Dr. Prakashini Banka-Cullen
Research Fellow, School of Nursing & Midwifery
Email SONAM.BANKA@tcd.ie Phone https://www.sonambanka-cullen.com/Biography
Dr Sonam Prakashini Banka-Cullen has over 10 years of research experience working with vulnerable communities such as children living in refuge, victims of domestic abuse, and people who use substances. She has special interests in child mental and physical health, health psychology, public health, service and intervention evaluation, mixed methods research, quantitative data analysis and statistical modelling, and evidence reviews. Her PhD work was on the implementation and evaluation of the WHO"s Healthy Schools Programme in six DEIS primary schools, with 600 children. She has substantial experience in conducting research with children and their families, in various settings, e.g., refuge, IPAS, school, and clinical setting, and collecting data using creative and engaging methods such as children"s drawings, collage and Lego Serious Play. Dr Banka-Cullen has contributed extensively to teaching in the areas of child health research, addiction studies, data analytics, research methods, and psychology at Trinity College Dublin. She was the module leader and supervisor on the international CHARM-EU Masters in Sustainability and continues to teach research methods and healthcare research in the Life and Health stream. Dr Banka-Cullen has also worked as a Programme Lead in the Education Stream of Tangent, Trinity"s Ideas Workspace, the innovation hub of Trinity, where she developed and implemented healthcare innovation programmes. She also worked as a Psychology Lecturer in Dublin Business School, and Research Supervisor at Dublin City University. In addition, she previously worked as a programme coordinator and facilitator at the International Humanitarian Innovation Academy in Tanzania. Dr Banka-Cullen is currently employed as a Research Project Manager and Fellow in the Institute of Population Health, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin. She has a BA(Hons) in Psychology, PhD in Psychology focusing on child health, PG Certificate in Statistics, PG Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and a H. Dip in Data Analytics in Science.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Banka, P. & Hyland, J. M., The role of ISPCC social support on perceived stress, test anxiety and selfesteem among post-primary school students., Psychology & Society, 8, (1), 2016, p75 - 84Journal Article, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- Banka, P., Tobin, K., De Vries, J. & Comiskey, C. , What is the relationship between childhood depression, obesity and poor school performance among urban disadvantaged children?, 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference & Student Colloquium., Trinity College Dublin, November 2015, 2015Oral Presentation, 2015, URL
- Banka, P., Tobin, K., de Vries, J., Bhattacharya, A. & Comiskey C., Investigating the relationship between depression, obesity and school performance: using causal inference, 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, School of Nursing and Midwifery, 8-10 November, 2016Oral Presentation, 2016, URL
- Hyland, M., Comiskey, C., Hollywood, E., and Banka, Sonam, Exploring risk and protective factors of alcohol use among young people living in urban disadvantage, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 3 - 5th March 2020, 2020, pp7-Oral Presentation, 2020, URL
- Banka, Prakashini, The effectiveness of {ISPCC, 2012Journal Article, 2012
- Banka, Prakashini and Hyland, John M, The role of {ISPCC, Psychology \& Society, 8, (1), 2016, p75--84Journal Article, 2016
- Banka, Prakashini and Tobin, Katy and De Vries, Jan and Comiskey, Catherine, The {Causal, 2016Journal Article, 2016
- Banka, Prakashini and Kelly, Paul and Comiskey, Catherine, The {Healthy, 2013Journal Article, 2013
- Hyland, Pauline and Hyland, John and Banka, Prakashini and Comiskey, Catherine, Cross-national comparison of victimisation and wellbeing correlates among children from low affluent areas, World Anti-Bullying Forum, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Comiskey, Catherine and Galligan, Karen and Prakashini, Banka and McDonagh, Dave and O'Brien Green, SÃoban, An {Evaluation, 2017Journal Article, 2017
- Roe, Amanda and Banka, Prakashini and Mooney, Mary, No time to delay reperfusion: {A, Journal of clinical nursing, 28, (17-18), 2019, p3233--3241Journal Article, 2019
- Banka, Sonam and Hyland, John and Hyland, Pauline and Comiskey, Catherine, A longitudinal cohort study of obesity, depression and health related quality of life among pre-adolescent urban disadvantaged children, 2018Journal Article, 2018
- Banka, Prakashini, The {Relationship, 2018Journal Article, 2018
- Hyland, Pauline and Hyland, John and Banka, Sonam and Comiskey, Catherine, Longitudinal analysis of victimisation and associated mental health correlates among urban disadvantaged school children, 2018Journal Article, 2018
- Dowling, Daniel and Banka, Prakashini Sonam, Workplace violence in social care settings: traumatic stress and burnout in staff, DBS Business Review Journal, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Comiskey, Catherine and Banka, Prakashini Sonam and Hyland, John and Hyland, Pauline, Leadership, sustainability and extending the learning from the {Healthy, CHILDREN'S RESEARCH DIGEST, 5, (3), 2018Journal Article, 2018
- O'Sullivan, K and Banka, Prakashini Sonam and Comiskey, C, An evaluation of the {CliniShift, 2018Journal Article, 2018
- Comiskey, C and Snel, A and Banka, P, The second wave: estimating the hidden asymptomatic prevalence of {COVID, HRB Open Research, 4, (19), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Banka, Prakashini and Comiskey, Catherine, The incubation period of {COVID, medRxiv, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Hyland, M., Hollywood, E., Banka, S. and Comiskey, C., Alcohol use and alcohol-related harms: exploring risk and protective factors among young people living in urban disadvantage, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2021), Online, 10th and 11th March , 2021, pp8 - 8Oral Presentation, 2021
- Hyland, M., Hollywood, E., Banka, S. and Comiskey, C, The scale and scope of alcohol-related emergency department presentations by children and young people in an urban hospital setting., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2022 (THEconf2022): 'Resilience, Rehabilitation and Reablement' , Online, 8-10 March 2022, 2022, pp7-Oral Presentation, 2022
- Banka-Cullen, S.P., Comiskey, C., Kelly, P., Zeni, M.B., Gutierrez, A., & Menon, U., Nurse prescribing practices across the globe for Medication-Assisted Treatment of the Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD): A Scoping Review, Harm Reduction Journal, 20, (1), 2023, p1 - 10Journal Article, 2023, URL
- Marie Hyland, Dr. Sonam Prakishini Banka-Cullen, Dr. Eleanor Hollywood and Prof. Catherine Comiskey, Alcohol use among young people living in urban disadvantage: A sociocultural perspective on the protective shield provided by positive school environment, Drugs Education, Prevention and Policy , 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Marie Hyland, Dr. Sonam Prakishini Banka-Cullen, Dr. Eleanor Hollywood and Prof. Catherine Comiskey, Urgent attention required: Retrospective analysis of alcohol-related emergency department presentations by children and young people from a tertiary hospital in Ireland, ALCOHOL, 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Comiskey, C., Banka, S. and Curtis, E., Using Cohort Designs in Nursing and Healthcare Research, Nurse Researcher, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Hollywood, E., Banka Cullen, S., Murphy, M and Comiskey, C, An Evaluation of the Barnardos Ballybeg Playground Service, https://doi.org/10.25546/104143, Trinity College Dublin, October, 2023, p1 - 73Report, 2023, TARA - Full Text
- Hollywood, E., Banka Cullen, S.,Comiskey, C. and Basa, M., An Evaluation of the `Where I"m At" Project at Meath Women"s Refuge and Support Services (MWRSS)., Trinity College Dublin, November, 2013, p1 - 90Report, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Hollywood, E., Banka Cullen, S. and Comiskey, C., Supporting women and children who have experienced domestic abuse, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2023), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 7-9 March 2023, 2023, pp7-Conference Paper, 2023, URL
- O'Neill, T. Hollywood, E. and Banka Cullen, S, The use of diabetes technology in the primary school setting: experiences of children and their families. A scoping review protocol, Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference (THEconf2023), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 7-9 March, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023, URL
- Hyland, M., Hollywood, E., Banka Cullen, S. and Comiskey, C., Using an eleven year retrospective analysis of alcohol-related emergency department presentations by children and young people to inform appropriately targeted prevention programmes., 14th EUSPR Conference, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 4-6th October 2023, 2023Poster, 2023
- O Neill, T., Hollywood, E., & Prakashini-Banka Cullen, S., Use of diabetes technologies in the primary school environment: a scoping review protocol, JBI evidence synthesis., 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Hollywood, E. Murphy, M., Comiskey, C. and Banka-Cullen, S., An evaluation of the Barnardos Ballybeg Playground service., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2024 (THEconf2024) New Horizons in Healthcare: Global Impact, Local Relevance., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 5-7th March, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- O"Neill, T. Banka-Cullen, S. and Hollywood, E., The use of diabetes technologies in the primary school environment: A scoping review protocol., Trinity Health and Education International Research Conference 2024 (THEconf2024) New Horizons in Healthcare: Global Impact, Local Relevance., School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 5-7th March, 2024Poster, 2024
- Dr Sonam Prakashini Banka-Cullen, Dr Elizabeth McCarthy Dr Katy Tobin Ms Jessica Eustace-Cook, Prof Catherine Comiskey, An Evidence Review on Effective Interventions and Approaches in the Delivery of Integrated Alcohol Services in Community Settings, Advancing alcohol research in Ireland, Dublin, 14 September 2023, 2023Poster, 2023, URL
- Hollywood, E., Murphy, M., Banka-Cullen, S and Comiskey, C., An evaluation of a Barnardos playground service which serves the community of Ballybeg in Waterford, Ireland, UNESCO CFRC 11th Biennial International Conference, University of Galway, Galway, Ireland, 13th - 14th June, 2024Conference Paper, 2024, URL
- Banka Prakashini, The effectiveness of ISPCC services on stress, self-esteem and test performance anxiety , 2012Thesis
- Dermody Aoife, Banka Prakashini., Evaluation of CARE (Community Alcohol Response and Engagement) Pilot Project: Ballymun, Finglas and North Dublin , 2015Report
- Coughlan Anne, Dermody Aoife, Banka Prakashini, National Guide to Pay and Benefits in Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations , 2015Report
- Banka Prakashini, Kelly Paul, Comiskey Catherine, The Healthy School's Programme Evaluation Fourth Year Preliminary Findings Report , 2013Report
- Banka Cullen, S., Lavelle, S. McDonagh, D., Walsh, R. and Comiskey, C. , In Plain Sight: A Rapid Review of the International Literature and a National Estimate of the Prevalence of Women Who Use Substances and Experience Domestic Violence in Ireland., European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, SAOL , Dublin, Ireland, 2022Report, URL
- Comiskey, C., Banka, S., McDonagh, D and Galligan, K., An evaluation of the co-design and roll out of an anti-stigma training programme.. , European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, CityWide, Dublin, Ireland., 2021Report, URL
- Hollywood E and Banka Cullen E, The Voice of the Child in Research, " `We Feel it Too" A Child"s Experience of Domestic Abuse", Newgrange Hotel, Navan, Co Meath, Ireland., 18th November 2022, 2022, Meath Women's Refuge and Support ServicesInvited Talk, URL
- Comiskey C., Kelly P., Hennessy A., Hyland M., O Neill D.,Prakashani Banka-Cullen S., Lavelle Cafferkey S.,, A Consulation to inform the delivery of new integrated alcohol services., November 2023, 2023Report
Research Expertise
Her research interests include behavioural change models, health promotion, health psychology, service and intervention evaluation, child mental health and physical health, statistical modeling, depression, obesity, substance use, domestic abuse, and healthcare innovation.
- 1252 Research Stipend 2012
- Facilitator at the International Humanitarian Innovation Academy. Innovation and Entrepreneurship programme delivered over two weeks in University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. 2016 - 2018