Venue |
Location |
1A | Goldsmith Hall, Room 1A |
2A | Goldsmith Hall, Room 2A |
AB, various rooms | Arts Building |
CHARTERED ACC | Chartered Accountants |
Dargan Theatre | Dargan Theatre, Trinity Business School |
DO (DRAWING OFFICE); M17; M4 | Museum Building |
EE.PC LAB 1/2/3 | Panoz Institute |
EXAM HALL | Examination Hall |
GOLDHALL | Goldsmith Hall |
RH/REGENT HOUSE | Regent House |
SC | Sports Centre |
L1.42, L1.43 | TRINITY CENTRAL |
NORTH TRAINING | North Training Room, BLU Library |
SBT 0.5 | Samuel Beckett Theatre |
SQUASH | Printing House Square |
TANGENT, various rooms | Tangent, Trinity Business School |
- Goldsmith Hall Venues: Goldsmith Hall, 1A and 2A
- Arts Block Venues: Various Rooms
- Chartered Accountants Venue: First Floor
- Dargan Theatre Venue: Trinity Business School - Dargan Theatre
- Museum Building Venues: M4, M17 and Drawing Office
- Panoz Institute Venues: East End PC Labs 1,2 and 3
- Exam Hall
- Regent House
- Sports Centre Venue: Main Hall
- Trinity Central Venues: L1.42 and L1.43
- Library (formeley Berkeley) Venue: North Training Room
- Samuel Beckett Theatre
- Printing House Square Venues: Squash Court
- SNIAM Venues: Lecture Room and Physics Lab
- Tangent Venues: 115, 119 and Seminar Room