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Malairt Focail ins An Foclóir Gaeilge-Béarla (Ó Dónaill, 1977, An Gúm)


6. Iontrálacha le “vn. of” (1,693)


achainí, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~ocha). 1. vn. of achainigh. 2. Request, entreaty, petition. ~ a iarraidh, to make a request, a wish. Fuair sé a ~, he got his wish. Cuirim mar ~ ort, I entreat you. Uair na h~, the psychological moment. Gan iarraidh gan ~, without any inducement. Cá mhéad ~ sa Phaidir? How many petitions are there in the Lord's Prayer? (Var: achaine f, pl. ~)

achairt, f. (gs. -artha, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of achair1. 2. Petition.

achoimriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of achoimrigh. 2. Summary, recapitulation.

achomharc1, m. (gs. & npl. -airc, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of achomharc2. 2. Jur: Appeal.

achtáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of achtáil2. 2. Lit: ~ agus teoir, the active life and the contemplative life.

achtú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of achtaigh. 2. Enactment.

adhaint, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of adhain1. 2. Inflammation. Tá ~ ina chraiceann, his skin is inflamed. ~ oilc, incitement to evil. 3. Ignition.

adhlacadh, m. (gs. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of adhlaic. 2. Burial. 3. Sepulchre; old burial ground. (Var: adhlacan m)

adhmhilleadh, m. (gs. -llte). 1. vn. of adhmhill. 2. Destruction. S.a. geis 2.

adhmholadh, m. (gs. -lta). 1. vn. of adhmhol. 2. Eulogy, panegyric.

adhradh, m. (gs. adhartha). 1. vn. of adhair. 2. Adoration, worship. 3. Lit: ~ (de, do), adherence (to).

admháil, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of admhaigh. 2. (a) Acknowledgement, admission. ~ creidimh, profession of faith. (b) Conformity. Bainfidh mise ~ as, I'll make him comply. 3. Receipt. Foirm admhála, receipt-form.

aeráil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of aeráil2. 2. Ventilation.

aerú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of aeraigh1. 2. Aeration. 3 = aeráil1.

agairt, f. (gs. -artha). 1. vn. of agair1. 2. (a) Plea. (b) Vengeance, retribution. Liomsa an ~, vengeance is mine.

agallamh, m. (gs. & npl. -aimh, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of agaill3. 2. (a) Address, discourse; conversation. ~ beirte, dialogue. (b) Argument, disputation. Agallaimh cheoil, disputations in verse. Cuir uait na hagallaimh sin ort, give over your waggishness. (c) Interview. S.a. bás 1.

aghlot, m. (gs. -oit2). 1. vn. of aghloit1. 2. Defacement.

agóid1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of agóid2. 2. Objection, protest. ~ a chur i rud, to object to sth. ~ a dhéanamh i gcoinne ruda, to protest against sth. 3. Cantankerous person; scold.

aicmiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of aicmigh1. 2. Classification.

aifirt, f. (gs. -feartha). 1. vn. of aifir. 2. Rebuke, reproach.

áil1, s. 1. (Used with copula) Desire, wish. Mar is ~ leat, as you wish. Dá mb'~ leis teacht, if he wished to come; if he would only come. Ní h~ liom iad, I don't care for them. Cad ab ~ leat díom? What do you want with me? Cad ab ~ leat á dhéanamh sin? What are you doing that for? Fuair sé a mb'~ leis, he got all he wanted. Is é ab ~ liom a rá, what I want to say is. 2. Lit: (gs. & npl. -ála). (a) vn. of áil2. (b) Request; desire, wish.

ailíniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of ailínigh. 2. Alignment.

ailtéarnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of ailtéarnaigh1. 2. Alternation.

aimpliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of aimpligh. 2. El: Amplification.

aimridiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of aimridigh. 2. Biol: Sterilization.

aimsiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of aimsigh1. 2. Aim. 3. Hit (on mark). 4. Attack. 5. Temptation.

ainmniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of ainmnigh1. 2. Nomination, denomination.

aireachtáil, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of airigh1. 2. Perception. (Var: aireachtaint f)

áireamh, m. (gs. as s. -rimh, as vn. -rithe). 1. vn. of áirigh. 2. Count(ing), enumeration; census. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to count, reckon, sth. Rud a chur san ~, to take sth. into account; to include sth. As an ~, out of the reckoning; not included. Gan ~, countless, incalculable. Níl ~ ar a chuid saibhris, he is incalculably rich. Agus an dá lá (a chur) san ~, both days (to be) included. 3. (a) Arithmetic. ~ béil, cinn, mental arithmetic. (b) Tá ~ cinn san fhear sin, that man is clever. 4. (a) Number. ~ daoine, a number of people. (b) Portion. (c) A number added for good measure. Céad agus ~, one hundred and a bit. ~ éisc, three fishes. ~ punann, ten sheaves.

aisbhreathnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of aisbhreathnaigh. 2. Retrospection.

aischéimniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of aischéimnigh. 2. Regression; retrogression.

aischur, m. (gs. & npl. -uir2, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of aischuir1. 2. Com: Leabhar aischuir, returns book. ~ amach, isteach, outward, inward, returns.

aiseag, m. (gs. as s. -sig, as vn. ~tha). 1. vn. of aisig1. 2. Restoration, restitution. ~ sláinte, restoration of health. 3. Vomit, emetic. Chuirfeadh sé ~ ort, it is disgusting. S.a. purgóid 1, lus. 4. Com: Returns.

aiséirí, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. -rithe). 1. vn. of aiséirigh. 2. Resurrection. ~ na colainne, na gcorp, the resurrection of the body. 3. Resurgence. (Var: f)

aisfhuaimniú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of aisfhuaimnigh. 2. Reverberation.

aisghabháil, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of aisghabh. 2. Recovery (of possession). 3. Biol: Retrogression.

aisghairm, f. (gs. as s. ~e, as vn. -rthe; pl. ~eacha). 1. vn. of aisghair. 2. Abrogation; repeal.

aisghníomhú, m. (gs. -mhaithe). 1. vn. of aisghníomhaigh1. 2. Retroaction.

aisíoc1, m. (gs. as s. ~a, as vn. ~tha). 1. vn. of aisíoc2. 2. Repayment; restitution, refund.

aisiompú, m. (gs. -paithe). 1. vn. of aisiompaigh. 2. Inversion. 3. Mth: Retrogression.

aisling1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of aisling2. 2. Vision. ~ a chonaic mé trí mo néalta, a vision I saw in my slumbers. ~ bhréige, false apparition; empty dream. ~í na hóige, the dreams of youth. 2. Vision poem.

aistarraingt, f. (gs. -gthe, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of aistarraing. 2. Com: Withdrawal.

aistriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of aistrigh1. 2. Removal, transfer. 3. Transposition. 4. Translation.

aitheasc1, m. (gs. & npl. -thisc, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of aitheasc2. 2. Address, allocution. D'aon ~, d'~ aonair, with one voice. 3. Exhortation, homily. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to remonstrate with s.o. 4. Rh: Apostrophe.

aithisiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of aithisigh1. 2. Defamation.

aithris1, f. (gs. as s. ~e, as vn. ~te). 1. vn. of aithris2. 2. Narration. ~ scéil, eachtra, repetition of a story, recital of an adventure. 3. Imitation. Ag déanamh ~e ar chaint, ar bhéasa, copying speech, manners. Dá ndéanfá ~ ar d'athair, if you were to follow your father's example. Níl inti ach ~ (scine), it is only a makeshift (knife). 4. Mimicry.

áitiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of áitigh. 2. Occupation. 3. Farmstead. 4. Argument, persuasion.

allmhairiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of allmhairigh. 2. Importation.

alpadh, m. (gs. -ptha). 1. vn. of alp1. 2. Voracious eating. 3. Grab. ~ a thabhairt ar rud, to grab, snatch at, sth.

altadh, m. (gs. -ta). 1. vn. of alt3. 2. Articulation.

altramú, m. (gs. -maithe). 1. vn. of altramaigh. 2. Fosterage.

altú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of altaigh1. 2. (a) Thanksgiving. ~, míle ~, ~ agus buíochas, do Dhia; ~ buí le Dia, thanks be to God. (b) Grace (at meals). S.a. ocras.

amharc1, m. (gs. & npl. -airc, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of amharc2. 2. Sight. (a) Faculty of sight, vision. An t-~ a bheith agat, to be able to see. Tá ~ maith agam, I have good sight. ~ na súl, eyesight. In ~ súl, in appearance. Tá ~ mo shúl agam, I can see, judge, for myself. Ag iarraidh ~ na súl a bhaint díom, trying to hoodwink me. Bhain sé an t-~ as mo shúile, as an tsúil agam, (i) it dazzled me, (ii) it shocked me. S.a. deas2, fad 5. (b) Range of vision. Fad m'amhairc uaim, as far away as I can see. Fad amhairc de mhachaire, a vast plain. Ar ~, in sight. Ná tar ar m'~, don't let me see you; don't come near me. Níl sé ar m'~ ná ar m'éisteacht, I can neither see nor hear him. As ~, out of sight. Dul as ~, to disappear. Amach as m'~ leat, get out of my sight; get away from me. Ar an gcéad ~, at first sight, appearance. (c) Look. ~ a fháil, a thabhairt, ar rud, to get, take, a look at sth. Thug sé ~ géar orm, he gave me a sharp look. Ní fheicfidh tú aon ~ go deo orthu, you will never see them again. Prov: Is fearr ~ amháin romhat ná dhá ~ i do dhiaidh, foresight is better than hindsight. (d) View, prospect. Tá ~ breá againn ar an dúiche as seo, we have a fine view of the district from here. ~ tíre, mara, landscape, seascape. ~ sléibhe, mountain view; mountain scenery. ~ ireann, the face of Ireland; the Irish scene. Le h~ (an) lae, at dawn. (e) Thing seen. Ba bhocht an t-~ é, it was a sad sight. (f) Notable sight. ~ daoine, ~ súl de dhaoine, a sight, a great number, of people. Ba é an t-~ súl é, it was a sight to see.

amhastrach, f. (gs. -aí). 1. vn. of amhastraigh. 2. Barking; barking sound. (Var: amhastraíl f)

anacal, m. (gs. -ail). 1. vn. of ainic. 2. Protection; deliverance, quarter.

anailísiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of anailísigh1. 2. Analysis.

análú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of análaigh1. 2. Respiration. ~ tarrthála, kiss-of-life. 3. Ling: Aspiration.

aonrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of aonraigh. 2. Isolation.

aontú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of aontaigh. 2. Assent, agreement.

aothú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of aothaigh. 2. Crisis (in sickness). Níor tháinig an t-~ fós air, he has not yet reached the critical stage (of his illness). Tá an t-~ thairis, déanta, aige, he has passed through the crisis. Fuair sé ~, he took a turn for the better. (Var: aothó m)

ar1, m. (gs. air). Lit:1. vn. of air1. 2. Tillage.

ardú, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of ardaigh. 2. Elevation; (pl.) Horseshoes. Arduithe seaca, frost-nails. 3. Increase. ~ céime, promotion in rank. ~ tuarastail, increase in salary. 4. Exaltation. 5. Excitement.

argain, f. (gs. -ana). 1. vn. of arg. 2. Destruction, plunder.

argóint, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of argóin1. 2. Argument. (Var: gs. argóna)

armáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of armáil2. 2. Armament. 3. Lit: Army. Ag iompar airm in ~ an diabhail, bearing arms in the service of the devil. 4. ~ a bhaint as rud, to make sth. serve one's purpose.

armónú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of armónaigh1. 2. Harmonization.

asáitiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of asáitigh. 2. Dislodgement.

asanálú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of asanálaigh. 2. Exhalation.

asbheirt, f. (gs. -rthe, pl. -rthí). 1. vn. of asbheir. 2. Deduction.

ascalú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of ascalaigh1. 2. Oscillation.

ascnamh, m. (gs. -aimh). 1. vn. of ascain. 2. Ph: Ch: Migration.

aslonnú, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of aslonnaigh. 2. Evacuation.

astú1, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of astaigh1. 2. Jur: Attachment. Ordú astaithe, attachment order.

astú2, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of astaigh2. 2. W.Tel: Emission.

asú, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of asúigh. 2. (Of air, fluid) Aspiration.

at1, m. (gs. as s. ait, as vn. ata; pl. atanna). 1. vn. of at2. 2. Swelling.

atáirgeadh, m. (gs. -gthe). 1. vn. of atáirg. 2. Reproduction.

ataispeáint, f. (gs. as s. -ána, as vn. -ánta). 1. vn. of ataispeáin. 2. Reappearance.

atarlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of atarlaigh. 2. Recurrence.

atarraingt, f. (gs. -gthe). 1. vn. of atarraing. 2. Attraction. 3. (In phrase) Tá ~ ar (airgead) aige, he has plenty of (money). (Var: atarrac m)

atéamh, m. (gs. -éite). 1. vn. of atéigh. 2. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to reheat sth.

ateilgean, m. (gs. as s. -gin, as vn. -gthe). 1. vn. of ateilg. 2. Metall: Recast.

athachtú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of athachtaigh. 2. Re-enactment.

athadhlacadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of athadhlaic. 2. Reinterment.

athaimsiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of athaimsigh. 2. Rediscovery.

atháitiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of atháitigh. 2. Reoccupation.

athaontú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of athaontaigh. 2. Reunion.

atharmáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of atharmáil2. 2. Rearmament.

athbheochan, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of athbheoigh. 2. Revival. An A~; A~ an Léinn, the Renaissance. A~ na Gaeilge, the Irish revival. (Var: athbheo m, athbheochain(t) f, athbheoú m)

athbhreithniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of athbhreithnigh. 2. Review, revision.

athbhualadh, m. (gs. -uailte). 1. vn. of athbhuail. 2. Second beating; rethreshing (of corn).

athbhunú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of athbhunaigh. 2. Re-establishment. ~ na gceart sibhialta, the restoration of civil rights.

athchasadh, m. (gs. -sta). 1. vn. of athchas. 2. Ph: Inflexion; (of spring) recoil. 3. Recurrence.

athcheangal, m. (gs. as s. -ail2, as vn. -ailte). 1. vn. of athcheangail1. 2. Refastening, rebinding.

athcheannach, m. (gs. as s. -aigh, as vn. -aithe). 1. vn. of athcheannaigh1. 2. Repurchase. Ár n-~ ó pheaca, our redemption from sin.

athcheapadh, m. (gs. -ptha). 1. vn. of athcheap. 2. Reappointment.

athcheartú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of athcheartaigh. 2. Revision.

athcheistiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of athcheistigh. 2. Re-examination.

athchló, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite; pl. ~nna). 1. vn. of athchlóigh. 2. Change of form, appearance. 3. Typ: Reprint.

athchlúdach, m. (gs. as s. -aigh1, as vn. -aithe; npl. -aigh2, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of athchlúdaigh3. 2. Second, new, cover.

athchóiriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of athchóirigh. 2. Rearrangement; renovation; adaptation; alteration(s).

athchomhairliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of athchomhairligh1. 2. Dissuasion.

athchorprú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of athchorpraigh. 2. Com: Re-incorporation.

athchraoladh, m. (gs. -lta, pl. -ltaí). 1. vn. of athchraol. 2. Retransmission.

athchruinniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of athchruinnigh. 2. Rally. 3. Further meeting.

athchruthú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of athchruthaigh. 2. Re-creation.

athchumadh, m. (gs. -mtha). 1. vn. of athchum. 2. Reconstruction. 3. Ph: Deformation.

athchur, m. (gs. as s. -uir, as vn. ~tha). 1. vn. of athchuir1. 2. Replanting; reinterment. 3. Lit: Expulsion. 4. Remand. 5. Replacement.

athdháileadh, m. (gs. -lte). 1. vn. of athdháil. 2. Redistribution.

athdhéanamh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of athdhéan. 2. Reconstruction. 3. Revision.

athdhearbhú, m. (gs. -bhaithe). 1. vn. of athdhearbhaigh. 2. Re-affirmation.

athdheimhniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of athdheimhnigh. 2. Recertification, reassurance.

athdhíol1, m. (gs. as s. ~a, as vn. ~ta). 1. vn. of athdhíol2. 2. Resale. Ar ~, (at) second-hand.

athdhúiseacht, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of athdhúisigh. 2. Reawakening.

atheisiúint, f. (gs. -úna, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of atheisigh. 2. Reissue.

athéisteacht, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of athéist. 2. Rehearing.

athfhilleadh, m. (gs. as s. -llidh, as vn. -llte, pl. -llteacha). 1. vn. of athfhill. 2. Recurrence, circulation. 3. Second folding. 4. Biol: Reflex. ~ riochtaithe, conditioned reflex.

athfhoilsiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of athfhoilsigh. 2. Republication.

athfhostú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of athfhostaigh. 2. Re-employment.

athghabháil, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of athghabh. 2. Recapture; recovery. 3. Mec.E: Re-engagement.

athghairm, f. (gs. as s. ~e, as vn. -rthe; pl. ~eacha). 1. vn. of athghair. 2. Re-call. Th: Encore. 3. Repeal.

athghéilleadh, m. (gs. -llte). 1. vn. of athghéill. 2. Resubmission. ~ chearta an phósta, restitution of conjugal rights.

athghiniúint, f. (gs. -úna). 1. vn. of athghin2. 2. Regeneration.

athghléasadh, m. (gs. -sta). 1. vn. of athghléas. 2. Mus: Transition.

athghoin1, f. (gs. -ona, pl. -onta). 1. vn. of athghoin2. 2. Further wound.

athghríosú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of athghríosaigh. 2. Reincitement.

athimirt, f. (gs. -meartha). 1. vn. of athimir. 2. Replay.

athinsint, f. (gs. as s. ~e, as vn. -ste; pl. ~í). 1. vn. of athinis. 2. Paraphrase.

athiompú, m. (gs. -paithe). 1. vn. of athiompaigh. 2. Recurrence (of sickness); relapse. (Var: athiompáil f, athiompó m)

athiontráil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of athiontráil2. 2. Re-entry.

athlasadh, m. (gs. -sta). 1. vn. of athlas. 2. Med: Inflammation. ~ a dhéanamh, to become inflamed again.

athleagan, m. (gs. as s. -ain, as vn. -gtha; pl. ~acha). 1. vn. of athleag. 2. Second fall; further reduction. 3. Another version; paraphrase.

athléamh, m. (gs. as s. -éimh, as vn. -éite). 1. vn. of athléigh. 2. Ag ~ ar dhuine, mimicking s.o.'s speech.

athleasú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of athleasaigh. 2. Reamendment. 3. Second manuring.

athléiriú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of athléirigh. 2. Revival, reproduction (of play).

athlíonadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of athlíon. 2. Replenishment; reinflation; (of tide) flow back.

athliostáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of athliostáil2. 2. Re-enlistment.

athlua, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of athluaigh. 2. Further mention; reiteration.

athmhúscailt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of athmhúscail. 2. ~ anála, artificial respiration.

athneartú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of athneartaigh. 2. Reinforcement.

athnuachan, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of athnuaigh. 2. Renewal. 3. Renovation. 4. Rejuvenation. (Var: athnuachain(t) f, athnuachtadh m)

athonnmhairiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of athonnmhairigh. 2. Re-exportation.

athordú, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of athordaigh. 2. Rearrangement. 3. Com: Repeat order.

athphlé, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of athphléigh. 2. Further discussion.

athphósadh, m. (gs. -sta, pl. -staí). 1. vn. of athphós. 2. Second marriage.

athraonadh, m. (gs. -nta, pl. -ntaí). 1. vn. of athraon. 2. Refraction.

athreo, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of athreoigh. 2. Regelation.

athrí2, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~the). 1. vn. of athrígh. 2. Dethronement.

athriar1, f. (gs. as s. -réire, as vn. ~tha). 1. vn. of athriar2. 2. Readministration.

athroinnt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of athroinn. 2. Reapportionment.

athrómhar, m. (gs. as s. -air2, as vn. ~tha). 1. vn. of athrómhair1. 2. Second digging.

athrú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of athraigh1. 2. Change, alteration. ~ a chur, a dhéanamh, ar rud, to make an alteration in sth. Teacht ar ~ tuairime, to come to a different opinion. Tháinig ~ mór ort le bliain, you have greatly altered in the past year. ~ intinne, change of mind. ~ gné, cló, transfiguration. ~ crutha, deilbhe, transformation. 3. Variation. ~ maighnéadach, magnetic variation. ~ an chompáis, variation of the compass. 4. Mth: Reduction. (Var: áthrú)

athscinneadh, m. (gs. -nnte). 1. vn. of athscinn. 2. (Of spring) Recoiling, recoil.

athscríobh1, m. (gs. -ofa). 1. vn. of athscríobh2. 2. Transcription.

athscrúdú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of athscrúdaigh. 2. Re-examination.

athsheachadadh, m. (gs. -chadta, pl. -chadtaí). 1. vn. of athsheachaid. 2. Jur: Replevin. 3. El: Relaying.

athsheoladh, m. (gs. -lta). 1. vn. of athsheol. 2. Retransmission. ~ teasa, recuperation of heat.

athshlánú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of athshlánaigh. 2. Rehabilitation.

athshocrú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of athshocraigh. 2. Alternative arrangement.

athsholáthar, m. (gs. -air, pl. -airtí). 1. vn. of athsholáthraigh. 2. Replenishment (of supplies).

athshú, m. (gs. ~ite). 1. vn. of athshúigh. 2. Reabsorption; resuction.

atíolacadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of atíolaic. 2. Rebestowal.

ationól, m. (gs. as s. -óil2, as vn. ~ta). 1. vn. of ationóil1. 2. Reassembly.

atitim, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eacha). 1. vn. of atit. 2. Second-fall; relapse.

atriail1, f. (gs. as s. -alach, as vn. ~te; pl. -alacha). 1. vn. of atriail2. 2. Retrial. 3. Statistics: Repeated trials.

3, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of báigh1. 2. Drowning. S.a. poll1 5, 6. 3. Immersion, inundation; submergence. 4. Quenching. ~ tarta, quenching of thirst. S.a. beach 3. 5. Ling: Elision.

bacadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of bac2. 2. Balk, hindrance. S.a. maide 1(b). (Var: bacachtáil f, bacadáil f)

bagairt, f. (gs. -artha, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of bagair. 2. Threat. Is troime a bhagairt ná a bhuille, his bark is worse than his bite.

bailiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of bailigh1. 2. Collection; accumulation. ~ daoine, gathering, assembly.

baint, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of bain1. 2. Connection, relationship; relevance. Níl ~ aige sin leis, that has nothing to do with it. Níl ~ ná páirt agam leo, I have no connection whatever with them. 3. Thar a bhaint san uisce, out of his depth in the water. S.a. inneall 5.

báisteach, f. (gs. -tí). 1. vn. of báistigh. 2. (a) Rain. Lá báistí, rainy day. Tá sé ina bháisteach, it is raining. Tá ~ air, it's going to rain. (b) Rainfall.

baisteadh, m. (gs. baiste, pl. -tí). 1. vn. of baist. 2. Baptism. ~ le huisce, baptism with water. ~ dúile, fola, baptism by desire, by blood. ~ tuata, urláir, lay baptism. ~ easpaig, confirmation. ~ a ghlacadh, to receive baptism. Dul chun baiste le leanbh, to stand sponsor to a child. Chuaigh, rug, an ~ air, he lived to be baptized. Leanbh gan bhaisteadh, unbaptized child, child who dies without baptism. S.a. ainm 1, eoin1 1, fuíoll1 5. 3. Christening celebration, party. Bhí ~ mór air, there was a great party at his christening. S.a. bainis 2. (Var: gs. baistidh)

bannú, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of bannaigh. 2. Jur: Bailment.

bánú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of bánaigh1. 2. Whitening. ~ an tae, milk for the tea. 3. Dawning. ~ an lae, the dawn of day. 4. Clearance, dispersal. ~ na tuaithe, rural depopulation.

barradh1, m. (gs. -rrtha). 1. vn. of barr4. 2. Hindrance. ~ a bhaint as duine, to check, hinder, s.o. Fuair sé ~, he was checked, impeded.

barrchaolú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of barrchaolaigh. 2. Mec.E: Taper.

barrdhó, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of barrdhóigh. 2. Singe.

barriompú, m. (gs. -paithe). 1. vn. of barriompaigh. 2. Room to turn. Tá ~ ag duine anseo, one can turn about freely here.

barrloscadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -oiscthe). 1. vn. of barrloisc. 2. Singe.

barúil1, f. (gs. -úla, pl. -úlacha). 1. vn. of barúil2. 2. Opinion. ~ a thabhairt de rud, to form, express, an opinion about sth. Tá ~ agam, is é mo bharúil, go, I am of opinion that. Mo bharúil gur fíor é, I think it is true. De réir mo bharúla, in my opinion. Cad é do bharúil air? What do you think of it? Do bharúil an dtiocfaidh sé? Do you think he will come? An bhfuil ~ ar bith agat den aimsir? Have you any idea of what the weather will be like? Tá ~ mhaith ag an dochtúir de, the doctor thinks that he is doing well. Tá ~ aige de féin, he has a high opinion of himself. Is iomaí ~ air, there are many ways of looking at it. Tá mo bharúil féin agam, I have my own opinion, suspicion. Tá cuid eile againn ar do bharúil, there are others of us who think as you do. Baineadh ~ as mo chuid cainte, an inference was drawn from what I said. Tá ~ aithne agam air, I think I know him. Thug mé ~ aithne dó, I guessed his identity. Níor mheath mo bharúil orm, I judged rightly. Ná déan deimhin, dóigh, scéal, de do bharúil, do not jump to conclusions. Tá ~ air! Is maith an bharúil! Of course!

bascadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of basc. 2. Bashing; severe injury. Fuair siad ~, a m~, they were badly beaten, crushed. Fuair sé ~ reatha, he was made to run the gauntlet, was severely treated. Tá sé ar bhealach a bhasctha, he is heading for disaster. Gan bhascadh gan bhárthainn, without injury to life or limb. ~ air! ~ is bearnú (bá, brú) air! ~ Shíol abha air! The devil take him!

bású, m. (gs. -saithe, pl. -suithe). 1. vn. of básaigh. 2. Execution.

bealú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of bealaigh1. 2. Lubrication. S.a. ola1 1.

beannú, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of beannaigh1. 2. Blessing. ~ a dhéanamh, to perform a blessing. ~ a chur ar dhuine, ar rud, to call a blessing on s.o., sth. ~ air, God bless him. 3. Greeting. ~ Dé a thabhairt do dhuine, to greet s.o. Ní sin ~ ar bith le tabhairt do dhuine, that is no way to greet a person. An ~ céanna duit, I greet you likewise.

bearradh, m. (gs. -rrtha, pl. -rrthaí). 1. vn. of bearr. 2. ~ gruaige, hair-cut. Tá ~ fuar air, ar an lá, it is a chilly day. ~ teanga, cutting remark(s); dressing-down. Ó bhearradh go diúra, from top to bottom, entirely. Ag iarraidh ~ a bhaint díom, trying to fleece me. 3. ~ caorach, cirrus (cloud).

beartú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of beartaigh1. 2. Plan, scheme, contrivance. Gan bheartú, unpremeditated.

beathú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of beathaigh. 2. Feeding, nourishment. Chuir sí ~ ar an tine, she put fuel on the fire. 3. Ecc: Living. 4. Bac: Culture.

beiriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of beirigh. 2. Boiling heat. Imeacht faoi bheiriú, to over-boil; to evaporate. Tá ~ sa lá inniu, it is a swelteringly hot day. Bhí ~ san fharraige, the sea was seething, agitated. 3. Burning sensation.

beochan, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of beoigh. 2. Animation. (Var: beochadh m, beochaint f)

beoghearradh, m. (gs. -rrtha). 1. vn. of beoghearr. 2. Vivisection.

beoghoin1, f. (gs. as s. -ona, as vn. -onta; pl. -onta). 1. vn. of beoghoin2. 2. Sore wound.

beophianadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of beophian2. 2. Suspense, impatience.

biathú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of biathaigh. 2. Tá ~ sneachta caite aige, there has been a light fall of snow.

bíogadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of bíog2. 2. Start, jump. ~ a bhaint as duine, to startle s.o. Cuir ~ ionat féin, rouse, stir, yourself.

biorú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of bioraigh1. 2. Pointing, sharpening.

bladar, m. (gs. -air). 1. vn. of bladair1. 2. Cajolery; flattery. Duine a mhealladh le ~, to talk s.o. round.

blaiseadh, m. (gs. -ste). 1. vn. of blais1. 2. Taste. ~ béil ní bhfuair mé, not a bite, a sup, did I get. ~ beag de rud, a little taste, bite, of sth. (Var: blaiseacht(áil) f)

blaoscadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of blaosc2. 2. Ch: Decrepitation.

bláthú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of bláthaigh. 2. Florescence.

bleán, m. (gs. as s. -áin, as vn. blite). 1. vn. of bligh. 2. Yield of milk; milking.

bloscadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of blosc2. 2. Crack, explosion. S.a. oighear1. 3. Rally (in sickness). ~ an bháis, rally before death. 4. Increase (in yield). 5. Blush.

bochtú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of bochtaigh. 2. Impoverishment.

bodhrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of bodhraigh. 2. Botheration. ~ ort! Bother you! 3. Deadening (of noise, pain, etc.).

bogadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of bog3. 2. Softening, easement. ~ croí, softening of heart. ~ ar phian, allaying of pain. ~ smachta, luacha, easing of control, of price. Ba mhór an ~ an t-airgead, an deoch, air, the money, the drink, softened, sweetened, him a lot. 3. Movement, stir. Níl ~ ann, he is unable to move. Níl ~ le baint as, nothing will move him. Ní thabharfadh sí ~ ná sá uaithi, she wouldn't budge an inch. ~ téide, slackening of rope. ~ lasta, shifting of cargo. ~ fiacla, loosening of teeth. ~ baile, local sensation. Gan bhogadh, still, impassive. 4. Ar ~, (Of nail, etc.) loose, (of clothes) steeping. S.a. bláthach1, tonn1 2(b).

bogaigéadú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of bogaigéadaigh. 2. Acidulation.

boilsciú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of boilscigh. 2. (Of currency) Inflation.

bolcáiniú, m. (gs. -nithe). 1. vn. of bolcáinigh. 2. Vulcanization.

bombardú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of bombardaigh. 2. Bombardment.

borradh1, m. (gs. -rrtha). 1. vn. of borr3. 2. Swelling, growth. ~ agus biseach, expansion and increase. ~ farraige, srutha, swell, surge, in sea, in current. Tá ~ inniu ann, there is a swell (at sea) today. ~ feirge, rising anger. ~ ceoil, crescendo. ~ an éin gé, na raithní, na sailí, rapid growth (as of a gosling, fern, willow). Gan a bhorradh a chosc, without preventing its expansion. 3. El: Surge. Mch: Expansion. Com: ~ trádála, boom. (Var: borrachadh, borraíl f)

brácáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of brácáil3. 2. Drudgery. (Var: brácadh m)

brachadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -chta). 1. vn. of braich2. 2. Fermentation. 3. Suppuration.

brath, m. (gs. as s. -aith, as vn. -aite). 1. vn. of braith1. 2. Perception, feeling. Ar an gcéad bhrath dom, on my first awareness, awakening. 3. Spying, betrayal. Lucht braith, spies. Céadaoin an Bhraith, Spy Wednesday. Bhí fear a bhraite ina chuibhreann, his betrayer was at table with him, in his company. Tá fear do bhraite istigh leat, you have a wily opponent. 3. (Usually followed by ar) (a) Expectation, intention. Tá ~ aige (ar) imeacht, he intends to go away. Bhí ~ agam (air) go dtiocfá, I hoped you would come. Tá ~ ann agus ~ as aige, he can't make up his mind whether to go or not. (b) Dependence. Do bhrath a bheith ar dhuine, to depend, rely, on s.o.; to expect help from s.o.

breacadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -ctha). 1. vn. of breac3. 2. Variegation. ~ in éadach, chequering in cloth. ~ ar mhiasa, colour designs on dishes. ~ scéimhe, ornamental chequering. 3. (a) Scribbling, writing. (b) Book-k: Posting. 4. (a) Lightening (of colour). ~ ar arbhar, ripening change in corn. (b) Clearing (of weather). ~ an lae, daybreak. Níl aon bhreacadh fós ar an lá, the day shows no sign of improvement. 5. Metrics: Reduplication of rhyming word.

breachnú, m. (gs. -naithe, pl. -nuithe). 1. vn. of breachnaigh. 2. Variegation. 3. Mus: Variation. (Var: breachtnú)

bréagadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of bréag2. 2. Coaxing, cajolery.

bréagnú, m. (gs. -naithe, pl. -nuithe). 1. vn. of bréagnaigh. 2. Contradiction, refutation. ~ na fírinne, denial of truth.

breathnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of breathnaigh. 2. Observation, examination. ~ tíre, sight-seeing. ~ spéire, sky-watching. 3. Consideration, judgment. ~ a dhéanamh ar chás, to consider a case. Is é sin mo bhreathnú ar an scéal, that is what I think of the matter.

breisiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of breisigh. 2. Increase, growth.

breith1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. vn. of beir. 2. Birth. (a) ~ clainne, child-birth. ~ Chríost, the birth of Christ; the Nativity. Ó bhreith go bás, from the cradle to the grave. Lá ~e, birthday. (b) ~ uain, lao, searraigh, lambing, calving, foaling. D'aon bhreith, at one birth. 3. (Of hens) Lay. Bheith ó bhreith, to be off the lay. 4. Bearing capacity. Bád, capall, a chur thar a ~, to overload a boat, overburden a horse. 5. Bringing, taking. Ní raibh ann ach ~ nó fág, it was neck or nothing. 6. Seizing; catching, overtaking. Dá mbeadh ~ ar mo ghreamanna agam, if I could get my grips, get going properly; if I had the means (to do sth.). Níl ~ agam ar mo chuid oibre, I am unable to catch up with my work. Má bhíonn ~ agat air, if you find time for it. Nuair atá ~ ar d'aithreachas agat, while there is still time for you to repent. Níl aon bhreith aige ort, he can't compare with you.

breithniú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of breithnigh. 2. Adjudication.

breo2, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of breoigh1. 2. ~ croí, repining, heart-sickness. (Var: ~chtaint f)

briogadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -gtha). 1. vn. of briog. 2. Prick. 3. Provocation.

brionnú, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of brionnaigh1. 2. Forgery.

briseadh, m. (gs. -ste, pl. -steacha). 1. vn. of bris2. 2. Break. ~ aife, (ruffle caused by) start of ebb-tide. ~ san aimsir, break in the weather. ~ amach, outbreak, eruption. Vet: ~ anála, broken wind, heaves. ~ cnis, abrasion of skin. ~ conartha, síochána, breach of contract, of peace. ~ na gcos chugat! Bad cess to you! ~ croí, heart-break. ~ droma d'ualach, back-breaking load. ~ duilliúir, breaking out of foliage. Tá ~ tí agus áite ann, (of wastrel, etc.) he would destroy house and home. ~ uisce, seepage of water. Lasmuigh de bhriseadh na trá, beyond where the waves break on the strand. 3. Dismissal. ~ oifigigh, múinteora, dismissal of officer, of teacher. ~ as oifig, removal from office. 4. (Of money, etc.) Change. ~ airgid, small change. ~ puint, change of a pound. 5. Battle, defeat. Lá, léana, an bhriste, the day, field, of battle. ~ na Bóinne, the defeat at the Boyne, the battle of the Boyne. 6. (pl.) Breakers. 7. ~ an lae, daybreak.

brocadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -ctha). 1. vn. of broc3. 2. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to mess up sth.

broideadh, m. (gs. -idte). 1. vn. of broid3 2. Prod, nudge. 3. Fish: Bite. Ní bhfuair sé chomh beag le ~, he didn't get even a bite. 4. (In phrase) I m~ na súl, in the twinkling of an eye.

bronnadh, m. (gs. -nnta, pl. -nntaí). 1. vn. of bronn1. 2. Grant, bestowal.

brú3, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite; pl. ~nna). 1. vn. of brúigh. 2. Press, crush. ~ daoine, crush of people. ~ croí, sorrow of heart. ~ carnáin, jostling game. Inneall ~ite, crushing machine. Tabhair ~ maith dóibh, (of persons) give them a good shove; (of things) pound them well. ~ fút, restraint; suppression, concealment. 3. Pressure. ~ aeir, air pressure; atmospheric pressure. ~ fola, blood pressure. 4. Bruise. 5. Dent.

brúchtadh, m. (gs. brúchta, pl. -aí). 1. vn. of brúcht2. 2. Eructation; eruption. ~ fola, eruption, vomiting, of blood. ~ abhann, debouchment of river. ~ feirge, outburst of anger. (Var: brúchtaíl f)

bruíon2, f. (gs. -íne, pl. ~ta). 1. vn. of bruíon3. 2. Strife, quarrel. Lucht bruíne, trouble-makers. Ag beochan bruíne, causing trouble. Druid le fear na bruíne (agus gheobhaidh tú síocháin), face up to the trouble-maker (and he will leave you in peace). Is olc bua na bruíne (agus is measa a díomua), nothing is ever settled by fighting over it.

bruith1, f. (gs. as s. ~e, as vn. -ite). 1. vn. of bruith2. 2. Boiling, cooking (by boiling). 3. Baking. 4. Broiling, grilling. ~ chasta a thabhairt ar rud, to turn sth. over whilst grilling it. 5. Burning, scorching. ~ fola, overheating of blood. ~ laidhre, inflammation between the toes. Bhí ~laidhre air ag imeacht, he was in a hurry, impatient, to get away. ~ faoi thoinn, inflammation under the skin. Bhí ~ thoinne uirthi mar nach bhfaca sí an litir, she was seething, envious, because she did not see the letter. (Var: m)

bruithniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of bruithnigh. 2. Smelting, smelted ore.

buachan, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of buaigh. 2. Gain, victory. (Var: buachtáil f, buachtaint f)

buaireamh, m. (gs. as s. -rimh, as vn. buartha). 1. vn. of buair1. 2 = buairt.

bualadh, m. (gs. buailte, pl. buailtí). 1. vn. of buail. 2. Beating, striking. ~ arbhair, threshing of corn. Inneall, urlár, buailte, threshing machine, floor. ~ báire, match-playing, hurling. ~ bos, clapping of hands, applause. ~ cloiche, stone-bruise. ~ croí, palpitation of the heart. Prov: ~ ar an m~ is buille ar an mbuille, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. ~ éadain a thabhairt do rudaí, to take things in their order. Thug sé ~ éadain do na tithe, he visited each house in succession. Ní raibh ~ ar bith ar an iasc inniu, the fish were not taking today. ~ lín, pounding of flax. ~ an lín, na punainne, chugat, I hope you get trounced. ~ loine, slapping of churn-dash. ~ scine, metallic sound; discordant note (in music). ~ síne (i mballa), weathered surface, damp patch (in wall). Tá ~ síne, gaoithe, isteach sa doras againn, the storm, wind, is beating full against our door. ~ slinneáin (i ngunna), kick, recoil (in a gun). Tá ~ mór (daoine) ar na bóithre seo, a great many people pass along these roads, there is a lot of traffic on these roads. Fuair sé ~ millteanach, he got a terrible beating. 3. Surpassing. Níl do bhualadh ann, le fáil, there is no one to beat, surpass, you. Tá ~ an chárta sin agam, I have a better card than that. Níl ~ amach ar an scíth, there is nothing better than a rest. 4. Fight. Bheith i m~, to be in a fight. Bhí ~ mór ann aréir ag an damhsa, there was a big fight last night at the dance. Láthair an bhuailte, scene of engagement.

buanú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of buanaigh. 2. Perpetuation. ~ cineáil, perpetuation of kind. ~ nóis, retention of custom. ~ prionta, fixing of print.

buíochan, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of buígh. 2. Yellowing. ~ an fhómhair, the ripening of the harvest, the mellowing change of autumn. Le ~ na gréine, with the mellowing of the sunlight, in the late afternoon. (Var: buíochaint f)

búireadh, m. (gs. as s. -ridh, as vn. -rthe, pl. -rthí). 1. vn. of búir2. 2. Bellow, roar. (Var: búirfeadh)

bunú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of bunaigh. 2. Foundation, establishment. ~ gnó, tionscail, establishment of business, of industry. ~ scoile, ospidéil, founding of school, of hospital. ~ gluaiseachta, córais, establishment of movement, of system.

burdáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of burdáil2. 2. Beating, trouncing.

cabhradh, m. (gs. -bhartha, pl. -bharthaí). 1. vn. of cabhair2. 2. Boss. ~ scéithe, boss of shield.

cac1, m. (gs. as s. ~a, as vn. ~tha, pl. ~anna). 1. vn. of cac2. 2. (a) Excrement; ordure, droppings. ~ cuile, fly-blow. ~ péiste, worm-cast. ~anna caorach, sheep-droppings. ~ a dhéanamh de rud, to make a mess of sth. Tháinig an lá ina chac báistí, the day was marred by rain. (b) ~ ar oineach, mean, low-down, person. 3. ~ iarainn, bog iron ore. ~ snáthaide, frayed ends of stitches in ripped seam. 4. ~ ar leicín, sea-anemone. 5. (gs. as attrib.a.) Worthless, mean. Rud ~a, dirty, worthless, thing. S.a. faoileán 1, gob1 1.

caí, f. (gs. ~). 1. vn. of caígh. 2. Lament(ation).

cailcíniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of cailcínigh. 2. Calcination.

cailciú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of cailcigh. 2. Calcification.

cailleadh, m. (gs. -llte). 1. vn. of caill2. 2. Loss. ~ airgid, loss of money. ~ aimsire, waste of time. ~ duine, loss, death, of person. Fear caillte na himeartha, the loser (of game, of contest). 3 = caill1 2.

cáineadh, m. (gs. -nte, pl. -ntí). 1. vn. of cáin2. 2. Condemnation, censure. Saor ó cháineadh, free from blame. Tá a cháineadh tuillte aige, he stands condemned. Bhí caitheamh is ~ acu air, they attacked and reviled him. Ní beo duine i ndiaidh a cháinte, dishonour is worse than death.

cainníochtú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of cainníochtaigh. 2. Quantification.

caipitliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of caipitligh. 2. Capitalization.

cáitheadh, m. (gs. -ite). 1. vn. of cáith2. 2. (a) Gaoth cháite, winnowing wind, light breeze. (b) Spray. ~ farraige, mara, na dtonn, spindrift, spume. (c) ~ sneachta, whirling snow-flakes, fall of snow.

caitheamh, m. (gs. as s. -thimh, as vn. -ite). 1. vn. of caith. 2. Wear. ~ a bhaint as rud, to wear sth.; to get good wear out of sth. Rud atá ar ~, sth. that is being worn. Ball gan chaitheamh, new, unused, article. adach a bhfuil ~ ann, durable cloth. Tá cuid a chaite ann, it will stand up to hard wear. ~ agus cuimilt, wear and tear. Culaith chaite gach aon lae, suit for everyday wear. Ag déanamh stocaí caite, making stockings to wear, for family wear. Téann ~ i ngach ní, nothing is permanent. 3. Consumption. ~ earraí, consumption of goods. ~ tobac, tobacco-smoking. Lón caite na bliana, the year's supply. 4. Spending, waste. ~ airgid, spending of money; waste of money. Tá ~ is fáil aige, he is able to make ends meet. 5. Passing, course. I g~ an lae, in the course of the day. Bhí sé ag breathnú orainn i g~ na faide, he kept looking at us all the time. I g~ an domhain, while the world lasts, to the end of time. Ní tharlódh sé i g~ na gréine, it would never happen. ~ aimsire, pastime(s), recreation. 6. Throw, cast. (a) ~ cloiche, meáchain, oird, stone-, weight-, hammer-, throwing. Rud a chur ar chaitheamh díslí, to gamble sth. on throw of dice. ~ fionnaidh, (of animal) shedding of coat. (b) Tá ~ beag ina shúil, there is a slight cast in his eye. 7. Shooting, firing. Tá sé i gcontúirt a chaite, he is in danger of being shot. 8. Compulsion. Níl ~ (ar bith) ort é a dhéanamh, you are not compelled to do it. Cé a chuirfeadh an ~ orm? Who would compel me? 9. Hankering, sorrow. ~ i ndiaidh ruda, hankering after sth. Tá ~ i ndiaidh an linbh aici, she is pining after the child. Beidh ~ ina dhiaidh ort, you will regret it. Tá rud éigin ag cur caite air, there is sth. troubling him. Níl aon chaitheamh sa saol orm, I haven't a care in the world. 10. Blame, censure. Bhí ~ is cáineadh acu air, they were casting aspersions on him. Níl sa saol ach ~ is cáineadh, the world is full of censure. 11. ~ le fána, downward slope. 12. ~ amach, (of wall, cliff, etc.) projection; (of person, etc.) ejection. ~ anuas (i simléar), down-draught (in chimney). Tá ~ siar ag an ngaoth, the wind is veering to the west. ~ in airde, toss-up; pitch and toss. (Var. of 8: caitheachtáil f, caitheachtain(t) f)

caithreáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of caithreáil2. 2. Tangled growth.

calabrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of calabraigh. 2. Calibration.

calcadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of calc2. 2. Hardening, occlusion. ~ croí, hardening of heart, obduracy. ~ goile, constipation. ~ i bpeaca, obstinacy in sin.

camadh, m. (gs. -mtha, pl. -mthaí). 1. vn. of cam4. 2. Bend. ~ a chur i rud, to bend sth.

canálú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of canálaigh. 2. Canalization.

canónú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of canónaigh1. 2. Canonization.

caochadh, m. (gs. -chta). 1. vn. of caoch4. 2. Wink(ing), closing. I g~ na súl, in the twinkling of an eye. ~ air! Bad scran to him!

caoineadh, m. (gs. & pl. -nte). 1. vn. of caoin3. 2. Keen, lament. Bean chaointe, keening woman (at wake, funeral). Níl bean, fear, a chaointe le fáil, there is no one left to mourn for him. S.a. badhbh 1, cluiche 1(c). 3. Crying, weeping. Racht caointe, fit of crying. Glór caointe, whimpering voice. 4. Elegy. 5. A form of metre (common in elegies).

caolú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of caolaigh1. 2. Attenuation; narrowing; dilution. ~ maoine, thinning of resources. ~ na ré, waning of the moon. Le ~ na hoíche, at night-fall.

caomhnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of caomhnaigh1. 2. Preservation, conservation, protection. Áit chaomhnaithe, place of security; cache. Dul ar do chaomhnú, to seek refuge, to go "on the run'. (Var: caomhúint f)

carbónú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of carbónaigh1. 2. Carbonization.

carbrú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of carbraigh. 2. Carburetion.

cardáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of cardáil2. 2. Tex: Carding. ~ olla, wool-carding. Meaisín cardála, carding-machine. 3. Discussion; gossip. Dreas cardála a dhéanamh le duine, to discuss topics, have a gossip, with s.o. Is iomaí ~ a rinneadh ar an scéal sin, that story has often been sifted, debated.

carnadh, m. (gs. -ntha). 1. vn. of carn2. 2. Accumulation. 3. ~ crúb, pounding of hoofs. ~ claimhte, clash of swords.

cartadh, m. (gs. -ta). 1. vn. of cart. 2. (Of refuse, material) Clearance, removal. 3. Cleared-out material, dump. 4. Bheith in áit do charta, to be in a dangerous position, in an evil plight.

carthain, f. (gs. -ana). 1. vn. of car2. 2. Love, charity.

casadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -sta; pl. -staí). 1. vn. of cas2. 2. Twist, turn; winding. ~ a chur i rud, to twist (the strands of) sth. Cuir ~ eile sa téad, give another twist to the rope. Chuir sí ~ ina cuid gruaige, she twisted, coiled, her hair. ~ a bhaint as rud, to give sth. a twist, a turn. Bain ~ as an roth, give the wheel a turn. Bhain sé ~ as mo lámh, he gave my hand a twist. Ná bain ~ as mo chuid cainte, don't twist my words. Bainfidh an saol ~ as, the world will teach him a lesson. (With article) An ~ a bhaint as rud, to untwist sth. Bhain sé an ~ as an téad, he untwisted the rope. ~ súgáin, the twisting of a straw rope. Súgán gan chasadh, (i) untwisted (straw) rope, (ii) spineless person. Knitting: ~ an tobac, cable-stitch. ~ i gceol, i nglór, turn in music, inflexion in voice. ~ súl, glance. ~ in abhainn, i mbealach, twist, winding, in a river, in a path. Tá gach re ~ is lúbadh ann, it is full of twists and turns. Lán castaí, full of twists; (of person) very tricky. ~ na taoide, the turn of the tide. (Of sick person) Tá ~ beag inniu air, he has taken a turn for the better today. Tá ~ fuar san oíche, the night is turning cold. ~ timpeall, about turn. Le ~ an phoist, by return of post. Chuirfeadh sé ~ aigne ort, it would nauseate you. 3. Spin. Rud a chur ar ~, to set sth. spinning. 4. Reproach. ~ an chorcáin leis an gciteal, the pot calling the kettle black.

cásáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of cásáil2. 2. Casing. 3. Mec: Jacket.

cásamh, m. (gs. as s. -aimh, as vn. -aithe). 1. vn. of cásaigh1. 2. Lamenting, grumbling. 3. Condolence, sympathy.

casaoid1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of casaoid2. 2. Complaint. ~ a dhéanamh (le duine, ar dhuine), to make a complaint, state a grievance (to s.o., against s.o.). (Var: pl. ~eacha)

casiompú, m. (gs. -paithe). 1. vn. of casiompaigh. 2. Astr: Retrogradation.

catalú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of catalaigh. 2. Catalysis.

cathú, m. (gs. -thaithe, pl. -thuithe). 1. vn. of cathaigh1. 2. Conflict, battle. 3. (Often in pl.) Temptation. ~, cathuithe, a chur ar dhuine, to tempt s.o. Tháinig cathuithe orm, I was tempted. Ná lig sinn i g~, lead us not into temptation. Cathuithe na colainne, an diabhail, the temptations of the flesh, of the devil. 4. Regret, sorrow. ~ a bheith ort faoi rud, to regret sth. Tá ~ mo chroí orm faoi sin, I am heartily sorry sbout that. Is beag dá chathú air! He is not a bit sorry for it.

ceadú, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of ceadaigh. 2. Permission, sanction.

cealgadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of cealg2. 2. Beguilement, allurement; deception. Amhrán cealgtha, lullaby.

cealú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of cealaigh. 2. Rescission, cancellation.

ceangal, m. (gs. as s. -ail, as vn. -ailte; npl. -ail, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of ceangail1. 2. Tie, binding. ~ a chur ar rud, to bind sth. Cuir ~ de rópa air, tie it with a rope. An bhfuil an ~ críochnaithe acu fós? Have they finished binding (the corn, etc.) yet? ~ an phósta, marriage knot. Corda ceangail, binding-cord. Slat cheangail, tie-rod, link. ~ leabhair, the binding of a book. S.a. bileog1 1, cloch1 1(f), maide 1(b). An ~ a bhaint de rud, to untie sth. Beart gan cheangal, unbound, loose, package. S.a. caol1 1(a). 3. Bond, obligation. ~ cairdis, bond of friendship. Níl ~ orm a leithéid a dhéanamh, I am not obliged to do any such thing. 4. Fetter. Ceangail chaorach, sheep-fetters. Duine a chur i g~, to tie up, fetter, s.o. 5. Surg: Ligature. 6. Mus: Tie, slur. 7. (Of poem) Envoy. 8. ~ meáin, constipation. (Var: pl. ceanglacha; ceangailt f)

ceannach, m. (gs. as s. -aigh, as vn. -aithe). 1. vn. of ceannaigh1. 2. Purchase. ~ a dhéanamh, to make a purchase. ~ earraí, buying of goods. Tá ~ (maith) orthu, they are in (good) demand. Níl díol ná ~ orthu, there is no market for them. Is daor an ~ é, it is dearly bought. Níor chlú gan cheannach é, the reputation was well-earned. Tabhair aire do do shláinte, níl ~ uirthi, take care of your health, it is invaluable. ~ agus breabaireacht, bribery and corruption. Airgead ceannaigh, purchase money. Árthach ceannaigh, merchant vessel. (Var: ~adh m)

céannú, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of céannaigh. 2. Identification.

ceansú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of ceansaigh. 2. Appeasement, pacification; control, restraint.

ceantáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of ceantáil2. 2. Auctioning, auction. ~ bhréige, mock auction. ~ mhanglaim, jumble-sale. Fear ceantála, auctioneer. Seomra ceantála, auction-room. 3. Sale, clearance. Bhí ~, an-cheantáil, ar an troscán, furniture was being bought up rapidly.

ceapadh, m. (gs. -ptha). 1. vn. of ceap2. 2. Fashioning, composition; formation. Ar cheapadh cluaise, shaped like an ear. 3. Appointment, assignation. ~ múinteora, the appointment of a teacher. ~ i bpost, designation to a post. ~ lae, the appointment of a day. Rud a chur siar gan ~ lae, to postpone sth. indefinitely, sine die. 4. Conception, thought. Tá ~ go, it is thought that. Is é mo cheapadh fós é, I still think it. Ní raibh aon cheapadh aige go mbeinn anseo, it never occurred to him that I might be here. 5. Interception, stoppage.

cearnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of cearnaigh1. 2. Quadrature.

ceartú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of ceartaigh. 2. Correction, amendment. 3. Chastisement. 4. Adjustment. 5. Composition; arrangement. 6. Exposition.

ceasacht, f. (gs. ~a). 1. Lit: vn. of ceis2. 2. (Act of) complaining; murmur, grumble. Ag ~ ar rud, complaining about the meagreness of sth. Ná bí ag ~ ar do chuid, don't cavil about your food. Ag ~ ar a chuid den airgead, complaining that his share of the money is insufficient. Glac a bhfaighidh tú is ná bí ag ~, accept without complaint whatever you get. Ag ~ agus ag tormas ar an mbia, complaining about the quantity and quality of the food. Ní ag ~ ar Dhia é, not that we should be dissatisfied with what God gives us. Níl gar a bheith ag ~, there is no use in complaining (about our lot).

céasadh, m. (gs. & pl. -sta). 1. vn. of céas2. 2. ~ (ar croch), crucifixion. S.a. aoine 2, crann 6(a), croch1 1, cros1 1(a). 3. Agony, torment. ~ intinne, mental torture. ~ an tsaoil, life's torments. Tá an duine bocht ag ~ an tsaoil, the poor fellow's whole life is a torment. ~ a fhulaingt, to endure agony. Fuair mé mo chéasadh leo, they were the bane of my life. Prov: Ní ~ go pósadh, marriage can be quite a cross. 4. ~ (Críost) = céasa1.

ceasnaí2, f. (gs. ~, pl. -aithe). 1. vn. of ceasnaigh. 2. Complaint, grumble. (Var. of 1: ~l f)

ceiliúradh, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of ceiliúir1. 2. Celebration, ceremony. ~ Aifrinn, celebration of Mass. ~ féile, ócáide, celebration of feast, of occasion. ~ cuimhne, commemoration. Bheith ar ~, to be present at a celebration. 3. Farewell, leave-taking. Imeacht gan chead gan cheiliúradh, to leave without permission or parting greeting, to take French leave.

ceilt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of ceil. 2. Concealment. ~ báis, bróin, concealment of death, of sorrow. ~ fírinne, scannail, suppression of truth, of scandal. Faoi cheilt, secretly, furtively. Níl ~ ar bith ann, he can't keep a secret. Níl ~ aige ar rud ar bith, he keeps, is keeping, nothing back. Rud nach bhfuil ~ air, what cannot be kept dark. 3. Withholding, denial. ~ dí ar dhuine, withholding of drink from s.o. 4. Cards: Reneging.

céimniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of céimnigh1. 2. Stepping, tread. 3. Grading, graduation.

ceistiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of ceistigh1. 2. Questioning, interrogation.

ciallú, m. (gs. -llaithe, pl. -lluithe). 1. vn. of ciallaigh1. 2. Interpretation. (Var: ~int f)

ciapadh, m. (gs. -ptha). 1. vn. of ciap. 2. Annoyance, torment.

cigilt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of cigil. 2. Tickle, titillation. ~ a chur i nduine, ar dhuine, to tickle s.o. Tá ~ ann, he is ticklesome. 3. (Of light) Play. ~ na gréine ar an uisce, the play of sunlight on the water.

cimiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of cimigh. 2. Committal (to prison).

cineachadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -chta). 1. vn. of cineach. 2. Jur: Devolution. ~ maoine, teidil, devolution of property, of title.

cinneadh1, m. (gs. -nnte). 1. vn. of cinn1. 2. (In phrase) Níl ~ leis, there is no surpassing it.

cinneadh2, m. (gs. as s. -nnidh, as vn. -nnt). 1. vn. of cinn2. 2. Determination. ~ dáta, fixing of date. ~ coiste, the findings of a committee. S.a. críoch1 3 (a). 3 = cinniúint1.

cinnireacht1, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of cinnir. 2. Leading (of animal) by the head. S.a. marcach 1.

cinntiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of cinntigh. 2. Confirmation. 3. Phil: Determination.

ciondáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of ciondáil2. 2. Ration, allowance. Rud a chur ar ~, to ration sth. Leabhar ciondála, ration book.

cionroinnt, f. (gs. -ranna). 1. vn. of cionroinn. 2. Apportionment, portion.

ciontú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of ciontaigh1. 2. Conviction.

cíoradh, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of cíor2. 2. Combing. Ceann gan chíoradh, uncombed head; unkempt person. ~ olla, woolcombing. ~ is slámadh, combing and teasing, S.a. bun1 6. 3. Discussion, examination. Fágaimis ~ an scéil fúthu féin, let us leave it to themselves to discuss the matter in detail. 4. Hair-pulling; quarrelling. Thug sí a chíoradh dó, she gave him a dressing down.

ciorclú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of ciorclaigh1. 2. Encirclement.

cíorláil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of cíorláil2. 2. Combing, searching. 3. Rough handling. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to tousle s.o.

ciorrú, m. (gs. -rraithe). 1. vn. of ciorraigh. 2. Mutilation. 3. Curtailment. 4. Deformation attributed to evil eye. ~ air! Damn him! 5. Jur: ~ coil, incest. 6. Lit: ~ cine, genocide. (Var: ciorrbhadh m, ciorrbhú)

cíosú, m. (gs. -saithe, pl. -suithe). 1. vn. of cíosaigh1. 2. Rental payments; compensation.

ciúnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of ciúnaigh. 2. Calming, pacification.

claidhe, m. 1. vn. of claidh. 2 = claí.

clamhairt, f. (gs. -artha). 1. vn. of clamhair. 2. Tearing, mangling. 3 = sclamhairt. (Var: clamhradh m)

clannú, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of clannaigh1. 2. Procreation.

claochlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of claochlaigh. 2. Change, deterioration. ~ aimsire, break in weather. ~ ar neart, ar aoibhneas, ar chuideachta, decline in strength, in happiness, in companionship. 3. Metamorphosis, transformation. (Var: claochló, claochmú)

claonadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of claon3. 2. Inclination; tendency, trend. (a) ~ balla, cinn, inclination of wall, of head. ~ snáthaide, solais, deflexion of needle, of light. ~ ó chúrsa, deviation from course. ~ na gréine, declining of the sun. (b) ~ a bheith agat le rud a dhéanamh, to tend to do sth. Tá an ~ sin ann, he is that way inclined. ~ chun na trócaire, leaning towards mercy. 3. Perversion. ~ fírinne, creidimh, perversion of truth, of faith.

claonmharú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of claonmharaigh. 2. Mortification.

clárú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of cláraigh1. 2. Beating, drubbing. 3. Tabulation; registration, enrolment.

cleachtadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. cleachta, pl. -taí). 1. vn. of cleacht2. 2. Habit, wont. ~ a dhéanamh de rud, to make a habit of, become used to, sth. Duine a bhaint as a chleachtadh, to take s.o. out of his element, to disconcert s.o. 3. Practice, experience. ~ oibre, ceirde, practical experience of work, of a trade. ~ léime, dornála, jumping, boxing, practice. Tá ~ fada ar an tiomáint aige, he has long experience of driving. Le ~, with practice. 4. Th: Rehearsal. ~ dráma, rehearsal of play. 5. Sch: Exercise. Leabhar cleachta, exercise book.

climirt, f. (gs. -meartha). 1. vn. of climir. 2. (Of milk) Strippings. 3. Best of anything, choice part. (Var: climreadh m, climseáil f)

clíomú, m. (gs. -maithe). 1. vn. of clíomaigh. 2. Acclimation.

clipeadh, m. (gs. -pthe). 1. vn. of clip. 2. Sting, torment. Is mór an ~ é, he is a positive torment.

cliseadh, m. (gs. -ste). 1. vn. of clis1. 2. Jump, start. ~ a bhaint as duine, to startle s.o. 3. Sudden collapse, failure.

clíth1, m. (gs. ~). 1. vn. of clíth2. 2. Heat (in swine). Cráin ar ~, faoi chlíth, sow in heat.

clochrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of clochraigh. 2. Petrification.

clogadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of clog3. 2. Blistering sore(s); hurtful experience.

cloí1, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~te). 1. vn. of cloígh1. 2. Subduing, subjection. ~ nirt, an choirp, an duine, subjection of strength, of the body, of the person.

cloí2, m. (gs. ~te). 1. vn. of cloígh2. 2. Adherence (le, to).

clóiríniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of clóirínigh. 2. Chlorination.

cloisteáil, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of clois. 2. Hearing, listening. ~ fuaime, cainte, hearing of sound, of speech. Sin é mo chloisteáil, that is what I hear. (Var: cloisint f, cloistin(t) f)

clóscríobh1, m. (gs. -ofa). 1. vn. of clóscríobh2. 2. Typing, typewriting. Dearmad clóscríofa, typing error. (Var: ~adh m)

clúdach1, m. (gs. & npl. -aigh, gpl. ~, gs. as vn. -aithe). 1. vn. of clúdaigh1. 2. Covering; cover, wrap; lid. ~ boird, cathaoireach, leabhair, table-, chair-, book-, cover. ~ leapa, piliúir, bed-cover, pillow-case. ~ buidéil, casing of bottle. ~ litreach, envelope. ~ féir ar ghort, covering, overgrowth, of grass on a field. Níl ~ an chorráin san arbhar, the corn is too short for reaping. Cuir ~ ort féin, cover, wrap, yourself up. (Var: clúdadh m)

cluicheadh, m. (gs. -chte). 1. vn. of cluich. 2. Harrying, chase; turn (in chase). ~ a bhaint as giorria, to turn a hare. 3. Harrassment. 4. Nagging, scolding.

clúmhilleadh, m. (gs. -llte). 1. vn. of clúmhill. 2. Defamation of character, slander.

cnagadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of cnag2. 2. Knocking, striking. 3. Cracking, crunching. 4. Mec. E: Knocking.

cnaí1, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~te). 1. vn. of cnaígh. 2. Gnawing, corrosion; (of body) wasting, decline.

cnámhú, m. (gs. -mhaithe). 1. vn. of cnámhaigh1. 2. Ossification.

cneadach, f. (gs. -aí). 1. vn. of cnead2. 2. Panting, groaning. (Var: cneadaíl f)

cneasú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of cneasaigh1. 2. (a) Cicatrization, healing. Tá ~ air, it is healing. (b) Healing quality (i rud, in sth).

cniotáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of cniotáil2. 2. Knitting; knitted material. 3. Fig: Intricacy, complexity. Port a bhfuil ~ ann, an intricate tune.

cnuasach, m. (gs. -aigh1). 1. vn. of cnuasaigh2. 2. Garnered food. ~ coille, trá, gleanings of woodland, of seashore. ~ trá a bhreith go hInse, carrying coals to Newcastle. ~ mara agus tíre, food gathered from sea and land. Pota cnuasaigh, pot for cooking shell-fish, etc. Ag déanamh cnuasaigh, gathering shell-fish, dulse, etc. Tá an ~ críochnaithe acu, they have finished the picking (of potatoes, etc.) S.a. cnó 1. 3. Collection, store. 4. Mth: ~ tacar, family of sets. (Var: ~t)

cnuchairt, f. (gs. -artha). 1. vn. of cnuchair. 2. Footing (of turf); footed turf.

cobhsú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of cobhsaigh. 2. Stabilization.

codladh, m. (gs. -ata). 1. vn. of codail. 2. Sleep. Bheith i do chodladh, to be asleep. ~ a bheith ort, to be sleepy. Tháinig ~ air, he got sleepy. Thit a chodladh air, thit sé ina chodladh, he fell asleep. Chuir sé ~ orm, it made me sleepy. Bhí mé marbh leis an g~, I was dying with sleep. ~ a dhéanamh, to (get a) sleep. Oíche chodlata, a night's sleep. Oíche gan chodladh, a sleepless night. Tá mé ó chodladh na hoíche aige, I can't sleep at night on account of it. Ná cuireadh sé ó chodladh na hoíche thú, don't lose your night's sleep over it. Gan ~ lae ná oíche a dhéanamh (go), never to rest or sleep (until). Tá sé thar a chodladh, he is past his sleep. Ag caint trína chodladh, talking in his sleep. Tá sé idir a chodladh is a dhúiseacht, he is half asleep. Duine a mhúscailt as a chodladh, to rouse s.o. from sleep. Bhí sé leis as a chodladh, (of fever, etc.) he contracted it in his sleep. As do chodladh go dtuga tú do shláinte, may your sleep be a healthy sleep. Bheith i do chodladh ar do ghnó, to be unaware of what concerns you. ~ na súl oscailte, day-dreaming. ~ sámh, corrach, sound, broken, sleep. ~ beag, nap. ~ mór, great, long, sleep; sleepy-head. ~ go headra, late morning sleep. S.a. eadra 3. ~ gé, giorria, very light sleep. ~ an tsicín (sa bharrach), an traonaigh, na Caillí Béarra, protracted sleep. ~ an bháis, death stupor, coma. Áit chodlata, a place to sleep, sleeping accommodation. Seomra codlata, bedroom. Slán codlata a fhágáil ag duine, to bid s.o. good night. S.a. cnap1 3, lus, néal 4, srann1 1. 3. (Used in reference to numbness) Tá mo chos ina ~, my foot is asleep. ~ driúraic, gliúragáin, grifín, pins and needles. 4. (In reference to something dormant or deeply-embedded) Fág ina chodladh é, (of matter in dispute, rumour, etc.) let it rest. Tá an aicíd ina ~, the disease is quiescent. (Of boat, ship) Bhí an bás ina chodladh ina clár, death was lurking in her timbers. An uile thairne ina chodladh, every nail driven home.

códú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of códaigh. 2. Codification.

cogaint, f. (gs. -anta). 1. vn. of cogain. 2. Mastication. ~ na círe, rumination. 3. ~ cainte, slurring of speech; muttering. 4. ~ tobac, chew of tobacco.

coigeartú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of coigeartaigh1. 2. Rectification, adjustment, ~ lántonnach, leath-thonnach, full-wave, half-wave, rectification.

coigilt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of coigil. 2. Sparing, saving; conservation. ~ maoine, nirt, conservation of wealth, of strength. Níl ~ ar bith inti, she is in no way thrifty. 3. ~ (tine), raked embers, banked-up fire. An choigilt a rúscadh, to rake out the ashes. 4. Concealment.

coigistiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of coigistigh. 2. Confiscation.

coilíniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of coilínigh1. 2. Colonization.

coilleadh1, m. (gs. -llte). 1. vn. of coill2. 2. Castration. 3. Violation; robbery. 4. Expurgation.

coilltiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of coilltigh1. 2. Afforestation.

coimeád1, m. (gs. ~ta). 1. vn. of coimeád2. 2. Observance. ~ an dlí, na saoire, observance of the law, of holy days. 3. Guard, protection. (a) Rud a chur i g~, chun ~ta, to put sth. in safe keeping. Fear ~ta, keeper. Ar a choimeád, on his guard; "on his keeping,' in hiding. (b) (Of case, cover) ~ leabhair, claímh, a guard, a covering, for a book, a sword. (c) Anat: Matrix. 4. Retention, maintenance. 5. Detention, custody. Glacadh i g~, to take into custody. ~ dleathach, lawful custody.

cóimeáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of cóimeáil2. 2. Ind: Assembly. Líne chóimeála, assembly line. 3. Assemblage.

coimhéad1, m. (gs. ~ta). 1. vn. of coimhéad2. 2. Watch, guard. ~ a chur ar rud, to put a watch, a guard, on sth. ~ eallaigh, curaíochta, cattle-, tillage-, watching. Is air atá ~ na gcuanta, his job is to watch the harbours. Bí ar do choimhéad (ar), be on your guard (against). Chuir tú thar mo choimhéad mé, you put me off my guard. Prov: Den imirt an ~, forewarned is forearmed. 3. Watching, observation. (Var: coimheád)

cóimheas1, m. (gs. & npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of cóimheas2. 2. Comparison, collation. Rudaí a chur i g~ (le chéile), to compare things (with each other). ~ téacsanna, collation of texts. I g~ le, in comparison with; comparable to. Níl sé i g~ leat, he is not to be compared to you. 3. Mth: (a) Rationalization. (b) Ratio. ~ giaranna, gear-ratio.

cóimheascadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of cóimheasc. 2. Ch: Coalescence.

coimhthiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of coimhthigh. 2. Estrangement, alienation.

coimpeart, f. (gs. -rtha, pl. -rthaí). 1. vn. of coimpir. 2. Conception, procreation.

coimriú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of coimrigh. 2. Abstract, summary. 3. Gram: Syncopation.

coinbhéartú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of coinbhéartaigh1. 2. Log: Conversion.

coinbhéirsiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of coinbhéirsigh1. 2. Mth: Convergence.

cóineartú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of cóineartaigh. 2. Confirmation; sacrament of confirmation.

coinneáil, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of coinnigh. 2. Maintenance. ~ tí, teaghlaigh, maintenance, upkeep, of a house, of a household. ~ na sagart, maintenance, support, of the priests. Tá ~ mhaith aige, he is well kept, fed. 3. Retention. 4. Detention. Teach coinneála, house of detention. Campa coinneála, detention camp. 5. Observance. ~ dlí, observance of law.

coinnealbhá, m. (gs. ~ite, pl. ~ití). 1. vn. of coinnealbháigh. 2. Excommunication. (Var: ~dhadh m, ~thadh m)

coinscríobh1, m. (gs. -ofa). 1. vn. of coinscríobh2. 2. Conscription.

coinsíniú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of coinsínigh. 2. Consignment.

coipeadh, m. (gs. -pthe). 1. vn. of coip. 2. Fermentation; froth, foam, lather. ~ leachta, fermentation of liquid. ~ cúir, uanáin, froth. Bhí ~ cúir lena bhéal, he was foaming at the mouth. Cuir ~ maith den ghallúnach orthu, lather them well with soap. Tháinig ~ ar lucht an chruinnithe, the people at the meeting became agitated. Tháinig leá choipeadh na habhann orthu, they melted away (like foam on the river). (Var: coipe f, coipeáil1 f)

cóipeáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of cóipeáil3. 2. Const: Coping.

cóipeáil2, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of cóipeáil4. 2. Copying, duplication.

cóireáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of cóireáil2. 2. Treatment.

coiriú1, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of coirigh1. 2. Crimination, censure.

cóiriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of cóirigh. 2. Arrangement, dressing. ~ cloch, stone-dressing. ~ (ar éadach), nap (on cloth). ~ gruaige, hair-dressing, hair-style. Is deas an ~ atá uirthi, she is nicely dressed, decked out. Chuaigh sí amach ina ~, she went out in her figure. ~ catha, (i) battle array, (ii) (in story-telling) run. S.a. 3. 3. ~ (den teanga), dressing-down. Is maith an ~ (catha) a thug sí air, she really told him off. 4. Repair. ~ bróg, bóthar, boot-, road-, mending. Ó chóiriú, beyond repair.

coisíocht, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of coisigh. 2. Pace, gait; foot-travel. Luath i g~, fleet of foot. Bhí a oiread sin ~a faoi, he was going at such a pace. Géarú ar an g~, to increase one's pace. Tá an choisíocht rófhada aige, it is too far for him to walk. An choisíocht a bhaint den chapall, to slow down the horse's pace. Bainfidh mise an choisíocht díot, I'll put a stop to your gallop. Bhraith siad an choisíocht ina ndiaidh, they heard footsteps following them. Prov: Is fearr marcaíocht ar ghabhar ná ~ dá fheabhas, anything is better than walking, half a loaf is better than no bread.

coisreacan, m. (gs. -ain). 1. vn. of coisric. 2. Consecration. ~ na habhlainne, consecration of the host. ~ eaglaise, easpaig, consecration of a church, of a bishop. Briathra coisreacain, words of consecration. Talamh gan choisreacan, unconsecrated ground. 3. ~ (mná), churching. 4. Blessing. ~ tithe, bád, scaball, blessing of houses, boats, scapulars. ~ Dé a chur ort féin, to invoke God's blessing on oneself. ~ Dé orainn! God bless us! Uisce coisreacain, holy water. (Var: coisreacadh m, coisreagadh m, coisreagan)

comhaireamh, m. (gs. as s. -rimh, as vn. -rthe). 1. vn. of comhair2. 2. Count; calculation, reckoning. (a) ~ figiúirí, the counting of figures. Rud a chur sa chomhaireamh, to include sth. in the reckoning. Níl sé sa chomhaireamh, it is not included, accounted for. Bhí mé sa chomhaireamh ceann, I was one of the number. Tá an ~ ann, the right number is there. Tá siad ag dul ó chomhaireamh orm, I am losing count of them. Ba mhór an ~ daoine é, it was a great concourse of people. (b) I g~ an lae a rugadh é, on the anniversary of his birth, on his birthday. Bliain i g~ na hoíche aréir, a year ago last night. S.a. féith1 2 (b), fráma.

comhairliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of comhairligh1. 2. Counselling, consultation.

cómhalartú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of cómhalartaigh1. 2. Reciprocation. 3. El: Commutation.

comhall, m. (gs. -aill). 1. vn. of comhaill1. 2. Fulfilment, performance. ~ briathair, the keeping of one's word. ~ gealltanais, fulfilment of a promise. ~ dualgais, discharge of duty. ~ crábhaidh, rialach, reachta, observance of piety, of rule, of law. (Var: ~adh m)

comhaontú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of comhaontaigh1. 2. Union, unification. ~ dlíthe, consolidation of laws. ~ na tíre, the unification of the country. 3. Agreement. ~ a dhéanamh le duine faoi rud, to enter into an agreement with s.o. about sth. ~ tola, smaointe, harmony of will, of thought. ~ scríofa, written agreement.

comhardú, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of comhardaigh. 2. Equalization; adjustment, balance. ~ íocaíochtaí, tráchtála, balance of payments, of trade. Is é seo ~ na droch-aimsire, this (fine spell) is to compensate for the bad weather we have had. Tá an ~ amuigh aige orm, I owe him a good turn. (Var: comhardamh m)

comharthú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of comharthaigh1. 2. Indication.

comhathrú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of comhathraigh. 2. Mth: Variation.

comhbhrú, m. (gs. ~ite). 1. vn. of comhbhrúigh. 2. Compression. 3. ~ (croí), contrition.

comhbhualadh, m. (gs. -uailte). 1. vn. of comhbhuail. 2. Mec.E: Reciprocation.

comhcheangal, m. (gs. & npl. -ail2, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of comhcheangail1. 2. Combination, coalescence, affiliation.

comhchlaonadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of comhchlaon. 2. Convergence.

comhchoiriú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of comhchoirigh. 2. Recrimination.

comhchruinniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of comhchruinnigh. 2. Assembly, congregation; convergence, concentration. S.a. lionsa. 3. (a) ~ uirlisí, collection of implements. (b) ~ tionscal, localization of industry.

comhchuingiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of comhchuingigh1. 2. Conjugation.

comhdhéanamh, m. (gs. as s. -aimh, as vn. -nta1). 1. vn. of comhdhéan. 2. Constitution, structure, composition. Ar ~ (le), similar in structure (to), of the same build (as). ~ ithreach, soil structure. Adamh comhdhéanaimh, constituent atom.

comhdhearbhú, m. (gs. -bhaithe). 1. vn. of comhdhearbhaigh. 2. Corroboration.

comhdhlúthú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of comhdhlúthaigh. 2. Condensation. 3. Precipitation.

comhfháscadh, m. (gs. -áiscthe). 1. vn. of comhfháisc. 2. Compression.

comhfhreagairt, f. (gs. -artha, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of comhfhreagair. 2. Correspondence, agreement.

comhghaolú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of comhghaolaigh1. 2. Correlation.

comhghreamú, m. (gs. -maithe). 1. vn. of comhghreamaigh. 2. Cohesion.

comhghríosú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of comhghríosaigh. 2. Incitement, agitation.

comhlánú, m. (gs. -naithe, pl. -nuithe). 1. vn. of comhlánaigh. 2. Phil: Gram: Mth: Complement. 3. ~ doiciméid, iarratais, completion of document, of application.

comhleá, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of comhleáigh. 2. Metall: Fusion.

comhlíniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of comhlínigh1. 2. Collimation.

comhlíonadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of comhlíon2. 2. Fulfilment. (a) Performance, observance. (b) Completion. (c) Satisfaction, requital. ~ na drochaimsire, (good weather in) compensation for bad weather.

comhoibriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of comhoibrigh. 2. Co-operation.

comhordanáidiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of comhordanáidigh1. 2. Mth: Co-ordination.

comhordú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of comhordaigh. 2 Co-ordination.

comhrac, m. (gs. & npl. -aic1, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of comhraic2. 2. Encounter. (a) Fight. Dul i g~, chun comhraic, le duine, to encounter, fight, s.o. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to challenge s.o. to fight. ~ aonair, duel. Fear comhraic céad, "hundred-fighter'; leader of one hundred men. Coileach comhraic, fighting-cock. ~ coileach, cock-fight; (of persons) spar. ~ gadhar, dog-fight. ~ mara, sea-fight. Thit sé sa chomhrac, he fell in the fray. Cluichí comhraic, combat sports. Prov: An té nach nglacann comhairle glacfaidh sé ~, he who will not yield to reason will yield to compulsion. S.a. céile 1, post3 1. (b) Meeting. ~ an dá uisce, the confluence of two streams. ~ an dá ráithe, the change of season. ~ oíche agus lae, twilight. Ag ~ na mbóithre, where the roads meet.

comhréiteach, m. (gs. -tigh1). 1. vn. of comhréitigh2. 2. Compromise, settlement; agreement, harmonization. ~ aighnis, settlement of dispute.

comhshamhlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of comhshamhlaigh. 2. Assimilation. ~ consan, assimilation of consonants.

comhshíniú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of comhshínigh. 2. Countersignature.

comhshó, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of comhshóigh. 2. Jur: Conversion. ~ ciste, conversion of funds. ~ calaoiseach, fraudulent conversion.

comhtharlú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of comhtharlaigh. 2. Coincidence.

comhtháthú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of comhtháthaigh. 2. Fusion, cohesion, coalescence; integration.

comhthiomsú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of comhthiomsaigh. 2. Ph: Ch: Association. 3. Com: Assembly.

comhthoghadh, m. (gs. -ofa). 1. vn. of comhthogh. 2. Co-option.

comóradh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -rtha). 1. vn. of comóir. 2. Gathering, assembly. Láthair an chomóraidh, the place of assembly. 3. Celebration. ~ bainise, baiste, wedding, christening, celebration. ~ na Cásca, the Easter festival. 4. Accompaniment, escort of honour. ~ na lánúine, the retinue of wedding guests, the bridal party. Bhí ~ mór leis an lá a d'imigh sé, he had a great send-off on the day he left. (Var: comórú m)

cónaí1, m. (gs. & pl. -aithe). 1. vn. of cónaigh1. 2. Dwelling, residence. Áit chónaithe, place of residence. Teach cónaithe, dwelling-house. Scoil chónaithe, boarding school. Ceantar cónaithe, residential district. A mbailte cónaithe, their inhabited towns; the towns in which they live. Áit, teach, gan chónaí, uninhabited place, house. ~ a dhéanamh in áit, to reside in a place. Dul chun cónaithe, dul a chónai, ann, to take up residence there. Is ann atá ~ orthu, it is where they reside. Tá siad ina g~ ann go fóill, they are still living there. Bhí ~ ann tráth, it was once inhabited. Bhí fiche ~ ar an oileán sin, there were twenty habitations on that island. 3. State of rest. Dul faoi chónaí, to go to rest. Chuir siad na páistí faoi chónaí, they got the children off to sleep. Tá an saol faoi chónaí, the world is in repose. Cuireadh an taibhse faoi chónaí, the ghost was laid. Cuir an boc sin ina chónaí, make that fellow shut up. Tá sé ina chónaí inniu, he is doing nothing today. Duine ag obair is duine ina chónaí, one person working and another idle. Do chroí a chur ina áit chónaithe, to possess one's soul in patience. 4. Stop, stay. Ní dhearna sé stad (mara) ná ~, fos ná ~, sos ná ~, (go), he neither stopped nor stayed (until). 5. I g~, always, still. I g~ ag caint, always talking. I g~ ag gabháil dom, forever at me. Tá sé anseo i g~, he is here all the time, still. Is tú atá ann i g~, you have not changed a bit. I g~, riamh is i g~, ever and always. (Var: gs. ~)

cónascadh, m. (gs. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of cónaisc1. 2. Amalgamation, fusion; federation.

conduchtadh, m. (gs. conduchta). 1. vn. of conducht. 2. Conduction.

conlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of conlaigh1. 2. Gleaning, gathering, tidying.

conspóid1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of conspóid2. 2. Argument, dispute; contention, controversy. ~ a dhéanamh, a thógáil, to carry on, cause, a dispute. Ábhar ~e, contentious matter, cause of controversy.

construáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of construáil2. 2. Construction. ~ a chur ar rud, to construe, put one's own construction on, sth; to twist the meaning of sth. 3. Argument, bickering. (Var: constrabháil, constráil)

cor3, m. (gs. coir). 1. vn. of coir2. 2. Tiredness, exhaustion.

coradh1, m. (gs. -rtha, pl. -rthaí). vn. of cor4. 2. Turn, bend. ~ i mbóthar, in abhainn, bend in road, in river. Ag ~ an staighre, at the turn in the stairs. Thart an ~, round the bend. ~ tuathail, back-current.

corbadh, m. (gs. -btha). 1. vn. of corb. 2. Corruption, defilement; depravity.

corónú, m. (gs. -naithe, pl. -nuithe). 1. vn. of corónaigh1. 2. Coronation.

corprú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of corpraigh1. 2. Incorporation. Deimhniú corpraithe, certificate of incorporation.

corraí1, m. (gs. -aithe). 1. vn. of corraigh1. 2. Movement; stir, excitement. (a) ~ a bhaint as duine, as rud, to move s.o., sth. Níl ~ as, there is not a stir out of him. Níl ~ ann, he is unable to move. Ní raibh ~ coise ná láimhe ionam, I couldn't move hand or foot. Níl ~ amach as an teach ann, he can't stir out of the house. Tá ~ borrtha san fharraige, there is a swelling movement in the sea. Gan chorraí, motionless. (b) ~ a bheith ort, to be moved, stirred; to be vexed. Ná cuir ~ air, don't vex him. Tháinig ~ (feirge) air, he was moved to anger. Tá ~ croí air, his heart is stirred. Tháinig ~ ar a raibh ag éisteacht leis, all who heard him were stirred, became agitated. Tháinig ~ ina gcuid fola, their blood was stirred. (Var: f)

cosaint, f. (gs. -anta). 1. vn. of cosain. 2. (a) Defence, protection. ~ cirt, cúise, duine, tíre, anama, defence of right, of cause, of person, of country, of life. ~ airm a chur ar áit, to put an armed guard on a place. Arm cosanta, defence force. Claí cosanta, protecting fence. Buille gan chosaint, unguarded blow. Thit sé gan chosaint, he fell headlong, was unable to break his fall. Bheith ar do chosaint, to be on the defensive. Duine a chur ar a chosaint (ar), to put s.o. on his guard (against). Tá a chosaint féin ann, he is able to defend himself. S.a. clogad 1, crann 4, cú 2. (b) Cards: Cuireata agus ~, knave and saver. Aon gan chosaint, bare ace.

coscairt, f. (gs. -artha). 1. vn. of coscair1. 2. Cutting up; mangling, slaughter. 3. Breaking up, disintegration. S.a. néal1. 4. Defeat, overthrow. 5. Thaw. Tá ~ ann, a thaw has set in. Tháinig an choscairt ar an leac oighir, the ice began to break up, to thaw. Gaoth choscartha, thawing wind. 6. Overthrow, defeat; struggle. Is againn a bhí an choscairt, (of fighting, argument) we had a great battle. 7. Physical distress, shock. An choscairt a fuair sé ó na buillí, the shock he suffered as a result of the blows.

cothromú, m. (gs. -maithe). 1. vn. of cothromaigh. 2. Equalization, balance.

cothú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of cothaigh. 2. Nourishment, sustenance; promotion, maintenance. ~ coirp, intinne, anama, bodily, mental, spiritual, food. ~ cothrom, balanced diet. ~ sláinte, crábhaidh, ealaíon, promotion of health, of piety, of arts. ~ feirge, tréasa, incitement to anger, to treason. ~ bruíne, cogaidh, fomenting of strife, of war. ~ i mbia, nourishment in food. Tá ~ maith acu, they are well-fed. Liúntas, ordú, cothaithe, maintenance allowance, order. Tá bó ar a ~ aige, he has (the milk of) a cow (in return) for her keep. ~ air sin chugat! More of that to you! Prov: ~ na doininne soineann na hoíche, a calm night presages a storm. 3. Nourished state, fullness, fatness. Is breá an ~ atá ar an ainmhí sin, that animal is in very good condition. Is olc an ~ iad, they are hardly worth rearing.

crá, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of cráigh. 2. Anguish, torment; distress, sorrow. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to cause anguish to s.o. ~ cróí a fháil, to suffer heartbreak, to be overwhelmed with sorrow. Fuair mé mo chrá leis, it troubled me sorely. Is mór an ~ (croí) iad, they are a terrible nuisance. ~ an choirp, mortification of the body. ~ Mhic Dé, the tribulation of the Son of God. Mo (chreach is mo) chrá! Alas!

cráineadh, m. (gs. -nte). 1. vn. of cráin3. 2. Sucking.

craobhscaoileadh, m. (gs. -lte1). 1. vn. of craobhscaoil. 2. Propagation, dissemination; broadcast. ~ an chreidimh, propagation of the faith.

craobhú, m. (gs. -bhaithe). 1. vn. of craobhaigh1. 2. Ramification; expansion.

craoladh, m. (gs. -lta, pl. -ltaí). 1. vn. of craol. 2. Broadcast.

craosfholcadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of craosfholc. 2. Gargle.

crapadh, m. (gs. -ptha, pl. -pthaí). 1. vn. of crap1. 2. Contraction, shrinkage. Ar chrapadh na súl, in the twinkling of an eye.

creachadh1, m. (gs. -chta, pl. -chtaí). 1. vn. of creach2. 2. Plunder, spoliation; ruination.

creachadh2, m. (gs. -chta, pl. -chtaí). 1. vn. of creach3. 2. Cauterization.

créamadh, m. (gs. -mtha). 1. vn. of créam. 2. Cremation.

creathadh, m. (gs. -aidh). 1. vn. of creath1. 2. Vibration.

creic, f. (gs. ~e). 1. Lit: vn. of crean. 2. Buying, selling.

creidiúint, f. (gs. -úna, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of creid. 2. Credit. (a) ~ a thabhairt do rud, to give credit, credence, to sth. (b) Is ~ don tír é, he is a credit to the country. Is mór an chreidiúint duit é, it does you great honour. An chreidiúint atá ag dul dó, the credit that is due to him. A chlú is a chreidiúint, his name and reputation. ~ a thabhairt don dea-rún, to take the will for the deed.

creimeadh, m. (gs. -mthe). 1. vn. of creim1. 2. Corrosion, erosion. ~ ithreach, soil erosion.

criathrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of criathraigh1. 2. Winnowing, sifting, honeycombing.

críochnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of críochnaigh. 2. Completion, accomplishment. ~ oibre, gnó, completion of work, of business. ~ a chur ar rud, to finish, settle, sth. Rud a fhágáil gan chríochnú, to leave sth. unfinished.

críochú, m. (gs. -chaithe). 1. vn. of críochaigh. 2. Demarcation.

críonadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of críon3. 2. Ageing, withering, decay.

criostalú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of criostalaigh. 2. Crystallization.

crith1, m. (gs. creatha, pl. creathanna). 1. vn. of crith2. 2. Tremble, shiver; tremor, shudder; vibration, quiver. Bheith ar ~, to be trembling. Ar ~ le heagla, le fuacht, trembling with fear, with cold. Ar ~ ina chraiceann, quaking in his boots. Ar bharra, ar bharr amháin, creatha, all of a tremble. Duine a chur ar ~; ~ a chur ar dhuine, to make s.o. tremble. Bhí ~ ar a, ina, lámh, ghlór, his hand, his voice, was shaking. Bhí ~ ball, ~ cos is lámh, air, he was trembling in all his limbs. Chuir sé an croí ar ~ ionam, it made my heart quake. ~ a bhaint as duine, to make s.o. shudder. Creathanna fuachta, creatha as fuacht, cold shivers. Bhí sé ag cur creathanna fuachta de, there were cold shivers passing through him. ~ talún, earthquake. (Var: pl. ~eacha; f; ~eadh m)

crochadh, m. (gs. -chta). 1. vn. of croch2. 2. Hanging. Ar ~, hanging. ~ duine, the hanging of a person. Coir, cúis, chrochta, hanging offence, case. 3. Raising, erection. ~ seoil, brataí, the hoisting of a sail, of a flag. 4. Mec. E: Suspension. 5. Pitch. ~ áirse, dín, the pitch of an arch, of a roof. 6. Pothook. (Var: gs. crochaidh)

croitheadh, m. (gs. -ite, pl. -ití). 1. vn. of croith. 2. Shake. ~ a bhaint as duine, to give s.o. a shake, a jolt. ~ láimhe, handshake. Bhí ~ lámh ansin, there were handshakes all round. Le ~ dá cheann, with a shake of his head. Tá sé sna croití deireanacha, he is in the throes of death. 3. ~ crúb, disease affecting hoofs of animals. 4. Sprinkle, scattering. ~ uisce choisricthe, the sprinkling of holy water. Dá mbeadh ~ den aol air, if it were sprinkled with lime. 5. Waving. ~ bratach, flag-waving. 6 = crochadh.

cromadh, m. (gs. -mtha, pl. -mthaí). 1. vn. of crom2. 2. Bend, stoop. ~ cinn, gualainne, géige, the bending of a head, of a shoulder, of a bough. ~ na haoise, the stoop of old age. 3. (As measure of length) Finger, length of middle finger. Naoi g~ i slat, nine fingers to a yard.

cronú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of cronaigh. 2. ~ a chur i rud, to notice the absence of, to miss, sth.

crónú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of crónaigh. 2. Tanning; browning, darkening. 3. Dusk. Le ~ na hoíche, at nightfall, dusk.

crosadh, m. (gs. -sta). 1. vn. of cros2. 2. Prohibition. ~ oilc, éagóra, prohibition of evil, of injustice. Ceart crosta, right of veto. ~ a chur ar dhuine rud a dhéanamh, to forbid s.o. to do sth. Níl aon chrosadh ort dul ann, there is nothing to prevent you going there. Thar mo chrosadh, against my orders, in spite of me.

croscheistiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of croscheistigh. 2. Cross-examination.

cros-toirchiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of crostoirchigh. 2. Cross-fertilization.

crú2, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of crúigh1. 2. Milking; (yield of) milk.

cruachan, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of cruaigh. 2. Hardening. (Var: cruachaint f)

cruinniú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of cruinnigh. 2. Gathering. (a) Meeting, assemblage. ~ daoine, a gathering of people. ~ a chur ar dhaoine, to call people together, summon people to a meeting. ~ a thionól, to hold a meeting. Bhí ~ againn aréir, we had a meeting last night. ~ coiste, de choiste, committee meeting. Labhairt le ~, to address a meeting. (b) Work-gathering. B'éigean di ~ a chur ar an obair, she had to gather help for the work. (c) Needlew: Pucker, gather. Cruinnithe a chur in éadach, to pucker cloth. (d) Focussing. (e) Forming. S.a. pláta 1(c). (Var: pl. ~cha)

cruthú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of cruthaigh1. 2. Creation. ~ an domhain, the creation of the world. 3. Proof; testimony. Is ort atá a chruthú, it is for you to prove it. Níl ~ ar bith agat leis, you have no proof of it. Sin an ~ is fearr air, that is the best evidence for it. Ba é sin ~ na bréige air, that showed that he was lying. ~ dearfa, positive proof. Gan chruthú, unsubstantiated.

cuachadh, m. (gs. -chta). 1. vn. of cuach4. 2. Bundling. 3. Hugging.

cuardach1, m. (gs. -aigh). 1. vn. of cuardaigh1. 2. Search. ~ a dhéanamh, to make a search. ~ a chur ar rud, to institute a search for sth. Chuaigh ~ orthu, a search was made for them. Má tá ~ agat air, if you are in search of it. ~ mianraí, prospecting for minerals.

cúbláil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of cúbláil2. 2. Jugglery, manipulation; defalcation, cheating (at cards).

cuidiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of cuidigh1. 2. Help, assistance. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to help s.o. Lámh chuidithe, helping hand. ~ airgid, financial assistance. Is beag an rud nach ~ é, every little helps. Le ~ Dé, with God's help.

cúigleáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of cúigleáil2. 2. Cheating (at cards); embezzlement.

cuimhneamh, m. (gs. -nimh). 1. vn. of cuimhnigh1. 2. Remembrance; recollection, thought. Bhí mo chuimhneamh ort, I was thinking of you. ~ míosa, month's mind. Beidh ~ míosa air, it will be specially remembered. Gan ~ ar chostas, without regard to cost. An bhfuil aon chuimhneamh ar imeacht agaibh? Have you any thought of leaving? Gan chuimhneamh, inadvertently. 3. Conception, plan. Is maith an ~ é, it is a good idea. (Var: cuimhneachtáil f, cuimhneachtain f, cuimhniú m)

cuimilt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of cuimil1. 2. Rubbing; stroking, fondling, wiping; friction. ~ a thabhairt do rud, to give sth. a rub. ~ de cheirt, a wipe of a cloth. ~ bhoise, a stroke of the palm, palm-stroking; coaxing. Thug sí ~ den teanga dó, she gave him a bit of a scolding. Chaith an chuimilt é, it became worn with rubbing. ~ a bheith agat le duine, to meet up with, have dealings with, s.o. S.a. barra1 5, crág1 3, lámhainn.

cuimsiú1, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of cuimsigh1. 2. Connotation, scope. 3. Inclusion.

cúiseamh, m. (gs. -simh). 1. vn. of cúisigh1. 2. Accusation, charge. ~ a dhéanamh (ar), to prefer a charge (against).

cuisniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of cuisnigh1. 2. Refrigeration.

cúiteamh, m. (gs. -timh). 1. vn. of cúitigh1. 2. Requital; recompense, compensation. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine i rud, to requite s.o. for sth. ~ ruda a bhaint as duine, to make s.o. pay, suffer, for sth. Bhain sé a chúiteamh asainn, he got even with us. ~ a dhéanamh i do pheacaí, to make retribution for one's sins. ~ a éileamh ar dhuine, to demand satisfaction from s.o. ~ ar chaillteanas, compensation for loss. ~ ar shaothar, reward for labour. ~ dlí, legal remedy. Cúram gan chúiteamh, thankless task. Grá gan chúiteamh, unrequited love. S.a. cearrbhach.

cúlghairm, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eacha). 1. vn. of cúlghair. 2. Revocation.

cúlú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of cúlaigh. 2. Backing, reversal. ~ capaill, cairr, backing of horse, of car. 3. Retirement, withdrawal. ~ airm, withdrawal of army. 4. Mth: Regression. ~ lúibe, return of curve. 5. Waning. ~ gealaí, rabharta, waning of moon, ebbing of spring tide.

cumadh, m. (gs. -mtha). 1. vn. of cum. 2. Formation. ~ an tsaoil, the formation of the world. 3. Composition. 4. Contrivance, invention. Níl ann ach ~, it is just a made-up story. 5. ~ éadaigh, making, fitting, of clothes. 6. ~ bia, food-rationing.

cumasc1, m. (gs. & npl. -aisc, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of cumaisc1. 2. Mixture; blend, compound. Geog: Tírdhreach cumaisc, composite landscape. Pirimid chumaisc, compound pyramid. Needlew: Greamanna cumaisc, composite stitches. S.a. cloch1 1(a). 3. Com: Merger. (Var: ~adh m)

cumhdach, m. (gs. & npl. -aigh1, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of cumhdaigh2. 2. Cover, protection (a) ~ a chur ar rud, to put a protective covering on sth. Cuir ~ ort féin, put on some protective clothing. ~ cinn, (protective) covering for head. Chuir sé ~ ar an teach, ar na cruacha, he roofed the house, thatched the (corn-)stacks. ~ cathaoireach, covering, upholstering, of chair. ~ cábla, sheathing of cable. ~ coire, boiler-jacket. ~ innill, machine-shield. ~ leabhair, binding of book. Cost: ~ mogallach, net-binding. (b) ~ Dé orainn! God preserve us! (c) Tá ~ mór céille aige, he has a great fund of common sense. 3. Biol: Armature. ~ sciathán, wing-case. 4. (Of relic) Shrine. 5. Ornamental covering; adornment.

cumhsanú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of cumhsanaigh. 2. Rest, repose. (Var: cumhsanadh m)

cumhscú, m. (gs. -caithe). 1. vn. of cumhscaigh. 2. Movement; stir. (Var: cumhscal m, cumhscladh m)

cúnamh, m. (gs. as s. -aimh, as vn. -nta). 1. vn. of cúnaigh. 2. Help. (a) ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to help s.o. Teacht chun cúnaimh ar dhuine, to come to s.o.'s assistance. Bí i g~ dúinn, be our aid. ~ airgid, financial help. ~ dífhostaíochta, teaghlaigh, unemployment, home assistance. Tá ~ fear aige, he has men helping him. Thug sé ~ an dá lámh dom, he helped me with both hands, most willingly. Is beag an rud nach ~, every little helps. Le ~ Dé, with God's help, please God. D'ordaigh Dia ~; is maith le Dia (féin) ~, God helps those who help themselves. S.a. cinnire1. (b) Tá a chúnamh imithe uaidh, his family have left him. (c) ~ maith do mhála plúir, the greater part of a bag of flour. (d) Lucht cúnta, helpers. Múinteoir cúnta, assistant teacher. Lámh chúnta, helping hand. Áirse chúnta, relieving arch. Inneall cúnta, relief engine. Comhlacht cúnta, subsidiary company. Gram: Briathar cúnta, auxiliary verb. Ling: Guta cúnta, epenthetic vowel.

cúngú, m. (gs. -gaithe). 1. vn. of cúngaigh1. 2. Restriction, encroachment.

cuntas, m. (gs. & npl. -ais, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of cuntais1. 2. Count. ~ a dhéanamh ar rudaí, to make a count of things. Tá an ~ ansin agat, you have the correct number, amount, there. Níor thug sé leis ach an ~, he took the right amount only. Sluaite gan chuntas, innumerable hosts. Tá airgead gan chuntas aige, he has an incalculable amount of money. Tá siad as ~, they are too many to count. Fear maith cuntais, a good man at figures. Chuir tú thar, trí, mo chuntas mé, you made me lose count. 3. Account. (a) Reckoning. ~ a thabhairt i rud, to account for sth. ~ a choinneáil ar rud, to keep an account of sth. ~ a íoc, a ghlanadh, to pay, clear, an account. ~ a bhaint de dhuine (i rud), to make s.o. render an account (of sth.). Duine a thabhairt chun cuntais, to call s.o. to account. Bheith sa chuntas, to be in the reckoning, included. Tarraing do chuntas i dtráth, call for your account in good time. ~ bainc, bank account. ~ airgid, fála, taisce, cash, receivable, deposit, account. Leabhar an chuntais, the account book. Lá an chuntais, the day of reckoning. Tá sé ar a chuntas, he is going to his account, dying. I g~ Dé! I g~ an tsaoil! For goodness sake! Ar chuntas ar bith, on any account. (b) Narration. ~ a thabhairt ar rud, to give an account of sth. ~ a fháil ar dhuine, ar rud, to get an account of s.o., of sth. Tá ~ sa leabhar seo air, there is an account of it in this book. ~ béil, oral, verbal, account. (c) Inquiry. ~ duine a chur, to inquire about s.o. Níor chuir mé ~ ar bith air faoi, I did not ask him anything about it. S.a. leabhar1 1(f).

cúpláil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of cúpláil2. 2. (Of animals) Copulation; (of birds) mating. 3. Mec: Coupling.

cur1, m. (gs. as s. cuir, as vn. ~tha). 1. vn. of cuir1. 2. Sowing, planting; tillage. An ~ a dhéanamh, to do the sowing. Fear mór cuir, a great man for tillage. An ~ is gnách, the usual tillage. Is breá an ~ atá déanta aige, he has done a fine sowing. 3. Burial. ~ gan choinneal air! Bad scran to him! 4. Setting, laying. ~ píopaí, pipe-laying. ~ oisrí, oyster-bedding. ~ tuí, thatching. ~ gaistí, trap setting. 5. Course; round. (a) ~ brící, cloch, course of bricks, of stones (in building). (b) ~ dí, round of drinks. D'ól siad ~ eile, they drank another round. ~ eile den bhia, another helping of the food. Níl anseo ach an chéad chur, this is only the first course. 6. (Of implements) Set. ~ uirlisí, sceana, set of tools, of knives. 7. ~ a bheith agat i ndiaidh ruda, to have a hankering after sth. 8. ~ amach, (a) Emission. ~ amach solais, gáis, emission of light, of gas. (b) Dispatch. ~ amach litreacha, dispatch of letters. (c) Gemmation. ~ amach duilliúir, the putting forth of leaves. (d) Production. ~ amach earraí, production of goods. (e) Vomit. (f) Do chur amach féin a bheith ionat, to be able to show oneself to advantage. (g) Níl aon chur amach ann, he spends nothing. (h) (With ar) ~ amach a bheith agat ar rud, to have knowledge of sth. Sin é an ~ amach atá air, that is how it is expressed. 9. ~ isteach, (a) Insertion; fitting. ~ isteach solais, installation of light. Is olc an ~ isteach a rinneadh air, it was badly fitted. (b) Interference. Ní maith leis ~ isteach (nó amach) a dhéanamh air, he doesn't like to be interfered with. Daoine iad nach bhfuil aon chur isteach le déanamh orthu, they are people who don't want to be meddled with. (c) Right (of entry, of possession). Níl aon chur isteach agat ar mo chuid talún, you have no right to be on my land. An mhuintir a raibh ~ isteach acu ar an sliabh, those who had the right to use the mountain. Dá mbeadh sé ar mo chur isteach, if it were within my province. 10. ~ siar, drawback; postponement. 11. ~ síos, (a) Laying, setting (down). (b) Description, account. ~ síos a dhéanamh ar rud, to give an account of sth. Níl ~ síos (le déanamh) air, it defies description. 12. ~ suas, (a) Erection. ~ suas cuaillí, tithe, the erection of poles, of houses. ~ suas cló, the setting of type. ~ suas gunna mhóir, the mounting of a cannon. (b) (Of dress) Níl an dara ~ suas aige, he hasn't a second suit to wear. (c) (With de) Ní raibh aon chur suas aige de, he did not refuse it. (d) (With le) Toleration. Níl ~ suas agam leo, I can't put up with them. 13. ~ thart, (a) Turning. ~ thart rothaí, the turning of wheels. (b) Passing round. (c) Putting by. 14. (With prep. phrases) (a) ~ ar aghaidh, advancement. ~ ar athlá, ar cairde, postponement, deferment. ~ ar ceal, cancellation; concealment. ~ ar cíos, letting. ~ ar ancaire, ar téad, ar snámh, anchoring, tethering, floating. (b) ~ as alt, dislocation. ~ as bealach, inconvenience. ~ as coróin, dethronement. ~ as eagar, disarrangement. ~ as riocht, perversion. ~ as seilbh, dispossession. (c) ~ chun báis, execution. ~ chun bóthair, chun siúil, starting off. ~ chun tosaigh, promotion. (d) ~ de láimh, disposal. (e) ~ faoi chois, suppression. (f) ~ in aghaidh (ruda), opposition (to sth.). ~ in alt, setting. ~ i gcás, supposition. ~ i gcéill, in iúl, notification; pretence. ~ i ngléas, adjustment. ~ in oiriúint, adaptation. ~ i dtaisce, laying by, saving. (g) ~ le gealltanas, fulfilment of promise. Focal gan ~ leis, an empty statement. (h) ~ le chéile, unity (of opinion, of effort); matching (of objects); coherence (of ideas). (i) ~ ó chéile, separation; dismantlement. S.a. doras 1. (j) ~ thar maoil, roverflow(ing). (k) ~trí chéile, (i) confusion, (ii) discussion.

cúradh1, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of cúr3. 2. Chastisement, punishment; scourge. ~ (mo chroí) air! Bad cess to him!

cúrsáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of cúrsáil2. 2. Cruise. Long chúrsála, cruising ship. Cabhlach cúrsála, cruising fleet. 3. Course, chase. ~ giorriacha, hare-coursing. leithéid de chúrsáil, such a chase; such running about.

dáileadh, m. (gs. -lte, pl. -ltí). 1. vn. of dáil2. 2. Apportionment, distribution; bestowal.

daingniú1, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of daingnigh. 2. Fortification; stabilization, consolidation; confirmation, ratification. (Var: ~chán m)

dalladh, m. (gs. -llta). 1. vn. of dall3. 2. Blinding; dazzlement. ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to blind s.o.; to dazzle s.o. ~ (agus caochadh, dubhadh) orm (má), strike me blind (if). 3. (a) Plenty, lashings. Bhí ~ bia agus dí ann, there were lashings of food and drink. Tá ~ airgid aige, he has lots of money. (b) Ag obair, ag báisteach, ar ~, working, raining intensely. 4. ~ púicín, (i) blind over eyes (in game of blindman's-buff); blindman's-buff, (ii) confusion; deception, delusion. ~ púicín a chur ar dhuine, to hoodwink s.o. Bhain tú an ~ púicín díom, you opened my eyes for me. 5. ~ mullóg = dallamullóg.

dallrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of dallraigh. 2. Dazzle, glare.

dámhachtain, f. (gs. -ana, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of dámh2. 2. Jur: Award. (Var: dámhadh m)

damhnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of damhnaigh. 2. Materialization, formation.

damhsa, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of damhsaigh1. 2. Dance. ~ a dhéanamh, to dance, do a dance. ~ a bheith agat, to be able to dance. An bhfuil an ~ seo agat? Can you do this dance? An ndéanfaidh tú an ~ seo liom? May I have this dance? Níor chaill sí an ~ fós, she is still a good dancer. (Of function) Bheith ag ~, to be at a dance. S.a. cnaipe 4, cosúlacht 1, cúrsa 1(e).

damnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of damnaigh. 2. Damnation, condemnation. ~ síoraí, eternal damnation. ~ (orm) (nár thaga orm) má tá a fhios agam, damned if I know. ~ air! Damn him! 3. Swearing.

daoradh1, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of daor3. 2. Enslavement. 3. Conviction, condemnation.

dathú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of dathaigh1. 2. Colouring, coloration. ~ éadaigh, gruaige, the dyeing of cloth, of hair. Olann gan ~, natural wool. ~ béil, ingne, the painting of lips, of nails. ~ scéil, embellishment of a story. Dá mbeadh ~ an tae agam, if I had a drop of milk for the tea. 3. ~ cártaí, "colouring', rigging, of cards.

deachrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of deachair2. 2. Differentiation.

deachtú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of deachtaigh. 2. Composition. ~ ceoil, dáin, the composing of song, of poetry. 3. Direction, instruction. ~ Dé, God's precepts. 4. Dictation.

deachú2, m. (gs. -chaithe). 1. vn. of deachaigh1. 2. Decimation.

deachúlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of deachúlaigh1. 2. Decimalization.

déaduchtú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of déaduchtaigh. 2. Log: Deduction.

dealbhú1, m. (gs. -bhaithe). 1. vn. of dealbhaigh1 2. 2. Sculpturing, sculpture.

dealbhú2, m. (gs. -bhaithe). 1. vn. of dealbhaigh2. 2. Impoverishment.

dealramh, m. (gs. as s. -aimh; as vn. -aithe). 1. vn. of dealraigh. 2. Sheen, splendour, radiance. ~ gréine, sunshine. ~ an tsneachta, the glare of the snow. ~ an óir, the sheen of gold. Bláth agus ~ an róis, the bloom and radiance of the rose. Solas agus ~ a dhreacha, the light and splendour of his countenance. 3. Look, appearance; likeness, resemblance. Tá ~ aige leat, he resembles you. D'aithin mé ar do dhealramh é, I recognised him by his resemblance to you. Tá siad ar dhealramh a chéile, they look alike. Fear breá ina dhealramh, a fine man in appearance. ireannach ar a dhealramh é, he looks an Irishman. Is olc an ~ atá air, he looks bad. Tá ~ na fírinne ar do scéal, your story seems credible. Tá ~ dubh na hoíche air, it is taking on the black appearance of night. Rud a chur ó dhealramh, to disfigure sth. Tá ~ air go, it appears that. Baineann sé le ~, it seems likely. De réir dealraimh, apparently. Scéal gan ~, an unlikely story. Níl aon ~ leis sin ! That's ridiculous!

dealú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of dealaigh. 2. Separation (le, ó, from). ~ a dhéanamh idir maith agus olc, to distinguish between good and evil. ~ coirp agus anama (le chéile), the separation of body and soul. 3. Mth: Subtraction.

déanamh, m. (gs. as s. -aimh, as vn. -nta). 1. vn. of déan2. 2. Doing, making; make. (a) (Of act) ~ oibre, the doing of work. ~ peaca, commission of sin. ~ éadaigh, the manufacture of cloth. ~ earraí, the production of goods. ~ droichead, the construction of bridges. ~ ceoil, the composition of music. ~ féir, haymaking. ~ déirce, alms-giving. De dhéanamh na háite, na hireann, of local, Irish, manufacture. Bróga dá dhéanamh féin, shoes made by himself. Rud a bheith gan ~, sth. to remain undone. Chuaigh sé ó dhéanamh orm, I was unable to do it, to cope with it. Is é a dhéanamh leat é, it is what ought to be done to you, it serves you right. (b) Cards: Deal. Tá an chéad ~ agam, I deal first. (c) (Of style of structure or composition) Rud a bheith ar dhéanamh uibhe, báid; ~ uibhe, báid, a bheith ar rud, sth. to be egg-, boat-, shaped. Culaith den ~ sin, a suit of that make, cut. Is deas an ~ atá air, it is nicely made. (d) Ph: Biol: Structure. 3. (a) Ability to do, to make. Tá ~ gnó ann, he is well able to transact business, to manage. Níl ~ a gcoda iontu go fóill, they are not able to make out for themselves yet. (b) Sufficiency. Tá ~ mo ghnó agam de, I have enough of it to do me.

dearadh1, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -rtha; pl. -raí). 1. vn. of dear1. 2. Drawing, design.

dearbhascadh, m. (gs. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of dearbhasc. 2. Jur: Affirmation.

dearbhú, m. (gs. -bhaithe, pl. -bhuithe). 1. vn. of dearbhaigh. 2. Declaration; affirmation, attestation; confirmation, assurance. ~ a dhéanamh, to make a declaration. ~ reachtúil, sollúnta, statutory, solemn, declaration. ~ custaim, dílseacháin, customs, vesting, declaration. ~ díbhinne, dócmhainneachta, declaration of dividend, of insolvency. Ordú dearbhaithe, declaratory order. ~ a thabhairt le rud, to confirm, to give an assurance of, sth. Dá dhearbhú sin, as proof of that. De dhearbhú an scéil, to bear out the story. Mar dhearbhú go bhfuil an ceart agam, to prove that I am right. Arna n~ i gcruatan, when they were tested in hardship.

dearcadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -ctha). 1. vn. of dearc3. 2. Look, gaze. Is dubh an ~ a thug sé orm, such a black look he gave me. 3. Outlook, viewpoint. An ~ atá ag duine ar an saol, one's outlook on life. Tá a dhearcadh féin aige, he has his own point of view. Is é sin an ~ atá acu air, that is how they look at it. De réir an dearcaidh a bhíonn ag duine, according to one's point of view. Ar feadh mo dhearcaidh, as far as I can see. Ní hé sin mo dhearcadh air, that is not how I see it. 4. Foresight, vision; consideration. Duine a bhfuil ~ ann, one who looks to the future; one who considers circumstances. Díobháil dearcaidh, lack of vision; want of consideration. Dá mbeadh ~ agat ar mo chás, if you were able to see, sympathize with, my case. (Var: dearcaint f)

deargadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of dearg3. 2. Reddening; blushing. ~ béil, the rouging of lips. ~ dreacha, reddening of countenance, blushing. 3. Glow(ing), light(ing). ~ píopaí, toitíní, pipe-, cigarette-, lighting. ~ maidine, flush of dawn. ~ anoir, eastern glow (in sky). 4. Bloodying; wounding, chafing. ~ airm, the bloodying of weapons; armed attack. (Of horse) ~ tiaraí, gall produced by tail-band. 5. Soil-turning, digging. Is breá an ~ atá déanta acu inniu, they have turned up a lot of soil today. 6. ~ bear, (i) fire-wheels, (ii) cuckoo wrasse. S.a. bior1 2.

dearlacadh, m. (gs. & pl. -laicthe). 1. vn. of dearlaic2. 2. Gift, bounty. (Var: dearlagadh)

dearmad1, m. (gs. & npl. -aid, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of dearmad2. 2. Forgetfulness, negligence. ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, ar rud, to forget about s.o., sth. Duine, rud, a ligean ar ~, i n~, chun dearmaid, to let s.o., sth., be forgotten, slip into oblivion. Rinne mé ~ de mo hata, I forgot (to take) my hat. Níorbh é a dhearmad gan paidir a chur leo, he didn't forget, was sure, to say a prayer for them. Ní hé sin do dhearmad, you never forget that. Mo dhearmad! By the way! I forgot! Mo chuimhne (agus) mo dhearmad, which reminds me of what I had forgotten (to ask). Rud a fhágáil i do dhiaidh i n~, to leave sth. behind through oversight. Cion do dhearmaid ort, you may blame yourself for your negligence. Prov: ~ bhean an tí ag an gcat, the cat benefits by the housewife's negligence. 3. Omission; mistake, error. ~ a dhéanamh i rud, to make a mistake in sth. Rud a thógáil i n~, to take sth. inadvertently, by mistake. Tá ~ éigin sa scéal, there is some error, omission, in the story. Mura bhfuil ~ orm, unless I am mistaken. ~ pinn, cló, clerical, printer's, error. (Var: dearmhad)

dearnáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of dearnáil2. 2. Darning. Snáthaid, ceap, dearnála, darning-needle, -egg.

deascadh1, m. (gs. as s. -aidh1, as vn. -ctha). 1. vn. of deasc2. 2. Deposition; sediment. 3. Ch: Precipitation.

deasú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of deasaigh1. 2. Arrangement, adjustment; dress, attire; dressing, preparation (of food). 3 = deisiú.

deighilt, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of deighil. 2. Separation; division, partition, segmentation. ~ (a dhéanamh) idir dhaoine, to cause a split, a cleavage, between people. ~ críche, tíre, partition of a territory, of a country. Ar ~, in a separate place, separate.

deilbhiú, m. (gs. -ithe2). 1. vn. of deilbhigh. 2. Framing, fashioning. 3. Weaving: Warping. S.a. crann 6 (b).

déileáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of déileáil2. 2. Dealing. Lucht déileála, dealers, traders. Ní bheidh (aon) ~ agam leo, I will have no dealings with them.

deimhneasc1, m. (gs. as s. -nisc, as vn. ~tha). 1. vn. of deimhneasc2. 2. Jur: Averment.

deimhniú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of deimhnigh1. 2. Certification, certificate; affirmation, assurance. ~ a thabhairt le rud, to certify to sth.; to affirm sth. ~ a bheith agat ar rud, to have verification, confirmation, of sth.; to be assured of sth. Mar dheimhniú air, as proof of it. ~ cáilíochta, inniúlachta, comhlíonta, corpraithe, certificate of qualification, of competence, of conformity, of incorporation.

deisiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of deisigh. 2. Repairing, repair. ~ bróg, shoe repairing. ~ tí, renovation of house. ~ troscáin, restoration of furniture. ~ innill, overhauling of machine. ~ cnámh, bone-setting. 3. Dressing down, scolding. ~ teanga, verbal abuse. Fuair sé a dheisiú, he got a dressing down. Thug siad ~ dá chéile, they abused each other. Chuir sí go béal a dheisithe é, she gave him quite a scolding. 4 = deasú.

deochadh, m. (gs. -chta). 1. vn. of deoch2. 2. (a) Immersion. (b) Thug sé ~ póg di, he smothered her with kisses.

deonú, m. (gs. -naithe, pl. -nuithe). 1. vn. of deonaigh1. 2. Grant, consent. ~ maoine, probháide, riaracháin, grant of property, of probate, of administration. ~ comhpháirteach, teoranta, joint, limited, grant. ~ do chreidiúnaí, grant to creditor. Ba é ~ Dé é, it was providential. Trí dheonú Dé, by God's will. 3. Concession, condescension.

déroinnt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of déroinn. 2. Bisection.

dí-adhlacadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of dí-adhlaic. 2. Disinterment, exhumation.

diagú, m. (gs. -gaithe). 1. vn. of diagaigh. 2. Deification, apotheosis.

diall1, m. (gs. ~ta). 1. vn. of diall2. 2. (With le) Inclination (towards). 3. (With ó) Declension, deviation (from).

dianscaoileadh, m. (gs. -lte). 1. vn. of dianscaoil. 2. (Of elements) Decomposition.

dí-armáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of dí-armáil2. 2. Disarmament.

díbhe, f. (gs. ~). 1. vn. of díbh1. 2. Jur: Dismissal. (Var. of 2: ~acht f)

díbhunú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of díbhunaigh. 2. Disestablishment.

díbirt, f. (gs. -beartha). 1. vn. of díbir. 2. Banishment, expulsion. Ar ~, in banishment. ~ ort! Deuce take you! 3. Mth: Ch: Physiol: Elimination.

díbliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of díbligh. 2. Debilitation, dilapidation. 3. Vilification, abuse.

dícháiliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of dícháiligh. 2. Disqualification.

dícharbónú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of dícharbónaigh. 2. Decarbonization.

dícheadú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of dícheadaigh. 2. Disallowance.

dícheangal, m. (gs. -ail2). 1. vn. of dícheangail1. 2. Detachment, dissolution.

dícheannadh, m. (gs. -nnta). 1. vn. of dícheann1. 2. Decapitation. (Var: dícheannú m)

díchumadh, m. (gs. -mtha). 1. vn. of díchum. 2. Deformation, distortion.

díchur, m. (gs. as s. -uir, as vn. ~tha1). 1. vn. of díchuir1. 2. Ejection, expulsion; dispersion; excretion.

dífháscadh, m. (gs. -áiscthe). 1. vn. of dífháisc. 2. Decompression.

difreáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of difreáil2. 2. Differentiation.

díghalrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of díghalraigh. 2. Disinfection.

díhiodráitiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of díhiodráitigh. 2. Dehydration.

díláithriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of díláithrigh1. 2. Displacement; clearance, rout; demolition, destruction.

dílárú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of díláraigh. 2. Decentralization.

díleá, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of díleáigh. 2. Dissolution. Tháinig, d'imigh, ~ orthu, they melted away. Tá ~ ar a chuid, his substance is being wasted. 3. Digestion. (Var: díleaghadh m)

dílsiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of dílsigh. 2. Vesting; surrender, cession. 3. Appropriation. 4. Concealment.

díluacháil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of díluacháil2. 2. Devaluation.

dínáisiúnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of dínáisiúnaigh. 2. Denationalization.

dingeadh1, m. (gs. -gthe). 1. vn. of ding3. 2. Wedging, packing, cramming. ~ a chur le rud, to wedge sth.; to press hard on sth.

dínítriginiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of dínítriginigh1. 2. Denitrification.

díobhadh1, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -ofa). 1. vn. of díobh1. 2. Elimination, extinction. Duine, rud, a thabhairt don ~, to do away with, destroy, s.o., sth. (Var. of 2: díobhaidh)

díobháil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of díobháil2. 2. Loss, deprivation, want. ~, de dhíobháil, ruda, want, for want, of sth. ~ airgid, aire, céille, lack of money, of care, of sense. Rud a bheith de dhíobháil ort, to be in need of sth. Rud a chur de dhíobháil ar dhuine, to deprive s.o. of sth. Níl ~ leabhar orthu, they have no lack of books. Pian na díobhála, the pain of loss. 3. Injury, harm, damage. ~ duine a dhéanamh; ~ a dhéanamh do dhuine, to do an injury to s.o. ~ choirp, anama, bodily, spiritual, harm. ~ gan leigheas, irreparable damage. Gan ~ gan dochar, without hurt or harm. Ní haon ~ é a dhéanamh, it is no harm to do it; it is just as well to do it. Cad é an ~ (ach)? What harm (but)? Dul i n~ ar dhuine, to cause damage to, trespass on, s.o.'s property. 4. (As conj.) ~ nach bhfaca mé iad, because I didn't see them.

díochlaonadh, m. (gs. -nta, pl. -ntaí). 1. vn. of díochlaon. 2. Gram: Declension. 3. Astr: Declination.

dí-ocsaídiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of dí-ocsaídigh. 2. Ch: Deoxidation, reduction.

díoghail1, f. (gs. & pl. -ghla). 1. vn. of díoghail2. 2. Lit: Vengeance; retribution, punishment. (Var: ~t f)

díol1, m. (gs. as s. ~a, as vn. ~ta). 1. vn. of díol2. 2. Selling, sale. ~ earraí, sale of goods. ~ agus ceannach, buying and selling. ~ maith a dhéanamh, to make a good sale. Tá ~ maith orthu, they are selling well. 3. Payment; recompense, requital. ~ cíosa, costais, payment of rent, of cost. I n~ ruda, in payment, in return, for sth. ~ fiach a thabhairt do dhuine, to repay a debt to s.o.; to requite s.o. I n~ a ndearna sé, in return for what he did. Sin an ~ a thug sé dom, that is how he repaid me. Is é do dhíol é, it serves you right. Is maith an ~ ort é, you well deserve it; you are well worth it. B'olc an ~ air é, little he deserved it. Is fada óna dhíol é, it is far from his deserts. ~ an pheaca, atonement for sin. 4. Deserving object. ~ trua é, he deserves to be pitied. 5. Enough, sufficiency. ~ duine de rud, enough of sth. for a person's needs. ~ beirte de bhia, enough food for two. ~ míosa de lón, a month's supply of provisions. Tá ~ mo cháis agam, I have enough to serve my purpose. Níl ~ a roinnte ann, there is not enough of it to go round. Tá ~ rí ann, it is fit for a king. Fuair sí a ~ d'fhear, she got a husband worthy of her. Faoina n~ capall, with their complement of horses. An bhfuil do dhíol agat? Have you enough? 6. Treatment; fate. Gach ~ dár fhulaing sé, every treatment that he endured. Ní fios a n~ ó shin, it is not known how they have fared since. (Var: ~adh m)

díolaim1, f. (gs. -ama, pl. -amaí). 1. vn. of díolaim2. 2. Gleaning, gathering; collection, compilation. ~ dána, anthology of verse.

diomailt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of diomail1. 2. Waste, extravagance. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to waste, squander, sth. ~ airgid, aimsire, waste of money, of time. (Var: diomail2 f, díomailt)

díon1, m. (gs. dín, pl. ~ta). 1. vn. of díon3. 2. Protection, shelter. (a) (From elements, from infiltration of water) Dul faoi dhíon, ar ~, to take cover; to seek shelter. ~ a chur i rud, to make sth. watertight. ~ in éadach, i mbróga, waterproof quality in clothes, in shoes. Níl ~ deoire ann, it gives no protection from water, from rain; it is porous, leaky. Prov: Is ~ an crann fad is ~ dó féin é, a tree provides shelter, but only until it becomes saturated. (b) (From harm) ~ agus dídean, shelter and refuge. ~ agus daingean, a protection and a bulwark. Dul ar, faoi, dhíon duine, to place oneself under the protection of s.o.; to shelter in s.o.'s house. Go ndéana Dia ~ dúinn, God protect us. (c) (Of person) Bheith i do dhíon do dhuine, to be a protector of s.o., to afford shelter to s.o. ~ na lag agus na ndeoraithe, shelterer of the weak and the wanderer. S.a. brat1 2 (b), dos1 1. 3. (a) Covering. ~ a chur ar rud, to cover sth. against the elements. (b) Roof. ~ tuí, slinne, leacán, thatched, slate, tiled, roof. ~ diallaite, saddle-backed roof. Chuir sé ~ ar an teach, he roofed the house. S.a. cloch1 1(f). (Var: gs. & pl. ~a)

diongbháil2, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of diongaibh. 2. Match, equal. A dhiongbháil i gcath, his equal in battle. Dá mbeadh a dhiongbháil de mhac aige, if he had a son worthy of him. Casadh fear a dhiongbhála air, he met his match. 3. Worth, merit; constancy, stability. Brí agus ~ na hargóna, the force and reliability of the argument. 4. Assurance, confirmation. ~ a fháil i rud, to get positive assurance of sth. 5. (As a.) An rud is ~ do dhuine, what is fitting for s.o. Mar is ~, as is meet and proper.

díorthú, m. (gs. -thaithe, pl. -thuithe). 1. vn. of díorthaigh2. 2. Derivation.

dioscadh, m. (gs. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of diosc1. 2. Dissection. 3 = teascadh.

díoscadh1, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of díosc1. 2. Creaking, grating, grinding. ~ bróg, creaking of shoes. ~ scine, rasping of knife. ~ fiacla, grinding of teeth.

díoscarnach, f. (gs. -aí). 1. vn. of díoscarnaigh. 2. Ent: Stridulation.

díospóid1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of díospóid2. 2. Dispute. (Var: diospóid)

díotáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of díotáil2. 2. Indictment. ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to indict, lay an indictment against, s.o. Bille díotála, bill of indictment. Ós leat an ~ ná hagair cáin, since the indictment rests with you do not sue for a penalty.

díotchúiseamh, m. (gs. -simh). 1. vn. of díotchúisigh. 2. Jur: Arraignment.

díothú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of díothaigh1. 2. Destruction, elimination, annihilation, extermination.

dípholarú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of dípholaraigh. 2. Depolarization.

díraonadh, m. (gs. -nta, pl. -ntaí). 1. vn. of díraon. 2. Diffraction.

díriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of dírigh1. 2. Direction; aiming, guidance.

díscaoileadh, m. (gs. -lte). 1. vn. of díscaoil. 2. Dispersion, dissolution, disintegration. ~ na n-aspal, the dispersal of the apostles. ~ an tseanreachta, the breaking up of the old order. ~ na mainistreacha, the dissolution of the monasteries. ~ parlaiminte, dissolution of parliament.

dísciú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of díscigh. 2. Drying up; consumption, exhaustion. 3. Elimination, extermination.

díscor, m. (gs. as s. -oir2, as vn. ~tha). 1. vn. of díscoir1. 2. Dismissal; dissolution; disconnection.

díshamhlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of díshamhlaigh. 2. Dissimilation.

díshealbhú, m. (gs. -bhaithe, pl. -bhuithe). 1. vn. of díshealbhaigh. 2. Dispossession, eviction.

díshlógadh, m. (gs. -aidh). 1. vn. of díshlóg. 2. Demobilization.

díspeagadh, m. (gs. -gtha, pl. -gthaí). 1. vn. of díspeag. 2. Belittlement. ~ cúirte, contempt of court. 3. Gram: Diminutive.

díthruailliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of díthruailligh. 2. Decontamination.

diúgadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of diúg2. 2. Draining (of liquid, of vessel). 3. "Drain-pipe', gullet.

diúl1, m. (gs. -úil). 1. vn. of diúl2. 2. Sucking, suck. Leanbh (an) diúil, suckling. Lao diúil, sucking calf. Leanbh, uan, a bhaint den ~, to wean a child, a lamb. A chroí diúil, my dearest. S.a. fiacail 1(a).

diúltú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of diúltaigh1. 2. Denial, refusal. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to give a refusal to s.o. ~ airgid, comhairle, refusal to give, to accept, money, advice. 3. Renunciation. ~ creidimh, renunciation of faith. ~ d'údarás, refusal to accept authority. (Var: diúltamh m)

diúracadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of diúraic1. 2. Casting, shooting, projection (of missile). Arm diúractha, missile. 3. (Of pain) Dart.

diúscairt, f. (gs. -artha). 1. vn. of diúscair. 2. Jur: Disposition.

dlisteanú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of dlisteanaigh1. 2. Legitimation.

1, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite; pl. ~nna). 1. vn. of dóigh4. 2. Burning; searing, scorching; incineration, combustion. ~ móna, ola, turf-, oil-, burning. ~ aitinn, gorse-burning. ~ corp, cremation of bodies. Iarann dóite, branding iron. 3. Burn; burning sensation. ~ gréine, (discoloration from) sunburn. ~ laidhre, inflammation between the toes. ~ neantóige, nettle sting. ~ seaca, frostbite, (of crops) frostblight. ~ talún, (i) soil-burning, (ii) foot-scorching, blisters on soles of feet. 3. ~ croí = daigh chroí : daigh1 2.

doilbheadh, m. (gs. -lfe). 1. vn. of doilbh2. 2. (Illusory) form, false appearance. 3 = dalbhadh.

doirteadh, m. (gs. doirte). 1. vn. of doirt1. 2. Pouring, spilling, shedding; effusion. ~ uisce, pouring, spilling, of water. ~ fola, bloodshed. ~ datha, running of colour. ~ fearthainne, downpour of rain. Tá ~ dí, airgid, aige, he has lashings of drink, of money. Lit: ~ flaithis, shedding, loss, of sovereignty. 3. Watershed, slope. (Var: dóirteadh)

doladh1, m. (gs. -lta). 1. vn. of dol2. 2. Looping; snaring, netting.

dord1, m. (gs. & npl. doird, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of dord2. 2. Deep sound; hum, buzz, murmur, drone. ~ beach, drone of bees. ~ damh, bellowing of stags. ~ mara, murmur of sea. Tá ~ i mo chluasa, there is a buzzing in my ears. 3. (Deep or plaintive) chant. ~ na murúch, the mermaids' chant. An D~ Féinne, the chant of the Fianna. Tá sé ar an ~ sin ar fad, that is always his refrain; he is always muttering like that. 4. Mus: (a) (Of singer, voice) Bass. (b) ~ figiúrtha, figured bass. S.a. eochair1 4. 5. Mil: ~ na hoíche, tattoo.

dornáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of dornáil2. 2. Fist-fighting, boxing. Babhta dornála, bout, round, of boxing. Cluiche dornála, boxing-match. (Var: dornaíl f)

draenáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of draenáil2. 2. Drainage.

drámú, m. (gs. -maithe). 1. vn. of drámaigh. 2. Dramatization.

drannadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -nnta). 1. vn. of drann. 2. Grin, snarl. Chuir sé ~ air féin liom, he bared his teeth, snarled, at me. Prov: ~ an mhadra nó gáire an tSasanaigh, a dog's snarl and an Englishman's laugh (are equally dangerous). ~ gáire, grinning, mocking, smile. 3. Contact, interference (le, with). Ná bíodh ~ agat leo, don't go near, touch, meddle with, them. 4. Dressm: Pucker, gather.

dreachadh, m. (gs. -chta). 1. vn. of dreach2. 2. Delineation, portrayal. 3. Th: Make-up.

dreapadh, m. (gs. -ptha). 1. vn. of dreap1. 2. Climbing, climb. Planda dreaptha, climbing-plant. 3 = dreapa.

dreasú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of dreasaigh. 2. Urging, driving, incitement. ~ conairte, incitement of dogs (to hunt, to fight). ~ eallaigh, caorach, driving, chasing, of cattle, of sheep.

dréim1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. vn. of dréim2. 2. Lit: Climb, ascent. 3. Striving (le, after); aspiration. ~ le cáilíocht, striving for distinction. 4. Contention. Bheith i n~ le duine (faoi rud), to be contending, vying, with s.o. (about sth.). 5. Expectation. Ní raibh ~ agam leis, I did not expect it. ~ in aisce, vain expectation. 6. Phil: Conation.

dreo, m. (gs. ~ite). 1. vn. of dreoigh. 2. Decomposition, decay. ~ a dhéanamh, to become decayed; (of hay, etc.) to rot, to wither. Boladh ~ite, musty smell. (Var: ~ghadh m)

driogadh, m. (gs. -gtha, pl. -gthaí). 1. vn. of driog2. 2. Distillation. ~ deighilteach, fractional, destructive, distillation.

drithliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of drithligh1. 2. Sparking, sparkle. ~ tine, the sparking of a fire. ~ réaltaí, the twinkle of stars. ~ ar uisce, glimmer on water.

druidim1, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of druid2. 2. Closing, closure. 3. (a) Drawing close, approach, tend (le, to, towards). (b) Drawing away, withdrawal (ó, from).

druileáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of druileáil2. 2. Agr: Mec: Drilling. 3. Mil: Drill. Halla, sáirsint, druileála, drill-hall, drill-sergeant.

dualadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -lta). 1. vn. of dual4. 2. Interlacement, entwinement; fold, coil.

dúbailt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of dúbail1. 2. Double. Rud ar a dhúbailt, sth. twice over, two-fold. Fuair sé ~ airgid, he got twice as much money. Tá (an) ~ agat liom, you have twice as much as I have. ~ nó cothrom, double or quits. 3. Duplication (of services, etc.). (Var: dúbail2 f)

dúbláil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of dúbláil2. 2. Second distillation. Tús dúblála, beginning of second run in distillation. 2. Double-dealing.

dúchan, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of dubhaigh1. 2. Blackening, darkening. (a) ~ gnúise, darkening of countenance. Le ~ na hoíche, at nightfall. (b) (Of great numbers) Bhí ~ na mbóithre de dhaoine ann, the roads were crowded with people. ~ na gcnoc, na mbánta, na sléibhte, na gcoillte, d'éanlaith, vast flocks of birds. 3. Agr: (On grain) Black rust; (on potatoes) blight. 4. Sadness, oppression of spirits. (Var: dúchaint f)

duilliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of duilligh1. 2. Foliation.

dúiseacht, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of dúisigh. 2. State of being awake, aroused. Bheith i do dhúiseacht, to be awake. Idir chodladh is dhúiseacht, between sleeping and waking. Duine a chur ina dhúiseacht, to waken, rouse, s.o. ~ a bhaint as duine, to rouse, stir up, startle, s.o. ~ a bhaint as rudaí, to make things go, hum. ~ a bhaint as giorria, to start a hare. Le ~ an lae, at daybreak. S.a. madra1 1(a). (Var: dúisceadh m, ~áil f)

dul1, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of téigh2. 2. Going, passing, departure. ~ agus teacht, going and coming. Níl ~ ná teacht agam, I can neither come nor go, I am cramped for space. Níl ~ níos faide aige, it is as far as he can go. Cá bhfuil do dhul? Where are you going? Do dhul a bhuair sinn, your passing grieved us. 3. Way, method; means, capability. Tá ~ air, there is a way of doing, of saying, it. Tá ~ aige orthu, he has a way of dealing with them, is (well) able for them. Dá mbeadh ~ agam air, if I could get at it (properly). Dá mbeadh ~ agam ar a dhéanamh, if I could manage to do it. Níl ~ agam teacht air, I can't find it. Níl ~ aige teacht, there is something that prevents him from coming. 4. Proper, natural, order. Tá sé in aghaidh ~a, it is against nature, against reason. In aghaidh an ~a, against the grain. 5. Arrangement, construction, style, version. ~ cainte, construction (of speech). Tá ~ an Bhéarla air, it follows the English construction, is an English turn of phrase. Níor chuala mé ar an ~ sin é, I have not heard it expressed in that way. Tá ~ eile ar an scéal, there is another version of the story. 6. Condition, state. Ar an ~ ina bhfaca mé é, in the condition in which I saw him. 7. Time, occasion. Den ~ seo, this time, on this occasion. 8. (In phrases) ~ amach (as áit), egress, exit from a place. Rún gan ~ amach air, unrevealed secret. Bithiúnach gan ~ amach air, undetected villain. Sa chéad, ar an gcéad, ~ amach, in the first instance. ~ ar aghaidh, ~ chun cinn, progress. ~ chun cinn a bheith ionat, to be progressive. ~ ar gcúl, retreat; recession, decline. ~ ar gcúl na teanga, the decline of the language. Níl ~ ar a chúl ná ar a aghaidh aige, he can neither advance nor retreat, he must face up to it. ~ ar bord, embarkation. ~ ar ceal, disappearance, passing, lapse. ~ as, escape, evasion. Rud nach bhfuil ~ as ag duine, sth. which one cannot escape. Níl (aon) ~ as, there is no way out of it. ~ faoi na gréine, sunset. ~ faoi lámh easpaig, (sacrament of) confirmation. ~ i léig, decline. ~ i bhfolach, hide-and-seek. ~ idir dhaoine, interference between people. Níl ~ eatarthu, they are inseparable. ~ isteach, entry, entrance. ~ ó rud, escape from, avoidance of, sth. Níl ~ againn ón éag, we can't escape death. Níl ~ uaidh agat, you can't get away from it. ~ ó sholas, nightfall. ~ siar a bheith agat i rud, to be able to withdraw from sth. Níl ~ siar agat ann, you can't back out of it. Dá mbeadh ~ siar aige ar a fhocal, if he could modify his statement, qualify his promise. ~ síos, descent. Ar an gcéad, den chéad, ~ síos, in the first instance. ~ suas, ascent. Ní haon ~ suas duit é, it is no way for you to grow up. Níl an dara ~ suas againn (ach), we have no alternative (but). Níl ~ thairis, it can't be surmounted. Níl ~ thar a, ~ taobh anonn dá, fhocal, one can't go beyond his statement; he can't be gainsaid. ~ thart an tsaoil, the passing scene. ~ thart an ama, the passing of time. Níl ~ abhaile aige (go, mura), he will never hear the end of it (until, unless). S.a. amú. (Var: ~adh m)

dúloscadh, m. (gs. -oiscthe). 1. vn. of dúloisc. 2. Charring, blackening with fire. Dó is ~ air! To blazes with him, it!

dúnadh1, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of dún2. 2. Closing, securing, fastening. ~ fuinneoige, the closing, the walling up, of a window. ~ tí, the closing (up) of a house. ~ monarchan, the closing (down) of a factory. ~ cuirtíní, the drawing of curtains. ~ an dorais i ndiaidh na foghla, locking the stable door after the horse has been stolen. Ní théann ~ ar a bhéal, he never closes his mouth, never stops talking. ~ bearna, the filling of a gap. ~ dáin, the close of a poem. 3. Med: Closure, stoppage. 4. Mus: Cadence. ~ briste, interrupted cadence.

dúnmharú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of dúnmharaigh. 2. Murder. ~ a dhéanamh, to commit murder. ~ toiliúil, réamhbheartaithe, wilful, premeditated, murder.

eachtrú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of eachtraigh1. 2. Faring forth, journeying; expulsion, banishment.

éadlúthú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of éadlúthaigh. 2. Rarefaction.

eadránú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of eadránaigh1. 2. Arbitrament.

éaduchtú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of éaduchtaigh1. 2. Eduction.

éag1, m. (gs. & npl. ~a, gpl. ~; dpl. ~aibh used in certain literary phrases). 1. vn. of éag2. 2. Death. (a) Dul in ~, dul d'~, to die; to expire, die out, become extinct. Chuaigh sé d'~ leis an tart, he died of thirst. Tá an tine ag dul in ~, the fire is going out. Tá an stoirm in ~, the storm is spent. Dul don ~ mar chách, to go the way of all flesh. Tá sé ag druidim leis an ~, he is near death. Chomh fuar leis an ~, as cold as death. Is ionann an cás an t-~ is an bás, it is six of one and half a dozen of the other. (b) Go h~, till death, forever; (with neg.) never. Bheith go h~ le rud, to be forever at sth., completely absorbed in sth. (c) Lit: Ria, iar, n-éagaibh, before, after, death. ~a na bliana, the year's mortality. A chuirfeadh ~a an earraigh ar gcúl, which would bring dead things to life in the spring. Céad ~a = céadéaga. 3. Numbness, powerlessness. ~ i lámh, want of feeling in a hand. 4. (In phrase) Ar chúl ~a, in a backward state or position; isolated, unnoticed, forgotten. Tá an áit seo ar chúl ~a, this place is at the back of beyond. Tá siad ar chúl ~a anois, they are ignored, forgotten, now. Fágadh ar chúl ~a sinn, we were left out in the cold.

éagaoineadh, m. (gs. -nte). 1. vn. of éagaoin3. 2. Moaning, lamentation.

éagnach1, m. (gs. -aigh). 1. vn. of éagnaigh1. 2. Moan, groan. ~ a dhéanamh (le tinneas), to moan (with sickness). Lig sé ~ as ina chodladh, he gave a groan in his sleep. 3. Complaint, reproach; accusation, slander. ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to complain of s.o.; to reproach, revile, s.o.

eagrú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of eagraigh. 2. Arrangement, organization. 3. Ornamentation.

éagsúlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of éagsúlaigh1. 2. Diversification.

éagumasú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of éagumasaigh1. 2. Incapacitation.

éalú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of éalaigh. 2. Escape; evasion; elopement; (unheeded) passage (of time, of tide). ~ mara agus trá, ebb and flow. S.a. doras 1.

éamh1, m. (gs. éimh, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of éigh. 2. Cry, scream, entreaty. 3. Complaint. (Var: f)

eamhnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of eamhnaigh. 2. Pullulation. 3. Ph: Fission.

éaradh, m. (gs. -rtha, pl. -rthaí). 1. vn. of éar. 2. Refusal, denial. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a refusal. 3. Interference, hindrance. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to hinder s.o. 4. Repulsion.

earbadh, m. (gs. -btha). 1. vn. of earb1. 2. (Of goods) Bailment.

earrachú, m. (gs. -chaithe). 1. vn. of earrachaigh. 2. Vernalization.

easanálú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of easanálaigh. 2. Exhalation (of breath), expiration.

easaontú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of easaontaigh1. 2. Disagreement, dissension, disunion.

eascainí2, f. (gs. -nithe). 1. vn. of eascainigh. 2. Cursing, swearing. Níl an ~ maith, it is not good to curse.

eascairt, f. (gs. -artha, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of eascair. 2. (Of plants, etc.) Shooting, sprouting; rapid growth. 3 = athscaradh.

eascoiteannú, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of eascoiteannaigh. 2. Excommunication; boycott, ostracism.

easmailt, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of easmail. 2. Reproach; abuse, revilement. (Var: pl. ~eacha)

easpórtáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of easpórtáil2. 2. Exportation, exports.

éigiontú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of éigiontaigh1. 2. Jur: Acquittal.

éigniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of éignigh1. 2. Violation, taking by force. Jur: Rape.

éileamh, m. (gs. as s. -limh, as vn. -lithe; npl. -limh, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of éiligh. 2. Claim, demand. (a) ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to make a claim for sth. ~ ar shochar, ar íocaíocht, claim for benefit, for pay. ~ cirt, claim of right. Iníoctha ar ~, payable on demand. (b) Com: ~ ar earraí, demand for goods. Riar agus ~, supply and demand. Tá ~ mór ar bhailéid, ballads are in great demand. (c) Call. Bhí ~ ar fhir óga san arm, young men were wanted in the army. Má bhíonn ~ ar chabhair aige, if he calls for help. (d) (Of bill, debt) An t-~ a íoc, to pay the claim, to foot the bill. Gach ~ a ghlanadh, to meet all demands. Tá ~ beag agam air, I have a small claim against him; he owes me a little. Níl ~ ag aon duine orainn, we are indebted to nobody. (e) (Of desire for something) Níl ~ aige ar a chuid, he doesn't want to eat. An rud nach bhfuil ~ ag duine air, what one doesn't want. F: Tá ~ aige uirthi, he is enamoured of her. (f) (Of asking, begging) Fágadh san ~ mé, I had to supplicate. (g) Mil: Levy. 3. Complaint. (a) Accusation. Ábhar éilimh, cause of complaint. Beidh an t-~ ort faoi sin fós, you will be called to account for that yet. (b) (Of ailment) Cad é an t-~ atá aige? What is the nature of his complaint? (c) Jur: Plaint.

éilliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of éilligh. 2. Corruption; defilement, pollution. 3. Jur: Subornation. (Var: éilneadh m)

éimiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of éimigh. 2. Refusal; denial, rejection.

éirí, m. (gs. ~). 1. vn. of éirigh. 2. Rising, rise. (a) Tráth, am, éirithe, time to get up. ~ luath, early rising. An chéad ~ dó le mí, the first time he has been on his feet in a month. Slán faoi d'~, it is good to see you on your feet again. S.a. luí 2(a). (b) ~ (na) gréine, (na) gealaí, sunrise, moonrise. Le h~ (na) gréine, na maidine, at sunrise, at dawn. (c) ~ na tuile, na gaoithe, na stoirme, the rising of the flood, of the wind, of the storm. ~ an tsúlaigh sa phlanda, the rise of the sap in a plant. (d) (In jumping) An t-~, the take-off. Tá ~ ar an iasc, the fish are rising. (e) ~ i mbóthar, i dtalamh, rise in a road, in ground. (f) ~ a dhéanamh sa saol, to rise in the world. Níl ~ an tsaoil leis, he is not getting on in the world. (g) Sexual excitement. (h) (In phrases) ~ amach, outing, pleasure-trip; first visit of bride to old home; muster, levy; up-rising, insurrection, revolt. An tirí Amach, the (Easter Week) Rising. ~ in airde, high spirits, exuberance; airs, uppishness. Tá ~ in airde ann, he puts on airs. ~ ó thalamh, spring, start; exuberance; uppishness. ~ croí, elation, excitement; palpitation (of the heart). ~ bealaigh, slí, waylaying, hold-up, highway robbery; cheating, robbery. ~ slí a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to waylay s.o.; to rob, cheat, s.o. (Var: éirghe, éirghiú)

eisceadh, m. (gs. -cthe). 1. vn. of eisc1. 2. Excision.

eiseachadadh, m. (gs. -chadta). 1. vn. of eiseachaid. 2. Extradition.

eiseadh, m. (gs. as s. -sidh, as vn. -ste). 1. vn. of eis. 2. Existence.

eiseamláiriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of eiseamláirigh1. 2. Exemplification. (Var: eiseamlárú, eiseamlú)

eiséatadh, m. (gs. eiséata). 1. vn. of eiséat. 2. Escheat.

eisfhearadh, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of eisfhear. 2. Excretion.

eisiachtain, f. (gs. -ana, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of eisiacht. 2. Ejectment. Bille, ordú, próis, eisiachtana, ejectment bill, order, process.

eisiamh, m. (gs. -ata). 1. vn. of eisiaigh. 2. Exclusion.

eisileadh, m. (gs. -lte). 1. vn. of eisil. 2. Outflow, efflux; effluence; emanation.

eisiúint, f. (gs. -úna, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of eisigh1. 2. Issue. ~ scaireanna, issue of shares. ~ éide, issue of uniform. ~ doiciméad, issue of documents.

eisreachtú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of eisreachtaigh. 2. Proscription, attainder. Dlíthe eisreachtaithe, proscriptive laws.

éisteacht, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of éist. 2. Hearing. (a) ~ a bheith agat, to be able to hear. Tá ~ mhaith aige, he has a good sense of hearing. Tá ~ mo chluas agam, my ears can hear. I m'~, in ~ mo chluas, in my hearing, within earshot of me. Ar, as, m'~, within, beyond, the range of my hearing. S.a. cluas 1. (b) ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to grant a hearing, to listen, to s.o. Ní thugann sé ~ ar bith dom, he pays no attention to what I say. Tabhair ~ don cheol, listen to the music. Bhí fonn ~a orm, I wanted to hear. ~ a fháil, to get a hearing, an audience. Thug sé ~ na cluaise bodhaire dom, he turned a deaf ear to me. An lucht ~a, the audience. (c) Formal hearing. ~ cúise, the hearing of a case. ~ i gcúirt, hearing in court. Ecc: Tá ~ anseo inniu, confessions are being heard here today. (d) Granting. ~ urnaí, impí, the hearing, granting, of a prayer, of an entreaty. 3. Silence; patience, forbearance. Duine a chur ina ~, to reduce s.o. to silence. Tá sé ina ~ faoi dheireadh, he is silent at last. Is fada an ~ a bhí agam, a rinne mé, leis, I held my peace with him for a long time. (Var: im, éisteach2 m, éisteachán m)

eistearú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of eistearaigh. 2. Esterification.

eiteach2, m. (gs. -tigh). 1. vn. of eitigh1. 2. Refusal. An t-~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to refuse s.o. Ní bheidh d'~ orm, I won't refuse you. Ná glac ~ uaidh, don't take no for an answer from him. ~ dearg, a flat refusal. (Var: ~táil f)

eitilt, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of eitil2. 2. Flight; flutter. Ar ~, flying, in flight. ~ na n-éan, the flight of birds. Tháinig ~ ar mo chroí, my heart jumped with joy. 3. Flicker. ~ na coinnle, the flickering of the candle.

eitseáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of eitseáil2. 2. Etching.

fachtóiriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of fachtóirigh. 2. Factorization.

fadú1, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of fadaigh1. 2. Setting (of fire). 3. Site of fire; fire-place. 4. Siting, erection (of wall, etc.). 5. ~ (faoi dhuine), incitement (of person).

fadú2, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of fadaigh2. 2. Extension, elongation.

fágáil, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of fág2. 2. Weakness, failing. Tá ~ éigin ann, he is wanting in some respect. 3. Parting injunction; bequest. D'fhág sé na fágálacha sin orainn, he enjoined those things upon us. (Var: fágaint f)

faghairt, f. (gs. -artha, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of faghair. 2. Metall: Temper. ~ a chur, a thabhairt, ar lann, to temper a blade. 3. Fire, fervour; mettle, spirit. Tá ~ ann, he is mettlesome. ~ agus fuinneamh, fire and energy. 4. (Glint of) anger. Bhí ~ ina shúile, his eyes flashed fire. 5. Tempered blade; sharp edge (of blade, of tongue).

faichill1, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of faichill2. 2. Care, caution; wariness, guardedness. Bheith ar d'fhaichill, to be cautious; to be wary, to beware (ar dhuine, ar rud, of s.o., of sth.). Duine a chur ar a fhaichill (ar), to put s.o. on his guard (against). Bhí sé ar a fhaichill romhainn, he was guarded in our presence. Dá mbeadh ~ aige ar a theanga, if only he would guard his tongue. Níl ~ ar bith ann, he takes no precautions. ~ a thóna féin ar gach fear, let every man guard his own rear, every man for himself. (Var: faichilt f)

fáil1, f. (gs. fála). 1. vn. of faigh. 2. Getting, finding. ~ ruda, the procurement of sth.; the finding of sth. Níl ~ air, it can't be got, found. Má tá sé ar slí fála agat, if you have any means of getting it. Caitheamh is ~, getting and spending; receipts and expenses. Tá caitheamh is ~ againn, we are able to make both ends meet. 3. Capability, possibility. Dá mbeadh ~ agam ar mo chuid oibre a dhéanamh, if I could manage to do my work. Gan ~ ar chasadh acu, without any possibility of their return. 4. (In prepositional phrases) (a) Ar ~, extant, available. Rud a chur ar ~, to provide sth. Tá an samhradh ar ~, summer is here. Tá sé ar ~ fós, he is still alive. (b) Le ~, to be had, available. Tá sé le ~ sna siopaí, it is to be had in the shops. Dá mbeadh obair le ~, if there was work available. Cá mhéad atá le ~ agat? How much have you to get? Níl sé le ~ agam in áit ar bith, I can't find it anywhere. (c) Dúil, iarraidh, gan fháil, vain expectation, request. (d) Rud a chur ó fháil (ar dhuine), to render sth. unobtainable (to s.o.).

failpeadh, m. (gs. -pthe). 1. vn. of failp2. 2. Whipping, caning.

fáiltiú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of fáiltigh1. 2. Welcoming; reception. ~ oifigiúil, official reception. Seomra fáiltithe, reception room.

fáinniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of fáinnigh1. 2. Encirclement. 3. Dawning. ~ an lae, the break of day.

faire, f. (gs. ~, pl. -rí). 1. vn. of fair. 2. Watch. ~ a dhéanamh, to keep watch. ~ na hoíche, night-watch, vigil. ~ leapa, bedside vigil. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to set watch on s.o. Bíodh ~ mhaith agat air, keep a good watch over him. Fear ~, watcher, look-out man. Bhí focal na ~ acu, they were on the alert, were placed on their guard. ~! Bí ar d'fhaire! Look out! ~ ort! Watch yourself! Mind what you do, say! ~! ~! Fie! Fie! ~ go brách! O, what a shame! S.a. focal 3, fógairt 3, poll1 10. 3. Wake. Bheith, dul, ar fhaire duine, to attend s.o.'s wake. Teach ~, wake-house.

fairsingiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of fairsingigh. 2. Extension, expansion; increase, liberalization.

faisnéis1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of faisnéis2. 2. Information; intelligence, report. ~ a thabhairt faoi rud, to give information about sth. ~ a chur faoi rud, to seek information about sth. Bhí sé ag cur d'fhaisnéise, he was inquiring about you. Níl fios ná ~ agam orthu, I know nothing about them, have neither tale nor tidings of them. Jur: ~ a dhiúltú, to refuse information. ~ na haimsire, weather report. ~ loingis, shipping intelligence. ~ ioncaim, return of income. ~í trádála, trade returns. Fear ~e, informant. Litir ~e, letter of advice. Mil: Oifigeach, rannóg, ~e, intelligence officer, department. 3. Gram: Predicate. (Var: faisnéidh f, faisníocht f)

falsú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of falsaigh. 2. Falsification.

fanacht, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of fan1. 2. Wait, stay. Jur: Stay.

fánú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of fánaigh1. 2. Dispersal, dwindlement, decline.

faoisceadh, m. (gs. -cthe). 1. vn. of faoisc. 2. Shelling; parboiling (for purpose of shelling). ~ a thabhairt ar, a bhaint as, iasc sliogach, to parboil a shell-fish.

faomhadh, m. (gs. -ofa). 1. vn. of faomh. 2. Acceptance; agreement; concession.

fás1, m. (gs. as s. fáis, as vn. ~ta, npl. fáis, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of fás3. 2. Growth. (a) ~ ruda, the growth, development, of sth. ~ a chur faoi rud, to make sth. grow. Tá ~ fúthu, they are growing. Aimsir an fháis, time of growth; good growing weather. Tá ~ maith ann le tamall, things have been growing well lately. Cith fáis, growth-promoting shower. Duine ar a fhás, growing, half-grown, person. Tá sé i mbun a fháis, he is fully grown. Greamanna, íona, fáis, growing pains. Rud a chur ó fhás, to prevent the growth of sth. Tá a bh~ tugtha, they have come to the end of their growth. Le ~ an léinn, an eolais, with the growth of learning, of knowledge. ~ na gcathracha, the growth of cities. (b) ~ féasóige, olla, a growth of beard, of wool. ~ bliana, a year's growth. An dara ~, the second growth. ~ aon oíche, mushroom growth. 3. Plant, sapling, rod. ~ coill, hazel rod. ~ fuinseoige, ash-plant. ~ draighin, blackthorn stick.

fáscadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. fáiscthe; pl. -aí). 1. vn. of fáisc. 2. Press, squeeze. ~ a thabhairt do rud, a bhaint as rud, to squeeze sth. ~ éadaigh, clothes-wringing. ~ láimhe, hand-clasp. Bhain sé ~ as mo chroí, it wrung my heart. Tá sé ar ~, it is wringing wet. 3. Tightness, compactness. ~ téide, tightening of rope. ~ a chur ort féin, to wrap oneself up; to draw one's clothes neatly about oneself. ~ faoi, belly-band. 4. Press, pressure; exertion, effort. Le ~ amháin chuir sé faoi é, (of wrestler) he downed him at one try. ~ reatha, dash, burst of speed. D'imigh sé sna fáscaí, he set off at great speed. Fáscaí gáirí, fits of laughter. Den chéad, ar an gcéad, fháscadh, at the first attempt. Den fháscadh, ar an bh~, sin, there and then. 5. ~ aníos = úscadh aníos : úscadh 2.

fáthmheas1, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of fáthmheas2. 2. Diagnosis.

feá1, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite; pl. ~nna). 1. vn. of feáigh. 2. Fathom. Fad ~, fathom's length. (Var: f)

feabhsú, m. (gs. -saithe, pl. -suithe). 1. vn. of feabhsaigh. 2. Betterment, improvement.

feacadh, m. (gs. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of feac3. 2. Bend, bent posture. ~ glúine, genuflection. ~ i rud, a bend, a twist, in sth. Ní thig liom filleadh ná ~, ~ ná fiaradh, a bhaint as, I can't bend it in the least; I can't make him budge.

féachaint, f. (gs. -ana, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of féach. 2. Look. ~ a thabhairt ar rud, to take a look at sth. Thug mé ~ amháin orthu, I took one glance at them. Thug sé ~ mhillte orm, he gave me a killing look. Níl ~ roimhe ann, he lacks foresight. Lucht féachana, onlookers. 3. Appearance. Is olc an fhéachaint atá air, he looks bad. 4. Aspect. Tá ~ soir ag an teach, the house faces east. 5. Trial, test. ~ a chur ar dhuine; duine a chur ar a fhéachaint, to try s.o. (out). Nuair a cuireadh ~ air, when he was put to the test. Cuireadh ~ chrua orm, I was sorely tried. Ní raibh siad ach ag cur féachana ort, they only wanted to know how you would react. Cuirtear chun féachana é, let it be put to the test. 6. Taste, small portion. ~ den fheoil (a fháil), (to get) a taste of the meat. (Var: féacháil f)

fealladh, m. (gs. -llta). 1. vn. of feall2. 2. Deception, betrayal; failure.

feallmharú, m. (gs. -rfa). 1. vn. of feallmharaigh. 2. Assassination.

feannadh, m. (gs. -nnta). 1. vn. of feann. 2. Flaying, skinning. ~ beithígh, the flaying of an animal. ~ gaoithe, bitingly cold wind. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, (i) (of criticism) to flay s.o., (ii) (of exaction) to fleece s.o.

fearadh1, m. (gs. -rtha, pl. -rthaí). 1. vn. of fear2. 2. Grant, provision, bestowal. Cuireadh ~ (na) fáilte roimhe, he was heartily welcomed. 3. Gift, benefit. Is ~ don, ar an, tír é, it is an asset to the country. 4. Excretion, excrement.

feiceáil, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of feic2. 2. Visibility, discernment, sight. Thar ~, beyond the range of vision. Gan fheiceáil, unseen. Má tá ~ agat air, if you can see it. Níl ~ aige do na boicht, he doesn't show concern for the poor. Déanann ~ fírinne, seeing is believing. 3. Look, appearance.

feidhmiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of feidhmigh1. 2. Act of functioning; execution, enforcement, operation, application. ~ dlí, law enforcement. ~ cumhachta, exercise of authority. ~ scéime, operation of a scheme. ~ an choirp, the functioning of the body.

feighil1, f. (gs. -ghle). 1. vn. of feighil2. 2. Vigilance, watchfulness; care, attention. ~ a dhéanamh, to keep vigil, watch. Bheith i bh~ ruda, to be looking after, attending to, sth. I bh~ an tí, an linbh, na mbó, minding the house, the child, the cows. Tá sé i bh~ na bhfear, he is in charge of the men. Chuir mé i bh~ a ghnóthaí é, I sent him about his business. Chuaigh sé i bh~ a bheatha a shaothrú, he set out to earn his living. Téigh i bh~ do chodlata, do leapa, take yourself off to sleep, to bed. Tá sé i bh~ a shuaimhnis, he is taking his rest. Oifigeach i bh~, officer in charge.

feiliúint, f. (gs. -úna). 1. vn. of feil. 2. Suitability.

féinphailniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of féinphailnigh. 2. Self-pollination.

feistiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of feistigh. 2. Arrangement, adjustment, security, mooring(s); set. (a) ~, ~ róid, a chur, a thabhairt, ar bhád, to moor a boat. Thug sé ~ lae agus bliana uirthi, (of boat) he secured it properly, As if for a year and a day'. Scoith an bád a ~, the boat broke her moorings. Chuir sé ~ róid air féin, he took up a firm stance. Bhí ~ troda air, he was set for a fight. (b) ~ tí, arrangement of furniture in house; furnishings of house. ~ gruaige, hair-set. ~ boird, lay-out of table. 3. Fittings, equipment; installation.

feitheamh, m. (gs. -thimh). 1. vn. of feith. 2. Lit: Watch, look-out, guard. 3. Wait, expectation. ~ a bheith ort le duine, to be waiting for s.o., expecting s.o. to come. Beidh ~ fada ort, you will have a long wait. Seomra feithimh, waiting-room. Eastát feithimh, estate in expectancy. Ar ~, pending.

feo1, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of feoigh. 2. Withering, decay.

1, f. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. fite). 1. vn. of figh. 2. Weaving, weave. ~ chíorach, honeycomb weave. ~ chorráin, dhúbailte, twilled weave, twill. 3. (Of hair) Plait. ~ na coise circe, three-tressed plaiting. ~ cheathairdhualach, four-tressed plaiting. F: Ghearrfadh sé ~ (nó ribe le gaoth), (of sharp edge) it would cut a plait (or a blown hair).

fiach3, m. (gs. as s. -aigh, as vn. ~ta). 1. vn. of fiach4. 2. Hunt, chase. Lá fiaigh, day's hunting. Lucht fiaigh, huntsmen. Capall fiaigh, hunter. Madra, gadhar, fiaigh, sporting dog. Dul san fhiach, to join the hunt. Bheith chun fiaigh, to be fit for the chase; to be fit and well, able to earn one's living. An ~ a chur ar dhuine, to chase s.o. away. Tugadh ~ an bhacaigh dom, I was chased like a beggar. Bhí sé ina fhiach eatarthu, they turned it into a chase. Cad é an ~ atá ort, fút? What are you chasing after? What is your hurry? 3. Game. ~ a fháil, to find game.

fiafraí, m. (gs. & pl. -aithe). 1. vn. of fiafraigh. 2. Inquiry, question. (a) ~ a dhéanamh faoi dhuine, faoi rud, to inquire about s.o., sth. An chéad fhiafraí a rinne sé, the first thing he asked about. Gan chead gan ~, without a "by your leave'. Cé na fiafraithe sin ort? Why all these questions? Ní bhfaighidh tú faisnéis mura ndéana tú ~, one must ask in order to learn. S.a. don1, tubaiste. (b) Tá ~ orthu, they are sought after, are in demand. Níl ~ siar (nó aniar) orthu, nobody ever asks for them. (Var: fiafraighe)

fianú, m. (gs. -naithe, pl. -nuithe). 1. vn. of fianaigh1. 2. Attestation.

fiaradh1, m. (gs -rtha, pl. -rthaí). 1. vn. of fiar3. 2. Slant, tilt. ~ a bhaint as, a chur i, rud, to tilt, bend, sth. Níor bhain sé feacadh ná ~ asam, it did not move me in the least. 3. Warping, distortion. 4. Geol: Meteor: Shearing.

filleadh, m. (gs. as s. -llidh, as vn. -llte; pl. -llteacha). 1. vn. of fill1. 2. (a) Bend, fold. ~ a chur i rud, to turn back, to fold, sth. ~ in éadach, fold in cloth. ~ i sciorta, tuck in skirt. ~ in osán bríste, turn-up in leg of trousers. An ~ a bhaint as rud, to smooth, straighten, out sth. Culaith nua (amach) as an bh~, brand-new suit. F: ~ beag, kilt. (b) ~ glúine, genu-flection. I bh~ boise, na súl, in an instant, the twinkling of an eye. S.a. dúid 1. (c) Geog: Fold, folding. 3. (a) Return. A bh~ abhaile, their return home. Ag súil le ~ a mhuintire, hoping for the return of his people. (b) Biol: Reversion (to type). (c) (Of action) Recoil. (d) El: Lapping.

fíneáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of fíneáil2. 2. Fine. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to impose a fine on s.o. Chuaigh ~ throm orthu, they were heavily fined. Dul faoi fhíneáil, to incur a fine.

fíniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of fínigh. 2. Infestation; decay. ~ a dhéanamh, to become infested with maggots; to decay.

fionnadh2, m. (gs. -nnta). 1. vn. of fionn4. 2. Whitening, lightening of colour; (of corn) ripening. 3. Scorching, singeing; lighting.

fionnadh3, m. (gs. -nnta, pl. -nntaí). 1. vn. of fionn5. 2. Ascertainment, discovery.

fionnuarú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of fionnuaraigh. 2. Coolness, refreshment. ~ a thabhairt duit féin, to cool oneself. Beidh ~ ann tráthnóna, it will cool off in the afternoon.

fionraí, f. (gs. ~). 1. vn. of fionraigh. 2. Waiting, wait. Fear ~, watchman; Fish: net-minder. Is fada le fear ~ feitheamh, time passes slowly for one who has to wait. Níor chaill fear na ~ riamh é, everything comes to those who wait. S.a. líon2 1. 3. Suspense, suspension. Rud a chur ar ~, to put sth. in abeyance. Breith a chur ar ~, to suspend judgment. Cuntas ~, suspense account.

fíordheimhniú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of fíordheimhnigh. 2. Authentication.

fíorú1, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of fíoraigh1. 2. Figuration. 3. Portent, premonition.

fíorú2, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of fíoraigh2. 2. Verification. 3. Fulfilment.

fiosrú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of fiosraigh1. 2. Inquiry. Coiste fiosraithe, committee of inquiry. 3. Visitation. ~ na n-easlán, visitation of the sick.

fírinniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of fírinnigh1. 2. Justification.

fiuchadh, m. (gs. -chta). 1. vn. of fiuch. 2. (a) Boiling, boil. ~ a bhaint as rud, to bring sth. to the boil. Ar ~, boiling. D'ól sé as an bh~ é, he drank it boiling hot. (b) (Of emotions) Ebullience. ~ feirge, surge of anger. ~ foinn, eager longing, enthusiasm.

flípeáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of flípeáil2. 2. Severe beating. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a trouncing.

fliuchadh, m. (gs. -chta). 1. vn. of fliuch2. 2. Wetting. ~ a fháil, a thabhairt duit féin, to get, allow oneself to get, a wetting. ~ súl, wetting of eyes, weeping. ~ do bhéil, a drop to drink. Níl ~ do bhéil ann, it is not enough to moisten your lips, only a little drop. ~ do chroí, a drop to cheer one's heart.

floscadh, m. (gs. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of flosc2. 2. El: Excitation. 3 = flosc1.

fluairídiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of fluairídigh. 2. Fluoridation.

fóbairt, f. (gs. & pl. -artha). Lit: 1. vn. of fóbair. 2. (a) Attack, assault. (b) Attempt.

fodháileadh, m. (gs. -lte). 1. vn. of fodháil. 2. Apportionment, distribution.

fódú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of fódaigh1. 2. Foundation, establishment.

fógairt, f. (gs. -artha). 1. vn. of fógair. 2. Call; proclamation, declaration, announcement. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to announce sth. ~ dlí, promulgation of a law. ~ cogaidh, declaration of war. ~ troda, challenge to fight. Is é d'fhógairt é, it is your call. 3. Warning; summons, order; proscription, threat. Prov: Is maith an fhaire an fhógairt, forewarned is forearmed.

foghlaim1, f. (gs. as s. -ama, as vn. -amtha). 1. vn. of foghlaim2. 2. Learning. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to learn, study, sth. ~ ceachtanna, teangacha, ceirde, the learning of lessons, of languages, of a trade. Tá ~ air, (of thing) it has to be learned, requires study or experience; (of person) he is learned, well-educated. Tá a fhoghlaim déanta aige, he has learned his trade; he is experienced. Lucht foghlama, learners. Duine gan ~, unlearned, uneducated, person. Ceal, díobháil, foghlama, want of learning, ignorance. 3. Instruction, teaching. ~ a fháil, to obtain instruction, an education. ~ scoile, school education. Is breá an fhoghlaim a thug tú dó, you taught him well; (ironic) what a fine thing you taught him!

foghlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of foghlaigh1. 2. Plunder, trespass.

foilseánadh, m. (gs. -aidh). 1. vn. of foilseán2. 2. Jur: Exhibition. ~ cáipéisí, exhibition of documents.

foilsiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of foilsigh. 2. Revelation, disclosure, manifestation. ~ don chine daonna, a revelation to mankind. Bhí sé os cionn foilsithe, it was indescribable. 3. Publication. ~ leabhar, tréimhseachán, publication of books, of periodicals.

foinsiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of foinsigh. 2. Welling, springing. ~ an lae, dayspring, dawn.

foirceannadh, m. (gs. -eanta1). 1. vn. of foirceann2. 2. Termination. 3. Jur: Determination. ~ toilteanach, voluntary winding up.

fóirithint, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of fóir4. 2. Help, succour, relief. ~ a dhéanamh, a thabhairt, ar dhuine, to help, succour, s.o. Teacht chun ~e ar dhuine, to come to the aid of s.o. ~ ar phian, ar ocras, ar anás, relief from pain, from hunger, from want. Oifigeach ~e, relieving officer. Ciste ~e, relief fund. Bheith thar ~, to be beyond aid. (Var: fóirithin f, fóirint, fóiriúint)

foirmiú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of foirmigh. 2. Formation. ~ eibhir, granite formation.

foladh2, m. (gs. -lta). 1. vn. of fol1. 2. Moulting, moult.

folcadh, m. (gs. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of folc2. 2. Bath, wash. ~ gaile, ceatha, vapour, shower, bath. ~ sáile, sea bathing. ~ béil, mouth-wash. Dabhach, seomra, folctha, bath-tub, bathroom. 3. Drenching. ~ ón mbáisteach, drenching from rain. 4. Dipping, steeping; immersion, submersion. ~ ola, oil-bath. 5. ~ te, flax fibre boiled after steeping. D'íosfadh sé, ghoidfeadh sé, an ~ te, he would eat, steal, anything.

foligean, m. (gs. as s. -gin, as vn. -gthe). 1. vn. of folig. 2. Sublet(ting). Ceadúnas foligin, license to sublet.

follúnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of follúnaigh1. 2. Regulation, guidance. 3. Sustenance, nourishment.

folmhú, m. (gs. -mhaithe). 1. vn. of folmhaigh1. 2. Removal of contents, depletion, discharge. Go gcuire Dia an líonadh in ionad an fholmhaithe chugat, may God increase rather than diminish your store. 3. Med: Evacuation. 4. Lit: Devastation.

fómhas, m. (gs. -ais). 1. vn. of fómhais1. 2. Lit: Calculation, estimate. 3. Jur: (Of costs) Taxation. (Var: fomhas)

fónamh, m. (gs. as s. -aimh, as vn. -nta). 1. vn. of fóin1. 2. Service; usefulness, benefit; validity. ~ a dhéanamh do dhuine, to render service to s.o. ~ a bhaint as rud; rud a chur chun fónaimh duit féin, to make sth. serve one's purpose; to make good use of sth. Chuaigh sé chun fónaimh, i bh~, dom, I benefited from it. Tá ~ mór ann, it is most useful, beneficial. Níl mórán fónaimh déanta againn inniu, we haven't done much useful work today. Le ~ a bheith ar shacraimint, in order that a sacrament may be valid. Duine, rud, gan ~, useless person, thing. S.a. for1. 3. Ar ~, fit, well; excellent. Bheith ar ~, to be well. Duine, rud, ar ~, excellent person, thing. Bhí lá ar ~ againn, we had a great day. S.a. fearann1.

fo-ordú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of fo-ordaigh. 2. Subordination.

foráil2, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of foráil3. 2. Lit: (a) Command, injunction. (b) Commendation, offer. 3. Jur: Provision. Forálacha reachta, provisions of an enactment.

forbairt, f. (gs. -artha, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of forbair. 2. Development; growth, increase, expansion. 3. Irritation, annoyance.

forchéimniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of forchéimnigh. 2. Progression.

forchló, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite; pl. ~nna). 1. vn. of forchlóigh. 2. Overprint.

forchneasú, m. (gs. -saithe, pl. -suithe). 1. vn. of forchneasaigh. 2. Cicatrization.

forchoimeád1, m. (gs. ~ta, pl. ~taí). 1. vn. of forchoimeád2. 2. Jur: Reservation. 3 = forchoimhéad1.

forchoimhéad1, m. (gs. ~ta). 1. vn. of forchoimhéad2. 2. Lit: (a) Watch, guard. Aingeal ~ta, guardian angel. (b) Observance. ~ an Domhnaigh, Sunday observance. (c) Retention, preservation.

fordhó, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite; pl. ~nna). 1. vn. of fordhóigh. 2. Scorching, singeing.

foréileamh, m. (gs. as s. -limh, as vn. -lithe; npl. -limh, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of foréiligh. 2. Requisition.

forfhilleadh, m. (gs. as s. -llidh, as vn. -llte; pl. -llteacha). 1. vn. of forfhill. 2. Geol: Overfold.

forghabháil, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of forghabh. 2. Hold, grip, grasp. 3. Forcible seizure, usurpation.

forghairm, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eacha). 1. vn. of forghair. 2. Summons, convocation.

forghéilleadh, m. (gs. -llte). 1. vn. of forghéill. 2. Forfeiture.

forghníomhú, m. (gs. -mhaithe). 1. vn. of forghníomhaigh. 2. Jur: Execution. ~ a thobhadh, a bhac, to levy, stay, execution. Ordú, barántas, forghníomhaithe, execution order, warrant.

forghoin1, f. (gs. as s. -ona, as vn. -onta; pl. -onta). 1. vn. of forghoin2. 2. Severe wound.

foriamh, m. (gs. -ata, pl. -ataí). 1. vn. of foriaigh. 2. Jur: Foreclosure.

forleagan, m. (gs. as s. -ain, as vn. -gtha). 1. vn. of forleag. 2. Typ: Overlay.

forléasadh, m. (gs. -sta). 1. vn. of forléas2. 2. Demise.

forleathadh, m. (gs. -eata). 1. vn. of forleath. 2. Spread. ~ an léinn, the spread of learning. 3. (Of light, etc.) Propagation.

forleathnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of forleathnaigh. 2. Widening, extension; enlargement, expansion.

forléiriú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of forléirigh. 2. Construction, interpretation. ~ conartha, construction of contract.

forluí, m. (gs. ~). 1. vn. of forluigh. 2. Overlap.

formhéadú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of formhéadaigh. 2. Magnification.

formheas1, m. (gs. as s. ~a, as vn. ~ta). 1. vn. of formheas2. 2. Adm: Approval. Táille ~a, approval fee.

formholadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -lta; pl. -ltaí). 1. vn. of formhol. 2. Eulogy, panegyric.

formhuiniú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of formhuinigh. 2. Endorsement (of bill, cheque).

foroinnt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of foroinn2. 2. (Of act) Subdivision.

forordú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of forordaigh. 2. Fore-ordering, predestination.

fortacht, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of fortaigh. 2. Aid, succour; relief, comfort. ~ a thabhairt ar, do, dhuine, to come to the aid of, to succour, s.o. ~ a fháil ó rud, to get relief from sth. S.a. foighne. (Var. of 1: ~ú m)

forthachtadh, m. (gs. forthachta). 1. vn. of forthacht. 2. Semi-strangulation.

forthairiscint, f. (gs. -ceana, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of forthairg. 2. Jur: Tender.

fostú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of fostaigh. 2. Catching, entanglement. Bheith, dul, i bh~ i rud, to be, become, entangled in sth. I bh~ i dtairne, i ndris, caught on a nail, in a briar. Chuaigh an duán i bh~ ann, the hook caught in it. Chuaigh an slaghdán i bh~ ann, his cold became chronic. Chuaigh an bheirt acu i bh~ ina chéile, the two of them came to grips. Níor mhaith liom dul i bh~ ann, san obair sin, I wouldn't like to tackle him, that job. Rud a bhaint as ~, to disengage, disentangle, sth. 3. Engagement, hire, employment. ~ a dhéanamh le duine, to take service with s.o. Dul ar ~ (in áit, ag duine), to enter service (in a place, with s.o.). San áit a raibh sé ar ~, where he was hired. ~ oibrithe, engaging of workmen. ~ gluaisteán, hiring of cars. Chuir sé san fhostú (go), he made it a part of the engagement (that). (Var: fostó m)

fosú, m. (gs. -saithe, pl. -suithe). 1. vn. of fosaigh. 2. Stay, support. 3. Resting-place. 4. Geol: Deposit. 5. Phot: Fixing.

fothragadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of fothraig. 2. Bath; immersion, drenching. 3. Bustle, fuss, flurry. (Var: gs. fothraigthe)

fothú, m. (gs. -thaithe, pl. -thuithe). 1. vn. of fothaigh1. 2. Foundation, establishment. 3. Support. (Var. of 2, 3: ~chán m)

freagairt, f. (gs. -artha). 1. vn. of freagair. 2. (a) Answering, answer. I bh~ ar, in answer to. Litir gan fhreagairt, unacknowledged letter. (b) Correspondence. I bh~ dá chéile, in harmony with each other. (c) Responsibility. Níl ~ agam ann, I am not answerable for it. (d) Reaction, response. Gníomh agus ~, action and reaction. 3. Fish: Rise; bite. ~ a fháil, to get a bite. Níl ~ ar an iasc, the fish are not taking. 4. Attention, observance. ~ gnó, attention to business. ~ na dtráthanna, observance of the (canonical) hours; regularity, punctuality. ~ na talún, attention to, cultivation of, the land. S.a. guth 1(d). 5. Geol: Outcrop. (Var. of 4: freagar m)

freangadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of freang1. 2. Contortion. 3. Mec.E: Strain.

freastal, m. (gs. as s. -ail2, as vn. ~ta). 1. vn. of freastail1. 2. Attendance, service. ~ a dhéanamh ar obair, ar ghnó, to attend to work, to a business. ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to attend upon, wait on, help, s.o. Lucht freastail, attendants, helpers. Ag feitheamh le ~, waiting to be served. ~ scoile, school attendance. Díol do fhreastail a sholáthar, to provide enough for one's needs. 3. Tá fear a fhreastail againn, we have a man to deal with him.

freasú, m. (gs. -saithe, pl. -suithe). 1. vn. of freasaigh. 2. El: Reaction.

friochadh2, m. (gs. -chta). 1. vn. of frioch1. 2. Cu: Fry.

friotháil1, f. (gs. as s. -ála, as vn. ~te). 1. vn. of friotháil2. 2. Attention (to needs), ministry, service. ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to attend to s.o.'s needs. ~ na hEaglaise, the ministrations of the Church. Lucht friothála, attendants, servers, ministrants. (Var: ~t f)

friotú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of friotaigh. 2. Ph: Resistance.

frisnéis1, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of frisnéis2. 2. Contradiction; refutation, rebuttal.

fritháireamh, m. (gs. as s. -rimh, as vn. -rithe). 1. vn. of fritháirigh. 2. Book-k: Set-off.

frithbhualadh, m. (gs. -uailte). 1. vn. of frithbhuail. 2. Recoil, repercussion. 3. Pulsation, throb.

frithchaitheamh, m. (gs. -thimh). 1. vn. of frithchaith. 2. Reflection.

frithéileamh, m. (gs. & npl. -limh, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of frithéiligh. 2. Counter-claim.

frithionsaí, m. (gs. & pl. -aithe). 1. vn. of frithionsaigh. 2. Counter-attack.

frithrá, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~ite). Phil: 1. vn. of frithráigh. 2. Contradiction.

frithshuí, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. -uite; pl. ~onna). 1. vn. of frithshuigh. 2. Contrast. Rud a chur i bh~ le rud, to contrast sth. with sth.

frithspré, m. (gs. ~ite). 1. vn. of frithspréigh. 2. (Of heat) Reverberation.

fuadach, m. (gs. & npl. -aigh1, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of fuadaigh2. 2. Forcible seizure and removal; abduction, kidnapping; spoliation, plunder. ~ ban, abduction (of women). ~ creiche, the carrying off of a prey. ~ feithicle, hijacking of vehicle. Goid agus ~, theft and rapine. Tháinig ~ gaoithe orthu, they were carried away by the wind. Tá ~ ar na leabhair, the books are being snatched up. Bhí an cluiche i mbéal fuadaigh orainn, victory was being snatched from us in the game. 3. ~ croí, palpitation. Bhí ~ ar, faoi, mo chroí, my heart was beating fast. 4. Draughts: Huff.

fuaidreamh, m. (gs. -rimh). 1. vn. of fuaidrigh. 2. Wandering, vagrancy. Bheith, dul, ar ~, to be, to go, adrift, astray. 3. Agitation, fuss. Chuir sé ar ~ ar fad iad, it set them all agog. 4. Ch: Suspension. Ar ~ i leacht, suspended in a liquid.

fuáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of fuaigh1. 2. Sewing, stitching, needlework. Bean fuála, seamstress. Inneall fuála, sewing-machine. ~ fhrancach, herringbone stitch. ~ thar droim, back-stitching.

fuaimniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of fuaimnigh1. 2. Pronunciation, enunciation (of speech).

fuarú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of fuaraigh. 2. Cooling. (a) ~ a thabhairt do, a bhaint as, rud, to cool sth. Tabhair ~ gaoithe duit féin, let the breeze cool you. Tháinig ~ allais orm, I broke out in a cold sweat. ~ a dhéanamh, a thabhairt duit féin, to cool oneself. Córas fuaraithe, cooling system. (b) ~ ó phian, relief from pain. Tabhair ~ do do chosa, cool, rest, your feet. Gan ~ bonn, without a halt. (c) (Of feelings) ~ a ligean i rud, to let enthusiasm for sth. wane. ~ ceana, cooling off of affection. (d) Coldness of death. Lit: Tiarnaí Gael ag dul ar fuarú, the lords of the Gael dying out.

fuascailt, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of fuascail. 2. Release, deliverance. ~ ó chuing, ó dhaorsmacht, deliverance from a yoke, from oppression. ~ ó phian, relief from pain. Com: ~ earraí, release of goods. Mil: ~ baile, dúin, relief of town, of fort. Níl ~i ndán dó, there is no hope for him. Achtanna ~e, liberation, emancipation, acts. 3. Redemption, ransom. ~ an chine dhaonna, redemption of the human race. ~ braighdeanach, ransom of prisoners. ~ tí, talún, redemption of (debt on) house, land. Duine a chur ar ~, to hold s.o. to ransom. Airgead, ciste, ~e, redemption money, fund. 4. Solution. ~ ceiste, solution of problem; answer to question. Cás gan ~, unsolved case.

fuathú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of fuathaigh. 2. Hate, abhorrence; dislike, distaste.

fuigheall1, m. (gs. -ghill, pl. -ghle). Lit: 1. vn. of fuighill1. 2. (a) Utterance, speech. Fuighle fáis, empty words. (b) Pronouncement, sentence, judgment.

fuiliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of fuiligh. 2. Surg: Bleeding. 3. Bleeding, bloodying, wounding. Gan ~ gan fordheargadh, unmarked with blood, unscathed.

fuilleamh, m. (gs. & npl. -llimh, gpl. ~). 1. Lit: vn. of fuill. 2. (a) Increase, interest. (b) Fin: Investment. Airgead fuillimh, invested money. Fuillimh rialtais, government securities. (Var: fuilleadh m)

fuineadh1, m. (gs. -nte). 1. vn. of fuin1. 2. Lit: Cooking; baking, roasting. 3. (a) Kneading. ~ aráin, the kneading of bread. (b) Níl ~ ná fáscadh air, he can hardly hold himself together. S.a. crann 5 (a). (Var: fuine m)

fuineadh2, m. (gs. -nidh). 1. vn. of fuin2. 2. (a) Setting of sun, etc. ~ gréine, sunset. Go ~ néal nóna, till the shades of evening gather. (b) End, passing. ~ lae, the end of the day, eventide. Go ~ a bheatha, to the end of his life. (c) Lit: (Of west) Fia fuinidh, the land of the setting sun, the west; the western land, Ireland. Fir fuinidh, the men of the west. (Var: fuine m)

fuireach, m. (gs. -righ). 1. vn. of fuirigh1. 2. Wait, delay. ~ a bheith ort, to have to wait. Beidh ~ fada orainn, we will have a long wait. ~ lae, a day's wait. Nau: ~ calaidh, delay in port (due to weather conditions). Fig: ~ calaidh a bheith ort, to be stormbound. (Var: ~t m)

fuirseadh, m. (gs. -ste). 1. vn. of fuirsigh. 2. Harrowing. S.a. cliath1 1(a). 3. Fuss, scramble, tussle, struggle, grind. 4. (In phrase) ~ fairseadh a dhéanamh de rud, to botch sth.

fulaingt, f. (gs. -gthe). 1. vn. of fulaing1. 2. (Capacity for) suffering; endurance, tolerance, forbearance. ~ a bheith agat ar rud, to be able to endure sth. ~ péine, géarleanúna, endurance of pain, of persecution. ~ oibre, ualaigh, capacity to endure work, to bear a load. Fear a bhfuil ~ ann, a man of endurance. Dul thar d'fhulaingt, to strain oneself. Duine a chur thar a fhulaingt, to overstrain s.o. Tá ~ fhada aige, he is a long-suffering man; he has great patience. 3. Lit: Support, prop. (Var: fulachtain f, fulaing2 f, fula(n)g m)

gabháil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of gabh. 2. (a) Catch, seizure, capture. ~ i ngreim, gripping. ~ dúin, capture of a fort. ~ éisc, catch of fish. Cluichí gabhála, catching games. ~ earraí, seizure of goods. ~ giall, taking of hostages. ~ duine, capture, arrest, of person. Faoi ghabháil, under arrest. (Of footballer, etc.) Tá an-ghabháil aige, he has a great catch. (b) Assumption (of authority); occupation (of territory). ~ ceannais, assumption of authority. ~ seilbhe, taking of possession. ~ gall ar irinn, foreign occupation of Ireland. (c) Acceptance. ~ onóra, acceptance of an honour. (d) Undertaking. ~ do láimh, taking in hand; undertaking. (e) ~ (gine), conception. (f) Tolerance. ~ le fuacht a bheith agat, to be able to bear cold. (g) ~ féir, mhóna, armful of hay, of turf. Tá sé ina ghabháil aige, he is carrying it in his arms, in front of him. Beidh an áit ina ghabháil leis, he will carry everything in the place along with him. 3. (a) Fitting, adjustment. (b) Yoke, harness. ~ capaill, the harnessing of a horse. (c) Attire. A ghabháil éadaigh, his rig-out. (d) Control. ~ báid, control of boat. (e) Prop, support. S.a. cloch1 1(d). 3. Mus: Poet: Rendering, ~ amhráin, the singing of a song. ~ véarsaí, recitation of verse. ~ cheoil, fhoinn, singing. 4. Barm, yeast, leaven. (Var: ~t f)

gabhlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of gabhlaigh1. 2. Bifurcation, branching off, ramification.

Gaelú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of gaelaigh1. 2. Gaelicization.

gaibhniú1, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of gaibhnigh1. 2. Metalw: Forging.

gaibhniú2, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of gaibhnigh2. 2. Poundage (of animals). 3. Confinement, restriction.

gairdiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of gairdigh1. 2. Rejoicings. Lá gairdithe, day of rejoicing.

gáire1, m. (gs. ~, pl. -rí). 1. vn. of gáir2. 2. Laugh. ~ a dhéanamh, to laugh. Rinne sé ~ liom, he smiled at me. Rinne siad ~ faoi, they laughed at him. ~ a bhaint as duine, to make s.o. laugh. ~ a bhaint amach, to provoke a laugh. D'imigh an ~ orm, I couldn't help laughing. Tháinig an ~ leis, he managed to laugh. Cúl a choinneáil ar gháire, to restrain a laugh. ~ a choinneáil istigh, to stifle a laugh. Bhainfeadh sé ~ as cat, it would make a cat laugh. ~ a ghol, to weep for one's frolics. Tá gol a n~ acu anois, the laugh is against them now. Leath a gháire air, he smiled broadly. Prov: Ní de dhuine a gháire, one is free to laugh. ~ geal, cheerful laugh. ~ croíúil, rachtúil, hearty laugh. ~ nach dtagann ó chroí, an insincere laugh. ~ fann, leamh, wan smile. ~ dóite, tur, wry, dry, smile. ~ magúil, searbh, mocking, sarcastic, laugh. S.a. aoibh 2, cúis1 1, fríd1 2, gean1.

gairm1, f. (gs. as s. ~e, as vn. -rthe; pl. ~eacha). 1. vn. of gair2. 2. Call. (a) ~ na cuaiche, the cuckoo's call. Le ~ na gcoileach, at cock-crow. Mil: An ghairm dheiridh, the last post. Níl ann ach ~ in aghaidh gaoithe, it is only a waste of breath. (b) Summons. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to summon, send for, s.o. ~ scoile, convocation. ~ slógaidh, call to arms, mobilization. ~ choiteann a thabhairt, to give a general invitation; to issue a general proclamation. ~ ar ais, recall, revocation. S.a. guth 1(d). (c) Name, title; inaugural proclamation. ~ rí, uaisleachta, title of king, of nobility. ~ easpaig a thabhairt do dhuine, to inaugurate s.o. as a bishop. 3. Calling. (a) Divine call, vocation. Tá ~ ó Dhia aige, he has a call from God. ~ chrábhaidh, religious vocation. ~ (chun) na sagartachta, call to the priesthood. Ní raibh an ghairm i ndán dó, he was not destined to be called. (b) Profession, occupation. Do ghairm bheatha, one's mission in life; one's occupation. Is é a ghairm é, it is his calling. Tá ~ dochtúra aige, he is a doctor by profession. Na ~eacha léannta, the learned professions. Do ghairm a chleachtadh, to follow one's trade. 4. Acclaim. ~ a bheith faoi do choinne ag daoine, to be acclaimed, welcomed, by people. Mo ghairm thú! Bravo!

gaiseadh, m. (gs. -ste, pl. -stí). 1. vn. of gais1. 2. Gushing, gush; rush, dash.

galbhánú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of galbhánaigh1. 2. Galvanization.

galldú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of galldaigh. 2. Anglicization.

gallúnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of gallúnaigh. 2. Saponification.

galrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of galraigh1. 2. Infection. 3. Inoculation.

galú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of galaigh1. 2. Vaporization; evaporation.

garbhtheilgean, m. (gs. as s. -gin, as vn. -gthe). 1. vn. of garbhtheilg. 2. Rough-cast.

gathú1, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of gathaigh1. 2. Radiation.

gealadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -lta). 1. vn. of geal3. 2. Dawning, dawn. ~ an lae, dawn of day. 3. Bleaching. Ar ~, bleaching. ~ lín, flax spread out to bleach. ~ éadaigh, clothes hung out to dry. 4. Greying. ~ gruaige, hair turning grey. 5. Lightening of colour. ~ an fhómhair, ripening of harvest. 6. Gladness, fondness. ~ croí, gladdening, gladness, of heart.

gealladh, m. (gs. -llta, pl. -lltaí). 1. vn. of geall2. 2. (a) Promise, pre-indication. Tá ~ faoi, it shows promise. (b) Com: ~ bille, acceptance of bill. 3 = gealltanas.

gearán1, m. (gs. & npl. -áin, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of gearán2. 2. Complaint. (a) Grievance, accusation. ~ a dhéanamh (ar dhuine, le duine), to complain (of s.o., to s.o.). ~ a dhéanamh ort féin (i bhfaoistin), to accuse oneself (in confession). Cúis ghearáin, cause of complaint. Bhí sé ina shuí ansin ag déanamh a ghearáin leis féin, he sat there feeling sorry for himself. Prov: An té nach trua leis do chás ná déan do ghearán leis, do not look for sympathy where there is none. (b) Ailment. Cad é an ~ atá ort? What ails you?

gearradh, m. (gs. -rrtha, pl. -rrthacha). 1. vn. of gearr3. 2. Cutting, cut. (a) ~ ar mhéar, cut on finger. ~ i mbléin, cut, incision, in groin. ~ rothaí i mbóithrín, wheel-ruts in lane. ~ in ard, cutting in high ground. ~ scine, knife-cut. ~ craobh, fód, éadaigh, cutting of branches, of sods, of cloth. S.a. béal 6, bolgach1. (b) Style of cutting. ~ gúna, cut of dress. Níl ~ ná déanamh ar na cultacha aige, his suits are neither well cut nor well made. (c) Keenness, cutting-power. Scian a bhfuil ~ inti, a knife that cuts well. Tá ~ ina teanga, she has a sharp tongue. Fear nach bhfuil ~ ann, a man who lacks incisiveness. (d) Castigation. ~ teanga a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a severe scolding. Thug sé ~ ón altóir dóibh, he castigated them from the altar. (e) Castration. (f) Section. ~ ingearach, ar fad, vertical, longitudinal, section. 3. Cess, levy; rate. ~ bliantúil, yearly levy; yearly rate. Deich bpunt sa phunt de ghearradh, a rate of ten pounds in the pound. Na gearrthacha a íoc, to pay the rates. Hist: ~ toite, hearth-tax. 4. Speed. ~ siúil, fast rate of walking, of travelling. Is éachtach an ~ siúil atá fúthu, they are travelling at great speed. Ag imeacht faoi ghearradh, going at speed. Tá siad ar an n~ céanna, they are going at the same speed; they are abreast of each other. 5. (In phrases) ~ brád, torment. Ag déanamh ~ brád orthu féin, tormenting themselves. ~ coinsiasa, twinge of conscience. Cards: ~ díobh, discards. Bheith sa ghearradh díobh, to be discarded, on the shelf. ~ drúichtín, chaps on feet (from wet). ~ dubh (na bliana, na Nollag), (short dark days in) dead of winter. ~ fiacla, teething. ~ gad, nagging. ~ gionach, pangs of hunger.

géarú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of géaraigh. 2. Sharpening. ~ lainne, the sharpening of a blade. ~ gaoithe, freshening of wind. ~ datha, heightening of colour. ~ péine, intensifying of pain. ~ achrainn, aggravation of dispute. ~ goile, whetting of appetite. 3. Souring. Tá ~ ar an mbainne, the milk has turned sour. 4. Quickening. ~ siúil, increase of speed. ~ buille, sharpening of blow, of stroke. Déan ~ beag, hurry on a bit. 5. ~ capaill, roughing of horse's shoes.

géilleadh, m. (gs. -llte). 1. vn. of géill1. 2. Submission, surrender; obedience, subjection; acceptance, compliance; credence. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to submit to s.o.; to accept s.o.'s authority; to give way to s.o. Bheith faoi ghéilleadh ag duine, to be subject, obedient, to s.o. Fear ba mhór ~, a man who had great authority. ~ gan chomha, unconditional surrender. ~ a thabhairt do rud, to comply with sth.; to concede sth.; to give credence to sth. Níl aon ghéilleadh ann, he is unflinching, unyielding.

geilt1, f. (gs. ~e). 1. Lit:Grazing. 2. vn. of geil.

geimhriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of geimhrigh. 2. Hibernation.

géimneach, f. (gs. -ní). 1. vn. of géim3. 2. Lowing, bellowing; shouting, roaring; trumpeting. (Var: géimreach)

gibreacht, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of gibir. 2. Fb: Dribble.

ginidiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of ginidigh1. 2. Germination.

giniúint, f. (gs. -úna, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of gin2. 2. Procreation; conception; birth. ~ Chríost, Christ's Nativity. ~ Mhuire gan Smál, the Immaculate Conception. 3. (a) Biol: Reproduction, generation, Baill ghiniúna, reproductive organs. genitals. (b) Germination. ~ síl, germination of seed. (c) Generation, production. ~ teasa, gaile, gáis, generation of heat, of steam, of gas. El: Stáisiún giniúna, generating station. 4. (a) Embryo. ~ in ubh, embryo in egg. (b) Embryonic growth, sprout. ~ i bpráta, sprouting, sprout, in potato. 5. Lit: Progeny, breed. ~ Ádhaimh, Adam's seed.

giolcadh1, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of giolc3. 2. Caning, beating. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a caning. (Var: giolcáil f)

giolcadh2, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of giolc4. 2. Chirping; chirp, chatter. irí leis an n~, le ~ an éin, an ghealbhain, to rise with the lark, with the dawn.

giollacht, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of giollaigh. 2. Lit: Youth; age of service. Ina mhacacht agus ina ghiollacht, in his boyhood and youth. 3. Attendance, service; leading, guidance. ~ a dhéanamh ar chapall, to lead a horse. ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to act as guide to s.o.; to attend to s.o.'s needs. ~ a dhéanamh ar bharra, ar eallach, to attend to crops, to cattle. ~ a dhéanamh ar bhia, to attend to the preparation of food. ~ an daill ar an dall, the blind leading the blind. (Var: giollaíocht, giollachan f)

giorrú, m. (gs. -rraithe, pl. -rruithe). 1. vn. of giorraigh. 2. Abbreviation, curtailment, contraction.

glacadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of glac2. 2. (a) Acceptance. ~ ruda, acceptance of sth. ~ a bheith agat ar rud, to be willing to accept sth. Tá ~ (maith) aige ar airgead, he is always glad to get money. Níl ~ aige ar arán tur, he won't take dry bread. Níl ~ acu orainn, they don't want us in their company. ~ duine (isteach) in ord, reception of s.o. into an order. (b) Jur: Reception. Ordú glactha, reception order. (c) W.Tel: Reception. 3. Handling, grasping; seizure.

glae, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite; pl. ~nna). 1. vn. of glaeigh. 2. Glue. 3. Gluey, sticky, substance; slime. 4. ~ glas, bird-lime. (Var: pl. ~cha)

glámadh, m. (gs. -mtha). 1. vn. of glám2. 2. Grab, clutch. (Var: glámáil f)

glanadh, m. (gs. -nta, pl. -ntaí). 1. vn. of glan3. 2. Cleaning, clearance. ~ amach, cleaning out, clearance. ~ suas, cleaning up, mopping up. ~ an earraigh, spring-cleaning. Níl ~ na bhfiach aige, he is unable to discharge his debts. 3. Vet: (Clearance of) afterbirth.

glaoch, m. (gs. as s. -oigh, as vn. -oite). 1. vn. of glaoigh1. 2. Calling, call. (a) Tháinig ~ orm, I received a call. ~ tinnis, sick-call. ~ ola, (priest's) sick-call. ~ na mara, the call of the sea. ~ ar earraí, demand for goods. ~ isteach ar airgead, call in of money. Is iomaí ~ orm, I have many claims on my time. (b) ~ a bhaint as téada, to make strings hum. (Var: ~an f, gs. ~ana; glaodhach)

gleadhradh, m. (gs. -dhartha). 1. vn. of gleadhair. 2. Noisy beating; clatter, tumult. ~ drumaí, beating of drums. ~ cos ar an urlár, clatter of feet on the floor. ~ cainte, din of talk. ~ báistí, pelting (of) rain. Thug siad ~ dá chéile, they pounded each other. 3. Blaze, flare; glare. ~ tine, blazing fire. ~ solais, glare of light. 4. Great number or amount. ~ bia, lashings of food. ~ daoine, vast number of people.

gleanúint, f. (gs. -úna). 1. vn. of glean. 2. Ling: Agglutination.

gléasadh, m. (gs. -sta). 1. vn. of gléas3. 2. Adjustment, equipment, preparation. S.a. crann 5(b). 3. Get-up, attire. (Var: gléas4 m)

gléasaistriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of gléasaistrigh. 2. Mus: Transposition.

glinniúint, f. (gs. -úna). 1. vn. of glinnigh2. 2. Scrutiny. 3. Glint, sparkle. (Var: glinnireacht f)

gloiniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of gloinigh. 2. Vitrification.

glóiriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of glóirigh. 2. Glorification.

glórú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of glóraigh1. 2. Ling: Vocalization.

gluaiseacht, f. (gs. ~a, pl. ~aí). 1. vn. of gluais2. 2. Movement. (a) Motion. ~ na bpláinéad, na mara, tráchta, the movement of the planets, of the sea, of traffic. Rud a chur ar a ghluaiseacht, to set sth. in motion. (b) Impulse. ~ lasánta, fiery impulse. Le ~ an Spioraid Naoimh, inspired by the Holy Spirit. (c) Rhythm. ~ chainte, rhythm of speech. (d) Organized movement. ~ na saoirse, na teanga, an lucht oibre, the freedom, language, labour, movement. (e) Mus: Movement. (Var: gluais3 f)

gnáthú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of gnáthaigh. 2 = gnáthamh.

gníomhachtú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of gníomhachtaigh. 2. Activation.

gníomhú, m. (gs. -mhaithe). 1. vn. of gníomhaigh1. 2. Action, operation, agency.

gnóthú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of gnóthaigh1. 2. Attainment, acquisition; gain.

gobadh, m. (gs. -btha). 1. vn. of gob2. 2. Protrusion. ~ carraige, protrusion of rock. 3. Shooting, springing, sprouting. ~ féir, springing of grass.

gogal, m. (gs. -ail). 1. vn. of gogail1. 2. Gobble (of turkey-cock), gaggling (of goose).

goid1, f. (gs. as s. gada, as vn. ~te). 1. vn. of goid2. 2. Theft, larceny. Ná déan ~, thou shalt not steal. ~ fríotha, larceny by finding. 3. Thing stolen. ~ a ithe, to eat stolen food.

goin2, f. (gs. gona, pl. gonta). 1. vn. of goin3. 2. Wound; stab, sting, hurt. ~ bháis, death-wound. ~ chléibh, chroí, body-, heart-, wound; piercing sorrow. ~ teasa, heat-stroke. Fuair sé ~ ghréine, he got sunstroke. ~ ocrais, pang of hunger. Bhí ~ air chun a dhinnéir, he was hungry for his dinner. ~ choinsiasa, twinge of conscience. 3. ~ ré, waning of moon. B: Tinn le ~ na ré, moonstruck. 4. Fish: Bite.

gol, m. (gs. goil). 1. vn. of goil1. 2. Weeping, crying. Racht goil a chur díot, to have a fit of crying. Bhris a ~ uirthi, she burst into tears. Ní fada óna ghol a gháire, his moods change rapidly. (Var: gs. ~a1)

goradh, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of gor2. 2. (a) Heating, warming; heat, warmth. Do ghoradh a dhéanamh, to warm oneself (at fire). ~ gréine a thabhairt duit féin, to warm oneself in the sun. Thug sé ~ cúl cos dó féin, he warmed the back of his legs; he stood there with his back to the fire. (b) Metall: Heat. ~ a thabhairt d'iarann, to heat iron. ~ dearg, geal, red, white, heat. ~ a chur ar rud, to solder sth. S.a. gual 2. (c) (Of beating, scolding) Déanfaidh mise a ghoradh, I'll warm his hide for him. Fuair sé a ghoradh, he got it hot. Níor thuill sé an ~ grua uait, you had no need to make him blush. ~ bruíne, ~ teanga, drubbing, scolding. 3. Hatching, incubation. ~ uibheacha, eochraí, hatching of eggs, of spawn. 4. (a) Large portion; large meal. ~ airgid, a lot of money. ~ prátaí, "feed' of potatoes. (b) ~ a bhaint as an bpíopa, to take a pull of the pipe.

gortghlanadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of gortghlan. 2. Clearance (of field); weeding.

gortú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of gortaigh1. 2. Hurt, injury. Bhain, d'éirigh, ~ dó, he sustained an injury. Bhí ~ ar mo chos, I had an injured leg. Cá bhfuil an ~ ort? Where are you hurt?

gotháil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of gotháil2. 2. Gesticulation.

grá, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of gráigh. 2. Love. ~ a bheith agat ar, do, dhuine, to love s.o. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to love, bestow love on, s.o. An ~ a bhí aici ar a máthair, the love she had for her mother. Bhí ~ acu ar an áit ar tógadh iad, they loved the place where they were brought up. ~ Dé, love of God. An ~ atá ag Dia dúinn, God's love for us. ~ tíre, teanga, love of country, of language. ~ na fírinne, an léinn, love of truth, of learning. ~ an tsaoil, love of worldly things. Tá ~ aige do na milseáin, he loves sweets. Bheith i n~ le duine, to be in love (with s.o.). Titim i n~ le duine, to fall in love with s.o. ~ pósta, married love. Amhrán, scéal, ~, love song, story. S.a. gnaoi1 1, lus. 3. Charity. (a) Love of fellow creature. ~ na comharsan, neighbourly love. Creideamh, dóchas agus ~, faith, hope and charity. (b) Beneficence. ~ dia, (act of) charity, alms. ~ dia a bheith ionat, to be charitable. ~ dia a dhéanamh (ar dhuine), to do an act of charity (towards s.o.). Ba mhór an ~ dia é, it would be a great act of charity. Le ~ dia orm a rinne sé é, he did it for me out of charity. 4. Beloved person. A ghrá, my love; my dear. ~ mo chroí, my heart's beloved, my darling. A ~ geal, a ~ bán, her dearly beloved, her sweetheart. Do ghrá a phósadh, to marry the one you love. Mo ghrá thú! I love you! Bravo! (Of coaxer, fortune-hunter, fair-weather friend) Mo ghrá thú is rud agat, "I love you while you have something to give'. 5. (In phrases) Ar ghrá, de ghrá, ruda, for love of, for the sake of, sth. Ar ghrá d'oinigh, for honour's sake, for the sake of decency. De ghrá an réitigh, for peace sake. 6. Lit: Fear, giolla, ~, confidential servant. Aos ~, confidants, chosen followers. Aos ~ Dé, God's chosen ones.

grábháil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of grábháil2. 2. Engraving. 3. (Of ship) Graving. Cladach, duga, grábhála, graving beach, dock. Mapa grábhála, mop for tarring currach.

grádú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of grádaigh1. 2. Grading, gradation; rating, scaling; calibration.

gráinseáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of gráinseáil2. 2. Small portion of grain; small repast; nibble.

gránú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of gránaigh1. 2. Granulation. Gránú púdair, granulation of powder. Gránú cneá, granulation of wound. 3. (Of small wound that granulates easily) Scratch, scrape, graze. Rinneadh ~ ar mo lámh, my hand was scraped. Níl ann ach ~, it is only a scratch.

greadadh, m. (gs. -eadta). 1. vn. of gread. 2. (a) Beating, trouncing. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a thrashing. ~ teanga, tongue-lashing. ~ bos, severe slapping; clapping of hands; beating of hands (in grief). ~ báistí, pelting rain; drenching. Ar ~, at great speed. (b) ~ tine, scorching fire. ~ croí, heart-scald. ~ chugat! Bad cess to you! (c) Lashings, plenty. ~ airgid, ama, éisc, plenty of money, of time, of fish. Tá ~ de ann, there are lashings of it. ~ oibre, plenty of work. (d) Mec: Percussion. S.a. comhla 3(c).

greamú, m. (gs. -maithe). 1. vn. of greamaigh. 2. Adherence, adhesion.

greanadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of grean2. 2. Engraving. ~ líneach, line-engraving. ~ turbheara, dry-point (engraving). ~ adhmaid, woodcut. 3. Shapeliness; shape, figure.

greannú, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of greannaigh1. 2. Irritation. 3. Challenge, taunt, defiance.

greasáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of greasáil2. 2. Beating, drubbing, trouncing. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a hiding.

gréasú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of gréasaigh1. 2. Ornamentation, embroidery.

grianadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of grian3. 2. Sunning, basking. ~ a thabhairt duit féin, to bask in the sun. 3. Solarization.

grianrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of grianraigh. 2. Insolation. 3 = grianadh.

grinniú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of grinnigh. 2. Astr: Surv: Observation. Cin: Seomra grinnithe, monitor room.

griogadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of griog2. 2. Teasing, tantalization; petty annoyance. 3. Titillation, excitation. (Var: griogáil f, griogan f)

griolladh, m. (gs. -llta). 1. vn. of grioll. 2. Broil, broiled meat. 3. Grilling, severe treatment; fight, quarrel. (Var. of 3: griolla m)

gríoscadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of gríosc. 2. Grilling, grill. Branra gríosctha, gridiron, griller. Seomra gríosctha, grill-room. (Var: gríoscáil f)

gríosú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of gríosaigh1. 2. Inflammation; incitement, stimulation.

griotháil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of griotháil2. 2. Grunt, grunting. (Var: griothaíl f)

grodloscadh, m. (gs. -oiscthe). 1. vn. of grodloisc. 2. Deflagration.

gróigeadh, m. (gs. -gthe). 1. vn. of gróig. 2. (a) Footing (of turf). (b) Footed turf. 3. Huddle.

guí, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~onna). 1. vn. of guigh. 2. Prayer. (a) ~ Dé a dhéanamh, to pray to God. ist le mo ghuí, hear my prayer. Do ghuí a fháil, to get an answer to one's prayer. ~ an phobail, the prayers of the congregation. ~ an phobail a chur le duine; duine a chur faoi ghuí an phobail, to have public prayers said for (the repose of the soul of) s.o. Duine a chur faoi bhrí na ~, to include s.o. in one's prayers; to pray for s.o.'s soul. Chuir sé an t-iomlán againn faoi bhrí na ~, he castigated the whole lot of us. Is é mo ghuí (go), it is my fervent wish (that). (b) Entreaty. ~ duine a dhéanamh faoi rud, to entreat s.o. about sth. (c) Níl aon ghuí ort, there is no need for thanks, don't mention it. (d) Imprecation. Is mór an fear ~onna é, he swears a lot. Dia, aingil Dé, in aghaidh do ghuí, God preserve us from such talk. ~ dheacair ort! Bad scran to you! (Var: guibhe, guidhe, pl. guidhte)

hibridiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of hibridigh1. 2. Hybridization.

hidrealú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of hidrealaigh. 2. Hydrolysis.

hidriginiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of hidriginigh1. 2. Hydrogenation.

hiodráitiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of hiodráitigh. 2. Hydration.

iachtadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. iachta). 1. vn. of iacht2. 2. Lamentation.

iamh, m. (gs. as s. iaimh, as vn. iata). 1. vn. of iaigh. 2. Closure, enclosure. Faoi ~, enclosed, secured. Faoi ~ an tí, na háite, within the four walls of the house, the confines of the place. Mth: ~ an tacair, closure of set. El: ~ is oscailt, make-and-break. 3. Confinement, stop. Ní dheachaigh, níor tháinig, ~ ná foras air, he neither stopped nor stayed.

ianú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of ianaigh1. 2. Ionization.

iarraidh, f. (gs. -ata, pl. -ataí). 1. vn. of iarr. 2. (a) Request, demand. Tá ~ ar an leabhar sin, that book is in demand. Níl ~ acu ar an obair, they don't want work. Níl ~ anseo orthu, they are not wanted here. Rachainn ann dá mbeadh ~ orm, I would go there if I were asked. Tá ~ a choda ann, he is well able to claim his share. Gan ~, unasked, unbidden, unwanted. Comhairle gan ~, unsought-for advice. Giolla gan ~, unwanted attendant, meddler. (b) Thing sought. D'~ a fháil, to get what one asks for, one's wish. Níl a ~ mór, he is not asking for much. 3. Attempt, attack. ~ a thabhairt ar rud a dhéanamh, to attempt to do sth. Tabhair ~ air, have a go at it. Thug sé ~ mhór air, he made a great effort to do it. ~ a thabhairt ar dhuine, to try to reach s.o.; to attempt to attack s.o. Tugadh ~ tharrthála air, an attempt was made to rescue him. Thug sé ~ bhuailte orm, he made an attempt to strike me. Thug siad ~ ar an doras, they made for the door. Fuair sé ~ mhór, he had a severe attack. ~ oibre a dhéanamh, to try to do a spot of work. 4. Ar ~, sought for, missing. Tá an leanbh ar ~, the child is missing. Tá siad ar ~ ón tseilf, they are missing from the shelf. Bhí sé ar ~ ina cheirteacha, his clothes were much too big for him. Tá a bhiseach ar ~, he is past recovery. Bhí sé faoi m'~, it was within my reach but I couldn't find it. 5. Turn, time. An ~ seo, this time. Fan le d'~, wait your turn. D'aon ~, at one go, outright; at once. (Var: pl. iarranta, iarratacha)

iascach1, m. (gs. -aigh). 1. vn. of iasc2. 2. Fishing; fishery. ~ a dhéanamh, to fish. Dá mbeadh an lá chun iascaigh, if the day was suitable for fishing. Bád, bráite, líon, duán, iascaigh, fishing-boat, -ground, -net, -hook. Jur: Ceart iascaigh, right of fishery. 3. Lit: Coll: Fish.

ibhe, f. (gs. ~). Lit: 1. vn. of ibh1. 2. Drink, draught.

idéalú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of idéalaigh1. 2. Idealization.

idircheart1, m. (gs. ~a). Lit: 1. vn. of idircheart2. 2. Interpretation; investigation, discussion, arbitration. (Var: idircheirt f)

idirchur, m. (gs. as s. -uir2, as vn. ~tha). 1. vn. of idirchuir1. 2. Interposition.

idirdhealú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of idirdhealaigh. 2. Differentiation, discrimination, distinction. ~ a dhéanamh (ar), to differentiate, make a distinction (between). 3. Separation.

idirghabháil, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of idirghabh. 2. Intervention, mediation. Lucht idirghabhála, intermediaries, peacemakers. Ar ~ duine, on s.o.'s intervention; by the agency of s.o. 3. Interposition, interference.

idirleathadh, m. (gs. -eata). 1. vn. of idirleath. 2. (Of gases, fluids) Diffusion.

idirlíniú, m. (gs. -íthe). 1. vn. of idirlínigh. 2. Interlineation.

idirmhalartú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of idirmhalartaigh. 2. Interchange.

idir-roinnt, f. (gs. ~e, pl. -rannta). 1. vn. of idir-roinn. 2. (Of property) Partition.

idirscaradh, m. (gs. -cartha, pl. -carthaí). 1. vn. of idirscar. 2. Separation; divorce.

idirscor, m. (gs. ~tha, pl. ~thaí). 1. vn. of idirscoir. 2. El: ~ (timthriallta), interruption (of cycle).

idirshuí, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. -uite; pl. -uite). 1. vn. of idirshuigh. 2. Interposition, interpolation. (Var: ~omh m)

ídiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of ídigh1. 2. Consumption, wear; abuse, destruction.

imaistriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of imaistrigh. 2. (Of people) Transmigration.

imchasadh, m. (gs. -sta, pl. -staí). 1. vn. of imchas. 2. Mec: Rotation.

imchlúdach, m. (gs. as s. & npl. -aigh1, gs. as vn. -aithe, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of imchlúdaigh2. 2. Biol: Envelope.

imchosaint, f. (gs. -anta). 1. vn. of imchosain. 2. (All-round) defence. 3. Mutual striving, contention. (Var: imchosnamh m)

imdháileadh, m. (gs. -lte). 1. vn. of imdháil. 2. Distribution.

imdheaghail1, f. (gs. -ghla). 1. vn. of imdheaghail2. 2. Lit: Defence, protection.

imdheargadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of imdhearg. 2. Blush (of shame); reproach, revilement. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine; ~ duine a dhéanamh, to put s.o. to the blush; to shame, to reproach, s.o.

imdhíonadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of imdhíon. 2. Immunization.

imeacht, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~aí). 1. vn. of imigh. 2. Going, departure. ~ duine as an mbaile, s.o.'s departure from home. Am ~a na traenach, the time of departure of the train. Hist: I~ na nIarlaí, the flight of the Earls. Le h~ an earraigh, with the passing of Spring. ~ na taoide, the ebbing of the tide. Tá sé chun ~a, he is ready to go; he is fit to make a start in life. Bhí an t-~ air, he had to go; his span of life was up. Is é an t-~ é, it is time to part. ~ gan teacht air! I hope he is gone for good! Níl ~ agat air, you can't get away from it. 3. Demand (ar, for). Bhí an-~ ar eallach seasc, dry cattle were selling fast. 4. Elopement. Ba mhór an lá ~a é, it was a day of many elopements. Níl tóir ar an ~ anois, runaway matches are not so popular now. 5. (a) Course, passage. ~ cúrsaí, current of events. In ~ an lae, in the course of the day. In ~ achair, after a while. Le h~ aimsire, with the passage of time. (b) (Rate of) progress. Ar an ~ atá fúinn, at the rate we are going. Tá an-~ faoi, he is going very fast. Ar aon ~ amháin, at a uniform pace. Bhí a cosa agus an ceol ar aon ~, her feet kept time with the music. (c) Tá ~ an tí fúthu, they have the run of the house. 6. Gait, bearing, demeanour. Is breá an t-~ atá faoi, he bears himself well; (of horse, etc.) he has a fine action. Tá ~ aerach fúthu, they are inclined to be flighty. Má bhíonn tú i bhfad eile ar an ~ sin, if you carry on like that much longer. Conas tá sibh? An t-~ céanna i gcónaí. How are you? Getting along as usual. 7. Proceeding, transaction. ~aí an lae, the events of the day. ~aí na Dála, the Dáil proceedings. Nós ~a, procedure. Tús a chur ar na himeachtaí, to open the proceedings. Jur: ~aí a thionscnamh, to institute proceedings. 8. (pl.) Ways, directions. Sna himeachtaí seo, in these parts. (Var: f)

imeaglú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of imeaglaigh1. 2. Intimidation, terrorism.

imeascadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of imeasc1. 2. Sch: Integration.

imghabháil, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of imghabh. 2. Avoidance, evasion. Bheith ar d'~ ar rud, to avoid, be on one's guard against, sth. Níl ábhar imghabhála agam ort, I have no reason to keep out of your way. 3. Ambit. Faoi ~ na gréine, anywhere under the sun.

imirt, f. (gs. imeartha). 1. vn. of imir2. 2. Playing, play. (a) (Of game) ~ cluiche, the playing of, the method of playing, a game. Páirc, culaith, imeartha, playing-field, -outfit. ~ cártaí, peile, card-, football-, playing. Cárta imeartha, playing-card. Clár imeartha, playing-board, -table. Fig: Field of action. Cé leis (an) ~? Whose turn is it to play? Prov: Den ~ an coimhéad, forewarned is forearmed. Bíonn cead cainte ag fear caillte na himeartha, it is a loser's privilege to make excuses. S.a. céile1. (b) (Of gambling) Teach imeartha, gaming-house. Fiacha imeartha, gambling debts. Geall imeartha, stake in game, gambling stake. Bhí sé ina gheall imeartha ag an saol, he was the sport of fortune. Prov: Is fearr mac le h~ ná mac le hól, better a son a gambler than a son a drunkard. S.a. anam 2. (c) (Of pranks) Cén ~ atá agaibh air? Why are you playing pranks on him, annoying him? (d) (Of play of light) ~ na gréine ar an uisce, the sun playing on the water. 3. (a) Use, employment. ~ airm, the employment of a weapon. (b) Exercise, performance. ~ carthanachta, the exercise of friendship. (c) Infliction. ~ feirge, faltanais, the venting of spleen, of spite. (d) Lit: Control, management. ~ each agus carbad, control of horses and chariots.

imoibriú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of imoibrigh. 2. Ch: Ph: Reaction. ~ ceimiceach, suimiúcháin, chemical, addition, reaction. ~ slabhrúil, chain reaction.

imphléascadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of imphléasc. 2. Collapse.

impí, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~ocha). 1. vn. of impigh. 2. Entreaty; intercession. ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to entreat s.o. Trí ~ na Maighdine Muire, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary. Cuid, luach, ~, return for favour.

imrothlú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of imrothlaigh1. 2. (Of wheel, etc.) Revolution.

imscaradh, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of imscar. 2. Deployment.

imscríobh1, m. (gs. -ofa). 1. vn. of imscríobh2. 2. Circumscription.

imscrúdú, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of imscrúdaigh. 2. Investigation.

imshuí, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. -uite). 1. vn. of imshuigh. 2. Mil: Investment, encompassment, siege.

imthairiscint, f. (gs. -ceana, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of imthairg. 2. Com: Bid.

imtharraingt, f. (gs. -gthe). 1. vn. of imtharraing. 2. Attraction; gravitation, gravity. Cumas imtharraingthe, attractive, gravitational, power. ~ an domhain, terrestrial gravitation.

imtheorannú, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of imtheorannaigh. 2. Internment.

imthnúth1, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of imthnúth2. 2. Exceeding covetousness, envy.

imthreascairt, f. (gs. -artha). 1. vn. of imthreascair. 2. Overthrow.

inbhéartú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of inbhéartaigh. 2. Inversion, inverse. Lár an inbhéartaithe, centre of inversion. ~ teochta, temperature inversion. ~ ar an iolrú, inverse of multiplication.

inchreachadh, m. (gs. -aidh). Lit: 1. vn. of inchreach. 2. Reproof, rebuke; objection, criticism.

indibhidiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of indibhidigh. 2. Individuate.

infheistiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of infheistigh. 2. Investment.

infhilleadh, m. (gs. as s. -llidh, as vn. -llte; pl. -llteacha). 1. vn. of infhill. 2. Bot: Involution. 3. Gram: Inflexion.

inghreim1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. vn. of inghreim2. 2. Persecution. (Var: m, gs. inghreama, pl. inghreamanna)

iniamh, m. (gs. as s. -aimh, as vn. -ata). 1. vn. of iniaigh. 2. Enclosure, inclusion.

iniúchadh, m. (gs. -chta, pl. -chtaí). 1. vn. of iniúch. 2. Scrutiny. Mil: ~ trealaimh, kit inspection. 3. Audit. ~ cuntas, audit of accounts.

inleadh, m. (gs. innealta). 1. vn. of innill2. 2. Arrangement, adjustment; preparation.

inphléascadh, m. (gs. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of inphléasc. 2. Implosion.

insealbhú, m. (gs. -bhaithe, pl. -bhuithe). 1. vn. of insealbhaigh. 2. Investiture, installation, induction.

inseamhnú, m. (gs. -naithe, pl. -nuithe). 1. vn. of inseamhnaigh. 2. Insemination. ~ saorga, artificial insemination.

insileadh, m. (gs. -lte, pl. -ltí). 1. vn. of insil. 2. Infusion.

insíothlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of insíothlaigh. 2. Infiltration.

insliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of insligh. 2. Insulation.

instealladh, m. (gs. -llta, pl. -lltaí). 1. vn. of insteall. 2. Injection.

íobairt, f. (gs. -artha, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of íobair. 2. Sacrifice. ~ a ofráil; rud a ofráil mar ~, to offer a sacrifice, to offer (up) sth. as a sacrifice. ~ loiscthe, burnt offering. ~ na Croiche, the Crucifixion. ~ an Aifrinn, the sacrifice of the Mass. Altóir, tine, íobartha, sacrificial altar, fire. 3. Lit: Religious, pious, offering. (Var: gs. íobarta)

íoc1, m. (gs. as s. ~a, as vn. ~tha; pl. ~aí). 1. vn. of íoc3. 2. Payment. ~ fiach, deachúna, payment of debts, of tithes. In ~ a shaothair, in recompense for his work. Mar ~ iomlán sa chaill, in full compensation for the loss. Déanadh a rogha duine an t-~, no matter who bears the expense. Is maith an t-ól go dtaga an t-~, one must pay for one's whistle. 3. Charge, rate, tax. Cíos is ~, rent and rates. Gan chíos gan ~, free of charges. Fear ~a, tax-, debt-, collector. 4. Requital, atonement. In ~ ár bpeacaí, in atonement for our sins. Mar ~ ina oilc, in requital for his evil doings. In ~ a athar, in revenge for his father. Lit: ~ an Chrainn, the atonement on the Cross. (Var: f)

íoc2, f. (gs. íce, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of íoc4. 2. Healing, cure. ~ leighis, salve, medicament. Milse na híce, the balm of healing. Luibh íce, healing herb. 3. Lit: Salvation, redemption. Beidh ~ d'Iosrael, there will be redemption for Israel. (Var: gs. ~a)

iolrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of iolraigh1. 2. Mth: Multiplication. 3. Lit: Multiplication, increase.

iomadú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of iomadaigh. 2. Propagation (of species), proliferation, pullulation.

iomalartú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of iomalartaigh1. 2. Commutation. 3. Mth: Permutation.

iomardú, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of iomardaigh1. 2. Reproach, accusation, challenge. ~ a chur ar dhuine faoi rud, to reproach, challenge, s.o. with sth. Rinneadh ~ crua orm, I was severely indicted. Lá an iomardaithe, the great account, the Day of Judgment.

iombhá, m. (gs. ~ite). 1. vn. of iombháigh. 2. Submersion, swamping; drowning, drenching. Bheith ar ~, to be submerged, up to the neck, in water; (of boat) to be swamped, half-sunk. 3. Place where there is danger of drowning.

iomlánú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of iomlánaigh1. 2. Completion, integration.

iomlasc, m. (gs. as s. -aisc, as vn. ~tha). 1. vn. of iomlaisc1. 2. Rolling, tumbling, wallowing, floundering. Poll iomlaisc, wallow-hole. (Var: ~adh m)

iomlua, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of iomluaigh. 2. Movement, activity; agitation, disturbance; exercise, performance. ~ coirp, movement of body. ~ géag, exercise of limbs. ~ bratach, fluttering of flags. ~ arm, plying of weapons. ~ each, driving, exercising, of horses. ~ meanman, agitation of mind. ~ an diabhail, incitement by the devil. ~ a fhlaithis, the exercise of his sovereignty. Ar ~ thar na tonnta, riding the waves. Ghabh an chríne m'~, old age left me inactive. 3. Mention, discussion; advancement, proposal. Rinneadh ~ síthe eatarthu, peace was proposed between them. Rinneadh ~ an scéil, the story was spread abroad, reported. Iomrá agus ~, report and discussion.

iompar, m. (gs. as s. -air, as vn. ~tha). 1. vn. of iompair1. 2. (a) Carriage, conveyance, transport. ~ beart, málaí, the carrying of parcels, of bags. ~ earraí, transport of goods. ~ a chur ar rud, to have sth. carried, transported. Leath an iompair ardú maith, the first blow is half the battle. Beithíoch iompair, beast of burden. Córas iompair, transport system. Costas iompair, cost of conveyance. Crios iompair, conveyor belt. Long iompair, transport (ship). Lucht iompair, carriers, hauliers. S.a. bealach 1, crann 4, maide 1(a). (b) Mode of conveyance. ~ a chur faoi rud, to use a conveyance for sth. Dá mbeadh ~ agam dó, if I had something in which to carry it. (c) Amount to be carried; burden, load. Tá ~ cairte ann, there is a cart-load in it. Bhí ~ mo dhá lámh ann, there was as much as I could carry in both arms. Cuirfidh mé a ~ ort, I will make you bear the burden of it. 3. (Range of) transmission. ~ fuaime, transmission of sound. ~ gutha, range of voice. Meán iompair, transmission medium. 4. Communication. ~ scéalta, tale-bearing. ~ oilc, propagation of evil. 5. Carrying on person. ~ arm, carrying of arms. Níl ~ scine ceadaithe, it is not permitted to carry a knife. 6. Carrying in womb. ~ clainne, gestation, pregnancy. 7. Support. ~ áirse, dín, support of arch, of roof. ~ innill, engine frame. ~ páidrín, string of rosary. Fearsaid iompair, bearing axle. Grán iompair, ball-bearings. Arch: Ball iompair, bearer. Anat: Ballnasc iompair, suspensory ligament. 8. Carrying capacity; toleration, endurance, restraint. Tá ~ ualaigh iontu, they can carry a load. Níl ~ seoil sa bhád, the boat cannot carry sail. Ní raibh ~ mo chos ionam, I couldn't drag my feet along. Bhí an-~ aige ar an ól, he had a great capacity for drink. Má tá ~ feirge ionat, if you can restrain anger. Bhí ~ fada aici ar an anás, she had long forbearance in distress. Fuair sé ~ a chraicinn, he got as much as he could bear. 9. Bearing, conduct. ~ cinn, carriage of head. ~ coirp, carriage of body, posture. ~ duine i gcomhluadar, person's behaviour in company. Is deas an t-~ atá fúithi, she carries herself well. Ní thaitníonn a n-~ liom, I don't like the way they go on. 10. Ar ~ (ag, le), being carried (by). Tá ualach trom ar ~ agat, you are carrying a heavy load. Bhí an mála ar ~ leis, he was carrying the bag. Ní raibh aon phingin ar ~ agam, I had no money on me. Má tá deoch ar ~ aige, if he has drink taken. Aithním go bhfuil trioblóid ar ~ agat, I can see that you have a load of trouble on your mind. Tá an feall ar ~ leis, he carries treachery in his heart.

iompórtáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of iompórtáil2. 2. Importation, import.

iompú, m. (gs. -paithe, pl. -puithe). 1. vn. of iompaigh. 2. Turning, turn. (a) ~ cinn, boise, turn of head, of hand. Ar ~, le h~, do bhoise, in a trice. Ar ~ na n-each, at the turn of events. ~ na taoide, the turn of the tide. ~ gaoithe, change in direction of wind. ~ báid, overturning of boat. ~ goile, stomach upset. Chuir sé ~ ar mo ghoile, it turned my stomach. ~ lí, change of colour. ~ (chun) bisigh, a turn for the better. ~ na bpeacach, the conversion of sinners. ~ duine (ina chreidmheach, ina dhíchreidmheach), the conversion, the lapsing, of s.o. (to belief, into disbelief). ~ a bhaint as rud, to turn sth.; to overturn sth. ~ a bhaint as duine (in iomrascáil), to swing s.o. round (in wrestling bout). Bhain an cheist sin ~ asam, that question shook me. (b) Phot: Reversion. (c) Surg: ~ amach, eversion. 3. Agr: Lazy-bed.

iomramh, m. (gs. as s. -aimh, as vn. -martha). 1. vn. of iomair. 2. Rowing. ~ báid, the rowing of a boat. Bád iomartha, rowing-boat. Leaba iomartha, rowlock. Pionna iomartha, thole-pin. Rás iomartha, rowing contest. 3. Lit: (a) (Rowing) voyage; voyage tale. ~ curaigh Maoile Dúin, Maeldun's currach voyage. (b) Riding, coursing, journeying. ~ stéad, coursing of steeds. (Var: gs. ~a)

ionaclú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of ionaclaigh. 2. Inoculation.

ionadú, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of ionadaigh1. 2. Replacement, substitution.

ion-análú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of ion-análaigh. 2. Inhalation.

ionannú, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of ionannaigh. 2. Equalization, identification (le, with).

ionchoiriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of ionchoirigh. 2. Incrimination.

ionchollú, m. (gs. -llaithe). 1. vn. of ionchollaigh. 2. Incarnation. ~ Chríost, the Incarnation (of Christ). (Var: ioncholnú)

ionchorprú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of ionchorpraigh. 2. Incorporation.

ionchúiseamh, m. (gs. & npl. -simh, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of ionchúisigh. 2. Jur: Prosecution.

ionduchtú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of ionduchtaigh. 2. Induction.

íonghlanadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of íonghlan. 2. Purification.

ionladh, m. (gs. ionnalta). 1. vn. of ionnail1. 2. Washing, ablutions. Uisce ionnalta, water for washing. (Var: gs. ionlaidh)

ionnarbadh, m. (gs. -btha). 1. vn. of ionnarb. 2. Expulsion, banishment, exile. Dul ar ~, to go into exile. Duine a chur ar ~, to drive out, banish, s.o. (Var: ionnarba m)

ionramháil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of ionramháil2. 2. Handling, management; manoeuvring, manipulation; humouring, attention. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to manipulate sth. ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to manage s.o.; to get round s.o.

ionsaí, m. (gs. & pl. -aithe). 1. vn. of ionsaigh. 2. Advance, approach, attack. ~ a dhéanamh ar áit, to advance upon, attack, a place. Dul ar (an) ~, to take the offensive. ~ mígheanasach, indecent assault. Mth: Uillinn an ionsaithe, angle of incidence. 3. Attempt. Thug sé ~ ar imeacht, he made to go. Bhí ~ faoi ag imeacht, he was set, eager, to go. Chuaigh sé ann dá shiúl ionsaithe, he made the journey there on foot. 4. (a) D'~, to, towards. D'~ na farraige, towards the sea. Tháinig sé do m'~, he came towards me, approached me. Ná tar do m'~ níos mó, don't come near me any more. (b) D'~ ar = ionsar. (Var: ionsaighe m)

ionstraimiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of ionstraimigh1. 2. Instrumentation; orchestration.

ionsú, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of ionsúigh. 2. Absorption.

iontaisiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of iontaisigh1. 2. Fossilization.

iontonú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of iontonaigh. 2. Mus: Intonation.

iontráil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of iontráil2. 2. Entry. (a) ~ a chur i leabhar, to make an entry in a book. ~ dhúbailte, double entry. (b) ~ ar scrúdú, entry for an examination. Foirm iontrála, entry form. Táille iontrála, entrance fee. (c) Jur: Briseadh agus ~, breaking and entry.

íonú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of íonaigh. 2. Purification.

íoschéimniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of íoschéimnigh1. 2. El: Step-down.

íospairt, f. (gs. -artha, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of íospair. 2. Ill-treatment, ill-usage. ~ a thabhairt do, a dhéanamh ar, dhuine, rud, to ill-use s.o., sth. Fuair sé ~ bhocht, he was sadly abused. Rinne siad ~ ar an tréad, they ravaged the flock. Rinneadh ~ ar na coirp, the bodies were mutilated. (Var: gs. ~e)

ísliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of ísligh. 2. Lowering, depression, subsidence; descent, decline; abasement. ~ cónra, lowering of coffin. ~ carnáin, lowering of heap. ~ locha, fall of lake. ~ cósta, sinking of coastline. ~ luacha, decrease in value. ~ gutha, lowering of voice. ~ meanman, depression of spirits. ~ céime, reduction in rank. ~ ar shláinte, decline of health. ~ ar chánacha, reduction in taxes. ~ a dhéanamh ort féin, to abase oneself.

ithe, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ite). 1. vn. of ith1. 2. Eating. (a) ~ agus ól, eating and drinking. Tá ~ agus ól ann, (of thick soup, etc.) it is both meat and drink. Is maith an t-~ é, it makes good eating. (b) Thug mé ~ na páirce dóibh, I let them graze the field. Níor chuir sé ~ ar an bhféar go fóill, he hasn't had the grass grazed yet. (c) Tá ~ ar an iasc, the fish are biting. (d) ~ na meirge, corrosion by rust. ~ croí, remorse of heart. ~ na taoide, tide-rip. ~ amhrais, torment of doubt. ~ na gcomharsan, reviling of neighbours. Fuair mé ~ uathu, they ate me alive. (Var: f)

labhairt, f. (gs. -artha). 1. vn. of labhair. 2. Speaking; speech, utterance; voice, call. ~ teanga, the speaking of a language. ~ na fírinne, the utterance of truth. ~ na n-éan, the singing of the birds. ~ na dtonn, the sound of the waves. Lucht labhartha an Bhéarla, English speakers. Fear labhartha na mac léinn, the spokesman for the students. S.a. deis1 5(a), fios 1, teanga 2.

láchan, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of láigh. 2. Dawning. Ar, leis, an ~, at daybreak. (Var: láchaint f)

ládáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of ládáil2. 2. Lading; boatload, cargo. ~ éisc, adhmaid, cargo of fish, of timber. Bille ládála, bill of lading. 3 = lódáil1.

laghdú, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of laghdaigh. 2. Decrease, diminution; reduction. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to reduce sth. Tháinig ~ air, it decreased. ~ teasa, ar theas, reduction of heat. ~ ar phian, easing of pain. ~ ar chaiteachas, reduction of expenditure. ~ ar thorann, abatement of noise.

lagú, m. (gs. -gaithe). 1. vn. of lagaigh. 2. Weakening, enfeeblement; abatement. ~ brí, enervation. ~ misnigh, lowering of spirits. ~ radhairc, dimming of eyesight. ~ gutha, sinking of voice. ~ téide, slackening of rope. ~ stoirme, abatement of storm. ~ péine, easing of pain. ~ dí, dilution of drink. ~ a theacht ort, to weaken. Ní théann ~ air, he never lets up. Tá ~ ann, he is very amusing. Níl ~ fós ar an argóint, there is no falling off in the argument yet.

Laidiniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of laidinigh1. 2. Latinization.

láimhseáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of láimhseáil2. 2. Management, handling.

láimhsiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of láimhsigh. 2. Handling, manipulation. 3. Grappling; seizure.

láisteadh, m. (gs. laiste). 1. vn. of láist. 2. Lixiviation.

lámhach1, m. (gs. -aigh). 1. vn. of lámhach2. 2. Lit: (a) Skill in handling, in casting; dexterity. Lúth agus ~, agility and dexterity. (b) Hurling (of missile). 3. (a) Shooting, firing; fire. ~ a thabhairt, to fire. Scor de ~, to cease fire. ~ gunnaí, sliogán, gun-, shell-, fire. ~ cuardaithe, trasnála, searching, traversing, fire. S.a. cíor1 1(d), fras, lón. (b) Shooting down, slaughter. Rinne siad ~ ar an éanlaith, they slaughtered the birds.

lamháil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of lamháil2. 2. Allowance, grant; remission, discount; margin. ~ airgid, money allowance. ~ cirt, the granting of a right. ~ earráide, allowance for error, margin of error. ~ i gcostas, allowance in cost. Tá ~ ó Dhia duit ann, God will repay you for it.

lámhscaoileadh, m. (gs. -lte). 1. vn. of lámhscaoil. 2. Manumission.

lannú, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of lannaigh1. 2. Lamination.

lánscor, m. (gs. -oir2). 1. vn. of lánscoir1. 2. (Of parliament) Dissolution.

lárú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of láraigh. 2. Centralization.

lasadh, m. (gs. -sta). 1. vn. of las. 2. Lighting, flaming, inflammation. (a) Rud a chur, a choinneáil, ar ~, to set, keep, sth. alight. Bhí coinnle ar ~ ann, there were lighted candles there. Tá an seomra ar ~ leo, the room is ablaze with them. Ar ~ le dathanna, sparkling with colour. Tá a chroí ar ~ le díograis, le grá Dé, his heart is burning with zeal, with God's love. (b) ~ intinne, mianta, inflaming of mind, of desires. 3. (a) Blush, flush. ~ a bhaint as duine, to make s.o. blush. Tháinig ~ ina ghrua, his face flushed. ~ feirge, náire, blush of anger, of shame. (b) Med: ~ cneá, inflammation of wound. ~ fiabhrais, eitinne, flush of fever, of consumption.

lascadh, m. (gs. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of lasc2. 2. Lashing, whipping, flogging. 3. Kick. ~ (de) thruip, sweeping kick. 4. Mec.E: Thrashing. 5. Bootm: Tail: Welting. (Var: lascáil f)

leá1, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of leáigh1. 2. Melting; dissolution. ~ ime, céarach, melting of butter, of wax. ~ corp, dissolution of bodies. ~ croí, heart-break. ~ seaniarainn, the melting down of old iron. ~ an tslua, the melting away of the crowd. Tháinig ~ chúr na habhann orthu, they disappeared like the foam on the river. S.a. dia4.

leabhbairt, f. (gs. -artha). 1. vn. of leadhbair. 2. Beating, thrashing. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a trouncing. ~ den teanga, rating, scolding.

leachtú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of leachtaigh1. 2. Liquefaction. 3. Com: Liquidation.

leadhbairt, f. (gs. -artha). 1. vn. of leadhbair. 2. Beating, thrashing. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a trouncing. ~ den teanga, rating, scolding.

leadradh, m. (gs. leadartha, pl. leadarthaí). 1. vn. of leadair. 2. Beating, thrashing; laceration, wound. ~ a fháil, to get a leathering, a trouncing. ~ lainne, sword-stroke, sword-wound.

leagan, m. (gs. as s. -ain, as vn. -gtha; pl. ~acha). 1. vn. of leag1. 2. (a) Act of knocking down; felling, demolition. ~ ballaí, tithe, demolition of walls, of houses. ~ crann, tree-felling. ~ arbhair, cutting down of corn (by reaper, etc.); flattening of corn (by storm). (b) Fall, tumble. ~ a bhaint as duine, to cause s.o. to fall; to humble s.o. Baineadh ~ asam sa doras, I (stumbled and) fell in the doorway. (c) Throw (in wrestling). ~ a fhéachaint le duine, to try a fall with s.o. Babhta leagain, bout of wrestling. ~ madra, dog-fall. Fig: Déanfaidh mé é nó caillfidh mé ~ leis, I will try it even if it costs me a fall. 3. Act of lowering. (a) ~ seolta, bratach, lowering of sails, of flags. (b) ~ cánacha, praghsanna, lowering of taxes, of prices. 4. (a) Act of laying, of setting. ~ cáblaí, píopaí, laying of cables, of pipes. ~ urláir, the laying of a floor. ~ póir, setting of seed. ~ uibheacha, setting of eggs. ~ boird, laying of table. ~ cárta, the playing of a card. Ní raibh ~ an mháimh agam, I hadn't a trump to put on the table. (b) Imputation. ~ ruda ar dhuine, the imputing of sth. to s.o. 5. (a) Leaning, partiality. ~ a bheith agat le rud, to have a leaning towards sth. (b) Inclination. Tá ~ ó dheas leis an talamh anseo, the land here slopes southwards. 6. Knitting: ~ (lúb), casting of (stitches). 7. (a) Setting, arrangement. Is deas an ~ seod atá ann, it is nicely set with jewels. ~ a déad, the set of her teeth. Mar ~ an drúchta ar chiumhais an róis, like dew-drops set on the edge of the rose. (b) Bearing, appearance. Tá ~ breá air, he has a fine bearing. ~ uasal, noble bearing. ~ siúil, gait of walking. Bain díot an ~ amadáin sin atá ort, take off that silly expression of yours. (c) Look, glance. ~ súl a thabhairt ar rud, to glance at sth. Ar ~ na súl, at a glance, in a twinkling. (d) Form, version. ~ cainte, turn of speech. ~ de théacs, version of text. Chuir sé a ~ féin air, he told it in his own way, to suit himself. Bíonn dhá ~ ar scéal, there are two sides to every story. 8. ~ amach, lay-out, arrangement. ~ amach cathrach, oifige, leabhair, the lay-out of a city, of an office, of a book.

léamh, m. (gs. as s. léimh, as vn. léite; pl. ~a). 1. vn. of léigh. 2. Reading. (a) ~ leabhar, reading of books. ~ uachta, reading of a will. ~ profaí, proof-reading. ~ Aifrinn, reading, celebration, of Mass. Parl: An chéad, an dara, ~ (ar bhille), first, second, reading (of bill). Níl ~ ná scríobh aige, he can neither read nor write. (b) Interpretation. ~ cártaí, cupán, lámh, reading of cards, cups, hands (in fortune-telling). Níl ~ sna leabhair air; níl ~ ná scríobh (ná insint béil) air, it passes comprehension, defies description.

leanúint, f. (gs. -úna). 1. vn. of lean. 2. Following, pursuit; adherence; continuation. Stad an ~, the pursuit stopped. Lucht leanúna, followers, adherents. Sch: Cúrsa leanúna, continuation course. I ~ duine, ruda, following, adhering to, s.o., sth. Ar ~, (to be) continued.

léasadh, m. (gs. -sta, pl. -staí). 1. vn. of léas4. 2. Thrashing, flogging. ~ (maith) a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a (good) trouncing.

leaschraoladh, m. (gs. -lta, pl. -ltaí). 1. vn. of leaschraol. 2. W.Tel: Relay.

leasú, m. (gs. -saithe, pl. -suithe). 1. vn. of leasaigh. 2. Amendment, improvement; reform, redress. ~ beatha, amendment of one's life. Rún leasaithe, purpose of amendment. ~ reachta, amendment of statute. ~ earráide, correction of error. ~ éagóra, redress of injustice. ~ téacsanna, revision of texts. Bheith ó ~, to be beyond reclaim. 3. (a) Cure, preservation. ~ bagúin, éisc, bacon-, fish-, curing. ~ deataigh, smoking (of fish, etc.). (b) Dressing, currying. ~ leidhbe, leathair, dressing, curing, of hide, of leather. Thug sí ~ na leidhbe dó, she gave him a dressing-down. (c) Seasoning, flavouring. ~ sailéid, salad dressing. (d) Dressing (of soil), manuring; manure, fertilizer. ~ talún, manuring, fertilization, of land. ~ geimhridh, winter manuring. ~ nítrigineach, nitrogenous fertilizer. ~ faoi chois, surface dressing.

leathadh, m. (gs. leata). 1. vn. of leath2. 2. (a) Spreading, spread; diffusion, scattering, broadcasting. ~ éadaigh, seoil, spreading of cloth, of sail. Bhí ~ an bhoird de ann, the table was spread with it. Tá ~ ladhrach air inniu, he is in a great hurry today. S.a. léaráid. (b) Opening out; dilation, expansion. ~ dorais, opening wide of door. ~ súl, opening wide of eyes (in wonder). ~ béil, gaping. S.a. leathóg 1. (c) ~ radhairc, cainte, indistinctness of vision, of speech. (d) Ar ~, outspread; wide open. Seolta ar ~, sails spread. Bord ar ~ le bia, table spread with food. Béal, doras, ar ~, mouth, door, wide open. An aibhéis ar ~ fúthu, the gulf yawning beneath them. Tá an fómhar ar ~ air, he can't keep pace with all the work he has to do. 3. ~ a fháil ó fhuacht, ó ocras, to be perished with cold, with hunger. ~ lúitheach, numbness (of hands from cold).

leathnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of leathnaigh. 2. Widening, expansion, extension.

leictreachló, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite; pl. ~nna). 1. vn. of leictreachlóigh. 2. Electrotype.

leictrealú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of leictrealaigh. 2. Electrolysis.

leictriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of leictrigh1. 2. Electrification.

leigheas1, m. (gs. -ghis, pl. ~anna). 1. vn. of leigheas2. 2. (a) Art of healing, medicine. ~ a fhoghlaim, to learn, study, medicine. Scoil, cúrsa, leighis, medical school, course. Bord, oifigeach, leighis, medical board, officer. Lucht (an) leighis, the medical profession. (b) Medical treatment. ~ nua, new treatment. 3. Cure, remedy. (a) ~ ar chasacht, ar thinneas cinn, a cure for a cough, for a headache. Deoch, luibh, leighis, healing draught, herb. Tá ~ ann, it has healing properties. Bheith, dul, ó ~, to be, become, incurable. Prov: Níl luibh ná ~ in aghaidh an bháis, there is no cure for death. (b) ~ ar dhíobháil, redress for injury. Rud nach bhfuil ~ air, sth. that cannot be remedied. Níl ~ air, it can't be helped. S.a. beart3 3. (c) Power of healing. Deirtear go bhfuil ~ ina lámha, it is said that he has healing power in his hands. (d) Fig: ~ ar shúile tinne, a sight for sore eyes.

léim1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. vn. of léim2. 2. Jump. (a) Leap, bound. ~ ard, fhada, high, long, jump. ~ láimhe, vault. ~ chuaille, pole vault. ~ reatha, running jump. ~ as bonn, ~ choirp, standing jump. ~ an tsiosúir, na srathrach, scissors, straddle, jump. ~ a thabhairt, a ghearradh, a chaitheamh, to jump. Thug sé ~ na díge, he jumped the ditch. Chaith mé de ~ é, I sprang over it. Ghearr sé seacht dtroithe de ~ ard, he cleared seven feet in the high jump. Gabh de ~ sa diallait, spring into the saddle. Chuaigh sé de ~ chabhlach isteach san abhainn, he jumped bodily into the river. Chuaigh sé de ~ thar a chorp, he jumped head over heels, turned somersault. D'éirigh siad de ~ ina seasamh, they sprang to their feet. Déan de ~ é, do it immediately, jump to it. ~ a thabhairt ar rud, to jump on, on to, sth.; to spring at sth. ~ táilliúra, somersault performed with legs crossed. ~ giorria, hare's leap. Chuir sé ~ ghiorria d'im air, he piled it high with butter. ~ i leataobh, jump to one side; aberration. ~ an daill, ~ chaorach sa duibheagán, leap in the dark. Bhí ~ an dorais aige, he sprang to the door; he reached the door at a bound. Bheith ar do ~ lúith, to be bounding with energy; to be fit and well. D'imigh sé ar a ~ lúith, he went bounding along. ~ liathróide, hop of ball. ~ spréiche, flying of spark. (b) Sudden jump, start. ~ a bhaint as duine, to make s.o. jump, to startle s.o. Thug sé ~ as a chorp, he jumped out of his skin. Ven: ~ éin, rising of bird. an a mharú sa ~, to kill a bird in flight. (c) Obstacle to be jumped. Capall a chur sa ~, to set a horse to a jump. Cuir thar an ~ é, put him over the jump. ~ uisce, water-jump. (d) ~ fáis, sudden growth. Thug sé ~ an oirc, he grew rapidly. (e) Lit: ~ buinne, gush of water. (f) ~ ailt, rúitín, dislocation, spraining, of joint, of ankle. (g) Husb: ~ a thabhairt do bhó, to serve a cow. 3. Top: Chasm; promontory.

léirbhreithniú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of léirbhreithnigh. 2. Mil: Review.

léirchruthú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of léirchruthaigh. 2. Phil: ~ (na fírinne), demonstration (of truth).

léirghoin1, f. (gs. -ona, pl. -onta). 1. vn. of léirghoin2. 2. Grievous wound. Mo ~! Alas!

léiriú1, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of léirigh1. 2. Clarification, illustration; representation. ~ a thabhairt ar rud, to clarify sth. ~ deacrachta, elucidation of problem. Mar ~ ar an rud a bhí ar a intinn, to illustrate what was in his mind. ~ grafach, graphical representation. ~ rilífe, representation of relief. 3. Order, arrangement, preparation. 4. Th: Cin: Production.

léiriú2, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of léirigh2. 2. Beating, subduing; dressing down. 3. Weakness, prostration.

léirmhíniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of léirmhínigh. 2. Interpretation. ~ na gcuntas éagsúil, interpretation of the various accounts.

léirscrios1, m. (gs. ~ta). 1. vn. of léirscrios2. 2. Total destruction, devastation.

léirsiú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of léirsigh. 2. Pol: Demonstration.

léirsmaoineamh, m. (gs. -nimh, pl. -nte). 1. vn. of léirsmaoinigh. 2. Deep consideration, meditation.

leithghabháil, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of leithghabh. 2. Appropriation.

leithlisiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of leithlisigh1. 2. Isolation.

leithreasú, m. (gs. -saithe, pl. -suithe). 1. vn. of leithreasaigh. 2. Appropriation.

leithroinnt, f. (gs. ~e, pl. -rannta). 1. vn. of leithroinn. 2. Allotment.

leonadh, m. (gs. -nta, pl. -ntaí). 1. vn. of leon2. 2. Sprain. Snáth leonta, (woollen ) thread used to bind sprain. 3. Injury, wound. Gan leagan gan ~, without mishap or injury.

2, f. (gs. ~). 1. vn. of ligh. 2. Licking; fawning.

liathadh, m. (gs. liata). 1. vn. of liath3. 2. Greyness. An ~ luath, early greyness. Cromadh is ~, bending and greying with age. (Leonadh is) ~ ort! Bad cess to you! 3. Grey colouring matter. ~ (beag) a chur ar an tae, to add (a little) milk to the tea. Níl ~ an tae acu, they are destitute. (Var: liathachan f, liathachtaint f)

ligean, m. (gs. as s. -gin, as vn. -gthe). 1. vn. of lig. 2. (a) Letting, releasing, extending, casting. ~ fola, cuisle, letting of blood, of vein. ~ uisce, abhann, draining of water, of river. ~ cneá, méire, lancing of wound, of finger. ~ téide, paying out of rope. ~ cú, slipping of greyhound. ~ diúracán, casting of missiles. ~ talún, letting of land. (b) Freedom of movement; play, scope; stretch, extension. ~ i dtéad, i roth, play in rope, in wheel. ~ a thabhairt do rud, to let sth. run, extend, freely. An ~ a thabhairt isteach, to take up the slack. Duine a bhfuil ~ ann, person who moves easily; loose-limbed person. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to allow s.o. freedom of movement, scope; to give s.o. a head start. ~ reatha, running start; run-in (before jump). Is iontach an ~ atá faoi, (i) he, it, runs very freely, (ii) he is very free-spoken, vivacious. Dá mbeadh orlach de ~, ~ orlaigh, aige, if it had an inch of play. Tá barraíocht ligin agaibh, you get too much of your own way. ~ sciathán, wing-stretch. (c) Ar ~, free in movement, running freely. Tá an teanga ar ~ aici, she lets her tongue wag. Bíonn an citeal ar ~ acu, they keep the kettle on the boil. Tá sé ar ~ chun cainte, he is ready to talk freely, has an urge to speak. 3. (a) ~ amach, Letting, giving, out; release, discharge, emission, extension. ~ amach rúin, disclosure of secret. ~ amach feirge, venting of anger. Má tá sé chomh maith lena ~ amach, if he is as good as he sets himself up to be. (b) ~ aníos, anuas, isteach, seepage, drippage, leakage. ~ faoi, subsidence. ~ chugat is uait, give-and-take. (c) ~ ort, pretence.

líneáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of líneáil2. 2. Lining. ~ cóta, bosca, lining of coat, of box. ~ tobair, casing of well. ~ acastóra, lining of axle, bush. 3. Algae: ~ ghorm, uaine, enteromorpha, green slime.

lingeadh, m. (gs. -gthe, pl. -gthí). 1. vn. of ling. 2. Leap, spring; assault.

líniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of línigh1. 2. Delineation, drawing.

líomhadh, m. (gs. -ofa). 1. vn. of líomh. 2. Grind, polish. Roth líofa, grinding-wheel. Cloch líofa, whetstone. 3. Erosion, destruction.

líomhain1, f. (gs. -mhna, pl. ~tí). 1. vn. of líomhain2. 2. Allegation, imputation. 3. Revilement.

líonadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of líon5. 2. Filling. (a) ~ soithigh, poill, spáis, the filling of a vessel, of a hole, of a space. ~ doiciméid, completion of document. ~ folúntais, filling of vacancy. ~ i bhfiacail, filling in tooth. ~ gainimh, stroighne, filling of sand, of cement. Tá ~ sa bhia sin, that food is very filling. S.a. folmhú 2. (b) ~ colainne, filling out of body. ~ gealaí, waxing of moon. ~ abhann, rising of river. ~ goile, filling, swelling, of stomach. ~ croí, swelling of heart (with emotion). Tá ~ súl ann, it fills, charms, the eye. ~ cluas, filling of ears (with gossip, etc.). (c) An ~ (taoide), the flowing tide. Sruth líonta, flood-tide. (d) ~ (neascóide), gathering, suppuration (of abscess).

liostáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of liostáil2. 2. Enlistment. ~ saighdiúirí, enlistment of soldiers. Sáirsint liostála, recruiting sergeant.

litriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of litrigh. 2. Spelling, orthography.

liú1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~nna). 1. vn. of liúigh1. 2. Yell, shout. ~ a ligean, a chur asat, to give a yell. ~ catha, fiaigh, battle-, hunting-, cry. ~ a bhaint as rud, to have a smack at sth. Níl ach ~ ar a áit, not a trace of it remains.

liúdráil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of liúdráil2. 2. Beating, trouncing; castigation. ~ de bhata, den teanga, a lashing with a stick, with the tongue.

liúradh, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of liúr2. 2. Beating, trouncing. ~ de bhata a thabhairt do dhuine, to wallop s.o. with a stick. Thug sé ~ Chonáin dó, he gave him a sound thrashing. (Var: liúráil f)

lobhadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. lofa). 1. vn. of lobh. 2. Rot, decay. ~ ábhair, decomposition of matter. ~ toraidh, spoiling of fruit. ~ fiacla, tooth decay. ~ críon, dry-rot. ~ crua (i bpráta), hard rot (in potato). 3. Lit: Time forfeiture (of pledge; lapse (of right); neglect (of rule).

locadh1, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of loc3. 2. (Act of) penning. ~ caorach, penning of sheep. ~ bó, rounding up of cattle. An áit a raibh ~ orthu, where they were penned in. 3. (Act of) parking. ~ carranna, car-parking. 4. Pressure, persuasion. Rud a chur mar ~ ar dhuine, to press sth. on s.o.

locáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of locáil2. 2. Localization.

lochtú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of lochtaigh1. 2. Fault-finding; blame, censure.

lódáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of lódáil2. 2. Loading, load. ~ soithigh, loading of vessel. ~ gunna, loading of gun; load, charge, of gun. Costas lódála, shipping charges.

loghadh, m. (gs. -ghtha). 1. vn. of logh. 2. Remission, forgiveness. 3 = logha.

loiceadh, m. (gs. -cthe). 1. vn. of loic1. 2. Failure, refusal; default. ~ troda, refusal to fight. ~ misnigh, loss of courage. ~ oibre, shirking of work. ~ íocaíochta, default in payment. ~ adhainte, misfiring (of engine). Luas, pointe, loicthe, stalling speed, point. ~ sláinte, failure of health. Tháinig ~ ar na barra, the crops failed.

lomadh, m. (gs. -mtha). 1. vn. of lom3. 2. Baring, shearing, stripping, denudation; impoverishment, fleecing. ~ caorach, sheep-shearing. ~ eaglaise, despoliation of church. F: ~ an Luain, unlucky undertaking, misfortune. Mo ~ Luain! Woe is me!

lomairt, f. (gs. -artha, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of lomair. 2. Shearing, clip. 3. Denudation, spoliation. 4. ~ leapa, bedsore.

lonnú1, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of lonnaigh1. 2. Sojourn, stay; settlement, domiciliation.

lonnú2, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of lonnaigh2. 2. Angry state, enragement.

lónú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of lónaigh. 2. Supply, provision. ~ loinge, the provisioning of a ship. ~ bia, the laying in of food.

lorg1, m. (gs. as s. loirg, as vn. ~tha; npl. loirg, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of lorg2. 2. Mark, print; trace, track; course. (a) ~ coise, crúibe, foot-, hoof-, print. ~ fiacaile, scine, tooth-, knife-, mark. ~ rotha, wheel-track. ~ buille, mark of blow. ~ fola, trace of blood. ~ toite, smoke-stain. ~ dóite, brand of burning. Tá ~ na ndeor ar do leiceann, your cheek is tear-stained. ~ láimhe, imprint of hand; handiwork. Aithním ~ a láimhe, I recognize his handiwork. Tá ~ a láimhe ar an litir, the letter is in his handwriting. Bhí ~ an óil air, he showed signs of drink. Níl ~ an tí féin ann anois, not even a trace of the house now remains. ~ a fhágáil ar rud, to leave a mark on sth. Is iomaí tír ar fhág siad ~ a gcos inti, they left their footprints in many lands. (b) ~ ainmhí, animal's track. ~ ruda a chur, to track sth.; to seek out sth. Chuir mé ~ an scéil, I traced the story. Níor chuir sé bonn ná ~ air, he made no effort to find out about it. Níl bonn ná ~ orthu, there is neither track nor trace of them. ~ a bheith agat ar rud, to be in quest of sth. Níl ~ mór ar rudaí mar sin, things like that are not much sought after. ~ a leanúint, to follow a track. Lean sé ~ a shinsear, he followed in the footsteps of his ancestors. Dá leanfá ~ na seanleabhar, if you were to follow the pattern of the old books. An fear nach leanann ~ Dé, the man who walks not in the ways of God. A ~ thar lear, their path across the sea. (c) Ar ~, in the track of; in pursuit of; following after, succeeding; along the course of. Dul ar ~ ruda, to go on the track of sth.; to go in search of sth. Tá siad ar do ~, they are after you, looking for you. Ar ~ eolais, looking for information. Lean sé ar ~ a athar, he followed in his father's footsteps. Ar ~ a dhaoine roimhe, like his people before him. Ar ~ na n-aspal, in apostolic succession. Bhí siad ina ríthe ar a ~, they came after him as kings. Dul ar ~ do chúil, to go backwards. Tugadh amach ar ~ a chos é, he was brought out feet foremost. (d) I ~, after, following. Agus paidir eile ina ~, and another prayer to follow it. 3. Succession, progeny. Duine gan ~, person without issue. Ní raibh ~ ar bith air, he left no descendants. 4. (a) Rear, rearguard. Bheith i ~, to be in the rear. Dochar loirg, harrying of the rear. S.a. sciath1 1(b). (b) Troop, company. 5. Cú, gadhar, loirg, tracker dog. Talamh loirg, land formerly cultivated. Iomaire loirg, fallow ridge. Ag rómhar loirg, levelling out ridges.

loscadh, m. (gs. loiscthe). 1. vn. of loisc. 2. Burning, searing, scorching, stinging. ~ buaile, foot-rot (in cattle). ~ croí, cléibh, heartache. ~ daighe, heartburn. ~ gréine, sunburn. ~ laisce, sting of lash. ~ sléibhe, wildfire. ~ triomaigh, parching of land, of crops, by drought. ~ mailíseach, malicious burning, arson. ~ orthu! Bad scran to them!

lot, m. (gs. as s. loit, as vn. loite; npl. loit, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of loit1. 2. Hurt, wound; injury, damage. ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, ar rud, to do injury to s.o., to sth. Rinneadh ~ scine air, he was wounded with a knife. ~ droma, back injury. ~ báis, fatal injury. ~ barr, damage to crops. ~ leachta, defacement of monument. ~ tíre, spoliation of country. Prov: ~ a láimhe féin ar an gcearrbhach, we must pay for our mistakes. S.a. leadhb1 1(a). 3. Violation, breach. ~ aithne, rialach, breach of commandment, of rule.

lua, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of luaigh. 2. Mention; citation, reference. ~ foinse, reference to source. ~ lánúine le chéile, announcement of couple's intention to marry.

luacháil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of luacháil2. 2. Valuation; evaluation, appraisal.

luascadh, m. (gs. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of luasc2. 2. Oscillation, swing. Ar ~, swinging, swaying, rocking. ~ na dtonn, the motion of the waves. Ní raibh ~ i linn, there wasn't a ripple on the sea.

luasghéarú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of luasghéaraigh. 2. Acceleration. ~ uilleach, angular acceleration.

luasmhoilliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of luasmhoilligh. 2. Deceleration.

luathú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of luathaigh. 2. Quickening, hastening, acceleration. 3. I.C.E: Advance.

lúbadh, m. (gs. -btha). 1. vn. of lúb2. 2. Bending, bend. ~ sailí, the bending of a willow. Níl ~ mo dhroma ionam, I can't bend my back. ~ ioscaidí, bending of hams; sagging of knees.

luchtú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of luchtaigh. 2. Filling, lading, loading.

luí, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. luite). 1. vn. of luigh1. 2. (a) Lying down; state of rest, of prostration. Bheith i do ~, to be lying down; to be laid up. Bhí sé ina ~ ar an tolg, he was lying on the sofa. Tá siad ina ~ go fóill, they are still in bed. Bhí mé i mo ~ le slaghdán, I was down with a cold. Bhí ~ bliana air, he was laid up for a year. Tá sé ina ~ le bás, he is on his deathbed. Is fada ó bhaile atá a ~, they rest far from home. Tá cead ~ agus éirí agam, I can lie down and get up when I wish, I am my own master. ~ gan éirí air, aige! The devil take him! ~ cam, torticollis. Am ~, bedtime. S.a. seol3. (b) Lying on the ground, in store, unused. Tá an chruithneacht ina ~, the wheat is lodged. Tá an choill ina ~ ar lár, the wood has been levelled to the ground. Tá na málaí ina ~ sa scioból, the bags are lying (unused) in the barn. Ná fág na rudaí sin ina ~ thart, don't leave those things lying about. Tá airgead ina ~ sa bhanc aige, he has money lying in the bank. (c) Lying in wait. Bhí siad ina ~ romhainn sa bhearnas, they were lying in wait for us in the gap. 3. (Of sun, etc.) Setting. Le ~ gréine, at sunset. Tá an ghealach ina ~, the moon is down. S.a. grian1 1. 4. Lie; slope, slant. (a) ~ an chnoic, an chósta, the lie of the hill, of the coast. ~ na tíre, the lie of the land. (b) Nau: Bád ar a ~ chuige, a boat lying to. 5. Inclination, tendency. ~ a bheith agat le rud, to have a bent for sth. ~ le hobair, le foghlaim, inclination to work, to learn. ~ an bharaiméadair, barometric tendency. 6. (a) Weight, pressure. An áit a bhfuil ~ an bhíoma air, where the beam presses on it. Bhí ~ na troda orainn, we had to bear the brunt of the fight. Cuir ~ an bhata air, lay into him with the stick. Tá ~ na bhfód air, he is under the sod. (b) Rud a chur ina ~ ar dhuine, to impress sth. on s.o. Chuir sé ina ~ orm é a dhéanamh, he induced me to do it.

luighe1, m. (gs. ~). Lit: 1. vn. of luigh2. 2. Oath.

lútáil2, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of lútáil3. 2. Obsequiousness, toadyism. (Var: lútaíl f)

macasamhlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of macasamhlaigh. 2. Reproduction, replication.

máchailiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of máchailigh1. 2. Disfigurement, injury.

machnamh, m. (gs. -aimh). 1. vn. of machnaigh. 2. Lit: Wonder. 3. Reflection, contemplation. ~, do mhachnamh, a dhéanamh ar rud, to reflect, meditate, on sth. Rinne sé a mhachnamh air féin, he thought things over. Ábhar machnaimh, food for thought.

madhmadh, m. (gs. -mtha, pl. -mthaí). 1. vn. of maidhm2. 2. Eruption. 3. Rout. 4. Detonation.

maighnéadú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of maighnéadaigh1. 2. Magnetization.

mainneachtain, f. (gs. -ana). 1. vn. of mainnigh. 2. Negligence, remissness. 3. Jur: Default. Trí mhainneachtain, by default. Breithiúnas mainneachtana, judgment by default. (Var: mainneacht f, ~t f, mainneacht(n)aí f)

maíomh, m. (gs. as s. -ímh, as vn. -íte). 1. vn. of maígh1. 2. Statement, assertion. ~ gaoil, declaration of, claim to, relationship. D'imigh siad as ~, they are of no account any more. 3. Boast. ~ a dhéanamh as rud, to boast of sth. Cúis mhaíte, something to be proud of. Ní ~ ná mustar dó é, it is nothing for him to glory in. S.a. mogall 1. 4. Begrudging, envy. ~ éadála ar dhuine, envying of good fortune to s.o. (Var: maíochtáil f, maíochtaint f)

maireachtáil, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of mair. 2. Living, livelihood, subsistence. Caighdeán maireachtála, standard of living. S.a. cóir1 5. (Var: maireachtaint f)

máirseáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of máirseáil2. 2. March. (a) ~ lae a dhéanamh, to do a day's march. ~ bhealaigh, route-march. ~ pharáide, parade march. ~ thar bráid, march past. (b) Mus: ~ bhainise, sochraide, wedding, funeral, march. 3. Perambulation, parade.

maisiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of maisigh. 2. Adornment, decoration, ornamentation. ~ tithe, long, sráideanna, fuinneog, the decoration of houses, of ships, of streets, of windows.

máistreacht, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of máistrigh. 2. Mastering; mastery. ~ a bheith agat ar dhuine, to have mastery over s.o. ~ luaile, control of movement. ~ a fháil ar rud, to make oneself master of sth. 3. Office of master, mastership.

maistreadh, m. (gs. -ridh, pl. -rí). 1. vn. of maistrigh. 2. Churning. (a) ~ a dhéanamh, a bhualadh, to churn, do a churning. ~ maith bainne, good quantity of milk for churning. (b) ~ na mara, na dtonn, the churning of the sea, of the waves.

maitheamh, m. (gs. as s. -thimh, as vn. -ite). 1. vn. of maith3. 2. Forgiveness, pardon; abatement, remission. ~ peacaí, remission of sins. ~ fiach, remittal of debts. Ní thabharfadh sé ~ sa chíos dom, he wouldn't abate the rent for me.

malartú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of malartaigh1. 2. Change. ~ tuairime, reversal of opinion. 3. Exchange, barter. ~ príosúnach, exchange of prisoners.

malgamú, m. (gs. -maithe). 1. vn. of malgamaigh. 2. Metall: Amalgamation.

mallú1, m. (gs. -llaithe). 1. vn. of mallaigh1. 2. Cursing, swearing. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to swear at s.o.

mantú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of mantaigh1. 2. Indentation. ~ gáire, toothless smile.

maoiniú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of maoinigh1. 2. Financing, endowment.

maolú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of maolaigh. 2. Assuagement, mollification; alleviation; reduction, mitigation. ~ stoirme, ar stoirm, abatement of storm. ~ feirge, mollification of anger. ~ ar luas, slackening of speed. ~ ar phian, alleviation of pain. ~ bróin, lessening of sorrow. ~ buille, absorption of blow. ~ teasa, reduction of heat. ~ damáistí, mitigation of damages. ~ ar nóta, flattening of note. ~ meanman, depression of spirits. ~ intinne, dulling of mind. 3. Ph: Damping. ~ criticiúil, critical damping.

maothú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of maothaigh. 2. Saturation, maceration.

marcaíocht, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of marcaigh1. 2. (Act of) riding, horsemanship. Scoil mharcaíochta, riding school. S.a. gabhar1 1. 3. Ride; drive, lift. ~ a fháil, to get a ride, a lift. ~ ghualainne, shoulder ride. ~ aeraíochta, joy-ride.

marú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of maraigh1. 2. Killing, slaying; slaughter. ~ éisc, the catching of fish. ~ cárta, the beating, trumping, of a card. ~ péine, the killing of pain. ~ fuaime, deadening of sound. ~ duine, homicide. ~ dlíthiúil, justifiable homicide. Tá ~ duine ar rud mar sin, a thing like that could cause the death of someone. Tá ~ ceart san aimsir seo, this weather is killing. Gléas maraithe, lethal weapon. Le fuadar maraithe, with murderous intent. S.a. damh1 1.

meá1, f. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite; pl. ~nna). 1. vn. of meáigh. 2. Balance, scales. ~ bhoise, hand, kitchen, scales. ~ léibhinn, platform scales. ~ Rómhánach, Roman balance. Rud a thomhas sa mheá, to weigh sth. on the scales, in the balance. Cuir sa mheá é, put it on the scales; throw it into the scale. An mheá a chrochadh, to turn the scales. Ar mheá chothrom, evenly balanced. ~ ar mheá, in equilibrium; on level terms. I ~ an bháis, hovering between life and death. Idir dhá cheann na ~, hanging in the balance; in a critical condition. I ~ Mhichíl, "in St. Michael's scales', before the judgment seat. 3. Weight, measure. ~ chruithneachta, a measure of wheat. Go ~, in full measure. 4. Equivalent; equal, match. Níl a mheá le fáil, its equal is not to be found. Lit: Níor mheá do Bhrian é, he was no match for Brian. 5. Estimation, judgment. Is é mo mheá (go), it is my considered judgment (that). 6. Lit: Measure, expedient. Leis an ~ is fearr le Dia, by whatever means God deems best. 7. Astr: An Mheá, the Scales, Libra.

meabhlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of meabhlaigh1. 2. Deception, betrayal; seduction.

meabhrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of meabhraigh1. 2. Memorization. 3. Meditation, reflection. 4. Perception, feeling.

méadrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of méadraigh. 2. Metrication.

méadú, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of méadaigh. 2. Increase, multiplication; enlargement; growth. (a) ~ cíosa, caipitil, maoine, increase of rent, of capital, of wealth. ~ prionta, enlargement of print. Méadú loit, aggravation of wound. ~ póir, multiplication of seed. ~ misnigh, rise in courage. ~ coirp, growth of body. ~ glóire, glorification. Cumas méadaithe, magnifying power. (b) (With ar) ~ ar shiopa, extension to shop. ~ ar luach earraí, increase in price of goods. ~ ar theacht isteach, addition to income. ~ ar olc, aggravation of evil. ~ ar nóta ceoil, augmentation of note in music. Is mór an ~ a tháinig air, he has grown a lot; it has increased very much.

mealladh, m. (gs. -llta, pl. -lltaí). 1. vn. of meall2. 2. Beguilement, allurement, enticement. 3. Deception; disappointment. ~ a bhaint as duine, to deceive s.o. Baineadh ~ mór asam, I was greatly disappointed. I ~ ná i ndearmad, by any sort of mistake.

meánchoimriú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of meánchoimrigh. 2. Gram: Syncopation.

mearú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of mearaigh. 2. Derangement, distraction, bewilderment, confusion; mental aberration. Ar ~, bewildered, confused, wandering. ~ súl, hallucination; mirage.

meas1, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of meas3. 2. Estimation, judgment; estimate, opinion. Do mheas a thabhairt ar rud, to give one's estimate of sth.; to state one's considered opinion of sth. Ba mhaith liom do mheas a fháil ar an obair seo, I would like you to tell me what you think of this work. ~ luacha, cánach, assessment of value, of tax. ~ méide, nirt, estimate of size, of strength. Tugadh ~ amadáin air, he was treated as a fool. Ná tabhair ~ bréige orm, don't take me for a liar. Má tá ~ fir agat ort féin, if you regard yourself as a man. Cad é do mheas orthu? What do you think of them? Is é mo mheas (go), I estimate (that). 3. Esteem, regard, respect. ~ a bheith agat ar dhuine, ar rud, to have regard for s.o., sth. ~ a thuilleamh, to earn respect. Tá ~ mór air, he is highly esteemed, well liked. Tá ~ ar a fhocal, his word is respected. Tharraing sé ~ an phobail air féin, he won public regard for himself. Bíodh ~ agat ort féin, show self-respect. Má tá ~ ar d'anam agat, if you value your life. Níl ~ madra acu air, they have less regard for him than for a dog. Tá ~ (aerach) faoi, he is proud, full of himself. Mise, le ~, (I am) yours respectfully. S.a. bile1 3(b).

meascadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of measc2. 2. Mixture, admixture; confusion.

measúnú, m. (gs. -naithe, pl. -nuithe). 1. vn. of measúnaigh1. 2. Assay, assessment.

meath1, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of meath2. 2. Decline, decay, decadence; failure. ~ curaíochta, tionscail, decline of tillage, of industry. ~ tíre, pobail, decline of country, of population. ~ uirbeach, urban blight. ~ póir, failure of seed. ~ sláinte, failing health. Tá ~ amhairc, cuimhne, misnigh, air, his sight, memory, courage, is failing. Tá ~ ar a ghné, he is losing his appearance. Tháinig ~ ar na barra, the crops failed. Níl ~ ar bith go fóill ort, you haven't failed a bit. Níor chuir sin ~ air, that didn't deter, discourage, him. Tá ~ do bharúla ort, you are wrong in your opinion. Bhí ~ an mhargaidh, na malairte, na mullóige, orm, I got the worst of the bargain. Dul ar ~, to decline. Gan mheath, without fail.

meathlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of meathlaigh1. 2. Decline, decay, failure, degeneration. Ar ~, declining, failing. Ar ~ sláinte, in failing health. 3. Biol: Devolution. (Var: meathló m)

meicniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of meicnigh. 2. Mechanization.

meilt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of meil. 2. Grinding, crushing; consuming, spending; wasting. ~ arbhair, grinding, milling, of corn. Thug sé ~ na braiche air, he made a hurried job of it. ~ mianaigh, crushing of ore. Min: Inneall ~e, crushing-machine, crusher. ~ lainne, grinding, sharpening, of blade. ~ bia, chewing, consuming, of food. ~ maoine, wasting of substance. ~ aimsire, killing of time. 3. Incessant talk.

meirbhliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of meirbhligh. 2. Enervation. (Var: meirbhiú)

mianrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of mianraigh1. 2. Mineralization.

mianú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of mianaigh1. 2. Desideration, desire. Cuid mhianaithe, desideratum.

míchóiriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of míchóirigh. 2. Disarrangement.

mídhílsiú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of mídhílsigh. 2. Misappropriation.

mífhuaimniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of mífhuaimnigh. 2. Mispronunciation.

mí-iompar, m. (gs. -air2). 1. vn. of mí-iompair1. 2. Misconduct, misbehaviour.

milleadh, m. (gs. -llte). 1. vn. of mill2. 2. Impairment, ruination, destruction. ~ oibre, spoiling of work. ~ amhráin, mangling of song. ~ scéimhe, ravishing of beauty. ~ dóchais, blasting of hope. ~ tíre, spoliation of country. ~ scéime, wrecking of scheme. ~ corp, mutilation of bodies. ~ radhairc, destruction of view. ~ páistí, spoiling of children. Folk: ~ cnoic, louping ill. Mo mhilleadh! Alas! S.a. súil 1. 3. (In phrase) A mhilleadh sin, the contrary to that. Is é a mhilleadh sin agamsa é, it is the opposite case with me. Dúirt sé a mhilleadh sin ar fad, he said the very opposite.

mímheas1, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of mímheas2. 2. Disrespect, contempt.

mímhíniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of mímhínigh. 2. Misconstruction.

mímholadh, m. (gs. -lta). 1. vn. of mímhol. 2. Disparagement.

mineastráil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of mineastráil2. 2. Administration.

míniú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of mínigh. 2. Explanation, interpretation. ~ a thabhairt ar rud, to explain sth. Cad é an ~ a bhainfeá as? How would you interpret it? Focal mínithe, explanatory word. Is é an ~ atá air (go), the explanation for it is (that). Ba é ~ is réiteach an scéil (go), the upshot of the matter was (that).

míntíriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of míntírigh. 2. Reclamation. ~ talún, land reclamation.

mionathrú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of mionathraigh. 2. Modification.

mionbhreacadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -ctha). 1. vn. of mionbhreac. 2. Stippling.

miondealú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of miondealaigh. 2. Gram: Analysis.

miondíol1, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of miondíol2. 2. (Of goods) Retail.

mionghearradh, m. (gs. -rrtha, pl. -rrthacha). 1. vn. of mionghearr. 2. Minor cut.

mionleasú, m. (gs. -saithe, pl. -suithe). 1. vn. of mionleasaigh. 2. Minor amendment.

mionnú, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of mionnaigh1. 2. Swearing, adjuration. ~ éithigh, perjury.

mionroinnt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of mionroinn. 2. Comminution.

mionsaothrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of mionsaothraigh. 2. Elaboration.

mionscrúdú, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of mionscrúdaigh. 2. Minute examination, close scrutiny.

mionteagasc1, m. (gs. & npl. -aisc, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of mionteagasc2. 2. Jur: Brief. ~ faire, watching brief.

mionú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of mionaigh. 2. Comminution. 3. Diminution; disintegration.

míostrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of míostraigh. 2. Menstruation.

miotalú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of miotalaigh1. 2. Metallization. ~ galbhánach, galvanoplasty. ~ leictreach, galvanization.

mírialú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of mírialaigh. 2. Misrule, misgovernment.

míriaradh, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of míriar2. 2. Mismanagement, maladministration.

míshásamh, m. (gs. as s. -aimh, as vn. -sta). 1. vn. of míshásaigh. 2. Displeasure, dissatisfaction. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to displease s.o. Tháinig ~ air; bhuail ~ é, he became dissatisfied. 3. Awkwardness. Tá ~ leis, it is awkward to do.

mísheoladh, m. (gs. -lta, pl. -ltaí). 1. vn. of mísheol. 2. Misdirection.

misniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of misnigh2. 2. Encouragement.

míthreorú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of míthreoraigh1. 2. Jur: Misdirection.

modhnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of modhnaigh. 2. Modulation, modification.

moilliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of moilligh. 2. Delay, lag, retardment. 3. Mus: Pros: Pause. 4. El: Ph: Retardation. (Var: ~int f)

moirtniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of moirtnigh. 2. Mortification.

moladh, m. (gs. -lta, pl. -ltaí). 1. vn. of mol2. 2. Praise, commendation. ~ a dhéanamh ar, a thabhairt do, dhuine, to praise s.o. Bhí ~ mór acu ort, they had great praise for you. Tá ~ mór ar a chuid leabhar, his books are highly regarded. ~ le Dia, praise be to God. 3. Recommendation, proposal. ~ a dhéanamh faoi rud, to make a recommendation about sth. ~ iarrthóra, proposal of candidate. Ar mholadh duine, on s.o.'s recommendation. Litir mholta, letter of recommendation. 4. Appraisement, adjudication, award. Rud a fhágáil faoi mholadh duine, to let s.o. be the judge of sth. ~ beirte, arbitration by two persons. Níl sé thar mholadh beirte, it leaves much to be desired. 5. (a) Song of praise, eulogy, panegyric. ~ mairbh, panegyric for deceased person; praise for the dead. Ní ~ mairbh ar bith agam air é, I am not just extolling his memory. (b) Ecc: Moltaí, lauds.

monaplú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of monaplaigh. 2. Monopolization.

móradh, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of mór4. 2. Magnification, extolment.

morgadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of morg. 2. Corruption, putrefaction; mortification, gangrene.

mótarú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of mótaraigh1. 2. Motorization.

mothú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of mothaigh. 2. Feeling, perception; sensation, consciousness. ~ a bheith agat ar rud, to be able to feel sth., to be conscious of sth. Níl ~ aige ar theas ná ar fhuacht, he is insensible to heat or cold. Ní raibh ~ aige ar mo chuid cainte, he didn't realise I was talking, didn't hear me speak. Bíodh ~ ionat, keep your wits about you; bestir yourself. An ~ a chailleadh, to lose the sense of touch; to lose perception; to lose consciousness. Duine gan mhothú, insensate person; unconscious person. Tá sé ina chnap gan mhothú, he is an insensate heap, he is dead to the world. Méara gan mhothú, numb, dead, fingers. Níl ~ ar bith i mo chosa, I have no feeling in my legs. Tháinig an ~ arís ann, he regained consciousness; his sensitivity was restored. Teacht gan mhothú ar dhuine, to come unnoticed upon s.o., to take s.o. unawares. ~ feirge, éada, touch of anger, of jealousy. Chuir sé ~ feirge orm, he stung me to anger. 3. Folk: Overlooking, bewitching. 4 = mothas.

múchadh, m. (gs. -chta). 1. vn. of múch2. 2. Smothering, suffocation. ~ agus bá ort! May you smother and drown! 3. Quenching, extinguishment. ~ na gríosaí, quenching of embers; Fig: heavy beating. ~ dóiteáin, fire-fighting. ~ tarta, quenching of thirst; a drink to quench thirst. 4. Obliteration, obscurement. Cáil gan mhúchadh, undimmed renown. 5. Asthma. Tá an ~ ag cur air, he is suffering from asthma.

múchghlanadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of múchghlan. 2. Fumigation.

múineadh, m. (gs. -nte). 1. vn. of múin1. 2. Teaching, instruction. ~ staire, teangacha, the teaching of history, of languages. An ~ a fuair sé, the teaching, training, he got. ~ ainmhithe, the training of animals. Casadh fear mo mhúinte orm, I met my master. S.a. béal 1(c), oide 2. 3. Good behaviour, manners; chastening, chastisement. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to teach s.o. manners; to chastise s.o. ~ a bheith ort, to have manners. Duine gan mhúineadh, unmannerly person. Níl ~ ná stiúradh ar na páistí aige, he has let the children get completely out of control. Bíodh ~ ar do theanga, keep a civil tongue in your head. Is den mhúineadh é, it is the polite thing to do. Más den mhúineadh a fhiafraí díot, if it is polite to ask you. Níor thug sé de mhúineadh dom a leithscéal a ghabháil, he didn't do me the courtesy of excusing himself. 4. Moral, lesson. ~ a bhaint as rud, to draw a lesson from sth. ~ scéil, the moral of a story.

mún1, m. (gs. múin). 1. vn. of mún2. 2. Urine. ~ dearg, fola, red murrain. S.a. dreoilín 1(a).

mungailt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of mungail. 2. Chewing action. ~ bia, munching of food. 3. Indistinct utterance, mumble, mutter. ~ focal, slurring of words.

múnlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of múnlaigh2. 2. Moulding, casting, shaping. ~ soithigh, moulding, shaping, of vessel. ~ aigne, formation of mind. Scian, ábhair, mhúnlaithe, modelling knife, materials.

múráil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of múráil2. 2. Mooring. Ar ~, moored. Dul ar ~, to come to anchor.

múscailt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of múscail. 2. Awakening, state of being awake. ~ misnigh, the raising of courage. (Var: muscailt)

náiriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of náirigh1. 2. Shame, disgrace. ~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to bring shame on s.o.

náisiúnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of náisiúnaigh1. 2. Nationalization.

naomhainmniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of naomhainmnigh. 2. Canonization.

naomhú1, m. (gs. -mhaithe). 1. vn. of naomhaigh. 2. Sanctification. S.a. grásta 1.

nascadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of nasc2. 2. Binding; bond, obligation.

neadú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of neadaigh. 2. Nesting, settling; nestling; bedding, setting.

néalú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of néalaigh. 2. Ch: Sublimation.

neamhbhailiú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of neamhbhailigh1. 2. Invalidation.

neamhniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of neamhnigh. 2. Nullification, annullment, annihilation.

neartú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of neartaigh. 2. Strengthening, reinforcement, support. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to strengthen sth. ~ balla, strengthening of wall. ~ sláinte, improving of health. ~ stoirme, increase in storm. Mar ~ ar, le, rud, as support, reinforcement, for sth.

neodrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of neodraigh1. 2. Neutralization.

3, f. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. nite). 1. vn. of nigh. 2. Washing. ~ lámh, éadaigh, washing of hands, of clothes. ~ smál, washing away, cleansing, of stains. Fear nite mias, dishwasher.

nimhiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of nimhigh. 2. Poisoning. ~ bia, food poisoning.

nochtadh, m. (gs. nochta). 1. vn. of nocht3. 2. Baring, exposure; disclosure, revelation; appearance. ~ meirgí, unfolding of banners. ~ radhairc, opening out of view. ~ rúin, disclosure of secret. Phot: ~ scannáin, exposure of film. ~ leachta, unveiling of monument. Jur: ~ mígheanasach, indecent exposure.

nódú, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of nódaigh1. 2. Hort: Surg: Graft, transplantation.

nogadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -gtha). 1. vn. of nog. 2. Nogging. ~ brící, coincréite, cloiche, brick-, concrete-, stone-, nogging.

núicléatú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of núicléataigh1. 2. Nucleation.

obadh, m. (gs. obtha, pl. obthaí). 1. vn. of ob1. 2. Refusal, rejection. ~ a thabhairt do, ar, dhuine, to refuse s.o. ~ troda, refusal to fight. Fin: Fógra obtha, notice of dishonour.

ocsaídiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of ocsaídigh1. 2. Oxidation.

ocsaiginiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of ocsaiginigh1. 2. Oxygenation.

ofráil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of ofráil2. 2. (Religious, funeral) offering. ~ altaithe, thank-offering. ~ mhóideach, votive offering. ~ a thógáil (os cionn duine), to collect offerings (at s.o.'s funeral). 3. Offertory. 4. Charity. (Var: ofráid f)

oibriú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of oibrigh. 2. Working; action, operation, activity, agency; agitation, fermentation. ~ talún, mianraí, the working of land, of minerals. ~ hanla, maide lústair, the working of a handle, of a treadle. ~ gréasa, patrúin, the working of a design, of a pattern. ~ scéime, the operation of a scheme. ~ cumhachta, the exercise of power. Le h~ an Spioraid Naoimh, by the operation of the Holy Spirit. ~ cloig, meaisín, the working of a clock, of a machine. ~ teasa ar mhiotal, the action of heat on metal. Ór gan ~, free gold. ~ aicíde ar scamhóga, the action of disease on lungs. ~ intinne, stirrings of the mind; mental unrest. ~ cos, restless movement of feet. Tá ~ ar an uisce, the water is seething. Med: ~ (an choirp, na colainne), movement (of bowels). Fin: Rachmas oibrithe, working capital. Mth: Oibrithe le deachúlacha, le codáin, operations with decimals, with fractions.

oighriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of oighrigh1. 2. Congealment. 3. Glaciation.

oiliúint, f. (gs. -úna). 1. vn. of oil2. 2. Nutrition, nourishment. ~ i mbia, nourishment in food. 3. Nurture, upbringing, fostering care. Leanbh a chur ar ~, to send a child to be fostered, reared. 4. Training, coaching. ~ choirp agus intinne, physical and mental training. ~ ghairmiúil, mhíleata, professional, military, training. (Var: oilíocht)

oiriseamh, m. (gs. -simh). 1. vn. of oiris3. 2. Stay, stop; wait, delay.

oiriúint, f. (gs. -úna, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of oir. 2. Suitability, fittingness. In ~, in order, ready; adapted (do, to); in harmony (do, with). Tá gach rud in ~ agam, I have everything ready. Rudaí a chur in ~ dá chéile, to adapt things to each other, to harmonize things. As ~, out of order. 3. (pl.) Fittings, accessories. ~í oifige, office accessories. ~í práis, brass fittings. Pé ~í atá ag teastáil, whatever fittings are required.

oiriúnú, m. (gs. -naithe, pl. -nuithe). 1. vn. of oiriúnaigh1. 2. Adaptation, adaption.

oirneachadh, m. (gs. -aidh). 1. vn. of oirnigh2. 2. Fragmentation.

oirnéaladh, m. (gs. -lta). 1. vn. of oirnéal. 2. Decoration.

oirniú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of oirnigh1. 2. (a) Ordination. (b) Inauguration. Aitheasc oirnithe, inaugural address. (c) Arrangement, ornamentation.

ól1, m. (gs. as s. óil, as vn. ~ta). 1. vn. of ól2. 2. Drink. (a) Drinking-liquid. Is milis, glas, daor, an t-~ é, it is a sweet, weak, dear, drink. S.a. ithe 2(a). (b) (Indulgence in) intoxicating liquor. An t-~, drink, the habit of drinking. Bheith ar an ~, to be drinking, on the booze. Stad, ligean, den ~, to stop, abstain from, drinking. ~ a dhéanamh, to do a bout of drinking. Bhí ~ déanta acu, they had drink taken. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to force a drink on s.o. Braon óil, drop of drink. Teach (an) óil, public house. (c) Measure, portion, of drink. ~ a ghlaoch, to call for drink. Tá ~ féine ann, it is a huge drink.

olltáirgeadh, m. (gs. -gthe). 1. vn. of olltáirg. 2. Mass production.

onnmhairiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of onnmhairigh. 2. Exportation.

onórú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of onóraigh1. 2. Honouring, reverence, worship.

ordú, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of ordaigh. 2. Order. (a) Command, injunction. ~ a thabhairt, a fháil, to give, receive, an order. Thug sé ~ dom é a dhéanamh, he ordered me to do it. Ag cur orduithe ar dhuine, ordering s.o. about. ~ béil, scríofa, faoi shéala, verbal, written, sealed, order. ~ reachtúil, statutory order. ~ riaracháin, administrative order. ~ cúirte, court order. ~ cimithe, committal order. ~ slógaidh, mobilization order. Faoi ~ dochtúra, under doctor's orders. Ar ~ duine, by order of s.o. Le h~ ó, by order of. (b) Com: Fin: Bille ar ~, bill to order. Íoc ar ~, pay to the order (of). ~ íocaíochta, order for payment. ~ airgid, poist, money, postal, order. Leabhar orduithe, order-book. (c) Normal state, proper condition. Rudaí a chur in ~, to put things in order, in a proper state. In ~ maith, in good order. Tá an t-eallach in ~ maith aige, he has the cattle in good condition. Rud a chur as ~, to put sth. out of order. Tá mo ghoile as ~, my stomach is upset. (d) (Procedural) In, as, ~, in, out of, order. Pointe ordaithe, point of order.

ornú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of ornaigh. 2. Adornment.

oscailt, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of oscail. 2. Opening. ~ idir charraigeacha, an opening between rocks. ~ súl, eye-opener. Baineadh ~ as a bhéal le pian, his mouth opened wide with pain. Tá an doras ar ~, the door is open. 3. Agr: First strip (in ploughing).

osnaíl, f. (gs. -íola). 1. vn. of osnaigh. 2. Sighing. ~ ghoil, sobbing. (Var: osnaí f, osnaíocht f)

othrasú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of othrasaigh1. 2. Ulceration.

ózónú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of ózónaigh. 2. Ozonization.

pábháil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of pábháil2. 2. Paving, pavement. ~ leac, flag pavement. Cloch, leac, phábhála, paving-stone. (Var: pábhaile m)

pacáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of pacáil2. 2. Packing. Ábhar pacála, packing material. Cás pacála, packing-case. Páipéar pacála, packing-paper.

pailniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of pailnigh. 2. Pollination.

páirtiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of páirtigh1. 2. Participation.

paisteáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of paisteáil2. 2. Patching. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to patch, patch up, sth.

palatú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of palataigh. 2. Palatalization.

péacadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of péac2. 2. Germination.

pearsantú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of pearsantaigh. 2. Personification.

pearsanú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of pearsanaigh. 2. Personation, impersonation.

péinteáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of péinteáil2. 2. Painting, paint-work.

pianadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of pian2. 2. Torture; punishment.

picilt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of picil2. 2 = picil1.

piocadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of pioc2. 2. Picking, pick. 3. Knitting: ~ na circe, moss-stitch.

pionósú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of pionósaigh1. 2. Penalization, punishment.

plá, f. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite, pl. ~nna). 1. vn. of pláigh1. 2. Plague, pestilence. ~ is gorta, pestilence and famine. ~ mhíoltóg, choiníní, a plague of midges, of rabbits. ~ ort! Plague on you! 3. (Of person) Pest.

placadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of plac1. 2. (In phrase) ~ siollaí, profuse idle talk, gobbledegook; cajolery. (Var. of 2: placa siolla)

plancadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of planc3. 2. Beating, trouncing.

plandáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of plandáil2. 2. Plantation. (a) (Of cultivation) ~ chadáis, siúcra, cotton, sugar, plantation. (b) (Of colonization) P~ Uladh, the Plantation of Ulster.

plátáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of plátáil2. 2. Plating, sheeting, armour.

plé1, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite). 1. vn. of pléigh. 2. Discussion, disputation. Tá ~ a chirt ann, he can speak up for himself. 3. Dealings. Ná bíodh aon phlé agat leo, have nothing to do with them.

pléadáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of pléadáil2. 2. Jur: Plea. 3. Disputation, wrangle.

pléascadh, m. (gs. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of pléasc2. 2. Explosion. 3. Ling: Plosion. (Var: pléascáil f)

plódú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of plódaigh. 2. Crush, press, jam. ~ tithe, overcrowding of houses. ~ tráchta, congestion of traffic. (Var: plódadh m, plodú)

plúchadh, m. (gs. -chta). 1. vn. of plúch. 2. Suffocation. ~ agus loscadh, suffocation and burning. 3. Heavy downfall. ~ sneachta, heavy fall of snow. Tá ~ deataigh, toite, againn, the smoke is pouring down on us. 4. Asthma. ~ a bheith ort, to suffer from asthma.

plúrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of plúraigh1. 2. Efflorescence.

pocléim1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. vn. of pocléim2. 2. Buck-jump.

podsalú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of podsalaigh1. 2. Podzolization.

poibliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of poibligh. 2. (Of news, etc.) Publication.

polarú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of polaraigh. 2. Polarization. Priosma polaraithe, polarization prism.

polladh, m. (gs. -llta). 1. vn. of poll2. 2. Holing, boring, perforation, penetration.

poncloscadh, m. (gs. -oiscthe). 1. vn. of poncloisc. 2. Cauterization.

poncú, m. (gs. -caithe). 1. vn. of poncaigh. 2. Punctuation.

pórú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of póraigh. 2. Breeding, propagation.

pósadh, m. (gs. -sta, pl. -staí). 1. vn. of pós. 2. (State, ceremony, of) marriage. ~ a dhéanamh, to marry; to officiate at a marriage ceremony. ~ a scaoileadh, to dissolve a marriage. Tá siad in aois a bpósta, they are of marriageable age. ~ dúbailte, double wedding. ~ measctha, mixed marriage. Lá a bpósta, (on) their wedding-day. Dul ar ~, to go to a wedding.

postaláidiú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of postaláidigh. 2. Postulation.

postú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of postaigh. 2. Posting.

preabadh, m. (gs. -btha). 1. vn. of preab2. 2. Jump, start; throb. 3. Kick.

preasáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of preasáil2. 2. Mil: Impressment. Oifigeach preasála, impressment officer. Buíon phreasála, press-gang.

priocadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of prioc1. 2. Prick, prod, sting. ~ deilge, bioráin, prick of thorn, of pin. ~ coinsiasa, prick of conscience. ~ a chur i nduine, a thabhairt do dhuine, to have a dig at s.o. 3 = piocadh 3.

príosúnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of príosúnaigh1. 2. Imprisonment. ~ neamhdhleathach, false imprisonment.

prólaiféarú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of prólaiféaraigh1. 2. Proliferation.

promhadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -ofa). 1. vn. of promh. 2. Proof, test. (a) Ch: ~ an aigéid, the acid test. ~ cnapbhóráis, borax-bead test. (b) ~ súl, eye-testing. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to test (the qualities of) s.o. 3. Jur: Probation. Bheith ar ~, to be on probation. Oifigeach promhaidh, probation officer.

púdrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of púdraigh1. 2. Pulverization.

púitseáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of púitseáil2. 2. (Act of) rummaging. Bhí sé ag ~ ina phócaí, sa chófra, he was fumbling in his pockets, in the chest.

pulcadh, m. (gs. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of pulc. 2. Crush, throng; large mass.

pupú, m. (gs. -paithe). 1. vn. of pupaigh1. 2. Pupation.

purgú, m. (gs. -gaithe). 1. vn. of purgaigh. 2. Purgation.

1, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~ite; pl. ~ite). 1. vn. of abair1. 2. Saying, utterance. ~ Bhearcháin, Bearchan's saying, prophecy. Níor creideadh mo ~ite, my words were not believed. ~ borb, strong statement. Fágaim ar do ~ite féin é, I leave it to yourself to say; whatever you say yourself. ~ béil, verbal expression, statement. (pl.) ~ite béil, statements, remarks. Is é ~, ~ite, a bhéil é, it is his own statement. Is beannaithe ~ do bhéil, blessed are the words you speak. Fuair sé ~ a bhéil orthu, he got what he asked for them. Tá sé ar ~ do bhéil féin agat, you have only to state your terms. ~ite an bhéil bhréagaigh, the statement of a liar. De ~ite na fírinne, as a matter of fact.

racáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of racáil2. 2. Racking pains, torture. (Var: racadh m, racadóireacht f)

rácáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of rácáil2. 2. Rakings, raked material. 3. ~ ghaoithe, cloud-rack.

radadh, m. (gs. radta). 1. vn. of rad2. 2. Showering, pelting. Thugamar ~ dóibh, we pelted them. Chuir siad ~ cloch linn, they showered us with stones. A leithéid de ~ fearthainne! Such a downpour! 3. (Of horse, etc.) Kick, fling. Bhí gach léim agus gach ~ aige, he was jumping and cavorting for all he was worth.

radú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of radaigh. 2. Radiation.

raiceáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of raiceáil2. 2. Wrecking, wreck. ~ loinge, the wreck of a ship. 3. Ill-usage, maltreatment. ~ a thabhairt duit féin le rud, to abuse one's strength doing sth.

rámhaíocht, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of rámhaigh1. 2. Rowing, oarsmanship. Bád ~a, rowing-boat. ~ a dhéanamh (ar bhád), to row (a boat).

ramhrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of ramhraigh. 2. Fattening. Tá ~ sna prátaí, potatoes are fattening. Talamh ramhraithe, fat, grazing, land. 3. Coagulation. ~ bainne, thickening of milk. 4. Fulling, tucking. Muileann ramhraithe, tucking mill. 5. Dulling, stupefying. ~ céille, brutalizing of senses. 6. Beating, drubbing. Fuair sé ~ maith, he got a good trouncing. (Var: ramhú)

rangú, m. (gs. -gaithe). 1. vn. of rangaigh. 2. Classification; grading, assortment.

ransú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of ransaigh. 2. Rummage, search. (Var: ransáil f)

rásáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of rásáil2. 2. I.C.E: Racing; 3. channelling, grooving. ~ i gcrú capaill, grooving in horseshoe.

rathú1, m. (gs. -thaithe). Lit: 1. vn. of rathaigh2. 2. Perception, apprehension.

réabadh, m. (gs. -btha). 1. vn. of réab1. 2. Rending, shattering; rent, tear, rip; violation. ~ carraigeacha, shattering of rocks. ~ bóithre, tearing up of roads. Tá ~ croí air, it would rend one's heart. Tá ~ déanta acu sa gharraí, they have torn up the garden. Bhí ~ cainte faoi, he was talking at a great rate. ~ reilige, violation of graveyard; violation of the memory of the dead; violent upheaval. (Var: réabáil f)

reachtú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of reachtaigh1. 2. Legislation; enactment.

réadtiomnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of réadtiomnaigh. 2. Devise.

réadú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of réadaigh1. 2. Com: Realization.

réaladh, m. (gs. -lta). 1. vn. of réal2. 2. Manifestation. 3. Phot: Development.

réamhaithris1, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of réamhaithris2. 2. Prediction. 3. Jur: Recital.

réamhbheartú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of réamhbheartaigh. 2. Premeditation.

réamhcheapadh, m. (gs. -ptha). 1. vn. of réamhcheap. 2. Preconception, premeditation.

réamhchinneadh, m. (gs. -nnte). 1. vn. of réamhchinn. 2. Predestination.

réamhchinntiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of réamhchinntigh. 2. Predetermination.

réamhdhéanamh, m. (gs. as s. -aimh, as vn. -nta). 1. vn. of réamhdhéan. 2. Prefabrication.

réamhghabháil, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of réamhghabh. 2. Anticipation.

réamhinsint, f. (gs. as s. ~e, as vn. -ste; pl. ~í). 1. vn. of réamhinis. 2. Prediction.

réamhleagan, m. (gs. as s. -ain, as vn. -gtha, pl. ~acha). 1. vn. of réamhleag. 2. Log: Premise.

réamhordú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of réamhordaigh. 2. Pre-ordination, predestination.

réamhshocrú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of réamhshocraigh. 2. Prior arrangement; pre- determination; 3. Jur: Advancement.

réasúnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of réasúnaigh1. 2. Reasoning, rationalization.

reic1, m. (gs. reaca, pl. ~eanna). 1. vn. of reic2. 2. Sale; proclamation of wares for sale. S.a. sop1 1. 3. Public narration. ~ dáin, public recital of poem. 4. Gossip. 5. Waste, lavish spending.

réimniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of réimnigh. 2. Progression. 2. Gradation. 4. Gram: Conjugation.

réiteach, m. (gs. & npl. -tigh, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of réitigh1. 2. (a) Clearance. ~ slí, clearance of way (from obstruction); smoothing of path. ~ talún, clearance of land (from overgrowth). ~ scornaí, clearing of throat. (b) Clearing, level space. ~ i gcoill, forest clearing. ~ agus sliabh, plain and mountain. Amuigh ar an ~, out in the open. (c) Preparation. ~ i gcomhair ruda, preparation for sth. 3. (a) Disentanglement. ~ snátha, unravelling of thread. ~ cinn, combing of hair. (b) Solution, settlement; adjustment, agreement. ~ achrainn, settlement of dispute. ~ deacrachta, solution of difficulty. ~ ceiste, answer to question. Tá ~ an scéil agam, I know the answer to the problem. ~ a dhéanamh idir dhaoine, to settle matters between people. Teacht chun réitigh le duine, to come to an agreement with s.o. Chuaigh an chúis ó ~ orainn, we failed to decide the issue, to come to terms. Prov: Ní théann rogha ón ~, peace is everything. Bord réitigh, conciliation board. Ráiteas réitigh, reconciliation statement. Ceann réitigh, arbitrator. Vóta réitigh, casting-vote. S.a. míniú 2. (Var: ~t f)

reo1, m. (gs. ~). 1. vn. of reoigh. 2. Frost. S.a. coinneal 4, gabhairín 2.

réscaipeadh, m. (gs. -pthe). 1. vn. of réscaip. 2. (Of light) Diffusion.

3, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~the). 1. vn. of rígh1. 2. Enthronement.

rialú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of rialaigh. 2. Rule, regulation; control, government. ~ na tíre, the governing of the country. ~ gluaiseachta, movement control. ~ compáis, regulation of compass. Bord rialaithe, governing body. Greille rialaithe, control grid. S.a. comhla 3 (c), post3 1.

rianú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of rianaigh1. 2. Marking, tracing, delineation. ~ graif, plotting of graph. ~ léarscáile, tracing of map.

riar1, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. ~tha). 1. vn. of riar2. 2. Administration, management. ~ gnóthaí, cirt, dlí, administration of affairs, of justice, of law. 3. Provision, service. ~ teaghlaigh, provision for household. ~ na hoíche, provision, chores, for the night. Cuireadh ~ maith orainn, we were well looked after. 4. Distribution, allocation. ~ cothrom a dhéanamh ar rud, to make a fair apportionment of sth. An té atá i mbun a ~tha, the person who is serving it out. Fear ~tha déirce, dispenser of charity. 5. Share, supply; sufficiency. Tá mo ~ ann, it is enough for my needs. Tar le do ~ de, make do with your share of it. Tá ~ na gcéadta ann, it would supply a multitude. Tá ~ a gcáis, a riachtanais, acu, they have enough for their needs. ~ maith de mhaoin an tsaoil, a goodly share of the world's goods. ~ agus éileamh, supply and demand. 6 = réir. (Var: ~adh m)

riastáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of riastáil. 2. Lazybed tillage.

ribeadh, m. (gs. -bthe). 1. vn. of rib. 2. Ensnarement.

rilleadh, m. (gs. -llte). 1. vn. of rill. 2. Flood, torrent, downpour. ~ báistí, downpour of rain. ~ cainte, flood of speech. Tá ~ faoi, he is bent on talking; he is rattling on.

rince1, m. (gs. ~, pl. -cí). 1. vn. of rinc2. 2. Dance. ~ a dhéanamh, to dance, do a dance (le duine, with s.o.). Dul chuig ~, to go to a dance. ~ a bheith agat, to be able to dance. ~ a bhaint as airgead, "to make money spin,' to spend money lavishly. ~ céime, step-dance. ~ an chlaímh, sword-dance. ~ fada, long dance, type of traditional dance. ~ téide, rope-dance. ~ na bpréachán, shuffling.

rinseáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of rinseáil2. 2. Rinse. ~ éadaigh, rinsing of clothes. Thug sé ~ na hainnise dó féin, he gave himself a lick and a promise. 3. Sprinkling. ~ de rud, a sprinkling of sth. ~ ghaoil, distant relationship.

ríochan, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of righ. 2. Tautness. Bain as an ~ é, slacken it. 3. Restraint, control. Níl ~ leo, there is no restraining them; they are the limit. Ní raibh ~ lena chuid nirt, there was no limit to his strength.

ríomh1, m. (gs. as s. ~a, as vn. -ofa). 1. vn. of ríomh2. 2. Enumeration; calculation, computation. Modh ~a, method of calculation. Tá sé inár ~, he is numbered among us. Bhí sé chomh maith agat ~ a chur ar na réaltaí, you might as well try to count the stars. 3. Narration. ~ dáin, narration of poem. ~ a n-éachtaí, the recounting of their deeds. (Var: ~adh m)

rith1, m. (gs. reatha, pl. rití). 1. vn. of rith2. 2. Run. (a) ~ rása, the running of a race. Tá ~ an rása leat, you have a clear run ahead of you, have surmounted your difficulties. ~ a bhaint as duine, to make s.o. run. Tá a ~ is a léim aige, he can run and jump, is in his full vigour. Ní dhéanfaidh tú de ~ ná de léim é, you can't just rush headlong into it. ~ cinn le fána, downhill, headlong, rush. ~ searraigh, "foal's run', short impetuous run. Níl ann ach ~ searraigh, it is only a flash in the pan. Bhí ~ mhadra an dá cháis orm, I was running hither and thither to no purpose. Bhí mé faoi thrí ~ circe de, I was practically there. Prov: Ní bhíonn ~ maith ag gach each i gcónaí, it is a good horse that never stumbles. Prov: Is fearr ~ maith ná drochsheasamh, discretion is the better part of valour. S.a. bodach 1, cladach 1. (b) (With i and poss. pron.) Bhí mé i mo ~, I was running. Tháinig sé ina ~ chugainn, he came running to us. Chonaic mé thú i do ~ uathu, I saw you running away from them. Bhí an t-allas ina ~ leis, he was running with sweat. Tá an t-ádh ina ~ ort, you are extremely lucky. (c) Course, career. I dtús, i ndeireadh, a reatha, at the beginning, at the end, of his race. Do ~ baoise, your career of folly. Tá sé chun reatha, he is ready to make a start in life. (d) Free range. Bhí ~ na tíre acu, they had the run of the country. Tá ~ fada acu ar na sléibhte, they can roam far over the mountains. Tá ~ a bhéil is a theanga leis, he lets his tongue run loose. (e) Rapid flow. ~ mara, sea-flow; rush of tide. ~ abhann, run of tide in river-mouth. ~ cainte, flow of speech. (f) Med: Vet: ~ croí, palpitation. ~ fola, (i) bloody flux, dysentery, (ii) haemorrhage. An ~ gorm, form of diarrhoea (in children). An ~ buair, an ~ buan, scour. Chuir an bia borb ~ air, the rich food made his bowels run. (g) (Continuous) stretch, spell. ~ sonais, run of luck. ~ tinnis, spell of sickness. Rití fuachta, shivering spells. (h) ~ cúirte, court session. D'imigh ~ cúirte orm, I missed a court sitting. (i) Demand. ~ ar earraí, run on goods. (j) Slip, miss. ~ focail, slip of the tongue. Tháinig ~ dárach ar na ba an bhliain sin, the cows contracted contagious abortion that year. (k) Passage, enactment. ~ achta, rúin, the passing of an act, of a resolution. (l) (Of product) Quality. An chéad ~ plúir, first-quality flour. Níl agat ach an dara ~ díobh, the ones you have are only second-rate. (m) Sp: Run. Céad ~, one hundred runs. (n) I ~, in the course of, throughout. I ~ an lae, during, throughout, the day. I ~ an ama, all the time. I ~ mo shaoil, during my whole life. (o) Cuairt reatha, fleeting visit. Cuntas reatha, current account. Feamainn reatha, drifting seaweed. Greim reatha, stitch in side from running. Scéal reatha, current rumour. Lámhscríbhneoireacht reatha, cursive handwriting. Troid reatha, running fight. Uisce reatha, running water. S.a. aga1 2, airgead 2, cloch1 1(c), feochadán, gaineamh, léim1 2(a), réalta1 1. ruagaire 2. snaidhm1 1(a). (Var: f. pl. ~e)

robáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of robáil2. 2. Robbery. ~ tithe, banc, robbing of houses, of banks. 3. Cards: Robbing. ~ chaoch, robbing without having the ace of trumps in hand. (Var. of 2: robaireacht f)

rocadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of roc3. 2. Corrugation.

roghnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of roghnaigh1. 2. Choice, selection.

roinnt, f. (gs. ~e, pl. rannta). 1. vn. of roinn2. 2. Division, apportionment. ~ talún, maoine, division of land, of property. ~ tí, tíre, dividing, partitioning, of house, of country. ~ airgid, ollmhaitheasaí, sharing of money, of good things. ~ eolais, léinn, sharing of knowledge, of learning. Gan ~, undivided, whole, entire. 3. Dealing, distribution. (a) ~ cártaí, card-dealing. Cé leis an ~? Whose deal is it? (b) ~ in earraí, i bplúr, in iasc, dealing in goods, in flour, in fish. 4. Mth: Division. 5. (a) (Partitive) Some, a number or amount (of). ~ airgid, some money. ~ de na scoláirí, some of the scholars. Le ~ blianta, for a number of years now. Chuir sé ~ imní orm, it gave me some anxiety. Tá ~ mhaith acu díolta, a good few of them have been sold. Bhí ~ mhaith córach linn, we had a fairly favourable wind. ~ eile acu, some more of them. (b) (As adv.) Somewhat. Tá sé ~ fuar, it is somewhat cold. Bhíomar ~ súgach, we were a bit merry. Chiúnaigh an aimsir ~, the weather calmed down a bit. Tá sé ~ bheag cosúil leat, he is a little bit like you. 6 = roinn1 I1.

roiseadh, m. (gs. -ste, pl. -stí). 1. vn. of rois2. 2. Rip, rent, tear. ~ i stoca, ravel in stocking. Snáth roiste, yarn from unravelled knitting. ~ in éadach, rent in cloth. ~ i gcraiceann, tear in skin. 3. Ragged cutting. ~ scine, sáibh, tearing action of knife, of saw. Thug sí ~ den teanga dó, she flayed him with her tongue. 4. Rush, spate. ~ cainte, oibre, spate of words, of work. Tá ~ gaoithe aniar, there are great blasts of wind from the west. (Var. of 3: roiseáil f)

rolladh, m. (gs. -llta). 1. vn. of roll2. 2. Roll. ~ liathróide, the roll of a ball. ~ na dtonn, the roll of the waves.

rollú, m. (gs. -llaithe, pl. -lluithe). 1. vn. of rollaigh1. 2. Enrolment.

rómhar1, m. (gs. as s. -air, as vn. ~tha). 1. vn. of rómhair1. 2. Digging (of ground). An ~ a dhéanamh, to dig the ground (for tillage).

ropadh, m. (gs. -ptha). 1. vn. of rop3. 2. Thrust, stab. ~ de scian, stab with knife. ~ den teanga, lashing with tongue. ~ gaoithe, piercing blast of wind. 3. Rush, dash, dart. 4. Violent fracas. (Var: ropáil f)

róstadh, m. (gs. rósta3). 1. vn. of róst. 2. Roasting, roast.

rothaíocht, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of rothaigh1. 2. Cycling.

rothlú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of rothlaigh1. 2. Rotation, gyration; whirl, spin.

ruachan, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of ruaigh. 2. Reddening; (of vegetation) rusting. ~ páipéir, foxing of paper.

ruaigeadh, m. (gs. -gthe). 1. vn. of ruaig2. 2. Chase, expulsion. ~ préachán, chasing of crows. ~ deamhan, driving out of evil spirits. Physiol: ~ ribeach, capillary repulsion.

rúscadh, m. (gs. rúiscthe). 1. vn. of rúisc2. 2. Decortication. 3. Poking, stirring, shaking. ~ gríosaí, poking of embers. 4. Trouncing; rough handling. ~ (de bhata) a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a trouncing (with a stick). (Var. of 4: rúscáil f)

sábháil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of sábháil2. 2. Saving; rescue, deliverance; preservation, security. Ní raibh ~ agam orm féin, I was unable to save myself. ~ anamacha, the saving of souls. ~ féir, móna, the saving of hay, of turf. Aimsir mhaith shábhála, good weather for saving crops. ~ airgid, money-saving. Níl aon ~ ann, he saves nothing. Cuir an bád ar ~, secure the boat. Glas, lampa, sábhála, safety-lock, -lamp. Tá sé ar lámh shábhála, it is in safe keeping.

sacadh, m. (gs. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of sac4. 2. Thrust, shove.

saibhriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of saibhrigh. 2. Enrichment.

saighdeadh, m. (gs. -ghdte). 1. vn. of saighid. 2. Incitement.

sailleadh, m. (gs. -llte). 1. vn. of saill2. 2. Salting, curing. Ar ~, in pickle.

sainaithint, f. (gs. -aitheanta). 1. vn. of sainaithin. 2. Identification.

sainiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of sainigh. 2. Specification; definition.

sainmhíniú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of sainmhínigh. 2. Definition.

sainoidhriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of sainoidhrigh1. 2. Jur: Entailment.

sáithiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of sáithigh1. 2. Satiety. 3. Ph: Ch: Saturation.

salú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of salaigh1. 2. Defilement.

samhlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of samhlaigh. 2. Imagination, fancy. ~ atá ansin aige, that is something he imagined. 3. Semblance. Níl ann ach ~ den earrach go fóill, there is only a semblance of spring yet.

sámhú, m. (gs. -mhaithe). 1. vn. of sámhaigh. 2. Tranquillization.

sampláil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of sampláil2. 2. Sampling.

sannadh, m. (gs. -nnta). 1. vn. of sann. 2. Jur: Assignment, assignation.

santú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of santaigh1. 2. Covetousness, desire. ~ airgid, the coveting of money; eagerness to get money. ~ cumhachta, lust for power. ~ síochána, eager desire for peace.

saobhadh, m. (gs. -ofa). 1. vn. of saobh2. 2. Distraction, distortion, perversion. ~ radhairc, distortion of sight. ~ céille, derangement; mental aberration. ~ síne, unsettled state of weather. ~ briathra, distortion of statements.

saolú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of saolaigh1. 2. Birth, nativity. ~ Chríost, the Nativity. 3. Survival after birth, life.

saoradh, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of saor4. 2. Liberation, deliverance, release, acquittal. ~ náisiúin, the freeing of a nation. ~ cúisí, acquittal of accused person. ~ anamacha, the saving of souls. ~ ó pheaca, deliverance from sin. ~ ó mhilleán, exoneration from blame. ~ ó chaiteachas, release from expenditure. 3. Assurance, confirmation. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine i rud, to give s.o. an assurance about sth. Ní bhfuair mé ~ ná séanadh uaidh sa chúis, he would neither confirm nor deny the matter for me.

saorghlanadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of saorghlan. 2. Purgation, catharsis; purification.

saothrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of saothraigh1. 2. Cultivation. ~ talún, plandaí, cultivation of land, of plants. ~ síoda, seri-culture. ~ aigne, development of the mind. 3. Earnings, wages. Bheith ar do shaothrú, to be earning, working for wages. Tá ~ maith aige, he has good earnings. Lucht saothraithe, earners.

sársháithiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of sársháithigh. 2. Supersaturation.

sárthadhall, m. (gs. -aill2). 1. vn. of sárthadhaill1. 2. Mth: Osculation.

sárú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of sáraigh. 2. Violation. ~ rialach, infringement of rule. ~ dlí, contravention of law. ~ cúnaint, breach of covenant. ~ cóipchirt, infringement of copyright. ~ eaglaise, profanation of church. ~ mná, rape of woman. Thar ~, in violation of, in despite of. 3. (a) Thwarting, frustration. ~ iarrachta, frustration of effort. (b) Confutation, contradiction. ~ argóna, refutation of argument. (c) Wearying, exhaustion. Tá ~ coirp agus intinne ann, it is physically and mentally exhausting. 4. (a) Overcoming, surmounting. ~ deacrachta, surmounting of difficulty. (b) Excelling, surpassing. Tá a shárú sin de scéal agam, I have an even better story than that. Níl a ~ le fáil, there is nothing to beat them.

sásamh, m. (gs. as s. -aimh, as vn. -sta). 1. vn. of sásaigh. 2. Satisfaction. (a) Gratification, pleasure. Do shásamh a ithe, to eat one's fill. Bain do shásamh as, take what you want of it. Do shásamh de rud a fháil, to get enough of sth. to satisfy one. Rud a bhfuil ~ ann, a satisfying thing. ~ dúile, gratification of desire. Rud a bheith i do shásamh, chun do shásaimh, to be pleased with sth. Rinne sé i mo shásamh é, he did it to my satisfaction. Rud a dhéanamh faoi shásamh, to do sth. pleasantly, with satisfaction. Is mór an ~ é, it is a great source of satisfaction. Ná tabhair a shásamh, mar shásamh, dó (go ndéanfá dó é), don't give him the satisfaction (of doing it for him). An ~ a bhaint as rud, to take the good out of sth. Is é an duine gan ~ é, he is such an unsatisfactory person to deal with; he is such a dull person. (b) Reparation, atonement. ~ a thabhairt i rud, to expiate sth. ~ i gcoir, satisfaction for an offence. Níl ~ le fáil agam uaidh, I can get no satisfaction from him. (c) Revenge. ~ a bhaint as duine, to get even with s.o. Bainfidh mé a shásamh sin as, I'll be even with him for that.

satailt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of satail. 2. Tread, tramp. ~ bróg, tramp of boots. 3. (Of implement) Tread. ~ rámhainne, tread of spade.

scagadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of scag. 2. Filtration; refinement; assortment; critical examination.

scagdhealú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of scagdhealaigh. 2. Dialysis.

scáineadh, m. (gs. -nte, pl. -ntí). 1. vn. of scáin. 2. Crack, split, interstice.

scaipeadh, m. (gs. -pthe). 1. vn. of scaip. 2. Dissemination, dissipation, dispersion. ~ nuachta, the spreading of news. ~ ceo, dissipation of fog. ~ maoine, the squandering of wealth. ~ daoine, dispersion of people. Chuir na hurchair ~ iontu, the shots scattered them. Tháinig ~ na mionéan, na n-éan fionn, orthu, they fled in all directions.

scaladh, m. 1. vn. of scal2. 2 = scal1.

scalladh1, m. (gs. -llta). 1. vn. of scall1. 2. Scald; scalding sensation. Ar ~, scalding, boiling hot. D'ól mé as an ~ é, I drank it piping hot. ~ croí, heart-scald, torment of heart. ~ orthu! Blast them! Mo ~! Alas! 3. Scolding, abuse. ~ teanga, dressing down.

scamhadh, m. (gs. -afa). 1. vn. of scamh1. 2. Peelings, shavings, scrapings, filings. ~ iongan, agnail. 3. Exfoliation, desquamation. 4. Low ebb.

scanadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of scan1. 2. Scansion.

scanrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of scanraigh. 2 = scanradh. (Var: scanráil f)

scaoileadh, m. (gs. -lte). 1. vn. of scaoil. 2. Loosening, undoing; release, discharge. (a) ~ snaidhme, ceangail, untying of knot, of binding. ~ bróige, unlacing of shoe. ~ casóige, unbuttoning of coat. ~ greama, téide, loosening of hold, of rope. ~ teanga, loosening of tongue. (b) ~ coscáin, paraisiúit, release of brake, of parachute. ~ gaile, release of steam. (c) ~ brataí, seoil, unfurling of flag, of sail. ~ sciathán, spreading of wings. (d) ~ puball, campa, striking of tents, of camp. (e) ~ as príosún, release from prison. ~ ó choinníoll, ó oibleagáid, release from condition, from obligation. (f) ~ tionóil, dispersal of assembly. ~ na Dála, the dissolution of the Dáil. (g) ~ páirtíochta, comhlachta, dissolution of partnership, of a company. ~ conartha, termination of contract. (h) ~ deacrachta, faidhbe, solution of difficulty, of problem. (i) ~ bróin, imní, alleviation of sorrow, of anxiety. ~ feirge, mitigation of anger. (j) ~ rúin, revelation of secret. ~ tuairisce, release of report. ~ scéil, spreading of story. (k) ~ maoine, dispersal of wealth. 3. Firing, discharge. ~ urchar, gunnaí, the firing of shots, of guns. ~ duine (le saighead, le piléar, le piostal), the shooting of s.o. (with an arrow, with a bullet, with a pistol).

scaradh, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of scar. 2. Separation. (a) ~ na gcompánach, the parting of companions. ~ lánúine, separation of married couple. Ordú scartha, separation order. ~ oíche is lae, break of day. Fáth mo scartha leo, the reason why I parted from them. Níl ~ aige leis, he is intent on keeping it. Ní raibh ~ acu linn, they followed us everywhere. (Ba) ~ anama le corp (é), (it was like) the parting of soul and body. (b) ~ plandaí, cuaillí, spacing of plants, of poles. (c) ~ cos, parting of legs. An ~ mór a dhéanamh, to do the splits. S.a. gabhal 1(b). (d) Typ: Leading, spacing. 3. Spreading. ~ lín, éadaigh, spreading of net, of cloth. ~ féir, spreading of hay.

scarbháil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of scarbháil2. 2. Hardening, drying, crustation. (Var. of 2: scarbháltaíocht f)

sceamhaíl, f. (gs. -íola). 1. vn. of sceamh2. 2. Yelping, squealing. (Var: ~each f, sceamhlach f)

sceimhliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of sceimhligh. 2. Terrorization, terror.

sceitheadh, m. (gs. -ite). 1. vn. of sceith2. 2. Spawning. 3. Overflow; eruption. ~ daonra, overspill of population. 4. Divulgation. (Var: sceitheach(t)aint f)

sciamhú, m. (gs. -mhaithe). 1. vn. of sciamhaigh1. 2. Beautification, embellishment.

scileadh, m. (gs. -lte, pl. -lteacha). 1. vn. of scil3. 2. Pickings, scraps (of flesh). Níl ~ na bhfiach air, (of bird) it is not worth picking, (of person) he is only skin and bone. 3. Tá scilteacha trá ann; tá sé ina scilteacha trá, the tide is fully ebbed.

scilligeadh, m. (gs. -gthe). 1. vn. of scillig. 2. Shelling. ~ arbhair, pónairí, shelling of corn, stringing of beans. S.a. scinn 6. 3. Flaking, shredding; mangling. 4. Incessant talk, prattle.

scinneadh, m. (gs. -nnte, pl. -nntí). 1. vn. of scinn. 2. Start, spring, bounce; dart, rush, flight; outrush; escape. (Var: scinnfeadh m)

sciobadh, m. (gs. -btha). 1. vn. of sciob2. 2. Snatch, grab. ~ a thabhairt ar rud, to make a snatch at sth. Bhí ~ ar an iasc, the fish was in great demand. Bheith ar ~ chun ruda, to be all eagerness for sth. (Var: sciobaidh m)

sciolladh, m. (gs. -llta). 1. vn. of scioll. 2. Surg: Enucleation. 3. ~ (teanga), scolding, abuse.

sciomradh, m. (gs. -martha, pl. -marthaí). 1. vn. of sciomair. 2. Scrubbing, burnishing; scrub, polish. (Var: sciomráil f)

sciorradh, m. (gs. -rrtha, pl. -rrthaí). 1. vn. of sciorr. 2. Slip, slide, skid. ~ rotha, wheel-skid. ~ focail, slip of the tongue. Bhain ~ coise dom, my foot slipped. 3. Geog: Slumping. ~ talún, landslide, landslip.

sciotadh, m. (gs. sciota, pl. -aí). 1. vn. of sciot2. 2. ~ siúil, raking stride. 3 = sciotaíl.

sciúradh, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of sciúr. 2. (a) Scour, scrub. ~ a thabhairt do rud, to give sth. a scrub. ~ agus sciomradh, spit and polish. (b) Caning, lashing, trouncing. Fuair sé ~ na cuinneoige, he got quite a drubbing; he was told off in no uncertain manner. (Var: sciúráil f)

sciúrsáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of sciúrsáil2. 2. Scourging, flagellation; severe affliction.

scláradh, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of sclár. 2. Laceration. Rinne siad ~ ar a chéile, they cut each other to ribbons.

scoilteadh, m. (gs. scoilte). 1. vn. of scoilt2. 2. Fission, scission. Med: ~ ribe, splitting of hair-ends.

scoitheadh, m. (gs. & pl. -ite). 1. vn. of scoith1. 2. (In phrase) Ar scoite lasrach, all in flames. 3. Biol: Abscission.

scóladh, m. (gs. -lta). 1. vn. of scól. 2. Scalding. 3. Torment, torture; abuse, scolding. 4. Warping (of timber).

scor1, m. (gs. -oir). I. 1. vn. of scoir1. 2. Unyoking. ~ capaill, unyoking of horse. 3. Disconnection, separation. ~ coltair, removal of coulter. ~ ciorcaid, breaking of circuit. 4. Release, dismissal. ~ cruinnithe, break-up of meeting. 5. Discontinuance, termination. ~ gnó, suspension of business. ~ cumainn, termination of association. 6. Retirement. ~ éigeantach, compulsory retirement. Jur: Ordú scoir, retirement order. 7. Cessation of work. Bheith ar ~, to be released from work. Cead scoir, permission to leave off work. Am scoir, leaving-off time. 8. (gs. as a.) Final, last. An buille scoir, the final blow; the finishing stroke. Urchar scoir, parting shot.

scoradh, m. (gs. -rtha, pl. -rthaí). 1. vn. of scor4. 2. Cut, slash, gash. ~ a thabhairt do rud, to slash, gash, sth. ~ claímh, sword-cut.

scrábáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of scrábáil2. 2. Scratchy work; scribble, scrawl. (Var. of 2: scrábadh m)

scrabhadh, m. 1. vn. of scrabh. 2 = scrabha.

scréachach1, f. (gs. -aí). 1. vn. of scréach2. 2. Screech, screeching. (Var:scréachaíl f, scréachaireacht f, scréachalach)

screadach, f. (gs. -aí). 1. vn. of scread2. 2. Scream, screaming. (Var: screadadh m, screadaíl f, screadalach, screadarnach)

screamhú, m. (gs. -mhaithe). 1. vn. of screamhaigh1. 2. Encrustment, encrustation.

scríobadh, m. (gs. -btha, pl. -bthaí). 1. vn. of scríob2. 2. Scrape, scratch; scrapings. ~ a thabhairt do rud, to scrape sth. Fig: ~ an chrúiscín, an phocáin, the last-born of the family.

scríobh1, m. (gs. -ofa). 1. vn. of scríobh2. 2. (Hand)writing. ~ a theagasc do dhuine, to teach s.o. to write. Is deas an ~ atá aige, he writes a nice hand. S.a. léamh 2(b).

scrúdú, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of scrúdaigh. 2. Examination. (a) ~ iontrála, iomaíochta, entrance, competitive, examination. ~ a dhéanamh, to do an examination. Páipéar scrúdaithe, examination paper. ~ béil, oral test. (b) ~ dochtúra, medical examination. ~ súl, eye test. (c) ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to scrutinize sth. ~ coinsiasa, examination of conscience.

scuabadh, m. (gs. -btha). 1. vn. of scuab2. 2. Sweeping, sweep. An ~ a dhéanamh, to do the sweeping. ~ gaoithe, sweeping gust of wind. Av:~ talaimh, hedge-hopping. 3. (Of water) Wash.

seachadadh, m. (gs. -chadta, pl. -chadtaí). 1. vn. of seachaid. 2. Delivery. ~ litreacha, delivery of letters. ~ in aisce, free delivery. Le híoc ar ~, to pay on delivery. Nóta seachadta, delivery note. 3. Handing over; hand-out, present, tip. ~ láimhe a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a tip. An ~ síos, cash down. Ar sheachadadh beag, for a consideration. 4. Fb: Pass.

seachaint, f. (gs. -anta). 1. vn. of seachain. 2. Avoidance; evasion, guardedness. ~ an oilc, avoidance of evil. ~ na fírinne, evasion of truth. Bhain mé ~ an tí as, I kept him away from the house. An rud nach bhfuil ~ (le déanamh) air, what is unavoidable. Duine a chur ar a sheachaint (ar rud), to put s.o. on his guard (against sth.). Chuir sé (na seacht) ~ orm, he warned me (repeatedly) to be careful. Dul ar do sheachaint, (i) to avoid committing oneself, (ii) to go on the run. Fenc: Léim sheachanta, volte.

seachtrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of seachtraigh1. 2. Exteriorization, externalization.

seadú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of seadaigh. 2. Settlement; stay, wait. Is gearr an ~ a rinne siad, they didn't delay very long.

sealbhú, m. (gs. -bhaithe). 1. vn. of sealbhaigh1. 2. Possession, occupancy.

séanadh1, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of séan4. 2. Denial. ~ ráitis, denial of statement. ~ fírinne, carthanais, cirt, denial of truth, of friendship, of right. ~ Dé agus duine, denial of God and man. ~ cineáil ar dhuine, denial of kindness to s.o. An rud nach bhfuil ~ air, what cannot be denied. S.a. corr4.

searbhú, m. (gs. -bhaithe). 1. vn. of searbhaigh. 2. Embitterment.

seargadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of searg3. 2. Wasting, decline; atrophy, marasmus. ~ duilliúir, the withering of leaves. ~ na bhféitheacha, atrophy of the muscles. ~ na scamhóg, pulmonary consumption.

searradh, m. (gs. -rrtha). 1. vn. of searr2. 2. Stretching of limbs. ~ a bhaint asat féin, to stretch oneself. Bhain sé ~ as a ghuaillí, he loosened up his shoulders. (Var. of 2: searraigreacht f, searrataíl f, searratáil f)

seasamh, m. (gs. as s. -aimh, as vn. -sta). 1. vn. of seas2. 2. (a) Upright position. Bheith i do sheasamh (in áit, ar rud), to be standing (in a place, on sth.). irí i do sheasamh, to rise to one's feet. Tá mé i mo sheasamh ó mhaidin, I have been on my feet all day. Ní luaithe ina suí ná ina ~ í, she never takes, never gets, time to sit down. Duine a chur ina sheasamh, to set s.o. on his feet. Cuir an dréimire ina sheasamh le binn an tí, set the ladder up against the gable of the house. Fág na crainn óga ina ~, leave the young trees standing. Tá an teach ina sheasamh go fóill, the house is still standing. Tá mé ag titim as mo sheasamh, I am on the point of collapse. Leagadh as a sheasamh é, he was knocked off his feet. Ba dheas a ~ i mbróga, she carried herself beautifully. Áit seasaimh, standing-room. (b) Stationary position, wait. Bhí ~ fada orainn ag an stad bus, we had a long wait at the bus stop. D'fhág siad i mo sheasamh ansin mé, they left me standing there. Ná coinnigh an trácht ina sheasamh, don't hold up the traffic. (c) Lastingness, endurance. Níl ~ san aimsir, the weather is not settled. Tá ~ maith sa leathar sin, that is really durable leather. (d) Resistance, defence. Tá ~ a choda ann, he is able to stand up for himself. Is dona an ~ a rinne siad, they put up a poor resistance. (e) Dependence, support. Tá ~ na tíre orthu, the country is depending on them; they are the mainstay of the country. (f) Reliance, insistence. ~ a bheith agat ar rud, to rely on sth. Is air sin atá mo sheasamh, I take my stand on that. Mo sheasamh ort! Bravo! (g) Toleration. Níl ~ ag aon duine leis, no one can put up with him. (h) Attendance. Tá sí ina ~ leo ó mhaidin go hoíche, she dances attendance on them from morning till night. (i) Status. Tá ~ maith aige i measc a mhuintire, he is a man of good standing among his people.

séideadh, m. (gs. -dte). 1. vn. of séid. 2. (a) ~ gaoithe, blowing, draught, of wind; windiness. ~ anuas, down-draught (in chimney). ~ isteach, draught (in doorway, etc.). (b) ~ anála, blowing of breath; puffing. (c) ~ adhairce, blowing, sounding, of horn. ~ píob, blowing of pipes, piping. (d) ~ gloine, glass-blowing. (e) ~ sróine, nose-blowing. ~ fola, gushing of blood. 3. Inflation. ~ éadromáin, blowing up of balloon. ~ goile, distension of stomach. ~ óil, bloated condition due to drink. 4. Inflammation. ~ cneá, inflammation of wound. 5. ~ faoi, fomentation, incitement.

seiftiú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of seiftigh. 2. Provision; improvisation, contrivance. ~ maith a dhéanamh, to make good provision.

seilg1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of seilg2. 2. (a) Hunt, chase. ~ a dhéanamh ar ainmhithe, ar éanlaith, to hunt animals, birds. ~ an mhadra rua, the fox-hunt; foxhunting. ~ an mhíl mhóir, whaling. ~ bíobhaí, pursuit of wrongdoers. Lucht ~e, hunters. Cearta ~e, sporting rights. S.a. capall 1, cú 2, dumha, maor1 2, seabhac 1. (b) Game, prey, quarry. An t~ a thabhairt isteach, to bring home the quarry. Mála ~e, game-bag. ~ an lae, the day's catch (of fish, etc.). 3. (a) Search for food,foraging. (b) Seeking out, search, quest. ~ eolais, hunt for information. Bheith sa t~ ar rud, to be on the prowl for sth.

seiliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of seiligh1. 2. Expectoration.

séimhiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of séimhigh. 2. Lit: Attenuation. 3. Mellowing. 4. Ling: Lenition.

seinm, f. (gs. as s. seanma, as vn. -nte). 1. vn. of seinn. 2. Playing of musical instrument. ~ cláirsí, píob, fidile, playing of harp, of pipes, of fiddle. ~ ceoil, playing of music. 3. Warbling, chattering; chatter. ~ na n-éan, the warbling of birds. Cad é an t~ atá ortsa? What are you chattering about? S.a. clár1 1. (Var. of 1,2: seinniúint f, seinnt)

seirbheáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of seirbheáil2. 2. Service (of writ, of legal document). ~ phearsanta, ionadach, personal, substituted, service. 3. Service, provision.

seoladh, m. (gs. -lta, pl. -ltaí). 1. vn. of seol4. 2. Sailing, sail. ~ bád, boat-sailing. ~ seachtaine, a week's sail. Cóir, gaoth, sheolta, favourable sailing-wind. 3. Course, direction; guidance; dispatch. ~ a chur faoi rud, to set sth. in motion. Chuir sé ~ faoin scéal, he started the story on its round. Ar sheoladh duine, by the direction, at the instigation, of s.o. Ba cheart duit ~ éigin a dhéanamh dúinn, you should give us some guidance. ~ na dtréad, the driving, shepherding, of the flocks. S.a. pilibín 1. 4. Opening statement. Cúpla focal a rá mar sheoladh, to make a few preliminary remarks. Lit: ~ (rainn), first couplet (of stanza). 5. Address. ~ a chur ar litir, to address a letter. 6. Ph: Conduction. ~ teasa, conduction of heat. 7. Mch: Tex: Guide.

sileadh, m. (gs. as s. -lidh, as vn. -lte). 1. vn. of sil2. 2. Drip, discharge; pus. ~ súl, weeping. ~ fola, issue of blood. ~ na bundlaoi, eavesdrip. ~ sróine, running of nose. ~ i gcneá, pus in wound. Ag déanamh silidh, suppurating. S.a. clár1 1. 3. Hang, droop. Tá a bhalcaisí ar ~ leis, his clothes are hanging untidily about him.

síleadh, m. (gs. -lte). 1. vn. of síl1. 2. Thought, imagining, expectation. (Var: síleachtáil f, síleachtain f)

silleadh, m. (gs. -llte). 1. vn. of sill. 2. Look, glance. ~ súl a thabhairt ar rud, to cast an eye over sth.

sil-leagan, m. (gs. as s. -ain, as vn. -gtha). 1. vn. of sil-leag. 2. Geol: Deposit, deposition.

simpliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of simpligh. 2. Simplification.

sinciú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of sincigh. 2. Zincification.

síneadh, m. (gs. as s. -nidh, as vn. -nte; pl. -ntí). 1. vn. of sín2. 2. Stretching, stretch; extension, prolongation. ~ téide, stretching of rope. ~ géag, stretching of limbs. ~ saoil, prolongation of life. ~ sosa, extension of rest (from work). ~ sa lá, lengthening of the day. ~ méire, pointing of finger. ~ láimhe, (i) stretching out of hand, (ii) gratuity, tip. Tá ~ na láimhe iontu, they are light-fingered, given to pilfering. Sa ~ fada, in the long run. 3. Ling: Typ: ~ fada, length accent.

síniú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of sínigh1. 2. Signature.

síobadh, m. (gs. -btha). 1. vn. of síob2. 2. Blow, drift. ~ gainimh, sand-drift. ~ fearthainne, driving rain. ~ sneachta, blizzard. 3. (Of bees) Ar ~, migrating.

sioc1, m. (gs. seaca). 1. vn. of sioc2. 2. Frost. ~ bán, geal, liath, white, hoar, frost. ~ dubh, black frost. ~ talún, ground frost. Ag cur seaca, freezing. Rinne sé ~ aréir, there was frost last night. Aimsir, gaoth, sheaca, frosty weather, wind. Práta seaca, frost-bitten potato. S.a. beag2 1(a), bior1 1, dó1 3, tairne 1.

siolpadh, m. (gs. -ptha). 1. vn. of siolp. 2. Small draught. ~ bainne, suck of milk.

síolrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of síolraigh1. 2. Propagation, reproduction. 3. Descent (ó, from).

síolú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of síolaigh1. 2 = síolrú.

siombalú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of siombalaigh1. 2. Symbolization.

sioncóipiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of sioncóipigh. 2. Syncopation.

sioncrónú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of sioncrónaigh1. 2. Synchronization.

sioscadh1, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of siosc1. 2. Cutting, section.

sioscadh2, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of siosc2. 2. Fizz, sizzle; whisper, rustle. ~ gaile, hiss of steam. ~ cainte, buzz of talk. ~ síoda, rustle of silk.

síothlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of síothlaigh. 2. Filtration, percolation. ~ bainne, straining of milk. 3. Subsidence, abatement. ~ stoirme, abatement of storm. 4. Expiry, death. ~ duine, the passing away of s.o. (Var: síothló m)

síothú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of síothaigh. 2. Pacification.

siúl, m. (gs. as s. -úil, as vn. ~ta; pl. ~ta). 1. vn. of siúil1. Fear siúlta an róid, a man who walks the roads, an itinerant. 2. Walk. (a) Ability to walk. Tá an ~ ag an leanbh, the child is able to walk. Chaill sé ~ na gcos, he lost the use of his legs. Is ar éigean atá ~ na sráide ionam, I can hardly walk the street. (b) Manner of walking, gait. Tá ~ díreach aige, he walks straight. D'aithin mé do shiúl, I recognized you by your walk. ~ an chait ag an bpuisín, "the kitten walking like the cat', the boy aping the man. (c) Excursion on foot. Is fada an ~ é, it is a long walk. Bhí ~ breá againn cois na trá, we had a fine walk along the strand. ~ fada ar chosa laga, "a long walk on weak legs', a long journey without transport or sustenance. S.a. 4. 3. Movement, speed. (a) Sa ~, on the move. Faoi shiúl, in motion. ~ a chur faoi rud, to set sth. in motion. Bhí ~ géar fúthu, they were going at a fast pace. Cuir tuilleadh siúil faoi, make it go faster. Ag tógáil siúil, gathering speed. Bain an ~ den charr, slow down the car. ~ loinge, sea-way. (b) Com: Movement of goods, demand, sale. Tá ~ maith ar na hearraí sin, there is a ready sale for those goods. Ní raibh ~ ar eallach óg, young cattle were not in demand. (c) Med: Motion. 4. Travel, journey. (a) Dul chun siúil, i gceann siúil, to set off on a journey. Duine a chur chun siúil, to send s.o. away. An ~ a dhéanamh, to make the journey. Ní maith liom an ~ a bhaint asat, I don't want to put you to the trouble of making the journey. Cá bhfuil do shiúl? Where are you off to? Cad é an ~ atá fúibh? Why all this gadding about? Tá ~ in bhur gcosa! Aren't you very anxious to get around! ~ lae, a day's journey. De shiúl oíche, travelling by night. Ar mo shiúlta, in my travels. Lucht siúil, itinerants, travellers. S.a. bean1 1, bráthair 3, cos 1, fear1 1(a), sifín. (b) Tá ~ daoine ar an áit, a lot of people visit the place. Is ann a bhíodh mo shiúl, it is the place I used to frequent. Teach siúil, haunted house. (c) Faoi shiúl na gréine, under the course of the sun. Ná bígí amuigh ar shiúl na hoíche mar sin, don't be going about at night like that. (d) Tháinig sé d'aon ~, he came on purpose. 5. Ar ~, going on, in progress. Rud a chur ar ~, to set sth. in motion, to get sth. going. An obair atá ar ~, the work in progress. An rud atá ar ~ acu, what they are doing. Coinnigh ar ~ é, keep it going. Tá tú ar ~ arís! You are at it again! 6. Ar shiúl, gone, away. Tá sé ar shiúl, he is gone. Fan ar shiúl as an áit, stay away from the place. I bhfad ar shiúl, far away. Ar shiúl ó bhaile go baile, passing from town to town. Tá tú ar shiúl leis! You're daft! 7. Sa ~, in motion; (of animal) in heat. Ráfla a chur sa ~, to circulate a rumour.

slad1, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). 1. vn. of slad2. 2. Plunder, pillage; spoil, loot. Rinneadh ~ orainn, we were plundered, deprived of all our possessions. Rinne siad ~ ar na cathracha, they pillaged the cities. D'imigh siad lena ~, they made off with their booty. 3. Devastation, havoc. Rinneadh ~ ar na barra, the crops were devastated. Rinne an sioc mór ~ ar na caoirigh, the great frost wreaked havoc among the sheep.

slaidhe, f. (gs. ~). Lit: 1. vn. of slaidh. 2. Slaughter.

slánú, m. (gs. -naithe, pl. -nuithe). 1. vn. of slánaigh. 2. Redemption, salvation. ~ an chine dhaonna, the salvation of the human race. Arm an tSlánaithe, the Salvation Army. 3. Healing, recuperation. ~ créacht, the healing of wounds. 4. Completion. ~ cearnóige, completion of square. 5. Indemnification, indemnity. Bille slánaithe, bill of indemnity. 6. Med: After-birth, placenta.

sleabhcadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of sleabhac3. 2. Inclination, droop, limpness.

sleachtadh, m. (gs. sleachta). Lit:1. vn. of sleacht1. 2. Destruction, havoc.

sléachtadh, m. (gs. sléachta, pl. -aí). 1. vn. of sléacht2. 2. Genuflection; prostration. (Var: sleáchtain f)

sleamhnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of sleamhnaigh. 2. Slide, slip, slither.

slighe, m. (gs. ~, pl. -ghthe). 1. vn. of sligh. 2 = slí.

slogadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of slog2. 2. Swallow. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to gulp down sth. Tá ~ fada aige, he takes a long draught, has a large capacity for drink. Tá ~ ar an iasc i mbliana, fish is being gobbled up, there is a great demand for fish, this year. 3 = slogaide.

slógadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -gtha; pl. -aí). 1. vn. of slóg. 2. Mobilization, hosting. Dul ar ~, to mobilize; to go on a hosting, on a military expedition.

sloinneadh, m. (gs. as s. -nnidh, as vn. -nnte). 1. vn. of sloinn1. 2 = sloinne.

sluaistriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of sluaistrigh. 2. Crude, clumsy, work.

smachtú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of smachtaigh. 2. Rule, control, correction; subjection, subjugation.

smaoineamh, m. (gs. as s. -nimh, as vn. -nte; pl. -nte). 1. vn. of smaoinigh. 2. Thought; reflection, idea. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to think over sth. Bhuail an ~ mé (go), the thought struck me (that). Rinne mé ~ i m'intinn, a thought crossed my mind. Is maith an ~ é, it is a happy thought. Le ~ nó le briathar, in thought or word. ~ a chur i gceann duine, to put an idea into s.o.'s head. Ní raibh ~ agam ar a leithéid a dhéanamh, I had no thought of doing such a thing. ~ tobann, sudden impulse. Smaointe casta ar chúrsaí an tsaoil, complicated thoughts on the affairs of life. (Var: smaoineadh m)

smeadráil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of smeadráil2. 2. Smear, daub; mess. 3. Smattering. 4. Pasting, drubbing. (Var: smeád(a)ráil)

smearadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -rtha; pl. -rthaí). 1. vn. of smear. 2. Smear, daub. 3. Grease; greasing, polishing, material. ~ cairte, cart-grease. ~ gráta, grate-polish. ~ bróg, boot-polish. ~ a chur ar, faoi, rud, to grease sth. 4. Smattering. ~ eolais, smattering of knowledge. 5. Pasting, thrashing.

sméideadh, m. (gs. & pl. -idte). 1. vn. of sméid1. 2. Wink, nod, beckoning sign. ~ súile, wink. ~ cinn, (signalling) nod.

smideadh, m. (gs. as s. -ididh, as vn. -idte). 1. vn. of smid2. 2. Th: Make-up.

smoladh, m. (gs. -lta). 1. vn. of smol2. 2. Agr: Blight.

snámh1, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of snámh2. 2. Swimming, swim. (a) ~ a bheith agat, to be able to swim. Dul sa ~, ar (an) ~, to start swimming, to take to the water. Tá ~ an éisc aige, he swims like a fish. ~ na cloiche bró atá agam, I swim like a (mill)stone. ~ an duine mhairbh a dhéanamh, to float on one's back. ~ toinne, surf-bathing. ~ géillín, ~ smigín, swimming exercise with head supported above water. Áit, buille, ~a, swimming-place, -stroke. (b) Swimming-stroke. ~ brollaigh, ~ uchta, breast-stroke. ~ droma, backstroke. ~ féileacáin, butterfly-stroke. ~ madra, dog-paddle. ~ taoibh, sidestroke. ~ truidin, trudgen-stroke. (c) Bheith ar ~ le hallas, le deora, to be swimming with perspiration, with tears. 3. (a) Nau: Floating, flotation. Long a chur ar ~, to float a ship. Tá an bád ar ~, the boat is afloat. ~ ar ancaire, riding at anchor. (b) Nau: Draught. Cad é an ~ atá ag an long? What water does the ship draw? Tá fiche troigh de shnámh aici, she has a twenty-foot draught. 4. Creep, crawl. Dearc an ~ atá leis, see how he creeps along. Tá an áit ar ~ leo, the place is crawling with them. 5. Swimming-place; deep pool (in river); deep water, sea. ~ abhann, swimming-place, fish-pool, in river. Amuigh ar an ~, out in deep water. Ná tit sa ~, don't fall into the deep.

snapadh, m. (gs. -ptha). 1. vn. of snap2. 2. Snap, snatch, bite. (Var: snapadaíl f, snapaíl f)

snáthadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -áite; pl. -áití). 1. vn. of snáith. 2. Sip. ~ bainne, quantity of milk taken with food. ~ biotáille, sip of spirits. Tá ~ maith ólta aige, he has a good drop taken.

sní1, f. (gs. ~). 1. vn. of snigh. 2. Flow; pouring, downpour. ~ uisce, flow of water. ~ fearthainne, sneachta, fall of rain, of snow. ~ deor, coursing of tears. ~ isteach, influx. 3. Percolation, permeation.

sníomh1, m. (gs. as s. ~a, as vn. -ofa). 1. vn. of sníomh2. 2. Spinning. ~ snátha, thread-spinning. Fig: Má tá ~ bog air tá tochardadh crua air, "he may be soft-spun but he is hard-wound', he is tougher than he looks. 3. Twisting, twining. ~ slat, interweaving of rods. ~ lámh, wringing of hands. Bhí ~ ina mhalaí, he was knitting his brows. S.a. crann 1(a). 4. Struggle; strain, wrench. ~ droma, back-strain. 5. Care, anxiety. ~ croí, heart-wringing.

snoí, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. -oite). 1. vn. of snoigh. 2. Cutting, hewing, carving, sculpturing. ~ adhmaid, chipping of wood; wood-carving. ~ deilbhe, carving of statue. 3. Paring down, refining. 4. Wearing away, wasting. ~ colainne, emaciation of body.

socrú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of socraigh. 2. Settlement. (a) ~ gaoithe, gleo, abatement of wind, of noise. ~ créafóige, dríodair, settlement of clay, of sediment. ~ brait, adhairte, adjustment of covering, of pillow. ~ cloig, setting of clock. (b) ~ ceiste, easaontais, settlement of question, of disagreement. ~ dáta, coinne, arrangement of date, of tryst. ~ billí, riaráistí, settlement of bills, of arrears. ~ cánach, assessment of tax. ~ oidhreachta, settlement of inheritance. ~ gnóthaí, arrangement of affairs. ~ a dhéanamh le duine faoi rud, to reach an agreement with s.o. about sth. Teacht ar shocrú, to reach a settlement. Socruithe sochraide, funeral arrangements.

soiléiriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of soiléirigh. 2. Clarification, manifestation.

soilsiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of soilsigh1. 2. Lighting, illumination; enlightenment. ~ sráide, street-lighting. ~ intinne, anama, enlightenment of the mind, of the soul. (Var. of 2: ~chán m)

sóinseáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of sóinseáil2. 2. Change. (a) (Of money) ~ puint, change of a pound. ~ bheag, small change. Pinginí beaga sóinseála, some small change. (b) ~ aimsire, change of weather. ~ bia, change of food.

sóisialú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of sóisialaigh. 2. Socialization.

soladú, m. (gs. -daithe). 1. vn. of soladaigh1. 2. Solidification.

soláthar, m. (gs. -air2, pl. -airtí). 1. vn. of soláthair1. 2. Collection, procurement; supply, provision. ~ a dhéanamh do rud, to make provision for sth. ~ bia, airgid, riachtanas, provision of food, of money, of necessities. ~ uisce, water supply. Oifigeach soláthair, supply officer. Cumann soláthair, provident society. Mo sholáthar bliana, all I have gathered in a year. Rinne tú ~ maith ar na pinginí, you put a good few pence together. Is mó a mhála ná a sholáthar, he is never able to make ends meet. S.a. bolg1 2. (Var: soláthairt f)

sollúnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of sollúnaigh. 2. Solemnization.

sonnadh, m. (gs. -aidh, pl. -aí). 1. vn. of sonn2. 2. Thrust; sudden rush. ~ gaoithe, sudden squall.

sonrú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of sonraigh1. 2. Specification. Coinníoll gan ~, unspecified condition. 3. Notice, perception. ~ a chur i rud, to take notice of sth. Na rudaí is mó a gcuirim ~ iontu, the things that strike me most. Chuirfeá ~ ann i lúb chuideachta, he stands out in a gathering.

spailleadh, m. (gs. -llte). 1. vn. of spaill. 2. Check, rebuke. Baineadh ~ as, he was taken aback.

spairn1, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of spairn2. 2. Fight, contention, struggle. ~ lann, armed conflict. Dul chun ~e le, to join battle with; to grapple with; to contend against. S.a. cnámh 1(b). 3 ~ (cheatha), sudden heavy shower.

spalladh, m. (gs. -llta). 1. vn. of spall. 2. Scorching, parching; drought. ~ gréine, scorching sun; sunburn. ~ triomaigh, drought. ~ íota, parching thirst. 3. Flush. Bhí ~ náire orm, I was burning with shame.

spalpadh, m. (gs. -ptha, pl. -pthacha). 1. vn. of spalp. 2. Burst, eruption, outpouring. ~ gréine, burst of sunshine. Faoi ~ na gréine, in the full glare of the sun. ~ reatha, burst of running. D'imigh sé de ~ reatha, de spalpthacha reatha, he dashed off as fast as he could. ~ éithigh, whopping lie. ~ an leabhair, reckless swearing.

spáráil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of spáráil2. 2. Sparing, economy. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to use sth. sparingly. ~ ama, time-saving. Ná bíodh ~ agat air, don't spare it. S.a. fraoch1 1. (Var: ~t f)

spásáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of spásáil2. 2. Typ: (Act of) spacing. ~ shingil, dhúbailte, single, double, spacing.

speireadh, m. (gs. -rthe, pl. -rthí). 1. vn. of speir2. 2. Crippling injury. Buille speirthe, crippling blow. Ag déanamh speirthe, doing damage. 3. Fierce scrimmage.

spionnadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -nnta). 1. vn. of spionn. 2. Vigour, vitality; liveliness, animation. ~ a chur i nduine, to liven s.o. up. Chuir an braon beag ~ iontu, the little drop cheered them up. Tá ~ ag teacht sa chuideachta, the company is getting lively. Dá mbeadh ~ ar bith sa cheol, if there was any life in the music. Cuir ~ i do ghlór, put some snap into your voice. Tá ~ beag ina aghaidh inniu, his face shows some animation today. Cuirfidh an bia ~ chun oibre ionainn, the food will hearten us for work. Is é an duine gan ~ é, he is such a spiritless person.

spochadh, m. (gs. -chta). 1. vn. of spoch. 2. Castration. 3. Expurgation; spoliation. 4. Teasing, annoyance.

spórú, m. (gs. -raithe). 1. vn. of spóraigh. 2. Sporulation.

spré3, m. (gs. ~ite). 1. vn. of spréigh. 2. Spread. ~ sciathán, spread of wings. ~ sciorta, flare of skirt. ~ solais, dispersion of light. ~ fuinneoige, splay of window. ~ air! Confound him! S.a. soc 1(b).

spréachadh, m. (gs. -chta). 1. vn. of spréach2. 2. Sparking; sputter, splutter; sprinkle, spatter. (Var: spréachaíl f, spréacháil f, spréachaláil f)

spreagadh, m. (gs. -gtha, pl. -gthaí). 1. vn. of spreag. 2. Urging, incitement; incentive, encouragement; excitation, stimulus. ~ a chur i nduine, to rouse, incite, s.o. ~ intinne, mental stimulation. ~ feirge, provocation to anger. ~ na colainne, excitation of the body. ~ ceoil, lively (playing of) music. An ~ nach bhfuair sé, the encouragement he didn't get. S.a. lus. 3. Ph: Impulse. 4. Lit: Rebuke, reproof.

spruigeáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of spruigeáil2. 2. Needlew: Sprigging, embroidery.

sracadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -ctha; pl. -aí). 1. vn. of srac1. 2. Pull, jerk. ~ a bhaint as rud, to pull at sth. Bain ~ maith as, give it a good tug. ~ tobann, sudden jerk. 3. Drag, haul. Is fada an ~ é, it is a long haul. 4. (a) Piece torn off; piece, strip. ~ adhmaid, talún, strip of wood, of land. (b) Spell, portion. ~ den lá, a portion of the day. ~ breá codlata, fine spell of sleep. 5. (a) Strength and spirit. Fear a bhfuil ~ ann, a man of mettle. Tá ~ sa ghasúr sin, that is a plucky lad. Tá ~ maith oibre ann, he is well able to work. Is é an duine gan ~ é, he is such a spiritless person. (b) Impulsive act. ~ fir, manly impulse; manly act. Tá sracaí aisteacha ann, he does extraordinary things at times. 6. Jur: Extortion. 7. Cu: Pluck. ~ caorach, heart, lights and liver of sheep. (Var: pl. sracaíocha; srac3 m)

sraithrannú, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of sraithrannaigh. 2. (Of plants, objects) Ordination.

sramadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -mtha). 1. vn. of sram2. 2. Mucous exudation.

sraoilleadh, m. (gs. -llte, pl. -lltí). 1. vn. of sraoill2. 2. Lit: Flagellation, flogging. 3. Trail, straggle, trudge.

sraonadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -nta; pl. -ntaí). 1. vn. of sraon. 2. Deflection. 3. Lit: Rout, defeat.

srathnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of srathnaigh. 2. Spread (of turf, etc.). 3. Disposal (of troops, etc.). 4. Lit: Distribution.

srathú, m. (gs. -thaithe, pl. -thuithe). 1. vn. of srathaigh. 2. Stratification. 3. Serialization. 4. (Of rate, tax) Imposition, levy.

sreabhadh, m. (gs. -eafa). 1. vn. of sreabh2. 2. Flow. ~ ithreach, solifluction.

sreangadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of sreang2. 2. Pull, wrench. Bhain mé ~ as mo dhroim, I wrenched my back.

srianadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of srian2. 2. Restraint, control. ~ trádála, restraint of trade. ~ mothúchán, suppression of feelings.

sroicheadh, m. (gs. -chte). 1. vn. of sroich. 2. Reach, attainment. ~ aoise, cuspóra, attainment of age, of purpose. Rud a bhfuil ~ air, what is within reach, attainable. Is mór an gar nach bhfuil ~ ag na páistí air, it is just as well that the children can't reach it. (Var: sroicheachtáil f, sroichint f, sroichiúint f)

sruthlú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of sruthlaigh2. 2. Rinse. ~ a thabhairt do rud, to give sth. a rinse. 3. Hyd.E: Scour.

stad1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~anna). 1. vn. of stad2. 2. Stop. (a) Halt, pause. ~ a dhéanamh, to make a stop. ~ uaire, an hour's stop. Bhí ~ orainn ag an droichead, we were halted at the bridge. ~ a chur le rud, to put a stop to sth. Rud a chur ina ~, to bring sth. to a stop. Tá an trácht ina ~, the traffic is stopped. Chuir sé an croí ina ~ ionam, it made my heart miss a beat. Bhain ~ dó, he paused, hesitated. Baineadh ~ asam, I was taken aback. Ar ~, stationary; in abeyance. S.a. cónaí1 4, staonadh 3. (b) Cessation. Ní théann ~ air ach ag obair, he never stops working. Níl ~ orthu ach ag troid, they are for ever fighting. Caint gan ~, endless talk. Fearthainn gan ~, incessant rain. Ar feadh dhá lá gan ~, for two days without a stop. (c) Hindrance. Níl ~ ná stopadh ort (é a dhéanamh), nobody is stopping you (from doing it). (d) Impediment (of speech). Tá ~ ann, he has a stammer. (e) Stopping-place. ~ bus, bus-stop. Rail: ~ (traenach), halt. 3 = dod1.

stánáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of stánáil2. 2. Beating, trouncing. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a drubbing. Tá ~ ag baint leis an obair seo, this work is very severe. 3. Noise, din. 4. Engorgement, repletion. ~ a dhéanamh ort féin le bia, to stuff oneself with food.

stangadh1, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of stang3. 2. Bend, sag; warp, strain; wrench. ~ a bhaint as rud, to cause sth. to sag; to strain, wrench, sth. Bhain mé ~ as mo dhroim, I wrenched my back. Gan ~, unyielding. 3. ~ a bhaint as duine, to stagger s.o. Baineadh ~ asam, I was taken aback, disconcerted. 4. ~ gaoithe, strong gust of wind. ~ triomaigh, hard dry spell. 5. Hard, rigid, thing. Tá an t-arán ina ~, the bread is baked hard. Bhí mé i mo ~, I was unable to move.

staonadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of staon2. 2. Abstention. ~ ón ól, abstention from drink. 3. Cessation, stop. Tá ~ ar an ngaoth, the wind has dropped. Gan ~, without stop. Fearthainn gan ~, incessant rain. Gan stad (sos, stop) gan ~, without stop or stay. 4. Restraint, check. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to check s.o. Tháinig ~ ann, he slowed down. 5. Lit: Submission.

stealladh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -llta; pl. -aí). 1. vn. of steall2. 2. Outpouring; downpour. ~ éithigh, spouting of lies. ~ báistí, downpour of rain. 3. Bashing; fight, squabble. Thosaigh an ~ eatarthu, they got stuck into, started to give out to, one another. 4. Ar ~, ar steallaí, in spate. Ar ~ cos in airde, at full gallop. Ar steallaí (dearga) meisce, mire, raging drunk, mad. Ag obair ar ~, working at a great pace. (Var: stealláil f, steallaíl f)

stialladh, m. (gs. -llta). 1. vn. of stiall2. 2. Laceration.

stiúradh, m. (gs. -rtha). 1. vn. of stiúir2. 2. Steering. Gléas, crann, compás, stiúrtha, steering-gear, -column, -compass. ~ maith a thabhairt do bhád, to steer a boat well. Tá an bád ó ~, the boat is out of control. Chaill an long an ~, the ship refused to steer. 3. Guidance, direction, control. Bheith faoi ~ duine, to be under the direction of s.o. ~ na tíre, the helm of the state. Bord stiúrtha, governing body. Coiste stiúrtha, steering committee. Modh stiúrtha gnó, method of directing a business. S.a. téadán.

stobhadh, m. (gs. -ofa). 1. vn. of stobh. 2. Stewing. Ar ~, stewing.

stócáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of stócáil2. 2. Stoking. Cúil, poll, stócála, stoke-hole. 3. Preparations (as for journey).

stoitheadh, m. (gs. -ite). 1. vn. of stoith1. 2. Pull, extraction. ~ fiacla, extraction of teeth. ~ crann, uprooting of trees. ~ gruaige, pulling of hair. Bhain sé ~ as mo chasóg, he tugged at my coat.

stolladh, m. (gs. -llta). 1. vn. of stoll1. 2. Tear, rent, laceration. ~ is sracadh, pulling and tearing. 3. ~ feirge, tearing rage. 4. ~ gaoithe, tearing, blustery, wind. 5. ~ airgid, bia, lashings of money, of food.

stopadh, m. (gs. ~tha). 1. vn. of stop2. 2. Stop, stoppage, cessation. ~ a dhéanamh in áit, to make a stop at a place. ~ tráchta, hold-up of traffic. ~ i bpíopa, stoppage in pipe. ~ oibre, stoppage of work. ~ tuarastail, withholding of salary. Gléas stoptha, stopping device. Ordú stoptha, stop order.

stóráil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of stóráil2. 2. Storage.

streachailt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of streachail. 2. Struggle against difficulties. Rinne siad ~ mhór leis an obair, they struggled hard to get the work done. Bhí ~ chrua agam leis, I had to struggle hard with it; I found it a heavy drag. (Var: streachladh m, streachláil f)

stríocadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of stríoc2. 2. Submission. Coimhlint, misneach, gan ~, unyielding contest, courage.

stróiceadh, m. (gs. -cthe). 1. vn. of stróic2. 2. Tear, rent. ~ in éadach, rent in clothes. 2. Rapid performance. ~ (mór) oibre, large amount of work.

stuáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of stuáil2. 2. Stowage; packing, stuffing, padding; storage. ~ lasta, stowage of cargo. ~ casóige, padding of jacket. ~ prátaí, storage of potatoes. Bosca stuála, stuffing-box. Clocha stuála, filling-stones (in masonry). ~ mhaith a dhéanamh ar rudaí, to stow things away properly. Cuir ~ orthu le haghaidh an gheimhridh, cover them up securely for the winter.

3, m. (gs. ~ite). 1. vn. of súigh. 2. Absorption, suction. ~ uisce, teasa, absorption of water, of heat. ~ bia, assimilation of food. ~ trá, suction of receding tide. Tá ~ san aimsir seo, the ground dries quickly in weather like this. ~ ribeach, capillary attraction. Gléas ~ite, suction apparatus. S.a. comhla 3 (c), páipéar 1, poll1 9. 3. Ch: Occlusion. ~ gás, occlusion of gases.

suaimhniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of suaimhnigh1. 2. Pacification, tranquillization.

suaitheadh, m. (gs. -ite). 1. vn. of suaith. 2. Mix, shake; confusion, agitation, disturbance; weariness. ~ maith a thabhairt do rud, to give sth. a good mixing, a good shake. Baineadh ~ mór asam, I was badly shaken; I was knocked about a lot. ~ an lae, the day's exertions; weariness after the day's toil. ~ coirp, physical exercises; (weariness from) physical exertion. ~ farraige, turmoil of sea. ~ intinne, mental confusion; upset, worry. 3. Discussion. ~ ceiste, discussion of subject.

substaineadh, m. (gs. -nte). 1. vn. of substain. 2. Subsistence.

suimeáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of suimeáil2. 2. Mth: Integration.

suimintiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of suimintigh. 2. Cementation. (Var: suiminteáil f)

suimiú, m. (gs. & pl. -ithe). 1. vn. of suimigh. 2. Addition.

súisteáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of súisteáil2. 2. Flailing, threshing; beating, thrashing. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to thrash s.o. Tá ~ mhaith déanta acu, they have done a good bit of threshing.

súrac, m. (gs. -aic). 1. vn. of súraic1. 2. Suction. Poll súraic, swallow-hole; whirlpool. Gaineamh súraic, quicksand. S.a. gobán1 3.

tabhairt, f. (gs. -artha). 1. vn. of tabhair. 2. (a) Grant, bestowal, assignment, delivery, utterance, yield. ~ bronntanas, carthanachta, bestowal of gifts, of friendship. ~ cairde, allowance of credit. ~ dualgas, assignment of duties. ~ eolais, guidance. ~ aithise, fianaise, léime, act of reproaching, testifying, jumping. ~ cíche, suckling. ~ toraidh, fruiting. ~ bainne, milk yield. ~ fola, issue of blood. ~ srutha, flow of stream. ~ mhaith báistí, heavy fall of rain. Tá ~ cruithneachta sa talamh sin, that land can produce wheat. Níl ~ na féasóige ann, he is not yet of an age to grow a beard. (b) Cards: Lead. Cé leis an ~? Whose lead is it? Tháinig ~ triuf, clubs were led. (c) Ten: Service. (d) ~ (uaidh), give, sag. Tá ~ san urlár, the floor sags. 3. (a) ~ amach, issue; display, demonstration, show; description. ~ amach pasanna, issue of passes. Ba bhreá an ~ amach é, it was a fine display. Tá a d~ amach agamsa duit, I can tell you what they are like. I mbéal a tabhartha amach, (of girl) of marriageable age. (b) ~ faoi, subsidence. S.a. deara 1. (c) ~ isteach, introduction, importation; yielding. (d) ~ suas, (i) yielding, surrender; Jur: ~ suas talún, release of land, (ii) upbringing. Níl aon ~ suas air, he has been badly brought up.

táblú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of táblaigh1. 2. Tabulation.

tacar1, m. (gs. & npl. -air, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of tacair1. 2. Gleaning, collection. ~ fómhair, harvest gleaning. ~ amhrán, collection of songs. 3. Mth: Set. ~ iata, iomlán, closed, complete, set. Tacair scartha, disjoint sets.

tachtadh, m. (gs. tachta). 1. vn. of tacht. 2. Strangulation. Bás de thachtadh, death by strangulation. ~ chugat! ~ ort! May you choke! Shut up!

tacmhang, m. (gs. -aing2). Lit: 1. vn. of tacmhaing1. 2. Circuit, circumference.

tadhall, m. (gs. -aill). 1. vn. of tadhaill1. 2. Touch, contact. ~ láimhe, touch of hand. Mth: Pointe tadhaill, point of contact. Mus: ~ (eochrach), touch. 3. Sense of touch. 4. Lit: An bheatha thadhaill, earthly life; this transitory life.

tafann, m. (gs. -ainn2). 1. vn. of tafainn1. 2. (Act of) barking; bark. Madra ag ~ (le duine), a dog barking (at s.o.). ~ na ngadhar sa tseilg, the baying of hounds in the chase. Ná bí ag ~ liom mar sin, don't bark at me like that. 3 = tathant 2. (Var: tafant m)

tagairt, f. (gs. -artha, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of tagair1. 2. Reference, allusion. ~ a dhéanamh do rud, to refer to sth. Ní hionann ~ dóibh, they don't refer to the same thing. Téarmaí tagartha, terms of reference. Marc, pointe, tagartha, reference mark, point. Líne thagartha, datum line. Bíobla tagartha, reference Bible.

taibhreamh, m. (gs. & npl. -rimh, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of taibhrigh. 2. Dream. Rinneadh ~ dom, I had a dream. Tá sé mar a bheadh ~ agam (go), it is as though I had dreamt (that). Ní raibh aon ~ agam (go), I never dreamt (that). ~ na súl oscailte, waking dream, day-dream. 3. Lit: Manifestation, revelation, vision. Leabhar na dT~, the Book of Revelations.

taifeach, m. (gs. & npl. -figh, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of taifigh1. 2. Analysis. Cumas taifigh, resolving power.

taifeadadh, m. (gs. -eadta, pl. -eadtaí). 1. vn. of taifead2. 2. Recording. ~ raidió, radio recording. Gléas taifeadta, recording equipment.

taighde, m. (gs. ~). 1. vn. of taighd. 2. Research. ~ a dhéanamh ar ábhar, to research a subject. ~ eolaíochta, scientific investigation. Lucht ~, research workers. Obair thaighde, research work. Ag déanamh ~ ar an seansaol, probing into the past.

táinseamh, m. (gs. & npl. -simh, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of táinsigh. 2. Reproach, censure, accusation. Brí tháinsimh a bhaint as rud, to take sth. as an accusation. 3. Jur: Impeachment.

tairbhiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of tairbhigh1. 2. Benefit, profit. Cumann tairbhithe, benefit society.

táirgeadh, m. (gs. -gthe). 1. vn. of táirg. 2. Production, output. ~ earraí, production of goods. 3 = táirge.

tairiscint, f. (gs. -ceana, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of tairg. 2. Offer, bid. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to make a bid for sth. Thug sé ~ mhaith dom air, he made me a good offer for it. ~í a lorg, to invite tenders. Ní bhfuair mé ar mo thairiscint é, my offer for it was not accepted. ~ ar obair, offer of work. ~ chúnta, offer to help. ~ troda, challenge to fight.

tairiseamh, m. (gs. -simh). 1. vn. of tairis1. 2. Stand, stop, stay. Prov: Is fearr teitheadh ná ~, discretion is the better part of valour. Gan ~, without a stop; ceaselessly.

tairngreacht, f. (gs. ~a, pl. ~aí). 1. vn. of tairngir. 2. Prediction, prophecy. ~ a dhéanamh, to prophesy. Tá sé sa ~, it has been foretold. Fíoradh mo thairngreacht, my prediction was proved correct. S.a. tuar1 2(a).

taiscéaladh, m. (gs. & pl. -lta). 1. vn. of taiscéal. 2. Exploration, examination; prospecting; reconnaissance.

taisliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of taisligh1. 2. Deliquescence.

taispeáint, f. (gs. -ána). 1. vn. of taispeáin. 2. Show, display, exhibition. ~ ruda, show, display, demonstration, of sth. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to make a display of sth. ~ cáipéisí, exhibition of documents. Ar ~, on show. Earraí a chur ar ~, to display goods.

taisriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of taisrigh. 2. Dampness, moisture.

taisteal1, m. (gs. & npl. -til, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of taistil1. 2. Travel. Lucht taistil, travellers. Costas taistil, travelling expenses. Gníomhaire taistil, travel agent. ~ farraige, sea-travel. An bealach taistil a thug siad leo, the route by which they travelled. Is ann a bhíodh mo thaisteal, that is where I used to go. Ar mo thaisteal dom, on my journeyings.

taithí, f. (gs. ~). 1. vn. of taithigh. 2. Frequentation, resort. ~ áite, na sacraimintí, frequentation of a place, of the sacraments. 3. Habit; practice, experience. ~ a bheith agat ar rud, to have experience of sth. Dul i d~ ruda, to become accustomed to sth. ~ ruda a thabhairt do dhuine, to habituate s.o. to sth. Tá sé ag déanamh ~ de, he is making a practice of it. Níl siad i d~ na hoibre go fóill, they are not familiar with the work yet. As ~, out of practice.

taithmheach, m. (gs. -mhigh1). 1. vn. of taithmhigh2. 2. Lit:Dissolution, annulment; loosening, release. 3 = taifeach.

taitneamh, m. (gs. -nimh). 1. vn. of taitin. 2. Shine, brightness. ~ na gréine, the sunshine. ~ an tsneachta, the refulgence of the snow. 3. Liking, enjoyment. ~ a bhaint as rud, to enjoy sth. ~ a bheith agat ar rud, to have a liking for sth. Tá ~ acu ar an áit seo, they like this place. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to take a liking to s.o. Thug mo chroí ~ di, I grew fond of her. Níl sé i mo thaitneamh, chun mo thaitnimh, I don't care for it. (Var: taithneamh)

tál2, m. (gs. táil). 1. vn. of tál3. 2. Lactation, yield, flow (of milk); secretion. ~ breá bainne, fine flow of milk; good yield of milk. 3. Fig: Yield, flow; grant, bestowal. ~ deor, flow of tears. ~ trócaire, bestowal of mercy.

talmhú, m. (gs. -mhaithe). 1. vn. of talmhaigh. 2. El: Earthing, earth-cable. 3. Fb: Touch-down.

tamhnadh, m. (gs. -mhanta). 1. vn. of tamhain1. 2. Truncation.

tanú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of tanaigh. 2. Attenuation, dilution, rarefaction.

taobhrianadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of taobhrian. 2. Mec.E: Offset.

taobhú, m. (gs. -bhaithe). 1. vn. of taobhaigh1. 2. Adherence; recourse, resort; reliance, trust.

taomadh, m. (gs. -mtha). 1. vn. of taom2. 2. Bailing. ~ báid, bailing of boat. Fig: Tá sé thar ~; chuaigh sé thar a thaomadh, it has gone beyond all remedy. S.a. leaba 7.

taoscadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of taosc1. 2. Bailing, pumping; drainage. Galún, soitheach, taosctha, bailer. Inneall taosctha, pumping-engine. Is é ~ na farraige é, it is an impossible undertaking. S.a. dallán1 1, píopa 1. 3. Moulding, earthing.

tarcaisniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of tarcaisnigh1. 2. Disparagement, vilification.

tarchur, m. (gs. as s. -uir2, as vn. ~tha). 1. vn. of tarchuir1. 2. Jur: (Of case) Remittal. ~ chun eadrána, reference to arbitration. S.a. barántas 1. 3. W.Tel: Transmission. S.a. stáisiún 1(c).

tarfhuáil, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of tarfhuaigh. 2. Needlew: Overcasting.

tarlú1, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of tarlaigh1. 2. Incident, occurrence.

tarlú2, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of tarlaigh2. 2. Haulage. Fear tarlaithe, haulage man. Capall tarlaithe, draught-horse. 3. (Of harvest) Garnering. Féasta an tarlaithe, harvest home. 4. Demand. Is orthu a bhí an ~, they were in great demand. (Var: tarlamh m, tarló(dh) m)

tarraingt, f. (gs. -gthe, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of tarraing1. 2. (a) Pull, tug. ~ a thabhairt, to give a pull. Bhain sí ~ as mo mhuinchille, she tugged at my sleeve. Ar an gcéad ~, at the first heave. ~ na téide, tug-of-war. (b) Drag, haul; haulage, traction. ~ cloch, haulage of stones. Níl ~ na gcos ann, he can hardly drag his feet along. Tá ~ bhacaíola ann, he has a limp. Is fada an ~ é, it is a long haul. Capall tarraingthe, draught-horse. Inneall tarraingthe, traction-engine. Úim tharraingthe, draught-harness. Bain lúb den ~, shorten the draught-chain by a link. 3. Drawing, extraction. ~ fiacla, extraction of teeth. ~ lustain, weed-picking. ~ fola, blood-letting. Bain ~ as an tae, let the tea draw a while. 4. Potentiality to draw. Tá ~ ar airgead aige, he has money to draw on. An mhaoin a bhfuil ~ agam uirthi, the means I have at my disposal. Bhí ~ chuige aige, he had something to draw on, a source of revenue. Tá ~ mo láimhe agam, I have enough to keep me going. Bain do tharraingt as, take what you want of it. 5. (a) Draught, suction. ~ i simléar, draught in chimney. ~ gaoithe i ndoras, draught in doorway. (b) Draught, swig. ~ a bhaint as buidéal, to take a swig out of a bottle. D'ól sé ~ a chinn den leann, he took a large draught of the ale. (c) Suck. ~ a bhaint as píopa, to take a pull at a pipe. (d) Strain; spasm. Tá ~ suas air, he is breathing heavily. S.a. orla. 6. Stretch. ~ a bhaint as leaistic, to stretch elastic. Tiocfaidh ~ as, it will stretch. 7. (Of speech) ~ a bhaint as focal, to draw out, drawl out, a word. Tá ~ ina chuid cainte, he speaks with a halt. 8. Stroke. ~ de bhata, blow of a stick. 9. Drawing, delineation. ~ figiúirí, figure-drawing. 10. (a) Attraction, lure. Tá ~ súl inti, she attracts notice. Tá ~ an tslua ann, it attracts the crowd. ~ an bhaile mhóir, the lure of the city. (b) Frequentation, resort. Is ann a bhíodh mo tharraingt, it is where I was wont to go. Cá bhfuil do tharraingt anois? Where are you heading for now? Tá ~ na dúiche ar an siopa sin, everybody in the locality goes to that shop. (c) Demand. Tá ~ ar shiúcra inniu, there is a demand for sugar today. 11. (a) ~ siar, withdrawal. (b) ~ tríd, confusion. Tranglam agus ~ tríd, bustle and confusion. (c) Do tharraingt aniar! Bravo! 12. Bot: ~ ar éigean, short sedge-like grass.

tarrtháil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of tarrtháil2. 2. Rescue; help, deliverance. ~ a thabhairt ar dhuine, to come to s.o.'s rescue. Gléas tarrthála, life-saving apparatus. Bheith ó tharrtháil, to be past help; to be beyond redemption. S.a. bád, baoi 1. 3. Salvage. Tuga tarrthála, salvage-tug. Comhlacht tarrthála, salvage company. 4. Intervention, mediation. Déan ~ eatarthu, keep them from coming to blows.

tarscaoileadh, m. (gs. -lte). 1. vn. of tarscaoil. 2. Waiver.

tástáil1, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of tástáil2. 2. Taste, sample. Bain greim tástála as an arán, take a bite of the bread to taste it. ~ (roimh ré), foretaste. 3. Test, trial, experiment. ~ a bhaint as do neart, to try out one's strength. Bheith ar do thástáil, to be put to the test; to be on probation. Téarma tástála, period of probation. Nuair a tháinig lá na tástála, when it came to the test. ~ éirime, intelligence test. ~ agus earráid, trial and error. Com: Ordú tástála, trial order. Ní raibh cuid a thástála ann, he was tried and found wanting. Tá ~ agam orthu, I have experience of them.

tathant, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of tathantaigh. 2. Incitement, exhortation.

táthú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of táthaigh. 2. Solidification; coalescence, consolidation; 3. Biol: Conjugation.

teacht1, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of tar1. 2. (a) Approach, arrival. ~ na gcuairteoirí, the arrival of the visitors. An é seo do theacht? Have you just arrived? Inniu mo theacht, I came today. Is fada an ~ aige é, he is a long time coming. ~ an earraigh, the coming of spring. Beidh siad anseo ~ na Nollag, they will be here come Christmas. Le ~ an lae, at daybreak. ~ agus imeacht na taoide, the ebb and flow of the tide. (b) Advent. ~ Chríost, the coming of Christ. (c) Springing, growth; production, issue. Le ~ an fhéir, when the grass appears. Bhí ~ féasóige air, he had a growth of beard. Tá ~ maith ar an arbhar, the corn is springing well. ~ i mbláth, flowering, florescence. ~ faoi thoradh, fructification. S.a. seagal. (d) Access, discovery; reach, attainment. ~ ar rud, access to sth. Dá mbeadh ~ agam ar a luach, if I could find the price of it. Níl ~ agam ar na cinn is faide siar, I can't get at the ones farthest back. San áit nach bhfuil ~ ag an dlí orthu, where the law doesn't reach them. (e) Accession. ~ in aois, accession to manhood. ~ i gcoróin, accession to throne. (f) Faring, management. Dá mbeadh ~ againn gan airgead, if we could do without money. Tá ~ gan é, it can be dispensed with. Tá ~ dá uireasa agam, I can manage without it. 3. (In phrases) ~ abhaile, (i) home-coming, (ii) staying-power. ~ amach, issue, appearance. ~ amach leabhair, issue of book. I mbéal a ~a amach, about to make her debut, ready for marriage. ~ aniar, recuperative power, stamina; (of cloth) durability. ~ ar aghaidh, ~ chun cinn, progress. ~ as, (i) escape, survival, (ii) (in cloth) stretch. Níl ~ as agat, you have no way out of it. ~ faoi, dampness from ground. ~ isteach, income. ~ le chéile, concord, harmony. Tá ~ maith le chéile acu, they get on well together. ~ suas, maintenance. Tá a d~ suas ar an iascaireacht, they depend on fishing for a livelihood. ~ thar rud, mention of sth. Ná bíodh aon ~ thairis agat, don't say anything about it. ~ trasna, frustration. S.a. láthair1 2(b), tír 4(b).

téachtadh, m. (gs. téachta). 1. vn. of téacht. 2. Congealment, coagulation; solidification.

teagasc1, m. (gs. -aisc, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of teagasc2. 2. Teaching, instruction. ~ ábhair, the teaching of a subject. ~ béil, oral instruction; oral tradition. Cúrsa teagaisc, course of instruction; tutorial. Lucht teagaisc, teachers, instructors. 3. Body of teaching; doctrine, precept. ~ na hEaglaise, the teaching of the Church. An T~ Críostaí, Christian doctrine; catechism. ~ scéil, moral of story. An ~ a fuair mé i dtús mo shaoil, what I was taught to do in early life. 4. Lit: Magic formula, incantation. Briochta agus ~a, spells and incantations.

teagmháil, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of teagmhaigh. 2. Meeting, encounter; communication, intercourse. (a) ~ a bheith agat le duine, to meet s.o.; to be in communication with s.o. Ná bíodh aon ~ agat leis an diúlach sin, keep well away from that fellow. ~ gnóthaí, business intercourse. (b) Bhí ~ bheag againn leis an namhaid, we had a slight brush with the enemy. Tá ~ chrua romhainn, we are faced with a stiff encounter. Teacht slán as ~, to survive a battle. Bhí sé san áit ba tibhe ~, he was in the thick of the fight. 3. Touch, contact. Teagmhálacha leictreacha, electric contacts. S.a. mianach1 1(c), pointe 1, uillinn 2.

téamh, m. (gs. as s. téimh, as vn. téite). 1. vn. of téigh1. 2. Heating, warming. Tá ~ maith sa ghual, the coal gives good heat. Níl teas ná ~ sa tine sin, that fire gives neither heat nor comfort. Tabhair ~ beag eile don bhainne, warm the milk a little more. S.a. lárnach. 3. Distillation. ~ a dhéanamh, to distil a quantity of spirits. ~ poitín, a run of poteen.

teannadh, m. (gs. as s. -aidh, as vn. -nnta). 1. vn. of teann3. 2. Tightening; squeeze, pressure; strain, stress; emphasis; movement. Is é an t-am teannaidh acu é, it is then they really let themselves go. Ní raibh ~ ar mo chúl ná ar m'aghaidh agam, I could go neither backwards nor forwards; I had no way out of the difficulty. S.a. aos1 2, tilleadh2 2.

teanntú, m. (gs. -taithe). 1. vn. of teanntaigh. 2. Rounding up, encompassment. 3. Pressure, strain, stress. Tá ~ na farraige isteach ann, it is exposed to the force of the sea.

tearcú, m. (gs. -caithe). 1. vn. of tearcaigh. 2. Decrease, diminishment.

tearmannú, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of tearmannaigh2. 2. Harbouring, concealment.

téarnamh, m. (gs. as s. -aimh, as vn. -aithe). 1. vn. of téarnaigh. 2. (a) Escape; recovery, convalescence. Teach téarnaimh, convalescent home. (b) Return; approach. ~ i gceann cairdis, a return to friendship. (c) Departure, death. (Var: téarnó m)

teasargan, m. (gs. -ain). 1. vn. of teasairg. 2. Deliverance, rescue. 3. Intervention, peacemaking. Fear teasargain, intervener, peacemaker. (Var: teasargadh m; teasargain f, gs. teasairgne)

teascadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of teasc2. 2. Lopping; severance, amputation; S.a. feo2. 3. severed part. ~ coirceoige, frustum of cone.

teasdíonadh, m. (gs. -nta). 1. vn. of teasdíon. 2. (Heat) insulation.

teastáil, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of teastaigh1. 2. (pl.) Necessaries. Teastálacha beaga a bhí uaim, little things I needed. (Var: teastbháil)

teibiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of teibigh. 2. Abstraction.

teilgean, m. (gs. as s. -gin, as vn. -gthe). 1. vn. of teilg1. 2. Cast, throw, projection. (a) ~ cloiche, cast of stone. ~ saighead, discharge of arrows. ~ solais, projection of light. ~ pictiúir ar scáileán, projection of picture on screen. Mapm: ~ ortagrafach, orthographic projection. (b) ~ chrú capaill, casting of horseshoe. ~ deor, shedding of tears. (c) ~ bia, vomiting of food. 3. (a) Metall: Cast. ~ miotail, cast of metal. (b) Agr: Earthing. Ag cur teilgin (ar phrátaí), earthing (potatoes). (c) ~ aoil, slaking of lime. 4. (a) ~ cainte, idiom, expression. (b) ~ cinn, intelligence, cleverness. Is breá an ~ cinn atá aige, he has a good head on his shoulders. 5. Lastingness, durability; economization. ~ a bhaint as rud, to make sth. last. Tá ~ san éadach sin, that is durable cloth. Ní mór an ~ punt, a pound doesn't go very far. Níl aon ~ inti, she has no sense of economy. (Var: teilgint f)

teip1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. vn. of teip2. 2. Failure; ~ gutha, loss of voice. Bhí ~ ar an iascach, the fishing had failed. Ní raibh ~ lae oibre air, he didn't miss a day's work. Níl aon ~ air ach é, it is his only shortcoming. Gan ~, without fail. 3. Ten: Fault.

teitheadh, m. (gs. -ite). 1. vn. of teith1. 2. Flight, retreat; escape, evasion. An ~ a chur ar an namhaid, to put the enemy to flight. Dul ar do theitheadh, to take to flight; to go on the run. Lucht teite, fugitives. Bealach, gléas, teite, way, means, of escape. Prov: Is fearr ~ maith ná drochsheasamh, discretion is the better part of valour. (Var: gs. teithidh; teithiúint f)

teorannú, m. (gs. -nnaithe). 1. vn. of teorannaigh. 2. Delimitation. 3. Limitation, restriction.

timpeallghearradh, m. (gs. -rrtha). 1. vn. of timpeallghearr. 2. Circumcision.

timpeallú, m. (gs. -llaithe). 1. vn. of timpeallaigh1. 2. Encirclement, encompassment. 3. Circumvention.

tíolacadh, m. (gs. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of tíolaic1. 2. (a) Grant, bestowal. (b) Jur: Conveyance. 3. (Divine) gift. ~ ó Dhia, gift from God. Seacht dtíolacthaí an Spioraid Naoimh, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. 4. Tradition. 5 = tionlacan.

tiomáint, f. (gs. -ána). 1. vn. of tiomáin. 2. Driving, drive. (a) ~ eallaigh, cattle-driving. (b) Steering, propulsion. ~ gluaisteáin, car-driving. Beilt, crann, slabhra, tiomána, driving-band, -shaft, -chain. Is fada an ~ é, it is a long drive. (c) Golf: Drive. 3. Rush, haste, bustle. Cur sa ~, to set off fast. Tá ~ mhaith fúthu, they are making good speed. Leis an ~ siúil a bhí fúinn, at the pace we were going. Nach ort atá an ~? Aren't you in a great hurry? Bhí ~ agus liúireach acu, they were rushing and shouting. 4. Brisk demand. Bhí ~ ar na muca, pigs were being sold fast. 5 = iomáin1.

tiomargadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of tiomairg. 2. Gathering, collection. (Var: tiomairgeadh, tiomarg m, tiomargain f)

tiomnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of tiomnaigh1. 2. Bequeathal. S.a. inniúlacht. 3. Enjoinment, command. 4. Dedication (of church, etc.). 5. Delegation, entrustment.

tiomsú, m. (gs. -saithe, pl. -suithe). 1. vn. of tiomsaigh. 2. (a) Collection, accumulation; (b) compilation; 3. gathering, assembly.

tionlacan, m. (gs. as s. -ain, as vn. -ctha; npl. -ain, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of tionlaic. 2. (a) Accompaniment, escort. Bhí ~ mór leis, (i) there was a large number of people to see him off, (ii) there was a large attendance at his funeral. ~ na n-óinseach, people accompanying each other back and forth. S.a. pilibín 1. (b) Mil: Nau: Convoy. Seoladh faoi thionlacan, to sail in convoy. Long thionlacain, convoy ship. (c) Mus: Accompaniment.

tionnabhradh, m. (gs. -aidh). 1. vn. of tionnabhair. 2 = tionnúr.

tionól, m. (gs. & npl. -óil, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of tionóil1. 2. Gathering, assembly. 3. Mth: Aggregate.

tionsclú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of tionsclaigh1. 2. Industrialization.

tionscnamh, m. (gs. -aimh). 1. vn. of tionscain. 2. Beginning, origin; introduction, initiation; institution, establishment. ~ réime nua, setting-up of new regime. ~ conartha, initiation of agreement. ~ imeachtaí, institution of proceedings. Deimhniú tionscnaimh, certificate of origin. ~ oifigiúil institiúide, formal opening of institution. Fuair mé ~ air, I got an idea of it, caught a glimpse of it. 3 = tionscadal 2.

tiontú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of tiontaigh. 2. Turning, turn. ~ cinn, turn of head. ~ fód, turning of sods. ~ feithicle, overturning of vehicle. ~ taoide, turn of tide. ~ goile, stomach upset, vomiting. ~ sreibhe, (condition leading to) milk fever. ~ chun creidimh, conversion to religion. ~ focal, translation of words. ~ cait ina chraiceann, wonderful feat of dexterity. 3. Lit: Revocation, annulment. ~ conartha, annulment of contract.

titim1, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of tit. 2. Fall. (a) Baineadh ~ asam, I stumbled and fell. Bhain ~ dó, he had a fall. Bhí gach re ~ is éirí acu, they were falling all over the place. ~ balla, collapse of wall. (b) ~ sneachta, fall of snow. ~ drúchta, dew-fall. ~ an duilliúir, the fall of the leaves. ~ na hoíche, nightfall. (c) ~ luacha, decline in value, depreciation. (d) ~ an chine dhaonna, the Fall of man. (e) ~ na Traí, na laoch, the fall of Troy, of the heroes. ~ rialtais, fall of government. (f) ~ aille, slope of cliff. Tá ~ bheag sa talamh ansin, the ground drops a bit there. Nuair a bhí ~ na fána linn, when we had the advantage of the downward slope. Ní mó ná go bhfuil ~ an uisce ann, it barely declines enough to carry off the water. (g) ~ focail, slip of tongue. ~ cainte, expression, idiom. Cards: ~ láimhe, "the fall of the play', the advantage of being the last to play a trick. ~ amach, falling-out, quarrel. Bhí ~ amach eatarthu, they had a quarrel.

tiúchan, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of tiubhaigh. 2. Ch: Concentration. (Var: tiúchaint f)

tnáitheadh, m. (gs. -ite). 1. vn. of tnáith. 2. Weariness, exhaustion.

tnúth1, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of tnúth2. 2. Envy. ~ a bheith agat le duine, to be envious of s.o. Peaca an ~a, the sin of envy. 3. Vying, jealous rivalry. Ní raibh ~ fir le chéile ann, no man waited for another to make the first move. 4. Expectation, longing. ~ le rud, eager desire for sth. ~ le maoin shaolta, inordinate desire for worldly wealth. Is beag ~ a bhí agam leis, little did I expect to get it. Prov: ~ a threabhas, where there's a will there's a way.

tobhach, m. (gs. -aigh). 1. vn. of toibhigh. 2. Levy, exaction, collection. ~ cánach, tax collection. ~ éirice, exaction of retribution. ~ sluaite, levying of hosts. Aos tobhaigh, tax-collectors.

tóch1, m. (gs. ~ta). 1. vn. of tóch2. 2. Digging, rooting. ~ muice, rooting of pig; careless digging.

tochailt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of tochail. 2. Digging, excavation; uprooting. ~ gairbhéil, gravel-digging. ~ tobair, well-sinking. ~ muc i ngairdín, the rooting of pigs in a garden.

tochas, m. (gs. -ais). 1. vn. of tochais1. 2. Itch. Tá ~ ina dhroim, his back is itchy. Cad é atá ag cur an tochais air? What's irritating him? Cuirfidh mise ~ ina cheann, I'll give him something to scratch his head about.

tochras, m. (gs. as s. -ais, as vn. -aiste). 1. vn. of tochrais1. 2. Winding. ~ snátha, cloig, the winding of yarn, of a clock. S.a. crann 6 (b). 3 = tochardadh 2.

tochsal, m. (gs. -ail2). 1. vn. of tochsail1. 2. Jur: Distraint.

tógáil, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of tóg. 2. Lifting, raising; taking. ~ meáchan, weight-lifting. ~ ancaire, weighing of anchor. Bhí ~ mo dhá lámh ann, it was as much as I could lift with both hands. Sluasaid a bhfuil ~ mhaith inti, a shovel with a good scoop. Níl ~ na gcos ann, he can hardly lift his feet. Tá sé ar ~ sa leaba, he has to be helped to sit up in bed. ~ tithe, droichead, construction of houses, of bridges. Is breá na tógálacha iad, they are fine structures. ~ arbhair, stacking of corn. ~ teaghlaigh, rearing of family. Duine de thógáil na háite, a native of the place. De thógáil na cathrach é, he is city-bred. Thug siad ~ mhaith dá gclann, they brought up their children well. Tá a d~ don gheimhreadh ann, it is enough to support them for the winter. ~ stoic, stock-raising. ~ intinne, mental uplift, excitement. Tá ~ croí ann, it cheers the heart. ~ trioblóide, troublemaking. ~ cnoic, ascent of hill. ~ luais, pick-up of speed. ~ iasachta, raising of loan. ~ earraí ar cairde, obtaining goods on credit. ~ paisinéirí ar bord, embarkation of passengers. ~ ceirde, learning of trade. ~ cíosa, collection of rent. ~ suíochán, occupation of seats. ~ creiche, seizure of prey. Cuireadh ~ air, he was taken up, arrested. ~ campa, striking of camp. ~ léigir, raising of siege. S.a. áit1 1(c), ceann1 1(a), comhla 1, crann 6(b), droichead, fonsa 1, maide 1(b), téad 1(b). (Var: ~t, tógaint f)

toghadh, m. (gs. tofa). 1. vn. of togh1. 2. Choice, selection. ~ ceirde, choice of occupation. ~ dathanna, selection of colours. 3. Election. ~ teachtaí, election of deputies.

toghail1, f. (gs. & npl. -ghla). 1. vn. of toghail3. 2. Lit: (Story of) sack, destruction. S.a. reithe 3 (b).

toghairm2, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eacha). 1. vn. of toghair. 2. Jur: Summons. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to summon s.o. ~ achomair, iomlánach, thionscnaimh, summary, plenary, originating, summons. ~ féichiúnaí, finné, debtor, witness, summons.

toghluasacht, f. (gs. & npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of toghluais. 2. Lit: (a) Movement, conveyance. (b) Abortion.

togradh, m. (gs. -gartha). 1. vn. of togair. 2. Will, inclination. Ar ~, at will. (Var: togra m)

toiliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of toiligh. 2. Volition; consent. (Var: ~int f)

toilleadh, m. (gs. -llte). 1. vn. of toill1. 2. Capacity. Tá ~ céid ann, it would hold a hundred. ~ teasa, heat capacity.

toirbhirt, f. (gs. -bhearta, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of toirbhir. 2. Delivery, presentation; gift, offering; dedication. An T~ sa Teampall, the Presentation in the Temple. Ord na Toirbhearta, the Presentation Order. ~ mhóide, ex voto offering. Ecc: Gníomh toirbhearta, act of oblation. D'aon ~, at one delivery, at one birth. ~ leabhair, dedication of book. (Var: toirbheart f)

toirchiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of toirchigh. 2. Fecundation, fertilization, impregnation.

toirmeasc1, m. (gs. & npl. -misc, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of toirmisc1. 2. Prohibition; prevention, hindrance. ~ a chur ar dhuine (faoi) rud a dhéanamh, to prohibit s.o. from doing sth. ~ pósta, prohibition of marriage. Ordú toirmisc, prohibition order. Níl aon duine ag cur toirmisc ort, nobody is stopping you. An rud atá ag déanamh toirmisc dom, what is holding me back. Gan ~, without hindrance. 3. Mischief, dissension. Fear toirmisc, mischief-maker. 4. Mishap, misfortune. Bhain ~ dom, I met with an accident. Bhí sé den ~ orm é a dhéanamh, I had the misfortune to do it.

toitriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of toitrigh. 2. Fumigation.

tolgadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of tolg3. 2. Gathering (of storm). 3. Contraction (of disease).

tolgadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of tolg3. 2. Gathering (of storm). 2. Contraction (of disease).

tolladh, m. (gs. -llta, pl. -lltaí). 1. vn. of toll3. 2. Boring, perforation.

tomhailt, f. (gs. ~e). 1. vn. of tomhail. 2. Consumption (of food, drink).

tomhas, m. (gs. & npl. -ais, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of tomhais1. 2. Measure, gauge. (a) ~ beacht, gann, exact, short, measure. Thug sé an ~ go maith dom, he gave me full measure. Ná déan peaca an tomhais, don't give false measure. (b) Dimensions. Gearr ar thomhas an urláir é, cut it to fit the floor. (c) Quantity. ~ biotáille, a measure of spirits. Tá ~ pionta ann, it measures a pint. Tá mo thomhas i gceart ann, it is just the amount I need. (d) System of measurement. ~ ciúbach, líneach, cubic, linear, measure. ~ láimhe, hand measurement. Tabhair ~ a láimhe féin dó, pay him back in kind. Tá sé míle ar leithead, ar thomhas mo shúl, it is a mile wide, as far as my eye can gauge. S.a. galún1 2, ribín1 2, slat1 1(d). (e) Mec: ~ sleamhnáin, slide gauge. ~ sorcóireach, cylindrical gauge. ~ tiúis, thickness-gauge. 3. Guess, riddle. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to ask s.o. a riddle. Bhí sé ag cur (amach) ~ orainn i rith na hoíche, he was giving us riddles to solve all night. (Var: pl. ~anna)

tonach1, m. (gs. as s. -aigh, as vn. ~ta). 1. vn. of tonach3. 2. Wash; washing the dead. (Var: ~adh m)

tonnadh, m. (gs. -nnta, pl. -nntaí). 1. vn. of tonn2. 2. Wave, surge. ~ taoide, tide-race. 3. Hairdr: Wave.

tonnchrith1, m. (gs. -reatha, pl. -reathanna). 1. vn. of tonnchrith2. 2. Vibration.

tóraíocht, f. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of tóraigh. 2. Pursuit; hunt, search. ~ fia, pursuit of deer. ~ caorach, hunt for sheep. Bhí ~ ar chaoirigh óga ann, there was a demand for young sheep there. ~ léinn, pursuit of learning. Miner: Poll ~a, bore-hole.

tórramh1, m. (gs. & npl. -aimh, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of tórraigh. 2. (a) Wake. Teach tórraimh, wake-house. (b) Funeral. Bhí ~ mór leis, he had a large funeral. 3. Lit: (a) (Act of) ministering to, (act of) visiting; attendance, service. (b) Attendant group, attendants. 4. Gathering, harvest-home; garnering of crops. (Var: ~a m; pl. tórraimheacha)

tost1, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). 1. vn. of tost2. 2. Silence. Bí i do thost, be silent, shut up. Bí i do thost air, say nothing about it. Bí i do thost liom orthu, don't mention them to me. D'fhan sé ina thost, he remained silent. Cuir ina thost é, silence him, make him shut up. Thit sé dá thost, he fell silent. Tháinig ~ ar an oíche, the night grew still. S.a. béal 1(b). 3 = sos.

tosú, m. (gs. -saithe). 1. vn. of tosaigh1. 2. Beginning, commencement, start.

tothlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of tothlaigh. 2. Desire, appetite, craving.

trá2, m. (gs. ~ite). 1. vn. of tráigh1. 2. Ebb. ~ agus tuile, ebb and flow. 3. Subsidence, decline. ~ tuile, abatement of flood. ~ tobair, drying up of well. ~ brí, waning of strength.

trácht3, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of trácht5. 2. Going, travelling; journey, passage; frequentation. I d~ na mara siar dúinn, as we fared westward over the sea. I d~ na haimsire, with the passing of time. Mar a mbíodh mo thrácht, where I was wont to go. Tá ~ mór ar an áit seo, this is a place of great resort. 3. Traffic. (a) Traffic on roads, etc. ~ bóthair, sráide, cathrach, road, street, city, traffic. ~ gluaisteán, coimeádán, motor, container, traffic. Comharthaí, soilse, ~a, traffic-signals, -lights. Brú ~a, traffic congestion. (b) Traffic in goods, trade. ~ earraí, eallaigh, ola, trade in goods, in cattle, in oil. Bád ~a, cargo-boat.

trácht4, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). 1. vn. of trácht6. 2. (With ar) Mention (of). ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to mention sth. Chuala mé ~ orthu, I heard tell of them. Níl ~ air sin anois, there is no talk of that now. Is beag ~ atá acu uirthi, they seldom speak of her. 3. Discourse, comment. An rud a bhí i d~ againn, what we were talking about. Sa ~ seo síos, in the following commentary. 4. Ecc: Tract. 5. ~ thar = teacht thar : teacht1 3.

traenáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of traenáil2. 2. Training. ~ mhíleata, military training.

traochadh, m. (gs. -chta). 1. vn. of traoch. 2. Subjugation; weariness, exhaustion. 3 = traoitheadh. (Var: traochaint f)

traoitheadh, m. (gs. -ite). 1. vn. of traoith. 2. Abatement, subsidence. 3. Diminishment, reduction. 4. Med: Wasting, consumption. 5 = traochadh.

trasnú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of trasnaigh1. 2. Traverse, intersection; 3. contradiction, interruption.

treá2, m. (gs. ~ite). 1. vn. of treáigh. 2. Penetration.

treabhadh, m. (gs. -eafa). 1. vn. of treabh1. 2. Ploughing. Talamh treafa, ploughland, land suitable for ploughing. Bheith chun treafa, to be fit to work, to earn one's living. Cuir chun treafa é, put him to work. Tá mé chun treafa arís, I am fit and well again.

treascairt, f. (gs. -artha, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of treascair. 2. Knock-down, overthrow, downfall, defeat. ~ crann, tree-felling. ~ tithe, demolition of houses. ~ impireachta, overthrow of empire. ~ puball, striking of tents. ~ a fháil, to get a heavy fall. Baineadh ~ as, he took a bad fall. Bhí mé sa ~, I took part in the rough-and-tumble. Is ann a bhí a threascairt, that was his downfall, where he met his doom. Tá sé in áit a threascartha, he is in a dangerous spot, in an evil plight. (Var: treascradh m)

tréaslú, m. (gs. -laithe, pl. -luithe). 1. vn. of tréaslaigh. 2. Congratulation.

tréghalú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of tréghalaigh. 2. Transpiration.

tréigean, m. (gs. -gin). 1. vn. of tréig. 2. Desertion, abandonment. ~ teaghlaigh, tíre, desertion of family, of country. ~ prionsabail, abandonment of principle. ~ cairdeasa, renunciation of friendship. ~ comharbais, renouncement of succession. ~ na talún, the flight from the land. Tá tart gan ~ orm, I have an insatiable thirst. 3. Fading, falling away. ~ datha, blátha, fading of colour, of bloom. (Var: ~t m, tréigbheáil f)

tréithriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of tréithrigh. 2. Characterization.

treoráil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of treoráil2. 2. Artil: Sighting. Urchar treorála, sighting-shot.

treorú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of treoraigh1. 2. Guidance, direction.

tréthál1, m. (gs. -áil). 1. vn. of tréthál2. 2. Transudation.

triail1, f. (gs. -alach, pl. -alacha). 1. vn. of triail2. 2. Trial, test. (a) ~ a bhaint as rud, to give sth. a trial. Fuair mé ar ~ iad, I got them on trial. ~ tiomána, driving test. ~ luais, speed trial. Trialacha gunna, gun tests. Tá ~ agam ort, I have seen you put to the test. Sin é áit a raibh ~ orthu, that is where they were really tested. (b) Is crua an ~ orthu é, it is a sore trial for them. Ba mhór an ~ a bhí ann, he showed great endurance. Ní maith an ~ a thug na bróga uathu, the shoes didn't wear too well. (c) Jur: ~ choiste, trial by jury. Duine a chur chun a thrialach, to send s.o. for trial. Tugadh chun trialach iad, they were brought to trial. (Var: triáil)

triall1, m. (gs. as s. ~a, as vn. ~ta; pl. ~ta). 1. vn. of triall2. 2. Journey, expedition. Cá bhfuil do thriall? Where are you going? Mar a mbíodh mo thriall, where I used to resort. Bhí mo thriall go hEochaill, I was on my way to Youghal. Is é is cúis le mo thriall ort, that is why I have come to see you. Is iomaí áit a mbíonn a thriall, he gets around a lot. 3. Lit: Proceeding, attempt. ~ imeachta, attempt to leave. Rinne siad ~ a bhearrtha, they set about tonsuring him.

triantánú, m. (gs. -naithe). 1. vn. of triantánaigh1. 2. Triangulation.

trinseáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of trinseáil2. 2. Lazybed system of sowing potatoes.

triomú, m. (gs. -maithe). 1. vn. of triomaigh1. 2. Drying, drying quality. Rud a chur ar ~, to put sth. to dry. Tá ~ mór san aimsir seo, there is great drying power in this kind of weather. Péint a bhfuil ~ maith into, Péint a bhfuil ~ maith inti, a paint of good drying quality.

tríroinnt, f. ( gs. ~e, pl. -rannta). 1. vn. of tríroinn. 2. Trisection.

trochlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of trochlaigh. 2. Deterioration, dilapidation, decay. 3. Defilement, profanation. (Var: trochladh m)

troid1, f. (gs. -oda, pl. ~eanna). 1. vn. of troid2. 2. Fight, quarrel. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to challenge s.o. to fight. Ag iarraidh troda atá sé, he is looking for a fight. Ná bí ag baint troda as, don't pick quarrels with him. Fear troda, fighting man. ~ dorn, fist-fight. ~ bhataí, stick-fight. ~ na mbó maol, harmless fight. S.a. uaigneas 2.

troscadh, m. (gs. -aidh, pl. -aí). 1. vn. of troisc1. 2. Fast. Bheith i do throscadh, to be fasting. Chuaigh mé ann i mo throscadh, I went there fasting, without having breakfasted. ~ a dhéanamh, to fast, to observe an ecclesiastical fast. An té a bhfuil ~ air, he who is bound to fast. Má tá ~ ar fheoil, if flesh-meat is forbidden. Lá troscaidh, fast-day. ~ an anama, Ember-days. S.a. tréanach1.

truailliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of truailligh. 2. Corruption, contamination, defilement, pollution.

truaillmheascadh, m. (gs. -ctha). 1. vn. of truaillmheasc. 2. Adulteration.

trust1, m. (gs. ~a). 1. vn. of trust2. 2. Trust. ~ a bheith agat as duine, to put one's trust in s.o. Níl mórán ~a agam as na cógais sin, I wouldn't care to rely on those medicines.

tuairisciú, f. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of tuairiscigh. 2. Journ: Coverage.

tuar1, m. (gs. -air, pl. ~tha). 1. vn. of tuar4. 2. Sign, omen. (a) ~ trócaire, augury of mercy. ~ cogaidh, portent of war. ~ tubaiste, foreboding of tragedy. ~ dea-aimsire, indication of good weather. ~ sláinte dó é, it is a sign that he is recovering his health. B'olc an ~ dúinn é, it was a bad omen for us. Rinne sé ~ agus tairngreacht air, he prophesied it and foretold the signs of its coming. Tháinig an ~ faoin tairngreacht, the prophecy was fulfilled. (b) ~ ceatha, ~ báistí, rainbow.

tuar3, m. (gs. -air, pl. ~tha). 1. vn. of tuar5. 2. Bleaching-green. adaí a chur ar ~, to put clothes out to bleach.

tuargaint, f. (gs. -ana). 1. vn. of tuargain. 2. Pounding, battering, hammering.

tuaslagadh, m. (gs. -gtha). 1. vn. of tuaslaig. 2. Lit:

tuathú, m. (gs. -thaithe). 1. vn. of tuathaigh2. 2. Laicization.

tubha, m. (gs. ~). Lit: 1. vn. of tubh. 2. Attack. 3. Accusation, reproach. (Var: ~dh m)

tuile, f. (gs. ~, pl. -lte). 1. vn. of tuil1. 2. Flood, flow. ~ na taoide, the flow of the tide. Tá ~ san abhainn, the river is in flood. Tá ~ uisce os cionn na móinéar, the water has overflowed the meadows. ~ gan trá, endless flood. ~ bháistí, downpour of rain. ~ shléibhe, mountain flood; cloudburst. ~ dheor, flood of tears. ~ achasán, stream of abuse. ~ shí (chainte), spate of words. Tá an ~ shí as a béal ar fad, she keeps babbling away all the time. I d~ a ratha, in the flood-tide of his prosperity. 3. Bot: ~ thalún, bulbous buttercup. S.a. liag3, sruth1 1, taoide1 1, tonn1 1, tráigh1 2.

tuilleamh, m. (gs. -llimh). 1. vn. of tuill1. 2. (a) Earning. Is túisce ~ ná tuarastal, wages must be earned first. (b) Desert, merit. Masla gan ~, gratuitous insult. (c) Earnings, wages. Mo thuilleamh bliana, my year's earnings. Bhí ~ maith ann, there was good money to be earned there. Fear tuillimh, wage-earner. (d) ~ buí, ~ mbuidhe = tuilleamaí. (Var: gs. tuilleata; tuilleachtaint f, tuilliúint f, tuillmheadh m)

tuirlingt, f. (gs. -gthe, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of tuirling1. 2. Descent, landing. (Var: tuirleac m, tuirleacan m)

tuiscint, f. (gs. -ceana). 1. vn. of tuig. 2. Understanding; wisdom, discernment; thoughtfulness, consideration. ~ ar obair, ar chúrsaí leighis, ar an saol, an understanding of work, of medical matters, of life. ~ don cheol, appreciation of music. Níl ~ agam sna rudaí sin, I don't understand these matters. ~ a bheith agat do dhaoine, to have a symphathetic understanding of people. Is beag ~ atá ann, he has little consideration. Aois na tuisceana, the age of reason. Dealramh na tuisceana a chur ort féin, to put on a wise look. Chuir mé i d~ dó (go), I gave him to understand (that). Is é sin mo thuiscint ar an scéal, that is how I understand the matter. Tá an cás ó thuiscint, the case is past all understanding.

tumadh, m. (gs. -mtha, pl. -mthaí). 1. vn. of tum. 2. Dip, dive, plunge, immersion. 3. Cu: Dip.

uaisliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of uaisligh. 2. Ennoblement, exaltation.

uathfhuaimniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of uathfhuaimnigh. 2. Mus: Cipher.

ubhsceitheadh, m. (gs. -ite). 1. vn. of ubhsceith. 2. Ovulation.

uchtú, m. (gs. -taithe, pl. -tuithe). 1. vn. of uchtaigh1. 2. Adoption.

údarú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of údaraigh1. 2. Authorization. 3. Origination.

uimhriú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of uimhrigh. 2. Numbering, numeration. Mus: Figuring.

uirísliú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of uirísligh. 2. Abasement, humiliation.

uisciú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of uiscigh. 2. Irrigation.

ullmhú, m. (gs. -mhaithe, pl. -mhuithe). 1. vn. of ullmhaigh. 2. Preparation. ~ bia, preparation of food. ~ óráide, preparation of speech. ~ a dhéanamh le haghaidh ruda, to make preparation for sth. Rud a dhéanamh gan ~, to do sth. without preparation. Aistriú gan ~, translation at sight. Cuir ~ ort féin, get ready. Thug mé ~ maith dó, I taught him a good lesson; I chastised him properly.

úmadh, m. (gs. úmtha). 1. vn. of úim2. 2. Harnessing, tackle.

umhlú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of umhlaigh. 2. Genuflection, curtsey, obeisance. 3. Submission.

ungadh, m. (gs. -gtha, pl. -gthaí). 1. vn. of ung. 2. Ointment; unguent, salve. ~ déanach, extreme unction. 3. Toil: ~ (éadain), (face) cream.

urbhac1, m. (gs. & npl. -aic, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of urbhac2. 2. Estoppel.

urbhruith1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. vn. of urbhruith2. 2. Decoction.

urchoilleadh, m. (gs. -llte). 1. vn. of urchoill. 2. Psy: Inhibition.

urchosc, m. (gs. & npl. -oisc, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of urchoisc1. 2. Jur: Bar. 3. Med: Prophylactic.

urghabháil, f. (gs. -ála, pl. -álacha). 1. vn. of urghabh. 2. Jur: Seizure.

urghairdiú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of urghairdigh1. 2. Rejoicing.

urghaire, f. (gs. ~, pl. -rí). 1. vn. of urghair. 2. Jur: Injunction. 3. Ecc: Interdict.

urlacan, m. (gs. & npl. -ain, gpl. ~). 1. vn. of urlaic1. 2. Vomit. ~ folamh, retching. ~ fola, vomiting of blood. (Var: urlacadh m)

urramú, m. (gs. -maithe). 1. vn. of urramaigh1. 2. Observance (cúnaint, of covenant).

urscaoileadh, m. (gs. -lte). 1. vn. of urscaoil. 2. Discharge (of contract, etc.). Deimhniú urscaoilte, certificate of discharge.

urú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of uraigh. 2. Eclipse. ~ gréine, gealaí, eclipse of sun, of moon. 3. Gram: Eclipsis.

úrú, m. (gs. -raithe, pl. -ruithe). 1. vn. of úraigh1. 2. Refreshment, refection. 3. Tex: Scour.

úsáid1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). 1. vn. of úsáid2. 2. Use, usage. (a) ~ a bhaint as rud, ~ a dhéanamh de rud, to make use of sth. Rud a chur in ~, chun ~e, to put sth. to use. ~ focal, word usage. Thug sé ~ an chairr dom, he gave me the use of the car. Má tá ~ agat leis, if you have any use for it. In ~, in use. Mura bhfuil sé in ~ agat, if you are not using it. Abairt atá in ~ go fóill, an expression that is still used. As ~, out of use; useless. Ag gabháil as ~, falling into disuse. Tá mo lámh as ~, I have lost the use of my hand. (b) Manner of using, treatment. Má thugann tú an ~ cheart don speal, if you use the scythe properly. Is olc an ~ a thug siad don leanbh, they badly mistreated the child. 3. Jur: Use; user.

úscadh, m. (gs. -ctha, pl. -cthaí). 1. vn. of úsc2. 2. Exudation. ~ aníos, ground seepage. 3. Ch: Extraction.

vacsaíniú, m. (gs. -ithe). 1. vn. of vacsaínigh. 2. Vaccination.

válsáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of válsáil2. 2. Waltzing.

vótáil1, f. (gs. -ála). 1. vn. of vótáil2. 2. Voting, poll. Páipéar, ionad, vótála, voting-paper, polling-booth. ~ faoi rún, secret vote. Lucht vótála, voters. Parl: ~ a éileamh, to challenge a division.

X-ghathú, m. (gs. -thaithe, pl. -thuithe). 1. vn. of x-ghathaigh. 2. X-ray (photograph).