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Build your profile

Building an employer profile on campus is the first step to ensuring your organisation is an employer of choice for our students. Here are some ways you can engage with the Careers Service to bring recofnition to your organisation and attract high quality candidates.

Sign up to MyCareer

Start by creating a profile on MyCareer, our career management hub. Free of charge, you can advertise graduate and internship opportunities, events, and use the platform to book your place at Careers and Internships Fairs.

Attend a Careers Fair

Our Careers Fairs continue to be extremely popular with students and employers, and are the best way to meet large numbers of prospective candidates for graduate and internship positions. Keep an eye on our website for up to date details of all our Career Fair dates.

Sponsor Academic Prizes

Employers currently sponsor a number of prizes and/or awards on the basis of academic or extra-curricular achievements. This is an excellent opportunity to work closely with Academic Schools and to develop innovative opportunities that benefit students.

Submit a Graduate story

Encourage Trinity graduates working with your organisation to share their experience and give advice on your employment sector to students. Students value their insight as it gives them practical information and broadens their horizons. This could be a written or video piece. Graduate stories are available to students as an information resource on our website and may also be used in our publications and marketing materials.