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Stay Together and Stronger

Trinity Staff Survey 2020

In July/August 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, 1,726 staff members (49% response rate) responded to an online survey distributed to Trinity staff and students.

The survey examined a range of staff outcomes including:
• Staff resilience
• Staff wellbeing
• Job performance
• Satisfaction with College support
• Positive attitudes towards technology

The main drivers of these outcomes that were explored included:
• Support from the College
• Support from line managers
• Support from peers
• Participation opportunities
• Job design

A presentation summary of the survey is here and the full report is here.

Summary of Key Findings

• Staff had shown a high level of resilience and work performance in terms of adaptivity, proficiency and completion of work. Proactivity was relatively lower.
• Staff experienced a low level of wellbeing, as exampled by workaholism both excessively and compulsively; being overwhelmed by the crisis, unable to switch-off and work-family conflict.
• There were mixed perceptions on the support received from the College, as well as the level of satisfaction with the support.
• Staff successfully adapted to remote working enabled by the technology. This is evidenced by the extensive use of online meetings and work tools and the effectiveness of these virtual meetings.
• Line managers were perceived to be consultative, approachable, and empathetic. The rating for direction/instruction provision was lower.

Actions Taken in Response to the Survey

The Human Resources Learning and Development team implemented the following in response to the survey.

Leading in Uncertainty

3 managers workshops were implemented where the survey results formed the basis of the conversation and peer learning.    

Human Moments Matter

The Re-think Effective Team Work pilot series for managers included the "Human Moments Matter" module. The content of the module included the survey and the design was informed by the survey findings   In the feedback from this programme, participants valued the data and asked for an updated survey.

Managing in a COVID Environment Development Programme

The survey results informed the design of the programme. 4 series have been run

Performance Management 

Survey results are used to create the link between clear goals and on-going feedback conversations with wellbeing and resilience.  3 Workshops held to date.  34 attended.


Small Daily Actions Matter infographic pictured was informed by the infographic.