International Exchange Programme

The School accepts International students on the ERASMUS+ postgraduate exchanges with our existing partners and considers applications on an ad hoc basis for other programmes. ERASMUS students from the Universities listed in the undergraduate section are considered for lab placements and internships, but this requires the visiting student to identify a laboratory to host their stay within the School of Biochemistry and Immunology and seek the permission of the laboratory head. No financial support is provided for these exchanges, except for ERASMUS+.
Trinity College Dublin requires a high standard of English language proficiency for all students and this must be demonstrated during the application process. For those students for whom English is not their first language, the School of Linguistic, Speech and Communications Sciences runs a programme called English for Academic Purposes. Students who wish to increase their proficiency of academic English are eligible to apply. More information can be found at
It is suggested that all visiting students who wish to complete a component of their postgraduate training in the School of Biochemistry and Immunology should informally contact Dr Andrei Budanov by email ( at the time of contacting the laboratory they wish to apply to.