Advances in Neurogenic Swallowing Disorders – International Perspectives
Thursday 7th December 2023 9am-5pm
Robert Emmet Lecture Theatre, Trinity College Dublin
Speakers Include:
- Prof Maggie Lee Huckabee
University of Canterbury
New Zealand - Dr James Borders
Columbia University
Entry Fee €50: to secure your place please pay below:

Welcome to our new colleague, Professor Paul Conroy
A warm word of welcome to our new colleague Paul Conroy, Associate Professor in Speech and Language Pathology in the Department of Clinical Speech and Language Studies. You can reach Paul on or pop into the department to say hello.
Paul's research and teaching interests on the topics of aphasia and dysarthria clinical management. His research has focused on developing novel interventions for acquired communication disabilities. Paul is originally from Dublin, where he studied Linguistics and Philosophy at University College Dublin, and Linguistics at Trinity College Dublin (our M.Phil. in Linguistics, by the way!). He qualified as a Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) at City University London in 1993 and had clinical jobs in Liverpool, London and Shropshire. He specialised in adult acquired neurological disorders (aphasia, dysphagia, dysarthria) as Specialist SLT in Neurosciences at King's College Hospital, where he also spent a brief stint as the Co-ordinator of the King's MND Care and Research Centre. His last clinical post was as lead SLT with the Shropshire Enablement Team (multi-disciplinary community neuro-rehabilitation team) after which he undertook a PhD at the University of Manchester. He then became a full time Clinical Lecturer in November 2008. Paul started in his new post with us on 1 October.
Paul describes his research interests as follows:
My research interests relate to aphasia and acquired communication deficits more broadly. Within aphasia, I am specifically interested in naming therapies, verb processing, writing therapies, sentence and discourse therapies. I investigage the relationship between impairment therapies and functionally significant outcomes, particularly with regard to discourse and conversational data. I was funded by a Stroke Association Allied Health Professional Therapy Research Bursary to complete a PhD on the topic of 'Errorless learning as a treatment applied to verb and sentence impairments in aphasia'. The project was supervised by Professor Matt Lambon Ralph in the Neuroscience and Aphasia Research Unit. Previously, I completed an MSc in Human Communication in 2003 at City University London which was funded by the HSA and the Speech and Language Therapy Department at Kings College Hospital, London; the dissertation for this degree was on the topic of discourse analysis of aphasic narratives.
Unlock Your Voice!
Tuesday, April 18th, 2023
Dr Ciarán Kenny is proud to announce this event taking part of World Voice Day 2023. This event will feature expert panellists from both healthcare and the performing arts. The event will teach audience members about how to recognise and manage throat and jaw problems, when to seek help, and will demonstrate practical advice and exercises for self-management.

To register for this event and receive updates, please click here and see our flyer here.
Postgraduate Research Showcase 2023
31st March 2023
The Department of Clinical Speech and Language Studies invites colleagues to attend our annual Postgraduate Research Showcase. This event is free and delegates are welcome to join live or via Zoom. It provides an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in several areas of practice related to both dysphagia and voice.

To register, please contact and see our flyer here.
Fundraising event held for Multiple Sclerosis
Hello all! We are third year Speech and Language therapy students from Trinity College Dublin organising a sea swim for a great cause!

A group of us took the plunge on March 15th at Seapoint, Co. Dublin! We've raised almost 2,000€ so far and are so close to our target. Feel free to donate using this link
PhD Funding Opportunity
Dr Caroline Jagoe is seeking applicants for a PhD opportunity for the Arabic component of a study entitled Communication disabilities and conversational success: Relevance-based pragmatic universals to support interaction.
Applicants MUST be qualified speech and language therapists, fluent in Lebanese Arabic and able to commit to 2 years of data collection in Beirut after an initial period in Dublin.
The award covers tuition fees and an annual stipend of €18,500.
Details on how to apply are available here.
Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Prioritising high quality disability-related evidence is important to operationalise the Leave No-One Behind agenda in the pursuit of Zero Hunger. Dr Caroline Jagoe and Research Fellow, Claire O'Reilly have been working with the United Nations World Food Programme to develop an evidence-base for disability inclusion in food security programming.
UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities speaks at a webinar alongside colleagues from Clinical Speech & Language Studies
"[...] I am so taken with inclusion as your goal and am eager to hear how the voice of persons
disabilities counts in this process of re-imagining your field." Gerard Quinn, UN Special
Listen back to the recording of the webinar: