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Mural in the Buttery

What’s local to you?

Our mural in the Buttery asks you to think about what you consider local food. Will you only eat food from Ireland? Is The Netherlands local? Maybe you love raspberries, but will you eat them from Morocco in December or wait for the Irish ones in summer?

By knowing the seasons and eating locally, you can get tastier, cheaper and more sustainable food. Win, win, win. But it's up to you to decide - what's local to you?

Top tip: An easy way to tell if something is in season in the supermarket is to check what's in their luxury range. They typically buy in-season fruit and vegetables, market them as luxury and sell them at a premium. So for example, when the price of strawberries is dropping in June because supply is high, supermarkets package strawberries as luxury and put the price up. Clever eh! Know your season and don't let them get you!

You might like to refer to a guide on Irish and European seasons by following this link

The mural was funded by Healthy Trinity and Keelings. It was designed and painted by Trinity undergraduate, Irina Georgantzis Garcia pictured. Below is a timelapse of her creating it.

Here is a video of Irina revealing her mural to the world during Health and Sports Week.


And we couldn't resist putting up this photo of Irina's friends who came along to the mural reveal to congratulate her. What's better than supportive friends?