Susan is an Assistant Professor in Geography Education in the School of Education. She leads Geography Education on the Professional Masters in Education and Emergency and Disaster Management on the TCPID ASIAP Programme. She is Dissertation Coordinator on the Masters of Education. Susan is a qualified secondary teacher, and has worked at all levels of education over the past 30 years. She was awarded her EdD in 2008, with her doctoral thesis focussing on children's experiences of their local environments. Susan's current research focuses on teaching and learning in schools as well as in teacher education. She has a particular interest in the young people's experiences and learning in geography, citizenship and sustainability education, especially in fieldwork and enquiry. Susan was President of the Geographical Association (2020-21), an organisation she continues to contribute to through charing the GA's Geography Education Research Special Interest Group (GERSIG), as well as writing and other advocacy roles. She was a member of the Organising Committee for the International Geographical Congress, and chaired the Geography Olympiad, both of which will took place in August 2024.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Pike, Susan, Learning Primary Geography: Ideas and Inspirations from Classrooms, 1st, Abingdon, Routledge, 2016Book, 2016, URL
- Becoming acquainted: Young(er) children's geographies in, editor(s)Hammond, L., M. Biddulph, S. Catling and J.H. McKendrick , Transforming Children's Geographies: Rethinking Children's (Geographical) Education, Abingdon: Routledge, Routledge, 2022, [Pike, Susan and Catling, Simon]Book Chapter, 2022
- Greenwood, R., Austin, S., Bacon, K. and Pike, S., Enquiry-based learning in the primary classroom: Student teachers' perceptions, Education 3-13, 49, (1), 2021, p1-15-Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Pike, Susan, Presidential article: Dimensions of compassionate geographies, Primary Geography, 106, 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Pike, Susan, Presidential article: Compassionate geographies, Teaching Geography, 46, (2), 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Local experiential fieldwork in initial teacher education in, editor(s)Wessell, Jonathan , Experiential Learning in Geography: Experience, Evaluation, and Encounters, USA, Springer, 2021, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2021
- Freeman, Denise and Pike, Susan, Going Places: Transitions on Geography Education, Geographical Association Annual Conference, University of Surrey, UK, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
- Pike, Susan, Primary Geography in our Curriculum - Going Places?, Geographical Viewpoint, (Summer ), 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Waldron F., Pike S., What does it mean to be Irish? Children's construction of national identity, Irish Educational Studies, 25, (2), 2006, p231 - 251, p231-251Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- Dolan A.M., Waldron F., Pike S., Greenwood R., Learning to teach primary geography in the context of school placement: lessons from an all-Ireland study, European Journal of Teacher Education, 39, (1), 2016, p20 - 35, p20-35Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Pike S., Irish primary school children's definitions of geography, Irish Educational Studies, 25, (1), 2006, p75 - 91, p75-91Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- Pike S., Clough P., Children's voices on learning about countries in geography, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 14, (4), 2005, p356 - 363, p356-363Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Pike S., If you went out it would stick: Irish children's learning in their local environments, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 20, (2), 2011, p139 - 159, p139-159Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- GIS for Young people's participatory geography in, editor(s)Walshe, Nicola & Healy, Grace , Geography Education in the Digital World Linking Theory and Practice, Abingdon, Routledge, 2020, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2020
- Teaching geography through topics in, editor(s)Willy, Tessa , Leading Primary Geography: The Handbook for Primary Geography, Sheffield: The Geographical Association, Geographical Association, 2019, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2019
- Austin, Sandra, Greenwood, Richard, Bacon, Karin and Pike, Susan , Enquiry in Teacher Education: Models, experiences and attitudes to EBL in teacher education, Centre for Cross Border Studies: Standing Committee on Teacher Education North and South, 2020Report, 2020
- Pike, Susan, Exploring the Locality with GIS, Primary Geography , 95, (3), 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Pike, Susan, Geographies of play, hazards and risks, Primary Geography , 94, (1), 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Pike, Susan, Children's Research Digest: Children's Outdoor Play, Dublin, Children's Research Network., 2018Book, 2018, TARA - Full Text
- The Charney Factor: Primary Geography in the Republic of Ireland in, editor(s)Catling, Simon , Reflections on Primary Geography, Oxford, Charney Publication, 2017, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2017, URL
- Pike, S., Austin, S., Greenwood, R. and Bacon, K., Inquiry in teacher education: Experiences of lecturers and student teachers, Irish Education Studies, 43, (4), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Creative teaching about the physical world in, editor(s)Scoffham, Stephen , Teaching Geography Creatively, 2016, Routledge , 2016, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2016
- Pike, Susan, Primary Geography in the Republic of Ireland: Practices, issues and possible futures, Research in Geography Education Online, 2015Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Dolan, Anne; Waldron, Fionnuala; Pike, Susan and Greenwood, Richard, Student teachers' reflections on prior experiences of learning geography, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 23, (4), 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Pike, Susan and Rawlings Smith, Emma, Collaboration for place-based pedagogies, Geographical Association Annual Conference, University of Sheffield, 13th-15th April, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023
- For once, just listen to a kid': Children's Rights and Local Communities in, editor(s)Waldron, F. and Ruane, B. , Human Rights Education: Reflections on Theory and Practice, Dublin, Liffey Press, 2010, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2010
- Pike, Susan, Geography Curriculum Change in Ireland, Geography Teacher Educators' Annual Conference, University of Worcester, January, edited by GTE Committee , 2022Conference Paper, 2022
- Pike, Susan, To challenge or not? Lev Vygotsky and Primary Geography, Primary Geography , 93, (3), 2017Journal Article, 2017
- Pike, Susan, Going Places? Geography in the Irish Primary Curriculum, Geography Teacher Educators' Conference, Dublin City University , January , 2021Conference Paper, 2021
- Pike, Susan, Austin, Sandra, Greenwood, Richard, Bacon, Karin, The Multiplicities of Enquiry in Initial Teacher Education: Findings from an All-Ireland Research Project, Geography Teacher Educators' Conference, IoE, London, England, January, 2020Conference Paper, 2020
- Pike, Susan and Kilcran, Michael, Global news & views: Critical global citizenship via the media, Primary Geography , 84, (2), 2015Journal Article, 2015
- Pike, Susan, Adding up the issue with geography and mathematics, Primary Geography , 83, (2), 2014Journal Article, 2014
- Waldron, F., Kavanagh, A., Kavanagh, R., Maunsell, C., Oberman, R., O'Reilly, M., Pike, S., Prunty, A., & Ruane, B., Teachers, Human Rights and Human Rights Education: Knowledge, perspectives and practices of primary school teachers in Ireland, 2021, Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship, DCU, September , 2011Report, 2011, TARA - Full Text
- Geography Education for Social and Environmental Justice Education in, editor(s)Kavanagh, AM., Waldron, F. and Mallon, B. , Teaching for Social Justice and Sustainable Development Across the Primary Curriculum, Abingdon, Routledge, 2021, pp37-53 , [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2021
- Pike, Susan , Places, spaces and learning: Place based education in primary education, Burren Insight, 6, (1), 2014Journal Article, 2014
- Pike, Susan, 100 Years of enquiry learning: The influence of John Dewey, Primary Geography, 82, (3), 2014Journal Article, 2014
- Pike, Susan and Beresford, Caitríona, Food, connections and green flags: Linking the early years curriculum through food, Primary Geography, 82, (1), 2013Journal Article, 2013
- Green, J., Shaw-Hamilton, A., Walsh, M., Pike, S. and OMahony, O. , On our own, with a bit of help: Geographical enquiry in our school, Primary Geography, 80, (1), 2013Journal Article, 2013
- Pike, Susan and Ryan, Maria, Using big ideas for big places: Australia, 79, (1), 2012Journal Article, 2012
- Pike, Susan, Politics, Pedagogies and Possibilities: Geography in the Irish Education System , Geography Teacher Educators Conference, University of Bristol / University of the West of England, January , 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Pike, Susan, GIS in Irish Schools: Merging policy, participation and practice, Primary Geography Conference, Charney Manor, Oxford, England, February , 2020Conference Paper, 2020
- Pike, Susan, Children, locality and the future, Primary Geography , 79, (2), 2011Journal Article, 2011
- Pike, Susan, Ideas of Irishness, Primary Geography, 69, (3), 2002Journal Article, 2002
- Pike, Susan and Tanner, Julia, Geographical Learning and Wellbeing, Geographical Association Annual Conference, University of Surrey / Online, April, 2020Conference Paper, 2020
- Pike, Susan, Curriculum making with children's geographies: Enhancing children's participation through geographical learning, Royal Geographical Society: Geographies of Children, youth and families Conference, Royal Geographical Society, London, January, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Pike, S., McGuirk, N. and Whelan, P., Findings from the Literature Review to Inform the Curriculum for Social and Environmental Education (Geography, History and Education about Religion and Beliefs), NCCA Reimagining Curriculum Seminar , Gresham Hotel, March, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- A world of geography: Past, present and future of geography education in, Learning Primary Geography: Ideas and Inspirations from Classrooms, Abingdon, Routledge , 2016, pp1 - 17, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2016, DOI , URL
- Learning through enquiry: The pedagogies of teaching and learning in geography in, Learning Primary Geography: Ideas and Inspirations from Classrooms , Abingdon, Routledge , 2016, pp18 - 38, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2016
- Learning through experience: The literacies of geography in, editor(s)Pike, Susan , Learning Primary Geography: Ideas and inspiration from classrooms, Abingdon, Abingdon, 2016, pp39 - 61, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2016
- Pike, Susan, Fascination fixes for troublesome topics: Teaching through enquiry, Geographical Association Annual Conference , University of Manchester , April, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Pike, Susan, Geographies and the deaf community: The ISL environmental science glossary project, Charney Manor Primary Geography Conference, Oxford, February, 2021Conference Paper, 2021
- Pike, Susan, Pedagogies of Teacher Education: What can Geography Education Offer?, Geographical Association Annual Conference,, Sheffield Hallam University, April, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Pike, Susan, Places, Decisions and Butterflies: Early years geography, Geographical Association Annual Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, April, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Pike, Susan, 'I'm loving life': First in Family Experiences in Teacher Education, Geography Teacher Educators' Conference, University of Birmingham, January , 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Pike, Susan, `It's about the things we don't notice everyday': 10 Years of children's definitions of Geography, Charney Manor Geography Conference, Oxford , February, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
- Pike, Susan and Blankman, Marian, Research in Geography in Primary Teacher Education, EuroGeo Conference , Amsterdam, May, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Pike, Susan, Student teachers" ideas about geography education: Learning about learning, Charney Geography Conference, Charney Manor, Oxford, England, February, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Pike, Susan and Waldron, Fionnuala, Irish Children's Ideas of National Identity, IoE Human Rights and Citizenship Conference, Institute of Education, London, July, 2002Conference Paper, 2002
- Pike, Susan, Geography Teacher Education: Reflections on a Year of ITE, Irish Association for Social, Scientific and Environmental Education Annual Conference, St Patrick's College, Dublin, June, 2002Conference Paper, 2002
- Pike, Susan, Children's Geographies and Primary Geography: Children's Participation, Charney Primary Geography Conference, Charney Manor, Oxford, February, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Pike, Susan, Learning Critically: The Use of Enquiry Pedagogies in Primary Geography, National Council for Geographic Education Annual Conference, Washington DC, USA, July, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- Pike, S., Murphy, C., Dolan, A. & Waldron, F., Becoming a Teacher: Student Teachers' Experiences as Learners of Science and Geography, Education Studies of Ireland Annual Conference, Royal Hotel, Malahide, September, 2010Conference Paper, 2010
- Pike, Susan and Waldron, Fionnuala, What does it mean to be Irish?: Children's construction of national identity, American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Montreal, April, 2005Conference Paper, 2005
- Pike, S. and Austin, S., Learning Outdoors: Theories, Examples & Outcomes Learning in Teacher Education, Outdoor Learning Conference, University of East London, February, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- Waldron, Fionnuala and Pike, Susan in Gilligan, Ann Louise (ed.), National Forum on Primary Education: Ending Disadvantage, St Patrick's College, Drumcondra, Dublin, 1st-5th July, 2002Proceedings of a Conference, 2002
- Pike, Susan, Pedagogies in Geography Education: Sharing theories and practices, Charney Primary Geography Conference, Oxford, February, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Pike, Susan, Reasons to be Cheerful: Primary Geography in Ireland, Geography Society of Ireland Conference, DCU School of Geography and History, DCU St Patrick's Campus, May, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Pike, Susan, Learning through enquiry: First steps, Geographical Association Annual Conference, University of Manchester, April, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Pike, Susan and Greenwood, Richard, All-Ireland Survey of BEd Primary Teaching Students: Experiences of, and attitudes towards Science, History and Geography, Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference, University College Cork, April, 2005Conference Paper, 2005
- Pike, Susan, Recently Qualified Teachers' experiences of teaching geography in the primary school, Irish Association for Social, Scientific and Environmental Education Annual Conference, St Mary's College, Belfast, June, 2005Conference Paper, 2005
- Pike, Susan and Varley, Janet, Student teachers' prior experiences as learners of science and geography: An All-Ireland Survey, Association of Science Teacher Educators Summer Conference: Science Education for the Real World, St Mary's University College, Belfast, June, , 2005Conference Paper, 2005
- Pike, S., Varley, J., & Greenwood, R., Student teachers" prior experiences as learners of science and geography: A comparison drawn from an All-Ireland survey, Charney Manor Primary Geography Conference, Oxford, February, 2006Conference Paper, 2006
- Pike, Susan, Children's Geographies in Ireland: The Potential for Participation, Geography Society of Ireland Conference, St Patrick's College, Dublin, May, 2007Conference Paper, 2007
- Pike, Susan, Thinking Geographically: A Pedagogy of Teacher Education in Geography, Charney Primary Geography Conference, Oxford, England, February, 2015Conference Paper, 2015
- Pike, Susan, Slow pedagogies and well-being in primary schools, Understanding well-being in changing times: The Role of SPHE, St Patrick's College, Dublin, July, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Pike, Susan, Geography adds up: Linking geography and mathematics, Geography Teacher Educators" Conference, University of Winchester, January, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
- Pike, Susan, Tackling the `boring" topics: Curriculum making with children, Charney Manor Geography Conference, Oxford, February, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Pike, Susan, Becoming a Teacher: Student Teachers' Experiences as Learners of Science and Geography, Geographical Association Conference, University of Derby, April, 2010Conference Paper, 2010
- Pike, Susan, Children"s and their local environments in Ireland, Irish Association for Social, Scientific and Environmental Education Annual Conference, Dublin, June, 2009Conference Paper, 2009
- Pike, Susan, 'EcoDetectives: Locality based enquiries for Geography and Science', Dublin, 2010, -Protocol or guideline, 2010
- Pike, Susan, Geography Teacher Educators' Conference, January, 2023, Trinity College Dublin / OnlineMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2023
- Irish Educational Studies, Abingdon, England, Taylor and Francis, [Reviewer], 2020Editorial Board, 2020
- Pike, Susan, Geography for the Future? Curriculum Change in Ireland, EuroGeo Conference, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland, April, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Pike, Susan, Resilient Geography? Geography in the Primary Curriculum, Conference of Irish Geographers, Talbot Hotel, Wexford, May, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Rawlings Smith, Emma and Pike, Susan, Encountering Place in Education: Scholarship and Practice in Place-based Learning, Abingdon, Routledge, 2024Book, 2024
- Pike, Susan, Geography for the Future? Power and knowledge in the Geography Curriculum in Ireland, IGU-CGE Oxford Conference, University of Oxford, July, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Home, place and young people's geographies in the classroom in, editor(s)Emma Rawlings Smith and Susan Pike , Encountering Ideas of Place in Education Scholarship and Practice in Place-based Learning, Abingdon, Roultedge, 2024, [Freeman, D. and Pike, S.]Book Chapter, 2024
- Encountering Ideas of Place: Conclusion in, Emma Rawlings Smith and Susan Pike , Encountering Ideas of Place: Scholarship and Practice in Place-Based Education, Abingdon, Routledge, 2024, [Susan Pike and Emma Rawlings Smith]Book Chapter, 2024
- Pike, S., Ní Cassaithe, C., McGuirk, N., Usher, J., Mallon, B. and Whelan, P., Literature Review to Inform the Curriculum for Social and Environmental Education (Geography, History and Education about Religion and Beliefs), National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, October, 2023Report, 2023, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Pike, Susan, NCCA Literature Review for Geography, History and Education about Religion and Beliefs, NCCA Early Years and Primary Board, Marino Institute of Education, 7th September 2023, 2023, NCCAInvited Talk, 2023
- Pike, Susan, Findings from the Literature Review to Inform the Curriculum for Social and Environmental Education (Geography, History and Education about Religion and Beliefs), NCCA Early Years and Primary Board Meeting, Marino Institute of Education, September, 2023, NCCAInvited Talk, 2023, URL
- Clarke, Lisa and Pike, Susan, The impact of forming a community of practice on teachers" attitudes and approaches to primary geography, Irish Educational Studies, 42, (4), 2023, p911 - 930Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Encountering Place in Education: Introduction in, editor(s)Emma Rawlings Smith and Susan Pike , Encountering Place in Education, Abingdon, Routledge, 2024, [Rawlings Smith, Emma and Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2024, URL
- Finding Futures: Purposes of Geography in the Irish Education System in, editor(s)Bednarz, Sarah and Mitchell, Jerry , International Handbook of Geography Education, USA, Springer, 2025, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2025
- Pike, Susan, Geographical Association Annual Conference: Compassionate Geographies, 8th-10th April, 2021, Online, Geographical AssociationMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2021, URL
- Fabulous geography: Avoiding dull geography in, Learning Primary Geography: Inspiration from Classrooms, Abingdon, 2016, pp62 - 80, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2016
- Our school, our world: Geography through the school grounds in, Learning Primary Geography: Inspiration from Classrooms, Abingdon, 2016, pp81 - 97, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2016
- Our geographical locality: Primary geography through the locality in, Learning Primary Geography: Inspirations from Classrooms, Abingdon, Routledge, 2016, pp98 - 118, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2016
- Real geography: Topical geography through issues and events in, Learning Primary Geography: Inspirations from Classrooms, Abingdon, 2016, pp119 - 140, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2016
- Connecting geography: Learning about places in, Learning Primary Geography: Inspirations from Classrooms, Abingdon, Routledge, 2016, pp141 - 161, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2016
- Go geography: Children's agency and action through geography in, Learning Primary Geography: Ideas and Inspirations from Classrooms, Abingdon, Routledge, 2016, pp162 - 180, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2016
- Making geography work: Planning for learning in geography in, Learning Primary Geography: Inspirations from Classrooms, Abingdon, Routledge, 2016, pp181 - 197, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2016
- Pike, Susan, Geography in the Primary Curriculum, Geography Society of Ireland: Conference of Irish Geographers, University College Cork, April, 2001Conference Paper, 2001
- Children's Research Digest: Children's Outdoor Play in, editor(s)Pike, Susan , Children's Research Digest: Children's Outdoor Play, Dublin, Children Research Network, 2018, [Pike, Susan]Book Chapter, 2018
- Pike, S., Subject based and integrated teaching: The research evidence, Geography Teacher Educators, York, 27-29th January, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Dempsey, M., Doyle, A., Pike, S. and Gleeson, J., Curriculum Reform in Ireland, Educational Studies Association of Ireland, Maynooth University, 4-6th April, 2024, ESAIInvited Talk, 2024
- Pike, Susan, Geography at Senior Levels in Irish Schools: Research and Practice in Curriculum Change, EuroGeo: Compromised Geography: Spreading a New World, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 29th-30th May 2024, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Clarke, L. and Pike, S., Local geography: Are we teaching it effectively?, Primary Geography, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Waldron, F., Pike, S., Varley, J., Greenwood, R., Murphy, C. and Murphy, C., Student teachers' prior experiences of history, geography and science: Initial findings of an all-Ireland survey, Irish Educational Studies, 26, (2), 2007, p177 - 194Journal Article, 2007
- Pike, Susan, 'Atlas Hunt: Making Sense of Places', 2021, Folen's Educational Publishers, 2021, -Map, GIS map
- Pike, Susan, 'Philip's / Foley's Primary Atlas', 2021 Edition, Dublin, Philip's & Folens, 2021, -Map, GIS map
- Downes, P., Pike, S., Murphy, S., Brady, S., Crosson, S., Cuddy, S., Doyle, O., Duffy, R., Kennedy, M., Naughton, C., OCallaghan, L., Rafferty, A., Sinnott, F. and Wynne, M., Marginalised students in Primary and Post-Primary DEIS Schools and other settings: System Gaps in Policy and Practice and the Priority Issues for consideration, with reference to the impact of Covid 19, EDC, 2020, 2020Report, TARA - Full Text
- Pike, Susan, 'The Eneable Project. Inquiry in Teacher Education', IoE Podcasts , 1, Dublin City University, 2022, -Broadcast
- Kinder, Alan and Pike, Susan, Policy Matters: Geography, identity and futures, Geographical Association News , Summer , 2021Journal Article, TARA - Full Text
- Kinder, Alan and Pike, Susan, Policy Matters: Schools and COVID-19, Geographical Association News, (Spring), 2021Journal Article
- Pike, Susan and Kinder, Alan , Policy Matters: From compassion to action, through geography education, Geographical Association News, (Autumn), 2020Journal Article
- Pike, Susan, Healy, Grace and Wilson, Sophie, Geography Education and COVID-19, Geography Education and COVID-19, Institute of Education, University College London, January, 2021, IoE University of London and Geographical AssociationInvited Talk
- Pike, Susan, The Geographical Association Community, Geographical Association Sheffield Branch, Sheffield / Online , January , 2020, Sheffield GA BranchInvited Talk
- Pike, Susan, Digital mapping in localities across the ages, ESRI Ireland ArcGIS Event, ESRI Ireland, June, 2019, ESRI IrelandInvited Talk
- Pike, Susan, Children and their localities: From place to participation, BurrenBeo Place Based Learning Symposium, Kinvarra, Co Galway , July , 2017Invited Talk
- Pike, Susan , Innovation on the doorstep: Theory and practice of learning in the locality (Keynote Lecture), Innovation in der Lehre (Innovation in the Classroom), University of Köln, March , 2012, University of KölnInvited Talk
- Pike, Susan, Climate change and education (Invited Panel Presentation), Irish Association for Development Education Annual Conference, Dublin City Council Offices, June, 2012Invited Talk
- Pike, Susan, Geography in Primary Schools, Geographical Viewpoint, 39, (1), 2011Journal Article
- Pike, Susan, The Incredible Capabilities of Primary Pupils, Geographical Association Annual Conference , University of Manchester , April, 2019Oral Presentation
- Pike, Susan, 'The Power of Subject Associations', Teachers' Talk Radio, Online, 2021, -Broadcast
- Pike, Susan, Can geography do more? Young people's geographies and participation in their schools and communities, Association of Geography Teachers of Ireland Annual Conference, Maldron Hotel, Tallaght, May, 2018, Association of Geography Teachers of IrelandInvited Talk
- Pike, Susan, Progression in Primary Geography, Royal Geographical Society Primary Geography and History TeachMeet, Royal Geographical Society / Online, November, 2020Oral Presentation
- Irish Sign Language Environmental Science Glossary, 1, Dublin, 2018, [Matthews, Elizabeth and Pike, Susan ]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc
- Moore-Cherry, N. with Pike, S. and others, Mapping Geography in Ireland, Geographical Society of Ireland, September, 2012Report
- Downes, P, Gilligan, A.L., Bryan, A., Pike, S. et al., Recognition of the Travelling Community as an Ethnic Minority in Ireland, 2015, -Miscellaneous
- Pike, Susan, 'Primary schools and climate change education', Waterford Local Radio, Ian Noctor Show, 2010, -Broadcast
- Pike, Susan, Theory and practice of outdoor Learning in the North East Inner City, NEIC Event , Dublin / Online, July, 2021, Department of Education.Invited Talk
- Pike, Susan, Presidential Keynote Lecture: Compassionate Geographies, Geographical Association Annual Conference , Sheffield Hallam University / Online , April , 2021, Geographical AssociationInvited Talk
- Pike, Susan, Keynote: Adventures in Place based learning - Research & practice in classrooms, BurrenBeo Landscape Symposium, Kinvarra, Co. Galway. , July, 2014Conference Paper
- Pike, S., Ní Cassaithe, C., McGuirk, N., Usher, J., Mallon, B. and Whelan, P., Findings from the Literature Review to Inform the Curriculum for Social and Environmental Education (Geography, History and Education about Religion and Beliefs), NCCA Seminar, Marino Institute of Education, February, 2023, NCCAInvited Talk
- Pike, Susan, Powerful Geographies from age 0, Geography through the Ages TeachMeet, Dublin City University, April, 2019Oral Presentation
- Pike, Susan , 'Folen's Geography Webinar for Primary Teachers', Folen's, Dublin, 2019, -Protocol or guideline, URL
- Pike, Susan, Innovation in Geography, Geography through the Ages Seminar Series, Online, May, 2021Oral Presentation
- Pike, Susan, Geography Question Time, Charney Manor Primary Geography Conference, Charney Manor, Oxford, February, 2016, Professor Simon CatlingInvited Talk
- Pike, Susan, Primary children's voice on place in geography, Charney Manor Primary Geography Conference, Charney Manor, Oxford, February, 2005Conference Paper
- Pike, S. and Austin, S., Outdoor Learning in Initial Teacher Education, DCU Create21 Teacher Education Project Launch, Dublin City University , May, 2016Poster
- Pike, S., Austin, S. and Coulter, M., Outdoor Learning across the Primary Curriculum, Festival of Outdoor Learning, Wicklow, April, 2016Invited Talk
- Pike, Susan, Students' Interpretations of Geographical Photographs, University of Southampton, 1999Thesis
- Pike, Susan, Development Pressures in East Hampshire, University of Nottingham, 1990Thesis
- Pike, Susan, Children and their Localities: Home and School, Conference of Irish Geographers, St Patrick's College, Dublin, May, 2006Conference Paper
- Pike, Susan, Children's Experience of their Environments, Irish Association for Social, Scientific and Environmental Education Annual Conference, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, June, 2007Conference Paper
- Pike, Susan and Toal, Joanne, Enquiring Minds: A Local Geography Investigation, TeachMeet: Outside the Box: Beyond the Three Rs , Dublin, March, 2015Conference Paper
- Pike, Susan, Children's definition of Geography: Ten years of curriculum change, Irish Association for Social, Scientific and Environmental Education Annual Conference, St Patrick's College, Dublin, June, 2013Conference Paper
- Pike, Susan, Becoming a Teacher: Student Teachers' Experiences as Learners of Science and Geography, Charney Manor Primary Geography Conference, Oxford, February, 2010Conference Paper
- Pike, Susan, Student Teachers" Prior Experiences as Learners of Science and Geography: An update on the longitudinal study, Charney Manor Primary Geography Conference, Oxford, February, 2008Conference Paper
- International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, Abingdon, England, Taylor and Francis, [Member of Editorial Board], 2015Editorial Board
- Wilson, S. and Pike, S. , Sustainability in Teacher Education: St Mary's University and Trinity College Dublin, St Mary's University Teaching and Learning Festival, London, 20th June, 2023Invited Talk
- Pike, Susan, 'Young people geographies and the Geography Olympiad for Ireland', RTÉ Radio 1 Nine O'Clock Show, RTÉ Radio 1, RTÉ, 2023, -Broadcast
- Pike, S., Social and Environmental Education - Literature Review, NCCA Council, Marino Institute of Education , 21st September, 2023, NCCAInvited Talk
- Pike, S. and Usher, J., Written Submission: Consultation on Curriculum Structure and Time, 2017, -Miscellaneous
- Pike, S. and Usher, J., Written Submission: Consultation on Curriculum Structure and Time, 2017, -Miscellaneous
- Pike, Susan, The Geography Olympiad for Ireland: A Celebration of Geographical Learning, Association of Geography Teachers of Ireland Conference, Tallaght, Dublin, 21st October, 2023, AGTIInvited Talk
- Rawlings Smith, Emma and Pike, Susan, 'Encountering Place in Education 1: January Webinar', Encountering Place in Education, Global, Routledge, 2024, -Broadcast
- Pike, Susan and Rawlings Smith, Emma, 'Encountering Places in Education 2: February Webinar', Encountering Places in Education, Abingdon, Routledge, 2024, -Broadcast
- Pike, S., Rawlings Smith, E. And Maude, A., Around the world in 60 minutes, GeoNight Australia, Australia and online, 12th April, 2024, Australian Geography Teachers AssociationInvited Talk
- Educational Studies of Ireland Curriculum Research SIG Conference, Curriculum Making in Ireland: a multiplicity of actors and sites of activity engaging in the social practice of interpreting, translating, mediating, and enacting curriculum, 14th June, 2024, All Hallows College, DCUMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Pike, Susan, Kelly, Amy and Doyle, Orla, Space and Hermeneutics: Children's Constructions of Spatial Meanings in their Localities, The Spatial Turn Interdisciplinary Symposium, Dublin City University, 5th-6th June, 2024, DCU Educational Disadvantage CentreInvited Talk
- Pike, Susan and McManus, Ruth, 'Celebrating Geography - Through the Ages', GeoWeek 2022, Dublin, Dublin City University, 2022, -Broadcast
- Pike, Susan, International Geography Olympiad, 19th-26th August, 2024, University of Maynooth and Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Pike, Susan, International Geography Olympiad, 19th-26th August, 2024, University of Maynooth and Trinity College DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Pike, Susan, Learning through Enquiry: Experience, Practice and Stance, Cork Geography Teachers' Conference, Cork, 5th October, 2024Oral Presentation
- Pike, S. and Rawlings Smith, E., Geography Teacher Educators' Conference, January 2021, 2021, OnlineMeetings /Conferences Organised
Research Expertise
Susan's research focuses on teaching, learning and pedagogies in Geography, Sustainability and Outdoor Education in schools. She also researches in teacher education, specifically on the experiences and impact of teacher education on the process of becoming a teacher for students on initial teacher education programmes. Her book Learning Primary Geography: Ideas and Inspirations from Classrooms (Routledge, 2016) drew together theory, research and practice in Geography across a wide range on schools. She co-edited Encountering Place in Education, an international cross-phase book to support all educators teach about, within and for place (Routledge, 2023).
TitleISL Environmental Science GloosarySummaryIrish Sign Language Glossary, Science Foundation Ireland funded project to develop an online glossary for Environmental Science / Geography terms for primary and second level schools: www.sfi.ie/research-news/news/irish-sign-language/Funding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From2017Date To2020
TitleFirst in Family TeachersSummaryResearch on the experiences of 'first in family' students teachers in initial teacher education programmes.Funding AgencyDCU Dean's FundDate From2018Date To2024
TitleInternational Geography OlympiadSummaryThe International Geography Olympiad (iGeo) is an annual competition for the best 16 to 19 year old geography students from all over the world. Students chosen to represent their countries are chosen from thousands of students who participate enthusiastically in their own National Geography Olympiads. The iGeo consists of three parts: a written test, a multimedia test and substantial fieldwork requiring observation, leading to cartographic representation and geographical analysis. The 2024 event will be held in Ireland and the programme will include poster presentations by teams, cultural exchanges, and time for students to get to know their fellow students and explore the Ireland. www.geoolympiad.org/fass/geoolympiad/what-is-igeo/index.shtmlFunding AgencyInternational Geographic Union & 8 West ConsultingDate From2022Date To2024
TitleEncountering Place in EducationSummaryAn edited book connecting theories and research on place with education, and focuses on innovative content and creative approaches to teaching and learning about place in schools. Co-edited with Dr Emma-Rawlings Smith of the University of OxfordFunding AgencyRoutledgeDate From2020Date To2023
TitleEmbedding and Nurturing Enquiry-based Learning in Teacher EducationSummaryA SCOTENS funded project to investigate the multiple experiences of enquiry within teacher education, including school placement, from students' perspectives.Funding AgencySCOTENSDate From2016Date To2024
TitleLeaving Certificate Geography Development GroupSummaryRedevelopment group for Leaving Certificate GeographyFunding AgencyNational Council for Curriculum and Assessment
TitleGeographical Association Conference 2021SummaryChair of the Organising Committee for the GA's Conference in 2021. Member of the Committee for 2019, 2020 and 2022.Funding AgencyGeographical AssociationDate From2019Date To2022
TitleSystematic Literature Review for the SEE (Geography, History and ERB) Primary CurriculumSummaryLeading the research team providing a literature review in Geography, History and Education about Religion and Beliefs for the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.Funding AgencyNational Council for Curriculum and AssessmentDate From2022Date To2023
TitleGeography Olympiad for IrelandSummaryThe Geography Olympiad for Ireland (GOI) is part of the networks of international olympiads to select students for the International Geography Olympiad (IGEO) connected to the International Geographical Union (IGU) and their Congress (IGC). The competition will run from October 2023 to April 2024 to select students from each province to represent Ireland at the International Geography Olympiad (iGEO).Funding AgencyDepartment of EducationDate From2023
TitleBecoming a TeacherSummaryLongitudinal study of all primary students teachers on the island of IrelandFunding AgencyStanding Committee on Teacher Education North and SouthDate From2003Date To2009
TitleLearning Secondary GeographySummaryThe Learning Secondary Geography project shares good practice in geography education through collaborations between Trinity College Dublin and schools. It will create at least 30 case studies of practice that will feature in articles and a book on learning in geography in post-primary schools.Date From1st May 2024Date To31st December 2026
- Geographical Association: Annual Award for Excellence 2016
- University of Southampton: PGCE Prize for Highest Achievement on Placement 1994
- Dublin City University: Teaching and Learning Award Won: 2001, 2014; Nominated: 2021
- Teacher Training Agency: Bursary for Masters in Education 1996
- Geographical Association (since 1993) Present
- Royal Geographical Society (since 2002) Present
- Irish Association for Social, Scientific and Environmental Education (2000-2015) 2015
- Educational Studies Association of Ireland (since 2000) Present
- British Education Research Association (since 2010) Present
- Geography Teacher Educators' Collective (since 2014) Present
- Geographical Society of Ireland (since 2000) Present
- Geography Education Research Collective (GERECO) (since 2016) Present
- International Geography Olympiad: Local Organising Committee - Chair 2022-
- Geographical Association - President, Vice President and Past President 2017-
- Editorial Board of International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education - Member 2017-
- Geography Education Research Collective (GERECO): Committee - Member 2015-2023
- Geography Society of Ireland - Schools' Liaison Committee Member, Member 2018-
- Dublin North West Partnership: Board of Management - Member 2021-2023
- BA Outdoor and Adventure Education at Coláiste Dhúlaigh & University of Chichester (2017-2020) - External Examiner 2017-
- Geography through the Ages - Event coordinator with Dr Ruth McManus (2015-2021) 2015-2021
- Irish Educational Studies - Reviewer 2018-
- Royal Geographical Society - Fellow, member of the Children, Young People and Families Research Group and the Geography and Education Research Group 2004-
- University of Exeter: Post-Graduate Certificate in Education - External Examiner 2015-2019
- Geographical Association: Curriculum Framework Working Group - Member 2020-2022
- Irish Association for Social, Scientific and Environmental Education: Committee: Founding member, President, Conference Chair, Committee member and Member 2000-2015
- St Columba's National School, North Strand, Dublin: Board of Management - Chair / Member 2021-
- Geographical Association: Governing Body - Trustee 2017-2021
- BA Education at the University of Roehampton - External Examiner (2018-2022) 2018-
- Geographical Association: Geography Education Research SIG - Chair and Member 2022-
- Young People at the Crossroads - Member of Advisory Board 2020-
- Geography Teacher Educators - Conference Chair & Member 2020-2023
- Educational Studies Association of Ireland - Curriculum Studies SIG: Committee Member 2023
- International Geographical Congress Conference: Organising Committee - Member 2022-
- DCU Educational Disadvantage Centre - Deputy Director and Member 2000-2023
- School of Education: Research in Schools and Education (RISE) - Co-Chair 2023
- Children's Geographies Journal - Reviewer
- International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education: Editorial Board - Member 2015-