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16 publications from 2002

Ramos, Yeray, Villegas, Oskelys, Rolo, Gladys, Suárez, Ernesto, D""az-Cabrera, Dolores, Farell, Emer, Liston, Paul, An Exploratory Analysis of Safety Causal Attributions in Aircraft Dispatch and Maintenance Departments, A presentation to the International Symposium on Occupational Risk Prevention, Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria Island, February, 2002
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PLISTON

'An organizational approach to human factors' in, editor(s)Hayward, B.J. and Lowe A.R. eds, Aldershot , Aviation Resource Management, Ashgate 2002, 2002, [N. McDonald, S. Corrigan, S. Cromie & C. Daly]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SCORRIG

Baranzini, D., Corrigan, S., Perez, J., and Ward, M. , Tools for Organisational Analysis., EU Projects, 2002
Report; Approved; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SCORRIG

Ward, M., Corrigan, S. & McDonald, N. , The Development and Introduction of an Aircraft Maintenance Continuous Improvement System, E-2002 Conference, Prague, 2002, 2002, pp47 - 57
Conference Paper; Presented; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SCORRIG

Corrigan, S., Gaynor, D, Managing the Improvement Process. , Proceedings from the 16th Human Factor Symposium on Human Factors, 16th Human Factor Symposium on Human Factors, San Francisco, June 2002, 16, (1), 2002, pp17 - 27
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SCORRIG

Baranzini, D & Cromie, S, Team systems in aviation maintenance: interaction and co-ordination across work teams, 25th EAAP Conference, , Warsaw, Poland, September 16-20th 20, 2002
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SDCROMIE; URL

Liston, P., Cromie, S., 'An Analysis of Normal Operations in Aviation Maintenance', European Association of Aviation Psychology Conference, 2002
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: PLISTON SDCROMIE

Stüring, S., Trasi, A., Baranzini, D., & Liston, P, 'Learning by doing: If at first you don't succeed', 4th International Conference on New Educational Environments, 2002
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PLISTON

Liston, P., Farrell, E., & Baranzini, D. , 'The assessment of professional Skills', Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP), Gran Canaria, Spain, 2002
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PLISTON

Corrigan, S., Baranzini, D., Perez, J., Ward, M. and McDonald, N. , Methodology for Organisational Analysis., . Deliverable to the European Commission of the ADAMS2 Project. Trinity College Dublin., 2002
Report; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: NMCDONLD SCORRIG

McDonald, N., Corrigan, S., & Ward, M, Well intentioned people in dysfunctional organisations (WIPIDO). , 5th Workshop on Human Error, Safety and Systems Development, , Newcastle, Australia., 2002, 2002
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: SCORRIG NMCDONLD

Ward, M., Corrigan, S. & McDonald, N. , The development and introduction of an aircraft maintenance continuous improvement system, E-2002 Conference, , Prague, 2002
Conference Paper; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: NMCDONLD

J. Grimson, P. Hicks, R. McGrath, K. McNally, J. McKeown, D. Commiskey, Ait Eile - a virtual environment for children in hospital, Dublin, The Irish Scientist, 2002, 190, 190
Report; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: PHICKS

An organizational approach to human factors in, editor(s)Hayward, B.J. and Lowe A.R. , Aviation Resource Management, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2002, pp51 - 61, [N. McDonald, S. Corrigan, S. Cromie & C. Daly]
Book Chapter; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: SCORRIG SDCROMIE NMCDONLD

Curtis, E., Hicks, P., Redmond, R., Nursing students experiecne and attitudes to computers: A survey of a cohort of students on a Bachelor in Nursing Studies course., ITIN The Nursing Specialist Group of the British Computer Society, 14, (2), 2002, p7 - 17
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: PHICKS CURTISE

E. Curtis, P. Hicks and R. Redmond, Nursing students experience and attitudes to computers: A survey of a cohort of students on a Bachelor in Nursing Studies course, Proceedings of 7th Annual Conference HISI , 7th Annual Conference HISI , Dublin, 2002, 2002
Conference Paper; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profiles: PHICKS JGRIMSON