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Professor Jane Grimson
Fellow Emeritus, Computer Science


Professor Jane Grimson is a computer engineering graduate from the University of Dublin, Trinity College, and holds a Masters and Doctorate in Computer Science from the Universities of Toronto and Edinburgh, respectively. She returned to Trinity College as a lecturer in Computer Science in 1980, is a former Dean of Engineering and of Research, and served as Vice-Provost from 2001-2005. She is a Past-President of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland, the Irish Academy of Engineering, the Irish Computer Society, and the Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland. She is currently Chair of the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology. She is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Irish Academy of Engineering, Engineers Ireland, the Irish Computer Society, and the Royal Academy of Medicine of Ireland. She is also a member of the Royal Irish Academy. . She holds a personal chair in Health Informatics and is currently on a partial secondment to the recently established Health Information and Quality Authority in Ireland as Director of Health Information.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Annariina Koivu, Nicolas Mavengere, Mikko Ruohonen, Lucy Hederman, Jane Grimson, Exploring the Information and ICT Skills of Health Professionals in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, March 2016, 2016 Conference Paper, 2016 DOI

Hicks, P., Grimson, J. Smith, O., With a little help from my friends: experiences of building a virtual community for children with cancer, The Journal of Community Informatics: Special Issue: Community Informatics for Improving Health, 9, (2), 2013, p1 - 15 Journal Article, 2013 TARA - Full Text URL

Brian Waldron, Jane Grimson, Simone Carton, Alberto Blanco-Campal, Effectiveness of an unmodified personal digital assistant as a compensatory strategy for prospective memory failures in adults with an ABI, The Irish Journal of Psychology, 33, (1), 2012, p29-42 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Melanie Spaeth, Jane Grimson, Applying the archetype approach to the database of a biobank information management system, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 80, (3), 2011, p205 - 226 Journal Article, 2011 DOI

Zarabzadeh A, Hayati F, Watson RWG, Bradley G, Grimson J, Implementation of an RFID-based biological sample identification and tracking system, 2011 IEEE Conference on RFID Technologies and Applications, Sitges, Spain, 15-16 September 2011, 2011, pp236 - 243 Conference Paper, 2011 DOI

Mc Quaid L, Breen P, Grimson J, Normand C, Dunne M, Delanty N, Kalra D, Fitzsimons M, Socio-technical considerations in epilepsy electronic patient record implementation., International Journal of Medical Informatics, 79, (5), 2010, p349-360 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Ronan McDonnell and Jane Grimson, Identifying requirements and features for communications systems between older people in care settings, The 23RD IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2010), Perth, WA, Australia, October 2010, IEEE, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010 DOI TARA - Full Text

Varley J, Norman Delanty, Charles Normand, Imelda Coyne, Louise McQuaid, Claire Collins, Michael Boland, Jane Grimson, Mary Fitzsimons, Epilepsy in Ireland: Towards the primary-tertiary care continuum, Seizure, 19, (1), 2010, p47 - 52 Journal Article, 2010 DOI TARA - Full Text

Breen P, Mc Quaid L, Grimson J, Delanty N, Dunne M, Dunleavy B, Normand C, Fitzsimons M, Integrating clinical theory and practice in an epilepsy-specific electronic patient record., Studies in health technology and informatics, 150, 2009, p145 Journal Article, 2009

Diversity in engineering: tinkering, tailoring, transforming in, editor(s)Hyldgaaard Christensen, Bernard Delahousse and Martin Meganck , Engineering in Context, Denmark, Academica, 2009, pp197 - 220, [Jane Grimson and Caroline Rougheen] Book Chapter, 2009 TARA - Full Text

Zarabzadeh A., Watson R. W. G., Bradley G., Grimson, J., . Governing Biobanks - What are the challenges?, Ethox Centre, Oxford, 2008, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Hicks, P., Grimson, J., Daly, A., Whelan, S., Smith, O. , Solas - an interactive community for children with cancer, 6th Congress of HOPE (Hospital Organisation of Pedagogues in Europe): Facing Reality and Dreams, Tampere, 4-7 June, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008 URL

Grimson, J, Blood Matters, A Newsletter for Haematology Association of Ireland Nurses' Group, Solas, an interactive community for children with cancer, 2008 Journal Article, 2008

Zarabzadeh A, Watson R. W. G., Bradley G., Grimson, J., Ensuring Participant' Confidentiality in Bio-repositories, Health Informatics Society of Ireland Annual Conference 2008, Dublin, November 2008, 2008 Meeting Abstract, 2008

Zarabzadeh A., Watson R. W. G., Grimson, J., The use of Radio Frequency Identification to track samples in bio-repositories, of IEEE 1st International Conference on Information Technology, Gdansk, Poland, 2008, 2008, pp1 - 4 Conference Paper, 2008 DOI TARA - Full Text

John McGrory, Frank Clarke, Jane Grimson, Peter Gaffney, Communication of Medical Information using Agents, HEALTHINF, 1, 2008, p81-86 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Hicks, P., Grimson, J., Daly, A., Whelan, S., Smith, O.,, Solas - an interactive community for children with cancer, Fifth International Conference on Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Medicine, London, 9-10 June, 2008 Poster, 2008

Hicks, P., Grimson, J., Daly, A., Whelan, S., Smith, O. , Solas - an interactive community for chldren with cancer, 6th International Cancer Conference 2008: Striving for Success in Cancer Care, Dublin, 7-9 May, 2008 Poster, 2008

John McGrory, Frank Clarke, Jane Grimson, Peter Gaffney, Software Agents Representing Medical Guidelines., HEALTHINF, 1, 2008, p142-147 Journal Article, 2008 TARA - Full Text DOI

John McGrory, Frank Clarke, Jane Grimson, Peter Gaffney, Patient-Centred Laboratory Validation Using Software Agents, HEALTHINF, 2, 2008, p274-279 Journal Article, 2008 DOI TARA - Full Text

Zarabzadeh A., Watson R. W. G., Bradley G., Grimson, J., . Sample Tracking and Identification in biobanks, Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland Annual Conference 2007, Dublin, Ireland, Novermber 2007, 2007 Meeting Abstract, 2007

P. Hicks, J. Grimson,, Ireland Solas and Áit Eile, 5WSCM - 5th World Summit on Children and Media, Media and Children's Health and Wellness, Innovations and Special Projects, Johannesburg, SA, 23 - 28th March 2007, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

K. Tierney, P. Hicks, J. Grimson, A. Daly, S. Whelan, O. Smith, Solas - an interactive community for children with cancer , Researching Children's Worlds Conference: sharing knowledge to improve action, Galway, November 2007, 2007 Oral Presentation, 2007

P. Hicks, J. Grimson, A. Daly, S. Whelan, O.Smith., Solas - an interactive community for children with cancer, Proceedings of HISI [Health Informatics Society of Ireland], 12th Annual Conference and Scientific Symposium, Dublin, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

Hicks P, Woods G, Power G, Grimson J.,, Support and Communication for Children in Hospital, International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) , Áit Eile - (Another World) , 2006, p378-380 Journal Article, 2006

P. Hicks, G. Woods, G. Power, J. Grimson , Solas and Áit Eile: Experiences of developing Online environments for children in hospital, Hospital Organisation of Pedagogues in Europe (HOPE) in conjunction with HOSTA, the London Hospital Headteachers' Association - Getting Better Together, Institute of Child Health, Great Ormond Street Hospital,, London, November, 2006, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Hicks, P., Woods, G., Power, G., Grimson, J.,, Solas: An online Environment to Facilitate Social Connectivity and Creativity, International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on Mobile Learning, Dublin, July, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Bisbal Jesus, Grimson Jane, Bell David, A formal framework for database sampling, Information and Software Technology, 47, (12), 2005, p819 - 828 Journal Article, 2005 DOI URL

Rahman, Y., Knape, T., Gargan, M., Power, G., Hederman, L., Wade, V., Nolan, J., Grimson, J. , e-clinic: an electronic triage system for the management of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus., Medinfo , 11, (11), 2004, p246-250 Journal Article, 2004

P. Hicks, K. McNally, R. McGrath, M. Commins and J. Grimson , Áit Eile - A virtual community for children in hospital, , IATSE Conference 2003 - Special Needs : Demand & Delivery, 2003, 2003 Conference Paper, 2003

Bisbal, J., Grimson, J., Grimson, W., Berry, D. and Hederman, L., From passive to active electronic healthcare records , Methods of Information in Medicine, 42, (5), 2003, p535 - 543 Journal Article, 2003 URL

Grimson, J., 30th Annual Scientific Meeting, Nederlandse Verenigning voor Klinische Fysica, Eindhoven, 2003 Invited Talk, 2003

Grimson, J., 30th Annual Scientific Meeting, Nederlandse Verenigning voor Klinische Fysica, Eindhoven, 2003, Nederlandse Verenigning voor Klinische Fysica Invited Talk, 2003

Grimson, J., Re-engineering the curriculum for the 21st century, European Journal of Engineering Education, 21, (1), 2002, p31 - 37 Journal Article, 2002 DOI

Bisbal, J., Grimson, J. , Consistent database sampling as a database prototyping approach, Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution , 14, (6), 2002, p447-459 Journal Article, 2002 DOI URL

Grimson, J., 10th European Conference on Health Records, Dublin, 2002 Invited Talk, 2002

Grimson, J., The electronic health record: technical challenges, 10th European Conference on Health Records, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 171:3 Supplement 1, 2002, pp40 - 43 Conference Paper, 2002

E. Curtis, P. Hicks and R. Redmond, Nursing students experience and attitudes to computers: A survey of a cohort of students on a Bachelor in Nursing Studies course, Proceedings of 7th Annual Conference HISI , 7th Annual Conference HISI , Dublin, 2002, 2002 Conference Paper, 2002

Fachinetti S, Grimson J, Distributed patient records require distributed patients IDs management - Enter PIDS? , Irish Journal of Medical Science , 171, (3), 2002, p75 - 75 Journal Article, 2002

Grimson, J., Grimson, W., Health care in the information society: evolution or revolution?, Int. J. Med. Info., 66, (1-3), 2002, p25 - 29 Journal Article, 2002 DOI URL

Dube, K., Wu, B., Grimson, J. , Framework and architecture for the management of event-condition-action (ECA) rule-based clinical protocols , Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2002, pp288-294 Conference Paper, 2002 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Grimson, J., Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland, Annual Conference, Dublin, 2002 Invited Talk, 2002

Grimson Jane, the electronic health record: technical challenges, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 171, Supplement 1, (3), 2002, p40 - 43 Journal Article, 2002

Grimson, J., Stephens, G., Jung, B. Grimson, W., Berry, D. and Pardon, S., Sharing health-care records over the Internet, IEEE Internet Computing, 5, (3), 2001, p49 - 58 Journal Article, 2001 DOI TARA - Full Text

P. Hicks, K. McNally, R. McGrath, J. Grimson, Creating an online environment for children in hospital, Proceedings of 6th Annual Conference HISI , [Health Informatics Society of Ireland], 2001, 2001 Conference Paper, 2001

Hicks, P., McGrath, R., McKeown, J., McNally, K., Grimson, J., Ait Eile, Another World for HCI, European Research Consortium for Informatics and mathematics [Special Theme - Human Computer Interaction], 46, 2001 Journal Article, 2001

Bisbal, J. and Grimson, J., Database Sampling with Functional Dependencies, Information and Software Technology, 43, 2001, p607 - 615 Journal Article, 2001 DOI

Grimson, J. , Delivering the electronic healthcare record for the 21st century, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 64, (2-3), 2001, p111 - 127 Journal Article, 2001 URL DOI

Grimson, J., Kozierkiewwicz, A., Socczak, A. and Sobczak, Z., Elektroniczna wymiana danych w sluzbie zdrowia z wykorzystanien technologii internetowych , Zdrowie publiczne, TOM CX, (Supplememnt 3), 2000, p5 - 15 Journal Article, 2000

Bisbal, J. and Grimson, J., Database prototyping through consistent sampling, Dublin, Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, 2000 Report, 2000

Personal electronic healthcare records in, Current perspectives in health informatics, Guildford, Health Informatics Committee, British Computer Society, 2000, pp99 - 106, [Grimson, J., Grimson, W.] Book Chapter, 2000

Grimson, J., Grimson, W. and Hasselbring, W., The system integration challenge in healthcare, Communications of the ACM, 43, (6), 2000, p49 - 55 Journal Article, 2000

Gimson, J., Institution of Engineers of Ireland, Presidential address, Dublin, 2000, IEI Invited Talk, 2000

Bisbal, J., Grimson, J., Database prototyping through consistent sampling, Proc. International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the Internet (SSGRR2000), L'Aquila, Italy, August 1-6 2000, 2000 Conference Paper, 2000

Grimson, J., Insight Seminar on Electronic Healthcare Records, Dublin, 2000 Invited Talk, 2000

Grimson, J., World Engineers' Convention, Hanover, Germany, 2000 Invited Talk, 2000

Bisbal, J. and Grimson, J., Generalising the consistent database sampling process, Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 4th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, and the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (CS12000 / ISA2000). Vol.II - Information Systems Development, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS), Orlando, USA, July 23-26, 2000, 2000, B. Sanchez, N. Nada, A. Rashid, T. Arndt, M. Sanchez (eds), 11 - 16pp Invited Talk, 2000

Jung, B., Andersen, EP, Grimson, J., Using XML for seamless integration of distributed electronic patient records, Proc. XML Scandinavia 2000, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2000, 2000 Conference Paper, 2000

Grimson, J., University of Limerick Women's Week, Limerick, 2000 Invited Talk, 2000


Bisbal, J. and Grimson, J., Generalising the consistent database sampling process, Dublin, Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, 2000 Report, 2000

Grimson,J., Kugler, H-J, Software needs engineering - a position paper, International Conference on Software Engineering: 22nd: 2000, IEEE, 2000, pp541 - 544 Conference Paper, 2000 DOI

Grimson, J., Curam le Eolas, Letterkenny and Sligo, 2000 Invited Talk, 2000

Grimson, J., 21st Annual EAP Conference, Dublin, 2000 Invited Talk, 2000

Jung, B., Andersen, E.P., Grimson, J., XML as a vehicle for the exchange of Electronic Patient records - a status report from the SynEx project, Proc. XML Europe 2000, Paris, France, June 2000, Graphic Communications Association (GCA), 2000, pp339 - 346 Conference Paper, 2000

Jung, Benjamin; Berry, Damon; and Grimson, Jane, Using XML to network distributed analytical instruments: back to the future?, 4th Annual Conference and Scientific Symposium, Dublin, 11 Nov. 1999, Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland - Cumann Ríomheolais Sláinte, 1999 Conference Paper, 1999 TARA - Full Text

Grimson, J., Flahive, M., Grimson, W., O'Moore, R., Nolan, J., Chadwick, G., An IT awareness programme for the health sector in Ireland, Proc. Medical Informatics Europe 99, IOS Press, 1999, pp600 - 605 Conference Paper, 1999

Grimson, J., Current Perspective in Healthcare Computing, HC99, Harrogate, UK, 1999 Invited Talk, 1999

Grimson, J., 2nd International Workshop on Engineering Federated Information Systems, EFIS 99, Kuhlungsborn, Germany, 1999 Invited Talk, 1999

Jung, B., Grimson, J., Extended structured query language (xSQL), Proceedings XML Europe '99, Graphic Communications Association (GCA), 1999, pp315 - 324 Conference Paper, 1999

Bisbal, J., Wu, D., Lawless, D. and Grimson, J., Building consistent sample databases to support information system evolution and migration, Dublin, Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, 1999 Report, 1999

Bisbal, J., Lawless, D., Wu, B. and Grimson, J., Legacy information system migration: a brief review of problems, solutions and research issues, Dublin, Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, 1999 Report, 1999

Wu, B., Lawless, D., Bisbal, J., Grimson, J., Wade, V., O'Sullivan, D. and Richardson, R., The butterfly methodology: a gateway-free approach for migrating legacy information systems., Dublin, Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, 1999 Report, 1999

Grimson, J., From stone to silicon: engineering innovation through the ages, Thomas Davis Lecture, March 1999, 1999, RTE Radio Invited Talk, 1999

Jung, B., Grimson, J., Synapses/SynEx goes XML, Proc. Medical Informatics Europe 99, IOS Press, 1999, pp906 - 911 Conference Paper, 1999

Information technology and health in, Local Ireland almanac and yearbook of facts, Dublin, Local Ireland, 1999, pp256 - 257, [Grimson, J.] Book Chapter, 1999

Wu, B., Lawless, D., Bisbal, J., Grimson, J., Wade, V., O'Sullivan, D. and Richardson, R., Legacy systems migration - a method and its tool-kit framework, Dublin, Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin., 1999 Report, 1999

Wu, B., Lawless, D., Bisbal, J., Grimson, J., Wade, V., O'Sullivan, D. and Richardson, R., Legacy system migration: a legacy data migration engine, Dublin, Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, 1999 Report, 1999

Jung, B., Grimson, W., Grimson, J., The EHCR - if not now, when?, Proceedings of Towards An Electronic Health Record Europe '99 , IOS Press, 1999, pp51 - 55 Conference Paper, 1999

Grimson, J., Engineering software, The Engineers Journal, January, 1999, p32 - 37 Journal Article, 1999

Wade, V.P., Grimson, J. and Power, C., WWW-based educational environments for software engineers, International Journal of Engineering Education, 15, (2), 1999, p130 - 136 Journal Article, 1999

Stephens, G., Gaffney, P., Grimson, J., Healthcare users and computerised resources, Proc. Medical Informatics Europe 99, IOS Press, 1999, pp600 - 605 Conference Paper, 1999

Bisbal, J., Lawless, D., Wu, B. and Grimson, J., Legacy information system migration: a brief review of problems, solutions and research issues, IEEE Software, September/October, 1999, p103 - 111 Journal Article, 1999

McGuigan, R., Delorme, P., Grimson, J., Cherlton, P., Arapha, Y., and Mamadani, E., The reuse of multimedia objects by software agents in the KIMSAC system., Proc. OOIS 98, edited by Collette Rolland and Georges Grosz (eds) , Springer, 1998, pp113 - 128 Conference Paper, 1998

Grimson, J., A knowledge-based approach to Hospital Information Systems, Proc. IMIA Working Conference Towards New Hospital Information Systems, Nijmegen, Holland, May 1998, North Holland, 1998, pp265 - 272 Conference Paper, 1998

Wade, V.P., Grimson, JB., Power, C., Learning database software engineering from within virtual environments, Proc. Global Congress on Engineering Education, Cracow, Poland, 6-11 September 1998, UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education (Melbourne, Australia), 1998, pp287 - 291 Conference Paper, 1998

Bisbal, J., Wu, B., Lawless, D. and Grimson, J., Building consistent sample databases to support information system evolution and migration, Proc. 9th International Conference on Database and Expert System Applications (DEXA98), Vienna, August 1998, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1460) Springer Verlag, 1998, pp196 - 205 Conference Paper, 1998

Grimson, J, Grimson, W. Berry, D., Stephens, G., Felton, E., Kalra, D., Toussaint, P. and Weier, O.W., A COBRA-based integration of distributed electronic healthcare records using the Synapses approach, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2, (3), 1998, p124 - 138 Journal Article, 1998

Murphy, J. and Grimson, J., Interoperability in health care legacy applications, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 7, (1), 1998, p1 - 17 Journal Article, 1998

Grimson, J., British National Conference on Databases Postgraduate Summer School, BNCOD 1998, Birmingham, UK, 1998 Invited Talk, 1998


Bisbal, J., Lawless, D., Richardson, R., Wu, B., Grimson, J., and Wade, V., An overview on legacy system migration, Proceedings of the Joint 1997 IEEE Asian-Pacific Software Engineering conference and International Computer Science Conference (APSEC'97/ICSE'97), Hong Kong, December 1997, edited by Bob Warner , IEEE inc, 1997, pp529 - 30 Conference Paper, 1997

Wu, B., Lawless, D., Bisbal, J., Grimson, J., Wade ,V., and Richardson, R., Legacy system migration: a method and its tool-kit framework, Proceedings of the Joint 1997 IEEE Asian-Pacific Software Engineering conference and International Computer Science Conference (APSEC'97/ICSE'97), Hong Kong, December 1997, edited by Bob Warner , IEEE Inc, 1997, pp312 - 20 Conference Paper, 1997

Grimson, J., Felton, E., Stephens, G., Grimson, W., Berry, D., Interoperability issues in sharing healthcare records, Proc. of Third IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, IEEE, 1997, pp180 - 185 Conference Paper, 1997

Wu, B., Lawless, D., Bisbal, J., Grimson, J., Wade, V., O'Sullivan, D., Richardson, R., Legacy system migration: a legacy data migration engine, Proc. DATASEM'97, Brno, Czech Republic, CS-Compex, 1997, pp129 - 138 Conference Paper, 1997

Wu, B., Lawless, D., Bisbal, J., Grimson, J., Wade, V., and Richardson, R., The Butterfly methodology: a Gateway-free approach for migrating legacy information systems, Proc. of the 3rd IEEE Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS'97), Villa Olma, Como, Italy, September 1997, edited by Bob Warner , IEEE Inc, 1997, pp200 - 205 Conference Paper, 1997 TARA - Full Text

Richardson, R., Lawless, D., Bisbal, Wu, B., Grimson, J. and Wade, V., A survey of research into legacy system migration, Dublin, Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, 1997 Report, 1997

Wu, B., Lawless, D., Bisbal, J., Grimson, J., Wade, V., and Richardson, R., Legacy system migration: a legacy system migration engine, Proceedings of the 17th International Database Conference (DATASEM '97), Brno, Czech Republic, October 1997, edited by Petr Cervinka , CS-COMLEX, 1997, pp129 - 38 Conference Paper, 1997

Bisbal, J., Lawless, D., Richardson, R. Wu, B., Grimson, J., and Wade, V., An overview on legacy system migration, Proceedings of the Joint 1997 IEEE Asian-Pacific Software Engineering conference and International Computer Science Conference (APSEC'97/ICSE'97), Hong Kong, December 1997, edited by Bob Warner , IEEE inc, 1997, pp529 - 30 Conference Paper, 1997 TARA - Full Text

Grimson, J., Grimson, W., Hurlen, P., Ingram, D., Milan, J., Osseyran, A., Wilson, M. , Synapses Federated Healthcare Record Server, Proc. MIE 96, edited by J. Brender et al. , IOS Press, 1996, pp695 - 699 Conference Paper, 1996

Grimson, W., Brender, J., Grimson, J., Groth, T., Yearworth, M. and Wade, V., Specifying an open clinical laboratory information system, Computer methods and programs in biomedicine journal : special issue on advanced information and telematics for optimization of clinical laboratory services, 50, (2), 1996, p95 - 109 Journal Article, 1996


Lambe, C., McGuigan, R and Grimson, J., HyperMART : hypermedia and multimedia authoring and rendering tool, Dublin, Trinity College, Department of Computer Science, 1995 Report, 1995

Grimson, W., Grimson, J., Groth, T., Moore, R.O., Wade, V., The Open Labs approach to clinical laboratory computing, Proc. 9th World Congress on Medical Informatics, edited by R.A. Greenes, H.E. Petersen, D.J. Protti , North Holland, 1995, pp372 - 376 Conference Paper, 1995

Grimson, J, and Murphy, J., The Jupiter approach to interoperability with healthcare legacy systems, Proc. of the Eighth World Congress on Medical Informatics, edited by RA Greenes, HE Petersen, and DJ Protti , North Holland, 1995, pp367 - 371 Conference Paper, 1995

Grimson, J., Distributed information systems, Proc. SOFSEM'95: Theory and Practice of Informatics, edited by M. Bartosek, J. Stauddek, and J. Wiedermann , (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1012) Springer Verlag, 1995, pp372 - 376 Conference Paper, 1995

Grimson, J., 22nd Seminar on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, SOFSEM 95, Milovny, Czech Republic, 1995 Invited Talk, 1995

Murphy, J., and Grimson, J., A CORBA based architecture for multidatabase interoperability, Proc. International Conference on Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering, IEEE HKCS, Shatin, Hong Kong, May 1994, 1994, pp630 - 35 Conference Paper, 1994

Lambe, C., McGuigan, R., and Grimson, J., HyperMART: hypermedia and multimedia authoring and rendering tool, Proceedings of OOIS 94, The 1994 International Conference on Object Oriented Information Systems, Springer Verlag, 1994, pp393 - 405 Conference Paper, 1994

Murphy, J. and Grimson, J., Multidatabase interoperability in healthcare legacy applications: research and experience, Proc. Second International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (COOPIS-94), Toronto, Canada, 1994, pp166 - 76 Conference Paper, 1994

Murphy, J. and Grimson, J., The Jupiter Systems: an environment for multidatabase interoperability, Journal of Information Science, 20, (2), 1994, p120 - 136 Journal Article, 1994

Murphy, J. and Grimson, J., Jupiter/MDD: the Jupiter interoperator multidatabase dictionary, Proceedings of OOIS 94, The 1994 International Conference on Object Oriented Information Systems, Springer Verlag, 1994, pp321 - 35 Conference Paper, 1994

Wade, V., Grimson, J., Grimson, W., Moore, R,O,, The OpenLabs architecture for advanced laboratory information systems, Proc. Medical Informatics in Europe '94, Twelfth International Congress of European Federation for Medical Informatics, Lisbon, 1994, pp429 - 434 Conference Paper, 1994

Boran, G., Given, P., Grimson, J. and O'Moore, R., Supporting integration between medical knowledge-based systems: experience from pilot implementations, Clinica Chimica Acta, 222, (1 and 2), 1993, p23 - 36 Journal Article, 1993

Clarke, K., Sinnott, M., Griffin, D., O'Moore, R., Carey, M., Kirkham, R., and Grimson, J., Alarms and alerts for intensive care, Proc. Medical Informatics Europe MIE 93, 1993, pp178 - 182 Conference Paper, 1993

Sinnott, M., Given, P., Brosnan, P., Boran, G., Carr, B., Feely, J., Grimson, J., and O'Moore, R., Computerised management system for general practitioners: a comparison of two methodologies, Proc. Medical Informatics Europe MIE 93, 1993, pp79 - 83 Conference Paper, 1993

Grimson, J., Integrating knowledge-based systems and databases, Clinica Chimica Acta, 222, (1 and 2), 1993, p101 - 116 Journal Article, 1993

Sinnott, M., Carr, B., Markey, J., Brosnan, P., Boran, G., Grimson, J., McGill, T., Felly, J. and O'Moore, R., Knowledge based lipid management for general practitioners, Clinica Chimica Acta, 222, (1 and 2), 1993, p71 - 78 Journal Article, 1993

Murphy, J. and Grimson, J., Formal specification of a persistent object manager, Information and Software Technology, 35, (7), 1993, p277 - 286 Journal Article, 1993

Nykänen, P., O'Moore, R., Willems, J., Line, H., Hasman, A., Poncet, P., Groth, T., Yearworth, M., Grimson, J., Peters, M., Inganas, M., Halme, H. and Tuohi, I., Post-analytical functionalities in the OpenLabs (A2028), Proc. CCL 92, Dublin, October 1992, 1992, pp29 - 30 Conference Paper, 1992

Grimson, J., Database management module. Distance learning text., Dublin, National Distance Education Centre, Dublin City University, 1992 Book, 1992

Bell, D.A. and Grimson, J.B., Distributed database systems, Wokingham, Addison-Wesley, 1992, 410pp.pp Book, 1992

Finn, D.P., Grimson, J.B., and Harty, N.M., An intelligent mathematical modelling assistant for analysis of physical systems, Proc. Computers in Engineering Conference, San Francisco, 1992, pp69 - 74 Conference Paper, 1992

Wade, V., Fitzgerald, A., Grimson, J. and Cooper, T., Evaluating the combination of logic and object oriented techniques in support of telecommunications management systems, Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin, 1992 Report, 1992

Finn, D.P., Grimson, J.B. and Harty, N.M., An intelligent modelling system for preliminary analysis in design, Proc. 2nd Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Design, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, 1992, pp579 - 596 Conference Paper, 1992

Grimson, J. and McGann, C., Automated Physical Modelling, Dublin, Trinity College, Department of Computer Science, 1992 Report, 1992

McGann, C.P., Grimson, J. and Finn, D.P., Towards generality in modelling complex physical systems, Dublin, Trinity College, Department of Computer Science, 1992 Report, 1992

Lambe, C., McGann, C.P., Grimson, J., and Cooper, T.P., Modelling stone decay, Proc. AACT 93 Workshop on Approximation and Abstraction of Computational Theories, San Jose, California, July 1992, 1992, pp132 - 137 Conference Paper, 1992

Nykänen, P., O'Moore, R., Willems, J., Line, H., Hasman, A., Poncet, P., Groth, T., Yearworth, M., Grimson, J., Peters, M., Inganas, M., Halme, H. and Tuohi, I., Post-analytical functionalities in the OpenLabs (A2028) project, Proc. CCL 92, Dublin, October 1992, 1992, pp29 - 30 Conference Paper, 1992

Li Ying, A.M., Grimson, J. and Cardiff, J., Metadata management in a multidatabase environment, Database Technology, 4, (4), 1991, p287 - 296 Journal Article, 1991

Murphy, J. and Grimson, J., An object model specification in Z, Database Technology, 4, (4), 1991, p287 - 296 Journal Article, 1991

O'Donovan, B. and Grimson, J., and Haslett, J., A study of version control systems, Proc. UNIFORUM 91 Conference, Dallas, Texas, January 1991, 1991, pp165 - 180 Conference Paper, 1991

McGann, C., Grimson, J., and Finn, D., Modelling physical systems, Proc. Computer Graphics 91, Alexandra Palace, London, November 1991, 1991, pp233 - 244 Conference Paper, 1991

O'Donovan, B. and Grimson, J.B., and Haslett, J., A study of version control systems, Proc. UNIFORUM 91 Conference, Dallas, Texas, January 1991, 1991, pp165 - 180 Conference Paper, 1991

Grimson, J. and McGann, C., Second annual report on AI-DEQSQL Project, HDL-TCD Collaborative Project, 1991 Report, 1991

McGann, C., Grimson, J., and Finn, D., A conceptual architecture for modelling physical systems, Proc. IMACS 91 World Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics, 3, 1991, pp929 - 934 Conference Paper, 1991

Clarke, K., O'Moore, R., Smeets, R., Talmon, J., Brender, J., McNair, P., Nykänen, P., Grimson, J. and Barber, B., A methodology for the evaluation of knowledge-based systems, Proceedings of Medical Informatics Europe MIE 91, Vienna, Austria, (Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics 45) Springer Verlag, 1991, pp361 - 365 Conference Paper, 1991

Boran, G., Alexander, D., Grimson, J. and O'Moore, R., Interpretation of clinical biochemistry test profiles by a method allowing communication between linked organ-related knowledge bases, Proc. of Medical Informatics Europe MIE 91, Vienna, Austria, (Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics, 45) Springer Verlag, 1991, pp294 - 298 Conference Paper, 1991

O'Moore, R., Clarke, K., Grimson, J., Smeets, R., Brender, J., Nykanen, P., McNair, P, Barber, B. and Talmon, J., Methodology for the evaluation of knowledge based systems, Deliverable 32, KAVAS CEC AIM Project, 1990 Report, 1990

Grimson, J., Alexander, D., O'Moore, R., and Brosnan, P., Design of an architectural framewok for integration, Deliverables D4 Eolas Strategic Research Programme, 1990 Report, 1990

El Habbash, A., Grimson, J., and Horn, C., Towards an efficient management of objects in a distributed environment, Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Systems DPDS 90, IEEE, 1990, pp181 - 190 Conference Paper, 1990

Grimson, J., Alexander, D., O'Moore, R. and Brosnan, P., Analysis of decision support requirements for laboratory medicine, Deliverables D1, D2, and D3, Eolas Strategic Research Programme, 1990 Report, 1990

O'Donovan, B. and Grimson, J., Development of a distributed revision control system (DRCS), Proc. Unix Users Group Conference, UK, UUG, 1990, pp207 - 214 Conference Paper, 1990

Grimson, J., 16th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB 1990, Brisbane, Australia, 1990 Invited Talk, 1990


O'Moore, R., Clarke, K., Grimson, J., Brender, J., Nykanen, P., McNair, P., Motivation and themes for making evaluation and validation of medical KB/KBS, Deliverable 34, KAVAS CEC AIM Project, 1990 Report, 1990

O'Moore, R., Clarke, K., Grimson, J., Smeets, R., Brender, J., Nykanen, P., McNair, P. and Barber, B., Plan for experimentation and extension of the evaluation methodology, Deliverable 33, KAVAS CEC AIM Project, 1990 Report, 1990

Bell, D.A., Ling, D.H.O. and Grimson, J., Experience with an integrated Multidatabase-Prolog system, Information and Software Technology, January/February, 1989 Journal Article, 1989


Grimson, J., O'Sullivan, D., Chan-Cheung-Shing, A-M, Lawless, P., Bell, D.A., Ling, D.H.O. and Wong, T., Research issues in multidatabase systems, Deliverable D8, CEC Multiannual Programme Project 773B - MultiStar , 1988 Report, 1988

Al-Zobaidie, A. and Grimson, J., The use of metadata to drive the interaction between databases and expert systems, Information Software and Technology, September, 1988, p484 - 496 Journal Article, 1988

Bell, D.A., Grimson, J., Fernandez Perez de Talens, A., Gianotti, N., Hutt, A. and Mostardi, T., Multistar: a multidatabase management system for organisational information systems, Database Technology, 1988 Journal Article, 1988

Noaln, J., Brosnan, P., Murnane, L., Boran, G., Breslin, A., Grimson, J., Cullen, M. and O'Moore, R., A PC based decision support/patient management, edited by J. Hunter, J. Cookson, and J. Wyatt , (Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics, 38) Springer Verlag, 1988, pp189 - 198 Conference Paper, 1988

Grimson, J. and Young, I., Final report on the 'casually linked' systems case study: renal transplant system, Deliverable D16, CEC Multiannual Programme Project, 773B - MultiStar, 1988 Report, 1988

Grimson, J., O'Sullivan, D., Bell, D.A, and Ling, D.H.O., Convenient multi-database access from a personal computer, 8th International Congress of Data Processing in Europe, Vienna, March 1987, 1987, pp442 - 448 Conference Paper, 1987

Grimson, J., From database administration to information resource management, Database technology, 1, 1987, p32 - 37 Journal Article, 1987

Bell, D.A., De Talens, A. Fernandez Perez, Gianotti, N., Grimson, J., Hutt, A., O'Sullivan, D. and Turco, G. , Multi-Star: a multidatabase system for health information systems, Proc. MIE 87, Rome, September 1987, European Federation for Medical Informatics, 1987, pp564 - 569 Conference Paper, 1987


Bell, D.A., Grimson, J., De Talens, A. Fernandez Perez, Gianotti, N., Hutt, A. and Mostardi, T., Application of distributed database techniques to transnational health information systems, Procs. Conference on Distributed Database Systems, Brussels, CEC, October 1987, 1987, pp51 - 56 Conference Paper, 1987

Information resource management for open learning systems in, Tutoring and monitoring facilities for European open learning, North Holland, 1987, pp277 - 294, [Bell, D. and Grimson, J.] Book Chapter, 1987

Brosnan, P., Boran, G., Grimson, J.B. and O'Moore, R.R., A decision support system for the assessment of thyroid function, Automedica, 8, 1987, p169 - 178 Journal Article, 1987

Knowledge base and database integration to support open learning in, Tutoring and monitoring facilities for European open learning, North Holland, 1987, pp265 - 275, [Grimson, J. and Bell, D.] Book Chapter, 1987

Brosnan, P., Boran, G., Grimson, J.B., and O'Moore, R.R., Decision support for thyroid function linked to a thyroid clinical database, Proc. Medical Informatics Europe MIE 87, Rome, Italy, Medical Informatics Europe, 1987, pp1062 - 1068 Conference Paper, 1987

Ní Fhaircheallaigh, D., Sinnott, M., Grimson, J., McGill, T. and O'Moore, R., Micro computer based decision support system for the assessment of thyroid function, Proc. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 87, Marseilles, France, (Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics, 33), Springer Verlag, 1987, pp251 - 255 Conference Paper, 1987

Al-Zobaidie, A. and Grimson, J., Expert systems and database systems: how can they serve each other?, Expert Systems, 4, (1), 1987, p30 - 37 Journal Article, 1987

Grimson, J. and O'Sullivan, D., The technology for and construction of the MultiStar/EDDS Gateway, Deliverable D&.1, CEC Multiannual Programme Project 773B, 1987 Report, 1987

Grimson, J.B. and Al-Zobaidie, A., Coupling expert systems and databases, Proc. of Current Perspectives in Health Computing, CP86, Manchester, 9-11 April 1986, BCS Health Informatics Specialist Groups and British Journal of Healthcare Computing, 1986, pp7 - 14 Conference Paper, 1986

Al-Zobaidie, A. and Grimson, J., An expert clinical database, Proc. 5th World Congress on Medical Informatics, MEDINFO 86, Washington, September 1986, North Holland, 1986, pp822 - 827 Conference Paper, 1986

Grinson, J., Guidelines for data administration, Proc. IFIP 86, North Holland, 1986, pp15 - 21 Conference Paper, 1986

Distributed relational database systems in, Relational databases state of the art report 14:5, Pergamon Infotech, 1986, pp85 - 94, [Grimson, J.] Book Chapter, 1986

Brosnan, P.P., Boran, G., Grimson, J., Cranny, A., McSweeney, J. and O'Moore, R.R., A flexible rule-based system for the interpretation of thyroid function tests, Proc. MIE 85, Helsinki, Finland, edited by P. Gronross, R. Tervo-Pellika and R.R. O'Moore , (Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics, 25) Springer Verlag, 1985, pp123 - 126 Conference Paper, 1985

Grimson, J., Irish Computer Society/British Computer Society Joint Conference, Northern Ireland, 1985 Invited Talk, 1985

Grimson, J. and Kugler, H-J (eds.), Computer security: practical issues in a troubled world. Proc.3rd IFIP conference on computer security, IFIP/Sec, North Holland, 1985, 439pp Book, 1985

Performance issues in concurrency control in, Database performance, Pergamon Infotech state of the art report, Pergamon Infotech, 1984, pp55 - 64, [Grimson, J.] Book Chapter, 1984

Deen, S.M., Amin, R.R., Ofori-Dwumfo, G.O., Grimson, J., O'Brien, G., Bell, D.A., PRECI* project and its data communication links, Proc. European Teleinformatics Conference, North Holland, 1983, pp359 - 368 Conference Paper, 1983

Grimson, J., Design implications for database management systems supporting hospital information systems, Proc. Medical Informatics Europe, MIE 82, edited by D.A.B. Lindberg and P.L. Reichertz , (Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics, 16) Springer Verlag, 1982, pp1 - 6 Conference Paper, 1982

Grimson, J., An efficient deadlock-free algorithm for handling concurrent update in databases, Proc. 2nd British National Conference on Databases, Middlesex Polytechnic, edited by S.M. Deen and P. Hammersley , 1982, pp109 - 121 Conference Paper, 1982

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Jane Grimson (Chair), Bertil Andersson, Catherine Cesarsky, Ulrike Felt, Norbert Kroó, Zita Kučinskienė, Gretty Mirdal, Niamh Brennan (Rapporteur), Scientific publication: policy on open access (European Research Advisory Board Final Report), EURAB 06.049, Brussels, EURAB, December, 2006, p1 - 14 Report, 2006 TARA - Full Text

Grimson, J., The internet is good for your health, Proc. 21st Annual EAP Conference, September 2000, EAP Institute, 2000 Conference Paper, 2000

Grimson, J., Medical Informatics Europe, Medical Informatics Europe, MIE2000, Hanover, Germany, 2000 Invited Talk, 2000

Grimson, J., Wilson, M., Kalra, D., Grimson, W., O'Moore, R., Hurlen, P., Sottile, P-A. and Weier, O., Final report of the synapses project, EU Telematics for Health programme, HC1046, 1999 Report, 1999

Grimson, W., Toussaint, P., Kalra, D., Hurlen, P., Andersen, E., Spahni, S., O'Moore, R. and Grimson, J., ODP specification of synapses, EU Telematics for Health programme, HC1046, 1999 Report, 1999

Wilson, M. and Grimson, J., Proceedings of the final workshop, EU Telematics for Health programme, HC1046, 1998 Report, 1998

Austin, T., Given, P., Brennan, B., Felton, E., Given, P., Grimson, W., Grimson, J., Integration and test report, EU Telematics for Health programme, HC1046, 1997 Report, 1997

Austin, T., Given, P., Grimson, W., Grimson, J. et al., Programmers guide, EU Telematics for Health programme, HC1046, 1997 Report, 1997

O'Moore, R., Kirkham, C., Grimson, J. and Grimson, W., Role of validation centers and user groups, EU Telematics for Health programme, HC1046, 1997 Report, 1997

Grimson, J. et al., Quality manual, EU Telematics Applications for Health programme, HC1046, 1996 Report, 1996

Barber, B., Enning, J., Groth, T., Grimson, W., Grimson, J., et al., Impulses to synapses, EU Telematics Applications to Health programme, HC1046, 1996 Report, 1996

Grimson, J., Action plan for implementation of the OpenLabs architecture framework, OpenLabs (A2028) Deliverable, 1995 Report, 1995

Brender, J., Grimson, W., Yearworth, M., Grimson, J., McNair, P. (eds.), ARCH-3 specification of the architecture for an open clinical laboratory information system environment, OpenLabs (A2028) Deliverable, 1994 Report, 1994

Grimson, J. and Grimson, W., OpenLabs Demonstrator, OpenLabs (A2028) Deliverable, 1993 Report, 1993

Wade, V., Alexander, D., McNamara, S., Grimson, J., A proposed architecture for OpenLabs, OpenLabs (A2028) Deliverable, 1993 Report, 1993

Grimson, J. and McGann, C., Final report on AI-DEQSQL Project, HDL-TCD Collaborative Project, 1993 Report, 1993

Wade, V., Alexander, D., Grimson, J., Recommendation of the OpenLabs Architecture Technical Group, OpenLabs (A2028) Deliverable, 1993 Report, 1993

Lambe, C., McGann, C., Grimson, J. and Cooper, T., Modeling stone decay, Dublin, TCD-CS-92-29, Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, 1992 Report, 1992

Grimson, J., and McGann, C., Automated physical modelling, Dublin, TCD-CS-92-41, Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, 1992 Report, 1992

O'Moore, R., Clarke, K., Grimson, J., Smeets, R., Brender, J., Nykanen, P., McNair, P. and Barber, B., Items of relevance for evaluation of knowledge based/expert systems and influence from domain characteristics, Deliverable 31, KAVAS CEC AIM Project, 1990 Report, 1990

Grimson, J., Alexander, D., O'Moore, R., and Brosnan, P., The design of the prototype, Deliverables D5, Eolas Strategic Research Programme, 1990 Report, 1990

Wade, V. and Grimson, J., Motivation of RDB Extraction Module, Deliverable 1.1, CEC SPRITE Esprit Project, 1990 Report, 1990

Grimson, J. and McMahon, P., First annual report on AI-DEQSQL Project, HDL-TCD Collaborative Project, 1990 Report, 1990

Bell, D.A., Grimson, J. and Ling, L., Preliminary results of the optimization sub-project, CEC Multiannual Programme Project 773B - MultiStar, 1986 Report, 1986

Bell, D.A., Deen, S.M. and Grimson, J., Final report on a joint research project on distributed databases, CEC COST-11 bis Programme, 1985 Report, 1985

Grimson, J. and Harris, N., Report on the computerizarion of the Central Pathology Service at St. James's Hospital, 1983 Report, 1983

Grimson, J, A user's manual for CATALIST, CACI, 1981 Report, 1981

Grimson, J., Grace Hopper Summit on Women in Information Technology, Cape Cod, U.S., 2000 Invited Talk,

Grimson, J., Two themes for the 21st century, Pathfinder Seminar, Dublin, 1999 Invited Talk,

Research Expertise


As will be evident from Jane Grimson's publications list, her research has covered a broad and diverse range of topics. However there has been a strong underlying focus on Knowledge and Data Engineering in general, and in particular, on supporting the development of advanced, distributed information systems. Much of the research has been applied in a novel and innovative fashion to the health domain with the result that the main emphasis of her work in recent years falls under the broad heading of Health Informatics. Health Informatics is a strongly inter-disciplinary subject and much of the research has involved working directly with clinicians and healthcare professionals. A guiding principle of much of the work has been on protecting investment in existing legacy systems while at the same time incorporating novel solutions and approaches. System integration issues in health therefore form a central theme as does the closely associated work in Electronic Healthcare Records, both of which leverage earlier research in distributed and federated databases. The core of her research philosophy can be summed up as seeking to develop ways to effectively manage data, information and knowledge in complex, heterogeneous and distributed environments.





CEC ad-hoc committee on Distributed Databases 1984-1985

Proceedings Co-Editor and Member of the Local Organising Committee, 3rd IFIP International Conference on Computer Security, Dublin, August 1985 1985

Conference Chair, 2nd International Conference on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, Dublin, July 1990 1990

General Chair, 19th International conference on Very Large Data Bases, Dublin, August 1993 1993

Member, Irish Council for Science, Technology and Innovation 1997-2001

Member of Visiting Panel, EU JRC, Ispra, Italy 1997

Chair, Technology Foresight Panel on Materials and Manufacturing Processes 1998-1999

President, Institution of Engineers of Ireland 1999-2000

President, Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland 1999-2002

President, Irish Computer Society 2001-2004

Director, ERCIM Ireland 2000-2002

Member of the Executive Board of the European Science Foundation 2000 - present

President, Irish Academy of Engineering 2002

Member of the European Research Advisory Board 2001- 2004

Member of Science Foundation Ireland Board 2003 - 2005

Awards and Honours

Elected Fellow of the Irish Academy of Engineering 1998

Elected Fellow of the Royal Academy of Medicine, Ireland 1996

Elected Fellow of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland 1991

Elected Fellow of the Irish Computer Society 1991

Elected Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 1991

Elected Fellow of the British Computer Society 1989

University of Edinburgh postgraduate fellowship 1972-1975

Trinity College Postgraduate Fellowship, University of Toronto 1970-1971

Research Assistantship in Computer Science, University of Toronto 1970-1971

University of Dublin Gold Medal 1970

Alexander and Fitzgerald Prizes (first place in first year) 1970

Collen Prize in Computer Science 1970

Marmaduke Backhouse Prize (joint first place in first year) 1967

Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering 2005

O'Moore Medal 2007


Fellow, Irish Academy of Engineering

Member, Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland

Fellow, Irish Computer Society

Fellow, Institution of Engineers of Ireland

Fellow, Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland

Member, Institution of Electronic and Electrical Engineers

Member, Association for Computing machinery

Chair, Irish Council for Science, Technology and Innovation 2005 – present