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Trinity Employability Award - Social Action (Migration) Pathway

This Award Pathway is run in collaboration with our partner organisation the Irish Refugee Council who are enacting meaningful change in the field of migration. They will host an interactive workshops in Level 1 which will be an opportunity to get a first hand insight into the ethos, workplace culture, and meaningful work undertaken in this field. At Level 3 they will host a challenge which will give the winning student the opportunity to work with them as an intern.

Eligibility requirements

The Trinity Employability Award - Social Action Pathway is open to students in the JS and SS year of their programme in all disciplines in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, not including the School of Business. Students who are studying Sociology or Political Science as part of a single or joint major within BESS are also eligible to apply for the Social Action Pathway.

Students on most programmes in the School of Business will be eligible to apply for the revised Award pathways which will open in the academic year 2023/24.

Level 1: Award Partner workshops

Students on this Pathway will attend two Award workshops, one with Trinity Careers Service and one with the Irish Refugee Council.

Trinity Careers Service

"Make It Count" career readiness workshop
Monday 6th March, 10 AM - 12:00 PM (Room 3074, Arts Building, in-person on Trinity campus)

 This workshop is facilitated by Trinity Careers Service will include a detailed overview of the different aspects of the Trinity Employability Award and will be an opportunity to ask questions and meet other students progressing through the Award. Before attending this workshop you must complete the pre-work written activity in your Pathway section of MyCareer as this will form the basis of the group task on the day. 

By participating in this workshop you will:

  • Learn how to reflect on, identify and articulate your skills and attributes, and apply critical thinking strategies to extra-curricular experiences, setting goals and reflecting on competencies and skills you develop
  • Learn the core competencies employers look for when recruiting
  • Learn how to outline your employability skills in written applications and at interview
  • Enhance your ability to use reflective practice in your academic and personal development

The Irish Refugee Council

Where Refugees and Irish Society Meet
Thursday 9th March, 3 - 5 PM (Room 3074, Arts Building, in-person on Trinity campus)

Challenges refugees face are many. To effectively respond to each individual’s needs and to affect meaningful change to their situation in Ireland it is important not only to care for them as individuals but to be able to apply legal frameworks that allow them to have their status recognised as quickly as possible so that they can move on with their live. This workshop will include an introduction to Irish civil society, the Irish asylum process, interactive session where participants will have the opportunity to analyse individual casework queries and a panel discussion of Irish Refugee Council staff who will provide insight into different pathways to careers in this sector.

By the end of this workshop students will be able to:

  • Understand the basic landscape of Irish civil society from the perspective of someone seeking to enter a career in this sector
  • Understand and recall the principle features of the Irish international protection process
  • Analyse an individual refugee’s experience
  • Apply your understanding of the protection process to their situation
  • Understand the skills needed by a professional NGO worker to provide advice and support in this sector

Level 3: Award Partner challenge

As part of Level 3 of this Pathway you will have the opportunity to apply for an internship position with the Irish Refugee Council. You will send a cover letter and CV directly to the Award partner. Contact details and application guidelines can be found in the Job Descriptions below.


Further information

If you have any questions about the Award after reading the above material, you can send them to the Student Employability team at

You should also engage with Trinity Careers Service on social media for updates on this award and other activities:
