Student Societies
Student life at Trinity College is about so much more than education and with over 200 sports clubs and societies there is something to suit every interest. The societies and groups listed on this page may be of particular interest to BESS students.
Many economics, philosophy, political science and sociology students also get involved in student-run publications and journals either as members of the editorial committees or by submitting academic contributions.
Dublin University Business and Economics Society (DUBES)
The Dublin University Business and Economics Society is one of the biggest societies in college and is very popular with BESS students. Since 1930, DUBES has aimed to broaden the horizons of its members both academically and socially, especially with regard to business and economic matters. The society regularly organises lectures and seminars throughout the year and is also well known for organising the annual Economics Colors Debate against UCD Economics students.
The Foresight Business Group was founded over 30 years ago to help foster strong relationships between Trinity College undergraduates and leading members of the Irish business community. Foresight run events, with speakers such as CRH's Maeve Carton and Entrepreneur Ramona Nicholas, and organises the publication of an annual academic business journal. Please contact for additional information.
Metaphysical Society (Metafizz)
The Metaphysical Society allows students to discuss philosophical issues in an informal setting. Each week during the academic year the Metafizz hosts a paper given by a distinguished philosopher or student followed by a discussion and social event. The Metafizz has published a number of undergraduate philosophy journals and the Society also organises daytime discussion groups, occasional film nights and an annual symposium.
Politics Society
The Politics Society, which was established in 1984, aims to promote the discussion of politics and current affairs among students in Trinity College Dublin. The society hold debates and lectures involving key decision makers, commentators and academics from both Ireland and abroad.
Sociology Society
The Dublin University Sociology Society (SocSoc for short) is one of Trinity’s newest societies. SocSoc aims to promote student awareness and interest in the area of Sociology by hosting guest speaker events, movie nights, table quizzes and social events.

Trinity Economic Forum (TEF)
The Trinity Economic Forum (TEF) is Ireland’s first student-led economic forum. The Forum’s goal is to bring together the brightest and most ambitious third-level students, from across all Irish academic institutions, to facilitate engagement and discourse on economic issues.

Trinity Entrepreneurial Society
Trinity Entrepreneurial Society is the main business and careers-focused society on campus. The Society aims to foster a spirit of entrepreneurship among students with a wide range of events and competitions including: a high-profile guest speakers' series, an internship evening, a share game, an enterprise competition and skills workshops.

Trinity Investors' Society
The Trinity Investors' Society is Ireland's first College Investing Society. The society aims to educate people about investing in the Financial Markets through a combination of guest speakers, webpage postings, a member's blog, a Fantasy Stock Game and through the management of a Collective Fund.

Trinity Student Management Fund
Trinity Student Management Fund (Trinity SMF) was founded in November 2010 and is the first student managed fund in Ireland. Operating a real-life financial portfolio under the guidance of industry experts and past executives, Trinity SMF is a non-remunerated organisation managed by students, with a secondary mandate to invest in our community by donating a proportion of profits to some of the many worthwhile endeavours undertaken by Trinity College charities.
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