Publications and Further Research Outputs
- M. Dzaferagic, N. Kaminski, I. Macaluso, N. Marchetti, Relation between Functional Complexity, Scalability and Energy Efficiency in WSNs, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2017Conference Paper, 2017, DOI
- Merim Dzaferagic, Nicholas Kaminski, Neal McBride, Irene Macaluso and Nicola Marchetti, A functional complexity framework for the analysis of telecommunication networks, Oxford Academic Journal of Complex Networks, 6, (6), 2018, p971 - 988Journal Article, 2018, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- K. Pattanayak, A. Chatterjee, M. Dzaferagic, S.S. Das, N. Marchetti, A Functional Complexity Framework for Dynamic Resource Allocation in VANETs, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2018Conference Paper, 2018, DOI
- A. Bonfante, L. Galati Giordano, D. Lopez-Perez, A. Garcia-Rodriguez, G. Geraci, P. Baracca, M. Butt, M. Dzaferagic, N. Marchetti, Performance of Massive MIMO Self-Backhauling for Ultra-Dense Small Cell Deployments, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2018Conference Paper, 2018, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- M. Dzaferagic, I. Macaluso, N. Marchetti, 'Method and System to Minimize the Signalling and Delay Caused by Mobility Management Function in Cellular Networks', UK Patent office, 1818733.6, 2018Patent, 2018
- Majid Butt, Irene Macaluso, Nicola Marchetti, Complex Systems Science meets 5G and IoT Networks, IEEE ICC, Kansas City, USA, 2018, IEEEInvited Talk, 2018
- M. Butt, I. Dey, M. Dzaferagic, M. Murphy, N. Kaminski, N. Marchetti, Agent-Based Modeling for Distributed Decision Support in an IoT Network, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 7, (8), 2020, p6919-6931Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- M. Dzaferagic, N. McBride, R. Thomas, I. Macaluso, N. Marchetti, Improving In-Network Computing in IoT Through Degeneracy, IEEE Systems Journal, 15, (1), 2021, p238-244Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- M. Dzaferagic, N. Marchetti, I. Macaluso, Minimizing the Signaling Overhead and Latency Based on Users' Mobility Patterns, IEEE Systems Journal, 15, (1), 2021, p77-84Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Renan C Moioli, Pedro HJ Nardelli, Michael Taynnan Barros, Walid Saad, Amin Hekmatmanesh, Pedro E Gória Silva, Arthur S de Sena, Merim Dzaferagic, Harun Siljak, Werner Van Leekwijck, Dick Carrillo, Steven Latré, Neurosciences and Wireless Networks: The Potential of Brain-Type Communications and Their Applications, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 23, (3), 2021, p1599 - 1621Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Dick Carrillo, Lam Duc Nguyen, Pedro HJ Nardelli, Evangelos Pournaras, Plinio Morita, Demóstenes Z Rodríguez, Merim Dzaferagic, Harun Siljak, Alexander Jung, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Irene Macaluso, Mehar Ullah, Gustavo Fraidenraich, Petar Popovski, Containing future epidemics with trustworthy federated systems for ubiquitous warning and response, Frontiers in Communications and Networks, 2, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- M. Dzaferagic, N. Marchetti, I. Macaluso, Fault detection and classification in Industrial IoT in case of missing sensor data, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9, (11), 2022, p8892 - 8900Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- P. Mulinka, C. Kalalas, M. Dzaferagic, I. Macaluso, D. Gutierrez Rojas, P. Nardelli, N. Marchetti, Information Processing and Data Visualization in Networked Industrial Systems, International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2021Conference Paper, 2021, DOI
- M. Dzaferagic, J.A. Ayala-Romero and M. Ruffini, ML Approach for Power Consumption Prediction in Virtualized Base Stations, IEEE Globecom, Brazil, December 2022, 2022, pp1 - 6Conference Paper, 2022
- Goswami Debjani, Dzaferagic Merim, Siljak Harun, Das Suvra Sekhar, Marchetti Nicola, Analysis of Temporal Robustness in Massive Machine Type Communications, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 10, (8), 2023, p6915 - 6927Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- B. M. Xavier, M. Dzaferagic, D. Collins, G. Comarela, M. Martinello and M. Ruffini, Machine Learning-based Early Attack Detection Using Open RAN Intelligent Controller, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2023, pp1 - 6Conference Paper, 2023
- F. Slyne, K. O"Sullivan, M. Dzaferagic, B. Richardson, M. Wrzeszcz, B. Ryan, N. Power, R. Giller and M. Ruffini., Demonstration of Cooperative Transport Interface using open-source 5G OpenRAN and virtualised PON network, Optical Fibre Communications (OFC), 2024, pp1 - 3Conference Paper, 2024
- B. Missi Xavier, M. Dzaferagic, I, Vilà, M. Martinello and M. Ruffini, Cross-Domain AI for Early Attack Detection and Defense Against Malicious Flows in O-RAN, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2024, pp1 - 6Conference Paper, 2024
- Hadzialic, Mesud, Dosenovic, Branko, Dzaferagic, Merim, Musovic, Jasmin, Cloud-RAN: Innovative radio access network architecture, Proceedings ELMAR-2013, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
- Hadzialic, Mesud, Dzaferagic, Merim, Raca, Darijo, Impact of frequency synchronization on QoS in IP based networks, 2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention MIPRO, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Dzaferagic, Merim and Ruffini, Marco and Slamnik-Krijestorac, Nina and Santos, Joao F. and Marquez-Barja, Johann and Tranoris, Christos and Denazis, Spyros and Kyriakakis, Thomas and Karafotis, Panagiotis and DaSilva, Luiz and Pandey, Shashi Raj and Shiraishi, Junya and Popovski, Petar and Jensen, Soren Kejser and Thomsen, Christian and Pedersen, Torben Bach and Claussen, Holger and Du, Jinfeng and Zussman, Gil and Chen, Tingjun and Chen, Yiran and Tirupathi, Seshu and Seskar, Ivan and Kilper, Daniel, Decentralized Multi-Party Multi-Network AI for Global Deployment of 6G Wireless Systems, 2024, -Miscellaneous, 2024, DOI , URL
- Dzaferagic, Merim and Xavier, Bruno Missi and Collins, Diarmuid and D'Onofrio, Vince and Martinello, Magnos and Ruffini, Marco, ML-Based Handover Prediction Over a Real O-RAN Deployment Using RAN Intelligent Controller, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2024, p1â"1Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Kundacina, Ognjen and Forcan, Miodrag and Cosovic, Mirsad and Raca, Darijo and Dzaferagic, Merim and Miskovic, Dragisa and Maksimovic, Mirjana and Vukobratovic, Dejan, Near Real-Time Distributed State Estimation via AI/ML-Empowered 5G Networks, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), IEEE, 2022, pp284â"289Conference Paper, 2022, DOI , URL
- Gutierrez-Rojas, Daniel and Rasanen, Pekka and Belisario, Ana Brandao and Dzaferagic, Merim and De Almeida, Gustavo Matheus and Nardelli, Pedro H. J., Improving Fault Detection in Industrial Processes by Event-Driven Data Acquisition, IEEE Access, 10, 2022, p80918â"80931Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Carrillo, Dick and Nguyen, Lam Duc and Nardelli, Pedro H. J. and Pournaras, Evangelos and Morita, Plinio and RodrÃguez, Demóstenes Z. and Dzaferagic, Merim and Siljak, Harun and Jung, Alexander and Hébert-Dufresne, Laurent and Macaluso, Irene and Ullah, Mehar and Fraidenraich, Gustavo and Popovski, Petar, Corrigendum: Containing Future Epidemics With Trustworthy Federated Systems for Ubiquitous Warning and Response, Frontiers in Communications and Networks, 2, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Gutierrez-Rojas, Daniel and Ullah, Mehar and Christou, Ioannis T. and Almeida, Gustavo and Nardelli, Pedro and Carrillo, Dick and Santâ Ana, Jean M. and Alves, Hirley and Dzaferagic, Merim and Chiumento, Alessandro and Kalalas, Charalampos, Three-layer Approach to Detect Anomalies in Industrial Environments based on Machine Learning, 2020 IEEE Conference on Industrial Cyberphysical Systems (ICPS), IEEE, 2020, pp250â"256Conference Paper, 2020, DOI , URL
- Moioli, Renan C. and Nardelli, Pedro H. J. and Barros, Michael Taynnan and Saad, Walid and Hekmatmanesh, Amin and Gória, Pedro and de Sena, Arthur S. and Dzaferagic, Merim and Siljak, Harun and van Leekwijck, Werner and Carrillo, Dick and Latré, Steven, Neurosciences and 6G: Lessons from and Needs of Communicative Brains, 2020, -Miscellaneous, 2020, DOI , URL
- Dzaferagic, Merim and Kaminski, Nicholas and Macaluso, Irene and Marchetti, Nicola, How Functional Complexity affects the Scalability-Energy Efficiency Trade-Off of HCC WSN Clustering, 2017, -Miscellaneous, 2017, DOI , URL
- Hadzialic, Mesud and Dzaferagic, Merim and Raca, Darijo, 2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention MIPRO, 2012 Proceedings of the 35th International Convention MIPRO, 2012, pp652-655Conference Paper, 2012
- Dzaferagic, Merim and Ayala-Romero, Jose A and Ruffini, Marco, ML approach for power consumption prediction in virtualized base stations, 2022 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2022, pp986--991Conference Paper, 2022
- Dzaferagic, Merim and Xavier, Bruno Missi and Collins, Diarmuid and Dâ Onofrio, Vince and Martinello, Magnos and Ruffini, Marco, Ml-based handover prediction over a real o-ran deployment using ran intelligent controller, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Xavier, Bruno Missi and Dzaferagic, Merim and Martinello, Magnos and Ruffini, Marco, Performance measurement dataset for open RAN with user mobility and security threats, Computer Networks, 253, 2024, p110710Journal Article, 2024
- Xavier, Bruno and Dzaferagic, Merim and Ruffini, Marco and Martinello, Magnos, RAN Performance measurements for security threats, https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/t2rzh9y4mp/1, (10.17632/t2rzh9y), 2024, -Miscellaneous, 2024
Research Expertise
Title6G-XCEL: 6G Trans-Continental Edge LearningSummaryFunding AgencyHorizon EuropeDate From01/2024Date To12/2026