Kenya illustrates both the promise as well as the pitfalls of devolution
Assistant Professor in Political Science, Michelle D'Arcy, with a piece published by The Conversation.
24 May 2018
Stop telling Palestinians to be ‘resilient’ – the world has failed them
By promoting Palestinian resilience instead of holding Israel accountable for its multiple breaches of international law the international community is masking its own failures, according to Dr Ciaran Brendan Browne, Assistant Professor, Irish School of Ecumenics.
15 May 2018
Best way to avoid back pain? Lift heavy things
Associate Professor and Chartered Physiotherapist, Fiona Wilson, with a fascinating article published on The Conversation.
5 Apr 2018
Facebook data harvesting: what you need to know
PhD Candidate, Gráinne Maedhbh Nic Lochlainn, with a timely explanation of how our data can be used -- published by The Conversation.
4 Apr 2018
The Victorians portrayed paedophiles as strangers – and the myth persists today
Research Fellow, Ailise Bulfin, with a thought-provoking article published by The Conversation.
4 Apr 2018
Survivors of sexual violence are let down by the criminal justice system
How well do criminal justice systems treat survivors of sexual violence? The answer is not only important to survivors. It also signals to society how sexual violence should be viewed, says Simon McCarthy-Jones, Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology.
29 Mar 2018
Bursting the Bitcoin bubble — podcast
Professor of International Finance and Commodities at Trinity, Brian Lucey, contributes to a lively discussion on Bitcoin in The Conversation's Anthill podcast.
21 Mar 2018
Lara Croft is back with a bang – but there are real tomb raiders out there
PhD Researcher in Classics, Ellen Finn, with a piece published by The Conversation, in which she discusses eal-world tomb raiding.
20 Mar 2018
Why China won’t let people compare Xi Jinping with an imperial predecessor
Assistant Professor in Chinese History, Isabella Jackson, with an opinion piece published by The Conversation.
7 Mar 2018
Steven Pinker lauds reason, but people need freedom – this might not end well
A new book published this week by Harvard psychologist, Steven Pinker, argues that the use of reason when making decisions is “non-negotiable”. Unfortunately, trying to tell people they must do something can backfire, says Simon McCarthy-Jones, Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology
22 Feb 2018