Population Health Management

Module Title: Population Health Management 
ECTS: 10

Module Coordinator:
Dr Olga Cleary, Adjunct Assistant Professor 

Module Description:
This module examines how healthcare systems can organise to address some of the key challenges faced by healthcare management today by applying a population health management approach. Key perspectives in healthcare are considered along with the fundamental concepts of population health management. This approach organises healthcare according to the needs of the population. In this module, we will also consider how research methods and analysis, such as secondary data analysis and epidemiological studies, can be applied to examine relevant population health management queries in healthcare settings. Students will be equipped with the skills to analyse current healthcare challenges and use evidence-based frameworks to design effective solutions to deliver on the goals of population health and address health disparities.    

Module Objectives:

  • To equip students with the ability to apply population health principles to understand major healthcare challenges   
  • To demonstrate how determinants of health impact on health status.   
  • To demonstrate how analysis of secondary data or epidemiological studies, and related analytic approaches, can be applied to examine key population health challenges.   

Module learning outcomes:
On successful completion of the module students should be able to:  

  • Identify the key challenges currently facing healthcare systems;   
  • Explain the fundamental concepts in population health management and distinguish between a population health approach and other approaches in healthcare management;  
  • Explain how secondary data analysis, epidemiological studies and related approaches apply to population health management and interpret the main indicators of health status; 
  • Summarise how determinants of health influence health status and how research methods can be applied to investigate population health; 
  • Assess how syndemic theory and apply research methods to investigate scenarios where syndemic theory can be applied.