Fully funded PhD available to seek improved outcomes for children with cerebral palsy

This interdisciplinary project has the goal of achieving improved outcomes for children with cerebral palsy (AIM CP). The projects will commence in September 2024. PhD candidates have been recruited to PhD1 (Movement patterns, Engineering), PhD3 (Sleep, Occupational Therapy) and PhD 4. Applicants (Modelling health and wellbeing indicators, Computer Science and Statistics).

Applicants now sought for PhD 2. This is a clinical PhD and a medical degree is required. Students will work across disciplines in Trinity, including engineering, occupational therapy, medicine, and computer science and statistics, and with external collaborators.

The funding includes a stipend of 25,000 euro per year for four years, and student fees.

PhD 2 will have primary supervision in Paediatrics in Trinity’s School of Medicine (Prof. Eleanor Molloy and Prof. Denise McDonald) and will examine function and participation, life experience and priorities for children with cerebral palsy, and the correlation with health, multiorgan function and inflammatory processes.

PhD2 will recruit children with CP across all GMFCS levels, in middle childhood, and perform a detailed clinical examination of multiorgan function as well as documenting the underlying aetiology of CP in each case. Measures of weight, function, pain and quality of life as well as friendship and participation in social activities will also be collected.

Interested candidates should send a CV and cover letter to Eleanor.Molloy@tcd.ie or  mcdonadg@tcd.ie


Closing date for applications May 30th 2024