I joined the Department of Philosophy at Trinity College Dublin as an Associate Professor in August 2019. Between January 2013 and August 2019, I was a lecturer in political theory in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Limerick. Prior to that, I held positions at the University of Montreal, at the Hoover Chair, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium and at University College Dublin. I obtained my PhD in political philosophy in 2006, at the University of Manchester, with a PhD thesis entitled 'A moral justification of humanitarian intervention'. In November 2018, I was awarded a 5-year ERC Consolidator grant for my project REAL-Rights and Egalitarianism, which started in September 2019
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Adina Preda, `Justice in Health or Justice (and Health)?""How (Not) to Apply a Theory of Justice to Health, Public Health Ethics, 2018Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Preda, A., Are There Any Conflicts of Rights?, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 18, (4), 2015, p677-690Journal Article, 2015, URL
- Preda, A., Voigt, K., Health and Social Justice: Which Inequalities Matter (Most)? Response to Open Peer Commentaries on "The Social Determinants of Health: Why Should We Care?", American Journal of Bioethics, 15, (8), 2015, pW1-W3Journal Article, 2015, URL
- Preda, A., Rights: Concept and Justification, Ratio Juris, 28, (3), 2015, p408-415Journal Article, 2015, URL
- Preda, A., Voigt, K., The Social Determinants of Health: Why Should We Care?, American Journal of Bioethics, 15, (3), 2015, p25-36Journal Article, 2015, URL
- Preda, A., Group rights and shared interests, Political Studies, 61, (2), 2013, p250-266Journal Article, 2013, URL
- Preda, A., Group rights and group agency, Journal of Moral Philosophy, 9, (2), 2012, p229-254Journal Article, 2012, URL
- Preda, A., Rights Enforcement, Trade-offs, and Pluralism, Res Publica, 17, (3), 2011, p227-243Journal Article, 2011, URL
- Human rights, climate change, and sustainability in, editor(s)Gerhard Bos & Marcus Düwell , Human rights and sustainability: moral responsibilities for the future, Routledge, 2016, [Adina Preda]Book Chapter, 2016, URL
- State rights as group rights: an analytical perspective in, editor(s)Calder, G., Bessone, M & Zuolo, F , How Groups Matter, Routledge, 2014, [Adina Preda]Book Chapter, 2014, URL , TARA - Full Text
- A human right to health? in, editor(s)Patti Tamara Lenard & Christine Straehle , Health Inequalities and Global Justice, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2012, [Adina Preda]Book Chapter, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Adina Preda, Review of Why inequality matters: luck egalitarianism, its meaning and value, by Shlomi Segall , Ethics, 128, (1), 2017, p276-281Review, 2017
- Adina Preda, Equality and Opportunity, Review of Equality and Opportunity, by Shlomi Segallomi Segall , Journal of Moral Philosophy, 15, (1), 2018, p241-244Review, 2018
- Preda, Adina & Kristin Voigt, Shameless luck egalitarians, Journal of Social Philosophy , 2022Journal Article, 2022, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Libertatea de exprimare si deplatformarea (Freedom of expression and de-platforming) in, editor(s)Alex Volacu, Daniela Cutas and Adrian Miroiu , Alegeri morale (Moral Choices), Iasi, Polirom, 2021, [Preda, Adina]Book Chapter, 2021, TARA - Full Text
- Conflicts of Rights in, editor(s)Margaret Gilbert, Jeffrey Helmreich & Gopal Sreenivasan , Palgrave Handbook of the Philosophy of Rights, Palgrave, 2024, [Adina Preda]Book Chapter, 2024
- Adina Preda, Interest-based rights, peremptoriness, and exclusionary reasons, Singapore Journal of Legal StudiesJournal Article
- Human rights and equality in, editor(s)Jesse Tomalty and Keri Woods , Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Human Rights, 2024, [Adina Preda]Book Chapter, 2024
- Group rights and group agency in, editor(s)Thom Brooks , Law and Legal Theory: Studies in Moral Philosophy, Brill Academic Publishers, 2014, [Adina Preda]Book Chapter
- Adina Preda, Review of Recourse to Force: State Action against Threats and Armed Attacks, by Thomas Frank , The Nordic Journal for Human Rights, 21, (4), 2003, p478-481Review
Research Expertise
I work mainly on rights and distributive justice. I am specifically interested in analytical theories of rights and the role that rights play in our moral theorising. In terms of distributive justice, I focus on egalitarian theories of justice and specifically luck egalitarianism. I am trying to bring these two areas closer together in my current project on 'Rights and Egalitarianism'. I have also done work on justice in health, with particular reference to (in)equality in health outcomes.
TitleRights and Egalitarianism -REALSummaryREAL opens up new perspectives in moral and political philosophy by closing the rift between analytical theories of rights and egalitarian theories of distributive justice. There is a perception in both the academic and public discourse that pursuing egalitarian economic policies is incompatible with a commitment to rights. Socialist thinkers have traditionally been sceptical of rights, and contemporary egalitarian theories are often silent about them. At the same time, theories that take rights seriously either neglect the distributive dimension or suggest that egalitarian redistribution may infringe on individual rights. Egalitarianism and rights thus appear to be inhospitable to each other. This project seeks first, to understand what explains this divide and second, to demonstrate that it can be bridged.Funding AgencyERCDate From2019Date To2024
Public health, Philosophy, Ethics and Religion, Law and legal studies, Other social sciences,
- ERC Consolidator Grant for REAL - Rights and Egalitarianism (2019-2024), 1,319,355 2019-2024
- International Activity Challenge Fund, University of Limerick, 3,625 2017
- OSI/Foreign and Commonwealth Office/University of Manchester Scholarship for MA degree at the University of Manchester 1998-1999
- Marie-Curie pre-doctoral fellowship, Ruhr University, Bochum, 2005
- Three-year Departmental Scholarship for PhD research at the University of Manchester, Department of Government 2000-2003
- H2020 proposal preparation grant, Enterprise Ireland, 6,959 2017
- Society for Applied Philosophy, UK
- British Society for Ethical Theory
- Political Science Association of Ireland 2020
- AHSS, UL Representative to the Irish Humanities Alliance board 2017
- HEA representative on the RIA Gold Medal in Social Sciences Awards Committee 2019
- HEA representative on the RIA Gold Medal in Social Sciences Awards Committee 2019
- AHSS, UL Representative to the Irish Humanities Alliance board 2017