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Professor Simon Wilson
Professor of, Statistics


Simon Wilson is the Chair of Statistical Uncertainty and Risk at Trinity College Dublin. He was awarded a PhD in stochastic modeling from the George Washington University, Washington, DC, in 1993. His research interests are in applications of Bayesian methods in reliability and other fields of science and engineering, notably ecology and astronomy.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Cunningham, J.A. and Padamsee, M. and Wilson, S. and Costello, M.J., Fungi species description rates confirm high global diversity and suggest half remain unnamed, Frontiers of Biogeography, 16, (2), 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Wilson, S., Discussion of specifying prior distributions in reliability applications, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 40, (1), 2024, p103 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

O'Brien, E.J. and Wilson, S. and Keenahan, J. and Ren, Y., A Bayesian Approach to the Estimation of Road Profile and Bridge Damage from a Fleet Passing Vehicle Measurements, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 24, (4), 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Siallagan, Z.L. and Sidabalok, C.M. and Islami, M.M. and Mujiono, N. and Wilson, S.P. and Pamungkas, J., Why many Indonesian marine species remain undescribed: a case study using polychaete species discovery, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 71, 2023, p337-365 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Hartebrodt, L. and Wilson, S. and Costello, M.J., Progress in the discovery of isopods (Crustacea: Peracarida)â€"is the description rate slowing down?, PeerJ, 9, (e15984), 2023 Journal Article, 2023 DOI

Wilson, S. and DE PERSIS, C. and Bosque, J.L. and Garcia, I.H., QUANTITATIVE SYSTEM RISK ASSESSMENT FROM INCOMPLETE DATA, 2021, pp1998 Conference Paper, 2021 DOI

Markus Rao, Rachel Mandelbaum, S. Schmidt and Y. Mao, A composite likelihood approach for inference under photometric redshift uncertainty , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Antonio Pievatolo, Fabrizio Ruggeri, Refik Soyer and Simon Wilson, Decisions in risk and reliability: an explanatory perspective , Stats, 4, (2), 2021, p228 - 250 Journal Article, 2021

Chaitanya Joshi, Fabrizio Ruggeri and Simon Wilson, Bayesian implementation of the fault tree analysis, Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, 2021 Journal Article, 2021

Cahill, J., Cullen P, Anwer S, Wilson, S & Gaynor K. , Pilot Work Related Stress (WRS), Effects on Wellbeing (Including Mental Health) & Coping Methods, The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI URL

Cahill, J.; Cullen, P.; Anwer, S.; Gaynor, K.; Wilson, S., The Requirements for New Tools for Use by Pilots and the Aviation Industry to Manage Risks Pertaining to Work-Related Stress (WRS) and Wellbeing, and the Ensuing Impact on Performance and Safety , Technologies, 8, (3), 2020, p1 - 49 Journal Article, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

Insua D.R, Ruggeri F, Soyer R, Wilson S, Advances in Bayesian decision making in reliability, European Journal of Operational Research, 282, 2020, p1 - 18 Journal Article, 2020 URL DOI

M. Pages, P. Bock, D. Gordon, C. Linares, B. Hereu, S.P. Wilson and M. Costello, Progress in the discovery of extant and fossil Bryozoans , Marine Ecology Progress Series, 635, 2020, p71 - 79 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Pievatalo, A., Rios Insua, D. and Wilson, S.P., Foreward to the Special Issue on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 35, (3), 2019 Journal Article, 2019 URL DOI

Pamungkas J, Glasby C.J, Read G.B, Wilson S.P, Costello M.J, Progress and perspectives in the discovery of polychaete worms (Annelida) of the world, Helgoland Marine Research, 73, (1), 2019 Journal Article, 2019 TARA - Full Text DOI URL

Markus Rau, Rachel Mandelbaum and Simon Wilson, Estimating redshift distributions using Hierarchical Logistic Gaussian processes, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2019 Journal Article, 2019 TARA - Full Text DOI

Pievatolo, A. and Ríos Insua, D. and Wilson, S., Special issue of ASMBI for GDDR 2017, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 35, (3), 2019, p398 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Bhattacharya A, Wilson S.P, Soyer R, A Bayesian approach to modeling mortgage default and prepayment, European Journal of Operational Research, 274, (3), 2019, p1112 - 1124 Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

Joshi, C. and Ruggeri, F. and Wilson, S.P., Prior Robustness for Bayesian Implementation of the Fault Tree Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 67, (1), 2018, p170-183 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, Wiley, [eds.], 2018-2019 Editorial Board, 2018

Bhattacharya A, Wilson S.P, Sequential Bayesian inference for static parameters in dynamic state space models, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 127, 2018, p187 - 203 Journal Article, 2018 DOI URL

Joan Cahill, Una Geary, Ewan Douglas, Simon Wilson, Michael Ferreira, Brian Gilbert, User and design requirements and production of evidence: using incident analysis data to (1) inform user scenarios and bow ties, and (2) generate user and design requirements, Cognition, Technology & Work, 20, (1), 2018, p23--47 Journal Article, 2018

Arfianti T, Wilson S, Costello M.J, Progress in the discovery of amphipod crustaceans, PeerJ, 2018, (7), 2018 Journal Article, 2018 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

De Persis, C. and Wilson, S., Using the analytic hierarchy process in the assessment of the probability for an explosion to occur during the atmospheric re-entry, 2016 Conference Paper, 2016

Quirós A, Wilson S.P, Diez R.M, Solana A.B, Hernández Tamames J.A, Brain activity detection by estimating the signal-to-noise ratio of fMRI time series using dynamic linear models, Digital Signal Processing, 2015 Journal Article, 2015 DOI URL TARA - Full Text

Bhattacharya, A. and Wilson, S., Sequential Bayesian Inference for Dynamic State Space Model Parameters, 2015, 123-134pp Book, 2015 DOI

OBrien E.J, Schmidt F, Hajializadeh D, Zhou X.-Y, Enright B, Caprani C.C, Wilson S, Sheils E, A review of probabilistic methods of assessment of load effects in bridges, Structural Safety, 53, 2015, p44 - 56 Journal Article, 2015 DOI URL

De Persis C, Wilson S, IAC-15-A6.2.11 A risk assessment tool for highly energetic break-up events during the atmospheric re-entry, Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, 2015, 3, 2015, pp2059 - 2066 Conference Paper, 2015 URL

Costello M.J, Lane M, Wilson S, Houlding B, Factors influencing when species are first named and estimating global species richness, Global Ecology and Conservation, 4, 2015, p243 - 254 Journal Article, 2015 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

Cristina De Persis, Irene Huertas and Simon Wilson, 'Computer modelling of atmospheric re-entry of objects such as satellites', European Patent Office, 2014 Patent, 2014 URL

Coolen, F.P.A., Aslett, L. and Wilson, S.P., Bayesian inference for reliability of systems and networks using the survival signature , Risk Analysis, 2014 Journal Article, 2014 DOI TARA - Full Text

Mai, T. and Ghosh, B. and Wilson, S., Short-term traffic-flow forecasting with auto-regressive moving average models, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport, 167, (4), 2014, p232-239 Journal Article, 2014 DOI

Simon Wilson and Peter Soutter, 'Method and system for balancing rental fleet of moveable assets', US Patent Office, 2014 Patent, 2014 Other

Wilson, S.P., Mai, T., Cogan, P., Bhattacharya, A., Aslett, L., O'Riordain, S. and Roetzer, G., Using Storm for scaleable sequential statistical inference, Proceedings of CompStat 2014, CompStat 2014, Geneva, 17 - 20/08/2014, 2014 Conference Paper, 2014 TARA - Full Text

Costello MJ, Houlding B, Wilson SP, As in other taxa, relatively fewer beetles are being described by an increasing number of authors: response to Löbl and Leschen, Systematic Entomology, 39, (3), 2014, p395-399 Journal Article, 2014 DOI URL

Mai, T., Ghosh, B., Wilson, S. , Short-term traffic flow forecasting with A-SVARMA, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineering-Transport, 167, (4), 2013, p232 - 239 Journal Article, 2013 TARA - Full Text

Costello, M.J., Wilson, S., Houlding, B., More taxonomists describing significantly fewer species per unit effort may indicate that most species have been discovered, Systematic Biology, 62, (4), 2013, p616-624 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Mark Costello, Simon P. Wilson and Brett Houlding, Predicting total global species richness using rates of species description and estimates of taxonomic effort, Systematic Biology, 61, (5), 2012, p871 - 883 Journal Article, 2012 DOI TARA - Full Text

Wilson, S.P., Goyal, S., Estimating production test properties from test measurement data, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 28, (6), 2012, p542-557 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Multivariate short-term tra ffic flow forecasting using Bayesian vector autoregressive moving average model (ed.), Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC., Washington DC., 2012 Proceedings of a Conference, 2012 URL

Ward Appeltans, Shane T. Ahyong, Gary Anderson, Martin V. Angel, Tom Artois, Nicolas Bailly, Roger Bamber, Anthony Barber, Ilse Bartsch, Annalisa Berta, Magdalena Błażewicz-Paszkowycz, Phil Bock, Geoff Boxshall, Christopher B. Boyko, Simone Nunes Brandão, Rod A. Bray, Niel L. Bruce, Stephen D. Cairns, Tin-Yam Chan, Lanna Cheng, Allen G. Collins, Thomas Cribb, Marco Curini-Galletti, Farid Dahdouh-Guebas, Peter J.F. Davie, Michael N. Dawson, Olivier De Clerck, Wim Decock, Sammy De Grave, Nicole J. de Voogd, Daryl P. Domning, Christian C. Emig, Christer Erséus, William Eschmeyer, Kristian Fauchald, Daphne G. Fautin, Stephen W. Feist, Charles H.J.M. Fransen, Hidetaka Furuya, Oscar Garcia-Alvarez, Sarah Gerken, David Gibson, Arjan Gittenberger, Serge Gofas, Liza Gómez-Daglio, Dennis P. Gordon, Michael D. Guiry, Francisco Hernandez, Bert W. Hoeksema, Russell R. Hopcroft, Damià Jaume, Paul Kirk, Nico Koedam, Stefan Koenemann, Jürgen B. Kolb, Reinhardt M. Kristensen, Andreas Kroh, Gretchen Lambert, David B. Lazarus, Rafael Lemaitre, Matt Longshaw, Jim Lowry, Enrique Macpherson, Laurence P. Madin, Christopher Mah, Gill Mapstone, Patsy A. McLaughlin, Jan Mees, Kenneth Meland, Charles G. Messing, Claudia E. Mills, Tina N. Molodtsova, Rich Mooi, Birger Neuhaus, Peter K.L. Ng, Claus Nielsen, Jon Norenburg, Dennis M. Opresko, Masayuki Osawa, Gustav Paulay, William Perrin, John F. Pilger, Gary C.B. Poore, Phil Pugh, Geoffrey B. Read, James D. Reimer, Marc Rius, Rosana M. Rocha, José I. Saiz-Salinas, Victor Scarabino, Bernd Schierwater, Andreas Schmidt-Rhaesa, Kareen E. Schnabel, Marilyn Schotte, Peter Schuchert, Enrico Schwabe, Hendrik Segers, Caryn Self-Sullivan, Noa Shenkar, Volker Siegel, Wolfgang Sterrer, Sabine Stöhr, Billie Swalla, Mark L. Tasker, Erik V. Thuesen, Tarmo Timm, M. Antonio Todaro, Xavier Turon, Seth Tyler, Peter Uetz, Jacob van der Land, Bart Vanhoorne, Leen P. van Ofwegen, Rob W.M. van Soest, Jan Vanaverbeke, Genefor Walker-Smith, T. Chad Walter, Alan Warren, Gary C. Williams, Simon P. Wilson, Mark J. Costello, The magnitude of global marine species diversity, Current Biology, 22, (23), 2012, p2189-2202 Journal Article, 2012 TARA - Full Text DOI

Alicia Quirós Carretero and Simon P. Wilson, Dependent Gaussian mixture models for source separation, Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2012, 2012, p239 Journal Article, 2012 DOI TARA - Full Text

Alicia Quirós Carretero and Simon P. Wilson, Dependent Gaussian mixture models for source separation, Proceedings of the 19th European Signal Processing Conference, 19th European Signal Processing Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 29/08/1 - 03/09/11, edited by Ana Pérez-Neira, Miguel Ángel Lagunas, Carles Antón-Haro , 2011 Conference Paper, 2011 DOI

M. Costello & Simon P. Wilson, Predicting the number of known and unknown species in European seas using rates of description , Global Ecology and Biogeography, 20, (2), 2011, p319 - 330 Journal Article, 2011 TARA - Full Text DOI

Brett Houlding and Simon P. Wilson, Considerations on the UK Re-Arrest Hazard Data Analysis (How Model Selection Can Alter Conclusions for Policy Development), 58th Congress of the International Statistical Institute, Dublin, Ireland, 21/08/11 - 26/08/11, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011 URL TARA - Full Text

Katarina Domijan and Simon P Wilson, Bayesian kernel projections for classification of high dimensional data, Statistics and Computing, 21, (2), 2011, p203- Journal Article, 2011 URL TARA - Full Text DOI

Tiep Mai and Simon P. Wilson, Short-term Traffic Flow Forecasting with Seasonal Vector Auto-Regressive Moving Average Model, 58th Congress of the International Statistical Institute, Dublin, Ireland, 21/08/11 - 26/08/11, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011 URL

Simon P. Wilson and Jiwon Yoon, Large-scale Bayesian ICA with application to separation of the cosmic microwave background, Neural Information Processing Society workshop on Big Learning , Granada, Spain, 16/12/11 - 17/12/11, edited by Joseph Gonzalez, Sameer Singh, Alice Zheng, Graham Taylor, James Bergstra, Misha Bilenko, Yucheng Low , 2011 Conference Paper, 2011 URL

Louis J.M. Aslett and Simon P. Wilson, Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Inference on Phase-Type Models, 58th Congress of the International Statistical Institute, Dublin, Ireland, 21/08/11 - 26/08/11, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011

Brett Houlding and Simon P. Wilson, Considerations on the UK re-arrest hazard rate analysis, Journal of Law, Probability and Risk, 10, (4), 2011, p303 - 328 Journal Article, 2011 TARA - Full Text DOI

Arnab Bhattacharya and Simon P. Wilson, Inference for Discrete Latent Time Series Processes, 58th Congress of the International Statistical Institute, Dublin, Ireland, 21/08/11 - 26/08/11, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011 URL

Simon P. Wilson, Suresh Goyal, Estimating production test properties from test measurement data, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 2011 Journal Article, 2011 TARA - Full Text

Honari, B. and Donovan, J. and Joyce, T. and Wilson, S. and Murphy, E., Stress test optimization using an integrated production test and field reliability model, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 26, (6), 2010, p579-592 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Bahman Honari, John Donovan, Toby Joyce, Simon Wilson, Eamonn Murphy , Stress test optimisation using an integrated production test and reliability field model, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 26, (6), 2010, p579-592 Journal Article, 2010 DOI

Pepa Ramirez Cobo, Rosa E. Lillo, Simon P. Wilson and Michael P. Wiper, Bayesian inference for double Pareto lognormal queues, Annals of Applied Statistics, 4, (3), 2010, p1533 - 1557 Journal Article, 2010 URL DOI TARA - Full Text

Alicia Quirós Carretero, Raquel Montes Diez and Simon P. Wilson, Bayesian spatiotemporal model of fMRI data using transfer functions, Neuroimage, 52, (3), 2010, p995-1004 Journal Article, 2010 TARA - Full Text DOI

Yoon, J.W. , Wilson, S.P., Improved mean shift algorithm with heterogeneous node weights, Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Istanbul; Turkey, 23-26 Aug, 2010, 4222-4225 Conference Paper, 2010 DOI

Simon P. Wilson, Ercan E. Kuruoğlu and Alicia Quirós Carretero, Bayesian factor analysis using Gaussian mixture sources, with applicatin to separation of the cosmic microwave background, Proceedings of the 2010 IAPR Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing,, 2010 IAPR Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing,, Elba, Italy, 2010, pp198-202 Conference Paper, 2010 TARA - Full Text

Yoon JW, Wilson SP, Mok KH, A highly efficient blocked Gibbs sampler reconstruction of multidimensional NMR spectra, Journal of Machine Learning Research, Workshop & Conference Proceedings, 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), Chia Laguna Resort, Sardinia, Italy, 13-15 May 2010, edited by Yee Whye Teh, Mike Titterington , 9, 2010, pp940 - 947 Conference Paper, 2010 TARA - Full Text URL

Simon Wilson & R. Vatsa, The variational Bayes method for inverse regression problems with an application to the palaeoclimate reconstruction , Journal of Combinatorics, Information and System Sciences., 35, (1-2), 2010, p221 - 248 Journal Article, 2010 URL TARA - Full Text

Wilson, S.P. and Goyal, S., Robust estimation for an imperfect test and repair model using Gaussian mixtures, 2, 2009, pp949-954 Conference Paper, 2009

S.P.Wilson, B. Houlding, A. Bhattacharya and T. Forde, A fast Bayesian model for a latent radio signal , Workshop on Stochastic Processes for Wireless Networks, Seoul, Korea, 2009, 2009 Conference Paper, 2009 TARA - Full Text URL URL DOI

S.P. Wilson, M. Hofmann and P. White, Automated identification of linked trips at trip level using electronic fare collection data , Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington DC, Jan 11 - Jan 5, 2009 Conference Paper, 2009 URL

T. Joyce, O. Gaffney, S. Wilson and S. Kher, Modeling and adapting production environmental stress testing, Journal of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, 52, (1), 2009, p52-62 Journal Article, 2009 URL TARA - Full Text DOI

Ben Flood, Brett Houlding, Simon P. Wilson, Sergiy Vilkomir., A probability model of system downtime with implications for optimal warranty design , Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 26, (1), 2009, 83 - 96 Journal Article, 2009 DOI TARA - Full Text

S.Wilson, T. Joyce and E. Lisay, Reliability prediction from field return data , Lifetime Data Analysis, 15, (3), 2009, p397-410 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Simon P. Wilson, Reliability in the 21st Century. , Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, 1, (3), 2009, p338 - 341 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Optimising testing in telecommunications network systems in, S. Mortorell, C. Guedes Soares and J. Barnett , Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, London, Taylor & Francis, 2009, pp949-954 , [S.P. Wilson., S. Goyal, J. Mosher, J. O'Brien and R. Kennedy] Book Chapter, 2009

Simon P. Wilson, Ercan E. Kuruoglu and Emanuele Salerno, Fully Bayesian source separation with application to the cosmic microwave background, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing: special issue on Signal Processing for Astronomical and Space Research Applications, 2, (5), 2008, p685 - 696 Journal Article, 2008 DOI TARA - Full Text

Honari, B., Donovan, J., Joyce, T., Wilson, S., Application of generalized linear models for optimizing production stress testing , Proceedings - Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2008 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Las Vegas, January 28-January 3, 2008, ppart. no. 4925806 Conference Paper, 2008 DOI

Wilson, S.P. and Kuruoǧlu, E.E. and Salerno, E., Fully Bayesian source separation of astrophysical images modelled by mixture of Gaussians, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2, (5), 2008, p685-696 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Simon P. Wilson, Julien Fauqueur and Nozha Boujemaa, Mental search in image databases: Implicit versus explicit content query , Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2, 2008, p189-204 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Toby Joyce, Bahan Honari, Simon Wilson, John Donovan and Oonagh Gaffney, Models for optimization of production environmental stress testing on electronic circuit packs, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 15, (6), 2008, 555-579 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Seinstra, F., Guil, N., Juhasz, Z., Wilson, S., Topic 11: Distributed and high-performance multimedia, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Euro-Par 2008 - Parallel Processing, 5168, Springer, 2008, pp844-845 Conference Paper, 2008 DOI

Simon P. Wilson, Rozenn Dahyot and Pádraig Cunningham, Introduction to Bayesian methods and decision theory , Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, 1, 2008, p3-19 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

The mathematics of risk and reliability: a brief history in, editor(s)E. Melnick and B. Everitt , Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Assessment, Chichester, Wiley., 2008, pp1054-1062 , [S.P.Wilson & N.D. Singpurwalla] Book Chapter, 2008

S. Wilson, T. Joyce, B. Honari, J. Donovan and O. Ga ney, Models for optimization of production environmental stress testing of electronic circuit packs, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 15, (6), 2008, p555 - 579 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Usage and wear processes for warranties in, editor(s)F. Ruggeri, F. Faltin and R. Kennett , Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, Chichester, Wiley, 2007, pp2097 - 2013, [Simon Wilson] Book Chapter, 2007

Wilson, S., Flood, B., Goyal, S., Mosher, J., Bergin, S., O'Brien, J., Kennedy, R., Parameter estimation for a model with both imperfect test and repair , Proceedings of the IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, Berkeley, CA , 6-10 May 2007, IEEE, 2007, pp271-276 Conference Paper, 2007 TARA - Full Text DOI

F. Ruggeri, R. Kennett and F. Faltin, Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, Chichester, Wiley, 2007 Book, 2007

Simon P. Wilson and Francisco Samaniego, Nonparametric analysis of the order-statistic model in software reliability, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 33, (3), 2007, p198 - 208 Journal Article, 2007 TARA - Full Text DOI

Ruggeri, F., Kennet, R. and Faltin, F.W. (senior editors), Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, 1, Chichester, Wiley, 2007 Book, 2007

Simon P. Wilson and Michael Wiper, A Bayesian analysis of beta testing, Test, 15, (1), 2006, p227 - 255 Journal Article, 2006 DOI

Simon P. Wilson, Niall K. Harris, Eugene J. OBrien, The use of Bayesian statistics to predict patterns of spatial repeatability, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 14, (5), 2006, p303-315 Journal Article, 2006

Bayesian approaches to content-based image retrieval in, editor(s)S.K. Upadhyay, U. Singh, D.K. Dey , Bayesian Statistics and its Applications, New Delhi, Anamaya, 2006, pp455 - 465, [Simon. P Wilson and Georgios Stefanou] Book Chapter, 2006

S.P. Wilson, E. Lisay and T. Joyce, Bayesian analysis of field return data when installation and failure times are unknown, Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, Estoril, Portugal., 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Wilson, S.P., Harris, N.K., OBrien, E.J., The use of Bayesian statistics to predict patterns of spatial repeatability , Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 14, (5), 2006, p303-315 Journal Article, 2006 DOI

J. Haslett, M. Whiley, S. Bhattacharya, M. Salter-Townshend, J.R.M. Allen, B. Huntley, F.J.G. Mitchell and S.P. Wilson, Bayesian palaeoclimate reconstruction, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 169, (3), 2006, p395 - 438 Journal Article, 2006 DOI

Simon Wilson, Suresh Goyal and Jim Mosher, Parameter Estimation for Realistic Test and Repair Models, 2006 Patent, 2006

Rozenn Dahyot and Simon Wilson, Robust Scale Estimation for the Generalized Gaussian Probability Density Function, Advances in Methodology and Statistics (Metodoloski Zvezki), 3, (1), 2006, p21 - 37 Journal Article, 2006 URL TARA - Full Text

Wilson, S.P. and Stefanou, G., Improving content-based image retrieval by modelling the search process: A Bayesian approach, 2006 Conference Paper, 2006

Wilson S.P, Zerubia J, Unsupervised segmentation of textured satellite and aerial images with Bayesian methods, European Signal Processing Conference, 2005, 2005-March, 2005 Conference Paper, 2005 URL

S.P. Wilson & K. Domijan, A Bayesian method for automatic landmark detection in segmented images, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning, , Pro- ceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning, , Bonn, Germany., 2005 Conference Paper, 2005 URL TARA - Full Text

Bannister, R. Gregg, D. Wilson, S. Nisbet, A. , FPGA implementation of an Image Segmentation algorithm using logarithmic arithmetic, Proceedings of the Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Covington, KY , 7-10 Aug, 2005, 2005, pp810-813 Conference Paper, 2005 DOI TARA - Full Text

Matt Whiley and Simon P. Wilson, Parallel algorithms for Markov chain Monte Carlo methods in latent spatial Gaussian models, Statistics and Computing, 14, (3), 2004, p171 - 179 Journal Article, 2004 DOI

Simon P. Wilson and Francisco Samaniego, Non-parametric methods in software reliability, Third International Conference on Mathematical Models in Reliability, Trondheim, Norway, July 2002, edited by B. Lindqvist and K.A. Doksum , World Scientific Publishing, 2003, pp667 - 670 Conference Paper, 2003

Dina Melas and Simon P. Wilson, Double Markov random fields and Bayesian image segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 50, (2), 2002, p357 - 365 Journal Article, 2002 TARA - Full Text DOI

Wilson, S.P., Stefanou, G., Image segmentation using the double Markov random field, with application to land use estimation , Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 1, IEEE, 2001, pp742-745 Conference Paper, 2001 DOI TARA - Full Text

Kevin McDaid and Simon P. Wilson, Deciding how long to test software, The Statistician, 50, (2), 2001, p117 - 134 Journal Article, 2001 DOI

Failure models indexed by time and usage in, editor(s)N. Limnios and M. S. Nikulin , Recent Advances in Reliability Theory, Boston, Birkha user., 2000, pp229-244. , [Wilson, S.P.] Book Chapter, 2000

Prior robustness in some common software reliability models in, editor(s)D. Rios Insua and F. Ruggeri , Robust Bayesian Analysis, New York, Springer, 2000, pp385 - 400, [Simon P. Wilson and Mike Wiper] Book Chapter, 2000

Simon P. Wilson and D. Taylor, Statistical analysis and prediction with short fatigue crack data using a population model, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 22, (1), 1999, p67 - 76 Journal Article, 1999 DOI

Simon P. Wilson and Nozer D. Singpurwalla, Failure models indexed by two scales, Advances in Applied Probability, 30, (4), 1998, p1058 - 1072 Journal Article, 1998 DOI

Reliability modelling and inference through fatigue crack growth in, editor(s)A.P. Basu, S.K. Basu and S. Mukhopadhyay , Frontiers in Reliability Analysis, Singapore, World Scientific Publishing, 1998, pp397 - 410, [Simon P. Wilson and C.D. Walsh] Book Chapter, 1998

Simon P. Wilson, B.A.O. McCormack, C.D. Walsh and P.J. Prendergast, A statistical analysis of microcrack accumulation in PMMA under fatigue loading: applications to orthopaedic implant fixation, International Journal of Fatigue, 20, (3), 1998, p581 - 593 Journal Article, 1998 DOI

Simon P. Wilson and D. Taylor, Reliability assessment from fatigue micro-crack data, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 46, (2), 1997, p165 - 172 Journal Article, 1997 TARA - Full Text DOI

J. Eliashberg, Nozer D. Singpurwalla and Simon P. Wilson, Calculating the reserve for a time and usage indexed warranty, Management Science, 43, (7), 1997, p966 - 975 Journal Article, 1997 DOI

Simon P. Wilson and K.J. Coakley, Estimation of asymmetry in physics, Physical Review E, 53, (3), 1996, p2160 - 2171 Journal Article, 1996 DOI TARA - Full Text

Statistical aspects of ceramic failure in, J. M. Bernardo, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid and A. F. M. Smith , Bayesian Statistics 5, Oxford , OUP, 1996, pp369-386 , [S.P. Wilson, E.R. Fuller Jr. & N.D. Singpurwalla] Book Chapter, 1996

Nozer D. Singpurwalla and Simon P. Wilson, The exponentiation formula of reliability and survival: does it always hold?, Lifetime Data Analysis, 1, (2), 1995, p187 - 194 Journal Article, 1995 DOI

Nozer D. Singpurwalla and Simon P. Wilson, Software reliability modeling, International Statistical Review, 62, (3), 1994, p289 - 317 Journal Article, 1994

Nozer D. Singpurwalla and Simon P. Wilson, The warranty problem: its statistical and game theoretic aspects, SIAM Review, 35, (1), 1993, p17 - 42 Journal Article, 1993 DOI

Warranties in, J. M. Bernardo, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid and A. F. M. Smith , Bayesian Statistics 4,, Oxford, OUP., 1992, [Wilson, S.P., Singpurwalla, N.D. ] Book Chapter, 1992

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Simon Wilson and Cristina De Persis, Pairwise comparison elicitation for probabilistic fault tree analysis, UK Reliability Meeting, Durham University, 1 - 3 April 2019, 2019, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Durham Invited Talk, 2019

Simon Wilson, Photo-z estimation: a review, CMU Seminar Series, Department of Statistics and Data Science, Carnegie Mellon University, 10th November 2017, 2017 Invited Talk, 2017

Mental image search in image databases in, editor(s)P. Cunningham and M. Cord , Machine Learning for Multimedia Data, Berlin, Springer, 2008, pp189 - 204, [Simon Wilson, Julien Fauquer and Nozha Boujemma] Book Chapter, 2008 URL

Introduction to Bayesian methods and decision theory in, editor(s)P. Cunningham and M. Cord , Machine Learning for Multimedia Data, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2008, pp3 - 20, [Simon Wilson, Rozenn Dahyot and Padraig Cunningham] Book Chapter, 2008

S.P. Wilson & S. Goyal, Bayesian estimation for an imperfect test and repair model, European Test Symposium, Freiburg, Germany, 2007 Poster, 2007

S.P. Wilson, B. Flood and S. Vilkomir, Probability modelling and decision analysis for software recovery , Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Glasgow, UK., 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

S.P. Wilson and Georgios Stefanou, Improving CBIR by modelling the search process: a Bayesian approach, Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference, European Signal Processing Conference, Firenze, Italy, 2006, pp1-4 Conference Paper, 2006 TARA - Full Text URL

S.P. Wilson & K. McDaid, A split Poisson process model for the occurrence of defects and change requests during user acceptance testing, Department of Statistics,, Trinity College Dublin., 2005 Report, 2005 URL TARA - Full Text

S.P. Wilson & G. Stefanou, Decision-theoretic approaches to display strategies in content based image retrieval , MOUMIR Deliverable D5.3: Final Research Report Contribution, March, 2004 Report, 2004 TARA - Full Text URL

S.P. Wilson & M.P. Wiper, A Bayesian analysis of beta testing , Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, July, 2003 Report, 2003

S.P. Wilson & M.P. Wiper, Comprobacion de software. Un analisis Bayesiano , Congreso Nacional de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa, Lleida, Spain, edited by 27 April , 2003 Conference Paper, 2003

S.P. Wilson & O. Robles, A set partitioning algorithm for use with a parallel approach to MCMC for latent Gaussian spatial models, Department of Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, 2002 Report, 2002

S.P. Wilson & G. Stefanou, Separability analysis of statistical features for classification of IGN images, Department of Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, 2002 Report, 2002

Wilson, S.P., Looking for happy images: using statistics for spatial data, 2001, - 188 Miscellaneous, 2001

S.P. Wilson & M. Whiley, A note on using parallel algorithms for implementing Bayesian inference in spatial Gaussian models, Department of Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, 2001 Report, 2001

S.P. Wilson & J. Zerubia, Segmentation of textured satellite and aerial images by Bayesian inference and Markov random fields, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Sophia Antipolis, 2001 Report, 2001

S.P. Wilson, Inference for thinned point processes, illustrated through the non-homogeneous renewal process, Department of Statistics, Trinity College Dublin., 2000 Report, 2000

S.P. Wilson & D. E. Melas, Texture based image segmentation using the double Markov random field model, Proceedings of The Art and Science of Bayesian Image Analysis, edited by K. V. Mardia, C. A. Gill, R. G. Aykroyd , 1997, pp169-175. Conference Paper, 1997

Wilson, S.P., Implementing the Bayesian approach: an overview, Department of Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, 1996 Report, 1996

S.P. Wilson & K. McDaid, Optimal software testing under a time dependent error detection rate model, Department of Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, 1996 Report, 1996

S.P. Wilson & F. Brun, Statistical modelling of fatigue micro-cracks, Department of Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, 1996 Report, 1996

Wilson, S.P., Models for two-scale survival analysis, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, 7th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, 1995, pp644-651 Conference Paper, 1995

Wilson, S.P., Statistical inference from small signals in physics, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Model Uncertainty and Robustness., International Workshop on Model Uncertainty and Robustness., Duke University, 1995 Conference Paper, 1995 URL

S.P. Wilson & N.D. Singpurwalla, Models for assessing the reliability of computer software , Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Design of Experiments in Army Research and Development Testing, 38th Conference on Design of Experiments in Army Research and Development Testing, 1993, pp139-162 Conference Paper, 1993 URL

S.P. Wilson & K. Aboura, A study of dependence for the Association of American Railroads, AAA, October , 1992 Report, 1992

Wilson, S.P., SALT: Software for adversarial life testing., December , 1991 Report, 1991

S.P. Wilson & N.D. Singpurwalla, Failure models indexed by time and usage, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 48, 1991 Journal Article, 1991 URL

Research Expertise


  • Title
    • Insight Centre for Data Analytics
  • Summary
    • This is a large SFI funded research centre in the area of data analytics. I lead one of the 5 research challenges in the Centre, focussing on scaleability. The Centre's funding was renewed for 6 years from July 2019. I co-lead one of the 6 research challenges, in scalability, that form the core of its research agenda.
  • Funding Agency
    • Science Foundation Ireland
  • Date From
    • 01/07/2013
  • Date To
    • 30/06/2025
  • Title
    • Statistical Methods in ICT Applications
  • Summary
    • Information and communications technology (ICT) continues to generate data that challenge the state-of-the-art in statistical methodology. These data form "complex data systems"; of large size and/or generated at a high rate, indexed in space and/or time, with complex dependencies between variables that must be accounted for in any meaningful analysis. Often, particularly where control and decision-making are needed, the analysis must be fast. This project aims to (a) advance the state of the art of statistical analysis for complex data systems in ICT applications (b) support on-going efforts to create a centre of expertise in this area with international recognition. The challenges provided by several concrete applications will motivate the work, including: reliability of telecoms networks, road traffic modelling and management and source separation for multi-channel images.
  • Funding Agency
    • SFI
  • Date From
    • 01/01/2009
  • Date To
    • 31/12/2012
  • Title
    • Reliability of Complex Telecommunications Networks
  • Summary
    • Telecommunications networks continue to experience exponential rates of growth in data transmission, and organisations and individuals are relying more and more on these networks to support critical activities. These trends drive the desire for highly reliable networks that suffer minimal service outages. The core research question that in this project is the reliability of a complex network where failure occurs through the dependence or interaction between its components: hardware, software and human. Statistical models for this process form the focus of the research. Recent developments in Bayesian network (BN) models, such as dynamic BNs and inference for BN structure, are going to be used to develop a unified modelling approach that can model relationships between hardware components, sub-system redundancy, the interaction with software bugs and the consequences of human error. Collaboration with Bell Labs in Dublin and New Jersey is providing data and feedback. The novelty in the research is (a) advances in statistical modelling methodology with BNs for these complex networks and (b) on the application side, better prediction of failures in complex networks and how they arise.
  • Funding Agency
    • IRCSET
  • Date From
    • 01/10/2008
  • Date To
    • 30/09/2011





Journal No. of papers reviewed
Comput. Stat. Data Anal.
IEE Trans.
IEEE Trans. Image Proc.
IEEE Trans. Reliab.
Image and Vision Computing
J. Risk and Reliability
J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B
J. Roy. Statist. Soc. C
Naval Research Logistics
Stat. and Comp.
Book proposal reviews

External examiner to NUIG Statistics Discipline 2017 - 2020

President-elect of the Irish Statistical Association 2020 - 2021

Chair of the Industrial Statistics section of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis 2019 - 2020

Member of the external review panel for undergraduate teaching in Maths, Statistics and Physics at the University of Newcastle September 2021

External examiner to UCD Statistics programmes. 2013 - 2015

Advisor on postgraduate teaching and research programmes, John von Neumann Institute, Vietnam 2018

Member of the review panel for the N8 Centre of Excellence in Computationally Intensive Research (N8 CIR), a consortium of 8 universities in Northern England May 2020

External PhD examiner on 14 PhD theses in Ireland and overseas, including Univ. Cambridge (twice), Brisbane, Nice, Durham. 1995 - present

Awards and Honours

Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2002

Visiting scholar, Department of Statistics and Data Science, Carnegie Mellon University 2017 - 2018


Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society 1993 – present

Member of Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society 1994 – present

Elected member, International Statistical Institute 2006 – present

Member of the International Society of Bayesian Analysis 2001 – present