Dr. James Levine
Associate Professor, Philosophy
Email jlevine@tcd.ie Phone3531896 1113http://people.tcd.ie/jlevinePublications and Further Research Outputs
- "The Place of Vagueness in Russell's Philosophical Development" in, editor(s)Sorin Costreie , Early Analytic Philosophy-New Perspectives on the Tradition, Cham, Switzerland, Springer, 2016, pp161 - 212, [James Levine]Book Chapter, 2016
- James Levine, "Analysis, Mathematics, and Logic in Russell's Early Philosophy", Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies, 36, (2), 2016, p163 - 190Journal Article, 2016, URL
- "Russell, Pragmatism, and the Priority of Use over Meaning" in, editor(s)Maria Baghramian and Sarin Marchetti , Pragmatism and the European Traditions, New York and London, Routledge, 2018, pp110 - 154, [James Levine]Book Chapter, 2018
- "Russell and Idealism" in, editor(s)Russell Wahl , The Bloomsbury Companion to Bertrand Russell, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019, pp17 - 58, [James Levine]Book Chapter, 2019
- "Russell and Wittgenstein on Occam's Razor" in, editor(s)Landon D. C. Elkind & Gregory Landini , The Philosophy of Logical Atomism-A Centenary Reappraisal, Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp305 - 334, [James Levine]Book Chapter, 2018
- James Levine, "Putnam, Davidson, and the Seventeenth-Century Picture of Mind and World", International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 1, (2), 1993, p193 - 230Journal Article, 1993
- James Levine, "Logic and Truth in Frege", Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume, 1996, p141 - 175Journal Article, 1996
- "The What and the That: Theories of Singular Thought in Bradley, Russell, and the early Wittgenstein" in, editor(s)Guy Stock , Appearance versus Reality, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1998, pp19-72 , [James Levine]Book Chapter, 1998
- James Levine, "From Absolute Idealism to The Prinicples of Mathematics", International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 6, (1), 1998, p87-127Journal Article, 1998
- James Levine, "Acquaintance, Denoting Concepts, and Sense", The Philosophical Review, 107, (3), 1998, p415-445Journal Article, 1998
- "Logical Form, General Sentences, and Russell's Path to 'On Denoting'" in, editor(s)Richard Gaskin , Grammar in Early Analytic Philosophy, London, Routledge, 2001, pp74-115 , [James Levine]Book Chapter, 2001
- James Levine, "Analysis and Decomposition in Frege and Russell", The Philosophical Quarterly, 52, (207), 2002, p195-216Journal Article, 2002
- James Levine, "On Russell's Vulnerability to Russell's Paradox", History and Philosophy of Logic, 22, (4), 2001, p207-231Journal Article, 2001
- James Levine, "On the 'Gray's Elegy' Argument and its Bearing on Frege's Theory of Sense", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 69, (2), 2004, p251-295Journal Article, 2004
- "Aboutness and the Argument of 'On Denoting'" in, editor(s)Guido Imaguire Bernard Linsky , On Denoting: 1905-2005, Munich, Philosophia Verlag, 2005, pp29-97 , [James Levine]Book Chapter, 2005
- James Levine, "Analysis, Abstraction Principles, and Slingshot Arguments", Ratio, XIX, (1), 2006, p43-63Journal Article, 2006
- "Logic and Truth in Frege" in, editor(s)Michael Beaney, Erich Reck , Gottlob Frege: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, Volume II: Frege's Philosophy of Logic, London and New York, Routledge, 2005, pp248 - 269, [James Levine]Book Chapter, 2005
- "Analysis and Decomposition in Frege and Russell" in, editor(s)Michael Beaney, Erich Reck , Gottlob Frege: Critical Assessments of Leadidng Philosophers, Volume IV: Frege's Philosophy of Thought and Language, London and New York, Routledge, 2005, pp392 - 413, [James Levine]Book Chapter, 2005
- "Analysis and Abstraction Principles in Russell and Frege" in, editor(s)Michael Beaney , The Analytic Turn, New York and London, Routledge, 2007, pp51 - 74, [James Levine]Book Chapter, 2007
- James Levine, "From Moore to Peano to Watson: The Mathematical Roots of Russell's Naturalism and Behaviorism", The Baltic International Yearbook of of Cognition, Logic and Communication", 4, 2009, p1 - 126Journal Article, 2009, URL
- James Levine, "Critical Notice of 'The Russell/Bradley Dispute and its Significance for Twentieth-Century Philosophy', by Stewart Candlish", Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2009Journal Article, 2009, URL
- "Logic and Solipsism" in, editor(s)Peter Sullivan Michael Potter , Wittgenstein's Tractatus: History & Interpretation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, pp170 - 238, [James Levine]Book Chapter, 2013
- "Principia Mathematica, the Multiple-Relation Theory of Judgment and Molecular Facts" in, editor(s)Nicholas Griffin and Bernard Linsky , The Palgrave Centenary Companion to Principia Mathematics, Basingstoke, England, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp247 - 304, [James Levine]Book Chapter, 2013
- James Levine, "Russell, Particularized Relations, and Bradley's Dilemma", dialectica, Vol. 68, (No. 2), 2014, p231 - 261Journal Article, 2014
- James Levine, "Prior, Berkeley, and the Barcan Formula", Synthese, 193, (11), 2016, p3551 - 3565Journal Article, 2016
- James Levine, "Prior, Berkeley, and the Barcan Formula", Arthur Prior Centenary Conference, Balliol College, Oxford, 20-22 August, 2014Conference Paper, 2014