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Dr. Jeffrey Leo Kallen
Fellow Emeritus, C.L.C.S.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

'Oh wait and I tell you ...': Narratives, Pragmatics, and style in ICE-Ireland. in, editor(s)Martin Schweinberger; Patricia Ronan , Socio-Pragmatic Variation in Ireland: Using Pragmatic Variation to Construct Social Identities., Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, 2024, pp133 - 154, [Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2024 URL

Jeffrey L. Kallen, Bernard Dov Spolsky (1932-2022), An Appreciation, Linguistic Landscape, 9, (1), 2023, p1 - 4 Journal Article, 2023 URL

Jeffrey L. Kallen, Linguistic Landscapes: A Sociolinguistic Approach, 1st, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2023, ii - 350pp, 378pp.pp Book, 2023 URL

Online linguistic landscapes: Discourse, globalization, and enregisterment in, editor(s)David Malinowski and Stefania Tufi , Reterritorializing Linguistic Landscapes: Questioning Boundaries and Opening Spaces, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, pp96 - 116, [Jeffrey L. Kallen, Esther Ní Dhonnacha, and Karen Wade] Book Chapter, 2020 Other

English in Ireland in, editor(s)Alexander Bergs and Laurel J. Brinton , The History of English, volume 5: Varieties of English, Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, 2017, pp244 - 264, [Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2017 URL DOI

The English writing system in the linguistic landscapes of the world. in, editor(s)Vivian Cook and Des Ryan , The Routledge Handbook of the English Writing System, Abingdon, Routledge, 2016, pp365 - 396, [Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2016

Jeffrey Kallen, Review of, Review of Chicago: A Food Biography, by Daniel R. Block and Howard Rosing , Digest: A Journal of Foodways and Culture, 5, (1), 2016, previews5_2_4 Review, 2016 URL

Jeffrey L Kallen, ICE on Food: Talk related to foodways in the International Corpus of English, Sociolinguistics Summer School 6 (SSS6), Dublin, 4-7 August, 2015, Sociolinguistics Summer School Invited Talk, 2015 TARA - Full Text

'Actually, it's unfair to say that I was throwing stones': Comparative perspectives on uses of ACTUALLY in ICE-Ireland. in, editor(s)Carolina P. Amador-Moreno, Kevin McCafferty, Elaine Vaughan , Pragmatic Markers in Irish English, Amsterdam , John Benjamins, 2015, pp135 - 155, [Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2015

The political border and linguistic identities in Ireland: what can the Linguistic Landscape tell us? in, editor(s)Dominic Watt and Carmen Llamas , Language, Borders and Identity, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2014, pp154 - 168, [Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2014

Jeffrey Kallen, Review of Three World Cuisines: Italian, Mexican, Chinese, by Ken Albala , Digest: A Journal of Foodways and Culture, 2, (2), 2014, previews2_2_3 Review, 2014 URL

Jeffrey L. Kallen, Irish English: Volume 2 - The Republic of Ireland, 1st, Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, 2013, 313pp Book, 2013 URL

Varieties of English: English in Ireland in, editor(s)Alexander Bergs, Laurel J. Brinton , English Historical Linguistics: An International Handbook, vol. 2, Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, 2012, pp1961 - 1976, [Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2012

Jeffrey L. Kallen, The English Language in Ireland: An Introduction, International Journal of Language, Translation and Intercultural Communication, 1, (1), 2012, p25 - 41 Journal Article, 2012

Jeffrey L. Kallen and John M. Kirk, SPICE-Ireland: A User's Guide, 1st, Belfast, Cló Ollscoil na Banríona, 2012, 1 - 120pp Book, 2012

John M. Kirk, Jeffrey L. Kallen, Orla Lowry, Anne Rooney, and Margaret Mannion, 'The SPICE-Ireland Corpus: Systems of pragmatic annotation for the spoken component of ICE-Ireland.', Version 1.2.2, Queen's University Belfast and Trinity College Dublin, 2011, - Digital research resource production, 2011 URL

The cultural context of ICE-Ireland in, editor(s)Raymond Hickey , Researching the Languages of Ireland, Uppsala, Uppsala Universitet, 2011, pp269 - 290, [John M. Kirk and Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2011

Changing landscapes: language, space and policy in the Dublin linguistic landscape. in, editor(s)Adam Jaworski and Crispin Thurlow , Semiotic Landscapes: Language, Image, Space, London, Continuum, 2010, pp41 - 58, [Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2010

How Scottish is Irish Standard English? in, editor(s)Robert McColl Millar , Northern Lights, Northern Words. Selected Papers from the FRLSU Conference, Kirkwall 2009, Aberdeen, Forum for Research on the Languages of Scotland and Ireland, 2010, pp178 - 213, [John M. Kirk and Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2010 URL

Language and inter-language in urban Irish and Japanese linguistic landscapes in, editor(s)Elana Shohamy, Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Monica Barni , Linguistic Landscape in the City, Bristol, Multilingual Matters, 2010, pp19 - 36, [Jeffrey L. Kallen and Esther Ní Dhonnacha] Book Chapter, 2010

JUST as a pragmatic discourse particle in the ICE-Ireland Corpus. in, editor(s)Rhonwen Bowen, Mats Mobärg, and Sölve Ohlander , Corpora and Discourse - and Stuff: Papers in Honour of Karin Aijmer, Göteborg, University of Gothenburg, 2009, pp149 - 158, [John M. Kirk and Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2009

Jeffrey L. Kallen, Review of War Zone Language, by Cordula Hawes-Bilger , English World-Wide, 30, 2009, p109-113 Review, 2009

Tourism and representation in the Irish linguistic landscape. in, editor(s)Elana Shohamy and Durk Gorter , Linguistic Landscape: Expanding the Scenery, London, Routledge, 2009, pp270 - 283, [Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2009

Negation in Irish Standard English: comparative perspectives. in, editor(s)Esa Pentillä and Heli Paulasto , Language Contacts Meet English Dialects: Studies in Honour of Markku Filppula, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, pp275 - 296, [John M. Kirk and Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2009

Teanga: The Irish Yearbook of Applied Linguistics, 23, (2008), 139p, Jeffrey L. Kallen and Arnd Witte, [ed.] Journal, 2008

Jeffrey L. Kallen and John M. Kirk, ICE-Ireland: A User's Guide, 1st ed, Belfast, Cló Ollscoil na Banríona, 2008, 106pp Book, 2008

Assessing Celticity in a corpus of Irish Standard English in, editor(s)Hildegard L. C. Tristram , The Celtic Languages in Contact, Potsdam, Potsdam University Press, 2007, pp270 - 298, [John M. Kirk and Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2007 URL

ICE-Ireland: Local Variations on Global Standards in, editor(s)Joan C. Beal, Karen P. Corrigan, and Herman L. Moisl , Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora. Vol. 1: Synchronic Databases., London, Palgrave, 2007, pp121 - 162, [Jeffrey L. Kallen and John M. Kirk] Book Chapter, 2007

Teanga: The Irish Yearbook of Applied Linguistics, 22, (2007), 169p, Jeffrey L. Kallen, [ed.] Journal, 2007

John M. Kirk, Jeffrey L. Kallen, Orla Lowry, Anne Rooney, and Margaret Mannion., 'International Corpus of English: Ireland Component. The ICE-Ireland Corpus.', Version 1.2., Belfast and Dublin, Queen's University Belfast and Trinity College Dublin, 2007, - CD-ROM Digital research resource production, 2007

Irish Standard English: How Celticised? How Standardised? in, editor(s)Hildegard L. C. Tristram , The Celtic Englishes IV, Potsdam, Potsdam University Press, 2006, pp88 - 113, [John M. Kirk and Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2006

Jeffrey L. Kallen, Arrah, like, you know: The dynamics of discourse marking in ICE-Ireland. , Sociolinguistics Symposium 16, Limerick, 2006, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006 TARA - Full Text

Two languages, two borders, one island: some linguistic and political borders in Ireland. in, editor(s)Kingsley Bolton and Braj B. Kachru , World Englishes: Critical Concepts in Linguistics, London, Routledge, 2006, pp337 - 368, [Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2006

Politeness in Ireland: '... In Ireland it's done without being said' in, editor(s)Leo Hickey and Miranda Stewart , Politeness in Europe, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters, 2005, pp130 - 144, [Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2005

Silence and mitigation in Irish English discourse in, editor(s)Anne Barron and Klaus P. Schneider , The Pragmatics of Irish English, Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, 2005, pp47 - 72, [Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2005

Internal and external factors in phonological convergence: the case of English /t/ lenition in, editor(s)Peter Auer, Frans Hinskens, and Paul Kerswill , Dialect Change: Convergence and Divergence in European Languages, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005, pp51 - 80, [Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2005

Teanga: The Irish Yearbook of Applied Linguistics, 21, (2004), 165p, Kallen J. L., Fiona Farr and Anne O'Keeffe, [eds.] Journal, 2004

Teanga: The Irish Yearbook of Applied Linguistics (2001-2002), 20, (2004), 202p, Kallen J. L., [eds.] Journal, 2004

Kallen J. L., Bilingualism and the provision of speech and language therapy: a comment, Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, 14, 2004, p100 - 110 Journal Article, 2004

Lexicon in, editor(s)Ulrich Ammon, Norbert Dittmar, Klaus J. Mattheier, Peter Trudgill , Sociolinguistics/ Soziolinguistik: An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society, 2nd ed., Berlin, de Gruyter, 2004, pp530 - 539, [David M. Singleton and Jeffrey L. Kallen] Book Chapter, 2004

John M. Kirk, Jeffrey L. Kallen, Orla Lowry, Anne Rooney, Issues arising from the compilation of ICE-Ireland, Belfast Working Papers in Language and Linguistics, 16, 2003, p23 - 41 Journal Article, 2003


Jeffrey L. Kallen, L'idée de nation: le timbre-post grec, Protée (Sémiologie et Herméneutique du timbre-poste), 30, (2), 2002, p73 - 84 Journal Article, 2002

Kallen J. L., Bilingualism, language disability, and linguistic human rights, Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, 12/13, 2002, p147 - 172 Journal Article, 2002


Convergence and divergence in the verb phrase in Irish Standard English: a corpus-based approach in, editor(s)John M. Kirk and Dónall P. Ó Baoill , Language Links: The Languages of Scotland and Ireland, Belfast, Cló Ollscoil na Banríona, 2001, pp59 - 79, [Jeffrey L. Kallen and John M. Kirk] Book Chapter, 2001

Journal of Celtic Language Learning, 6, (2001), 92p, Jeffrey L. Kallen, [ed.] Journal, 2001


Frans Hinskens, Jeffrey L. Kallen, and Johan Taeldeman, Merging and drifting apart. Convergence and divergence of dialects across political borders, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 145, 2000, p1 - 28 Journal Article, 2000

Dialect Convergence and Divergence across European Borders (International Journal of the Sociology of Language), 145, (2000), 220p, Jeffrey L. Kallen, Frans Hinskens, and Johan Taeldeman, [eds.] Journal, 2000

Kallen J. L., Two languages, two borders, one island: some linguistic and political borders in Ireland, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 145, 2000, p29 - 63 Journal Article, 2000

International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 145, (2000), 220p, Jeffrey L. Kallen, Frans Hinskens, and Johan Taeldeman, [eds.] Journal, 2000



Lexical acquisition in bilingual Irish-speaking children: a preliminary account in, editor(s)Francis Favereau , Le bilinguisme précoce en Bretagne, en pays celtiques et en Europe atlantique, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 1998, pp61 - 77, [Jeffrey L. Kallen, Janice Williams, and Mary Pat O'Malley] Book Chapter, 1998

Silence and revelation in the English traditional ballad in, editor(s)Adam Jaworski , Silence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Berlin, Mouton de Gruyte, 1997, pp155 - 179, [Kallen J. L.] Book Chapter, 1997

Kallen J. L., One island, two borders, two languages: a look at linguistic and political borders in Ireland, Divergence and Convergence of Dialects across Political Borders: Proceedings of the Second Workshop, European Science Foundation Network on Convergence and Divergence of Dialects in a Changing Europe, Ghent (Belgium), March, Strasbourg: European Science Foundation, 1997, pp23 - 50 Conference Paper, 1997

Irish English: context and contacts in, editor(s)J. Kallen , Focus on Ireland, Amsterdam, Benjamins, 1997, pp1 - 33, [Kallen J. L.] Book Chapter, 1997

Jeffrey L. Kallen (ed.), Focus on Ireland, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 1997, 260pp Book, 1997

Irish English and world English: lexical perspectives in, editor(s)Edgar W. Schneider , Englishes Around the World: Studies in Honour of Manfred Görlach, Vol. I, Amsterdam, Benjamins, 1997, pp139 - 157, [Kallen J. L.] Book Chapter, 1997

Kallen J. L., Is a generative dialectology (still) possible? Some insights from Irish English, Teanga: The Irish Yearbook of Applied Linguistics, 17, 1997, p69 - 101 Journal Article, 1997


Kallen J. L., A preliminary bibliography on the acquisition of Irish as a first language, Teod/Teanga/Tafod: Language Acquisition in Preschool Children in Brittany, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, 2, 1996, p72 - 73 Journal Article, 1996

Entering lexical fields in Irish English in, editor(s)Juhani Klemola, Merja Kytö, and Matti Rissanen , Speech Past and Present: Studies in English Dialectology in Memory of Ossi Ihalainen, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 1996, pp101 - 129, [Kallen J. L.] Book Chapter, 1996

Kallen J. L., Bilingualism and language disability in children: a sociolinguistic review, Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, 6, 1996, p17 - 48 Journal Article, 1996

The study of Hiberno-English in, editor(s)D. Ó Baoill , Papers on Irish English, Dublin, Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, 1995, pp1 - 15, [Kallen J. L.] Book Chapter, 1995


Irish as an American ethnic language in, editor(s)Thomas Ihde , The Irish Language in the United States, Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994, pp27 - 40, [Kallen J. L.] Book Chapter, 1994

English in Ireland in, editor(s)R.W. Burchfield , The Cambridge History of the English Language, vol. 5, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp148 - 196, [Kallen J. L.] Book Chapter, 1994

Kallen J. L., Language maintenance, loss, and ethnicity in the United States: perspectives on Irish, Teanga: The Irish Yearbook of Applied Linguistics, 13, 1993, p100 - 114 Journal Article, 1993

Margaret M. Leahy and Jeffrey L. Kallen, Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Speech and Language Pathology, Dublin, School of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, Trinity College Dublin, 1993, 324pp Book, 1993

Irish language acquisition and Speech/Language Therapy: principles and needs in, editor(s)Dónall P. Ó Baoill , Insealbhú na Gaeilge mar Chéad Teanga/Acquisition of Irish as a First Language, Dublin, Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, 1992, pp26 - 42, [J. L. Kallen & M. Smith] Book Chapter, 1992

Sociolinguistic variation and methodology: after as a Dublin variable in, editor(s)J. Cheshire , English Around the World: Sociolinguistic Perspectives, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp61 - 74, [Kallen J. L.] Book Chapter, 1991

Kallen J. L., Intra-language transfer and plural subject concord in Irish and Appalachian English, Teanga: The Irish Yearbook of Applied Linguistics, 11, 1991, p20 - 34 Journal Article, 1991



Kallen J. L., Tense and aspect categories in Irish English, English World-Wide, 10, 1989, p1 - 39 Journal Article, 1989



The co-occurrence of do and be in Hiberno-English in, editor(s)J. Harris, D. Little, and D. Singleton , Perspectives on the English Language in Ireland, Dublin, CLCS, Trinity College Dublin, 1986, pp133 - 148, [Kallen J. L.] Book Chapter, 1986

Kallen J. L., Bilingualism and the genesis of Hiberno-English syntax, Teanga, 5, 1985, p98 - 113 Journal Article, 1985

Language and Ethnic Identity: The Irish Language in the United States in, editor(s)L. Mac Mathúna and D. Singleton , Language Across Cultures, Dublin, Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, 1984, pp101 - 112, [Kallen J. L.] Book Chapter, 1984

Kallen J. L., Generative Phonology in the Clinic. CLCS Occasional Paper No. 10, Dublin, CLCS, Trinity College Dublin, 1984, 37pp Book, 1984

Kallen J. L., Child Syntax in Context, Teanga, 3, 1983, p58 - 70 Journal Article, 1983


Kallen J. L., A Global View of the English Language in Ireland, Teanga, 2, 1981, p32 - 43 Journal Article, 1981

Kallen J. L., Linguistics and Oral Tradition: The Structural Study of the Riddle. CLCS Occasional Paper No. 2, Dublin, CLCS, Trinity College Dublin, 1981, 33pp Book, 1981

Jeffrey L. Kallen and Carol M. Eastman, 'I Went to Mombasa, There I Met an Old Woman...'; Structure and Function in Swahili Riddles, Journal of American Folklore, 92, 1979, p418 - 444 Journal Article, 1979

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Jeffrey L. Kallen, Language, Space, and Place, Trinity Week Symposium, Trinity College Dublin, 12 April, 2016, Trinity College Dublin Invited Talk, 2016 TARA - Full Text

Jeffrey L. Kallen and Esther Kallen, Rising Sun, Celtic Tiger: Language and inter-language in Japanese and Irish linguistic landscapes., Linguistic Landscape: Expanding the Discussion, Siena, 2009, 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

John M. Kirk, Jeffrey L. Kallen, and Markku Filppula, The progressive in British and Irish Standard English., Conference on Methods in Dialectology 13, Leeds, 2008, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Jeffrey L. Kallen and John M. Kirk, Translating the dynamics of HAVE and TAKE: how can ICE-Ireland help?, International Conference on Practical Applications in Language and Computers (PALC 2005), Lodz, 2005 Invited Talk, 2005

Kallen J. L., The linguistic landscape in Ireland: tourism and national (re)presentation, 14th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA 2005), Madison, Wisconsin, 2005 Invited Talk, 2005

John M. Kirk and Jeffrey L. Kallen, Subordinate clauses in spoken and written contexts in British and Irish English, 2nd Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies. (IVACS 2) conference, Queen's University Belfast, 2004 Invited Talk, 2004

Kallen J. L., Great ideas and little signs: semiotics of the Greek postage stamp, 1924-1982, Cardiff University, 2004 Invited Talk, 2004

Kallen J. L., Journal of American Folklore, 117, 2004, p113-114 Review, 2004

Kallen J. L., English World-Wide, 25, 2004, p152-158 Review, 2004

Kallen J. L., Problems (and solutions) in building a corpus of Irish English, Invited sociolinguistics seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, 2004 Invited Talk, 2004

John M. Kirk and Jeffrey L. Kallen, Standard Irish English: How Celticised? How Standardised?, 4th Celtic Englishes conference, Potsdam, 2004 Invited Talk, 2004

John M. Kirk, Jeffrey L. Kallen, Orla Lowry, and Anne Rooney, Standard Irish English: the four hypotheses, 24rd International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME), Verona, 2004 Invited Talk, 2004

Kallen J. L., Lenition in Irish English - Implications for Liverpool?, 'The influence of the languages of Ireland and Scotland on Linguistic Varieties in Northern England' conference, University of Aberdeen, 2004, 2004 Invited Talk, 2004

Jeffrey L. Kallen and John M. Kirk, Models and Methods in the Handling of Digital Corpora, Sociolinguistics Symposium 15, University of Newcastle, 2004 Invited Talk, 2004

John M. Kirk, Jeffrey L. Kallen, Orla Lowry, and Anne Rooney, Negation in Irish Standard English: Evidence from ICE-Ireland, Research Seminar, Queen's University Belfast, 2003 Invited Talk, 2003

Kallen J. L., Linguistic human rights in Europe: a view from Ireland, Invited lecture, Western Washington University, Bellingham, 2003 Invited Talk, 2003

John M. Kirk, Jeffrey L. Kallen, Orla Lowry, Anne Rooney, The compilation of ICE-Ireland: unity versus diversity?, 24th International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME), Guernsey, 2003, 2003 Conference Paper, 2003

Kallen J. L., Doing things with English /t/: internal and external factors in the phonology of dialect convergence, Linguistics Symposium, University of Washington, Seattle, 2003 Invited Talk, 2003

Kallen J. L., New directions in Irish English: Hiberno-English in a post-modern world, Invited lecture, Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, Dublin, 2002 Invited Talk, 2002

Kallen J. L., Irish in America: Mr. Dooley and Hiberno-American dialect writing, Annual Meeting of the American Dialect Society/Linguistic Society of America, San Francisco, 2002 Invited Talk, 2002

John M. Kirk and Jeffrey L. Kallen, Standard and national varieties of English: a corpus-linguistic model for ICE?, 23rd International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora of Modern and Medieval English (ICAME), Göteborg, 2002 Invited Talk, 2002

Kallen J. L., Language, 77, 2001, p833-835 Review, 2001

Kallen J. L., Journal of American Folklore, 114, 2001, p107-109 Review, 2001

Kallen J. L., What counts as English in English language teaching?, Invited lecture, Queen's University Belfast, 2001 Invited Talk, 2001

Kallen J. L., Language policy and language use in Ireland today: modernism and post-modernism, 3rd International Symposium on Eurolinguistics, University of Mannhe, 2001 Invited Talk, 2001

Kallen J. L., English World-Wide, 22, 2001, p147-149 Review, 2001

Kallen J. L., Irish Historical Studies, 32, 2000, p286-288 Review, 2000

Kallen J. L., Hiberno-English and Hiberno-American in 19th century dialect writing, Hiberno-English Symposium series, University College Dublin, 2000 Invited Talk, 2000

Kallen J. L., Journal of American Folklore, 113, 2000, p105-107 Review, 2000

Kallen J. L., English World-Wide, 20, 1999, p157-167 Review, 1999

Kallen J. L., Journal of Sociolinguistics, 3, 1999, p104-108 Review, 1999

Kallen J. L., Old and New World Irish Englishes in 19th century literature, 10th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology, St. Johns, Newfoundland, 1999 Invited Talk, 1999

Kallen J. L., System, 26, 1998, p609-612 Review, 1998

Kallen J. L., Journal of Sociolinguistics, 2, 1998, p315-316 Review, 1998

Kallen J. L., Contact and diffusion in Irish English: the creole hypothesis, Invited lecture, Linguistics Department Colloquium, University of Chicago, 1997 Invited Talk, 1997

Kallen J. L., Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, 7, 1997, p103-5 Review, 1997

Kallen J. L., Is a generative dialectology (still) possible?, University College Cork, 1997 Invited Talk, 1997

Kallen J. L., Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 48, 1996, p263-264 Review, 1996

Kallen J. L., Is a generative dialectology (still) possible?, Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, 1996 Invited Talk, 1996

Kallen J. L., From segments to syllables in clinical phonology where do we go from here?, British and Irish Group, International Clinical Phonetics & Linguistics Association (ICPLA) meeting, Dublin, 1994 Invited Talk, 1994

Kallen J. L., Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review, 16, (2), 1994, p39-40 Review, 1994

Kallen J. L., Discourse and Society, 5, 1994, p268-270 Review, 1994

Kallen J. L., Discourse analysis and the English traditional ballad, American Folklore Society Annual Meeting, Eugene, OR, 1993 Invited Talk, 1993

Kallen J. L., Sociolinguistics Newsletter, 7, 1993, p56-61 Review, 1993

Kallen J. L., Discourse and Society, 4, 1993, p404-405 Review, 1993

Kallen J. L., 'Newfoundland English' panel, American Folklore Society Annual Meeting, St.John's, 1991 Invited Talk, 1991

Kallen J. L., Discourse and Society, 2, 1991, p372-374 Review, 1991

Kallen J. L., Teanga, 10, 1990, p122-127 Review, 1990

Kallen J. L., Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 4, 1990, p90-92 Review, 1990

Kallen J. L., Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 3, 1989, p297-298 Review, 1989

Kallen J. L., Sociolinguistics, 18, 1989, p131-134 Review, 1989

Kallen J. L., Teanga, 8, 1988, p84-89 Review, 1988

Kallen J. L., Linguistic change, predication, and aspect marking in Functional Grammar: The case of English do, Third International Conference on Functional Grammar, Amsterdam, 1988 Invited Talk, 1988

Kallen J. L., Hermathena, 142, 1987, p75-77 Review, 1987

Kallen J. L., Teanga, 7, 1987, p69-75 Review, 1987

Kallen J. L., Folia Phoniatrica, 39, (5), 1987, p272 Review, 1987

Kallen J. L., Through a Pyrex baking dish darkly: Notes on the semiotics of cooking, Nabokov Society Lecture, Trinity College Dublin, 1984 Invited Talk, 1984

Kallen J. L., Journal of Child Language, 10, 1983, p484-488 Review, 1983

Kallen J. L., Child discourse and pragmatics, Psychology Society Lecture, University College Galway, 1982 Invited Talk, 1982

Kallen J. L., Linguistics at third level: A position paper, Public Lecture, Irish Association for Applied Linguistics, 1982 Invited Talk, 1982

Kallen J. L., Children's Rhymes, Games, and Songs from Arlington County, Virginia, American Folklore Society Annual Meeting, Nashville, 1973 Invited Talk, 1973

Research Expertise


MAIN AREAS OF RESEARCH: LANGUAGE IN IRELAND (especially Hiberno-English, but considering also Irish and Ulster Scots, in structural, dialectal, sociolinguistic, and historical perspectives) LINGUISTICS (especially sociolinguistics; dialectology; bilingualism; phonology; historical linguistics; language acquisition; general linguistics; comparative syntax) ETHNOGRAPHY OF COMMUNICATION (with a focus on discourse analysis, NARRATIVE, AND SEMIOTICS) ETHNIC STUDIES (particularly the relationships among language, expressive culture, and ethnicity). MAIN RESEARCH ACTIVITIES: INTERNATIONAL CORPUS OF ENGLISH (ICE) PROJECT, INITIATED AT THE SURVEY OF ENGLISH USAGE by Professor Sidney Greenbaum, University College London. Two projects in progress: (1) to analyse and make available the ICE-Ireland corpus of approximately 1 million words of standard Irish English (spoken and written) compiled according to ICE protocols for national corpora, (2) prosodic and pragmatic annotation of the spoken ICE-Ireland corpus. Analysis of data and provision of electronic resources in progress. CONVERGENCE AND DIVERGENCE OF SOCIAL DIALECTS IN A CHANGING EUROPE, research network sponsored by the European Science Foundation, directed by Professor Frans Hinskens (Leipzig) and Professor Peter Auer (Freiburg). As a member of the international steering committee, I was responsible for planning and participation in the network's international symposia, publications, and graduate-level summer school in Málaga (1998). Details of relevant publications given below; activities continue through the International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE). LANGUAGE ACQUISITION IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN IN BRITTANY, IRELAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES, research project funded by the Commission of the European Union and directed by Dr. Janig Stephens, University of Wales Institute. As director of the Irish component, I was responsible for arranging collection, transcription, and analysis of Irish-language data. The Irish project provided co-sponsorship of a special session on the acquisition of the Celtic languages at the 3rd Celtic Linguistics Conference, held in University College Dublin (2000), proceedings of which were published in the Journal of Celtic Language Learning. FUTURE PLANS: Together with colleagues from around the world, I have recently begun research on the LINGUISTIC LANDSCAPE, i.e., the use of languages in visible, public spaces where questions of ethnolinguistic vitality, language policy, and linguistic representation come to the fore. I recently participated in an international symposium on the subject, and further plans are in train for presentations in 2006 and beyond. The ICE-Ireland project entails a commitment to publication of a book in the ICE handbook series on sociolinguistic issues in the standard English of Ireland, in addition to other related papers and presentations. I also seek to maintain a varied programme of publication and public presentation across the range of subject areas indicated above.


  • Title
    • Integrating Prosody, Pragmatics and Syntax in a Corpus-based Linguistic Description of Irish Standard English
  • Summary
    • £193,000 from the Arts and Humanities Research Board (UK) to employ research assistants and support the work of a project entitled 'Integrating Prosody, Pragmatics and Syntax in a Corpus-based Linguistic Description of Irish Standard English'. (Administered jointly with Dr. John Kirk, Queen's University Belfast.)
  • Funding Agency
    • Arts and Humanities Research Board
  • Date From
    • 2003
  • Date To
    • 2005
  • Title
    • Sociolinguistics of Standardisation of English in Ireland
  • Summary
    • £164,000 from the Arts and Humanities Research Board (UK) to employ research assistants and support the work of a project entitled 'Sociolinguistics of Standardisation of English in Ireland'. Includes compilation of the International Corpus of English for Ireland (ICE-Ireland). (Administered jointly with Dr. John Kirk, Queen's University Belfast.)
  • Funding Agency
    • Arts and Humanities Research Board (UK)
  • Date From
    • 2001
  • Date To
    • 2003
  • Summary
    • IR£600 awarded
  • Funding Agency
    • Royal Irish Academy and British Council Social Sciences Committee
  • Date From
    • 1999
  • Date To
    • 1999
  • Title
    • Irish component of the research project on Language Acquisition in Preschool Children in Brittany, Ireland, Scotland and Wales
  • Summary
    • IR£20,000 from the Commission of the European Union towards the Irish component of the research project on Language Acquisition in Preschool Children in Brittany, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. (Local share of approx. £100,000 administered by Dr. Janig Stephens, University of Wales Institute Cardiff, principal investigator.)
  • Funding Agency
    • Commission of the European Union
  • Date From
    • 1994
  • Date To
    • 1997
  • Summary
    • IR£250 from the Visiting Professorships & Fellowships Fund, Trinity College Dublin to support visit of Dr. Paul Kerswill, British partner in the European Science Foundation network on the Convergence and Divergence of Social Dialects in a Changing Europe.
  • Funding Agency
    • Visiting Professorships & Fellowships Fund, Trinity College Dublin
  • Date From
    • 1997
  • Date To
    • 1997
  • Title
    • International Association for Logopaedics and Phoniatrics (IALP)
  • Summary
    • IR£680 from Bord na Gaeilge to attend the International Association for Logopaedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) first international conference on bilingualism and language disability (Haifa).
  • Funding Agency
    • Bord na Gaeilge
  • Date From
    • 1995
  • Date To
    • 1995
  • Summary
    • IR£200 from Institiúid Teangeolaíochta Éireann (Linguistics Institute of Ireland) to attend the European Science Foundation Summer School in Sociolinguistics (University of Sussex, Brighton).
  • Funding Agency
    • Institiúid Teangeolaíochta Éireann (Linguistics Institute of Ireland)
  • Date From
    • 1982
  • Date To
    • 1982
  • Summary
    • IR£200 from the Arts and Social Sciences Benefaction Fund, Trinity College Dublin to support visit to the Linguistics Department, Charles University, Prague and the Institute for Linguistics, Budapest; official invitation issued by the Czechoslovak Minister for Education
  • Funding Agency
    • Arts and Social Sciences Benefaction Fund, Trinity College Dublin
  • Date From
    • 1981
  • Date To
    • 1981





Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (IRAAL) - President 1989-1992

Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (IRAAL) - Executive Board 1981-1992; 2001 to date

Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (IRAAL) - Editorial Board 1985-1999; 2001-2011

Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (IRAAL) - Editor, Teanga: The Irish Yearbook of Applied Linguistics 2001-2011

Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (IASLT), responsible for the accreditation (with respect to specialist English language proficiency) of speech and language therapy graduates from non-English speaking countries 2000 to date

LINGUISTICS DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, SEATTLE, member of the Advisory Board for the Linguistics Department 2001 to date

COMDHÁIL NÁISIÚNTA NA GAEILGE, Coiste Teanga & Teiripe (member of working party supervising research and establishing baselines in support of Irish-medium speech and language therapy services) 1999-2004

Confidential consultant to legal firm regarding lexicographical evidence in trademark dispute 2001

REVIEWS OF GRANT PROPOSALS for the Arts and Humanities Research Board (UK), Economic and Social Research Council (UK), European Science Foundation, The Leverhulme Trust, National Endowment for the Humanities (USA).

MANUSCRIPT REVIEWS FOR English World-Wide; International Journal of Multilingualism; International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism; Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders; English Language and Linguistics; Text; Applied Linguistics; Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics; Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica; Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research; Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies; Focus on Canada (Sandra Clarke, ed.); Integrating Theory and Practice in LSP and LAP (Mary Ruane and Dónall P. Ó Baoill, eds.).

PROGRAMME REVIEWER for the International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE).

JUDGE for the annual Book Prize of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL).

Awards and Honours

Fellow of Trinity College Elected 2002


Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (IRAAL)

Linguistic Society of America

American Dialect Society

American Folklore Society

Association for Jewish Studies

American Name Society