Got something to say?
In Healthy Trinity we pride ourselves on having strong, evidence-informed opinions and we aim to use our voice to contribute to debate about health. Do you have something you'd like to say? Can you back your opinion with robust evidence? If so, get in touch on Below are some examples of student and staff led campaigns that aim to encourage physial activityl. You can see more on our Instagram, Facebook and/or Twitter.
Physical Activity and Climate Change
By Nazia Rafiq, 2nd year medical students as part of the #TCDMedStudentInitiative on Healthy Trinity Instagram
By Nazia Rafiq
Impacts of Fitness
Fitness. Blah, Blah, Blah. We've all heard the impacts fitness has on us, on our mind, body and soul, and are well used to the advertisements by now. But have you ever stopped to consider the effects that YOUR fitness and physical activity levels will have on others? The effect on the climate?
Physical activity has huge potential to increase our wellbeing, our energy levels, our mindset, and more importantly our mood, and I can certainly think of some grumpy people who could use some more positivity!
Read the full campaign here.
Physical Activity and Climate Change 
By Ciara Frawley, 2nd year medical students as part of the #TCDMedStudentInitiative on Healthy Trinity Instagram
Benefits of physical activity
You probably already know that including regular physical activity in your weekly routine has huge benefits to your personal health. This ranges from helping to prevent noncommunicable diseases, hypertension, overweight and obesity, to improving your mental health, quality of life and your general well-being.
Read the full campaign here.
Trinity Physiotherapy students, supervised by Dr. Emer Barrett, ran the #MakeItFit campaign on the Healthy Trinity website and social media. This is a reel they made for Instagram about excuses.
See the full campaign here or read this abstract about it.