muldoon, K. McGuiness, D. and Maguire, R, A Review of the Baby Friendly Health Initiative in Ireland, Health Service Executive. , HSE, 2016, p1 - 190Report, 2016
- Kathleen Neenan K., Timmins F. OBoyle, C. Whelan, J. BRADY, V. Muldowney, Y and McSherry, W. , ) Special Issue 'International Conference of Spirituality in Healthcare. Creating Space for Spirituality in Healthcare', Religions, 10, (533), 2019, p1 - 7Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Timmins, F,. Brady, V. Naughton, M., Caldeira, S. and Pesut, B., 'Offering People Care' - Uncovering the Essential Elements of Health Care Chaplaincy. International Conference, in Spiritual Care - The State of the Art and International Perspectives. , International Conference, in Spiritual Care - The State of the Art and International Perspectives. , VID Specialized University, Faculty of Health Studies Bergen Norway, October 18th 2019 , 2019Poster, 2019
- Muldowney, Y., Timmins, F., Brady, V., Caldeira, S., Whelan, J., Murphy, M., O'Boyle, C. Neenan, K., Shared Understandings of Spiritual Care Among the Members of an Innovative Spirituality Interest Group in the Republic of Ireland , 37th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research And Education Conference; Integrated Care: Ensuring Quality And Enhancing Patient Flow, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery., St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2., 28th February -1st , 2018, pp134 - 134Poster, 2018
- Timmins, F., Whelan, J., Brady, V, OBoyle, C., Neenan, K., Muldowney, Y. & Caldeira, S., Enhancing Nurses and Midwives Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care' : Progress Towards Implementation of final spiritual care education standard.Teaching & Learning Event 3 (EPICC 2016-2019) , (EPICC Erasmus Plus Project Enhancing Nurses' and Midwives' Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care 2016-2019, University of the West of Wales,, 1-3 July 2019., 2019Poster, 2019, URL
- Mannion J. Sheerin F. Brady, V. , Nothing about us without us? Yes, but not when applying for research ethics!, Centre for Disability Studies Postgraduate Conference 2019. Disability Studies past Present and Future., University of Leeds , 11th July 2019, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Brady V, Corry M and Flynn M,, Schwartz Rounds: facilitating staff conversations in the Irish healthcare system., Blog for the Point of Care Foundation, https://www.pointofcarefoundation.org.uk/blog/schwartz-rounds-facilitating-staff-conversations-in-th, October, 2019Report, 2019, URL
- Daly D, Hannon S, Brady V, Midwives' experiences of recruiting participants to clinical research, RCSI Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery 39th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference, Dublin, 26-27 February, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020
- Brady V. Hynes G. May P. Lombard-Vance R. and Corry M., Findings of an Evaluation of the Introduction of Schwartz Rounds in Ireland , Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin , 4 March 2020, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020
- Darcy C, Shanahan H, Lavery M, McDonagh D, and Brady V. , A Survey to Determine the Prevalence, Frequency and Volume of First Breast Milk Secretions during Pregnancy , Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020 (THEconf2020), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin , 5 March 2020, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020
- Hauck T.L. Kuliukas L.Gallagher L , BRADY V. Dykes C. and Rubertsson C, Helpful and challenging aspects of breastfeeding in public for women living in Australia, Ireland and Sweden: a crosssectional study, International Breastfeeding Journal , 15, (38), 2020, p1 - 14Journal Article, 2020, URL
- Hennessy N., Neenan K, Brady V., Sullivan M., Eustace-Cook J. & Timmins F., End of life in acute hospital setting-A systematic review of families' experience of spiritual care, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29, (7-8), 2020, p1041-1052Journal Article, 2020, URL
- Smith, V., Muldoon, K., Brady V. and Delaney, H., Assessing fetal movements in pregnancy: A qualitative evidence synthesis of women's views, perspectives and experiences, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21, (1), 2021, p1 - 14Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Feely E. & Brady V., Transforming healthcare in a changing world: new ways of thinking and working, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2021 (THEconf2021), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 9 - 11 March, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Brady, V., Timmins, F., Caldeira, S., Naughton, M.T., McCarthy, A. and Pesut, B., Supporting diversity in person-centred care: The role of healthcare chaplains, Nursing Ethics , 2021, p1 - 16Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Daly D, Hannon S, Brady V., Motivators and challenges to research recruitment - a qualitative study with midwives, Midwifery, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- David Coghlan, Vivienne BRADY, Denise O'Leary & Geralyn Hynes, Exploring vulnerability and risk in an action research writing group: a cooperative inquiry, Educational Action Research, 2022, p1 - 17Journal Article, 2022, URL
- Charlotta Dykes, Pernilla Ny, Yvonne L. Hauck, Lesley Kuliukas, Louise Gallagher, Vivienne Brady & Christine Rubertsson , Women's perceptions of factors needed to encourage a culture of public breastfeeding: a cross-sectional study in Sweden, Ireland and Australia, International Breastfeeding Journal , 18, (49), 2023, p1 - 8Journal Article, 2023, URL
- Feeley E. and Brady V., Women's Experiences of Becoming Mothers When Their Preterm Babies are Hospitalised in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, The Practising Midwife , 2023, p25 - 30Journal Article, 2023
- Yvonne L. Hauck, Lesley Kuliukas, Louise Gallagher, Vivienne Brady, Charlotta Dykes and Christine Rubertsson, Breastfeeding in Public: An International Exploration of Women's Experiences, More Than Milk Lactation Science Symposium, The University of Western Australia, 25 Nov 2022, 84, (5), Proceedings , 2022, pp1 - 2, ppdoi: 10.3390/proceedings202308Conference Paper, 2022, URL
- Daly D., Brady., V Oboyle C., Cusack C., Clive A., Power F. and Eustace-Cook J., Evidence to inform the development of innovative midwifery led postnatal services for women in the SouthEast region of Ireland, NMPDU, November , 2022, p1 - 100Report, 2022
- Louise Gallagher Vivienne Brady Lesley Kuliukas Charlotta Dykes Christine Rubertsson Yvonne Hauck, Australian, Irish, and Swedish women's comfort levels when breastfeeding in public, BMC Public Health, 23, (2535), 2023, p1 - 8Journal Article, 2023, URL
- Brady V., Molina N, and Eustace-Cook J., Reflections prompted by a Qualitative Evidence Synthesis of Women's Experiences of Spirituality in Childbirth, Spirituality, Critical Reflection and Professional Practice in an Uncertain World 16-18 May 2023, South East Technological University, Ireland, 16 May 2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Cunningham O. and Brady V., Women"s views and experiences of pregnancy yoga. A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis, Midwifery , 2023, p10Journal Article, 2023
- McCulloch L. Brady V. and Comiskey C., A systematic review of women's experiences of motherhood and addiction recovery, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2024 (THEconf2024) 5 - 7 March 2024 School of Nursing & Midwifery, TCD `New Horizons in Healthcare: Global Impact, Local Relevance', Trinity College Dublin, 6 March 2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Clive A. Brady V. Dunlea M. Panda S. and Eustace-Cook J, Partners and support persons experiences of maternity care during the Coronavirus Pandemic: A qualitative systematic review, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2024 (THEconf2024) 5 - 7 March 2024 School of Nursing & Midwifery, TCD `New Horizons in Healthcare: Global Impact, Local Relevance, Trinity College Dublin, 6-7 March 2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Cunningham, O. and Brady, V., Women's views and experiences of pregnancy yoga. A qualitative meta-synthesis., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): 'Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare', School of Nursing and Midwifery, TCD, 07 - 09 March 2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Dunlea M. Begley C. Brady V., 'An Institutional Ethnography of Antenatal Care: does midwife involvement guarantee a bio-psychosocial approach to care offered', Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2023 (THEconf2023): 'Back to normal or forward to better? New horizons in healthcare', School of Nursing and Midwifery, TCD, 7-9 March 2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- BRADY, V. and Lalor, J. (2011) , On Being Heard: Women Voicing their Needs in Preparation for Motherhood., 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Transforming Healthcare through Research and Education, School of Nursing and Midwifery , November 9-10, 2011Conference Paper, 2011
- Brady, V., Lalor, J., and Murphy-Lawless, J. (2011), Developing Antenatal Education in Preparation for Motherhood - A Participatory Action Research Approach, ICM 29th Triennial Congress, Durban, South Africa, 19-23 June, 2011, pp1Conference Paper, 2011, TARA - Full Text
- Brady,V. , Challenges related to Representation of Voice, Action Research Colloquium, Waterford Institute of Technology, 9-10 June, 2011Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Brady, V. and and Lalor, J (2010), Participatory Action Research - Negotiating Access in Maternity Care Settings, 10th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference - Transforming Healthcare through Research and Education, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Nov 4, 2010Conference Paper, 2010
- Brady, V. (2008), Women's Views of the Appropriateness of a Model of Antenatal Education, ICM 28th Triennial Congress, Glasgow, 1-5 June, 2008Conference Paper, 2008
- Brady, V. (2008), Meaning and Perspective - The Essence of Transition from Student to Midwife, ICM 28th Triennial Congress, Glasgow, 1-5 June, 2008Conference Paper, 2008
- Brady, V. (2006), Exploration of the Transition from Student to Midwife. A Phenomenological Study, 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference - Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, 5-7 Nov, 2006Conference Paper, 2006
- BRADY, V and Lalor, J., Finding Common Ground in Antenatal Education, 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference Transforming Healthcare through Research and Education,, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin. pp1, Nov , 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Biesty, L., Brady, V., Dunlea, M., Lawler, D. Andrews L. Sheaf, G & Sweetman, S. (2011), Women's experiences of vaginal examination in labour: a meta-study, 12th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference - Transforming Healthcare through Research and Education, Trinity College Dublin, , 9th-10th November, 2011, pp1-Conference Paper, 2011, URL
- Dunlea M, Brady V, Begley C, Murphy-Lawless J. , An exploration of the meaning of the first antenatal encounter from the perspective of service user and provider. , OPTIMISE2014 Conference: Optimising Childbirth across Europe: An interdisciplinary maternity care conference., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, 9 &10 April 2014, 2014, pp53 - 54Conference Paper, 2014, URL
- BRADY, V. Timmins, F,. Naughton, M., Caldeira, S. and Pesut, B., Chaplaincy in Healthcare, National Association of Healthcare Chaplains Workshop , Bon Secours Hospital Strand Street Tralee, Co. Kerry, 13 January 2018, 2018, National Association of Healthcare ChaplainsInvited Talk
- BRADY, V. Timmins, F,. Naughton, M., Caldeira, S. and Pesut, B., Chaplaincy in Healthcare, National Association of Healthcare Chaplains Workshop , Bon Secours Health System, Renamore, Co. Galway, 20 January 2018, 2018, National Association of Healthcare ChaplainsInvited Talk
- BRADY, V. Timmins, F,. Naughton, M., Caldeira, S. and Pesut, B., Chaplaincy in Healthcare, National Association of Healthcare Chaplains Workshop, , Chaplaincy in Healthcare, St. James Hospital James Street, Dublin 2. , 29 January , 2018, National Association of Healthcare ChaplainsInvited Talk
- BRADY V., Hannon, S. and Daly D., Midwives' Role in Recruiting for Research , Journal Meeting, Coombe Women and Infants' University Hopsital, 31 Jan 2018, 2018Invited Talk
- BRADY, V , Spirituality and Healthcare, Medical and Health Humanities Seminar, Neill Hoey theatre, TCD and clinical sites, 11th December , 2018, Medical and Health Humanities InitiativeInvited Talk
- Brady, Vivienne , Book Launch - Spirituality, Culture, and Motherhood (Routledge) by Noelia Molina, SpIRE. , Spirituality in Society and the Professions, Annual European SPES Conference, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland, 16-18 May 2019, 2019, European SPES Institute and the Spirituality Institute for Research and Education, Ireland.Invited Talk
- BRADY V, What Women Want - A Descriptive Survey of Antenatal Education Needs, Rotunda Hospital Dublin, 2008Report
- Brady, V. and Timmins, F. , A phenomenological exploration of healthcare chaplains and pastoral care workers' experience of providing spiritual/pastoral support to patients and families from minority religious or non-religious groups in the Republic of Ireland., The National Association of Healthcare Chaplains (NAHC) Workshop , St. James's Hospital Dublin., 2018Invited Talk
- Brady, V. and Timmins, F. , A phenomenological exploration of healthcare chaplains and pastoral care workers' experience of providing spiritual/pastoral support to patients and families from minority religious or non-religious groups in the Republic of Ireland. , The National Association of Healthcare Chaplains (NAHC) Workshop 2, The Bons Secours Hospital Galway., 20th January 2018, , 2018Invited Talk
- Brady, V. and Timmins, F. , A phenomenological exploration of healthcare chaplains and pastoral care workers' experience of providing spiritual/pastoral support to patients and families from minority religious or non-religious groups in the Republic of Ireland. , The National Association of Healthcare Chaplains (NAHC) Workshop 2, The Bons Secours Hospital Tralee., 13th January 2018, 2018Invited Talk
- Timmins, F. and Brady, V., Spirituality and Healthcare. , Medical and Health Humanities Seminar 1, Long Room Hub,Trinity College Dublin., Tuesday 11 December , 2018Invited Talk
- Brady, V. and Timmins, F. , Healthcare Chaplains' Experiences Of Engaging With Patients And Service Users From Minority Religious Or Non-Religious Groups In The Republic Of Ireland., Irish Hospice Foundation, Hospital Friendly Hospice Acute Network Meeting, , Aisling Hotel Dublin., November 6th , 2018Invited Talk
- Brady, V. May, P. Lombard-Vance, R. Hynes, G. and Corry, M, Creating Connections: Schwartz Rounds in the Irish context, All Ireland Schwartz Rounds and QI Conference 2020, Dublin Castle, 18th February 2020 , 2020Poster
- Olayinka Olaitan Aremu, Professor Vivienne Brady and Professor Maria Brenner, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin., Student Involvement in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives - The Athena SWAN Charter , Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Nursing and Midwifery Education The Irish University Associations' Higher Education Institution's seminar series 'Celebrating the Contribution of Nursing and Midwifery in Contemporary Irish Society' , Online, 29 Nov 2021, 12:00-1, 2021, The Irish University Association Higher Education InstitutionInvited Talk
- Brady Vivienne and Coghlan David, Practical action oriented research in organisations: how can systemic approaches to action research help?, SCiO Ireland meeting, School of Nursing and Midwifery TCD, 27 September 2023, 2023, SCiO IrelandInvited Talk
- Brady, V., Antenatal Education: What do Women Want?, Antenatal Education Resource Workshop, Waterford Regional Hospital, Waterford , February 16, 2010Invited Talk
Research Expertise
TitleUsing Action Research to Design and Implement a New Undergraduate Curriculum for Nursing and Midwifery Degree Programmes in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin.SummaryUsing Action Research to Design and Implement a New Undergraduate Curriculum for Nursing and Midwifery Degree Programmes in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin.Funding AgencyN/ADate From2013Date To2015
Title'An online survey to determine the antenatal education needs of primigravid women attending the CWIUH to inform a programme of antenatal education offered by midwives'SummaryIn March 2020, all CWIUH antenatal class services ceased in response to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and in line with HSE recommendations. The CWIUH parent education team has since designed and developed interactive online classes comprising video presentations, and a live discussion platform for women and their partners to interact in a virtual capacity with healthcare professionals. As part of our commitment to developing the programme of antenatal education offered by midwives, we are conducting an online survey to identify the antenatal education needs of primigravid women attending the CWIUH in the absence of face-to-face antenatal education classes.Funding AgencyN/ADate FromNovember 2020Date ToAugust 2021
TitleWomen's experiences of the Rotunda Hospital's Next Birth After Caesarean Section (NBAC) servicesSummaryThe research aims to evaluate a sub-sample of pregnant and postnatal women's experiences of attending the Next Birth After Caesarean Section (NBAC) services in the Rotunda Hospital (n=20-25) through one-to-one interviews.Funding AgencyThe Rotunda FoundationDate FromSept 2018Date ToFebruary 2019
TitleChange and Entrenchment in Irish maternity care policies and antenatal practices: An Institutional EthnogrSummaryThe aim of this research is to gain understanding of change and entrenchment in the Irish maternity services by making explicit how hegemonic power works within modern institutions. This is achieved by going beyond the local realities of antenatal care to broader institutional social processes and gendered power relations that have shaped and may continue to shape these realities if they are not made explicitFunding AgencyN/A
TitleEstablishing a co-operative inquiry group for people with intellectual disabilities to explore relationships and sexuality in their livesSummaryThis research aimed to generate knowledge about human experience from a group of adult researchers with intellectual disabilities on topic(s) of importance to them related to the broader topic of relationships and sexuality
TitleEvaluation of the Initial Introduction of Schwartz Rounds in IrelandSummaryThis was an evaluation of the introduction of Schwartz Rounds in Ireland, using a mixed methods approach and funded by the Health Service Executive. The evaluation was underpinned by RE-AIM, a well-established evaluation framework in healthcare to address the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation and maintenance sustainability) of initiatives. Results and findings were considered within the context of Implementation Science literature for quality implementation.Funding AgencyThe Quality Improvement Division, Health Service ExecutiveDate FromJune 2017Date ToDecember 2018
TitleAntenatal Education: What do Women Want?SummaryFunding AgencyFriends of the Rotunda HospitalDate FromJan 2006Date ToSept 2007
TitleExploration of the Transition from Student to MidwifeSummaryFunding AgencyN/ADate FromSeptember 2003Date ToNovember 2004
TitleWomen's Experiences of Vaginal Examination in Labour: A Meta-StudySummaryFunding AgencyN/ADate FromNov 2010Date ToNoc 2011
TitleMidwives' and Neonatal Nurses' Perceptions and Experiences of Recruiting Participants to Research StudiesSummaryParticipant recruitment is an important aspect of research. Poor recruitment can result in increased costs and delayed and ambiguous results. Midwives face many challenges in recruiting research participants and are called upon to engage in research as part of their professional development. Inspired by this, the aim of this research was to explore midwives' perceptions and experiences of recruiting participants to research studies.Funding AgencyN/ADate FromMay 2017Date ToNovember 2017
TitleThe provision of evidence to inform the development of innovative midwifery led postnatal services for women in the South-East region of Ireland.SummaryThe outcome of this project is to provide report informed by the national and international literature examining best practice in the care and service coordination/configuration for postnatal women up to one year postpartum to inform future midwifery led service development for postnatal women in the South East region of Ireland.Funding AgencyNursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Unit South EastDate From31st December 2021Date To25th April 2022
TitleDeveloping Antenatal Education in Preparation for Motherhood - A Participatory Action Research ApproachSummaryAim: To develop antenatal education in preparation for motherhood, based on knowledge created in collaboration with mothers to be, mothers and antenatal educators. Methodology: This research was guided by a participatory worldview, using a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach influenced by feminist concerns and grounded in the interests and experiences of women and antenatal educators. An action research cycle of constructing, planning action, taking action and evaluating action was used. Information was gathered through a variety of techniques;group meetings(n=18) and individual (n=7)conversations were the principal methods of data gathering. Conversations were analysed using the Listening Guide, a voice-centred relational method, which involved multiple consecutive readings of each conversation. Ethical approval was granted by the relevant research settings and the University. Findings: Cycles of action research are described throughout the findings chapters. Women portray their learning needs for pregnancy, birth and motherhood. Various themes including loneliness, coping after birth, and, the relevance of knowledge that is grounded in the real-life experiences of other mothers are highlighted. Practice issues, and enabling and restraining forces for change are identified by antenatal educators. A theoretical model of antenatal education is proposed.Funding AgencyHealth Research BoardDate FromOct 2008Date ToMarch 2012
TitleUsing Action Research, to articulate the processes involved in the Design and Implementation of a New Undergraduate Curriculum for Nursing and Midwifery Degree Programmes, from the perspective of the Curriculum Development Committee.SummaryFunding AgencyN/ADate FromSeptember 2013Date To2015
TitleA survey to determine the prevalence, frequency and volume of colostrum (first breast milk) secreted during pregnancySummaryFunding AgencyN/ADate FromJuly 2019Date ToFebruary 2020
TitlePartners or support persons views and experiences of maternity care during COVID-19: a qualitative evidence synthesisSummaryFunding AgencyN/ADate FromApril 2022
TitleWomen's Experiences of Spirituality in Childbirth- A Qualitative Systematic ReviewSummaryFunding AgencyN/ADate FromApril 2022
TitleA Review of the Baby Friendly Health Initiative in IrelandSummaryFunding AgencyHealth Service ExecutiveDate FromJune 2016Date ToOctober 2016
TitleA Phenomenological Exploration of Healthcare Chaplains and Pastoral Care Workers' Experience of Providing Spiritual/Pastoral Support to Patients and Families from Minority Religious or Non-Religious Groups in the ROISummaryTo explore hospital chaplains' experiences of engaging with patients and service users from minority religious or non-religious groups in the ROI using phenomenological inquiry.Funding AgencyHealthcare Advancement Fund [HAF], Adelaide Health Foundation, Adelaide and Meath Hospital, Dublin 2Date FromMarch 2017Date ToDecember 2017
Other health sciences,
- Provost's PhD Projects Award 2020/21, Trinity College Dublin 2019
- Award of Outstanding Reviewer for the International Journal 'Midwifery' 2017
- Research Stipend. School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin 2007
- Nominated for Award of Excellence in Research Student Supervision, Trinity College Dublin 2022
- Awarded Dean's List for Academic Achievement, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland 2002
- Health Research Board (HRB) Clinical Research Training Fellowship in Nursing and Midwifery. Grant Number: NM/2008/21. 2008
- Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland Present
- All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE) Present
- Invited national expert for Ireland in European Commission (DG GROW) bid to identify possible future updates of the minimum training requirements for the profession of midwife under the Professional Qualifications Directive. Directive 2005/36/EC. Complete. Feb 2024
- EPICC (Enhancing Nurses and Midwives Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care) Network Member Present
- Action Research Group Ireland (ARGI) Present
- International Network for the Study of Spirituality Present
- Aurora Women in Leadership Mentor, TCD 2019, 2020/2021
- Action Research Ireland Group 2011- Present. Key member of the organising committee for the Annual International Action Research Colloquia and member of the scientific committee. This is an important national and international collaboration across disciplines and professions (external to TCD) 2011
- Reviewer for BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2015
- Reviewer for Action Research Journal 2011
- Reviewer for Journal of Midwifery. 'Outstanding Reviewer' award in December 2017. 2015
- Reviewer for Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology 2015
- Scientific Panel Member and conference organising committee (previous Chair) of the Spirituality in Health Care Research and Innovation Group School of Nursing and Midwifery 2015
- Athena Swan Champion School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin 2019