The Centre's members include staff and students from different departments in Trinity College Dublin with interests in normative issues and political and moral philosophers from the whole of Ireland.
Ex-officio: HoD of Philosophy
Director of Research, School of Social Sciences and Philosophy
Showkat Ali – REAL Project, Philosophy
Pietro Intropi - REAL Project, Philosophy
Jesse Spafford - REAL Project, Philosophy
Jan Liedtke – Political Science
Yekaterina Chzhen - Sociology
Roja Fazaeli - Centre for European Studies
Joel Hanisek – Near & Middle Eastern Studies
Linda Hogan – Religion
Aileen Kavanagh - Law
Lorraine Leeson - Centre for Deaf Studies
Susan Murphy - Geography
Maximilian Schormair - Business
Maria Baghramian - Philosophy, UCD
John Baker, Emeritus, UCD
Vittorio Bufacchi - Philosophy, UCC
Christopher Cowley - Philosophy, UCD
John Danaher - Law, NUI Galway
Graham Finlay - SPIRe, UCD
Allyn Fives - Political Science and Sociology, NUI Galway
Iseult Honohan - Emerita, UCD
Joseph Lacey - SPIRe, UCD
Keith Breen - Queen’s University, Belfast
Marie Moran - Director, UCD Equality Studies Centre
Cara Nine - Philosophy, UCC
Andrew Shorten - PPA, University of Limerick
Alexa Zellentin - SPIRe, UCD