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Duana Quigley - Practice Education Coordinator

Duana Quigley

Practice Education Coordinator

I have responsibility for the coordination of all aspects of practice education, including teaching, curricula, placements, research, administration, and quality control. My research is focussed on quality improvement within practice education and on inter-professional practice between SLTs and teachers.

What I teach

  • Clinical and professional competency development (2nd - 4th year undergrad)
  • Reflective Studies (4th year undergrad)
  • Nature, Assessment and Intervention for Developmental Speech Sound Disorders (3rd & 4th year undergrad)
  • Practice Educator Professional Development (Practice Tutors, Regional Placement Facilitators, Practice Educators)

What I research

  • Quality assurance in practice education: I am working on an inter-disciplinary research study to develop a national quality framework for practice education in allied health & social care disciplines
  • Students’ perspectives of practice education: I was principal investigator in a national study to explore students’ voices in relation to placement experiences
  • Inter-professional practice: I explored collaborative practices between SLTs and teachers to support language development for school aged children in areas of low socio-economic status

Recent Publications