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The Research Ethics Committee

The Research Ethics Committee is composed of:

  • The Chair of The School of Social Work and Social Policy, Research Ethics Committee is Dr Simone McCaughren
  • Academic staff members:
    • Dr Michael Feely,
    • Dr Paula Mayock,
    • Dr Leigh-Ann Sweeney,
    • Dr Catherine Elliot O’Dare
  • Postgraduate student Vitalis Bengano
  • The Committee Secretary - Ms Kellyann Sturdy

In the first instance any queries for the Committee should be addressed to

Decisions are made by majority vote with the Chair having the casting vote. Members of the REC will withdraw from the meeting when their applications are discussed and will not take part in any decision on the application.

Annual reports of the work of the Research Ethics Committee are provided to the School and to the College Research Ethics Policy Committee in accordance with their requirements.