Dr. Aileen Lynch
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing & Midwifery
Assistant Professor, Trinity Inst. of Neurosciences (TCIN)
Email amlynch@tcd.ie Phone3531896 8571http://people.tcd.ie/amlynchBiography
Dr. Aileen Lynch graduated with a BSc in Biochemistry (1995) from NUI, Cork. She then pursued a postgraduate degree in Neuroscience and graduated with an MSc in Neuroscience (1996) from King's College, London. She carried out a project which investigated the effect of excitatory amino acids on the phosphorylation state of the microtubule-associated protein tau as part of the MSc course. In 2000, Dr. Lynch graduated with a PhD in Neuroanatomy from Imperial College, London. Her PhD involved the study of dendritic spines and glutamatergic cells in schizophrenic post-mortem tissue. Dr. Lynch began her postdoctoral research in the Department of Physiology and the Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College in 2000 where she investigated the signalling mechanisms which induce cellular damage in the aged brain. In 2002 she was awarded a HRB Postdoctoral Research Fellowship which investigated the age-related deterioration in synaptic function in rat hippocampus. Continuing with the theme of neuroinflammation, in 2005 Dr. Lynch began a SFI Postdoctoral Research Fellowship which investigated if the aged brain is more vulnerable to additional inflammatory insult. In 2007, Dr. Lynch was appointed a lectureship in the School of Nursing and Midwifery and is continuing to research strategies that modulate the inflammatory processes that occur during the ageing process.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- King C., Nicholl H., Tracey C., Lynch A. & Begley T. , Parents of children and young People with Rare diseases and their Information Needs : Does the Internet Help?, 5th Annual Nursing & Research conference , The Children's University Hospital Temple St, 5th March , 2015, pp8-Meeting Abstract, 2015
- Nicholl H., Eustace-Cook J., King C., Murphy M., Prizeman G., Tracey C & Lynch A., Rare diseases website - Developing the Parent-to-Parent Content of a Rare Disease Website in Ireland, SON&M TCD, University of Dublin Trinity College, September , 2015, p1 - 70Report, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Nicholl N, Lynch A, Begley T, King C, Tracey C, Perspectives of parents informing the development of the first i rish web resource on children with rare conditions - implications for practice., 34th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research & Education Conference 2015, 19th February 2015, 2015, pp101-Meeting Abstract, 2015, URL
- Nicholl H, Eustace-Cook J, King C, Lynch A, Murphy M, Tracey C , Liam's Lodge: A National Children's Care Centre for Children with Rare, Genetic and Life Limiting Conditions and A Children's Palliative Care Respite Service for Munster and the Mid-West. , June , 2015, p1 - 64Report, 2015
- Honor Nicholl, Jessica Eustace-Cook, Carole King, Maryanne Murphy Ms Geraldine Prizeman, Catherine Tracey, Aileen Lynch, Rare diseases website developing the parent - to - parent content of a rare disease website in Ireland, School of Nursing and Midwifery , University of Dublin Trinity College, September, 2015Report, 2015, URL
- Dr Honor Nicholl, Ms Carmel Doyle, Ms Jessica Eustace-Cook, Ms Geraldine Prizeman, Dr Catherine Tracey, Dr Aileen Lynch, Ms Clair Kelly, Exploring the challenges experienced by people with muscular dystrophy living independently (MD INDOLIVING), School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Dublin Trinity College, University of Dublin Trinity College, 2016, 1-75Report, 2016, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Lynch A., Nicholl H., Tracey C. , Sharing experiences of conducting focus groups with populations across the healthcare spectrum. , International Journal of Qualitative Methods , Qualitative Methods Conference, Glasgow, UK, 15, (1), SAGE, 2016, pp1 - 10Conference Paper, 2016
- Nicholl, H., Eustace-Cook, J., King, C., Murphy, M., Prizeman, G., Tracey, C., Lynch, A.M., Rare Diseases Website: Developing the Parent-to-Parent Content of a Rare Disease Website in Ireland. , Palliative Medicine, European Association of Palliative Care, Dublin, Ireland, 30, (6), SAGE, 2016, pp50 - 50Conference Paper, 2016
- Nicholl, H., Doyle, C., Eustace-Cook, J., Kelly, C., Prizeman, G., Tracey, C., Lynch, A.M., Exploring the challenges experienced by people with muscular dystrophy living independently, The European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products, Edinburgh, UK, 26-28 May 2016, 2016, ppP 95Poster, 2016
- Nicholl, H., Tracey, C., Begley T., King C., Lynch A.M., Parents of Children with Rare Conditions Internet Use - Findings from a Study on Parents Web Information Needs., Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19, (2), 2017, p51 - 65Journal Article, 2017
- Lynch AM, Lynch MA, The age-related increase in IL-1 type I receptor in rat hippocampus is coupled with an increase in caspase-3 activation., European Journal of Neuroscience, 15, (11), 2002, p1779 - 1788Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL
- Kelly Á, Lynch A. Vereker E, Nolan Y, Queenan P, Whittaker E, O' Neill LAJ, Lynch MA. , The anti-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin (IL)-10, blocks the inhibatory effect of IL-1 beta on long term potentiation - a role for JNK, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276, (49), 2001, p45564 - 45572Journal Article, 2001, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- S Kilroy, G McKee, A Lynch , The impact of physical activity on cardiovascular disease and cardio-metabolic risk factors in community dwelling older adults: results from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, Europrevent 2018, Ljubljana , 19th - 21st April, 25, (Supp 1), 2018, pp6 (23)Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI , URL
- Sean Kilroy, Gabrielle McKee, Aileen Lynch, Role of Cardio-metabolic Risk Factors in the Relationship Between Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Disease: the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing TILDA , Age and Aging , the Irish Gerontological Society Transforming Ageing Across Borders , Slieve Russell Hotel, Ballyconnell, Co. Cavan, 27-29 Sept 2018, 5, (Supp 5), Oxford Academic, 2018, pp1-12Meeting Abstract, 2018, DOI , URL
- Sean Kilroy , Gabrielle McKee, Aileen Lynch, The impact of Physical Activity on Cardiovascular Disease and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in CommunityDwelling Older Adults: Results for The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) , Prevention Matters: Making the Difference. 5th Annual National Prevention Conference, Johnstown Estate hotel , Enfield, Ireland , 23rd Nov, 2018Poster, 2018
- Sheerin, Fintan Lynch, Aileen Kilroy, Sean Epstein, Monique Girault, Ariane Larose, Inès Gillois, Pierre Rolland, Carole McKinney, Ciarán Harkin, Mary McKee, Gabrielle, A Qualitative Study Exploring Facilitators and Barriers to Engagement in Physical Activity Among Older Irish and French Adults, Age and Ageing , Irish Gerontological Society 67th Annual and Scientific meeting , Clayton Hotel Silver Springs, Cork, 26-28 September 2019, 48, (Supplement 3), Oxford Academic, 2019, ppiii17 - -iii6Poster, 2019, DOI , URL
- Fintan Sheerin, Aileen Lynch, Ariane Girault, Carole Rolland, Pierre Gillois, Monique Epstein, Gabrielle McKee, Perspectives on the facilitators, barriers and motivators to physical activity among older adults in Ireland and France: focus group findings from the MOVEAGE-ACT Project, 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE GERMAN SOCIETY OF NURSING SCIENCE , Berlin, MAY 8TH - 9TH, 2020 , 2020Oral Presentation, 2020
- Gabrielle McKee, Fintan Sheerin, Aileen Lynch, Sean Kilroy, Monique Epstein, Ariane Girault, Pierre Gillois, Carole Rolland, Ciaran McKinney, Mary Harkin , Facilitators and barriers to physical activity maintenance among older adults in Ireland and France: focus group findings from the MOVEAGE-ACT Project, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2020, Dublin, 4th-5th March 2020, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020
- Sean Kilroy, Aileen Lynch, Gabrielle Mckee, The factors associated with physical activity change in community dwelling older adults: results from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2019, Dublin, Ireland, Mar 6-7 2019, 2019Meeting Abstract, 2019
- Byrne, G. Murphy, F. Eustace -Cook,J. Mooney,M. O'Brien,F. O'Donnell, S. Corry, M. Lynch, A.M., Neenan,K. & McKee. G. , The prevalence of tobacco smoking among European migrants residing in EU 15 countries: a quantitative systematic review protocol, JBI Evidence Synthesis, 18, (12), 2020, p2647 - 2657Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Sheerin F, Lynch A . Kilroy S, Epstein M, Girault A, Gillois P, Rolland C, Harkin M, McKinney C., A qualitative analysis of the reasons why older adults engaged in a physical activity app, Trinity Health and Education International Conference 2021 , Dublin, 10-11th March 2021, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- McKee G, Lynch A, Sheerin F, McKinney C, Harkin M, Kilroy S, The effectiveness of a brief intervention in improving physical activity in older adults, Trinity Health and Education International Conference, Dublin, 10-11th March 2021, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Gabrielle McKee, Fintan Sheerin, Aileen Lynch, Sean Kilroy, Why older adults engage in a physical activity app: A qualitative analysis, European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, Active aging - new challenges and new opportunities [EGREPA ( The European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity) 2021 , Virtual, 19-21 May2021 , 2021Poster, 2021
- Aileen Lynch, Gabrielle McKee, Sean Kilroy,, Fintan Sheerin, Gabrielle McKee, , A pilot study to assess the effectiveness of a brief intervention on communitydwelling older adults' physical activity, Active aging - new challenges and new opportunities [EGREPA ( The European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity) 2021 , Virtual, 19-21 May2021 , 2021Poster, 2021
- Barry CE, Nolan Y, Clarke RM, Lynch A, Lynch MA, Activation of c-Jun-N-terminal kinase is critical in mediating lipopolysaccharide-induced changes in the rat hippocampus , Journal of Neurochemistry, 93, (1), 2005, p221 - 231Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
- Lynch AM, Moore M, Craig S, Lonergan PE, Martin DS, Lynch MA, Analysis of interleukin-1 beta-induced cell signaling activation in rat, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278, (51), 2003, p51075 - 51084Journal Article, 2003
- Lynch AM, Walsh C, Delaney A, Nolan Y, Campbell VA, Lynch MA., Lipopolysaccharide-induced increase in signalling in hippocampus is abrogated by IL-10 - a role for IL-1 beta?, Journal of Neurochemistry, 88, (3), 2004, p635 - 646Journal Article, 2004
- Nolan Y, Vereker E, Lynch AM, Lynch MA., Evidence that lipopolysaccharide-induced cell death is mediated by accumulation of reactive oxygen species and activation of p38 in rat cortex and hippocampus., Experimental Neurology, 184, (2), 2003, p794 - 804Journal Article, 2003
- Lynch AM, Loane DJ, Minogue AM, Clarke RM, Kilroy D, Nally RE, Roche OJ, O'Connell F, Lynch MA., Eicosapentaenoic acid confers neuroprotection in the amyloid-beta challenged aged hippocampus., Neurobiology of Aging, 28, (6), 2007, p845 - 855Journal Article, 2007
- Minogue AM, Lynch AM, Loane DJ, Herron CE, Lynch MA., Modulation of amyloid-beta-induced and age-associated changes in rat hippocampus by eicosapentaenoic acid., Journal of Neurochemistry, 103, (3), 2007, p914 - 926Journal Article, 2007
- Loane DJ, Deighan BF, Clarke RM, Griffin RJ, Lynch AM, Lynch MA., Interleukin-4 mediates the neuroprotective effects of rosiglitazone in the aged brain., Neurobiology of Aging, 30 , (6), 2009, p920 - 931Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Vereker, Emily and O'Donnell, Eamonn and Lynch, Ailenn and Nolan, Yvonne and Lynch, Marina A., Evidence that interleukin-1beta and reactive oxygen species production play a pivotal role in stress-induced impairment of LTP in the rat dentate gyrus, European Journal of Neuroscience, 14, (11), 2001, p1809 - 1819Journal Article, 2001, DOI , URL
- Lyons A, Lynch AM, Downer EJ, Hanley R, O'Sullivan JB, Smith A, Lynch MA, Fractalkine-induced activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase pathway attentuates microglial activation in vivo and in vitro., Journal of Neurochemistry, 110, (5), 2009, p1547 - 1556Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Doyle, L. Keogh, B. & Lynch, A., Pharmacological Management of Alcohol Dependence Syndrome, Mental Health Practice, 14, (1), 2010, p14 - 19Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Higgins A; Lynch A; Nash M, Antidepressants-Associated Sexual Dysfunction: Impact, Effects and Treatment , Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety , 2, 2010, p141 - 150Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Higgins, A., Nash, M. & Lynch, A.M., Antidepressants-associated sexual dysfunction: impact, effects and treatment, Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety, 2, 2010, p141 - 152Journal Article, 2010
- Keogh, B., Lynch, A. & Doyle, L. , Pharmacological Management of Extra Pyramidal Side Effects, Nurse Prescribing, 2009Journal Article, 2009
- Abuhusain, H.J. & Lynch A.M. , Modulation of claudin-5 and p-glycoprotein expression in the aged rat brain., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 179, (3), 2010, p95-Journal Article, 2010
- The Reproductive System in, editor(s)Imelda Coyne, Freda Neill, and Fiona Timmins , Clinical Skills in Children's Nursing , UK, Oxford University Press, 2010, [Chenery-Morris, S. & Lynch, A.M.]Book Chapter, 2010
- Lynch AM, Murphy KJ, Deighan BF, O'Reilly J-A, Gun'ko YK, Cowley TR, Gonzalez-Reyes RE, Lynch MA, The impact of glial activation in the aging brain , Aging and Disease, 1, (3), 2010, p264 - 278Journal Article, 2010
- L. M. Murray, C. W. Blau, M. A. Lynch, A. M. Lynch, Regional modulation of blood-brain barrier permeability and decreased claudin-5 expression in ex vivo brain from aged Wistar rats, Irish Journal of Medical Science, RAMI Section of Biomedical Sciences Annual Meeting, September 2010, 180 (Suppl 2), 2011, ppS15 - S65Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Lorraine M. Murray, Christoph W. Blau, Anthony Lyons, Marina A. Lynch, Aileen M. Lynch, Modulation of blood-brain barrier permeability and decreased claudin-5 expression from aged Wistar rats - a role for IL-1?, Irish Journal of Medical Science, RAMI Section of Biomedical Sciences Annual Meeting, 180, 2011Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Lorraine M. Murray, Christoph W. Blau, Anthony Lyons, Marina A. Lynch, Aileen M. Lynch, Increased blood-brain barrier permeability in ex vivo brain from aged Wistar rats - the role of IL-1 mediated tight junction disruption, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Neuroscience Ireland Meeting 2011, September 2011, 180, 2011Meeting Abstract, 2011
- Sean Kilroy, Aileen Lynch, Gabrielle Mckee, The relationship between cardiac health and physical activity levels in older adults , Irish Journal of Medical Science, 62nd Annual and Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 9-11October, 183, (Supp 7), Springer , 2014, ppS349-Published Abstract, 2014, URL
- Dr Honor Nicholl, Ms Thelma Begley, Ms Carole King, Dr Aileen Lynch, Dr Catherine Tracey, Rare Diseases Web-Information For Families in Ireland (RD-WIFI), online, Trinity College Dublin, September, 2014, p1-Report, 2014, TARA - Full Text
Research Expertise
Dr. Lynch's postdoctoral research focused on age-related vascular changes in the brain (blood-brain barrier) which makes the brain more vulnerable to further insult e.g. head injury, neurodegenerative diseases. More recently her interests have been on strategies to optimise health into older age, such as engagement in physical activity using technology incorporating behavioural change principles, which has been shown to ameliorate cardio-metabolic factors known to increase the risk for chronic diseases.
TitleUnderstanding the determinants of health and ill health in the aged: TILDA Project 2: the predictors of physical activity change in the older adult.SummaryThe predictors of physical activity change in the older adult PhD StudyFunding AgencyTrinity College Dublin 1292 stipend awardDate From2015Date To2018
TitleThe impact of age and neuroinflammation on the blood-brain barrier and neurovascular unitSummaryOur findings provide evidence of a structurally and functionally disrupted blood-brain barrier (BBB) with age. IL-1beta signalling mediates the tight junction protein disruption, as evidenced by the increased tight junction expression in aged IL-1R1-/- mice. This may be partially facilitated by its action on matrix metalloproteinases and via signalling through the ERK-MAPK pathway. Such age-related BBB disruption may facilitate the entry of potential neurotoxins into the brain, probably exacerbating neuronal damage with increasing age.Funding AgencyTrinity College Dublin 1292 stipend awardDate FromOctober 2009Date ToSeptember 2012
TitleEvaluating BUMBLEance - The Children's National Ambulance ServiceSummaryFunding AgencySaoirse FoundationDate FromJan 2016Date ToApril 2016
TitleLiam's Lodge: A National Children's Care Centre for Children with Rare, Genetic and Life Limiting Conditions and A Children's Palliative Care Respite Service for Munster and the Mid-West.SummaryFunding AgencySaoirse FoundationDate FromDec 2014Date ToApril 2015
TitleExploring the challenges experienced by people with muscular dystrophy living independently.SummaryFunding AgencyIrish Research CouncilDate FromApril 2015Date ToDec 2015
TitleRare Diseases Web-Information For Families in Ireland (RD-WIFI)SummaryFunding AgencySaoirse FoundationDate FromMarch 2014Date ToSeptember 2014
TitleRD-WIFI Infomation needs for families of children with rare diseasesSummaryFunding AgencyThe Saoirse foundationDate From01/03/2014Date To30/09/14
TitleRare diseases website - developing the parent2parent content of a rare disease website in Ireland.SummaryFunding AgencyIrish Research CouncilDate FromMarch 2015Date ToNov 2015
TitleEnhancing Activity and Mobility in the Community for Healthy Ageing (MOVAGE-ACT)SummaryThe overall aim of the EIT funded study called 'MOVAGE-ACT' is to engage older people across Ireland and France in a series of health-oriented, community-based events and activities to promote active and healthy ageing.Funding AgencyEIT HealthDate FromJan 2019Date ToDec 2019
- British Neuroscience Association
- American Society for Neuroscience
- Neuroscience Ireland
- Physiological Society (Affiliate Member)