The Trinity IMpact Evaluation Unit (TIME), is a research centre based in the Department of Economics at Trinity College Dublin.
New article by Professor Ronan Lyons published in Energy Economics in September 2024
"Better energy cost information changes household property investment decisions: Evidence from a Nationwide experiment" is co-authoreed with James Carroll, Eleanor Denny and Ivan Petrov. It is the first paper to conduct a large controlled trial for residential properties covering a nationwide market
Research finds Dublin 2nd most expensive European city to build apartments
Dublin is the second most expensive place to build apartments, after Zurich, according to a new construction cost report published by Professor Ronan Lyons and the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland.
Carol Newman presents at Nordic Conference in Development Economics 2024
Professor Carol Newman presented the paper "Worker Mobility and Productivity Spillovers: An Emerging Market Perspective", co-authored by John Rand, Ayanda Hlatshwayo and Friedrich Kresuser at the Nordic Conference in Development Economics on 17th June 2024.
New Article by Professor Ronan C. Lyons and Maximilian Günnewig-Mönert in Real Estate Economics
In "Housing pricese, costs, and policy: The housing supply equation in Ireland since 1970", Lyons and Günnewig-Mönert examine how responsive new housing supply in Ireland has been to changes in housing prices and costs. To do this, they use data for Ireland and for Dublin from the 1970s to the 2020s, as well as county-level data from the 1990s.