Diversity of religious belief and non-belief is welcomed in Trinity, and the university is committed to non-discrimination on the basis of religion.

Banner showing 3 aspects of religion at Trinity College Dublin

The Confederal School of Religions, Peace Studies and Theology houses the Department of Religions and Theology, the Irish School of Ecumenics and the Loyola Institute, all of which conduct teaching and research on religious topics.

Trinity has a variety of student societies representing religious faiths and the communities / cultures associated with them:

Religious questions are also discussed by the Theological Society.

The Trinity Chaplaincy is an ecumenical Christian chaplaincy with representatives of the Catholic, Methodist and Anglican faiths. The Chaplaincy is a source of hospitality and support for all members of the university community, from its weekly lunches (Tuesdays from 12.30) to bereavement support groups. All are welcome to call in to the Chaplaincy in House 27 - you can also follow the Chaplaincy on Twitter.

The Trinity Chapel, in Front Square, is unique among Irish university chapels as it has been reconsecrated (in 1973) for use by all Christian traditions. Details of services can be found under the relevant chaplain on the Chaplaincy website.

There is also a Prayer Room in the Goldsmith Building which is open to all faiths - this may be a helpful resource for Muslim students and others.

The Equality Policy and the Dignity and Respect Policy protect all members of the University community from discrimination, bullying and harassment; this includes discrimination, bullying and/or harassment relating to religion (including lack of religious belief). Don't hesitate to contact the Equality Officer or the Dignity and Respect Contact Persons (listed in the policy) for advice on these matters.

Religion of Trinity staff is presented in Annual Equality Monitoring Reports. The religion of students is not collected for equality monitoring purposes at present.

The Employment Equality Act 1998 (as amended) outlaws discrimination within employment related to nine grounds including religion (also covering people of no religion); the Equal Status Act 2000 (as amended) also outlaws discrimination on the basis of religion. Please see our legislation webpages for further information.