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Dr. Matt Widdowson
Clinical Senior Lecturer, Clinical Medicine

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Prem Kumar A, Ali E, and Widdowson M, Frequency of opportunistic monitoring of diabetic control in patients with diabetes mellitus admitted acutely in a university teaching hospital, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Virtual, 27 November 2020, 190, Springer, 2021, ppS111 - S111 Poster, 2021 DOI

Dyer A, McKenna L, Gamage G, Bourke N, Killane I, Widdowson M, Woods C, Gibney J, Reilly R, O'Neill D, Kennelly S. , Cognitive performance in midlife type 2 diabetes: results from the ENBIND study, Diabetic Medicine, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 URL DOI

Dyer AH, McKenna L, Batten I, Jones K, Widdowson M, Dunne J, Conlon N, Reilly R, Woods CP, O'Neill D, Gibney J, Bourke NM, Kennelly SP., Peripheral Inflammation and Cognitive Performance in Middle-Aged Adults With and Without Type 2 Diabetes: Results From the ENBIND Study, Front. Aging Neurosci, 12, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI URL

Smeaton T., McElwaine P., C ullen J , Santos - Martinez M. J. ,D easy E., Widdowson M., Grimes T . C ., A prospective observational pilot study of adverse drug reactions contributing to hospitalisation in a cohort of middle-aged adults aged 45- 64 years., Drugs & Therapy Perspectives, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Murray S, Wadid M, and Widdowson M, Intravenous insulin therapy in the ICU at Tallaght University Hospital: an audit of current prctice and effectiveness, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Galway, Ireland, 11-12 October 2019, 188, (S9), Springer, 2019, pp250 - 250 Poster, 2019 DOI

Morrow C, Kenny A, Monaghan O, and Widdowson M., Diabetic ketoacidosis at Tallaght University Hospital - biochemical and outcome measures in 2018., Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Galway, Ireland, 11-12 October 2019, 188, (S9), 2019, pps250 - s250 Poster, 2019 DOI

Dyer A, Killane I, Bourke N, Woods C, Widdowson M, Firth R, Gibney J, O'Neill D, Reilly R, and Kennelly SP., Does gait speed correlate with cognitive function in midlife Type 2 diabetes? Results from the ENBIND study, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Galway, Ireland, 11-12 October 2019, 188, (S9), Springer, 2019, pps252 - s252 Poster, 2019 DOI

Monaghan O, Morrow C, Kenny A, and Widdowson M., Efficacy and safety of a ketone-based IV insulin protocol for diabetic ketoacidosis over a 4 year period, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Galway, Ireland, 11-12 October 2019, 188, (S9), Springer, 2019, pps250 - s250 Poster, 2019 DOI

Kenny A, Morrow C, Monaghan O, and Widdowson M., Diabetic ketoacidosis at Tallaght University Hospital - demographics and presenting features in 2018., Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Galway, Ireland, 11-12 October 2019, 188, (S9), Springer, 2019, pps250 - s251 Poster, 2019 DOI

Monaghan O, Morrow C, Kenny A, and Widdowson M., Diabetic ketoacidosis audit 2017-18., Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Galway, Ireland, 11-12 October 2019, 188, (S9), 2019, pps250 - s250 Poster, 2019 DOI

O'Murchada L, Alsayab B, Bullock I, and Widdowson M., Diabetic ketoacidosis at Tallaght Hospital - investigating the effectiveness of the introduction of new guidelines, 2012 - 2017, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Cork, Ireland, 19-20 October 2018, 187, (S5), Springer, 2018, ppS216 - S216 Poster, 2018 DOI

Bullock I, Alsayab B, O 'Murchada L, and Widdowson M., Diabetic ketoacidosis at Tallaght Hospital - biochemical and outcome measures of DKA presentations in 2017, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Cork, Ireland, 19-20 October 2018, 187, (S5), Springer, 2018, ppS194 - S194 Poster, 2018 DOI

Alsayab B, Bullock I, O'Murchada L, and Widdowson M., Diabetic ketoacidosis at Tallaght University Hospital - demographics and presenting features of DKA in 2017., Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Cork, Ireland, 19-20 October 2018, 187, (S5), Springer, 2018, ppS192 - S193 Poster, 2018 DOI

Widdowson W.M, McGowan A, Phelan J, Boran G, Reynolds J, Gibney J, Vascular disease is associated with the expression of genes for intestinal cholesterol transport and metabolism, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 102, (1), 2017, p326 - 335 Journal Article, 2017 DOI URL

McGowan, Anne, Widdowson, William M., O'Regan, Anna, Young, Ian S., Boran, Gerard, McEneny, Jane, Gibney, James, Postprandial Studies Uncover Differing Effects on HDL Particles of Overt and Subclinical Hypothyroidism, Thyroid, 26, (3), 2016, p356-364 Journal Article, 2016 DOI

Brady C, Costello R, Healy U, and Widdowson M., Diabetic ketoacidosis at Tallaght Hospital - demographics and presenting features of DKA in 2015, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 14-15 October, 2016, 185, (S7), Springer, 2016, ppS414 - S414 Poster, 2016 DOI

Costello R, Brady C, Healy U, and Widdowson M., Diabetic ketoacidosis at Tallaght Hospital - biochemical and outcome measures of DKA presentations in 2015., Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 14-15 October 2016, 185, (S7), Springer, 2016, ppS413 - S414 Poster, 2016 DOI

Costello R, Brady C, Healy U, and Widdowson M., Diabetic ketoacidosis at Tallaght Hospital - investigating the effectiveness of the introduction of new guidelines., Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 14-15 October 2016, 185, (S5), Springer, 2016, pps414 - s414 Poster, 2016 DOI

Lynch A, Delaney M, and Widdowson M., Diabetic ketoacidosis at Tallaght Hospital - biochemical and outcome measures of DKA presentations over a 2 year period, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Galway, Ireland, 14-15 November 2014, 183, (S9), Springer, 2014, ppS452 - S452 Poster, 2014 DOI

Delaney M, Lynch A, and Widdowson M., Diabetic ketoacidosis at Tallaght Hospital - demographics and presenting features of DKA over a 2 year period, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Galway, Ireland, 14-15 November 2014, 183, (S9), Springer, 2014, ppS452 - S452 Poster, 2014 DOI

Widdowson WM, McGowan A, Phelan J, Boran G, Reynolds J, and Gibney J., Intestinal cholesterol transport gene expression is associated with abnormalities in post-prandial endothelial function and carotid intima-media thickness independent of insulin resistance, Endocrine Abstracts, European Congress of Endocrinology, Copenhagen, Denmark, 27 April-1 May 201, 32, Bioscientifica, 2013, pp178 - 178 Poster, 2013 DOI

Gilhooley E, Cullen J, Widdowson M, Laycock B, Kennelly SP., Characteristics and outcomes for older patients attending an Acute Medical Assessment Unit, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society Annual and Scientific Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 20-21 September 2013, 182, (S6), Springer, 2013, ppS276 - S276 Poster, 2013 DOI

Behan LA, O'Sullivan-Coyne G, Widdowson WM, McGowan A, Crotty P, Walsh J, and Gibney J., Elevated parathyroid hormone and refractory hypercalcaemia in an undifferentiated metastatic carcinoma, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Templepatrick, Northern Ireland, 11-12 November 2011, 180, (S13), Springer, 2011, ppS495 - S495 Poster, 2011 DOI

McGowan A, Widdowson WM, Noor N, Boran G, and Gibney J., The prevalence of chronic kidney disease in an Irish diabetic population, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Templepatrick, Northern Ireland, 11-12 November 2011, 180, (S13), Springer, 2011, ppS490 - S491 Poster, 2011 DOI

Widdowson WM, McGowan A, Boran G, and Gibney J., Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 is higher post-prandially in patients with Type 2 diabetes compared to matched controls, Endocrine Reviews, Endocrine Society Annual Meeting and Expo, Boston, USA, 4-7 June 2011, 32, (S1), Oxford Academic, 2011, pp1681 - 1681 Poster, 2011 DOI

Widdowson WM and Gibney J., Liraglutide usage and tolerance: a retrospective audit of clinical practice, AMNCH 2009-10, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Templepatrick, Northern Ireland, 11-12 November 2011, 180, (S13), Springer, 2011, ppS494 - S494 Poster, 2011 DOI

Widdowson WM, McGowan A, Boran G, and Gibney J., Hyperinsulinaemia and insulin resistance are associated with reduced endothelial function independent of diabetic status, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Templepatrick, Northern Ireland, 11-12 November 2011, 180, (S13), Springer, 2011, ppS483 - S483 Oral Presentation, 2011 URL

McGowan A, Widdowson WM, Boran G, and Gibney J., Hypothyroidism is associated with increased intestinally-derived lipoprotein particles and post-prandial endothelial dysfunction, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Templepatrick, Northern Ireland, 11-12 November 2011, 180, (S13), Springer, 2011, ppS490 - S490 Poster, 2011 DOI

Widdowson WM, Brema I, and Gibney J., Insulin auto-immune hypoglycaemia in a 70 year old male: first reported case in Ireland, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Templepatrick, Northern Ireland, 11-12 November 2011, 180, (S13), Springer, 2011, ppS494 - S494 Poster, 2011 DOI

McGowan A, Widdowson M, O'Connor AL, Roche H, Boran G, Moore K, and Gibney J., Post-prandial studies identify early precursors of atherosclerosis in subjects with Type 1 diabetes, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Galway, Ireland, 5-6 November 2010, 179, (S13), Springer, 2010, pp511 - 511 Poster, 2010 DOI

McGowan A, Widdowson M, and Gibney J., Determination of apolipoprotein (apo) B48 concentrations using a novel human ELISA technique, Atherosclerosis Supplements, European Atherosclerosis Society Congress, Hamburg, Germany, 20-23 June 2010, 11, (2), ScienceDirect, 2010, pp110 - 110 Poster, 2010 DOI

Widdowson WM, Gibney J, The effect of growth hormone (GH) replacement on muscle strength in patients with GH-deficiency: a meta-analysis., Clinical endocrinology, 72, (6), 2010, p787-92 Journal Article, 2010

Widdowson WM, McGowan A, Boran G, and Gibney J., Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 is elevated post-prandially in patients with Type 2 diabetes compared to matched controls, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Galway, Ireland, 5-6 November 2010, 179, (S13), Springer, 2010, ppS511 - S511 Oral Presentation, 2010 DOI

Widdowson M, McGowan A, and Gibney J., Management of pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1b in pregnancy: a case report, Endocrine Abstracts, British Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Harrogate, UK, 16-19 March 2009, 19, Bioscientifica, 2009, pp258- Poster, 2009 URL Other

Widdowson WM and Gibney J., Growth hormone replacement and its effect on muscle strength in GH-deficient adults: a meta-analysis, Endocrine Abstracts, British Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Harrogate, UK, 16-19 March 2009, 19, Bioscientifica, 2009, pp258 - 258 Poster, 2009 Other URL

Widdowson WM and Gibney J., Effectiveness and tolerability of exenatide in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: an ongoing prospective clinical audit, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Cork, Ireland, 6-7 November 2009, 178, (S10), Springer, 2009, ppS421 - S421 Poster, 2009 DOI

Widdowson WM, Healy ML, Sönksen PH, Gibney J., The physiology of growth hormone and sport., Growth hormone and IGF-1 research, 19, (4), 2009, p308 - 319 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Widdowson WM and Gibney J., The effect of growth hormone (GH) replacement on muscle strength in patients with GH-deficiency: a meta-analysis, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Carton House, Maynooth, Ireland, 8-9 November 2008, 177, (S14), Springer, 2008, ppS506 - S506 Poster, 2008 DOI

Widdowson WM and Gibney J., The effect of growth hormone replacement on exercise capacity in patients with GH deficiency: a metaanalysis, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 93, (11), 2008, p4413 - 4417 Journal Article, 2008

Wilson K, Widdowson WM, Swaney M, Meyer R, Singh H, and Beckert L., Chronic dyspnoea and wheeze in a 46 year old non-smoker, Chest, 133, 2008, p1034 - 1037 Journal Article, 2008 Other

Widdowson WM and Gibney J., The effect of growth hormone (GH) replacement on exercise capacity in patients with GH-deficiency: a meta-analysis, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2-3 November 2007, 176, (S9), Springer, 2007, ppS374 - S374 Poster, 2007 DOI

Widdowson WM and Gibney J., Treatment of hypercalcaemia due to primary hyperparathyroidism with the bisphosphonate, zoledronate - a report of two patients, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2-3 November 2007, 176, (S9), Springer, 2007, ppS374 - S374 Poster, 2007 DOI

Widdowson WM and Gibney J., De novo Graves' ophthalmopathy following I131 treatment for hyperthyroidism - a report of two patients, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Endocrine Society Annual Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2-3 November 2007, 176, (S9), Springer, 2007, ppS374 - S374 Poster, 2007 DOI

Widdowson WM, Beard M, and Elliott J., Management of atrial fibrillation at Christchurch Hospital., New Zealand Medical Journal, Christchurch Medical research Society, Christchurch, New Zealand., 11 November 1998, 112, NZMA, 1999, pp280 - 281 Poster, 1999 URL

Widdowson WM, Walker L, Havill JH, Sleigh JW, Microbial contamination of three-way taps on arterial lines., Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 26, (1), 1998, p51 - 55 Journal Article, 1998

Research Expertise


My current areas of research interest lie within the development of clinical pathways and patient care systems in the specialities of diabetes mellitus and acute medicine in Tallaght University Hospital (TUH). I have a busy clinical workload within the Acute Medical Unit, and couple this with specialty interest in Type 2 diabetes, so have developed research output focusing, initially on the development of care pathways for diabetic ketoacidosis, with regular audit and revision. This has lead to the introduction of new improved guidelines which are re-evaluated and updated regularly. In this work, I have been the senior investigator and lead, but have supervised undergraduate TCD medical students, as well as post-graduate doctors at both Senior House Officer and Registrar level to develop, undertake and analyse the audit material. I am now embarking on further development of the IV insulin provision within the ICU, in collaboration with my ICU colleagues in medical, nursing, pharmacy and dietetics fields. Again, this involved the supervision of undergraduate TCD students to undertake audit, and now develop a new protocol with ongoing involvement and implementation. Further plans for development of diabetes services within TUH include improved overall management of inpatients with Type 2 diabetes, utilising the limited international evidence there is on this cohort, with the intention to focus on such areas as steroid-induced hyperglycaemia management, and appropriate cessation and recommencement of diabetic medications for patients during their inpatient stay. My other area of research interest is in the development of the Acute Medical Unit in TUH, working in collaboration with my AMU colleagues and the rest of the Acute Floor. This has the potential to dramatically change the patient experience of acute medical presentations, and improve care and flow through the unscheduled care streams.



Founding member of Irish Society for Acute and Internal Medicine (ISAIM) 2012


Irish Endocrine Society 2007 – 2021

The Endocrine Society 2009 – 2021

European Society of Endocrinology 2010 – 2021

Irish Society of Acute and Internal Medicine - founding member 2012 – 2021