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7 publications from 2000

Grimes T, Murray M, Sabra K, Staunton M., A decade of changes: The Pharmacy Service to Haematology / Oncology at St James's Hospital, 1989-1999, American Society of Health System Pharmacists 35th Annual Midyear Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, December 2000, edited by ASHP , 2000
Poster; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: TAGRIMES

Mc Donald, N, Corrigan, S, Daly, C & Cromie, S., Safety Management Systems and Safety Culture in Aircraft Maintenance Organisations, Safety Science, 34, (1-3), 2000, p151 - 176
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SCORRIG; DOI

Corrigan, S., Ward, M. & McDonald, N. , AMPOS Human Factor Methodology for Case Processing., Deliverable to the European Commission of the AMPOS Project, Trinity College Dublin., 2000
Report; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: NMCDONLD

Ward, M., Corrigan, S., & McDonald, N. , AMPOS Pilot Evaluation Plan and Evaluation Plan Stage 1. , Deliverable to the European Commission of the AMPOS Project. Trinity College Dublin., 2000
Report; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: NMCDONLD

Ward, M., Corrigan, S., & McDonald, N. , AMPOS Implementation and Interim Evaluation Plan for Stage 2, Deliverable to the European Commission of the AMPOS Project. Trinity College Dublin., 2000
Report; Published; Non Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: NMCDONLD

McDonald, N, Corrigan, S, Daly, C, Cromie, S, Safety management systems and safety culture in aircraft maintenance organisations, SAFETY SCIENCE, 34, 2000
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: SDCROMIE

McDonald, N.,Corrigan, S., Daly, C. and Cromie, S. , Safety Management Systems and Safety Culture in Aircraft Maintenance Organisations, Safety Science, 34, 2000, p151 - 176
Journal Article; Published; Peer Reviewed; Author Profile: NMCDONLD