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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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You are here Postgraduate > M.Phil in Art History

HA7032 Interpreting Ireland’s Built Heritage

This module considers the means by which built heritage is interpreted, presented and protected. It aims to encourage engagement with architecture in Ireland and beyond, and to develop critical analysis of the conceptual and management structures which frame, control and promote architectural heritage. Students will be asked to reflect on a number of central questions about built heritage: What do we value? Why do we value it? By what means do we protect and preserve it?
  • Module Organiser:
    • Dr Caroline McGee
  • Contact Hours:
    • 2 hours per week
  • Weighting:
    • 10 ECTS
  • Assessment:
    • This module will be assessed by a Building study and a research paper with a combined length of max. 5,000 words. Details of the requirements and deadlines will be provided in the module handbook.


Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

  • Describe and critically discuss the features and design of historic Irish buildings, orally and in writing, using appropriate vocabulary
  • Identify the principal stakeholders in the protection and preservation of historic architecture and critically analyse their roles and responsibilities, operational structures, conceptual approach, strategies and policies
  • Explain the chronological development of Irish architecture and urban design and situate historic buildings within their historical and art historical context
  • Critically discuss the historiography of Irish architecture, identifying and evaluating the principal trends in scholarship on Ireland’s history of building
  • Evaluate interdisciplinary scholarship on the construction of heritage
  • Present written research in a scholarly manner, with vocabulary appropriate to the study of architecture and urbanism