A total of 10 prizes were awarded to students from the department, with an additional acknowledgment of three Gold Medal Winners.

Further details about the ceremony, additional photos, and insights into winners from other departments, are available on the School of Social Sciences & Philosophy website.

Philosophy Winners 2023

Claudia Friel: Madeleine Farrell Memorial Prize
Eleanor Maher: Wray Travelling Scholarship & Wray Prize
Ciaran Neau: Harry Hartford Capstone Prize
Shona Beims: Arthur Aston Luce Memorial Prize
Sadie Loughman: John Henry Bernard Prize
Ella McGill: Harry Hartford Capstone Prize
Matthew Price: William Lyons Prize
Darragh Senchya: Wray Travelling Scholarship & Wray Prize

test descrition

Pictured: Claudia Friel, Professor John Divers

Pictured: Eleanor Maher, Professor John Divers

Pictured: Ciaran Neau, Professor John Divers

Pictured: Professor John Divers, Ciaran Neau, Eleanor Maher, Claudia Friel, Professor Paul O'Grady, Professor Gail McElroy