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Dr Elena Spangenberg Yanes

Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow

After studying Classics (BA, 2011; MA, 2013) at Sapienza University of Rome, I received my PhD in Classical Philology (February 2017) from the same university. At the beginning of my studies I dealt especially with Roman declamation (the elder Seneca) and ancient rhetorical theory. Afterwards, the focus of my research shifted to the late antique grammatical tradition. For my doctoral dissertation I wrote, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Michela Rosellini, a commentary on the Greek-Latin syntactical lexicon concluding Priscian's Ars (6th century AD). At the same time, I have also devoted several studies to sources, usage of literary quotations, and medieval and humanistic reception of Priscian's grammar. During my PhD I have also been a visiting student at the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae in Munich (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften) on two occasions (October 2014-February 2015; March-April 2016).

I currently hold a two-year (October 2017-September 2019) IRC postdoctoral research fellowship at Trinity College Dublin, where my academic mentor is Prof. Dr. Anna Chahoud. My current research project is the critical edition, with commentary, of the Anonymous De dubiis nominibus. This is an early medieval grammatical treatise on the gender of substantives, which is also an important source of both fragments of archaic Latin literature and quotations from late antique Christian authors. At the moment, the De dubiis nominibus is to be read in either outdated or untrustworthy editions. Responding to the scientific desideratum of a more reliable text of this work, I aim to issue a new critical edition alongside with a commentary. I will achieve this objective through a deeper complete analysis of manuscripts and by taking into account scholarly progress in the fields of ancient linguistic speculation, indirect tradition of classics, palaeographical and codicological methods, and critical editing.



  • E. Spangenberg Yanes, Prisciani Caesariensis Ars. Liber XVIII. Pars altera, 2. Commento, Hildesheim 2017


  • E. Spangenberg Yanes, Lesefrüchte aus Priskian II. Note a Tucidide (3, 59), Senofonte (Mem. 1, 2, 4. 40. 49. 51; 2, 3, 1; Hell. 4, 8, 22) e Platone (Symp. 191a5-b1), «Materiali e discussioni per l’analisi dei testi classici» 80, 2018 [forthcoming]
  • E. Spangenberg Yanes, Correzioni e glosse al greco nei codici carolingi dell’Ars Prisciani, «Res Publica Litterarum» 39, 2016 [forthcoming]
  • E. Spangenberg Yanes, Le citazioni di autori greci nell’Ars di Prisciano, «Athenaeum» 105/2, 2017, 638-684 [forthcoming]
  • E. Spangenberg Yanes, Traduzioni letterali dal greco in latino negli Atticismi di Prisciano: la sintassi del participio, «Pallas» 107, 2017, 301-308
  • E. Spangenberg Yanes, Giuseppe Giusto Scaligero e Prisciano: una collazione cinquecentesca dell’Ars Grammatica, «Revue d’histoire des textes» 11, 2016, 333-366
  • E. Spangenberg Yanes, Sulla nozione di color e χρῶμα nella retorica della prima età imperiale, «Materiali e discussioni per l’analisi dei testi classici» 75, 2015, 79-104
  • E. Spangenberg Yanes, Il χρῶμα e la dottrina degli status negli scolii tardoantichi a Ermogene, «Res Publica Litterarum» 36, 2013, 5-36
  • E. Spangenberg Yanes, Discorsi già scritti e discorsi mai scritti: due distinte sfere di applicazione dei verbi recito e declamo, «Res Publica Litterarum» 35, 2012, 31-60

Papers in Conference Proceedings

  • E. Spangenberg Yanes, Materiali lessicografici greci e latini nell’insegnamento di Prisciano, in D. Bianconi et al. (edd.), Atti del convegno “Pratiche didattiche tra centro e periferia nel Mediterraneo tardoantico”, Roma, 13-15 maggio 2015, Spoleto, Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo, 2017 [forthcoming]
  • E. Spangenberg Yanes, Prisciano e la tradizione degli idiomata casuum, in P. De Paolis – E. Romano (edd.), Atti del III Seminario nazionale per dottorandi e dottori di ricerca in studi latini. Roma, 20 novembre 2015 – Università degli Studi “La Sapienza”, «Biblioteca di Classico Contemporaneo» 5, 2017, 59-87
  • E. Spangenberg Yanes, Greco e latino a confronto: soluzioni per la presentazione del materiale linguistico nel lessico di Prisciano, in L. Martorelli (ed.), Greco antico nell’Occidente carolingio. Frammenti di testi attici nell’Ars di Prisciano, Hildesheim-Zürich-New York 2014, 115-143

Contact Details

Department of Classics
School of Histories and Humanities
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2