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Professor Robbie Gilligan
Fellow Emeritus, Social Studies


Robbie Gilligan is Professor of Social Work and Social Policy at Trinity College Dublin. Registered social worker SW025084. Founding Head of School of Social Work and Social Policy (2005-2011). Associate Director of Children's Research Centre,TCD (2004-2016). Research Fellow (2013-2016) at SFI - Danish National Centre for Social Research. Extraordinary Professor, Optentia Research Programme, North-West University, South Africa (2014-17). Other Career Highlights: * Visiting Professor: Centre for Research and Innovation in Childhood and Youth, Uni. of Sussex, April to June 2018; Dept. of Social Work, Massey Uni., New Zealand, Nov., 2016; Dept. of Social Work, Charles Uni., Prague, Oct. 2011, Dec. 2016, Oct. 2017; Dept. of Social Work, Vytautas Magnus Uni., Kaunas, Lithuania, May 2012 * Visiting Scholar: School of Social Service Administration, Uni. of Chicago, October 2012 * Elected Member of Board (Governing Authority) of TCD (2010 - 14; 2015 - 18) * Elected Fellow of TCD, 2004. * First Holder of Chair of Social Work and Social Policy at TCD, 2001. * Co-founder (w. Dr Sheila Greene, Dept of Psychology) of Children's Research Centre,TCD, 1995. * Founder of multi-disciplinary PG diploma in child protection and welfare, 1990, and MSc in Child Protection and Welfare,1995, TCD. * Director MSc in Child Protection and Welfare,TCD 1995-2016. * PhD Supervision. ten supervised to successful completion: 2019 Eavan Brady,'A Qualitative Life Course Study of the Educational Pathways of Care-experienced Adults' 2018 Louise Yorke '"Maybe I will have a good life in the future?": The lives, experiences and choices of rural girls as they negotiate different pathways to urban secondary schools in Ethiopia' 2018 Derina Johnson 'Living on the borderline: The lived experience of young migrants and refugees growing up on the Thailand-Myanmar border' 2017 Michelle Spirtos 'The lived experience of disability during the transition to adulthood - A study of young people with hemiplegic cerebral palsy' 2016 Dovile Vildaite 'Transnational Experiences of Youth and Family Migration: Intergenerational Perspectives' 2015 Niamh Lally, 'Higher education and transition experiences of students with intellectual disabilities: a promise realized or denied?' 2012 Lindsey Garratt, 'The Body, Masculinities and Racism - Social Relations between migrant and dominant group boys in three inner city primary schools in Dublin' 2012 Jennifer Scholtz, 'Narratives of Mobility, Difference, Belonging and Home: Girls' Experience of Immigration to Ireland' 2009 Margaret Rogers, 'Social and physical ecologies of childhood: A case study of children's perspectives on their neighbourhood' 2007 Muireann Ni Raghallaigh, 'Negotiating changed contexts and challenging circumstances: The experiences of unaccompanied minors living in Ireland' Four PhD students currently under supervision (three co-supervised).

* External examiner: Anglia Ruskin,(PhD), Cardiff,(PhD), La Trobe, Victoria (PhD), Queen's, Belfast (PhD; Cert. in Child Protection Studies), RMIT, Melbourne (PhD), Southern Cross, New South Wales (PhD), University College Cork (PhD), Aberdeen (PhD),Adelaide (PhD), Bedfordshire (PhD), Brighton (PhD), Bristol (EdD), Dundee (Cert. in Child Protection Studies), East Anglia, (PhD, MA in International Child Welfare), Glasgow (PhD), Groningen (Cum Laude assessment for PhD), Guelph, Ontario (PhD), Johannesburg (PhD), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (PhD), Melbourne (PhD), Oviedo (PhD), Queensland (PhD), Sheffield (PhD), Stirling (PhD; EdD), Sussex (PhD), Ulster (MA [Adv. Social Work],and PhD), Warwick (PhD), Western Australia (PhD) * Former youth worker, social worker and foster carer. * Research related involvement in Ethiopia, Thailand, Togo. Also work visits to Brazil, China, South Africa, Tanzania, Vietnam and Zambia

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

`Uncovering the relational complexity of kinship care " the power of qualitative research" in, editor(s)Elizabeth Fernandez, Bethany Lee, Penelope Welbourne and Joyce Ma , Routledge Handbook of Child and Family Social Work Research: Knowledge-Building, Application, and Impact, Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge, 2025, pp398 - 411, [Robbie Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2025

Soyez, V. and Gilligan, R. and Arnau-SabatÚs, L. and Johansson, H. and Hojer, I. and Pazlorova, H. and Sjöblom, Y. and Stoddart, J., Early work experiences, social inclusion and transition to adulthood: The voice of care-experienced young adults, Journal of Social Work, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Caffrey, L., Brady, E., Keegan, O., Dunne, S., Sheaf, G., Holt, S., & Gilligan, R., Children's Experiences of Signs of Safety: A Scoping Review, Children and Youth Services Review, 2024 Journal Article, 2024 DOI TARA - Full Text

Johansson, H. and Sjöblom, Y. and Höjer, I. and Gilligan, R. and Arnau-Sabatés, L. and Pazlarová, H. and Soyez, V. and Stoddart, J., Exploring care leavers' agency in achieving entry into the world of work: A cross-national study in six countries, International Journal of Social Welfare, 33, (1), 2024, p309-319 Journal Article, 2024 DOI

Stephanie Holt, Robbie Gilligan, Louise Caffrey & Eavan Brady, Through the Eyes of the Child: A Study of Tusla Child Protection and Welfare Intervention, 2023 Report, 2023 TARA - Full Text DOI

Residential Care for Children and Youth in Ireland in, editor(s)James K. Whittaker, Lisa Holmes, Jorge Carlos Fernandez del Valle, and Sigrid James , Revitalizing Residential Care for Children and Youth - Cross-National Trends and Challenges, New York, Oxford University Press, 2023, pp108 - 122, [Robbie Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2023 DOI

Yorke, L. and Gilligan, R. and Alemu, E., Moving towards empowerment? Rural female migrants negotiating domestic work and secondary education in urban Ethiopia, Gender, Place and Culture, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Robbie Gilligan, Eavan Brady. Laura Cullen, One More Adversity: The lived experience of care leavers in Ireland during the Covid-19 Pandemic, School of Social Work and Social Policy, TCD, February, 2022 Report, 2022 TARA - Full Text DOI

Robbie Gilligan Eavan Brady, 'What helps adult care leavers return to education? Exploring the relevance of learner identity and the life course perspective' , Journal of Youth Studies, 2022 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Spirtos, M. and Gilligan, R., â€~In your own head everyone is staring†: the disability related identity experiences of young people with hemiplegic cerebral palsy, Journal of Youth Studies, 25, (1), 2022, p50-66 Journal Article, 2022 DOI

Sime, D., Gilligan, R., Scholtz, J., 'Children at transition from primary school reflecting on what schools are for - narratives of connectedness, (mis)recognition and becoming', Childhood, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 TARA - Full Text URL

Spirtos, M., Gilligan, R., Supporting resilience and personal capacity during the transition to adulthood for young people with physical impairments, COTEC - ENOTHE CONGRESS 2021, Prague, Czech Republic, September 15-18, 2021 Oral Presentation, 2021

Yorke, Louise, Gilligan, Robbie, Alemu, Eyerusalem, Exploring the dynamics of female rural-urban migration for secondary education in Ethiopia, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2021, p1-17 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Sime, D. and Gilligan, R. and Scholtz, J., Children at transition from primary school reflecting on what schools are for â€" narratives of connectedness, (mis)recognition and becoming, Childhood, 28, (2), 2021, p294-308 Journal Article, 2021 DOI TARA - Full Text

Gilligan, R. & Brady, E., What helps adult care leavers return to education? Exploring the relevance of learner identity and the life course perspective, Journal of Youth Studies, 2021 Journal Article, 2021 DOI

Hill, L. and Gilligan, R. and Connelly, G., How did kinship care emerge as a significant form of placement for children in care? A comparative study of the experience in Ireland and Scotland, Children and Youth Services Review, 117, (104368), 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Arnau-Sabatés, L. and Gilligan, R., Support in the workplace: How relationships with bosses and co-workers may benefit care leavers and young people in care, Children and Youth Services Review, 111, (104833), 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Korkiamäki, R., & Gilligan, R. , Responding to Misrecognition-A Study with Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Minors, Children and Youth Services Review, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

E. Brady and R. Gilligan, 'The role of agency in shaping the educational journeys of care-experienced adults: Insights from a life course study of education and care'., Children and Society, 34, (2), 2020, p121 - 135 Journal Article, 2020 URL

Laura Arnau-Sabates Robbie Gilligan, 'Support in the workplace: how relationships with bosses and co-workers may benefit care leavers and young people in care.', Children and Youth Services Review, 111, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 URL

Ann Swift, Edurne Garcia Iriarte, Philip Curry, Roy McConkey, Robbie Gilligan & Marisa Antunes , How Disability and Other Socio-Economic Factors Matter to Children's Socio-Emotional Outcomes: Results from a Longitudinal Study Conducted in Ireland, Child Indicators Research, August, 2020, p1 - 25 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text URL

Brady, E. and Gilligan, R., The Role of Agency in Shaping the Educational Journeys of Care-experienced Adults: Insights from a Life Course Study of Education and Care, Children and Society, 34, (2), 2020, p121-135 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Hill, L., Gilligan,.R. and Connelly, G., 'How did kinship care emerge as a significant form of placement for children in care? A comparative study of the experience in Ireland and Scotland' , Children and Youth Services Review, 117, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 TARA - Full Text URL

Brady, E. & Gilligan, R., Supporting care-experienced adults' educational journeys: 'Linked lives' over the life course, Child & Family Social Work, 25, (2), 2020, p221 - 229 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

A.D. van Breda, E.R. Munro, R. Gilligan, R. Anghel, A. Harder, M. Incarnato, V. Mann-Feder, T. Refaeli, R. Stohler, J. Storø, Extended care: Global dialogue on policy, practice and research, Children and Youth Services Review, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 URL TARA - Full Text

Johnson, D. & Gilligan, R., Youth agency in everyday precarity: the experiences of young migrants and refugees growing up on the Thailand-Myanmar border, Journal of Youth Studies, 2020 Journal Article, 2020 DOI

Eavan Brady Robbie Gilligan, Supporting care-experienced adults' educational journeys: 'Linked lives' over the life course in Child & Family Social Work has the following publication status: Published as Early View , Child and Family Social Work, 2019 Journal Article, 2019 URL

Work Matters: Re-thinking the Transformative Potential of Education and Work in the Lives of Young People in Care and Care Leavers in, editor(s)Patricia McNamara, Carme Montserrat & Sarah Wise , Education in Out-of-Home Care - International Perspectives on Policy, Practice and Research, Springer, 2019, [Robbie Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2019 URL

Eavan Brady Robbie Gilligan, 'Exploring diversity in the educational pathways of care-experienced adults: Findings from a life course study of education and care', Children and Youth Services Review, 104, 2019 Journal Article, 2019 URL

R. Gilligan, The family foster care system in Ireland - Advances and challenges, Children and Youth Services Review, 100, 2019, p221 - 228 Journal Article, 2019 URL

Brady, Eavan; Gilligan, Robbie; and Nic Fhlannchadha, Siobhan (, "Care-experienced Young People Accessing Higher Education in Ireland" , Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, 19, (1), 2019 Journal Article, 2019 URL

Resilience, Transitions and Leaving Care Chapter 3 in, editor(s)Varda Mann-Feder & Martin Goyette , Leaving Care and the Transition to Adulthood: International Contributions to Theory, Research and Practice, New York, Oxford University Press, 2019, pp51 - 68, [Robbie Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2019

Spirtos, M., Gilligan, R., Hutch, A., A narrative exploration of the lives of young people with hemiplegic cerebral palsy during transitions to adulthood - the potential for creative approaches to dissemination, 5th International Narrative Inquiry Conference, Dublin, May 2nd & May 3rd , 2019 Oral Presentation, 2019

Brady, E. & Gilligan, R., Exploring diversity in the educational pathways of care-experienced adults: Findings from a life course study of education and care, Children and Youth Services Review, 104, 2019, p104379 Journal Article, 2019 URL

Delgado, P., Pinto, V., Carvalho, J., Gilligan, R , Family Contact in Foster Care in Portugal. The views of children in foster care and other key actors, Child and Family Social Work, 2018 Journal Article, 2018 URL

Brady, E. and Gilligan, R., The life course perspective: An integrative research paradigm for examining the educational experiences of adult care leavers?, Children and Youth Services Review, 87, 2018, p69-77 Journal Article, 2018 DOI

Brady, E. and Gilligan, R., The Life Course Perspective: An integrative research paradigm for examining the educational experiences of adult care leavers? , Children and Youth Services Review, 87, 2018, p69 - 77 Journal Article, 2018 URL

Gilligan, R. and Arnau-Sabatés, L., The role of carers in supporting the progress of care leavers in the world of work, Child and Family Social Work, 22, (2), 2017, p792-800 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Jennifer Scholtz and Robbie Gilligan, "Encountering difference: young girls' perspectives on separateness and friendship in culturally diverse schools in Dublin", Childhood, 24, (2), 2017, p168 - 182 Journal Article, 2017 URL

Whittaker, J. K., Holmes, L., del Valle, J. F., Ainsworth, F., Andreassen, T., Anglin, J. P., Bellonci, C., Berridge, D., Bravo, A., Canali, C., Courtney, M., Currey, L., Daly, D. L., Gilligan, R., Grietens, H., Harder, A. T., Holden, M. J., James, S., Kendrick, A., Knorth, E. J., Lausten, M., Lyons, J. S., Martin, E., McDermid, S., McNamara, P., Palareti, L., Ramsey, S., Sisson, K. M., Small, R. W., Thoburn, J., Thompson, R. & Zeira, A. , , Acogimiento residencial terapéutico para niños y adolescentes: una declaración de consenso del Grupo de Trabajo Internacional sobre Acogimiento Residencial Terapéutico, Psicothema, 29, (3), 2017, p289 - 298 Journal Article, 2017 URL

Scholtz, J. and Gilligan, R., Encountering difference: Young girls†perspectives on separateness and friendship in culturally diverse schools in Dublin, Childhood, 24, (2), 2017, p168-182 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

'Resilience Theory and Social Work Practice' Chapter 29 in, editor(s)Francis J. Turner , Social Work Treatment: Interlocking Theoretical Perspectives, 6th Edition , New York, Oxford University Press, 2017, pp441 - 451, [Robbie Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2017

Robbie Gilligan and Laura Arnau Sabates, The Role of Carers in Supporting the Progress of Care Leavers in the World of Work, Child and Family Social Work, 22, (2), 2017, p792 - 800 Journal Article, 2017 TARA - Full Text URL

Whittaker, J.K. and Holmes, L. and del Valle, J.F. and Ainsworth, F. and Andreassen, T. and Anglin, J. and Bellonci, C. and Berridge, D. and Bravo, A. and Canali, C. and Courtney, M. and Currey, L. and Daly, D. and Gilligan, R. and Grietens, H. and Harder, A. and Holden, M. and James, S. and Kendrick, A. and Knorth, E. and Lausten, M. and Lyons, J. and Martin, E. and McDermid, S. and McNamara, P. and Palareti, L. and Ramsey, S. and Sisson, K. and Small, R. and Thoburn, J. and Thompson, R. and Zeira, A., Therapeutic residential care for children and youth: A consensus statement of the international work group on therapeutic residential care [Acogimiento residencial terapéutico para niños y adolescentes: Una declaración de consenso del grupo de trabajo internacional sobre acogimiento residencial terapéutico], Psicothema, 29, (3), 2017, p289-298 Journal Article, 2017 DOI

Disability and Human Rights: Global Perspectives in, editor(s)E. Garcia Iriarte, R. McConkey and R. Gilligan , Disability and Human Rights: Global Perspectives, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp1 - 9, [E. Garcia Iriarte, R. McConkey and R. Gilligan  ] Book Chapter, 2016

'Children's Rights and Disability' in, editor(s)E. Garcia Iriarte, R. McConkey and R. Gilligan , Disability and Human Rights: Global Perspectives, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp115 - 132, [Robbie Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2016

Whittaker, J. K., Holmes, L., del Valle, J. F., Ainsworth, F., Andreassen, T., Anglin, J. P., Bellonci, C., Berridge, D., Bravo, A., Canali, C., Courtney, M. E., Currey, L., Daly, D. L., Gilligan, R., Grietens, H., Harder, A. T., Holden, M. J., James, S., Kendrick, A., Knorth, E. J., Lausten, M., Lyons, J. S., Martín, E., McDermid, S., McNamara, P., Palareti, L., Ramsey, S., Sisson, K. M., Small, R. W., Thoburn, J., Thompson, R. W. & Zeira, A. , Therapeutische residentiële hulp voor kinderen en jongeren: Een consensus verklaring van de Internationale Werkgroep Therapeutische Residentiële Zorg, Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en Praktijk, 55, (11/12), 2016, p268 - 286 Journal Article, 2016

Whittaker, J. K., Holmes, L., del Valle, J. F., Ainsworth, F., Andreassen, T., Anglin, J. P., Bellonci, C., Berridge, D., Bravo, A., Canali, C., Courtney, M., Currey, L., Daly, D. L., Gilligan, R., Grietens, H., Harder, A. T., Holden, M. J., James, S., Kendrick, A., Knorth, E. J., Lausten, M., Lyons, J. S., Martin, E., McDermid, S., McNamara, P., Palareti, L., Ramsey, S., Sisson, K. M., Small, R. W., Thoburn, J., Thompson, R. & Zeira, A. , Therapeutic Residential Care for Children and Youth: A Consensus Statement of the International Work Group on Therapeutic Residential Care, Residential Treatment for Children and Youth., 33, (2), 2016, p89 - 106 Journal Article, 2016 URL

editor(s)E. Garcia Iriarte, R. McConkey and R. Gilligan, Disability and Human Rights: Global Perspectives, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 344pp Book, 2016 URL

Children In Care - Global Perspectives On The Challenges Of Securing Their Wellbeing And Rights in, editor(s)Anne Smith , Enhancing Children's Rights: Connecting Research, Policy and Practice , Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, pp127 - 139, [Robbie Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2015 URL

Foreword in, editor(s)James Whittaker, Jorge del Valle, Lisa Holmes , Therapeutic Residential Care For Children and Youth - Developing Evidence-Based International Practice, London, Jessica Kingsley, 2015, pp11 - 20, [Robbie Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2015 URL URL

Laura Arnau Sabates, Robbie Gilligan, What helps young care leavers to enter the world of work? Possible lessons from an exploratory study in Ireland and Catalonia, Children and Youth Services Review, 53, (June), 2015, p185-191 Journal Article, 2015 URL DOI

'Foreword' in, editor(s)Caw, J. [with Sebba, J., [authors] , Team Parenting for Children in Foster Care: A Model for Integrated Therapeutic Care, London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2014, pp9 - 11, [Robbie Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2014 URL

Robbie Gilligan, Elizabeth P. De Castro, Stefan Vanistendael, Jane Warburton , Learning from Children Exposed to Sexual Abuse and Sexual Exploitation - Synthesis Report, Geneva, Oak Foundation, 2014, 44pp Report, 2014 URL

The "Public Child" and the Reluctant State? in, editor(s)Maria Luddy and James Smith , Children, childhood and Irish society, 1700 to the present, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2014, pp145 - 163, [Robbie Gillgian] Book Chapter, 2014 URL

Merike Darmody, Lean McMahon, Joanne Banks and Robbie Gilligan, Education of Children in Care in Ireland: An Exploratory Study Dublin: Office of the Ombudsman for Children, Dublin, Office of the Ombudsman for Children, 2013, 1 - 136pp Book, 2013 URL

Emily R. Munro and Robbie Gilligan, The 'Dance' of Kinship Care in England and Ireland: Navigating a course between regulation and relationships, Psychosocial Interventions , 22, (3), 2013, p185 - 192 Journal Article, 2013 TARA - Full Text URL

Donnelly SM, Carter-Anand J, Cahill S, Gilligan R, Mehigan B, O'Neill D, Multiprofessional Views on Older Patients' Participation in Care Planning Meetings in a Hospital Context, Practice: Social Work in Action, 25, 2013 Journal Article, 2013 DOI TARA - Full Text

'Case Study 12: Obtaining informed and voluntary consent in a group context' in, Graham, A., Powell, M., Taylor, N., Anderson, D. & Fitzgerald, R. , Ethical Research Involving Children, Florence, Italy, UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, 2013, pp138 - 141, [Muireann Ni Raghallaigh Robbie Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2013 URL

Munro, E.R. and Gilligan, R., The 'dance' of kinship care in England and Ireland: Navigating a course between regulation and relationships, Psychosocial Intervention, 22, (3), 2013, p185-192 Journal Article, 2013 DOI

Robbie Gilligan, Promoting a Sense of 'Secure Base' for Children in Foster Care - Exploring the Potential Contribution of Foster Fathers , Journal of Social Work Practice, 26 , (4), 2012, p473 - 486 Journal Article, 2012 DOI

Children, social networks and social support in, Hill, M., Head, G., Lockyer, A., Reid, B. and Taylor, R. , Children's Services: Working Together, Harlow, Pearson, 2012, pp116 - 126, [Gilligan, R.] Book Chapter, 2012 URL

Robbie Gilligan, 'De-institutionalisation of services for children in state care in Ireland - A case study of international relevance', Ročenka textů zahraničních profesorů / The Annual of Texts by Foreign Guest Professors, 2012, p129-141 Journal Article, 2012 TARA - Full Text

Donnelly S, Cahill S, O'Neill D, Gilligan R, Mehigan B, Collins DR, Care Planning Meetings: Participation for Whom?, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, UCC, 14-15 Sept, 181, (Suppl 7), 2012, ppS219-20 Meeting Abstract, 2012

Robbie Gilligan, Tony Gregory, Dublin, O'Brien Press, 2011, 240pp Book, 2011 URL

Williams, David and Gilligan, Robbie, Self Injury and the Challenges of Responding to Young People in Care:The Experiences of a Sample of Social Care Workers , Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, 11, (1), 2011 Journal Article, 2011 URL

Curry, P., Gilligan, R., Garratt, L., Scholtz, J., Where to From Here? Inter-ethnic Relations among Children in Ireland, Dublin, Liffey Press, 2011, xv + 208- Book, 2011 URL

Selected Outcomes for Young People Aged 17-19 Years in Long Term Foster Care in Ireland in, editor(s)Elizabeth Fernandez and Richard P. Barth , How Does Foster Care Work? International Evidence on Outcomes, London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2010, pp243 - 259, [Fiona Daly and Robbie Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2010 URL

Robbie Gilligan, Philip Curry, Judy McGrath, Derek Murphy, Muireann Ní Raghallaigh' Margaret Rogers, Jennifer Jean Scholtz, Aoife Gilligan Quinn, In the Front Line of Integration: Young people managing migration to Ireland, Dublin, Children's Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin, February, 2010, 1-81 Report, 2010 URL TARA - Full Text

Brid McGrath, Margaret Rogers and Robbie Gilligan, Young People and Public Libraries in Ireland: Issues and Opportunities, Dublin, Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, 2010, 52 Report, 2010 TARA - Full Text URL

Ni Raghallaigh, Muireann and Gilligan, Robbie, Active survival in the lives of unaccompanied minors: coping strategies, resilience, and the relevance of religion, Child and Family Social Work, 15, (2), 2010, p226 - 237 Journal Article, 2010 URL

B. Daniel, S. Wassell, R. Gilligan, Child Development for Child Care and Protection Workers (Second Edition), London, Jessica Kingsley, 2010, 1 - 281pp Book, 2010 URL

'The Key Role of Social workers in promoting the Well-being of Children in State Care- a neglected dimension of reforming policies.' in, editor(s)M. Courtney and J. Thoburn , Children in State Care, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2009, pp511 - 520, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2009 URL

Courtney, M.E. and Dolev, T. and Gilligan, R., Looking Backward to See Forward Clearly, 2009 Book, 2009 DOI

Positive Turning Points in the Dynamics of Change over the Life Course in, editor(s)Mancini, Jay A. and Roberto, Karen A. , Pathways of Human Development: Explorations of Change, Lanham, Maryland, Lexington Books, 2009, pp15 - 34, [Robbie Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2009 URL

"Looking Backward To See Forward Clearly: A Cross-National Perspective on Residential Care" in, editor(s)M. Courtney and D. Iwaniec , Residential Care of Children - Comparative Perspectives , New York, Oxford University Press, 2009, pp191 - 208, [M. Courtney, T. Dolev and R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2009 URL

Robbie Gilligan, Promoting Resilience - Supporting children and young people who are in care, adopted or in need, Second Edition, London, British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering, 2009, i-viii; 1-123pp Book, 2009 URL

Residential Care in Ireland in, editor(s)M. E. Courtney and D. Iwaniec , Residential Care of Children - Comparative Perspectives , New York, Oxford University Press, 2009, pp3 - 19, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2009 DOI URL

'Promoting Positive Outcomes for Children in Need - the Importance of Protective Capacity in the Child and their Social Network' in, editor(s)J. Horwath , The Child's World - The Comprehensive Guide to Assessing Children in Need, London, Jessica Kingsley, 2009, pp174 - 183, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2009 URL

Robbie Gilligan, The "Public Child" and the Reluctant State?, Eire / Ireland, 44, (1&2), 2009, p265 - 290 Journal Article, 2009 URL

Gilligan, R., The "public child" and the reluctant state?, Eire-Ireland, 44, (1-2), 2009, p265-290 Journal Article, 2009 DOI

Donnelly S, Carter Anand J, Gilligan R, Mehigan B, O'Neill D. , Participation of older people in family meetings in a hospital setting., Ir J Med Sci, 177, (Suppl 9), 2008, ppS327 Meeting Abstract, 2008

R. Gilligan, Promoting Resilience in Young People in Long Term Care - The Relevance of Roles and Relationships in the Domains of Recreation and Work , Journal of Social Work Practice, 22, (1), 2008, p37 - 50 Journal Article, 2008 URL

Ireland in, editor(s)M. Stein and E. Munro , Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood - International Research and Practice, London, Jessica Kingsley, 2008, pp90 - 101, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2008 URL

R. Gilligan, Spare Time Activities for Young People in Care:What can they contribute to educational progress? , Adoption and Fostering, 31, (1), 2007, p92 - 99 Journal Article, 2007 URL

Some Lessons Learned?: A Case Study of Research Dissemination to Young People in Care in, editor(s)R. Chaskin and J. Rosenfeld , Research for Action - Cross-National Perspectives on Connecting Knowledge, Policy, and Practice for Children , New York, Oxford University Press, 2007, pp111 - 127, [R. Emond and R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2007 URL

R. Gilligan, Adversity, Resilience and the Educational Progress of Young People in Public Care, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 12, (2), 2007, p135 - 145 Journal Article, 2007 URL

'Promoting Resilience and Permanence in Child Welfare' in, editor(s)Barber, J., Dudding, P., and Flynn, R. , Promoting Resilient Development in Children Receiving Care, Ottawa, University of Ottawa Press, 2006, pp18 - 33, [Robbie Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2006 URL

R. Gilligan, 'Creating a Warm Place Where Children Can Blossom' , Social Policy Journal of New Zealand - Te Puna Whakaaro, (28), 2006, p36 - 45 Journal Article, 2006 URL

Keogh, A.F., Halpenny, A. and Gilligan, R., Educational Issues for Children and Young People in Families Living in Emergency Accommodation - an Irish Perspective, Children and Society, 2006 Journal Article, 2006

Keogh, A.F., Halpenny, A.M. and Gilligan , R. , 'Educational Issues for Children and Young People in Families Living in Emergency Accommodation - An Irish Perspective' , Children and Society , 20, (5), 2006, p360 - 375 Journal Article, 2006 URL

Gilligan, R., The Value of Resilience As a Key Concept in Evaluating Family Support, 2005, 73-87pp Book, 2005 DOI

'Selected aspects of education and contact with birth family amongst young people aged 13-14 years in long term foster care in Ireland' in, editor(s)H. Grietens, W. Lahaye, W. Hellinckx and L. Vandemeulebroecke, , In the Best Interests of Children and Youth. International Perspectives,Paedagogica 42, Leuven, Leuven University Press, 2005, pp143 - 173, [R. Gilligan and F. Daly] Book Chapter, 2005

Daly, F. and Gilligan, R. , Lives in Foster Care - The educational and social support experiences of young People Aged 13 - 14 years in long term foster care, Dublin, Children's Research Centre, 2005, i - 160pp Book, 2005 URL

Resilience and Residential Care for Children and Young People in, editor(s)D. Crimmens, and I. Milligan , Facing Forward - Residential Child Care in the 21st Century, Lyme Regis, Russell House Publishing, 2005, pp105 - 113, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2005 URL

Gilligan, R., Promoting resilience and permanence in child welfare, 2005, 18-33pp Book, 2005

'Enhancing the resilience of children and young people in public care by mentoring their talents and interests' in, editor(s)Nick Frost , Child Welfare - Major Themes in Health and Social Welfare Volume III Child Placement and Children Away from Home , London, Routledge, 2005, pp189 - 204, [Robbie Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2005

A. M. Halpenny and R. Gilligan, Caring Before Their Time? Research and Policy Perspectives on Young Carers. , Dublin, The National Children's Resource Centre, Barnardos and The Children's Research Centre, 2004, 56pp Book, 2004 URL

R. Gilligan, 'Promoting resilience in child and family social work: Issues for social work practice', Journal of Social Work Education , 23, (1), 2004, p93 - 104 Journal Article, 2004 URL

Gilligan, R., Promoting resilience in child and family social work: Issues for social work practice, education and policy, Social Work Education, 23, (1), 2004, p93-104 Journal Article, 2004 DOI

'The Value of Resilience as a Key Concept in Evaluating Family Support' in, editor(s)I. Katz and J. Pinkerton , Evaluating Family Support: Thinking Internationally, Thinking Critically , London, Wiley, 2003, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2003 URL

A. M. Halpenny, A.F. Keogh and R. Gilligan, A place for children? Children in families living in emergency accommodation. The perspectives of children, parents and professionals. , Dublin, Homeless Agency and The Children's Research Centre, Trinity College., 2002 Book, 2002 URL

'Promoting Positive Outcomes for Children in Need: the Assessment of Protective Factors' in, editor(s)J. Horwath , The Child's World: Assessing Children in Need, London, Jessica Kingsley, 2001, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2001

R. Gilligan, Promoting Resilience - A resource guide on working with children in the care system , London, British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering, 2001 Book, 2001

'Promoting Resilience in Children in Foster Care' in, editor(s)G. Kelly and R. Gilligan , Issues in Foster Care , London, Jessica Kingsley, 2000, pp107 - 126, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2000

'Family Support: Issues and Prospects' in, editor(s)J. Canavan, P. Dolan and J. Pinkerton , Family Support : Direction from Diversity , London, Jessica Kingsley, 2000, pp13 - 33, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2000

'Truancy', Martin Davies, The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Social Work, Blackwell Publishers, 2000, pp353 , [R. Gilligan] Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2000

The Importance of listening to the child in foster care in, editor(s)G. Kelly and R. Gilligan , Issues in Goster Care, London, Jessica Kinglsey, 2000, pp40 - 58, [R. gilligan] Book Chapter, 2000

Gilligan, R., Adversity, resilience and young people: The protective value of positive school and spare time experiences, Children and Society, 14, (1), 2000, p37-47 Journal Article, 2000 DOI

R. Gilligan, 'Men as Foster Carers - A neglected resource?' , Adoption and Fostering , 24, (2), 2000, p63 - 69 Journal Article, 2000 URL

R. Gilligan, 'The Developmental Implications for Children of Life in Public Care - Irish and International Perspectives', Irish Journal of Psychology , 21, (3-4), 2000, p138 - 153 Journal Article, 2000

R. Gilligan, 'The Key Role of Social Workers in Promoting the Well Being of Children in State Care - A Neglected Dimension of reforming Policies' , Children and Society , 14, (4), 2000, p267 - 276 Journal Article, 2000 URL

Gilligan, R., The developmental implications for children of life in public care: Irish and international perspectives, Irish Journal of Psychology, 21, (3-4), 2000, p138-153 Journal Article, 2000 DOI

Gilligan, R., The key role of social workers in promoting the well-being of children in state care â€" a neglected dimension in reforming policies, Children and Society, 14, (4), 2000, p267-276 Journal Article, 2000 DOI

R. Gilligan, 'Adversity, Resilience and Young People: the Protective Value of Positive School and Spare Time Experiences' , Children and Society, 14, (1), 2000, p37 - 47 Journal Article, 2000 URL

'The Importance of Listening to the Child in Foster Care' in, editor(s)G. Kelly and R. Gilligan , Issues in Foster Care, London, Jessica Kingsley, 2000, pp40 - 58, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 2000

Gilligan, R., Men as Foster Carers: A Neglected Resource?, Adoption and Fostering, 24, (2), 2000, p63-69 Journal Article, 2000 DOI

G. Kelly and R. Gilligan (eds)., Issues in Foster Care, London, Jessica Kingsley, 2000 Book, 2000 URL

B. Daniel, S. Wassell, R. Gilligan, Child Development for Child Care and Protection Workers, London, Jessica Kingsley, 1999, 335pp Book, 1999 URL

B. Daniel, S. Wassel and R. Gilligan, 'It's just common sense, isn't it? - Exploring ways of putting the theory of resilience into action' , Adoption and Fostering, 23, (3), 1999 Journal Article, 1999 URL

Daniel, B. and Wassell, S. and Gilligan, R., â€~It†s Just Common Sense isn†t it?†: Exploring Ways of Putting the Theory of Resilience into Action, Adoption and Fostering, 23, (3), 1999, p6-15 Journal Article, 1999 DOI

'Working with Social Networks: Key resources in helping children at risk' in, editor(s)M. Hill , Effective Ways of Helping Children , London, Jessica Kingsley, 1999, pp70 - 91, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 1999 URL

R. Gilligan , 'Enhancing the Resilience of Children and Young People in Public Care by Encouraging their Talents and Interests' , Child and Family Social Work , 4, (3), 1999, p187 - 196 Journal Article, 1999 URL

R. Gilligan, 'The Importance of Schools and Teachers in Child Welfare', Child and Family Social Work, 3, (1), 1998, p13 - 25 Journal Article, 1998 URL

Gilligan, R., The importance of schools and teachers in child welfare, Child and Family Social Work, 3, (1), 1998, p13-25 Journal Article, 1998 DOI

O'Riordan, J. and FitzGibbon, A. and Gilligan, R. and Clarke, M., Student teachers†perceptions of an after†school practicum †an interim report, Irish Educational Studies, 17, (1), 1998, p123-134 Journal Article, 1998 DOI

'Beyond Permanence? - the Importance of Resilience in Child Placement Practice and Planning' in, editor(s)M. Hill and M. Shaw , Signposts to Adoption: Policy, practice and research issues, London, British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering, 1998, pp80 - 96, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 1998

R. Gilligan, 'Beyond Permanence? - the Importance of Resilience in Child Placement Practice and Planning' , Adoption and Fostering, 21, (1), 1997, p12 - 20 Journal Article, 1997 URL

R. Gilligan and R. Chapman, Protocol for the Conduct of Child Protection Case Conferences, Cork, Southern Health Board, 1997, 60pp Book, 1997

B. Daniel, S. Wassell, J. Ennis, R. Gilligan, & E. Ennis, , 'Critical Understandings of Child Development: The Development of a Module for a Post-Qualifying Certificate Course in Child Protection Studies.' , Child and Family Social Work , 2, (4), 1997, p209 - 219 Journal Article, 1997 URL

R. Gilligan and R. Chapman, Developing Good Practice in the Conduct of Child Protection Case Conferences: An Action-Research Project, Cork, Southern Health Board, 1997, 163pp Book, 1997

Gilligan, R., Beyond Permanence? The Importance of Resilience in Child Placement Practice and Planning, Adoption and Fostering, 21, (1), 1997, p12-20 Journal Article, 1997 DOI

Gilligan, R., The foster carer experience in Ireland: Findings from a postal survey, Child: Care, Health and Development, 22, (2), 1996, p85-98 Journal Article, 1996 DOI

'Irish Child Care Services in the 1990s: The Child Care Act 1991 and Other Developments' in, editor(s)M. Hill and J. Aldgate , Child Welfare Services: Developments in Law, Policy, Practice and Research , London, Jessica Kingsley , 1996, pp56 - 74, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 1996 URL

R. Gilligan, 'The Foster Carer Experience in Ireland - findings from a postal survey' , Child: Care, Health and Development, 22, (2), 1996, p85 - 98 Journal Article, 1996 URL

Children and Society , 9, 2, (1995), J. Pinkerton and R. Gilligan, [eds.], Special Irish Issue Journal, 1995

'Family Support and Child Welfare: Realising the Promise of the Child Care Act 1991' in, editor(s)H. Ferguson and P. Kenny , On Behalf of the Child: Professional Perspectives on the Child Care Act 1991 , Dublin, A and A Farmar, 1995, pp60 - 83, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 1995

Ireland in, editor(s)M. Colton, and W. Hellinckx , Child Care in the EC - A country-specific guide to foster and residential care , Aldershot, Arena, 1993, pp118 - 138, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 1993

'Irlande' in, editor(s)M. Corbillon, W. Hellinckx and M.J. Colton , Suppléance Familiale en Europe - L'éducation en Internat, les familles d'acceuil et les alternatives au placement dans les pays de l'union européenne , Vigneux sur Seine, Matrice, 1993, pp129 - 145, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 1993

Groupwork, 5, 3, (1992), 96p, R. Gilligan and J. Pinkerton, [eds.], Special Issue 'Groupwork in Ireland' Journal, 1992

R. Gilligan, Irish Child Care Services - Policy Practice and Provision, Dublin, Institute of Public Administration, 1991, xvi + 263pppp Book, 1991


R. Gilligan, C. Somerhausen-Pelsener, P. Marcon, J.P. Pittet and M. Gabel, The Protection of Youth against Physical and Moral Danger, Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 1990, 71pp.pp Book, 1990

'Policy in the Republic of Ireland: historical and current issues in child care' in, editor(s)P. Carter, T.Jeffs and M. Smith , Social Work and Social Welfare Yearbook 1 , Milton Keynes, Open University, 1989, pp61 - 73, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 1989

'Intermediare Hilfesystem personen - bezogener Dienstleistungen in der Republik Irland' in, editor(s)R. Bauer and A. M. Thranhardt , Verbandliche Wohlfahrtspflege im internationalen Vergleich, Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1987, pp255 - 276 , [R. Gilligan, N. Kearney and W. Lorenz] Book Chapter, 1987

R. Gilligan and S. Keogh, Home from home : report on boarding out schemes for older people in Ireland , Dublin, National Council for the Aged, 1985, 79pp Book, 1985 URL

Robbie Gilligan, Neighbourhood Based Residential Child Care: A Local Residential Child Care Unit as a Resource for Integrated and Flexible Child and Family Care in Dublin., Group Care Practice Conference , London, England, April 30-May 4, 1984, 1984, pp1 - 14 Conference Paper, 1984 URL

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Stephanie Holt, Robbie Gilligan, Louise Caffrey & Eavan Brady, Through the Eyes of the Child: A Study of Tusla Child Protection and Welfare Intervention - A Research Briefing, Children and Youth Services Review, 2023, - Miscellaneous, 2023 TARA - Full Text DOI

Eavan Brady & Robbie Gilligan , Supporting the educational progress of children and young people in foster care: challenges and opportunities, Foster, (5), 2018, p29 - 41 Journal Article, 2018

Gilligan, R, 'Age limits and eligibility conditions for care, extended care and leaving care support for young people in care and care leavers: The case for cross-national analysis' , Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care, 17, (2), 2018 Journal Article, 2018 URL

Robbie Gilligan, How the government took 10 years to bring in a new law, 2016, - Miscellaneous, 2016 URL

Robbie Gilligan and Laura Arnau Sabates, Care to Work Pathways International Research Project, Optentia Research Day, Vaal Triangle Campus, North West University, September 8th 2016, 2016 Poster, 2016 URL

Robbie Gilligan, Children in care: 'How many Government ministers would throw their children out at 18?', 2016, - Miscellaneous, 2016 URL

Robbie Gilligan, Ireland has more than 6,000 children in care. How are they doing in school?, 2015, - Miscellaneous, 2015 URL

Robbie Gilligan, "Global Challenges of Youth and Poverty - A role for universities?"  , 2014 Working Paper, 2014 URL

Robbie Gilligan, Direct Provision: Failing the Test of Delivering on Children's Rights, 2014, - Miscellaneous, 2014 URL

Robbie Gilligan, Food for Thought The Contexts of Care, Food For Thought Conference, November 19th, 2013, IRISS.FM, 2013 Oral Presentation, 2013 URL

Philip Curry and Robbie Gilligan, Submission to Dept of Education and Science Anti Bullying Forum, 2012, - Miscellaneous, 2012 URL

Robbie Gilligan, Submission to Dept. of Foreign Affairs Consultation Process for White Paper on Development Aid Policy, 2012, - Miscellaneous, 2012 URL

Philip Curry and Robbie Gilligan, Be Fair, 2012, - Miscellaneous, 2012 URL

Robbie Gilligan, Taking a long term view in understanding life stories, Social Work Now - The Practice Journal of Child, Youth and Family (New Zealand), 44, 2009, p28 - 30 Journal Article, 2009 URL

Robbie Gilligan, Changing Children's Services - promoting and supporting informal care , Getting It Right for Every Child - GIRFEC: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services, Glasgow, 26th September 2008, 2008 Conference Paper, 2008 URL

E. Plunkett and R. Gilligan, A New Chance - An Evidence-Based Approach to the State Care of Young People with Challenging Behaviour, Derry, Cooperation and Working Together, 2006, 1 - 180pp Book, 2006 URL

R. Gilligan, Promoting Strengths and Resilience in Vulnerable Children and Families - Some Reflections on the Role of Social Workers and other Professionals, Childrenz Issues - Journal of the Children's Issues Centre (University of Otago, New Zealand) , 9, (1), 2005, p7 - 11 Journal Article, 2005

R. Gilligan, Review of Nurturing hidden resilience in troubled youth , by Michael Ungar , British Journal of Social Work, 35, (2), 2005, p296-298 Review, 2005 URL

R. Gilligan, 'Promoting resilience in children and young people', Developing Practice - The Child, Youth and Family Work Journal (Association of Children's Welfare Agencies, Australia), (No. 5), 2003 Journal Article, 2003

C. Murphy and R. Gilligan, Building Family Placements - An Evaluation of the Lisdeel Family Placement Initiative, Dublin, Daughters of Charity Child and Family Service and Northern Area Health Board, 2002, i-vii+1-88 Report, 2002 URL

S. Holt, P. Manners and R. Gilligan, Family Support in Practice: An Evaluation of the Naas Child & Family Project : a Springboard initiative , Dublin, Irish Youth Work Press, 2002 Report, 2002 URL

Robbie Gilligan, Review of Delivering Foster Care, by John Triseliotis, Moira Borland and Malcolm Hill , Child & Family Social Work, 6, (3), 2001, p275-276 Review, 2001 URL

R. Gilligan, Å greie seg i fosterhjem (1), Fosterhjemskontakt (Journal of Norwegian Foster Care Association), (7), 2000, p24 - 29 Journal Article, 2000

R. Gilligan, Å greie seg i fosterhjem (2), Fosterhjemskontakt (Journal of Norwegian Foster Care Association) , (8), 2000, p24 - 27 Journal Article, 2000

R. Gilligan, 'Child Welfare Review 1998', Administration, 47, (2), 1999, p232 - 256 Journal Article, 1999

R. Gilligan and R. Chapman, Children in the care of the Mid-Western Health Board - an agenda for action : a report commissioned by the Mid-Western Health Board , Limerick, Mid-Western Health Board , 1999 Report, 1999

O'Riordan, J., Fitzgibbon, A., Gilligan, R. and Clarke, M. , 'Student Teachers' Perceptions of an After School Practicum - An Interim Report' , Irish Educational Studies , 1998, p123 - 134 Journal Article, 1998 URL

'Ireland' in, editor(s)M. Colton and M. Williams , The World of Foster Care-An International Sourcebook on Foster Family Care Systems, Aldershot, Arena, 1998, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 1998

D. Hogan and R. Gilligan , Researching children's experiences: Qualitative approaches Proceedings of a Conference., Dublin, Children's Research Centre, 1997 Book, 1997 URL

E. O'Sullivan and R. Gilligan, No School, No Future, Dublin, National Youth Federation , 1997, i-v +57pp Book, 1997

R. Gilligan, 'Children Adrift in Care?- Can the Child Care Act 1991 rescue the 50% who are in care five years or more?, Irish Social Worker, 14, (1), 1996, p17 - 19 Journal Article, 1996

K. O'Halloran and R. Gilligan, A comparative review of new legislation in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland : the Children (N.I.) Order 1995 and the Child Care Act 1991 , Craigavon, Southern Health and Social Services Board, 1996, 61pp Book, 1996

R. Gilligan, 'Making a success of fostering - what we want for the children, what we need for the adults, A Journey Through Fostering: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of the International Foster Care Organisation, Dublin, July 1993, Dublin, edited by Deirdre McTeigue , Irish Foster Care Association, 1995 Conference Paper, 1995

'Ireland' in, editor(s)M. Colton and W. Hellinckx , Child Care in the EC - A Country Specific Guide to Foster and Residential Care, Aldershot, Arena, 1993, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 1993

R. Gilligan, 'The Child Care Act 1991:An Examination of its Scope and Resource Implications, Administration, 40, (4), 1993, p347 - 370 Journal Article, 1993 URL

R. Gilligan, Adversity in the Child's Home Life - The Protective Role of the Teacher and the School , Studies in Education , 9, (2), 1993, p53 - 66 Journal Article, 1993

R. Gilligan, Child care and family support : choices for the Church : a discussion paper, Dublin, Conference of Major Religious Superiors, 1993 Report, 1993

H. Ferguson, R. Gilligan and R. Torode, Surviving Childhood Adversity - Issues for Policy and Practice, Dublin, Social Studies Press, 1993, 372pp Book, 1993

R. Gilligan, Juvenile Crime - Its Causes and Remedies: First Report of the Select Committee on Crime , Dublin, Dail Eireann, 1992 Report, 1992

'Can the Child Care Act 1991 be effective in addressing the problem of youth homelessness?' in, The Child Care Act 1991 and Youth Homelessness, Dublin, National Campaign for the Homeless and Barnardos, 1992, pp11 - 25, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 1992

R. Gilligan, 'Implementing the Child Care Act 1991 - A Review of the Resource Implications' , Irish Social Worker, (Winter-Spring), 1992, p7 - 10 Journal Article, 1992

'The State, Society and the Vulnerable Child' in, editor(s)P. Berwick and M. Burns , The Rights of the Child: Irish Perspectives on the UN Convention , Dublin, The Council for Social Welfare, 1991, pp80 - 92, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 1991

Robbie Gilligan, Foster Care for Children in Ireland, Dublin, Dept. of Social Studies, Trinity College, Dublin, 1990 Book, 1990

R. Gilligan, Juvenile Justice in Ireland, Youth and Policy, 26, 1989, p39 - 46 Journal Article, 1989

J. Pinkerton and R. Gilligan(ed.), Images of childhood : working for children? : proceedings of third North-South Child Welfare Conference, 18th-20th October 1987, Slieve Donard Hotel, Newcastle , Newcastle, Co. Down, 18-20th October 1987, North-South Child Welfare Conference, 1988, 74 p Proceedings of a Conference, 1988

A. Dempsey, E. Donoghue, and R. Gilligan, Drug Questions, Local Answers? - Course Guide, Dublin, Health Education Bureau, 1987, 148pp Book, 1987

G. Boland, C. Conroy, E. Davey, S. Dromey, R. Gilligan, M. Higgins, J. O'Connor, C. O'Kelly, G. Regan and P. Tobin, Your child in care - a handbook for parents with children in care, Dublin, Family Link, 1987, 76pp Book, 1987

A. Dempsey, R. Gilligan and E. Donoghue , A development in in-service training about drugs and alcohol in Ireland and Britain, 12th World Health Education Conference, Killarney, Health Education Bureau, 1987, pp429 - 437 Conference Paper, 1987

New Possibilities in Health and Social Care in, editor(s)P. Berwick and M. Burns , Future Directions in Health Policy, Dublin, Council for Social Welfare, 1984, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 1984

R. Gilligan and M. Brown, A preliminary review of boarding-out schemes for the elderly in Ireland, Short-term Family Placement Schemes for Elderly People, Leeds, edited by A. Leaman , (Appendix 1), 1984, pp1 - 15 Conference Paper, 1984

Ireland in, International Bibliography of Social Gerontology, Paris, International Centre of Social Gerontology, 1982, pp435 - 440, [R. Gilligan and J. Curry] Book Chapter, 1982

R. Gilligan, Some reflections on the social problem of child abuse, Children First, 22, 1982, p2 - 12 Journal Article, 1982

R. Gilligan, Children in care in their own community : a report of the initial stages of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul's pilot child care project at 69 Amiens St. Dublin , Dublin, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 1982, 23 Report, 1982

Poverty and Old People in, editor(s)Stanislaus Kennedy , One Million Poor? The Challenge of Irish Inequality, Dublin, Turoe Press, 1981, pp111 - 144, [R. Gilligan] Book Chapter, 1981

R. Gilligan, Report of the Task Force on Child Care Services; possible influences on the impact of its recommendations, Irish Social Worker, 2, (3), 1981, p12 - 15 Journal Article, 1981

Research Expertise


Research interests revolve around children and young people: - Children and young people in challenging circumstances / with challenged status (public care, migration, ethnic diversity, disability, refugees etc) - Sources of resilience and support - Experiences of key transitions and turning points - Children and youth policy issues in international development' Current PhD students and study titles - Eavan Brady, 'A life course study of the educational pathways of adults who spent time in State care as children.' - Melanie Labor, 'Occupying the Void: Young People's Narratives as a Gateway to a New Understanding of Youth Suicides - A Case study in a Disadvantaged Community in Ireland (with co-supervisor Dr Geraldine Foley) - Sinead Whiting 'The Lived Experience of Late Adoption from Foster Care' and - Louise Yorke, 'The Migration of Rural Girls to Urban Areas for Secondary Education: A Case Study in Southern Ethiopia (SNNPR)'.


  • Title
    • 'Unfolding Lives - How do young adults across diverse contexts negotiate pathways through education, work and meaningful relationships? '
  • Summary
    • 'Unfolding Lives' is a research programme made up of a set of studies exploring how young adults negotiate their way in the worlds of work, education and meaningful relationships. The programme comprises a series of single or multi-country studies across eight countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, Ethiopia, Ireland, New Zealand, Spain (Catalonia), Sweden and Thailand). Currently, researchers active in the programme are drawn from a number of disciplines: education, occupational therapy, psychology, social pedagogy and social work. In addition to Trinity based researchers, there are also collaborating researchers supporting the work of the programme from Charles University, Prague; Hawassa University, Ethiopia; UAB - Autonomous University of Barcelona; University of Gothenburg; and VUB - Free University of Brussels. Studies in the programme look at the experiences of young adults in a variety of challenging circumstances: migrant young women moving from rural areas to cities in a low income country; the work pathways of young adults who have grown up in state care; the educational pathways of young adults who have grown up in state care; undocumented youth fleeing political uncertainty and security threats at home; young adults adjusting to a more independent life that includes disability; young people adopted late from life in care. These studies span varying countries, social contexts, specific circumstances and disciplinary perspectives and draw evidence from a diverse range of 'living social laboratories'. The programme is innovative for its focus on less studied groups and for seeking nuanced understandings of their shared and divergent experiences across multiple contexts. A particular emphasis of the programme is investigating how young adults remain agentic in challenging circumstances, what influences, supports and hinders the exercise of their agency in given contexts. The results of the studies promise insights that can enhance theoretical understanding, public policy and front-line practice related to youth and young adults.
  • Date From
    • 2016
  • Title
    • Care to Work Pathways Research Project
  • Summary
    • This cross-national project examines successful work entry and adaptation among young adults who have grown up in care. Initial studies have been completed in Ireland and Spain (Catalonia). Replication studies under the umbrella of the Project are in progress in Belgium, the Czech Republic and Sweden.
  • Date From
    • 2015
  • Title
    • Gender Disparities and Disability: Identifying barriers for inclusion specific to girls with disabilities in Togo
  • Summary
    • Mixed method study led by Prof Carol Newman (Economics) in collaboration with Prof Trevor Spratt (Children's Research Centre), and myself in conjunction with colleagues in University of Lome who have conducted the core of the fieldwork
  • Funding Agency
    • Plan International
  • Date From
    • June 2016
  • Date To
    • December 2017
  • Title
    • Young Somali Adults in the Irish Education System
  • Summary
    • This exploratory study is conducted in collaboration with Ryan O'Giobuin
  • Date From
    • May 2016
  • Title
    • Youth and Poverty - International Development Perspectives
  • Summary
    • This project explores different aspects of the realities of poverty as experienced by young people in a number of developing country settings. It has a particular focus on the experiences of marginalised or vulnerable groups, and especially how these young people negotiate their way through various challenges in their lives. Two PhD studies form part of the project: a study of the educational journeys of rural teenage girls in Ethiopia (Louise Yorke); and a study of young unaccompanied Myanmar 'refugees' in North west Thailand (Derina Johnson). Overall, the project seeks to generate insights about the capacity of young people in challenging circumstances in the majority world, and the nature of relevant forms of support.
  • Funding Agency
    • Miscellaneous: Irish Research Council, Oak Foundation, Trinity College Dublin
  • Date From
    • June 2012
  • Title
    • Experiences of Young Adults Leaving State Care
  • Summary
    • This project currently has two components: a study of work experiences of young adults who have grown up in care (Arnau and Gilligan); and a study of care leavers in an Irish community (McMahon and Gilligan)
  • Date From
    • January 2013
  • Title
    • Resilience and Children in State Care
  • Summary
    • Ongoing conceptual study that commenced in 1996. Using relevant case material, it examines research evidence on resilience in relation to children and young people in public care for policy, and its value for practice by carers, social workers and others . Product to date includes a book, multiple chapters, journal articles and conference papers.
  • Date From
    • 1996
  • Date To
    • ongoing
  • Title
    • Children in Long Term Foster Care
  • Summary
    • Longitudinal study of a national cohort of young people in long term foster care (n=205). First stage completed and report published; second stage report in preparation. Research team comprises Fiona Daly and Robbie Gilligan (P.I.)
  • Funding Agency
    • National Children's Office / Office of Minister for Children and Youth Affairs
  • Date From
    • 2001
  • Date To
    • ongoing
  • Title
    • Learning Together
  • Summary
    • Prospective case study approach to school based research on relations between immigrant and 'local' children and young people in north inner city of Dublin. This project is part of the Children, Youth and Community Relations Research Programme
  • Funding Agency
    • Trinity Immigration Initiative
  • Date From
    • 1-10-07
  • Date To
    • 30-9-10
  • Title
    • Immigrant Youth Research Project
  • Summary
    • Study of the views and experiences of 169 young people aged 15 - 18. Recruitment to study reflected balance in terms of ages, gender, cultural background, length of time in country, current location, etc
  • Funding Agency
    • Integrating Ireland and Trinity Immigration Initiative
  • Date From
    • 1.7.08-
  • Date To
    • 31.12.09
  • Title
    • Children in Families Living in Emergency Accommodation
  • Summary
    • Qualitative study drawing on perspectives of children and young people, parents and professionals. Research team comprised Ann Marie Halpenny, Anna Fiona Keogh and Robbie Gilligan
  • Funding Agency
    • Homeless Agency
  • Date From
    • 2001
  • Date To
    • 2002
  • Title
    • Enhancing Effectiveness of Child Protection Case Conferences
  • Summary
    • Action-Research Project to develop new regional model for conduct of child protection case conferences held under auspices of Southern Health Board. Process involved strong consultation and engagement with relevant professional staff. New model which emerged was piloted and fully adopted and implemented. Conducted with Ruth Chapman. See publications
  • Funding Agency
    • Southern Health Board
  • Date From
    • 1996
  • Date To
    • 1997
  • Title
    • Child Sexual Abuse in Eastern Health Board Region
  • Summary
    • Member of Research Team examining all referred cases with concerns about sexual abuse (n=990)in study period. Data gathered from social workers via questionnaire for each case. Report and research article published.
  • Funding Agency
    • Department of Health
  • Date From
    • 1988
  • Date To
    • 1989
  • Title
    • Boarding - Out (Foster Care) for Older People
  • Summary
    • Study to identify and review nature and extent of provision for long - term care by non-relative family placement. Report Published
  • Funding Agency
    • National Council for the Aged
  • Date From
    • 1984
  • Date To
    • 1985
  • Title
    • Young People as Carers of Dependant Parents or Siblings
  • Summary
    • Policy and Literature Review. Led by Anne-Marie Halpenny
  • Funding Agency
    • Irish Youth Foundation / Barnardos and Children's Research Centre
  • Date From
    • 2003
  • Date To
    • 2004


At-Risk Children/Youth; CARERS; Child Welfare; Child welfare, family support,children in care; children in state care; CHILDREN'S EXPERIENCES; Children/Youth; family support; Foster Care; Immigration; Inner-City; International children's research; Irish child welfare policy; MIGRATION; Minorities and Disadvantaged; NEEDS; PERMANENCY; programmes to combat social exclusion among young people; Refugee/Immigrant Services; Social Services Delivery; Social Work; SUPPORT



Member of the Advisory Group Care Leavers Moving to Independent Life (CALEAMI) longitudinal study in Catalunya run jointly by FEPA (Federation of Entities with Projects and Assisted Homes - Federación de Entidades con Proyectos y Pisos Asistidos) together with the Autonomous University of Barcelona Research Group on Children and Adolescents in Risk (Grup de Recerca en Infància i Adolescència en Risc Social - IARS) May 2018 -

Member of the Project Advisory Group for the ESRC funded study "The Effectiveness of an Enhanced Book-Gifting Intervention for Improving Reading Outcomes for Children in Care" led jointly by Centre for Evidence and Social Innovation at Queen's University Belfast and the REES Centre, University of Oxford 2018 - 2020

Member of the Advisory Committee for the Centre for Comparative Studies of Children in Family, School for Higher Education, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal 2017

Member of the International Advisory Board of the Institute for Inspiring Children's Futures, Strathclyde University, Glasgow 2017

Member of the Board of Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital, Dublin October 2016

Member of Adult Advisory Group of Economic and Social Research Council (UK) funded study 'Here to Stay? Identity, citizenship and belonging among settled Eastern European migrant children and young people in the UK' (2016 - ) September 2016

Academic Member of the Professional Advisory Network for the Economic and Social Research Council (UK) funded fourth phase (The teens and early adulthood) of the Northern Ireland Care Pathways and Outcomes study ( 2016-19

Member of the Seminar Scientific Committee of the InED - Centre for Research and Innovation in Education, of School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal, for its International Seminar in the field of foster care, entitled «Foster care in Europe: outcomes and evidence», September 23rd, 2016 September 2016

Member of the Editorial Board of Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies 2016 -

Member of Editorial Board for 'Social Work Forum' (journal published by Dept. of Social Work, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) 2015-2018

Member of the Editorial Board of 'Child Abuse and Neglect' (Elsevier) 2013 -

Member of the Editorial Board of 'International Journal of Child and Family Welfare' (Garant, Antwerp) 2013 -

Member of the Editorial Board of 'Children and Society' (Wiley) 2012

Member of the International Advisory Board, Leuven Centre for Irish Studies, K.U. Leuven, Belgium 2011-

President of Childwatch International Research Network, 2010-2013 2010-2013

Vice President of Childwatch International Research Network 2005-10

Member of the Editorial Board of 'Child Indicators Research' (Springer) 2007 -

Member of the Editorial Team of e-'Journal of Student Wellbeing' (University of South Australia) 2007 -

Member of the International Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood for Young People Leaving Public Care 2005 -

Board Member of the European Scientific Association of Residential and Family Care 2004 -

Member of the Editorial Board of 'European Journal of Social Work' (Routledge) 2003 -

Member of the Advisory Board of the Journal 'Adoption and Fostering' (British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering) 1997 -

Member of the Editorial Board of 'Child and Family Social Work' (Wiley) 1996 -

Member of the Advisory Board of the Journal 'Children and Society' (Wiley) 1996 - 2012

Director of Studies, Expert Study Group appointed by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe to report on 'Youth at Physical and Moral Risk' [Report Published] 1988-89

Have served as occasional reviewer for the following publishers, journals and series: Allen and Unwin - Australia,'Australian Social Work','British Journal of Social Work', 'Child Abuse and Neglect', 'Childhood', 'Children and Youth Services Review', 'Comparative Migration Studies', 'Economic and Social Review' - Ireland, Economic and Social Research Institute Publication Series - Ireland, 'Emerging Adulthood', 'Families in Society', 'Family Relations', 'Health Education Journal', 'International Journal of Child and Family Welfare', 'International Journal of Social Welfare', 'Irish Educational Studies', 'Irish Journal of Sociology', 'Journal of Development Studies', 'Journal of South Asian Development', 'Journal of Youth Studies', 'Research in Social Work Practice', Macmillan, Open University Press, Oxford University Press - New York, Palgrave, 'Sage Plus'(article editor), 'Social Work and Society', 'Sociological Review', to date

Have served as occasional reviewer / assessor for British Academy, Economic and Social Research Council - UK, European Science Foundation European Collaborative Research Projects, Health Research Council of New Zealand, National Children's Office - Ireland, National Research Foundation of South Africa, Nuffield Foundation, Quality Protects - UK, Research and Development Office - Northern Ireland Health and Social Services Central Services Agency, University of Leuven (K.U. Leuven) Research Council to date

Awards and Honours

Extraordinary Professor, Optentia Research Programme, North West University, South Africa 2014 - 2017

Research Fellow SFI - The Danish National Centre for Social Research 2013-2016

Elected Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin 2004