Angelina is a Senior Disability Officer with the TCD Disability Service. She joined the team in May 2022. Angelina previously worked for Maynooth University as a Student Advisor for students who are under-represented in higher education, including those with disabilities. Angelina completed a master’s degree in Library and Information Studies from University College Dublin (UCD) in 2020 where she wrote a thesis on 'An Exploration of the Information Needs of Students in Third Level Education with Dyslexia'. Disability support in education has always been an interest and focus of Angelina’s. Angelina also completed work with the CAO assessing Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) applications for entry 2021 and 2022. With the crossover between students applying for both HEAR and DARE (Disability Access Route to Education), Angelina brings an insight into the financial challenges faced by students with disabilities from pre-entry support during the application process, right through to post-entry support in College. Angelina has worked with the PME course in Trinity on numerous occasions over the past year to provide the training teachers with information on disability support and assistive technology at second level.