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Fees & Scholarships

Fee information can be found at the TCD Academic Registry page.

Trinity Research Doctorate Awards - School Based.


Applications are invited for the Trinity Research Doctorate Award 2025-2026. The award provides a stipend of €25,000 p.a. and fees write-down for the four years (full-time) of a Structured PhD programme.
Each School has been allocated one award for allocation in 2025-2026.

The Conditions of the Award are:

  • Open only to new entrants to the full-time research doctorate register (EU and non-EU). Those students who have already applied for 2025/2026 or who are currently working with a Principal / Primary Supervisor that is based in The School of Social Work and Social Policy, and have an application pending for 2025 / 2026.
  • The holders must engage in full-time research and must register for a research doctorate degree at Trinity College, The University of Dublin.
  • Continuation on the research register is dependent on evidence of satisfactory annual progress and successful completion of the confirmation process at 18 months after first registration.
  • Both the doctorate researcher and supervisor will agree to participate in the pilot rollout of Trinity’s Supervisor: Research Student Agreement.
  • Postgraduate Research Doctorate Awards cannot continue beyond a fourth year on the full-time research doctorate register and cannot be split across doctorate researcher. Decisions on allocation of the award rests with the School.
  • Applications are welcome from all applicants to the full-time research doctorate register (EU and non-EU), who have submitted online applications to commence in the academic year 2025/2026.

Application Process:

  • The closing date for applications is Friday 16th May 2025. To apply, please submt the following documentation to Michelle Moore,, on or before the closing date:
    • Up to Date Curriculum Vitae
    • 2000-word Research Proposal
    • NOTE:
      • Applicants who meet the criteria for the award will be invited for an online interview in mid-June. Before the interview commences each applicant will be required to give a 10-minute presentation on their research proposal which needs to include a proposed schedule of work for the 4-year PhD timeframe. Applicants’ presentations need to be submitted to Michelle Moore, no less than 10 working days before their scheduled interview.
      • Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their interview and application by Friday June 27th, 2025.

Trinity's Research Doctorate Award To A Student Of Sanctuary


Applicants must:

  • Have received an unconditional offer for admission by May 1, 2024 to the full-time PhD research register in Trinity College Dublin with support of a Principal Supervisor. This implies that applicants will have met all academic requirements including English language requirements.
  • Currently be in the international protection system, temporary protection, seeking asylum, or have refugee status or permission to remain in Ireland on humanitarian grounds.
  • Be residing in the Republic of Ireland.
  • Be able to commence studies in the academic year 2024-25 (September 2024, and no later than March 2025).

Application Process:

Candidates apply for admission to the full-time PhD register in Trinity via as normal and must liaise directly with the potential primary supervisor before application. 
Once applicants have an offer for admission to the full-time PhD register, they should complete the separate online application process for the Trinity Research Doctorate (Sanctuary) Award. Applications will open on February 1, 2024 and the application form will be accessible here .The application form will have four sections covering areas such as personal information, legal status/immigration information, personal statements, a detailed research proposal with lay abstract (for full details see the end of this email).
Further details & Timeline: 
Details will be available here and the following timeline will apply: 

  • Application for admission in 2024-25 opens: November 1, 2023.
  • Application to TRD Sanctuary Award opens: February 1, 2024.
  • Application to TRD Sanctuary Award closes: May 1, 2024 (to be in receipt of an unconditional offer of admission to the full-time PhD register)
  • Outcome of evaluation process expected: June 14, 2024.

Other Sources of Funding Include: (2025/2026)

Irish Students:

  • The Student Grant Scheme pays fees plus a small stipend.  It is means-tested and may be based on parents’ income if the student is living in their parent’s home or is less than 23 years of age.  Students over 23 years of age and living independently may quality for the Mature Student Grant Scheme. For more information please check 'HEA' website or contact your local authority.
  • If you are a self-funding student you can apply to the Revenue Commissioners for tax relief on your tuition fees.
  • You may apply to the Irish Research Council for funding. No teaching is allowed in first year and a maximum of three hours per week thereafter. Applications are usually due in November. Your application must be cleared internally by Trinity College first and there is an internal deadline for applications.
  • North-South Scholarships. Universities Ireland, the body which promotes collaboration between the nine universities in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, offers scholarships to students undertaking postgraduate studies in the other Irish jurisdiction. This scholarship is worth €15,000 and must be taken up in September or October.
  • More information on external funding and some useful funding links can be found on the Graduate Studies website.

 Additional Sources of Funding (US and Canadian Students)

  • You may be eligible for a US Federal Loan from the Department of Education or you can take out a private education loan from a bank in the US. For more information about Federal Loans check 'Federal Student Aid' website.
  • Canadian students can apply for a loan from the Canadian Student Loan Program. You can take out a private loan from the Canadian Higher Education Loan Program. Application forms are available from the 'International Student Loan' website. 

Additional Sources of Funding (Non EEA Students)

Applications are currently being accepted for the 2025 Government of Ireland Scholarship for Non-EU fee-paying applicants, which is awarded by the HEA – details here. Please take note of the key details and deadlines below:

  • Details: The Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship (GOI-IES) programme supports high-calibre international students who wish to study at NFQ levels 9 or 10 (master’s, postgraduate diploma or PhD) in Ireland.
  • Amount: A Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship consists of a stipend amounting to €10,000 for one year of full-time study.
  • Deadline for Scholarship Applications: 05 March 2025, 5 PM (Irish Time)
  • Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must hold either a conditional or unconditional offer to apply for the scholarship. It is important to note that applicants are not required to accept the offer prior to applying for the scholarship; they only need proof of the offer.
  • Scholarship Outcomes: Scholarship results will be published in June 2025.
  • Recommendations for Applicants: To ensure applicants receive offer letters by the scholarship deadline of 05 March, please submit your completed application to your course of choice by Thursday 13 February.

Postgraduate Support Fund 2024-2025

  • The School of Social Work & Social Policy has been allocated a small fund by the Trinity Foundation arising from the recent Alumni Appeal. This fund is being used to support PhD Student research, for the following purposes only:
    1) Participation in an academic meeting or conference relevant to the student’s research;
    2) Participation in a training course or workshop relevant to the student’s research.
    3) The purchase of software (student licenses only).
    4) Costs related directly to the conduct of PhD research (e.g. travel related to data collection; transcription; purchase of a dictaphone).
    All applications to this fund must be supported by the student’s supervisor. A student who has scholarship funding may claim up to a maximum of €300 in any academic year. A student who is self-funded may claim up to a maximum of €500 in any academic year. All applications must include relevant receipts. All applications must be supported and signed by the student’s supervisor. All applications must include relevant receipts. Application Form