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MSc in International Politics

The course enables students to develop a strong and comprehensive knowledge and understanding of international politics and its contemporary problems, especially issues of domestic and international politics that cannot be understood in isolation from each other.
Find out more about the MSc in International Politics

What is the MSc in International Politics?

The MSc in International Politics is a one year full-time (two year part-time) course which enables students to develop the abilities to assess the major theories of international relations and to formulate policy relevant research questions in the field. Students will learn to design and conduct their own research using relevant social scientific theories and methods. They will also develop the skills to communicate research effectively in a variety of forms.

Why this programme?

  • You will learn how to conduct scientific research.The analytical nature of the course, combined with a quantitative grounding, will give you both a solid theoretical and practical foundation.
  • You will study in a structured learning environment that will also give you the opportunity to pursue your own particular interests.
  • Seminars and class discussions will enable you to develop your critical thinking and gain a strong understanding of international politics.

Course Structure

You can choose from a wide range of compulsory and elective modules that will deepen your knowledge of international relations.

First Semester: You will take core modules in International Politics, International Conflict and Research Design.

Second Semester: You will take a core module in Quantitative Methods and choose from a wide range of optional modules, which vary from year to year. Please visit the course content section for more details. All modules are taught around a weekly seminar and assessed on the basis of assignments and exams.

Third Semester: After completing the taught component of the MSc in International Politics, you will choose your own research topic on which you will write a 10,000 word dissertation. The Dissertation Seminar and a dedicated dissertation advisor will support you in the construction and completion of this extended piece of writing.

Career prospects

You will develop the necessary skills for a range of research-related careers in the fields of applied policy research, business, government, law, media, international aid, and international governmental and non-governmental organizations as well as a solid foundation for research PhDs. For non-EU students, it is possible to stay and work in Ireland following course completion using a Stamp 1G visa; see the Trinity Careers Service and the Department of Justice site for details.

Admission requirements?

  • Upper second class honour degree or higher from an established university. A background in a social science will be an advantage but not a necessity. Applications are expected from candidates with a single or joint honours degree in Political Science, Economics, European Studies, History, Sociology, Business and Law; other subject areas will also be considered.
  • GPA scores of at least 3.3 out of 4, or equivalent, will be expected from international applicants.
A background in a social science will be an advantage but not a necessity. Applications are expected from candidates with a single or joint honours degree in Political Science, Economics, European Studies, History, Sociology, Business and Law. Other subject areas will also be considered.

Please visit the Admissions Requirements section for full details.


For details regarding fees please visit the Academic Registry website. The Department is not in a position to offer scholarships/fee waivers to incoming students; we recommend investigating funding/scholarship options before making an application e.g:

It may also be possible to claim tax relief on tuition fees, see the Revenue site for details.

Further Information

Enquiries can be made to the Course Administrator or the Associate Director of the MSc in International Politics, Dr Noah Buckley. Please make sure to read the Frequently Asked Questions before emailing.

How to Apply

Applications for 2024-25 are now closed. Applications for 2025-26 will open in November 2024.

Please visit the Admissions Requirements section for full details of the application documentation and access to the online application portal.