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Dr. Michael Gormley
Assistant Professor, Psychology


Michael Gormley obtained his Ph.D. from the Queen's University of Belfast in 1999, and took up his first academic position in the then department of Psychology, at Trinity College in 2000. He was employed as a lecturer is research methodology and statistics, and this remains his primary role on the undergraduate course.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Ethical Issues in the New Digital Era: The Case of Assisting Driving in, Ethics, Laws, and Policies for Privacy, Security, and Liability, London, UK, Intechopen, 2020, pp1 - 30, [Cahill, J., Cromie, S., Crowley, K, Kay, A., Gormley M, Kenny, E., Hermman, S, Doyle, C, Hever, A and Ross, R ] Book Chapter, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

Driver Persistence, Safety and Older Adult Self-efficacy: Addressing Driving Challenges Using Innovative Multimodal Communication Concepts in, editor(s)Kalra J., Lightner N. (eds) , Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Cham, 2020, pp313 - 319, [Cahill J., Cromie, S., Crowley, K, Kay, A., Gormley M, Kenny, E., Hermman, S, Doyle, C, Hever, A and Ross, R] Book Chapter, 2020 URL TARA - Full Text

Advancing a 'Human Factors & Ethics Canvas' for New Driver Assistance Technologies Targeted at Older Adults in, editor(s)Duffy V. (eds) , Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Posture, Motion and Health. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12198, Springer, Cham, 2020, pp503-520 , [Cahill, J., Cromie, S., Crowley, K, Kay, A., Gormley M, Kenny, E., Hermman, S, Doyle, C, Hever, A and Ross, R. ] Book Chapter, 2020 DOI TARA - Full Text

Gormley, M. & O'Neill, D, Impact of Gender and Marital Status on car use among older drivers: Findings from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Royal College of Physicians Ireland Traffic Medicine Annual Research Seminar, Dublin, 08/09/2020, 2020 Oral Presentation, 2020

Gormley MJ, O'Neill D, Driving as a travel option for older adults: Findings from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Frontiers in Psychology, 2019 Journal Article, 2019 DOI TARA - Full Text URL

Spano, G., Caffò, A., Lopez, A., Mallia, L., Gormley, M., Innamorati, M., Lucidi, F., & Bosco, A., Validating Driver Behavior and Attitude Measure for Older Italian Drivers and Investigating their Link to Rare Collision Events. , Frontiers in Psychology, 2019 Journal Article, 2019 DOI

Ryan, M., & Gormley, M. , The impact of pre-driver education courses on risk perception in Irish adolescents. , CIECA 50th General Assembly and Congress, Belfast, May 29, 2018 Oral Presentation, 2018

Gormley, M., Cognitive components of driving, Royal College of Physicians Ireland Traffic Medicine conference: Assessing cognition related to driving, RCPI, Feb 19, 2018 Invited Talk, 2018

O'Brien, F. & Gormley, M., The role of risk-perception in dangerous driving among young people: Outcome- and Behavior-focused Questions Yield Opposite Results. , Journal of Adolescence, 52, 2016, p89 - 94 Journal Article, 2016

O'Callaghan, G., Kelly, A. M. C. & Gormley, M, An fMRI study of impulsivity in 'risky' and 'safe' male drivers. , Annual meeting for the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, Oct 19-22, 2015, 2015 Oral Presentation, 2015

Gormley, M., Young Drivers: Impact of alcohol., Royal College of Physicians Ireland Traffic Medicine conference: Driving and ADHD, mental health and substance abuse, Royal College of Physicians, Ireland, Mar 20th, 2015 Conference Paper, 2015 TARA - Full Text

O'Neill D, Gormley M, Multi-modality of transport and ageing: findings from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Irish Ageing Studies Review, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - European Region, Dublin, 23-26 April 2015, 6, (1), 2015, pp100 Meeting Abstract, 2015

Mattsson, M., O'Brien, F., Gormley, M., & Summala, H., Measurement invariance of the Driver Behavior Questionnaire across samples of young drivers from Finland and Ireland, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 78, 2015, p185 - 200 Journal Article, 2015 DOI

O'Callaghan, G. & Gormley, M. , The BOLD response in risky and safe older adult male drivers during tasks of impulsivity, Careers in Neuroscience Symposium, National University of Ireland, Galway, November, 2014 Poster, 2014

O'Callaghan, G. & Gormley, M. , Examining the relationship between impulsivity and the BOLD response in risky and safe drivers, Young Neuroscientists Symposium, Trinity College Dublin, Sept, 2014 Poster, 2014

Lang, B., Parks, A. & Gormley, M. , Age-related differences in responses to traffic situations., Ageing and Safe Mobility Conference, Bergisch Gladbach, German, Nov 27-28, 2014 Oral Presentation, 2014

O'Brien, F., & Gormley, M. , The contribution of inhibitory deficits to dangerous driving among young people, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 51, 2013, p238 - 242 Journal Article, 2013

Hopper, L., & Gormley, M. , The Implications of Cue Valence in an Adolescent and Adult Nicotine Stroop Study, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting,, Boston, USA, March 15, 2013 Poster, 2013

Hopper, L. & Gormley, M., Smoking risk perceptions in Irish adolescents with varied smoking experience, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, March 15, 2013 Conference Paper, 2013 TARA - Full Text

Ó Ciardha, C., & Gormley, M. , Measuring sexual interest using a pictorial modified Stroop task, a pictorial Implicit Association Test and a Choice Reaction Time task. , Journal of Sexual Agression, 19, (2), 2013, p158 - 170 Journal Article, 2013

Risk Allostasis: A Simulator Study of Age Effects in, editor(s)Lisa Dorn Mark Sulliman , Driver Behaviour and Training VI, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2013, pp25 - 42, [Lang, B., Parks, A. & Gormley, M] Book Chapter, 2013

Ó Ciardha, C., & Gormley, M. , Using a pictorial modified Stroop task in the exploration of sexual interests of sexual offenders against children. , Sexual Abuse: A journal of Research and Treatment., 24, (2), 2012, p175 - 197 Journal Article, 2012

Hopper, L., & Gormley, M, Extent of, and influences on, clear overestimation of peer prevalence by age and smoking status, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, August, 2012 Poster, 2012

Bourke, A. & Gormley, M. , A comparison of attention based measures of sexual interest. , Sexual Abuse: A journal of Research and Treatment., 24, (5), 2012, p479 - 500 Journal Article, 2012

Ryan, M. & Gormley, M. , Evaluating 'pre-driver' road safety education interventions for secondary schools students, 4th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, San Francisco, California, July 21-25, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012 TARA - Full Text

Hopper, L. & Gormley, M., Accessibility, optimistic bias and false consensus effects in adolescent current, experimental ex- and never-smokers, Psychological Society of Ireland's annual conference, Cork, Ireland, Nov, 2012 Oral Presentation, 2012

Louise Hopper & Michael Gormley, Valence and Saliency of commonly used smoking-related words, PSI Annual Conference, 2011, 2011 Conference Paper, 2011 TARA - Full Text

Young drivers: Investigating the link between impulsivity and problem drivers status. in, editor(s)L. Dorn , Driver Behaviour and Training IV , Aldershot, Ashgate, 2010, pp75 - 87, [O'Brien, F., Dunne, S. & Gormley, M. ] Book Chapter, 2010

O'Sullivan, K.M., Hopper, L.M., & Gormley, M. , Attention bias towards smoking related cues in both smokers and controls: how smoking valence and emotional content impact upon Stroop results. , Annual conference of the Society for Nicotine and Tobacco Research Europe, Bath, UK, Sept 6-9, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Bourke, A. & Gormley, M. , The relationship between pornography use, implicit theories and propensity to sexually aggress, National Association for the Treatment of Abusers Conference, Belfast, September 22nd-24th, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Ryan, M., Gormley, M. & Thomas, K. (2010). , Evaluating pre-driver education interventions for Irish transition year students. , Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, Nov 11-14, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Stradling, S., Broughton, P., Collins, E., Fuller, R., Gormley, M., Kinnear, N., & O'Dolan, C. , A typology of frequency of speeding in UK car drivers., 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, Portugal, July 11- 15, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Gormley, M. & Bourke, A. , The use of an implicit association task to investigate gender sex cognitive association and analytical issues. , National Association for the Treatment of Abusers Conference,, Belfast, September 22nd-24th, 2010 Conference Paper, 2010

Lang, B., Parks, A. & Gormley, M. , Contributory factors in British injury accidents - accident patterns of older drivers., International Traffic Medicine Conference , The Hague, April 26-29, 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

Barnett KJ, Feeney, J., Gormley, M & Newell FN, An exploratory study of linguistic-colour associations across languages in multilingual synaesthetes, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, (7), 2009, p1343 - 1355 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

A comparison of two implicit cognitive measures of sexual interest: a pictorial modified Stroop task and the Implicit Association Test in, editor(s)David Thornton & Richard Laws , Cognitive Approaches to the Assessment of Sexual Interest in Sexual Offenders., Wiley, 2009, [Ó Ciardha, C., & Gormley, M. ] Book Chapter, 2009

Broughton, P., Fuller, R., Stradling, S., Gormley, M., Kinnear, N., O'Dolan, C., & Hannigan, B. , Conditions for speeding behaviour: A comparison of car drivers and powered two wheeled riders. , Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 12, 2009, p412 - 427 Journal Article, 2009

Fuller, R., Gormley, M., Stradling, S., Broughton, P., Kinnear, N. O'Dolan, C. & Hannigan, B., Impact of speed change on estimated journey time: Failure of drivers to appreciate relevance of initial speed, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 40, (1), 2009, p10 - 14 Journal Article, 2009 DOI TARA - Full Text

Bourke, A., & Gormley, M. , A comparison of attentional measurements of sexual interest and methods of data analysis, 28th Annual Research and Treatment Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Dallas, Texas, Sept 30th - Oct 3rd., 2009 Poster, 2009

Ó Ciardha, C., & Gormley, M., Developing clinically useful implicit tasks of sexual interest: What are they measuring?, 28th annual Research and Treatment Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Dallas, Texas, Sept 30th - Oct 3rd, 2009 Conference Paper, 2009

Fuller, R., Hannigan, B., Bates, H., Gormley, M., Stradling, S., Broughton, P., Kinnear, N. & O'Dolan, C., Understanding inappropriate high speed: a qualitative analysis, Department for Transport, UK, 2008 Report, 2008

Ó Ciardha, C., & Gormley, M. , Assessment of sexual interest: comparisons between a pictorial modified Stroop task and the Implicit Association Test, Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society, Dublin, April 2-4, 2008 Poster, 2008

Fuller, R., Bates, H., Gormley, M., Hannigan, B., Stradling, S., Broughton, P., Kinnear, N. & O'Dolan, C, The conditions for inappropriate high speed: a review of the research literature from 1995 to 2006, Department for Transport, 2008 Report, 2008

Ó Ciardha, C., & Gormley, M., The use of a pictorial modified Stroop task and two Implicit Association Tests in the assessment of sexual interest among sexual offenders against children, 27th annual Research and Treatment Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, Atlanta, Georgia, October, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Gormley, M., Young male drivers: Origins of problem-behaviour, Donegal Road Safety Conference,, Donegal, Ireland, May 1-2, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Gormley, M. and Fuller, R, Influences on speeding in young male drivers, Behavioural Research in Road Safety , edited by DfT , 18, Department for Transport, UK, 2008, pp133 - 149 Conference Paper, 2008

Gormley, M., Fuller, R., Stradling, S., Broughton, P., Kinnear, N., O'Dolan, C. & Hannigan, B., Interface between driver capability and task difficulty: influence of speeder type and accident culpability, International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Washington DC, August 31 - Sept 4th, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

STRADLING, S., FULLER, R., GORMLEY, M., BROUGHTON, P., KINNEAR, N. O'DOLAN, C. & HANNIGAN, B, Understanding inappropriate high speed: a quantitative analysis, Department for Transport, UK, 2008 Report, 2008

Roddy, M. & Gormley, M., Implicit and Explicit Components of Prejudice, British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Social Section, Dublin, April 2-4, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008

Gormley, M., Waslhe, T. & Fuller, R. , Risks in the driving of emergency service vehicles, Irish Journal of Psychology, 29, (1-2), 2008, p7 - 18 Journal Article, 2008

Understanding Inappropriate High Speed by Motorcyclists: a Qualitative Analysis. in, editor(s)Lisa Doran , Driver Behaviour and Training III, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2008, pp425 - 441, [Hannigan, B., Fuller, R., Bates, H., Gormley, M., Stradling, S., Broughton, P., Kinnear, N. and O'Dolan, C] Book Chapter, 2008

Kiernan, Gemma; Axford, Nick; Little, Michael; Murphy, Cliona; Greene, Sheila; Gormley, Michael, The School Readiness of Children Living in a Disadvantaged Area in Ireland, Journal of Early Childhood Research, 6, (2), 2008, p119-144 Journal Article, 2008 DOI

Kiernan, G., Axford, N., Little, M., Murphy, C., Greene, S., & Gormley, M, The school readiness of children living in a disadvantaged area in Ireland, Journal of Early childhood Research., 6, (2), 2008, p119 - 144 Journal Article, 2008

Ó Ciardha, C., & Gormley, M., Utility of Two Implicit Measures of Sexual Interest and Sexual Associations., 26th Annual Research and Treatment Conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, San Diego, CA, Oct 31st - Nov 3rd, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

Fuller, R., Bates, H., Gormley, M., Hannigan, B., Stradling, S., Broughton, P., Kinnear, N., & O'Dolan, C. , Understanding inappropriate high speed: qualitative results from the HUSSAR project, Behavioural Research Seminar in Road Safety, edited by DfT , 17, Department for Transport, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

Fuller, R. & Gormley, M. , Is Ireland ready for a change in drink-driving legislation?, Irish Journal of Psychology, 28, (3-4), 2007, p169 - 184 Journal Article, 2007

Stradling, S., Gormley, M., Fuller, R., Hannigan, B., Stradling, S., Broughton, P., Kinnear, N., & O'Dolan, C. , A typology of speeding drivers: extent of and motives for exceeding the speed limit., Behavioural Research Seminar in Road Safety, edited by DfT , 17, Department for Transport, 2007 Conference Paper, 2007

Fuller, R., Bates, H., Gormley, M., Hannigan, B., Stradling, S., Broughton, P., Kinnear, N., & O'Dolan, C. , Inappropriate High Speed: Who does it and Why? , Behavioural Research Seminar in Road Safety, edited by DfT , 16, Department for Transport, 2006, pp70 - 84 Conference Paper, 2006

Gormley, M. & Fuller, R, A critical review of SARTRE, Behavioural Research in Road Safety, edited by DfT , 16, Department for Transport, 2006, pp17 - 27 Conference Paper, 2006

van Hanswijck de Jonge, L. & Gormley, M, Responses to positive and negative smoking-related images: Effects of current smoking status and degree of smoking addiction, Addictive Behaviors, 30, (8), 2005, p1587 - 1591 Journal Article, 2005

Fuller, R. & Gormley, M., SARTRE 3, National Roads Authority annual conference, Killarney, Ireland, 18-19 May , 2005 Conference Paper, 2005

Gormley, M. & van Hanswijck de Jonge, Responses to positive and negative pictorial depiction of smoking: evaluation of content and urge to smoke across groups with different levels of smoking dependency, British Psychological Society Annual Conference, Manchester, England, 30th March - 2nd Apr, 2005 Conference Paper, 2005

Kiernan, G., Gormley, M., & MacLachlan, M. , Outcomes associated with participation in a therapeutic recreation camping programme for children from 15 European countries: data from the 'Barretstown Studies' , Social Science & Medicine, 59, (5), 2004, p903 - 913 Journal Article, 2004

van Hanswijck de Jonge, L. & Gormley, M. , Physiological and behavioural reactivity to positive and negative valenced smoking images across level of dependency: The role of automatic preconscious processing., Nicotine and Tobacco Conference, Phoneix, Feb, 2004 Conference Paper, 2004

Kiernan, G., Gormley, M., & MacLachlan, M., The revised-perceived illness experience scale (R-PIE): data from the 'Barretstown Studies', Behavioral Medicine, 30, (1), 2004, p23 - 31 Journal Article, 2004

Gormley, M., & Cooper, C. , Priming association judgements , Northern Ireland Branch of the British Psychological Society, Annual Conference, Port-na-blagh, 25-27th April, 1998 Conference Paper, 1998

Gormley, M., & Cooper, C. , The priming of Mednicks Remote Associates test. , The Annual Conference of the Postgraduate Affairs Group, Glasgow, 9-11th July , 1996 Conference Paper, 1996

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Gormley, M. and Fuller, R, SARTRE 3 Ireland, National Roads Authority, 2005 Report, 2005 URL

Gormley, M. and Fuller, R. , Investigation of high-risk behaviour in Irish young male drivers., Ballina, RSA Report,

Research Expertise


Driving behaviour: speeding, young male drivers, theoretical models of speeding behaviour, antecedents of speeding behaviour including estimation of journey time. Implicit cognition: use in behaviours such as smoking, sex offending and prejudice; subliminal perception.


  • Title
    • Evaluating road safety interventions: The role of proximal and distal factors in differential assimilation of safety oriented knowledge, skills and attitudes in adolescents.
  • Summary
    • €115,000 from the RSA to evaluate pre-driver educational interventions.
  • Funding Agency
    • Road Safety Authority
  • Date From
    • 04/2009
  • Date To
    • 03/2012
  • Title
    • HUSSAR
  • Summary
    • €170,000 from UK Department for Transport to investigate ways to change attitudes towards speeding.
  • Funding Agency
    • Department for Transport, UK
  • Date From
    • Sept 2006
  • Date To
    • June 2008
  • Title
    • Speeding behaviour in young Irish males
  • Summary
    • €60,000 from the Road Safety Authority to investigate attitudes and reported behaviours of young male drivers attending the Irish leg of the World Rally Championship 2007.
  • Funding Agency
    • Road Safety Authority, Ireland
  • Date From
    • Augst 2007
  • Date To
    • March 2008
  • Title
    • SARTRE 3 Ireland
  • Summary
    • €20,000 from National Roads Authority to determine the relevance of the SARTRE 3 data for Ireland.
  • Date From
    • Jan 2005
  • Date To
    • July 2005


Antecedents of speeding behaviour; Cognitive aspects of addiction; Driver Behaviour; Driver typologies; Implicit aspects of prejudice; Implicit cognition; Implicit measures of smoking behaviour; Objective & subjective measures of speeding; Psychology of Driving; Sexual interest in sex offenders: use of implicit measures; Subliminal perception; Young male drivers



Psychological Society of Ireland's reprsentative on the RCPI Fitness to Drive Policy Group. 2010/11

Member of the editorial board of the Irish Journal of Psychology. 2010-