How to unlock the potential of papyrus wetlands in Africa
Papyrus wetlands cover 6% of sub-Saharan Africa and the quick-growing plant has enormous potential as a renewable energy source.
22 Mar 2017
Disruptive Business Models: Boon or Bane for Society
Airbnb is one example of disruptive business models that have come into sharp focus in recent years.
3 Mar 2017
Stopping maternity care for mothers six weeks after giving birth is unrealistic
Three-quarters of women birthing in Ireland are not being asked about their own health issues after becoming mothers, and the lack of information and lack of discussion about these issues means women stay quiet, because they feel embarrassed and believe they are alone in experiencing these problems.
8 Dec 2016
‘Brexit, Brussels and the Big Apple’ – Trinity experts give their view
Amid the European Commission’s Apple ruling and talk of a hard Brexit, Trinity experts discuss Ireland’s next move as part of the 'Behind the Headlines' series
20 Oct 2016
2016 US Presidential Election:Trinity experts give their views and predictions
Hilary Clinton & Donald Trump on free trade, climate change, race, class and gender.
4 Oct 2016
Was De Gaulle Right After All?
Maybe De Gaulle was right to reject British membership of the EU in the 1960s, on the grounds that Britain was too insular and non-European in outlook.
29 Jun 2016
Pooling of Decision Making Increases Freedom
The Brexit campaign, at least up to now, is based on the assumption that the alternative to EU membership is some nirvana, where the British government will be free to do what it wills on the global stage without being constrained by the decisions of others or the need for collective and binding decision making.
10 May 2016
‘People With Intellectual Disability Have Been Silenced Too Often’
We, as a society, need to tackle continued physical segregation, political invisibility and abuse of human rights of people with intellectual disability.
10 May 2016
The Proclamation was a speech by Pearse, not a constitution
The Easter Rising document did not reflect the range of views of its seven signatories.
28 Mar 2016
Recognising the impact of research in the Arts and Humanities
The Arts and Humanities both celebrate and challenge the expression of the human condition, according to Professor Jane Ohlmeyer.
3 Mar 2016