Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Tag questions in, editor(s)Regine Eckardt, George Walkden, and Nicole Dehé , The Oxford Handbook of Non-Canonical Questions, Oxford University Press, 2025, [Craig Sailor]
Craig Sailor, Syntactic Dialectology and Linguistic Theory, Annual Review of Linguistics, 12, 2025
Minimalism and the syntax-phonology interface in, editor(s)Evelina Leivada and Kleanthes Grohmann , The Cambridge Handbook of Minimalism and its Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2024, [Heather Newell, Craig Sailor]
Byron Ahn and Sunwoo Jeong and Craig Sailor, Systematic 'stray' focus stress in English? ApparentLY!, Proceedings of the 39th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 39), April 2021, edited by Robert Autry, Gabriela de la Cruz Sanchez, Luis A. Irizarry Figueroa, Kristina Mihajlovic, Tianyi Ni, Ryan Walter Smith, and Heidi Harley , 1, Cascadilla, 2024, pp21 - 31
Craig Sailor and Gary Thoms, From restructuring verbs to exhortative particles: A Scots case study, 32nd Colloquium on Generative Grammar (CGG 32), University of the Basque Country, April, 2023
Silvio Cruschina and Craig Sailor, What is "residual verb second"? And what does Romance have to do with it?, Isogloss, 8, (3), 2022, p1 - 28
Craig Sailor, Ellipsis in a modular perspective, The 45th Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW 45) general colloquium, Queen Mary University of London, April, 2022
The morphophonology of ellipsis: Evidence for Segregated Transfer in, editor(s)Anikó Lipták and Güliz Günes , The Derivational Timing of Ellipsis, Oxford University Press, 2022, pp225 - 252, [Craig Sailor]
Heather Newell, Craig Sailor, Inclusiveness in the phonology and the source of the Prosodic Hierarchy, Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics 14 (BGCL 14), KU Leuven, December, 2021
Craig Sailor, Partial V2: Residue or innovation?, Residual Verb Second in Romance (ReVerSe 1) workshop, University of Helsinki, June, 2021
Craig Sailor, Ellipsis and the phonological prespecification of roots, Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics 14 (BGCL 14), KU Leuven, December, 2021
Craig Sailor and Valentina Colasanti, Co-speech gestures under ellipsis: a first look, Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), New Orleans, 2-5 January, 2020, pp1 - 11
Craig Sailor, Segregated Transfer of ellipsis sites: Evidence from Taiwanese, Linearizing Constituents Across Domains, Bled, Slovenia, October, 2020
Rethinking 'Residual' Verb Second in, editor(s)Rebecca Woods and Sam Wolfe , Rethinking Verb Second, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp126 - 149, [Craig Sailor]
Craig Sailor, James Griffiths, Pseudopassives and PPs with gaps in, Guest lecture in the Comparative Syntax of Germanic graduate seminar, NYU Department of Linguistics, April, 2019, Richard Kayne and Gary Thoms
Craig Sailor and Gary Thoms, Exhortative clauses in Scots, European Dialect Syntax (EdiSyn) Workshop IX, University of Glasgow, March, 2019
Byron Ahn and Craig Sailor, The landscape of semantics-prosody mismatches, Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), New York, New York, January, 2019
Craig Sailor, Gary Thoms, Exhortative clauses in Scots, Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), New York, January, 2019
Craig Sailor, Situating ellipsis within the derivational timeline, The Sluicing and Ellipsis at 50 workshop (Sluicing@50), University of Chicago, April, 2019
Craig Sailor and Peter Svenonius, Thirty Million Theories of Features workshop, May, 2019, Tromsø, Norway
Byron Ahn, Craig Sailor, Principled mismatches in the mapping from semantics to prosody, Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB), University of Sheffield, September, 2018
Craig Sailor and Gary Thoms, Exhortative and jussive particles in Scots, Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB), University of Sheffield, September, 2018
Craig Sailor and Gary Thoms, Exhortative and jussive particles in Scots, 12th Triennial Conference of the Forum for Research on the Languages of Scotland and Ulster (FRLSU), University of Glasgow, August, 2018
Craig Sailor, Apparent rule orderings involving ellipsis, The Timing of Ellipsis workshop, 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea (SLE 51), University of Tallinn, August, 2018
Craig Sailor, The typology of head movement and ellipsis, Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 36, (3), 2018, p851 - 875
When silence gets in the way: Extraction from 'do'-ellipsis in British dialects in, editor(s)Sherry Hucklebridge and Max Nelson , NELS 48: Proceedings of the Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, GSLA, University of Massachusetts, 2018, pp145 - 154, [Gary Thoms and Craig Sailor]
Gary Thoms and Craig Sailor, When silence gets in the way: Extraction from do-ellipsis in British dialects, Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Austin, Texas, January, 2017
Gary Thoms and Craig Sailor, When silence gets in the way: Extraction from do-ellipsis in British dialects, North East Linguistic Society (NELS) 48, University of Iceland, October, 2017
James Griffiths, Craig Sailor, Probing the PP domain: Complex possessive PPs in British English, Morphosyntactic Variation in Apositions workshop, University of Cambridge, May, 2017
Gary Thoms and Craig Sailor, When silence gets in the way: Extraction from do-ellipsis in British dialects, Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB), University of Kent, September, 2017
Craig Sailor and James Griffiths, PPs with gaps in, Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Austin, Texas, January, 2017
Craig Sailor, Rethinking 'residual' verb second, Rethinking Verb Second workshop, University of Cambridge, 2016
Craig Sailor, Inversion for fuck's sake: left-edge polarity operators and their effects, Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Washington, DC, January, 2016
Craig Sailor and James Griffiths, PPs with gaps in, Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB), University College London, September, 2015
Craig Sailor, On the derivational nature of ellipsis and the syntactic status of head movement, Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Portland, Oregon, January, 2015
James Griffiths and Craig Sailor, Prepositional object gaps in British English, Linguistics in the Netherlands Day (TIN-dag), Utrecht University, February, 2015
James Griffiths and Craig Sailor, Prepositional Object Gaps in British English, Linguistics in the Netherlands, 2015, 2015, p63 - 74
The Emerging Middle Class in, editor(s)Rebekah Baglini, Timothy Grinsell, Jon Keane, Adam Roth Singerman, and Julia Thomas , Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, 2014, pp357 - 371, [Byron Ahn and Craig Sailor]
On the Non-Existence of Non-Constituent Coordination and Non-Constituent Ellipsis in, editor(s)Robert E. Santana-LaBarge , Proceedings of the 31st West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 2014, pp361 - 370, [Craig Sailor and Gary Thoms]
VP Ellipsis in Tag Questions: A Typological Approach in, editor(s)Rebekah Baglini, Timothy Grinsell, Jon Keane, Adam Roth Singerman, and Julia Thomas , Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, 2014, pp372 - 386, [Craig Sailor]
Craig Sailor and Carson T. Schütze, Is there repair by ellipsis?, Faculty of Language, December, 2014
Craig Sailor, The Variables of VP Ellipsis, UCLA, 2014
Craig Sailor, Fuck-inversion in British English, Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB), Oxford University, September, 2014
Byron Ahn and Craig Sailor, Obligatory object gaps in infinitival clauses, Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Minneapolis, Minnesota, January, 2014
Craig Sailor and Gary Thoms, On the Non-Existence of Non-Constituent Coordination and Non-Constituent Ellipsis, The 31st West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL), Arizona State University, February, 2013
Toward a Derivational Typology in, editor(s)Stefan Keine and Shayne Slogget , NELS 42: Proceedings of the Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, GSLA, University of Massachusetts, 2013, pp121 - 134, [Craig Sailor and Anoop Mahajan]
Craig Sailor, Questionable negation, Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Boston, Massachusetts, January, 2013
Craig Sailor, Inflection at the Interface, UCLA, December, 2012, p1 - 37
Craig Sailor, Remarks on Replies: On Emphatic Polarity in English, Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Portland, Oregon, January, 2012
Anders Holmberg and Craig Sailor, 'Property definitions for polar questions and answers', Syntactic Structures of the World's Languages (SSWL), TerraLing, 2012, -
Craig Sailor, You can't 'regret so' (even if you 'think so'), Illinois Language and Linguistics Society 4, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April, 2012
Craig Sailor, On Embedded Polar Replies, The Syntax of Answers to Polar Questions workshop, Newcastle University, June, 2012
Craig Sailor, Tag Questions and the Typology of VP Ellipsis, UCLA, October, 2012, p1 - 40
Anders Holmberg and Craig Sailor, 'Syntactic properties of English', Syntactic Structures of the World's Languages (SSWL),, TerraLing, 2012, -
Craig Sailor, Remarks on Retorts, 42nd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 42), University of Toronto, November, 2011
Jie Zhang, Yuwen Lai, Craig Sailor, Modeling Taiwanese speakers' knowledge of tone sandhi in reduplication, Lingua, 2011, p181 - 206
Craig Sailor, Anoop Mahajan, Toward a Derivational Typology, 42nd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 42), University of Toronto, November, 2011
Craig Sailor, VP ellipsis in tag questions: A typological approach, 46th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 46), University of Chicago, April, 2010
Craig Sailor, Grace Kuo, Taiwanese VP Ellipsis and the Progressive Prohibition, Joint meeting of The International Association of Chinese Linguistics 18 (IACL-18) and the North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics 22 (NACCL-22), Harvard University, May, 2010
Byron Ahn and Craig Sailor, The emerging middle class, 46th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 46), University of Chicago, April, 2010
Craig Sailor, Byron Ahn, The Voices in our Heads: The VoiceP in English, Morphological Voice and its Grammatical Interfaces: Theoretic Modeling and Psycholinguistic Validation, University of Vienna, June, 2010
Opacity, phonetics, and frequency in Taiwanese tone sandhi in, editor(s)Manghyu Pak , Current issues in unity and diversity of languages: Collection of papers selected from the 18th International Congress of Linguists (ICL 18), Linguistic Society of Korea, 2009, pp3019 - 3038, [Jie Zhang, Yuwen Lai, and Craig Sailor]
Effects of phonetics and frequency on the productivity of Taiwanese tone sandhi in, editor(s)Malcolm Elliott, James Kirby, Osamu Sawada, Eleni Staraki, and Suwon Yoon , Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 43), University of Chicago, 2009, pp273 - 286, [Jie Zhang, Yuwen Lai, and Craig Sailor]
Craig Sailor, Tagged for Deletion: A Typological Approach to VP Ellipsis in Tag Questions, UCLA, 2009
Jie Zhang, Yuwen Lai, and Craig Sailor, Opacity, phonetics, and frequency in Taiwanese tone sandhi, nterfaces in Phonology workshop, held in conjunction with the 18th International Congress of Linguists (ICL 18), Seoul, Korea, July, 2008
Craig Turnbull-Sailor, Syntactic patterns of embedded wh-clauses, University of Kansas, 2007
Jie Zhang, Yuwen Lai, and Craig Sailor, Effects of phonetics and frequency on the productivity of Taiwanese tone sandhi, 43rd annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 43), University of Chicago, May, 2007
Wug-testing the 'tone circle' in Taiwanese in, editor(s)Donald Baumer, David Montero, and Michael Scanlon , Proceedings of the 25th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 25), Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 2006, pp453 - 461, [Jie Zhang, Yuwen Lai, and Craig Turnbull-Sailor]
Jie Zhang, Yuwen Lai, and Craig Sailor, Revisiting the psychological reality of Taiwanese tone sandhi, Joint meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics 14 (IACL-14) and the 10th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IsCLL-10), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, May, 2006
Jie Zhang, Yuwen Lai, and Craig Turnbull-Sailor, Wug-testing the 'tone circle' in Taiwanese, 25th annual meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 25), University of Washington, April, 2006
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Craig Sailor, A modular theory of elliptical silence, Linguistics talks series, Université du Québec à Montréal, January, 2024
Craig Sailor, A conceptual argument for ellipsis as null exponence, Linguistics talks series, Princeton University, March, 2023
Craig Sailor, Ellipsis as evidence for the Phase Impenetrability Condition, Word Structure Research Group, Montreal, February, 2023
Heather Newell, Craig Sailor, Inclusiveness, the interface, and the Prosodic Hierarchy, Penn State Morphology & Syntax Syndicate, Penn State University, December, 2022
Craig Sailor, Ellipsis isn't deletion at PF, You're on mute: NYU Seminar on Ellipsis, NYU, October, 2021
Craig Sailor, When silence takes scope: A vulgar argument for null operators in English innovative V2, AcqVA colloquium series, NTNU, April, 2021
Byron Ahn, Sunwoo Jeong, and Craig Sailor, Emphatic weak certainty in English: Focus at the syntax-semantics/-phonology interfaces, Princeton Symposium on Syntactic Theory (PSST) 3, Princeton University, March, 2021
James Griffiths and Craig Sailor, Probing the structure of complex possessive PPs in British English: Some experimental results, Departmental Colloquium in Linguistics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, November, 2021
Craig Sailor, Ellipsis in a modular perspective, SyntaxLab, University of Cambridge, March, 2021
Byron Ahn and Craig Sailor, The role of syntax in semantics-prosody misalignments, Princeton Symposium on Syntactic Theory (PSST) 2, Princeton University, April, 2019
Craig Sailor and Gary Thoms, Exhortative clauses in Scots, Eh-Lab: Syntax of Speech Acts research group, University of British Columbia, May, 2019
Craig Sailor, Segregated Transfer of ellipsis sites: Evidence from Taiwanese, A symposium by Team Stowell: in honor of Tim Stowell, University of Greenwich, October, 2019
Craig Sailor, Negative inversion without negation, Cambridge Occasional Papers in Linguistics, 10, 2017, p88 - 110
Craig Sailor, How English rediscovered verb-second, Centre for Language and Linguistics talks series, University of Kent, March, 2017
Craig Sailor, Head movement is syntactic, and ellipsis is too: evidence from Mainland Scandinavian, Linguistics Research Seminar series, University of Ulster, February, 2017
Craig Sailor, Narrow-syntactic interactions of head movement and ellipsis, Linguistics colloquium, University of Konstanz, July, 2016
Craig Sailor, Polarity-driven inversion in British English and beyond, Linguistic colloquium, University College London, February, 2015
Craig Sailor, The size of silence: diagnosing the fine structure of VP ellipsis, Talks in linguistics series, University of Illinois at Chicago, November, 2012
Toward a derivational typology in, editor(s)Thomas Graf, Denis Paperno, Anna Szabolcsi, and Jos Tellings , Theories of everything: In honor of Ed Keenan, UCLA, 2012, pp367 - 381, [Craig Sailor and Anoop Mahajan]
Research Expertise
Journal reviewer for Linguistic Inquiry
Journal reviewer for Natural Language & Linguistic Theory
Journal reviewer for Linguistic Variation
Journal reviewer for Glossa
Postgraduate admissions assessor (MPhil in Linguistics), Trinity College Dublin
Journal reviewer for Syntax
Journal reviewer for Journal of Linguistics
Journal reviewer for Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics
Journal reviewer for Canadian Journal of Linguistics
Journal reviewer for Linguistics in the Netherlands
Journal reviewer for Snippets
Edited volume reviewer for the Cambridge Handbook of Minimalism [CUP]
Edited volume reviewer for Syntactic Architecture and its Consequences [Language Sciences Press]
Edited volume reviewer for the Oxford Handbook of Ellipsis [OUP]
Edited volume reviewer for Rethinking Verb Second [OUP]
Edited volume reviewer for the Derivational Timing of Ellipsis [OUP]
Conference/workshop reviewer for the North East Linguistic Society (NELS)
Conference/workshop reviewer for the Linguistics Society of Great Britain (LAGB)
Conference/workshop reviewer for Cambridge Comparative Syntax (CamCos)
Conference/workshop reviewer for Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE)
Conference/workshop reviewer for the Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL)
Conference/workshop reviewer for European Dialect Syntax (EDiSyn)
Departmental Colloquium series organizer, University of Tromsø
Postgraduate admissions assessor (MPhil in Linguistics), University of Cambridge
President, Linguistics Graduate Student Association, University of Kansas
President, Graduate Linguistics Circle, UCLA
Personal Tutor to ca. 35 undergraduates, University of Edinburgh